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Men Work Out And Diet Based On Their DNA

– Today we’re getting DNA tested with Fitness Genes. – We’re gonna send it to a lab and then get a diet plan and a workout plan based on our genetics. This is my boyfriend Juan, I’m Asian, he’s Latino. We’re curious how that might affect how our bodies react to our food. Something that might be good for him might be bad for me. – I feel like weight’s always been somewhat of an issue in my family. We tend to be on the bigger side. We eat a lot of fried foods.

Old habits are hard to break. – At work I sit down a lot and sometimes when you work from nine to six, you don’t have time to prepare your meals. We have a lot of things where they bring in doughnuts. Can’t say no to doughnuts. – We would kind of one up each other in gaining weight. Juan would gain ten pounds, and then I would gain ten pounds, and then he would gain ten pounds. We’ll feel motivation to diet or work out at different times and that’s affected us getting on the same page. – So I’m spitting in here. – Just go, okay.

– This will go off to a lab to be tested to tell me all the terrible things that I’m eating, yay. – Fitness Genes is a DNA testing and interpretation company. Which gives us information about how best you should exercise and eat, depending on what your goals are. – I hope there’s nothing too scary in my DNA. – This is my issue right here. A full, round issue. – Let’s dig into some genetics. Quite interested in the differences between the two of you. So if we start with you, Juan, you actually have a variation of one of the genes called the FTO gene. Which actually gives you a tendency to overeat. Means that ultimately you might have some issues controlling hunger. And also the amount of foods that you eat. – Yes, so it’s okay, it’s not my fault. – It’s not your fault. – Oh, thank God. – Not only do you tend to crave high-calorie meals, but then you also want to eat between meals as well. And that’s the reason why people with this particular gene variation, as well as exhibiting certain behavioral tendencies, always tend to be overweight.

The strategies we’ll adopt for that will include things like having lots of protein for breakfast and having lots of small, frequent meals through the day. Whereas with Kane, with you, they’re not strategies that we need to necessarily adopt. – Good, ’cause I’m so lazy, I can’t do that. – You’re what we would call a fast metabolizer of caffeine. Now that means that you break down caffeine quickly. The problem is when you’re fast metabolizing, that can cause an energy crash, so we want to prevent the energy crashes in the workout. You potentially could drink coffee to a little bit later on in the day, but you need to stop drinking the coffee about 4:00 in the afternoon. And ultimately, it wouldn’t have a significant effect on, for example, your sleep. So one of the other interesting things that you have in common is to do with metabolic inefficiency. You don’t store energy particularly well. There’s these little energy factories in cells called the mitochondria. The mitochondria produce energy. And there’s little proteins that sit on the mitochondria, (overlapping explanations) so we have to account for that, so we have to make sure that you eat before you workout so you’ve got energy to work out effectively.

– That’s crazy. I’m having trouble putting on muscle. I want to figure out what foods I should be eating to build muscle. – I want to have more energy throughout my day. I want to feel more confident wearing whatever I want to wear or not wearing a shirt. – I am trying to lose my gut, man. I have the body type that everything goes to the gut. – It’s about kind of sticking with that fat loss, and there’s no reason why you can’t. – Let me say goodbye. – The last time I was under 200 pounds was about five years ago.

– Your goal should be to get under 200. – By the end of this, on a scale of Donald Glover to The Rock, where do you think I’ll be? – You gotta aim for the The Rock. – Okay, you’re right. (Dan laughing) I’m gonna be The Rock by the end of this video. – It’s day one at 6:30 a.m., how was your first day of waking up? – Let’s do this. I feel like I’m Rocky. It turns out with my fitness genes, I’m a nocturnal person, and I notice it.

And it’s funny because when he was like, you’re a nocturnal person, I was like, how do you know? I didn’t know you could know that through your genes, right. – I think waking up for me was super easy ’cause I am a morning person, verified by my genetics. – Bright and early, Runyon Canyon, the guys are already getting into it. (Ryann whoops) (Dan laughs) This looks too easy (laughing). – In the first workout, Dan was telling me that I surprised him with my athleticism which, first time I’ve ever heard that in my life.

I’m dying. – We’ve got some sprinter’s genes with this team, that’s for sure. You have a gene which is the MCT1 gene, and this particular gene is all to do with how quickly your body can clear lactic acid, and you clear it quickly. So this is going to be quite empowering for you, because you’ve actually got some pretty good athletic genes. – Nice. – Nice, but it also means I can really kick your ass in the training sessions. (both laughing) – It’s just kind of cool to have someone who trains people tell you that you do have natural athletic ability. – You can do it. – Day one. – We have about 10 minutes left, I’m taking a stair walking break. Which, I don’t know how stairs count as a break. The workouts have been really really hard. Like, a lot harder than I was expecting. Five, ten minutes in, I’m just already completely drained. – Our alarm didn’t go off today and we overslept. Everyone else started maybe 15 minutes before us, now we’re trying to catch up. – It’s definitely been hard. While, at the same time, once I am up, I’m glad I’m up taking advantage of my day that early.

– My body aches from it, but the ache feels good, ’cause it’s growth and it’s progress. But actually during the workout I’m like, I hate this. I’m trying to eat breakfast more often, I don’t eat breakfast a lot. Apparently I have to have a bunch of protein after every workout. Who has time for this? I work long hours and then I don’t sleep much, so I’m always eating really quickly, so my hardest thing is finding time to eat something.

Oh, I’m– – So you’re supposed to go on a diet, what is this? – It’s orange juice. For me, I’m not supposed to take in as many carbs because I hold on to it. I’m only supposed to have 40 grams of carbs per meal, and there are like drinks that will have 30. Carbs are everywhere. ♪ 6 a.m., working out with Dr. Dan. ♪ It’s a huge difference having your personal trainer than actually working out in a class. You have somebody that’s focused on you. They give you the game plan. – You have a collection of genes which means you’re somebody that would benefit more from working out with high volume. Lots of sets, lots of reps. – I heard sex, I don’t know why. (Dan laughing) A lot of sex, I’m like, I did that yesterday. – Certain variations in your genes, because you clear lactate slowly, you need quite a lot of recovery between sets and reps, at least 90 seconds, 120 seconds of rest, in order to get the energy from lactic acid, you have to start taking in enough oxygen and that contributes to getting broken down. – Science. – When we’re working out, Dan’ll say, “keep it going, keep it going, one more.” And in my mind I’m like, I can’t do one more.

