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Powerlifter VS Street Workout – STRENGTH WARS 2k15 #1

My name is Romano I am 25 years old I am a power lifter I my name is veteran 24 years old awareness tricular at the moment I’m a professional a Cal aesthetics specialists I like to send a message on 50 other guys to show them this they should know that no matter that we do calisthenics you can do any other spots the muscles to do by calisthenics you more stronger compared to just lifting better and wait because the most waiting mostly once you understand how to live your own bodyweight I promise you you must stronger than ever need to lift any other ways that one as well good adlet and a radio spectrum I think I have a very good chance to win what it will be hard he’s got no chance look at this I’m around I’m duel as a machine you know Tom the fit is definitely gonna see what I’m all about and I’m gonna show him right there when I wish he says you know he’s definitely for now he’s my enemy I don’t really like him you know come on the fit you know before you realize you know I’ll be a long way already so you should get ready to get it’s just training as hard as economy you should get its egg game on because I’ll be there and when I got this mod you will see what I’m basically all about 20 reps 100 kilo stench 15 reps pull-ups with 40 kilos 15 reps dips with 40 kilos 90 kilos courts for 25 are you guys ready ready are you ready ready you’re ready ready let’s go guys two one go let’s go fight all right straight into the pull-up Oh all right one private army target trying to detect finish it finish it finish it finish it hold on tonight the quarry Marshall steady okay good good walk it off it again yay going all that game over man they put everything in anyway that’s it what’s your day today fucking Ben fry it up yeah and you start with something which is not your game that’s a sucker out there because

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We Tried The 30 Day Gym Challenge

– I don’t go to the gym. I signed up for one like five months ago, I went for two weeks, and then I haven’t gone back. (upbeat music) I would say there are two things that prevent me from going to the gym frequently. One is time. I feel like I barely have time to do what I wanna do, and then when I get to the gym I’m kinda like what do I do here? I feel like an outsider. – Eating healthy’s not hard for me. The part that’s kind of challenging is working out. – My relationship with fitness is kind of like a roller coaster journey since college. – So, growing up, I wasn’t really that active, but I was always interested in kinda like the healthy lifestyle, in a way. – Since I moved to L.A. my physical activity is grocery shopping, walking around the office, getting coffee. – I know that I’m not super out of shape, but I want myself to be able to look at a before and an after shot and be like okay, so this hard work is paying off.

So, I feel like being consistent is my main issue. – With these 30 days, I hope that I can kinda find my way around the gym and find its role in my life. – I wanna be able to make it a consistent routine and habit of going every day, and if I miss a day, then at least it’s just one day than just missing a whole week of working out. – I mean, I figure if I just take a boatload of the classes, I’ll be fine. – Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is day one of going to the gym for 30 days. You know, it was raining this morning, so I had to force myself to go. Today, I’m taking it slow, I’m taking it easy. I’m just gonna do some cardio, maybe some pushups, ab workout and stuff like that, and just kinda warm up my body. – Day one, I thought I could ease my way into it, so I booked a really fun dance workshop. I show up, and… (pop music) I did not know taking a dance class could be so hard.

It was very hard. I thought it’d be very chill ’cause I’m like, you know, I’m dancing. I don’t know how I’m gonna get up and walk. – So, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but someone overslept, and that was me. So, I had to go on my lunch break. I am actually on my lunch break. This is my lunch post-workout, but I did it, I went to the gym today.

– So, it’s day two. I came to do spinning, but I came too late and won’t let me in, therefore I need to figure out how to work out on my own. My strategy was to keep taking class after class because I don’t know what to do in the gym. So, I took spinning, hated it, I took… I don’t even know. It had a lot of weights in there, and I wasn’t into it at all. I’m meant to work out right now, but I ran out of clothing for the gym ’cause I own like four items. So, I have to go shopping before I can work out. – It is Saturday morning. It is raining, but guess where I’m going? To the gym, baby. – I took it upon to figure out what to do in the actual gym. Working out on my own was a lot more chill. I could take my time, then when I was actually doing my workout I could focus on what was happening, I could feel what was moving.

– Over the weekends I would do cardio, that way I don’t have to lift more weights and I could give my body a break, but I would still go to the gym. I’m feeling good. – A couple times it was a little crazy because I went to dinner. – Kiano, are you thinking about the gym right now? – And then I worked out. I’m not doing that one again. We just ate like 20 pounds of Korean food.

It’s like, what time? 8:00 p.m. and now I’m gonna go to the gym. And then I went to the gym after a seven-course dinner. That was miserable. I don’t wanna be here, but I’m here. I’m not gonna work out. I’m gonna stretch my body and chill ’cause I can barely walk. I’m very full. (upbeat music) – It is Monday, it is day 10. I’ve been going to the gym for 10 days straight. I haven’t missed a day. I feel stronger than ever, I feel so happy. I was noticing that I was feeling stronger, and I was like okay, so if I feel stronger, that means that this is working.

So, I would just keep getting more and more motivated instead of tired, which is crazy. I feel so proud of myself, honestly, that I’ve been doing this. Today, I thought that it was gonna be hard because it was Monday, but no, I was so motivated to just go after work and work out and sweat and lift weights. I’m so excited to see the final outcome. – There was one day I went to the gym, and it was right when Daylight Savings happened, so by the time I arrived, it had closed where I thought I had another hour. To make up for it, I will do a two-a-day workout. I’m really annoyed because my gym is very far from where I live. I drove like a half hour to get here, and I’m gonna eat my feelings. – So, coming into week three, I was going at it every day.

I would spend an hour a day in the gym, and then I started adding even more weights. – I’m about to go into dance class. I can’t video in there, but I’m excited. After working out on my own for a while and I was a lot more aware of what was happening when I was doing different workouts, it was a lot easier for me to take a class again because at the beginning, I didn’t know what was going on, I just knew I was doing a lot of different stuff. But then, having worked out on my own and going back to class, I knew what to focus on. Alright, I just finished dance class, and it was really good. I’m looking forward to doing this every week, every Monday, late at night, I don’t care. I brought people French from work. – Hello. – It’s so much more fun working out with people you know, you know? I’m not alone, we’re sweating together, I love it. – So, I’m here in Nashville, Tennessee, I’m in the hotel room, but that’s not stopping me from not going to the gym because first of all, the gym is here is really nice, and second of all, I’m pumped, so I’m going to the gym.

Let’s do it. Alright, so we’re in the countdown. We have about five days left of this challenge. So, when the last week of this challenge came, I was extra motivated. I was like, I can’t believe I’ve been going for over 20 days, I haven’t missed a day, I’m so excited. And then, as the last week started, I went to the gym and sadly, I’m starting to feel sick. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m going to go to the gym, but hopefully I still have enough energy to push through, but honestly, I’m not feeling too good.

