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I Worked out like Chris Hemsworth for 30 Days

This is 30 days working out like Chris Hemsworth. So about two months ago I got very sick while traveling overseas I fell into a felt like the worst shape of my life when I fully recovered I vowed I would never take my health for granted I around this time I noticed that Chris Hemsworth my celebrity crush was about to release a fitness app called centr Hemsworth is an international movie star absolutely shredded workout monster and all-around a legendary real-life superhero his fitness app gives you access to his personal team of industry professionals who help him get into superhero shape the goal of this video is simple I’m going to be doing the workouts meal prep and meditation from the center app combined with the heavy weight training program that Chris did to see if I can get a body like Thor so for the next 30 days I’m going to workout and diet like Chris Hemsworth just gonna do a little 360 here so you can see what we’re starting with definitely bring in the gut a little bit back a little bit more definition here yeah this is the starting point before we jump into this here the rules with any meaningful goal there needs to be a deadline number two no processed sugar it actually pains me to do this number three no alcohol and finally zero cheat meals stick to the diet 100% with that today is day number one I just downloaded the app now the main page here it’s your daily planner and that’s where it breaks down your workouts your meals and even your meditation the first workout of today is a maximum effort box and cardio challenge oh yeah I I grew up swimming and wrong so my hand-eye coordination isn’t the best but that’s why we’re doing this get out of the comfort zone get some muscles while the expert trainers from Chris’s team aren’t here in this room with me they are on the app and the workouts are coming directly from his trainers so all this challenge is gonna come down to self discipline first workout has done it a lot harder than I thought I’m dripping in sweat from that now we have to wait work out the second portion of this training program is going to be mainly weightlifting I found this workout from researching on the internet what Chris did to get all ripped up for the Avengers films for Thor so the weightlifting portion is gonna be mainly compound movements with pretty heavy weight and it’s broken down by body parts so today is chest day so we’re doing some flat bench it’s two workouts per day cardio or a functional fitness workout from the app in the morning then weights in the second session the weight training is pure bodybuilding workouts it’s just time under tension to failure and of day number one my chest is already sore and my shoulders from the boxing my tired scale one to ten probably like a 9.5 I mean you can kind of see bags under the eyes and that no sleep day number two tomorrow end of week number one biggest challenge so far has been the just the workouts I’m doing workouts that I’ve never even heard of before and I’m soaring places that I didn’t even know really existed all my body like at the hip right here is sore the inner thighs the food has been very tough seven eggs spinach typical breakfast we got some peas some broccoli some lentils and of course our best friend the chicken breast now for this challenge I’m cooking all of my own meals the meals are consisting of lots of veggies lots of good carbohydrates lots of proteins I’m consuming a calorie surplus about 4,500 calories per day based on my body weight and how you to put on muscle I’m not talking to bad calories I’m not talking a white chocolate I’m talking I’m talking to lean proteins good fats this is a typical meal but at the end of the first week I am giving absolutely crushed by the workouts although I’m starting to see a little bit of definition in my arms but I’m just grinding away putting in the work towards that end goal so it’s day 15 I am at the midway point of this 30-day challenge and I feel amazing like the first week it was I feel sore I can’t move this week it’s like wow I’ve actually have some some muscle definition coming in the changes have been pretty ridiculous I’m actually very shocked my strength is up I’ve been recording the weights as I’m going it’s amazing the increases week by week it’s such a short amount of time honestly the easiest part of this has been the 5:00 a.m.

Wake up’s 5:15 in the morning and when you have a solid reason why all your other actions like waking up at 5:00 in the morning Monday through Friday they become pretty simple they become justified it it’s doing something day in and day out over and over again on those days when no one’s watching when everyone’s asleep warm in their beds workouts are still very hard daily discomfort that’s what this is the hardest part is still the diet I am eating so much food constantly eating everyone says it but until you actually are doing it I is the hardest thing the diet will make or break a transformation or fitness goal something that I didn’t expect was how much I would be relying on the meditation portion of this app start by making yourself very comfortable I have fallen asleep to that the past three nights in a row the meditation aspect especially after a long day I mean I have no complaints I am actually very blown away by how this has gone so far I’ll see you in 15 days for the final reveal this is 30 days working out like Chris Hemsworth I mean as you can see like I have I have a six-pack now looking at the pictures from the star of this I don’t even feel like the same person all around they feel strong I feel healthy I feel fast I feel fit that’s how I would describe I feel very fit it is possible to get in shape by yourself after just 30 days I’m pretty close to being in the best shape of my life I’m able to power through these workouts compared to at the beginning of this challenge where I was sucking wind barely able to complete these workout circuits and now I’m pushing myself as far as I can go wanting more wanting more of a challenge and Chris if you are watching this I want to say a massive thank you for making this app and sharing just a little bit of what makes you successful comment down below if you’re interested in seeing a 60 day follow-up video and with that I’ll see you in the next video

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