But when I really just go for it, I can do one more, two more, three more. – Juan did a really good job today. – And by really good job is, I was only last 80% of the time instead of every single time. – Look how sweaty he is. How do you feel? – Sweaty. – Juan just is so good at this, he became a chef, and just had like jars and jars of oats and steel oats, I don’t even know what that means. – One of the DNA tests came back and said that you’re definitely lactose intolerant. I took the step to cut out dairy out of my diet completely. Incredible how much of a difference it’s made. – All right, let me show you how serious I am with this diet. My sister’s chocolate cake, in the trash. I’m not playing around, I’m trying to lose this weight. Kale’s disgusting, I still cannot get that down.

I eat that shit raw, I put seasoning, I put mad good sauce and shit, that shit’s still nasty. I’m still trying to figure this shit out. – It’s been a journey. I’m sitting here watching Gadiel just melt away. Gadiel’s stomach is going away. Juan and Kane are both losing weight. Kane’s arms are getting bigger. – I think I’m seeing a bit of definition already. – Juan is like slimming down, and then I just feel like the only person who it’s not working for, so I’m gonna do a couple of extra workouts in the evening to try to make up for it.

This whole fitness thing, it’s hard for me. – Dan’s out of town next week, I’m really hoping that we can still meet up and stick with this. (alarm clock blaring) – Kane and I both failed, woke up– so late. I’m sorry guy Gadiel and Ryann, we won’t make it up. We’ll bring cupcakes tomorrow, just kidding, we won’t. – Dan left for a week and we’re slacking off.

I don’t want to go work out. My nocturnal gene is kicking in. A lot of times, it’s hard for me to wake up or even get out of bed. (fake crying) I should have tried working out at night. – So, I’m late again to the workout. People were supposed to say that working out gives you more energy. Every day I wake up at 5:00 and I’m like, oh God, what am I doing? It’s been really hard for me. I don’t feel like I’m seeing results. I’m getting a little frustrated with the fact that I don’t necessarily see my body shrinking. I have had friends come up to me and tell me that my skin looks better, or that I do look slimmer. – I did notice Ryann’s face getting slimmer. – I do see results in him, but like he’s in his head. There’s something bothering him, but he’s like not communicating that with everybody else. – We’re gonna eat healthy, we’re gonna eat together. We’re missing Ryann. I want to put Juan on blast right now. Nothing but carbs right here, what’s going on here, bro? There’s nothing but rice down there. (Juan laughs) Nothing but rice! – Dan is gonna see this video, he’s gonna have a heart attack.

I’m snitching. – Dan came back from London and destroyed all our bodies and I can’t move (whimpering). – I’ve never been big into like group sports, so this was like a shift for me to work out with a group. As much as I hated Gadiel’s cheering in the beginning, it’s starting to wear on me. (chuckles) – That feels good. That feels good! That’s right. – So he just lifts the people up around him. – Do inverted rows. – Push, come on, push. – Come on, keep it going.

– We’re all very quiet, like kind of introverted, like we’re not used to the pep talk. – Feels good, feel like a new man. – At first I thought it was silly because I’d never worked out in an environment like that. It just comes naturally to Gadiel. – My man, you got this. You got this, boom. – Last one. – When he starts to pump up everybody I’m like, yeah you know, you’re right. – That’s right, give it all you got. – Keep it going. – There’s no stopping. (all cheering) – I just realized this is the first time I have ever finished a bottle of protein. – Just randomly, he’ll be like “did you get your tickets?” And I’ll be like, “for what movie?” And he’ll be like “for the gun show.” I’m happy that he’s really proud of it. – Did you get them yet though? – I did, I did. – Juan’s constantly looking at his body and saying what. He’s shy, bam. – Dan was like, don’t eat doughnuts. I’m like, Dan you crazy. I give up anything but doughnuts. I haven’t been craving those doughnuts anymore.

Every time I want sweets, I’m rushing home, just so I can have a little smoothie. I stopped eating doughnuts. – We’re almost done. I think I’m gonna miss it because it’s been a good journey so far. – I don’t think we’ve ever committed this much time to working on the same thing. It was actually really nice. – We joked in the training sessions about how Ryann never gave up, but one of the things that I saw was that mentality started to spread through the other guys as well. The beginning, everyone was quite happy to just stop an exercise when they were a bit tired. Towards the end, that wasn’t the case. The pack mentality really kicked in and it really sort of showed how even though they’re all different, as a group they can still come together and drive each other to get the best possible results. You two have both worked incredibly hard. Juan, you can from a position where you weren’t necessarily used to the exercise. Your improvements were so quick. In the beginning, you were 181 pounds, let’s see where you are today.

And, 171, well done. Wow, so that’s a loss of 10 pounds. I think you’ve lost quite a decent amount of body fat. – It’s something that I’ve been meaning to do for awhile. Really great to see I could make so much improvement in two months. – I am super proud of your progress while the improvement you’ve been making. His form from the first week to now has been so drastic. – From when we were working out in the beginning, he might want to give up a lot more, and now he’s at the end where he’s like yeah, he is definitely trying, he’s definitely pushing.

And he like, looks great. – So Kane, we’re in a slightly different position with you because the plan was we were going to spend a bit of time trying to put some muscle on first. Your weight to start off with was 141. And we’re at 143, excellent. So I mean, ultimately, it just means we put some muscle on. – Kane looks like buff. I’m looking Kane, Kane is already like his chest is coming out like this. His shirts are coming in a little tighter. I’m like, goddamn Kane, where did that chest came from? – It’s cool to see his journey and how once I’m on the other side of the weight loss I can then switch gears, learn from his process.

