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TSP’s Rabish Ki Report | Rabish Chala Gym Part 1

Our ancestors always said to desire and exercise. otherwise the date of success and the rate of weight will be out of control We often blame the government for the unemployment in this country. But Prime Minister, Mr. Modi, ?? Let’s keep aside the fact that you have to pay for this labour instead of it paying you. So what we’ve come to see here today is who besides Akshay Kumar and Mr. Modi has taken the Fit India movement seriously. so a distant relative of the gym and the bodybuilding. Hello, I’m Raja Rabish Kumar. Hail to God Bajrang Bali Isn’t that what hardcore builders say. Let’s take a look. Just as I entered the gym, 2 hard-working labourers stared at me as if Arnab is paying their fees. I saw a lady running on the treadmill and it felt like I found Barkha When i saw her face I was heartbroken and shocked.

Anyway, just then the gym owner greeted me with full excitement. – Hello, Rabishji! – That 5 kg hand pressed my hand so bad that it seemed like the bell icon from Screenpati’s Youtube channel. Okay, okay, man. Listen, this hand holds the mic, not the dumbbells. It’s a little weak so please let go. However, always remember that my tongue is quite strong! Sorry, Rabishji. What will you have? Tea, coffee or a protein shake? I don’t want all that.

I’ll just have the answers to my questions. Will you give that? Of course, I will. Why won’t I? I’ll answer you proudly. just shoot it It’s not so easy, got it? ‘Cause even people with a 56″ chest are scared to answer me. That’s why they don’t give me their interviews You might have understood who I’m talking about? So tell me how do you train here? Rabishji, our gym is world-famous in our city. Sir, people come here with 1-2 packs but leave with… 6-8 packs. – Wow, he has biscuits growing… – Yes, he does. – You’re a step ahead of Lakhan then. – What do you mean? I mean Lakhan would only make 1-2 turn to 4, but you turn 1-2 into 4, 6 and even 8. – Isn’t that right? – Well… Tell me something. Won’t it make you infertile if you drink this protein shake? – I have 4 kids, Rabishji. – Isn’t that wrong? – How so? – You’re taking disadvantage of your fertility. It’s not good for the nation, bro. Hey, you’re not doing the sit-ups properly. With what the gym owner said, it was obvious that this gym isn’t easy, it’s an excruciating workout everyday but you need to work through it Anyways, our camera went ahead from there and focused on a fitness freak who was lifting less weight but shouting more.

So at last I asked him bro, since all your energy is wasted in sound energy is it really hurting you or are you over acting? It’s not over acting but a technique. You get energy doing this. – you get the charge – Watch out, man. Don’t lose it all. Why did you shout now? Rajaji, this is a mix asian art of Chinese, Japanese and Indian muscle making. Mix asian art. Our body and mind works in sync with this. The amount we waste in sound energy will come back into us in the form of cosmic energy. And Rajaji energy and matter are conciousness of your body.

It is not equal to MC square He looks like a devotee of Nityanand baba ‘Cause only his devotees have such deep knowledge of physics. isn’t it? – Help! Help! – Look, he’s lost it. Looks like all the energy of his matter went away in the cosmos. Generally, no one wants to show their exam result. But they love to show the entire world what their workout result is. We met a gym member like that. Who would either take a selfie or a dumbbell to check his before and after. Looks like you’ve lost a lot. You’re going to look like Captain America in 2 months. One day, Rabishji. I will be succesful. I’m working so hard, ain’t I? But I think you need to lose some more weight. Well Rabish ji, anything for you – What? – Here you go, Rabishji! You misunderstood, man. I was talking about losing your body weight not the dummbells’. You took this system wrong. – What’d you say, Rabishji? – Nothing, bro. – Rabishji, you said… – No, no. I said nothing. Rabishji, you said the ‘system’! Exactly! System, Rabishji.

The system! The system should let us lose our weight, right? You tell me, Rabishji. You tell me. Is it our job to just lift weights and reduce our weight? Don’t we have any duty towards the society? What will happen to all the poor people who are surviving by selling samosas, vada pavs, chowmein, hakka noodles and jalebi, if we become selfish to lose weight. will this system feed them, Rabish ji? No, man. No. Mr. Modi tells us to sell pakodas on one hand and on the other he starts Fit India movement! Who’s going to eat the pakodas if India is Fit, Rabishji? It’s not called developing nation, it’s contradiction. It’s contradiction, Rabishji.