Wish me luck. – So, final week, I went back to classes, and my last one was a dance class again. So, I did full circle, and that one was fun and I brought friends from work too. (upbeat music) – You know how two days ago I said I was feeling a little bit sick, but I was still going to the gym? (sniffles) Well, it’s been two days. I was super congested, so I couldn’t even breathe. So, that was when I knew that I had to stop for a little bit, and it was devastating because it was especially towards the end. I am definitely sick. I’ve missed the gym the last two days because it’s been impossible for me to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can go back and finish strong, but let’s see. – It went by quicker than I thought. – So, even though I did miss a few days towards the end, and as you can see, I still sound a little bit stuffy, so I’m still getting over that, it didn’t really change my perspective on the gym right now because now I’m super motivated.

I feel like I’m in a good level that if I just keep going consistently, I will see results. – From doing the challenge, I don’t feel as awkward walking into the gym. I knew people at reception, they know my name now, and that’s kind of… I like it, it’s like a community in its own. – Yo, that’s at 13 inches. That’s, hold on a sec. – What? Let’s do it! – I’m just happy my numbers didn’t go up. – Awesome. – That’s all I care about. (upbeat music) .

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym

muffin-top love handles spare tire however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your side’s belly and lower back there’s one thing we can all agree on pit needs to go so how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week hey hey try them out for yourself number one jumping burpees bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight arm plank after a moment pull your feet back in towards your chest quickly stand up and immediately jump up while reaching your hands toward the ceiling and clap lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there you see burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time making them an awesome warm-up exercise on top of that burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques as the muscles on your side where that fat is sitting but also your arms quadriceps glutes chest and hamstrings do three sets with 15 reps each two bicycle crunches lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the mat keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out move your bent leg right towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it’s parallel to the floor while doing that move your left shoulder towards your right knee remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides this way your stomach not your neck will have to strain the most this kind of crunch works the sides of your stomach and hips do three sets with ten to 20 reps each number three kneeling vacuum kneel on the floor with your bum resting on your heels put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back now imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible if it can’t pull it in very far at first don’t sweat it your results will improve with time hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never done it before otherwise you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds some people don’t breathe while doing this exercise while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing choose whichever way is more comfortable for you but don’t relax your stomach muscles this seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection shrink your waistline and carve your abdominal muscles repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break number 4 side plank lie on your right side and lean on your elbow so that it’s directly below your shoulder lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot if this is too hard for you at the beginning bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight and finally reach your left hand up toward the ceiling just like a traditional plank this exercise works your stomach muscles as well as your back glutes and core but most of all the side plank focuses more on the obliques which is a surefire way to get rid of love handles try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side do at least 3 reps number five swimmers lay down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and shoulder-width apart your feet should be hip-width apart on the mat tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg up at the same time leave them in the air for two to three seconds then lower them back to the ground do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air do 10 reps of five counts on each side if you want to break a sweat and burn more fat alternate your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground this exercise will take care of any lower back fat it sculpts your rear end as a bonus number six Russian twist sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent lean your upper body back and hold your legs off the ground you can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first now slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side hold it there for three seconds and then return to the initial position repeat the movement on the other side do three sets of ten to twelve reps each by the way if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate number seven woodchoppers stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged you’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands again a medicine ball or a jug of water will do whatever it is make sure you can get a good safe grip on it now twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder the turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee go back up to the right and repeat keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance also if you’re a beginner don’t pick a heavyweight otherwise it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side number 8 reverse crunches lie down on the ground lift your legs in the air and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest at the top of the movement raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position just like regular crunches the reversed ones work the front of your apps but the especially hit your lower abdominal muscles do three sets of 10 to 15 reps each aim to do this workout four to five times a week it’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate intensity aerobic activities like swimming jogging or cycling that’ll really kick up the fat burning process so that those love handles melt right off and of course you’ll need to change your guide a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all first cut down your calorie intake 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about one to two pounds a week avoid eating processed and fried foods it’s usually high in added sugars preservatives and additives you’ll also want to stay away from the usual offenders sweetened drinks fast food junk food like cookies and chips and fatty meat remember that high amounts of added sugar gets stored exactly around your stomach which means yep a spare tire if you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish chicken turkey and lean red meat it’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non starchy veggies such as cauliflower celery peppers spinach broccoli tomatoes in the life and finally drink more water it’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake so your love handles will shrink with time so good look out there and let me know if these exercises work for you and if you know any other ways to deal with love handles leave them down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey now don’t go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life