– You have done absolutely incredibly well. Really sort of committed yourself to the workout, to the eating. – The most committed. – We started at 186, and today you are– – Oh, shit. – 167. – 167? – I think the biggest challenge is noticing the changes because I do not see it because I see myself every day. – Gadiel is just like, he’s lost a small child. Melted this baby away. It’s so inspiring and it’s like every time I see him, I’m like man, I’m gonna lose as much weight as Gadiel’s lost ’cause he’s been like the rockstar of this. – Ryann, as you know I have been super impressed with your ability to exercise and work out. When you started out, you were 218, midway check in you were 217. – I might have put on weight so I just don’t know. – Well, let’s see. So today you are 209. – Holy crap, whoa dude, that’s amazing.

It’s been very very hard for me to switch my diet. The workouts were always like, oh yeah, this is simple, this is easy to do, but it’s just like the diet has killed me. At this point, I think about what I’m eating. When I look at food, I’m like, this isn’t worth it, or I don’t need this much. So I’m definitely way more conscious than I ever was. – Anybody that’s out there that is really considering doing Fitness Genes, I’d say you get to know your own body. – There’s so much diet information out there. Having this as like an additional piece that you can add to your library of knowledge is great. – You feel healthier, you feel more energetic, your skin clears up. I’m pretty sure the other guys could have attested to that. People are looking at me like, Gadiel, you’re glowing. I’m like, Fitness Genes.

(laughs) Next up is a six-pack. – It is. – We’re getting six-pack, that’s the next video. – We are. .

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Powerlifter VS Street Workout – STRENGTH WARS 2k15 #1

My name is Romano I am 25 years old I am a power lifter I my name is veteran 24 years old awareness tricular at the moment I’m a professional a Cal aesthetics specialists I like to send a message on 50 other guys to show them this they should know that no matter that we do calisthenics you can do any other spots the muscles to do by calisthenics you more stronger compared to just lifting better and wait because the most waiting mostly once you understand how to live your own bodyweight I promise you you must stronger than ever need to lift any other ways that one as well good adlet and a radio spectrum I think I have a very good chance to win what it will be hard he’s got no chance look at this I’m around I’m duel as a machine you know Tom the fit is definitely gonna see what I’m all about and I’m gonna show him right there when I wish he says you know he’s definitely for now he’s my enemy I don’t really like him you know come on the fit you know before you realize you know I’ll be a long way already so you should get ready to get it’s just training as hard as economy you should get its egg game on because I’ll be there and when I got this mod you will see what I’m basically all about 20 reps 100 kilo stench 15 reps pull-ups with 40 kilos 15 reps dips with 40 kilos 90 kilos courts for 25 are you guys ready ready are you ready ready you’re ready ready let’s go guys two one go let’s go fight all right straight into the pull-up Oh all right one private army target trying to detect finish it finish it finish it finish it hold on tonight the quarry Marshall steady okay good good walk it off it again yay going all that game over man they put everything in anyway that’s it what’s your day today fucking Ben fry it up yeah and you start with something which is not your game that’s a sucker out there because

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6 PACK ABS For Beginners You Can Do Anywhere | 2018

(soft music) – What’s up, THENX athletes? Today, I’m gonna show you a six pack abs workout that you can do anywhere and this workout is gonna be perfect for beginners because a lot of these moves are exercises that you can just get right into. You don’t really have to have any prior knowledge on how to do these. These are pretty basic movements, but they’re super effective when it comes to burning fat and getting a six pack ab.

And best of all, all these exercises require zero equipment. All you need is your body and the ground and gravity and you’re good to go. Now this routine I’ve created for you guys is gonna have a mixture of fat burning exercises, ab sculpting exercises and we’re gonna be using different exercises to target different areas of our abs. The abdominals is a very big muscle group, which is gonna require a lot of different types of exercises to target every single area. The upper abs, lower abs, middle of your abs, your obliques and everything else in between. So to be really aesthetic, you have to target all aspects of that muscle group. And of course, we’re gonna be incorporating fat burning exercises to burn that layer of fat right on top of our abs to make them really show, to make them a lot more aesthetic. And the best of all, this ab routine is gonna make your core super strong. These are the same exercises that I got started with and I still use to this day.

With the right nutrition and the workout that I’m right about to show you guys, it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or advanced, this workout is gonna get you shredded. And best of all, you can do this anywhere. So there are absolutely no excuses. So, let’s go and do this together guys. Are you ready? First exercise is gonna be high knee taps. We’re gonna go for 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Let’s go for it. (soft dance music) Make sure to stay breathing, guys. Just regulate that breathing. And this is gonna be a piece of cake. (soft dance music) So right now we’re getting our whole body moving, getting that heart rate up and start burning that fat.

This is also gonna get our body ready so that when we move into those harder core exercises, it’s really gonna take a stronger effect cause we get everything fired up. Whew, alright. Next one we have, Russian twists. Let’s go right into it. So legs up, keep those legs straight. Touch one side, touch the other side. Keep that core tight, regulate that breathing. (electronic music) Don’t give up guys, we’re just getting started. Pace yourself. If you can go fast, challenge yourself, go for it. If you can only go slow, take it easy, chill. Eventually, you’re gonna get a lot better at this. The most important thing is to make sure that your form is on point and everything else will progress. We’re on out way to six pack abs, baby. Keep those cores tight.

(electronic music) Alright, next exercise we have is leg raises. You guys ready for that? Let’s go for it. Alright, so all the way up, all the way down. You want to come to about six inches off the ground. Make sure you’re going all the way up and all the way down. Keep those legs straight. (slow tempo music) There we go, almost there guys. Five more seconds. Three, two, there we go. Alright, next move we have hip raises. Alright, here we go guys. This move, form is everything. Legs straight out tight, tight together. You’re gonna bring them in and you’ll bring your body up. Back down, straight out. Let’s go for it. (dance music) Form is everything on this one, guys. (dance music) Keep that breathing. (dance music) Whew, alright. Now you’re starting to feel it, hopefully. Okay, so the next move we have is flutter kicks.

Let’s go right into those. Legs straight, core tight from this position. One leg up, one leg down. (electronic music) This is an excellent move for tightening that core, strengthening that core and also burning that fat. This is one of my favorites. I literally started off on this move right here. This is one of the first ones I ever did for abs. (electronic music) This is one of those excellent moves that targets that lower core. That’s normally one of the most hardest places to hit. Alright, now let’s go for some plank. Now we’re gonna use a different angle to target those abs, alright? And also, a different flex too. Let’s go right into it. We’re gonna go into a plank. We bring one knee up, come back down. Other one up and come back down. Let’s go for it. (slow tempo music) It’s all about control.