And when their samosas and pakodas won’t sell, their children will turn into criminals because of hunger. They’ll hold guns in their hands and cause riots all over the nation. Will these toned body and 6-pack abs be able to face their 1″-2″ bullets? No! I ask you Rabish ji Will these gym owners provide security to their members? No, right? – Tell me something. – Yes? Are you on protein or on drugs? I just eat eggs, Rabishji. Indigenous one, The brown brown. However, I feel like you should be an employment minister of our country. ‘Cause you’ve made a good system within a system. You get fat and come to gym for gym owner’s livelihood. Then you go eat at the fast food places for their livelihood. – Very nice, bro. Very nice! – No, Rabishji. My heart’s just that way.

– soft, kind, cute and naughty – So… during the World War II When people had surrounded Hitler. Hitler said that, what happened was for the best. If I shoot anywhere, someone will surely die. That’s the kind of positivity I got from him. I think this nation needs builders and youth like him. For a while I got the feeling of Indian trains at the gym. When I saw a builder take the dumbbells to the bathroom like a ticketless traveller. But I went in like a TT and caught him. What is this? What are you doing? My camera is outside, bro. How will I report this? Open it. – Come on. – Come, come in. What are you doing, bro? What did you do? Actually, Rabishji, my gym membership has been expired, so I’m saving money by not letting people see me. That’s theft. but whats wrong in that. I’m quietly exercising and using my right. I’m not even bothering anyone. When I first came to get membership, they said it’s 4000 per month, and 4200 for 6 months. So I took it for 6 months. – But you only come for 1 month. – That’s right – You think they’ll refund me the rest? – They absolutely won’t.

You got me in trouble. He’s ruining my image. The nation says I’m a good journalist. – you got me in trouble. – Hold on.. Hold it.. How will I answer Mr. Modi? What do I tell him? What are you doing? – They’re gone… – What did you just do? Nuclear Bomb ! A threat is more than enough. – I’m sure you read the news, right? – Yeah. Okay, tell me why you didn’t come for the 5 months you’d paid for? Laziness. That’s all. – It took 5 months to wake up. – hmmm, your laziness was very lazy. Absolutely. But how do you hide from people when you come here? Rabishji, only my dumbbells recognise me at the gym. and they can’t talk. Also, I’m sure you’ve watched ‘3 Idiots’. You just need a uniform and not fees to come to a gym. and yeah, that I stole from the locker room. If the Indian government needs spies, come get him from the gym.

he is so good at spying. No one even knows about him. How will they know who I am? My body would’ve changed by then. – I’ll smash their teeth in! Bloody… – Okay, I’ll leave now. Do you need something? I can send it to you. Just a little room freshner. Not that, tell me if you need any dumbbells… – Okay? – I’ll get that myself. You also come along now. .

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Tiffany Rothe’s 5 Minute Fitness – Chair Workout part 1

Hola Rothestars, soy yo Tiffany Rothe, y estoy de vuelta con una serie de rutinas de 5 minutos Tenemos 4 videos para hacer este mes, que podemos relizar uno después del otro Y lograr un buena rutina de 20 minutos. Y todos estos entrenamientos usaremos una silla Asi que tienen que ir a su comedor en su cocina o donde quieran y buscar una silla Debe tener un respaldar alto como este, y quiero que se acerquen a la silla Y se sienten Bien lo primero que van a hacer es estirar sus piernas así Y estiramos hacía arriba, bien, desde su cintura hasta la punta de los dedos, bien Y luego hacía afuera, y hacía el otro lado Bien no tendremos música en este video, porque realmente quiero que prestén atención a mis indicaciones Para asegurarme que estén en una buena y correcta postura Entonces abran sus rodillas hacía afuera, y siéntensen bien derechos y contráigan su abdómen Y luego levanten sus talones del piso así Bien luego levántense y manténganse así, y vamos a subir en cuatro, uno, dos Tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, asi es Dos, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, contráigan su abdomen, bien firme Tres, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, y cuatro, dos, tres, cuatro, lo tienen Sigan así, talones, arriba, vamos y cinco, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo dos, tres, cuatro, tres más Y seis, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro y siete Empujen, empujen, empujen y abajo, dos, tres, y ocho, dos, tres, cuatro, y abajo.