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Hey guys welcome to my channel today i going to show you how your shave his shoulder your biceps your triceps and you get nice and strong and I hope you are can follow and always you can do it inside your house even you will have small or spares no space or in your dry goal let’s get started and go me first warm up in Hannah nectar over your chairs great now you are level on your ups close and open three two and one now more from your side and then slow down your chest don’t enemy right mullah five four three two one now go to your right go to the left cross cross cross but laugh right side again four three two one now who you with your assistant front on your chest and keep open with your shoulder ten nine eight seven six five four three two one now pause when you pose you can feel it you type in shoulder given your name right four three two one stand half and all the way over up on your head and from the top you can put your hand straight above your head and keep your side and side again five four three two and one for ten five and up two three four five six seven eight nine and then from here you bitch you can feeling now see the other side and stand on the half keep your hand here and then side up side up side up now your assistant in your side and they reach on top of your head and instead of strong snap your abs squeeze up five four three two and one give me pause one two three four five six seven eight nine and then stand straight and put your right legs give it smaller space and your bicep you can use your bicep keep your elbow near your waistline and then by SEPA bicep what is your bicep can do it as much again then Helen Excel squeeze again five four three two and one now keep yourself bicep now who you want your elbow level of here under your side please and lift open and open in Harran except right and left okay feeling your homes inhaling like that say you lift all the way up you can put it straight above your head inhale the next step above your head and then you can feeling how you shave that’s five and four three two and one from the top pull your lip pop up in your head all the way down your side and right left in had a next step go left side right again five more four three two and one dress now from here you can go to squat and squat side now squat it’s up its up in eight seven six five four three two one no hold when you bully keep your hand here and wrong square shoulder and read your shoulder now this woman asked you like you can make it 10 reps to set and squeeze in hand an exam four three two and one now if you hold your legs straight you can make it close in open-front your chest six seven eight nine ten five more five four three two one no keep your head here side on your shoulder and drop your chest now you keep down bow and then hold it rest in all the way and keep you all the way up down your chest near yogi and reached up I can you you should squat inhale in exhale close together front off inhale last five four three two and one all the way down all the way up all the way down all the way up again float your chest until your elbow closed on your blitz and reach again why for – one no more your legs from your left side and right side no good here you can make it rise up and build it your back hand up keep your tricep all your abs the squeeze your shoulder you can do it continue five more four three two one now switch other side step your left hold and stand forward to other legs and tricep inhale again and Excel strong tie to legs reach on pop your head and reach up eight seven six five come on four three two one well done glide is well done now stand straight and when you’re home punch hole you’re right left side right side left side on hole see you right left side giving you have a persistent squeeze all right left side four three two one now keep your hand here front of your chest lift above your head and down I get brought and down don’t baby put your head extend up front instant pudding stand and with up give me a right on straight from five four three two one freeze now keep your legs wider straight your legs now hold your work resistant front of your chest and then go right left side now your inner side you can make right side third and this right next to go to right left in the next set five four three two one great now pull your back and then is your son squat twice one to right side and left go right and left are right and let’s start with from the top and left side one more and right corner left in your right corner and then hold squeeze your squad and drop us 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 no give me a small on your front under your foot and then you put your hand all the way side and it’s 3 4 1 2 release release now it is for your upper your tricep and on your shoulder stand strong that’s much it can you can make it 10 reps to set 3 sets again 2 1 4 5 4 3 2 1 now switch the other side and small space on there hold your hand down straight down on your side 6 five four three two one three four one two three four five hold you hold by four three two one now sing nine so much again again in your lips can you open send your sleeves keep your hand here from top open same side your legs inhale answer you can put light open squeeze you either your arms by more four three two one from here right hold your knee on your left side support your right side Nina and there one two three four five six seven eight other side one two three four five six seven eight relax now back it’s starting to be there this is your one side and then all the way all the way up and all the way all the way up and up twice and up single finger up when you both hold hold one two three one two three one two three one two three one more time one two three switch other side keep your legs strong pull you were put under on your assistant to be balanced now three times you push 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 hold hold hold hold very nice I get one more time 1 2 3 good where’s your sister front of your chest keep your hand here drop your chest and there when you turn it go right and left side you can fish you hear fish you’re here go back side and then left again your eyes on your left all right side and let’s start and then further guys this is nice your shape or your upper this world is definitely work on your body part if you have resistant easy to find resistant any sport place of any shape or spot I know you can do it if you can bring it more better and try it to find also your top and if you cannot find your sister but I know you can now try now you are stretching and small balance how you balance your stab and wait sanyo toe we can marry next there keep your hand strong and live from the top this is your right side come ten nine eight seven six five four four three two and one okay every laughs really what you’re doing dealing here and always your pawns go all the way up ten nine eight seven six five four three two one wait would you here live and up live and breathe and then hold for one two three and four five six seven eight nine and ten now squeeze keep your eye turn it from here to see how you squeeze your glutes and squeeze hold one two three four and squeeze your time squeeze back and squeeze inhale exhale one two three four five six seven eight eight seven six five four small bending when you cannot squeeze your abs squeeze your lower back and up one two three four five six seven eight nine oh now down pull your legs strong you turn it back and then only squeeze one two three to up without beginning one two three four five six seven eight eight seven six five four three two one two three four six seven eight nine ten the whole when you would be balanced again crossing right behind your left and squeeze your hand here dumped on your chest ten nine eight seven six five four three two one shut down and cross your left ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one great guys hold your hands up on your head in her neck there downside when you’re down side I need you turn your right go into the left side and stretching hold your hand and so much you can release put your hand left on your side and switch the other side reach on your waist on the right side and here my side over your ear straighten your side lips and all your back goes together your palm put on the front reach above your head in her next set and relax now when you relax where’s your knee reach your knee right let’s start you can put it stop on your left side and then move your hand you can put on your chest front and hold six five four three two one switch the other side push your focus for your left side and then leave the big bang and then on side find your balance put on frontal chest bye yes the hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 4 3 2 1 important always you pocos die rate on your forehead direct in your Center where’s your what your front and then open every last breathe inhale extend now take it shoulder drop falling on your left in a species show the right and then stand straight open your chest and then drop your chest don’t go into the right side corner and then open 3 stop round twice and then hold when you hold it as much again under your right side your hand under your left now hold your heel or your ankle and hold your legs knees side to side right and left in hand XL 4 3 2 1 from the pluck down in the ground straight your legs you can touch your toes and here you can put it up you can put it down and it’s 3 you can put your hand on your side corner pull out your left from the front and it’s breaking down in the ground and live up down in the ground 5 4 3 2 1 then hold keep your arms on your side from and you can see your right leg straight flat your dog you had a next step now switch the other side flat on top and then hold it and stretching your chest okay put your hand here one front one side up and lift and down you can put down in the ground pull up and up and down down and up and then one when you hold it legs up in the ground like your hand the crown and you can touch your toe how you’re stretching reach your shoulder or your pump return journey and you’re sure those three touch your toe on the left side and then final balance even your small finger you can get single and mold it in answer you can put your legs straight leave your heel again to relax your comes in the next shoulder – one now relax put your legs here again you place little bit wrong inhale the next time relax find your balance and touch your toe and then one two three and four now you much less you’ll have your body every in Hell in a Cell know which and more reach and relax now don’t forget your hand the chin all this near your chest and down your head die recognize oh now your head use your side to side and then and then hold up all those all goes all the way up and hold your elbows Ray Jones and switch that aside and perfect which drop in your side and we great workout guys for you are today and you are until tomorrow you can feeling great I get all must waive your power for every day try your best to follow all my video workout and I hope I can help you how you searching about for your part of your shoulder your abs your glutes your dialogue tubs pull your body I know are you a low folder and give me a thumbs like please

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Hi, my name’s Julian, I’m 26 years old and currently a student. My whole life I’ve had problems gaining weight, maintaining my bodyweight or gaining muscle in general. I’ve always been very skinny but also always had the dream of gaining weight, being stronger and having a good physique. I went to the gym for a while, quite regularly. But this didn’t change anything and left me pretty frustrated. About half a year ago I went travelling around the world. During this time I realized how out of shape my body got from not doing any sports or exercising. This showed in how super skinny and gaunt I became. Freeletics Gym is a free app that creates you a personalized training plan every week. It guides you through every training session and teaches you all the movements. This was perfect for me as I didn’t have any experience with barbell training.

It adapts to your goals and experience and programs the training accordingly. Check the description for a free link. I’ve been training with Freeletics Gym for the last 18 weeks now. The first couple of weeks I focused on learning the exercises but soon after I was able to increase my weights on a weekly basis. I have become stronger than I ever could have imagined especially since I went to the gym for years before and never saw a real change.

Don’t forget to like and share the video 🙂 .

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6 PACK ABS For Beginners You Can Do Anywhere | 2018

(soft music) – What’s up, THENX athletes? Today, I’m gonna show you a six pack abs workout that you can do anywhere and this workout is gonna be perfect for beginners because a lot of these moves are exercises that you can just get right into. You don’t really have to have any prior knowledge on how to do these. These are pretty basic movements, but they’re super effective when it comes to burning fat and getting a six pack ab.

