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1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset)

All right, so if you’re still a beginner at the whole fitness thing, you’re not happy with the shape you’re in right now, maybe you’re on the thinner side and you want to put on some muscle, maybe you’re overweight and you want to lean down, or you’re somewhere in the middle and you want to do both, I know that if you’ve never really been in great shape before then it might seem like kind of a lofty goal right now, there’s a lot of things you’re trying to keep track of; figuring out your calories, your macronutrients, food choices, setting up a proper workout plan, getting to the gym consistently, putting in the actual effort during your training sessions, tracking your progress, your supplements, it definitely can feel a bit overwhelming at the start.

I’ve been there myself. You might be having a tough time, you might be questioning whether or not it’s even worth it. But one very important thing that you have to keep in mind is that learning the ropes in terms of building muscle and losing fat is just like any other skill. And once you’ve gone through that initial grind and you’ve gotten accustomed to things, you’ve learned about your body, you’ve built up the proper habits, you’ve achieved some decent muscle building and fat burning results, it might be easy to just focus on the immediate short-term game that you’re gonna see, but you also have to understand that by just putting in the work for that initial year or two you’re literally setting yourself up for an entire lifetime of benefits. And the specific time frame it’s gonna take for each person to get to that point where they really just get it in terms of training and nutrition, and they’ve built a decent physique, and everything is mostly on autopilot, that time frame is gonna differ a bit it depends on whether you’re being exposed to the right information and how closely you’re dedicating yourself to your plan, but I think in most average cases probably somewhere between a year or two if you’re getting the right informatio, that’s all it takes to really get a solid handle on things where training has just become a normal part of life, probably something you enjoy and look forward to, at least on certain days of the week, and where nutrition is mostly just automatic and is something that you don’t really have to think too much about.

I mean, if you go about things properly you should be able to gain roughly 50% of the total muscle mass you’re ever gonna build just in that first year alone. And then probably the second year will be another 25%, so within one to two years you can make a very solid transformation if you stay consistent, and be right up around 75% of your genetic limit. And then the next year or two would be used to fill in most of the remaining amount. And not everyone is even trying to be as muscular as possible, so if you’re going for a leaner more aesthetic look, then by the two-year mark you might already be carrying an amount of muscle that you’re satisfied with. And if you compare that to the scope of your life as a whole, that’s really not a long time. That’s seven hundred and thirty days, and it’s a hundred and four weeks. And then the other very important thing to understand in this whole equation, is the fact that maintaining your physique after you’ve built it is a lot easier than the actual process of building it from the ground up.

Not only because you’ll have all the right habits in place already so they’re easier to stick to but even just physiologically as well, it doesn’t require as heavy of a training stimulus to keep your existing muscle mass intact in comparison to initially building it. So once you’ve achieved a physique that you’re happy with, at that point if you want you can be a quite a bit looser with your training and your physique probably won’t change that much. And then because of muscle memory if you do happen to go off the rails a bit down the line and fall off track a bit, which happens to most people here and there, you’re going to be able to rebuild any muscle that you might lose at a way faster pace than it took to originally build it. So, what I’m ultimately getting at here is that, if you’re in those beginner stages, if you’re thinking this is really hard, I’m overwhelmed, I don’t know if I can maintain this, understand that there’s a huge lifetime ROI involved with just buckling down and putting in the work for the first one to two years.

Even though it might seem challenging right now, if you can just grind through and move forward regardless, stick to your training plan, stick to your nutrition plan, continue researching so that you can expand your knowledge further, that is going to massively benefit you literally for the rest of your life, because it really just gets easier and easier the longer you’ve been doing this. And once you’ve gone through those first couple years, you’ll always be in shape and have a body that you’re happy with moving forward.

You’ll be healthier. You’ll be more confident and you’ll have the knowledge to easily get back in shape if you do fall off track. One to two years is not a long time to ask for in the grand scheme. There are a lot harder things in life than going to the gym and eating well. Those are things that will directly benefit you not just physically but mentally as well, so just go and do it, keep that bigger picture in mind and understand that the effort you’re putting in right now is going to have a reverberating effect ten, twenty, thirty, fifty years or more down the line.

So, I hope this was helpful. Like I mentioned before, having access to the proper information is a critical aspect of helping you learn the ropes as efficiently as possible and maximizing your results in those first couple of years, so if you do want to grab a fully structured step-by-step plan that lays out everything you need to know in terms of training nutrition and supplementation using a no BS science-based approach, I definitely recommend checking out my Body Transformation Blueprint program by clicking up here or visiting

Definitely a resource that I wish I would have had when I first started. For those who are new to the channel, my brand new science-based pre-workout fish oil and multivitamin are also now available over at, the link is in the description. And make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment, and subscribe below if you haven’t already, in order to stay up to date on future videos. Thanks for watching, guys. And I’ll see you in the next video. .

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