Keep that core tight that whole time, guys. Don’t ever loosen it. That’s the most important part. Bring those knees up. Alright. So now we’re gonna switch it up again, hit another angle. We’re gonna go to chair sit ups. From this position, you wanna keep your legs up so that way you’re automatically engaging that core. And we’re gonna put our hands, let’s start with one side first. Activate that core, keep that core tight. Keep these feet up. (soft music) This one is an ab-killer, guys. If you’re doing this with me, hang in there. We’re almost there. Regulate that breathing. (soft music) When you guys go up, try to go up. Try to touch the ceiling. You guys really want to reach for it. Here we go, we’re almost there. Alright, so the next one we’re gonna go for is seated in and outs. Another different angle. We’re gonna go straight out, keep that core tense and bring ’em right back in. Alright guys, let’s go for it. Make sure to go all the way out, all the way in. Form is everything. Especially if there’s a lot of beginners watching this right now, you want to start with perfect form because you’re gonna grow off of perfect form.

You start with sloppy form, you’re gonna grow off of that sloppy form. You don’t want that. (dance music) If you need to stop, stop. Take that break, but keep going. Don’t give up, no matter what. Alright, we’re gonna build that discipline. That’s also just as important as working out cause you’re only as good as you continue to push. So with that said, we’re gonna move in to the last exercise, guys. We have jumping jacks. This is gonna really finish off the job right here. Get us those six pack abs coming in. Here we go. So this is the last exercise, guys. Push it as hard as you can. This one, you don’t want to stop. You want to give this everything you’ve got, this last exercise. Build that discipline. That’s what first gonna allow you to go on that extra reps, go on that extra time. And eventually, your strength is gonna catch up with you.

You’re gonna progress super quick. But, it’s all in the mindset. We’re almost there, almost there. Here we go, five seconds. Hard, hard, hard. Alright, so there you have it. Round one for those six pack abs, a routine that you can do anywhere. Great for beginners because you don’t need any equipment as well as the exercises being pretty basic. Anyone can do them, but be extremely effective. Because they’re the ones I started off on, but the ones that I still do to this day. I mean, you can hear me.

I’m pretty gassed at this point, but we still got three more rounds to go to finish this routine. So if you guys enjoyed this routine, enjoyed the workout, then smash that Like button. And for more workouts sign up right now at, become a member and get full access to all our workout programs, all our technique guides and our daily workouts that are gonna have you shredded and not just looking strong, but actually being strong.

Download the THENX app in the App Store to take our workouts with you everywhere. We have people all around the world learning how to muscle up, planche with ease properly, step-by-step with the correct progressions all on our app. So sign up today and become a member and join the millions of THENX athletes and start getting in the best shape of your life today.

Thank you guys for watching. I’ll see you guys in the next Sunday’s video. Let me know what you want the next video to be about by commenting down below. (upbeat music) .

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6 Dumbest Push-Up Mistakes Sabotaging Your Chest Growth! STOP DOING THESE!

What’s going on nation? Today we’re going to be going over the six dumbest push-up mistakes sabotaging your chest growth, if you missed my last dumbest mistakes video on dips I’ll link to that down in the info section below. Now the push-up should be an exercise that becomes a staple in your workout program from the very beginning. However, it’s not just an exercise for beginners It can be used in advanced training programs as well because the push-up is more than just simply going up and down you can master that technique and then use advanced versions of the push-ups to make your workouts at home more intense or to make it work out in the gym more intense by super setting the push-up with other exercises. There’s lots of stuff you can do, I also want to tell you guys real quick before we get started with this video that I’m going to be doing the push-up on these two boxes right here. And the main reason why I’m going to be doing it is just so I can get better filming angles for you guys as I explain what the mistakes are, so you’re ready for this video and you enjoy my dumbest mistake series, make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven’t already, now let’s get started.

The first mistake guys is that most people don’t even really know what full range of motion on a push-up looks like, I’ll tell you what when I was a kid I used to get so irritated because when I would do wrestling we’d have practice and part of our routine obviously was doing things like push-ups and sit-ups and we’d have to do a lot and I would look around and I’m like the only guy, I was like eight or nine doing it all the way down, all the way up really pushing myself and then I would see all these other kids on my wrestling team doing these half-ass push-ups just trying to get away with half reps because obviously push-ups can get pretty hard.

But then what that kind of turns into overtime is you really don’t get a sense of what full range of motion is supposed to look like and if you want to build a big chest at home and really want to activate your triceps you have to know how far to go down and how far to go up, so let’s get over here real quick. I’m going to jump up and now full range of motion is going to look like this guys, you’re going to get your body perfectly straight, you’re going to keep your back nice and straight your head straight You’re going to keep your hips down And you’re going to bring your chest all the way to the floor and as soon as your chest touches the floor you’re going to push yourself back up but it doesn’t stop here, when you get to here you’re going to push up and through activating your Serratus anterior, and you know some people call this a push up plus this movement from here to here but in my opinion that’s how every single repetition should look when you do a push up you should always take advantage of full range of motion to get the most out of the movement and if you want to build a big upper body at home and you want to activate your chest and triceps properl, you have to go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition.

Mistake number two guys is flaring your elbows out wide and I’ll show you what I mean as you guys just saw in the first mistake video when I showed you proper range of motion my elbows are tucked in and I was pushing through like this a lot of people especially beginners when they do a push-up and even even people who know how to do a push-up properly when they start to fatigue the first thing that’s going to usually go is the elbows and what I mean is you start to see a lot of this and then as you go down the elbows kind of come out to the side like that.

And what this does is, obviously it takes you away from being in the strongest position possible but it can also transfer a lot of the load to your shoulders and you’ll feel a huge difference when you go up and down like this you’ll feel it in your shoulders. Then when you tuck those elbows back in and go down like this and push up and through you feel all chest and triceps.