And best of all, all these exercises require zero equipment. All you need is your body and the ground and gravity and you’re good to go. Now this routine I’ve created for you guys is gonna have a mixture of fat burning exercises, ab sculpting exercises and we’re gonna be using different exercises to target different areas of our abs. The abdominals is a very big muscle group, which is gonna require a lot of different types of exercises to target every single area. The upper abs, lower abs, middle of your abs, your obliques and everything else in between. So to be really aesthetic, you have to target all aspects of that muscle group. And of course, we’re gonna be incorporating fat burning exercises to burn that layer of fat right on top of our abs to make them really show, to make them a lot more aesthetic. And the best of all, this ab routine is gonna make your core super strong. These are the same exercises that I got started with and I still use to this day.

With the right nutrition and the workout that I’m right about to show you guys, it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or advanced, this workout is gonna get you shredded. And best of all, you can do this anywhere. So there are absolutely no excuses. So, let’s go and do this together guys. Are you ready? First exercise is gonna be high knee taps. We’re gonna go for 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Let’s go for it. (soft dance music) Make sure to stay breathing, guys. Just regulate that breathing. And this is gonna be a piece of cake. (soft dance music) So right now we’re getting our whole body moving, getting that heart rate up and start burning that fat.

This is also gonna get our body ready so that when we move into those harder core exercises, it’s really gonna take a stronger effect cause we get everything fired up. Whew, alright. Next one we have, Russian twists. Let’s go right into it. So legs up, keep those legs straight. Touch one side, touch the other side. Keep that core tight, regulate that breathing. (electronic music) Don’t give up guys, we’re just getting started. Pace yourself. If you can go fast, challenge yourself, go for it. If you can only go slow, take it easy, chill. Eventually, you’re gonna get a lot better at this. The most important thing is to make sure that your form is on point and everything else will progress. We’re on out way to six pack abs, baby. Keep those cores tight.

(electronic music) Alright, next exercise we have is leg raises. You guys ready for that? Let’s go for it. Alright, so all the way up, all the way down. You want to come to about six inches off the ground. Make sure you’re going all the way up and all the way down. Keep those legs straight. (slow tempo music) There we go, almost there guys. Five more seconds. Three, two, there we go. Alright, next move we have hip raises. Alright, here we go guys. This move, form is everything. Legs straight out tight, tight together. You’re gonna bring them in and you’ll bring your body up. Back down, straight out. Let’s go for it. (dance music) Form is everything on this one, guys. (dance music) Keep that breathing. (dance music) Whew, alright. Now you’re starting to feel it, hopefully. Okay, so the next move we have is flutter kicks.

Let’s go right into those. Legs straight, core tight from this position. One leg up, one leg down. (electronic music) This is an excellent move for tightening that core, strengthening that core and also burning that fat. This is one of my favorites. I literally started off on this move right here. This is one of the first ones I ever did for abs. (electronic music) This is one of those excellent moves that targets that lower core. That’s normally one of the most hardest places to hit. Alright, now let’s go for some plank. Now we’re gonna use a different angle to target those abs, alright? And also, a different flex too. Let’s go right into it. We’re gonna go into a plank. We bring one knee up, come back down. Other one up and come back down. Let’s go for it. (slow tempo music) It’s all about control.

Keep that core tight that whole time, guys. Don’t ever loosen it. That’s the most important part. Bring those knees up. Alright. So now we’re gonna switch it up again, hit another angle. We’re gonna go to chair sit ups. From this position, you wanna keep your legs up so that way you’re automatically engaging that core. And we’re gonna put our hands, let’s start with one side first. Activate that core, keep that core tight. Keep these feet up. (soft music) This one is an ab-killer, guys. If you’re doing this with me, hang in there. We’re almost there. Regulate that breathing. (soft music) When you guys go up, try to go up. Try to touch the ceiling. You guys really want to reach for it. Here we go, we’re almost there. Alright, so the next one we’re gonna go for is seated in and outs. Another different angle. We’re gonna go straight out, keep that core tense and bring ’em right back in. Alright guys, let’s go for it. Make sure to go all the way out, all the way in. Form is everything. Especially if there’s a lot of beginners watching this right now, you want to start with perfect form because you’re gonna grow off of perfect form.

You start with sloppy form, you’re gonna grow off of that sloppy form. You don’t want that. (dance music) If you need to stop, stop. Take that break, but keep going. Don’t give up, no matter what. Alright, we’re gonna build that discipline. That’s also just as important as working out cause you’re only as good as you continue to push. So with that said, we’re gonna move in to the last exercise, guys. We have jumping jacks. This is gonna really finish off the job right here. Get us those six pack abs coming in. Here we go. So this is the last exercise, guys. Push it as hard as you can. This one, you don’t want to stop. You want to give this everything you’ve got, this last exercise. Build that discipline. That’s what first gonna allow you to go on that extra reps, go on that extra time. And eventually, your strength is gonna catch up with you.

You’re gonna progress super quick. But, it’s all in the mindset. We’re almost there, almost there. Here we go, five seconds. Hard, hard, hard. Alright, so there you have it. Round one for those six pack abs, a routine that you can do anywhere. Great for beginners because you don’t need any equipment as well as the exercises being pretty basic. Anyone can do them, but be extremely effective. Because they’re the ones I started off on, but the ones that I still do to this day. I mean, you can hear me.

I’m pretty gassed at this point, but we still got three more rounds to go to finish this routine. So if you guys enjoyed this routine, enjoyed the workout, then smash that Like button. And for more workouts sign up right now at, become a member and get full access to all our workout programs, all our technique guides and our daily workouts that are gonna have you shredded and not just looking strong, but actually being strong.

Download the THENX app in the App Store to take our workouts with you everywhere. We have people all around the world learning how to muscle up, planche with ease properly, step-by-step with the correct progressions all on our app. So sign up today and become a member and join the millions of THENX athletes and start getting in the best shape of your life today.

Thank you guys for watching. I’ll see you guys in the next Sunday’s video. Let me know what you want the next video to be about by commenting down below. (upbeat music) .