Van a mantenerse aquí mismo Estiren un brazo hacía afuera y empujen abajo Así es, empujen abajo, abran sus rodillas, y vamos por 10, nueve, ocho, siete, mantengan su pecho arriba, seis, contraigan su abdómen Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, cambiamos, vamos Empujen, pecho arriba, contraigan su abdómen Relajen sus hombros, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, vamos Toquen la silla al bajar, y estiren la pierna, bajen y estiren hacia arriba Los talones bajan al piso, contraigan el abdómen, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, lo tiene Tenemos la silla aquí porque no quiero que ustedes se inclinen hacía adelante, no se inclinen así, manténganse derechos, contraigan el abdómen, y abran sus rodillas Abajo y arriba, abajo y arriba, vamos a probar nuestro equilibrio, abrimos y juntamos, abrimos y juntamos; lo tienen Exhalen cuando contraigan su abdómen, su espalda debe estar derecha Abran sus rodillas y los talones arriba, ocho, cuenten conmigo Siete, así es, seis, cinco, cuatro Los talones no tocan el piso, tres, dos Y uno, bien, bajamos, pecho estirado, bajamos los talones, mantenemos los pies en el piso, levántense y Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, siéntense Bien, de nuevo, hagamos un poco más, ocho, siete, abajo, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, siéntense Bien, va a quedarse aquí, para relajar y acomodar su postura Las rodilas hacia afuera, acomoden los pies, levántense Contraigan el abdómen, y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Bien, están fortaleciendo sus entrepiernas y cuádriceps, vamos a hacer otra serie más, están listos? Levántense y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Ustedes son increíbles.

Ok, ahora vamos a hacer una variación más asi que abran sus talones, y van a saltar y sentarse Cuando salten, pongan sus pies en punta Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, y ocho Bien quiero que se sienten sobre la silla, porque saben que, requiere más energia Empezar y parar, que continuar sin sentarse Entonces lo que lo hace más difícil es que se sienten sobre la silla Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, están listos? Empujen, ocho, siete, empujen hacia arriba, seis, empujen hacia arriba, cinco Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno Buen trabajo, ustedes son increíbles, ok, haremos una serie más de estos Se que su corazón está acelerado, siéntense derechos, contragan su abdómen Vamos, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, buen trabajo Ok, si combinan estos tres ejercicios tiene una gran rutina para sus piernas Y quiero que hagan esta video tres veces seguidas, o que hagan todos los videos de esta serie para obtener una gran rutina de 20 minutos Ustedes recuerden encontrarme en Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Estoy en todas partes con el mismo nombre, Tiffany Rothe Workouts Ok Tiffany Rothe Workouts, búsquenme en todas partes, pueden buscarme en google, y únanse En todas las grandiosas redes sociales asi podemos estar en forma, feroces, y fabulosos, juntos Los veo la próxima

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Fitness Motivation ? 5 Tips for Getting Motivated to Workout & STAYING Motivated to Workout!

When you’re brand new to the world of fitness, it’s super easy to get overwhelmed with any and everything relating to diet and exercise. But one of the hardest parts about starting a healthy lifestyle, is the elusive idea of “motivation” and inspiration. How do you get motivated to work out? How do you STAY motivated to work out? I give you five tips for finding that healthy lifestyle motivation, and a couple tricks for keeping that inspiration high. First, visualize your goals. This can mean a lot of different things to many different people. Are there a pair of jeans that you want to fit into? Is there an occasion, or a trip coming up that you want to look good for? Visualizing your goals can help immensely when it comes to fitness motivation, and the nice thing is that you can visualize your goals in many different ways. If you have an event coming up, having a weekly countdown to that event really helps keep me on track. For daily motivation, scrolling through before-and-after pictures of people when they’ve jumped on the healthy lifestyle bandwagon is hugely inspirational for me. is a great place for this, particularly because the people in that subreddit are usually pretty average people for the most part, without the help of sketchy supplement sponsors, or undisclosed plastic surgery operations. They’re people that are primarily just like you and me. Usually, they also dive into the exact workout and diet plans that they used to achieve their goals, which is pretty motivational all on its own and can further inspire you to maybe do the same. Motivational tip number two: have your workout gear laid out, ready to go the night before. If you want to start working out first thing in the morning, simply having your clothes already laid out makes it a lot easier to just throw on first thing in the morning before you can even talk yourself out of it. But it doesn’t just stop with clothing; the same could go for your morning breakfast as well.