So the second worst mistake you can do is start to flare your elbows out and do this. That’s not what a push-up supposed to look like. The third mistake is not keeping a straight spine throughout the movement. Guys it should literally look like there’s a metal rod going up your butt and out the top of your head as you perform your repetitions. You should keep your body perfectly straight and then the reason why most people don’t keep their bodies perfectly straight is because as they’re performing the movement they’re not controlling their core, and as their core starts to deflate or if they’re not taking it and keeping this area nice and tight as they start to deflate this way or they start to sag that way it causes the body to do all sorts of things and I’ll show you what I mean.

So usually there’s two things that happen, the most common thing is the hip step to go up really high like this to compensate for the weak core not being able to hold this position. Which is basically a plank position. So you start to see this happening with the push up which obviously starts to place a bit more emphasis on your shoulders as you do the movement so if the goal is to target your chest and utilize your triceps as much as possible you want to stay as straight as you can now the other thing that you see happen is kind of like a sag push-up where they sag real deep in the core like this and keep their chest up and it’s like as soon as your hips touch the ground here you go back up and as you guys can see there’s clearly a difference in the range of motion and that you’re actually working your chest if you’re doing a push up like that versus the correct way which is all the way down and all the way up, so when you guys are doing push ups make sure you are always keeping that spine straight and utilizing that full range of motion.

The fourth mistake guys is going way too fast on your repetitions you’ll see people in the gym do this when it’s time to do push-ups and what happens as soon as you start going too fast usually the first thing that happens is your full range of motion goes out the window. You don’t go all the way to the ground And you don’t do the plus at the top to activate the Serratus interior it usually just goes from about halfway down to about here, maybe even a slight bend in the elbows and you just see this, just because you’re going faster and doing more reps in less time doesn’t mean you’re working your chest as high as you possibly can guys full range of motion is always going to give you the most amount of work for muscle breakdown and regrowth now you can still go fast when you do your push ups.

Just make sure you go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition. Mistake number five guys is improper breathing. The push-up even advanced versions of it isn’t like doing a heavy squat or heavy deadlift or even a heavy bench where you have to take in a lot of air to help keep your core as tight as possible to lift a maximum load. For the most part this is a bodyweight exercise and when doing your repetitions it’s okay to take a breath on every single rep but with that being said you are trying to keep your core as tight as possible so it does matter when you take the breath in and when you let it out. So for example what you’re going to do is you’re going to take in a breath as you go down, and when you take in a breath guys take it in through your nose, so take it in through your nose. Then once you get to the bottom as you’re pushing up let it out in a nice steady stream.

Just like this, take it in and one of the things I like best about bodyweight exercises is I actually use my breathing to help me keep a nice rhythm to do as many reps as I possibly can especially if I’m doing a timed workout. So any bodyweight exercise you do apply breathing just as you would like I just showed you to the push-up where you’re breathing out as you exert the force.

And the sixth and final mistake people make when it comes to push-ups guys is not progressing with the movement obviously as you start to get bigger and stronger and especially when you start going to the gym you start using heavy dumbbells and barbells on your chest exercises bodyweight push-ups are going to be tough anymore and for those of you who can’t do bodyweight push-ups yet I don’t want you going and basically trying to do one or two at a time and then stopping because you can’t handle a set of ten for those of you just starting out the best thing for you to do is to do push-ups on your knees.

What this is going to do is displace basically half of your body weight and allow you to do full range of motion and get all your repetitions in however I will say one thing you’ll notice that when I’m doing my push-ups on my knees. I’m not bending at the waist all right you still want to keep everything that’s moving as straight as possible so when you’re on your knees make sure you’re not putting your butt into the air. As soon as you master the knees push-ups then you’re going to go over into the regular push-ups and obviously, we just went over proper form for those and then once you get really good doing regular push-ups then you can start to go towards more advanced versions of the movement one of those advanced versions being weighted push-ups and you can do this several different ways obviously you can put on a weighted vest or you can have somebody just put a bunch of heavy plates on your back and do push-ups that way and once those start to get pretty easy then you can start moving into like plyo push-ups.

You can do a version of plyo push-ups where you’re pushing only your upper body off the ground. If you want to have fun with it, you can do a clap in between repetitions. As soon as you get really good at those try doing a plyo push up where you push your whole body into the air. Those are a lot of fun I actually use those a lot in my routines that I do with you guys, my full real-time workout routines.

And then if you guys want to get really crazy with your push-ups the last variation you can try is a single arm pushup, and that’s really great for working out at home because obviously if you’re at home and you have limited equipment you want to make push ups as hard as possible to try and grow your chest you can utilize something like a single line push-up to place a much heavier load on the chest on every single repetition. So that’s my six biggest mistakes when it comes to push-up guys I hope you enjoyed the video I love doing the dumbest mistake series, so if you guys have suggestions for future exercises you want me to cover please leave them down in the comment section below and if you haven’t already hit that thumbs up button, if you enjoyed the content and be sure to turn on video notifications, so you never miss a new video upload and as always guys more good stuff coming soon. See ya .

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Cardio for Weightlifters – Fat Loss without Strength Interference