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6 Simple Exercises to Get Bigger Arms In No Time

guys look if we’re not self-conscious about our abs or lack thereof then it’s our puny arms that have us looking in the mirror and sighing and disappointment okay maybe I’m being a little dramatic but seriously if you’re looking to beef up your arms fast then try these exercises out let’s start with the triceps these are the muscles that run along the back of your arm from your shoulder to your elbow a lot of people forget about them and that be a big mistake you see your arms aren’t just about the biceps you know the one you flex for someone when they want to feel your arm muscles in fact your biceps only make up one third of your upper arms the rest is all tricep so the rule of thumb is if you want really big arms you need to work on your triceps too and here are the exercises that will help you do it incline dumbbell skull Crusher’s lie down on an inclined bench with a dumbbell in each hand carefully bring your arms up overhead and keep your hands shoulder-width apart now slowly bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells toward your temples your upper arms shouldn’t move only your forearms straighten your arms back out and that’s one rep you need three sets of twelve to fifteen each it might seem like a lot but the triceps are one of those muscle groups that are hard to work on so you need more reps to start to feel it think of the first two sets as a sort of warm-up for your muscles just don’t overdo it with huge weights from the get-go building up your arms takes time so be patient and here’s a cool tip for you try to do this exercise at different angles and greps this will help you target different parts of your triceps there are three of them hence the whole try thing so that they get massive in no time reverse grip push-ups here’s a fun spin on traditional push-ups I’m sure you know how to do a push-up but here’s a reminder get on the floor with your arms straight hands in line with your shoulders and your feet straight back behind you pull your core in your stomach shouldn’t be hanging down now for the reverse style turn your hands in the opposite direction so that they’re fronting more toward your toes yeah it takes flexibility and strength so this one is in for beginners and if you can’t do it just work your way up from regular push-ups you’ll get there in no time don’t worry anyway this style will make the outside part of your triceps really work try to do four sets of 12 to 15 reps or work your way up to that goal as for the last set do as many reps as you can with the same weights on your back again if you’re new to the whole fitness game then work your way up to the weighted version – this one’s intense but it helps grow your triceps dramatically cable tricep pushdowns here’s probably one of the most classic and standard moves to build up your triceps grab the cable with your hands close together and your palms facing down keep your elbows tucked at your sides and bent at a 90 degree angle now straighten your elbows to bring the cable downward then slowly return to the initial position I’d recommend doing 3 sets of 15 reps for this one there are also different styles you can do with the cable machine like facing away from it and doing similar move like you did in the dumbbell Skullcrusher exercise just pick a style that you like best or do as many different times as you want in order to hit all the parts of the triceps ok let’s move on to those biceps if you want really big bulky biceps you’ll need to use the progressive overload method it basically means adding one more weight and intensity to your exercises with each set that you do starting with preacher curls sit down on a preacher bench and place your upper arms on the support pack make sure your armpits are right up on that pad and clean it afterwards you can grab an EZ curl bar dumbbells or a barbell whatever you choose pull it up toward your chin hold it there for a second and then slowly straighten your arms and bring it back down don’t straighten your elbows completely or you risk hurting they should stay slightly bent and parallel to each other don’t let them point outward try to do four sets of 12 to 15 reps to really blast those biceps barbell curl stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart head up shoulders back elbows tucked into your sides and your chest out now bring the barbell up to your chin by bending your elbows and engaging your biceps a great thing about barbell curls is that you can put your whole body into the last few reps when your arms are getting kinda tired you know it’s best to do 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps and don’t forget about that progressive overload thing add more weight to the bar with each set zot man curls for your final bicep exercise you’ll need to grab some dumbbells and hold one in each hand with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing your body keeping your elbows locked at your sides curl the weights up from your chin while turning your palms toward your face from there you’ll do a 180 with your hands so that your palms then face outward and lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position all this turning might sound complicated but it’s what targets both the inner and outer parts of your biceps making them big and bulky all around you need four sets of ten to twelve reps now before you run to the nearest gym and over train yourself there are some important things for you to know all this stuff about big arms and muscles isn’t just connected to lifting weights one of the essential things here is your diet yeah yeah it sounds so cliche but hear me out you need to take in more calories than your body requires right now with your current weight and the best way to do that is and guess is protein hey athletes don’t chug this stuff down for nothing more specifically you need a lean protein which can be found in eggs nuts fish chicken beef pork and low-fat dairy products name of yep if you want to gain inches around your arms try to consume one gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight you also shouldn’t underestimate the importance of staying hydrated and well rested water and sleep should be your best friends on your road to huge arms I know it sounds kind of random but it makes sense when you think about since you’ll be losing hydration through sweat you need to replace it by drinking at least six to eight glasses of water every day as for asleep I am sure you know the drill seven to eight hours each night but it’s especially important for people who work out because your muscles need time to chill and repair the micro tears they get from exercise it’s okay these tears are totally normal and that’s what builds a muscle in the first place so that’s it keep me updated on whether or not these tips work for you and if you know any other exercises that build big muscular arms then sound off in the comments down below and don’t forget to give this video a like share with your friends and click that subscribe button to stay on the bright side of life

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What is TDEE? (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

Have your fit friends ever started rambling out all of these weird fitness terms and acronyms and then you just stand there and be like: “… ah yea, uh huh, right.” As straightforward as exercise and dieting might seem, there’s actually a lot of fancy lingo in it to describe specifics. Luckily for you, I decided to cover these funky terms in my videos, both basic stuff and more advanced, so that you can keep up with the conversations at the gym. And to start off, we’re going right to a big fundamental: TDEE. Total daily energy expenditure. In its simplest term, TDEE is the total amount of energy you use each day. This accounts for all forms of energy use, be it exercise, chores, digesting, and even simply living. In scientific literature, energy usage is split into more specific categories, but we’ll get to that some other time. The main gist is that TDEE consists of energy spent on every single thing you do.

Now why is this important in fitness? Well, our weight is directly tied to the amount of energy we use versus the amount of energy we take in. In this sense, energy is measured through calories. Take in more calories, aka energy, than we burn, then weight increases. Burn more calories, aka use more energy, than we take in, then weight goes down. Of course, intake of calories is from the food we eat, which explains the magical calorie number found in our food labels. Knowing this, we can see why TDEE is important. It is the starting point in which we want to base our goals. First know your TDEE and then adjust your calorie intake to be higher or lower depending on your goals.

Higher intake for gaining weight, and lower for losing. Sure, there are more specific things to consider, like hormones, macros, and habits, but TDEE is the foundation, the first thing to factor in before anything else. Perhaps the most confusing part of TDEE is actually calculating it. Worse yet is knowing that your TDEE is always changing, which many misunderstand and then become disappointed when their results start to stagnate. Just as everything you do sums up your TDEE, any changes can alter it. More exercise, fewer chores, more digesting, less mass, and so on. Unfortunately, outside of using scientific equipment like metabolic wards and doubly labeled water, calculating your precise TDEE isn’t readily available. The goal then is to find an estimate. This is often through TDEE estimators and calculators you can find on the internet. I’ll link some of them down in the description. Even then, these estimates are only just that… estimates.

It’s up to you to take your estimate and experiment a little to see how close it actually is to your actual TDEE. If you’re struggling to lose weight while eating below your estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is probably lower, thus you need to further adjust your intake. Same for the opposite, where if you’re not gaining weight eating above the estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is likely higher.

Thus, eat more. Just make sure you don’t go into the extreme, like eating below or above 1000 calories or so or more than 30% of your TDEE. And again, don’t forget that your TDEE will constantly change. Keep measuring your weight, re-estimate your TDEE, and adjust along the way. And that’s about it. TDEE explained. I hope I was able to clarify TDEE just a bit more for you. And as long as you enjoy this, I’m gonna keep covering more fitness terms in the future and make this series permanent with a catchy title or something. Maybe fitness term Fridays, Fitness Science explained, or some other cheesy phrase. You let me know what you think in the comments. Other than that, if you enjoyed and learned from this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your fitness-term loving friends.