Having easy things prepared the night before like overnight oats, or a piece of fruit, or even pre-brewed coffee, makes your morning routine a lot easier to ease into. But even if you’re not a morning workout person, I would still try laying your clothes out anyway. Sometimes I find that simply having my workout clothes ready to go is hugely motivating all on its own, because it’ll be staring me down, urging me to squeeze a workout in halfway through the day or into the evening if it’s laid out somewhere visible. One thing I find absolutely paramount to keeping motivation through the roof is having a plan. You want to start running? Awesome! How many miles do you want to hit? How fast do you want to go as a goal? How long do you want to run for, or where you want to go? Even just having the basics in mind is key to having a successful workout. The same is true for strength training, or really any other form of exercise. What muscle groups do you want to hit? How many sets of what exercises? Write these things down, or keep a log in your phone so you can build and expand upon these workout stats.

Personally, I like to use Google Sheets, which is basically like a cloud version of Excel. Everyone with a gmail account has access to it, which could potentially be literally every single person watching this video right now. It’s extremely simple to write out an exercise routine in chart form, which is then easy to modify from your phone right at the gym or wherever you plan to be. Seeing yourself progress in a workout log or in an app is hugely motivating, and you’ll wish you’d started earlier when you see those milestones surpassed.

Another tip is to surround yourself with inspiration. There’s nothing worse than feeling that itch to workout, but having your surroundings bog you down. This can be anything from having outdated music on your Spotify playlist, or not having a workout partner, or even having a cluttered house. Little things like these can grate away at your motivation level, and can start to drain you over time so try to have these things in check. There are a ton of different workout playlists on apps like Spotify, so if I’m feeling sick of my regular music, I’ll switch it up by trying a completely different playlist than my own. And sometimes, when no music sounds right at that moment, I’ll listen to a podcast instead.

I’ve linked a couple of my favorite podcasts in the description bar below if you’re feeling like you just need to spice up your auditory motivation a little bit. If you’re somebody that likes having companionship when you work out for that extra boost of motivation, maybe try a few classes at your local gym, or meetups on Facebook. Chances are, you live somewhere where someone else is looking for a workout partner as well, and this is a great opportunity to branch out, make new friends, or try something new like a fitness class. Wait. And if you’re somebody that likes at-home workouts, keeping your space clean and clutter-free is a huge motivation factor for me. I try — keyword is “try” — to spend 15 minutes a day decluttering my space and I never regret doing so. It gives me more space to move around, and when your workout is done, you don’t feel brought down by your surroundings afterward.

Above all, know that habit trumps motivation. At the end of the day, motivation and inspiration will only get your foot in the door, and sometimes not even that. It’s up to you to make it a habit and continue to inch toward your goals. One thing that helps me keep the habit is setting a schedule and trying as hard as I possibly can to stick to it. If you’re wanting to put on a bit of muscle, plan your week out with what muscle groups you want to hit on what days, weights you want to start with, the number of sets and rep ranges, etc. Have this all written down somewhere, and for one whole week, try to stick to the schedule. Apps like Google Calendar make this a lot easier, because you could put your specific workout into the calendar and it will remind you on your phone when it’s time to go work out.

Another mind trick I have for keeping the habit is to treat it like a real, true job. I found the biggest personal gain in my overall fitness and health when I treated my workouts and eating habits like a second job, and not like some optional thing. Getting outside and going on a run wasn’t an option, it was something I HAD to do, and like a job, it was a priority in my life. If a friend called me up and asked me to hang out during the time that I was supposed to be working out, they would have to wait until I was done. And like a job, sometimes it’s okay to take vacation time or sick days.

Truthfully, there are just some days where getting a workout in isn’t an option, because either you’re feeling under the weather, or you’re too busy, or you’re on vacation, or really anything else. But like a job, those moments are temporary and fleeting. When motivation fades, it’s up to you to stick with the habit that you’ve established, and I always find that treating it like a job really helps me keep that habit.

Making your health and fitness a true priority in your everyday life will show you monumental gains, not only in a physical sense, but also in your confidence and overall happiness. Getting a workout in always kind of sucks when you’re just starting, but, oh it feels so good when you’re done. Being inspired and motivated by your surroundings, your goals, and your plans, is a huge step in beginning your healthy lifestyle. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you and your willpower to turn your motivation into a sustainable habit.

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