We’re going to talk about cardio for fat loss yes it’s a rather long and technical video but as always I promise it’s worth your time first of all we’ll discuss if it’s actually necessary to do cardio to get shredded next we’ll see the pros and cons of each type of cardio and finally I’ll help you decide if you need to do cardio and what form you should choose oh and something important before we get started please note that these recommendations are for people that are physique oriented meaning they train only to look good if you’re interested also in a conditioning or sport performance then probably you need to do cardio and this video doesn’t apply to you cool all right let me start it so first of all let’s ask the question is god young necessary for you to get shredded from my experience working with clients and with friends and with myself 90% of people do not need Carter to get shredded they can get to 6 7 percent body fat through dieting alone now here’s the thing even if you don’t need cardio you could probably benefit from it it could help I’ll talk about the benefits of calculator in this video but for now let’s stick to the if cardio is necessary but my opinion is that over the years cardio became synonymous with fat loss because people thought that sweat was an indicator of fat loss dunno those means floating around online sweat is fat crying oh my god that’s so wrong but I’ll give marketers that it’s very easy to convince someone that the losing fat when the lot of bread and drenched in sweat that’s how I think intense cardio workouts became fat burning workouts but you you are an well-educated person you know that cardio in a No itself doesn’t burn fat fat loss review all comes down to being in a calorie deficit so yes if you can create a calorie deficit to cardio sure it leads to fat loss but if you eat enough calories to compensate what you burn to exercise then you won’t be losing fat in fact if you ate more calories than you burn so you are in a surplus you could actually be gaining fat doing all those extreme cardio workouts that is the truth of energy balance I’m sure you’ll notice this yourself you know all those fat people at the gym that are on the treadmill for years basically and they’re losing fat well there you go they probably eat too much so for now we concluded that cardio leads to fat loss through the energy deficit it creates if it creates one so it is not necessary for you to get shredded you can create all the deficit you need to your diet now with that said I think most people would benefit from combining calorie restriction meaning dieting with a bit of cardio there are some benefits there let me share what OSA the way I see it cardio for us has two benefits number one it burn some calories so it allows us to eat more food and number two it can help with stubborn body fat mobilization now I know there are a lot of other benefits to cardio and they may be useful but for our purposes meaning getting a whole new type is it a modern type physique I believe that these two are the only ones we should really care about so let’s talk about them in more detail so benefit number one card you’re burning some calories and it allows you to eat more food all right as I said in the beginning I assume that conditioning is not very important for you you are probably just training to look good to get the six-pack and have well-developed muscles and look awesome well in that case cardio for you is really just a tool for you to burn more calories it doesn’t directly help you to get that type of physique cardio of course is most beneficial when you’re cutting because let’s say that you need a seven hundred calorie deficit for you to lose fat well you could be reducing your calorie intake only by five hundred calories and burn the rest of 200 to exercise I personally used to neglect this fat loss advantage in the past and I remember that on my last cut which was right before Christmas I didn’t do any cardio nothing I just ate very little and that was that did I get lean sure I did of course but I had to eat very little I remember that my daily intake was around 7 17 1800 calories so not that much and my diet was okay because I was still doing intermittent fasting I was making the right food choices but I wouldn’t have called it enjoyable now on this last cut the diamond right now well things have been different I did reduce my calorie intake under 2,000 because I was doing some sort of walking or activity every day to burn some energy and I estimate I burn maybe 200 calories more than I usually did with my normal activity level and those 200 calories made a massive difference because I could eat 200 grams of potatoes extra every day or maybe an extra ice cream and it sounds very very little but those little bits of food make a massive difference when you’re on a calorie restricted diet and that’s something I learned to respect so the main advantage of doing cardio if you’re a physique oriented trainee is that you get to eat more food regardless if you’re cutting maintaining or bulking that’s the main advantage now let’s move on and talk about the other benefit of doing cardio which is stubborn body fat mobilization when a person which is a very low body fat maybe under 10% nine percent maybe even eight percent the body has only stubborn body fat stores left for men stubborn body fat is usually located around the midsection in your lower abs your lower back goods and of course it also depends on your genetics now what do I mean by stubborn body fat how is it different well this type of fat is slightly different because it is less sensitive to the chemicals such as adrenaline or growth hormone that signal the need to release fatty acids from the fat cells fat loss has two steps first of all the fatty acids must be released from the fat cells then they need to get into the bloodstream circulate through the body and get burned well there is a consumer well the muscle or an organ needs it so it so that fatty acid is actually burned locally well those stubborn body fat stores don’t want to release those fatty acids and when that happens the risk of muscle loss during a cut is increased because if there are no fatty acids in the bloodstream the body we’ll have to burn something else and that can also be muscle tissue now before you freak out about this let me say a few more things for most people getting free fatty acids into the bloodstream is not a problem at all not a problem at all probably you are at a high enough body fat percentage to have plenty of free fatty acids in your bloodstream at any time I talked about this in other videos and I’m going to say to get here people very often underestimate how much body fat they have I often get emails from guys looking like this that tell me oh man I really hate this this last bit of fat on my lower abs oh man I hate stubborn body fat yeah you’d probably around 15 percent body fat actually and no that’s not stubborn body fat so before you even think about stubborn body fat make sure that you are actually very lean now how does card your help with stubborn body fat mobilization well it improves blood circulation to those areas and it helps transport to the fatty acids to the bloodstream to a place where they will be burned that’s why when you are very very lean doing some cardio is probably a good idea now please note that I said it’s probably a good idea I didn’t say that it’s necessary the truth is if you maintain a calorie deficit long enough you will eventually burn all body fat everything including stubborn body fat but the main point to remember is that cardio can be a valid tool for fat loss in certain situations so you probably should do some now the question is how much should you do some people say well if some cardio is good then doing a lot of cardio must be amazing as always too much of a good thing is actually bad so let’s next talk about how much cardio should you do and why too much is bad here’s my best recommendation for cardio when you create a calorie deficit create 80% of it to your diet and only 20% through exercise to cardio for example if your calorie deficit needs to be 700 calories then eat 500 calorie less and you could do maybe researchers three sessions three sessions of cardio a week that burn about 400 calories and if you do the weekly average you will see that the daily deficit comes out to about 700 calories now some of you might be asking why why shouldn’t I do 50% of my deficit to guard you why shouldn’t I lose fat only through cardio well if you are overweight and you only want to lose some weight then sure do all the cardio you want but you you want the model type physique that means you are also interested in muscle mass and in getting stronger at the gym and here’s the thing cardio has any type of exercise causes muscle damage which needs recovery and remember if you’re in a calorie deficit your recovery capacity is also reduced a calorie deficit is also a recovery deficit so it makes sense to save most