As always, thank you for watching and GET YOUR PROTEIN! .

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6 Dumbest Push-Up Mistakes Sabotaging Your Chest Growth! STOP DOING THESE!

What’s going on nation? Today we’re going to be going over the six dumbest push-up mistakes sabotaging your chest growth, if you missed my last dumbest mistakes video on dips I’ll link to that down in the info section below. Now the push-up should be an exercise that becomes a staple in your workout program from the very beginning. However, it’s not just an exercise for beginners It can be used in advanced training programs as well because the push-up is more than just simply going up and down you can master that technique and then use advanced versions of the push-ups to make your workouts at home more intense or to make it work out in the gym more intense by super setting the push-up with other exercises. There’s lots of stuff you can do, I also want to tell you guys real quick before we get started with this video that I’m going to be doing the push-up on these two boxes right here. And the main reason why I’m going to be doing it is just so I can get better filming angles for you guys as I explain what the mistakes are, so you’re ready for this video and you enjoy my dumbest mistake series, make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven’t already, now let’s get started.

The first mistake guys is that most people don’t even really know what full range of motion on a push-up looks like, I’ll tell you what when I was a kid I used to get so irritated because when I would do wrestling we’d have practice and part of our routine obviously was doing things like push-ups and sit-ups and we’d have to do a lot and I would look around and I’m like the only guy, I was like eight or nine doing it all the way down, all the way up really pushing myself and then I would see all these other kids on my wrestling team doing these half-ass push-ups just trying to get away with half reps because obviously push-ups can get pretty hard.

But then what that kind of turns into overtime is you really don’t get a sense of what full range of motion is supposed to look like and if you want to build a big chest at home and really want to activate your triceps you have to know how far to go down and how far to go up, so let’s get over here real quick. I’m going to jump up and now full range of motion is going to look like this guys, you’re going to get your body perfectly straight, you’re going to keep your back nice and straight your head straight You’re going to keep your hips down And you’re going to bring your chest all the way to the floor and as soon as your chest touches the floor you’re going to push yourself back up but it doesn’t stop here, when you get to here you’re going to push up and through activating your Serratus anterior, and you know some people call this a push up plus this movement from here to here but in my opinion that’s how every single repetition should look when you do a push up you should always take advantage of full range of motion to get the most out of the movement and if you want to build a big upper body at home and you want to activate your chest and triceps properl, you have to go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition.

Mistake number two guys is flaring your elbows out wide and I’ll show you what I mean as you guys just saw in the first mistake video when I showed you proper range of motion my elbows are tucked in and I was pushing through like this a lot of people especially beginners when they do a push-up and even even people who know how to do a push-up properly when they start to fatigue the first thing that’s going to usually go is the elbows and what I mean is you start to see a lot of this and then as you go down the elbows kind of come out to the side like that.

And what this does is, obviously it takes you away from being in the strongest position possible but it can also transfer a lot of the load to your shoulders and you’ll feel a huge difference when you go up and down like this you’ll feel it in your shoulders. Then when you tuck those elbows back in and go down like this and push up and through you feel all chest and triceps.

So the second worst mistake you can do is start to flare your elbows out and do this. That’s not what a push-up supposed to look like. The third mistake is not keeping a straight spine throughout the movement. Guys it should literally look like there’s a metal rod going up your butt and out the top of your head as you perform your repetitions. You should keep your body perfectly straight and then the reason why most people don’t keep their bodies perfectly straight is because as they’re performing the movement they’re not controlling their core, and as their core starts to deflate or if they’re not taking it and keeping this area nice and tight as they start to deflate this way or they start to sag that way it causes the body to do all sorts of things and I’ll show you what I mean.

So usually there’s two things that happen, the most common thing is the hip step to go up really high like this to compensate for the weak core not being able to hold this position. Which is basically a plank position. So you start to see this happening with the push up which obviously starts to place a bit more emphasis on your shoulders as you do the movement so if the goal is to target your chest and utilize your triceps as much as possible you want to stay as straight as you can now the other thing that you see happen is kind of like a sag push-up where they sag real deep in the core like this and keep their chest up and it’s like as soon as your hips touch the ground here you go back up and as you guys can see there’s clearly a difference in the range of motion and that you’re actually working your chest if you’re doing a push up like that versus the correct way which is all the way down and all the way up, so when you guys are doing push ups make sure you are always keeping that spine straight and utilizing that full range of motion.

The fourth mistake guys is going way too fast on your repetitions you’ll see people in the gym do this when it’s time to do push-ups and what happens as soon as you start going too fast usually the first thing that happens is your full range of motion goes out the window. You don’t go all the way to the ground And you don’t do the plus at the top to activate the Serratus interior it usually just goes from about halfway down to about here, maybe even a slight bend in the elbows and you just see this, just because you’re going faster and doing more reps in less time doesn’t mean you’re working your chest as high as you possibly can guys full range of motion is always going to give you the most amount of work for muscle breakdown and regrowth now you can still go fast when you do your push ups.

Just make sure you go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition. Mistake number five guys is improper breathing. The push-up even advanced versions of it isn’t like doing a heavy squat or heavy deadlift or even a heavy bench where you have to take in a lot of air to help keep your core as tight as possible to lift a maximum load. For the most part this is a bodyweight exercise and when doing your repetitions it’s okay to take a breath on every single rep but with that being said you are trying to keep your core as tight as possible so it does matter when you take the breath in and when you let it out. So for example what you’re going to do is you’re going to take in a breath as you go down, and when you take in a breath guys take it in through your nose, so take it in through your nose. Then once you get to the bottom as you’re pushing up let it out in a nice steady stream.

Just like this, take it in and one of the things I like best about bodyweight exercises is I actually use my breathing to help me keep a nice rhythm to do as many reps as I possibly can especially if I’m doing a timed workout. So any bodyweight exercise you do apply breathing just as you would like I just showed you to the push-up where you’re breathing out as you exert the force.

And the sixth and final mistake people make when it comes to push-ups guys is not progressing with the movement obviously as you start to get bigger and stronger and especially when you start going to the gym you start using heavy dumbbells and barbells on your chest exercises bodyweight push-ups are going to be tough anymore and for those of you who can’t do bodyweight push-ups yet I don’t want you going and basically trying to do one or two at a time and then stopping because you can’t handle a set of ten for those of you just starting out the best thing for you to do is to do push-ups on your knees.

What this is going to do is displace basically half of your body weight and allow you to do full range of motion and get all your repetitions in however I will say one thing you’ll notice that when I’m doing my push-ups on my knees. I’m not bending at the waist all right you still want to keep everything that’s moving as straight as possible so when you’re on your knees make sure you’re not putting your butt into the air. As soon as you master the knees push-ups then you’re going to go over into the regular push-ups and obviously, we just went over proper form for those and then once you get really good doing regular push-ups then you can start to go towards more advanced versions of the movement one of those advanced versions being weighted push-ups and you can do this several different ways obviously you can put on a weighted vest or you can have somebody just put a bunch of heavy plates on your back and do push-ups that way and once those start to get pretty easy then you can start moving into like plyo push-ups.