of your recovery capacity for lifting not for cardio I really like how very cams puts it remember that you are a weight lifter first muscle and strength take priority secondly large amounts of cardio can interfere with your weight lifting progress if you try to progressively overload both cardio and strength-training it’s very hard to make progress in either one because your body is is getting mixed stimuli your ass can get go down to both endurance and strength explosiveness and this is something it cannot do optimally the number of studies have shown that a lot of cardio aerobic exercise can interfere with muscle and strength gains in athletes who are weight training they found that the more cardio you do and the more intensities the more it can interfere with muscle and strength researchers call this the interference effect now again before you freak out about this interference effect don’t worry it’s not like you’re going to lose your gains if you go for a run we’ll talk more about this later in the video what you need to remember for now is that if your goal is to get muscular and strong then a lot of cardio doesn’t help it may actually make things harder now before we move on to talk about what types of cardio you should do remember the rule of thumb create 80% of your deficit through dieting and only 20% to cardio this video is really getting long so let’s do a quick recap in the first part of this video we concluded that physique oriented trainees should do cardio for two reasons number one to burn some calories so they could eat more food and number two to mobilize fatty acids that means cardio is really not a priority and you should do a form of cardio that doesn’t interfere with your lifting in any way which is the priority and those types of cardio and steady-state low intensity and high intensity interval training I’ll explain why in a minute the form of cardio that you should do only sparingly is moderate intensity steady-state cardio such as running long distances cycling on a moderate intensity for a long time rowing for a long time so any type of activity that has your heart rate elevated to a moderate level for a long period of time the reason this type of cardio shouldn’t be done frequently is because it can interfere with your strength training program we talked about the interference effect earlier in this video what you need to remember is that high level aerobic fitness and elite strength and power are opposite updations if you try to collectively overload both you try to become better at both at the same time you will probably only become mediocre in both of them it’s funny because when I first shared this information with my opinion audience a lot of them freaked out oh my god I will never go for a run in my life again whoa no no I’m sorry if I made you believe that it’s not that drastic it’s it’s a matter of context this interference effect only the beasts if you try to professionally overload both cardio and strength-training at the same time for example if everyday you are trying to run faster run longer because last time so you’re trying to progressively overload your running and you also want to get stronger at the gym well in that case yes the interference effect will appear but two hours of jogging every week in the park that will have no effect on your strength performance so you can certainly do miss moderate intensity steady-state cardio but the key is not to do it very frequently not to do it every day and not to overload it not to try to get better at it that way you will not be signaling that the improvements in endurance are demanded and he will just maintain your cardiovascular fitness and that will have no effect on your strength training program you will just be burning some calories now let’s talk about high-intensity interval training this is the type of cardio that is actually very similar to weightlifting and actually know how it is you do short bursts of high effort followed by a longer period of time where you rest or you do some kind of light activity intervals have become very popular lately because some people say that they burn more fat than other types of cardio which i think is not true yes some studies show that during exercise they may be burning more fat than maybe steady-state cardio but the mean it leads to more fat loss over time you see if you burn more fat during exercise you will just burn more carbohydrate for the rest for the rest of the day the body is actually very good at preserving fuel and fat loss usually only comes down to the calorie deficit it doesn’t matter what kind of fuel you burn during each period of the day with that said I do believe that high-intensity interval training is very good for conditioning and it is also very time efficient it burns a lot of calories per minute in a short period of time here is how we could perform high des interval training at the gym on the recumbent bike now of course you could use any type of cardio machine a treadmill a bike and elliptical rowing machine etc etc basically all all kinds of intervals are good you could do this routine two or three times a week but don’t try to do more than that don’t try to do intervals every day even high-level athletes such as elite cyclists only do intervals two or three times a week you are not at the level you do not need to do more than them besides intervals are hard and if you train legs at the gym too well if you do one or two leg workouts per week and you do three or four high paced interval training sessions then your legs are getting hit hard almost every day so you don’t want that alternatively you could play sports two or three times a week because almost all sports are a form of high intensity interval training if you think about soccer for instance there are short sprints when you chase the ball and longer periods when you just walk and you know you catch your breath the same goes for basketball the same goes for volley so pretty much all sports you can do that instead of going to the gym but again it’s important not to overdo it don’t do more than one or two hours of high test interval per week now let’s talk about low intensities that is state cardio this list could be anything anything from walking to cycling to rowing to lifting light weights any type of activity that is very easy to do and you can do it for a long period of time without getting tired while is isn’t that great for conditioning it has its virtues it doesn’t effect recovery in any way which means you can do it every day and it also burns a significant amount of calories for example you can walk every day for one hour and it will not affect your strength training program in any way and that’s why is my favorite form of cardio and in fact I don’t even call it cardio I just call it burning calories another thing I like about this is that you can perform it anywhere you don’t need to go to the gym you don’t need special equipment you don’t need to change you can just walk and burn some calories and that’s why it is my favorite type and that’s why it’s the one I recommend most but now let me show you how you could structure a cardio routine and because I want to make things more clear so let’s do that now okay I know this video is getting ridiculously long but stay with me so yeah in my opinion I think the best way to do cardio is to combine both high-intensity interval training and low intensity steady-state cardio I think this is the best way to do it also I know that most of you are lifestyle oriented you don’t want to go to the gym everyday you want you have your own schedule and you want to have as much free time as possible while having an awesome physique well if that’s the case here’s what you could do during the warm months of the year you could be doing what is called informal cardio meaning any type of activity that burns calories but doesn’t require doesn’t require special equipment you don’t need to go to the gym you don’t need to change in special clothes you just do something that burns calories and that can be considered cardio this could be anything from walking hiking going to the pool playing volley on the beach walking your dog any type of activity that habit has you moving your body and is burning calories and I’ll be honest I don’t do any formal cardio I just walk and I just do all the types of activities that burn calories that’s it so do these two during the summer months during the spring months during the autumn months just walk more walk more and you will burn some calories now during wintertime walking is not that enjoyable in that case you can just go to the gym and do some high-intensity interval training sessions maybe two or three times a week or you could do high-intensity interval training two times a week after and workout so you don’t have to go to the gym on a rest day any machine at the gym works remember that you just have to push yourself on those intervals that’s the only way we’re going to make them effective so that’s it guys.