You can do a version of plyo push-ups where you’re pushing only your upper body off the ground. If you want to have fun with it, you can do a clap in between repetitions. As soon as you get really good at those try doing a plyo push up where you push your whole body into the air. Those are a lot of fun I actually use those a lot in my routines that I do with you guys, my full real-time workout routines.

And then if you guys want to get really crazy with your push-ups the last variation you can try is a single arm pushup, and that’s really great for working out at home because obviously if you’re at home and you have limited equipment you want to make push ups as hard as possible to try and grow your chest you can utilize something like a single line push-up to place a much heavier load on the chest on every single repetition. So that’s my six biggest mistakes when it comes to push-up guys I hope you enjoyed the video I love doing the dumbest mistake series, so if you guys have suggestions for future exercises you want me to cover please leave them down in the comment section below and if you haven’t already hit that thumbs up button, if you enjoyed the content and be sure to turn on video notifications, so you never miss a new video upload and as always guys more good stuff coming soon. See ya .

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We Lost 90 Pounds With A Celebrity Fitness Trainer

– I’m not ready for this shit. – Come on, yes, you are. – Shut up, Julissa. – Towards the end of 2017, some of the Pero Like crew decided ^we need to get fit for 2018. So, we called on our fitness celebrity trainer, Melissa Alcantara, who also trains Kim Kardashian to help us out. – Perfect. Go, go, go. – You guys, she’s trying to kill me. – Only a little bit. – Officially trying to kill me. – She exposed us to the hardest eight weeks we will never forget. – My name is Melissa Alcantara and I started my fitness journey about six years ago. I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter Isabella, and I just couldn’t seem to lose the weight. And so, one day I saw an infomercial on Insanity.

It’s the craziest workout ever, and I was like you know what? If these people can do it, I can do it. From that day on… It was a 60-day program, and I just followed it through every single day, prepped my meals, and 60 days later I lost 40 pounds, I had abs, and that kind of set off this whole journey that I’m still going through right now. So, I’m gonna be training Pero Like for two months.

They have no idea what is about to happen to them. ^- I used to workout before I started at Buzzfeed, ^and what I mean by working out was me at home doing some pushups and walking my dog. – I hate working out. ^It’s as though someone is dragging me by the feet and I’m hitting my face and mouth and teeth and everything on cobblestone. – I have a gym membership.

^I like to think that I’m working out, ^but really I ain’t doing shit. – I never work out, ever. ^I get extremely out of breath when I walk up the stairs. ^- I’m putting Pero Like on a macro-based diet. ^They are going to have to weigh their food, ^cook fresh food, eat a specific amount of protein, carbs, and fats, which I’ve created for them individually. – I thought macros was an abbreviation for macaroons, so… Apparently, it’s not. – My hopes for the Pero Like team is not to focus on losing a ton of weight. I want them to be conscious of the food that they’re putting in their mouth, of how they feel inside. – My weight is at its biggest that it’s ever been. ^I eat bad, I have a lot of heartburn, ^and my doctor says that I’m generally very unhealthy. ^All I’m hoping for is just to get a little bit slimmer. – I’ve done so many different diets, but it never surpasses a time period.

^From this journey, ^I honestly just wanna gain mental stability and strength. ^I wanna do it for the gain of confidence ^that I think I’ve lost over the years with just letting myself go and just eating and doing whatever I wanna do. – I wanna do this ’cause I wanna feel sexy. I’ve actually had hundreds of sexual partners, and I’ve only ever taken my shirt off with one. So, learning to love myself a little bit more is going to be one of the hardest parts of this journey. – I am a very emotional eater. So, when I’m happy, I eat, when I’m sad, angry, excited, and I think I’ve hit a point now ^to where I feel a little depressed and sad ^because I don’t feel healthy.

^I want to gain some confidence in myself ^that I am able to accomplish this journey, and that I will be able to develop healthier eating habits. – Pero Like, are you ready for me? (all talking) – It’s day one, and tonight, Melissa’s coming by after work and we’re gonna do our first fuckin’ workout. (exhales) I’m doing the eating already. I had a good breakfast, but I don’t know about this… I don’t know about this gym tonight. – I’m super excited (chuckles). Yeah, I’m just like (swallows). – Everybody’s gonna be sweating, even the other people. They’re gonna look at us at be like, yo. – The one that was like, I’m excited. Now I’m like, what? (laughing) – We’re about to enter hell, man, and I’m not looking forward to this shit. – Our first workout with Melissa was rough. – Julissa is killing it right now. You okay, Nor? – My arms are gonna fall off. It feels like my arms are gonna fall off, it feels like my legs are gonna fall off. This is day one, and I’m really fucked. – In the beginning, everyone is always super motivated. And so, I saw the motivation in all of their faces.

– With this new food plan, suddenly I became more aware of what I was putting inside of my body. This is two cups of brown rice. I made a scramble of sorts that just has half a yellow bell pepper and one whole tomato cut up in four. It’s not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. – It’s meal prep Sunday and we just went grocery shopping, so… Wow, I’ve never seen my fridge like this. Look at that. – From the beginning, I saw that Julissa was like ‘I’m gonna murder this.’ She’s very competitive. – I was waking up in the mornings, going to the gym. I’m here, in the morning, at the gym. Oh, there’s no cuts, but after eight weeks, you gon’ see. Yes, I was tired, but it wasn’t like my normal sluggish tired.

It was like get up, you got this, you can do this. – Norb is super strong. I felt like he was in it, but at the same time, he was kind of like, ‘oh, yeah, I got this.’ – For the first couple of weeks, I definitely was very negative about the whole experience. I complained a lot. I don’t feel like working out. I don’t feel like cooking. I don’t care about this anymore. I don’t care about looking good. I don’t care about losing weight. But I did the workouts and I did the food diet.

Even though I hated doing it, I still did it because I knew it was gonna benefit me in the long run. – For Maya and Curly, there’s something about building self-confidence, and I saw that that’s what they needed in the beginning. – The working out part I was nervous about, but I ended up working out with curly a lot. And I love him so much, and we just push each other. Every single time we wanna quit, we’re like, no, just one more set.

– What’s wrong today? You’re not weak. You can do this. I kind of, for the longest time, needed the other Pero Likers to kinda be there with me. I felt really weird going to the gym by myself. – Come on, Curly. You can do it, I believe in you. I believe in you. – Damn. – Do it, come on.

Come on, keep going, keep going. Stay, stay, power, power. – We had a group text, which was amazing. – Definitely being in a group while doing this I think helped me. One, because I’m competitive, but also the fact that we were in a group chat talking, the fact that me, Maya, Curly, and Norb all worked together? You kind of hold each other accountable. Maya, you’re gonna have a piece of the cake? – I’m just looking at it. (laughing) Can I have your permission to look at it? – We are at Muscle Farm headquarters in Burbank. We’re gonna so sprints, kettlebell swings, battle ropes. We’re gonna hit every muscle. We’re gonna do a total body workout. Y’all are gonna come out like this, with guns. – Aren’t you excited? – I am not excited, what you talking about? This is gonna be terrible. – I feel like I might throw up, I might cry. – I feel like I might throw up watching her throw up, and then I might cry watching her cry.

– The first workout we had at Muscle Farm was intense. – I knew it was gonna be hard, and it was 100 times harder than I ever expected. – Push, push, push, push. (groaning) Let’s go, let’s go. – I don’t know what the fuck I got myself into. I’m kinda regretting this shit. After that first rep, I could promise you I was like, oh shit, I said I was gonna come out on top, and instead I’m fucking dying right now. And I didn’t wanna tell everybody that I was dying. And then after round two, it was like a boost of energy and all this adrenaline just rushed through me. Alright, you guys, let’s do this! I was no longer feeling like I was gonna die. For real, for real, I’m proud of all of us.

We did it. – Yeah, we did. – Nobody gave up, nobody was like, no, I’m not gonna… I can’t, come on, wait, let’s finish, let’s stop. We fucking… We did it, you know what I mean? And although I was talking my shit, we finished, and that’s really what matters, and we finished strong on top of that. So, group hug, guys. Lo hicimos! – All sweaty. – All sweaty, a sweaty hug. – Alright, so apparently Mel just sent us a revised workout for the next four weeks. She signs it off at the end as ‘have fun, muahahahaha,’ and there’s a little devil emoji. I had just gotten used to the last four weeks. I was pretty good with them. I was starting to get better at the exercises. I was staring to get better at the routine, and now she throws this curve ball. – I also did see the new workout plan and I was like, girl, you are… No, we’re not… I’m sticking to the old workout plan. There’s a part where we’re jumping and we need to jump on a box. I’m like, where does the box come from? What box? How am I gonna jump on a box? – Y’all, this glutes hamstring whatever day, calves, is real, so be prepared because it’s real.

– I cheated a little bit, but it sparked an entire breakdown ’cause I felt guilty about it. I feel horrible and I feel like shit. I know that it’s a process and it’s not gonna be fixed like that. And I didn’t nibble today, I didn’t cheat because I don’t care. I really care a lot about this, and I wanna do right by Melissa, and I wanna do right by myself. I realized that whoa, what’s happening? Don’t do this to yourself because you can fix this. You have the control to literally go to the gym tomorrow and work off whatever it is you ate. – I feel like I definitely had an emotional breakdown where I was sitting in my car and I just didn’t want to get out. This morning, it was a struggle to get the fuck here into the gym. I’m in the parking garage and I still haven’t gotten out. And I’m late, it’s like 6:45, not even anymore. I just want sleep, I just want a 12-hour night of sleep. – Over the weekend, I went down to San Diego. I didn’t think about the diet. I didn’t think about the workouts.

I just decided to go out there and enjoy myself. – What are you doing? – I’m breaking my diet, that’s what I’m doing. So, today, I wake up and I go weigh myself, and in two days I gained five pounds. So, this week, I’m gonna go hard at the gym. I’m gonna lose those five pounds and I’m gonna lose an additional five pounds, and I’m gonna try and look as good as possible ^and finish this off (speaking Spanish). – This shit is actually working. Not only is it working, but I can see the difference, which is even more rewarding. Seeing it on the scale, cool, but when you’re seeing at feeling it? That’s a whole different territory.

That makes you want to keep going. Look at this, look at these bones poking. Welcome back, collarbones. Welcome back, girls. – Discovering my body changing was… It happened really fast. I immediately started to fit into clothing that I hadn’t fit into in a very long time, which made me super excited to keep going. – So, my mom has noticed a difference. She commented the other day, she was like and I was just like, ‘no, mom, I’m trying out this new thing, this diet and everything.’ – We’re at Muscle Farm today for our final workout with the whole gang.

It’s been such a journey, right? I feel. – Yeah. – I think I’m gonna continue this, hopefully. Cross my fingers, but what about you? How do you feel? – I mean, I feel pretty great. I’ve complained a lot, but now that we’re here I don’t regret any of the eight weeks. – I can’t believe their results. I’m just so happy and so proud. We’re sculpting and building booties and muscles. Today, we’re gonna do total body. It’s not gonna be super duper crazy, but it’s gonna be intense. – The first workout compared to the last workout was a drastic change. I definitely noticed that we were less nervous to workout with them and we were more determined to make them proud. – Together, together. Two, yes, come on. Three, no laughing. – In the final workout, I could definitely keep up. It was still hard, it was still difficult, but it was nice to know that you know what? I can do this. – We did it. Did we do it? – You’re still alive. (cheering) (all talking) – I lost 30 pounds. My goal for this was to get my ass kicked. I wanted to change my lifestyle, and I feel like I did that.

Now, I’m going more to the gym, I’m more aware of the foods that I’m eating, and I think none of that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for this eight week program. – I lost 12 and a half pounds. Seeing my face thin out, seeing my body get slimmer, was so rewarding. Melissa’s plan really works, and I stuck to it. I went to the gym even if i didn’t want to, and that let me know that the mental strength that I wanted in the beginning, I had all along. I just had to really work for it. – I lost 30 pounds. It wasn’t as weird to go to the gym alone anymore. I felt a little bit more confident. The goal was to be able to feel comfortable enough to take off my shirt, and it’s interesting because I don’t think that I have…

I’m there yet, and I think that that’s okay too. I think that if I’ve learned anything from watching Melissa is that working out is kind of a process that never really ends. You continue to keep growing, and it’s nothing that you just do once. I stopped drinking, I stopped smoking, I stopped doing drugs and now I’m getting my fitness together.

So, it just was really nice to kind of become this whole person, and I bring it all back to her. And I’m saying she did this for me, and I’m so thankful for her. Because of the way that she trains and because of who she is, you wanna do well. – I lost 18 pounds. I didn’t focus on hitting a certain number that I wanted to lose, I focused on does this feel okay? Do I have energy? Are my moods okay? Because my emotions were out of wack in the beginning, and I feel like now that I have this system going, I have everything in check. Your personal goal should not be because of somebody else. – Oh my God, that is insane! Oh my God, I am so proud of you guys. You have no idea. I watch you guys on Instagram, and every time I see you, I see the changes, and it just makes me so happy. If I did, you can do it. I’m no different, I’m not a superhero, I’m just…

I’m a mom, I’m just a regular person. You have to make time for yourself, for the things that you want, so that you can feel good, so that people around you can feel good. .

As found on Youtube

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