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This 4-Minute Workout Is All You Need To Get Fit

According to science, if you work out really hard for just a short period of time, that’s just as good as kinda working out for a long period of time. If you’ve got five minutes here are five full-body exercises that we’re going to do on the street. Let’s try it out. Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? – I definitely want to work out. – Eat healthier, work out more. – Eat healthy? Work out more? – Party harder. – Party harder? All right. Four minutes on the clock.

Are you ready? – Yeah! – Yeah! Three, two, one. OK, we’re going to start with ten push-ups. Super easy, make two little V’s, and go all the way down, come back up, count them off. One! Two! – Three. – Four! Remember if you don’t have great upper body strength, you can do push-ups from your knees. That’s cool too. It just lowers the weight. Nine and ten. OK, now we’re going to keep that heart rate up. You’re going to finish out that first minute with jumping jacks. Keep that heart rate up, keep that body moving. – How do you feel right now? – Exhausted. – Tired already. – I failed my P.E. test. – I’m usually the type of guy to go for half-hour jogs with my wife. Now, I read about high-intensity interval training and I figured I’d make a video about it.

OK. Nope, fifteen more seconds of jumping jacks. Did you come dressed appropriately to work out? – You know, my ripped jeans are faring pretty well, actually. – You feel that? You feel the energy? You guys feeling it? – Yes. One minute down. Let’s do this! Up next, spider lunges. The way these work is you’re going to start in a plank position, then just like a spider, put one leg up, then jump back, then you gotta switch. Left leg! Right leg! All right? We’re going to do ten of those.

One, two… I’m a spider. Yeah, that’s it. Get those legs all the way up. Five, six. This works out your shoulders ’cause you gotta keep your arms steady, and it works out your whole lower body. – Oh my God. – Nine, ten. OK. Guess what? More jumping jacks. – OK. – Keep that heart rate up. Fitness, fitness, fitness. Wait, that’s Jingle Bell Rock. So whenever you’re not moving, whenever you’re not counting to ten, you’re going to round it out with some jumping jacks. – I’m regretting this.

– You got some sweat stains right there. – Do I? Oh, I was my shirt. – You ladies are working hard. I’m the instructor, though, so I get to sit down. These people were on the way to see a movie. Now they’re working out on the street. And, two minutes! Two minutes is up. Now it’s time for the third exercise. Next is ten jumping lunges. You’re going to do a standard lunge, dipping your knee down.

Don’t let your knee go in front of your toe, and then, boom! jump up, switch legs. Ten of those. Ready? One! Two! Three, four. Keep up now, five. – Oh, geez. – Eight, nine, ten. OK. And jumping jacks. – OK. – We got thirty more seconds. OK. You’ve only been working out for two minutes! Two minutes! Can you believe that? I’ve stayed on the toilet for longer than two minutes. – Once you start doing push-ups, I was like, “Oh no, I don’t think I can do this ” but then, I got into it and now I’m on a body high, I guess. – Oh my God. – Well, do you think you would do this at home? – Yeah, definitely. This is a lot of fun. It was quick, short, but really high intensity. It gave you what you needed, a good boost. – Three minutes up! Time to move on to the last exercise. All right, you start up, you go down, then you walk your hands out all the way to a plank position, then walk yourself back up. One! All right, that’s just one. OK. Ten more. Getting a little tired. Use your arms, your legs, your core muscles.

Dig deep, dig deep. Four minutes is almost up. Seven. Three more. You guys are slowing down on me. You got this. How do you feel? – Exhausted. – Clearly out of shape. – It could be worse. – I feel healthier already. Time to start doing this more. – You don’t have to go to the gym to do this, you can do this literally on the street. You got this…and ten! Street Workout! (all cheering) That took four minutes. Now for a twenty-minute workout, you do that five more times. Nothing should hold you back. If you want to be healthy, you can do it.

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) vs. Steady-State – Is High Interval Cardio Better?

In the 1960s, a man title Kenneth H. Cooper got here up with the notion of aerobics. Firstly, aerobics, by way of the aerobics factor process, measured the effectiveness of one of a kind exercises and routine for making improvements to cardiovascular wellbeing. This lead to the coining of the term at present referred to as cardio. Over time, however, the principal focus of these aerobic-situated workouts started shifting from making improvements to cardiovascular well being to helping folks drop extra pounds and burn fat. And it makes a lot feel when you consider that cardio workouts do indeed aid men and women drop some weight through burning excess energy and likewise help humans burn fat by activating the fat-burning cardio power pathway within the physique. This aerobic energy pathway is the vigour method on your body that makes use of saved fats- after being transformed into fatty acids- along with oxygen and different chemical compounds to supply the body’s sole source of energy referred to as ATP. As long as this pathway is utilized, more and more fats will be burned. Early science believed that the quality technique to set off this pathway is by way of performing long-duration, low depth exercises comparable to lengthy-distance jogging, biking, or swimming. This ultimately result in the construction of other types of cardio workouts in these days comparable to aerobic dance classes, step aerobics, and the totally trendy Zumba. Although low intensity cardio continues to be the recreation king of weight loss and fat burning in these days, newbies have arrived to venture for the crown.The biggest gripe with low depth cardio workout routines is the duration, which ordinarily takes greater than an hour. Cardio would appear to be fun and exciting the first time it is carried out, however over time, it starts offevolved to suppose means too repetitive and long. As increasingly persons turn out to be bored and lose interest, increasingly folks will stop. And for some folks, they without problems do not have the time. But are low depth cardio workouts really the nice choice to burn fat and energy? The science today says, "Ehh, ordinarily no longer." this is the place the most outstanding challenger to low depth cardio steps in. This challenger is often called high depth Interval training. Excessive intensity Interval coaching, because the title suggests, is any "coaching" program which are performed in "intervals" at a "high depth." high intensity interval coaching, also called HIIT for brief, are alternating periods of quick high intensity activity with periods of low depth healing. The most popular pastime for HIIT is alternating sprinting with going for walks. Each dash interval lasts between 5-30 seconds and each and every walk interval may even final between 5-30 seconds. The more healthy you are, the larger the work to relaxation ratio will come to be.For instance, if you are quite match, you might be sprinting for 30 seconds and walking for 10. Anybody that is less fit might be sprinting for 10 seconds and jogging for 30. The total session size varies between 5-20 minutes, and when you consider that of the depth, must simplest be accomplished three days every week. When introduced collectively, that’s a highest of simplest 60 minutes of pastime per week! So what is the science behind this? When the physique goes via severe exercise, it needs to be ready to preserve up with the vigor demand. One way of doing so is via secreting excessive stages of fats-releasing hormones often called catecholamines into the bloodstream.The extra catecholamines, the extra speedily fat is damaged down into free fatty acids. Free fatty acids are then used to top off vigor outlets. Reports have additionally proven that HIIT creates a powerful EPOC outcome. EPOC, short for extra submit-recreation oxygen consumption, is the additional oxygen your physique needs with a purpose to recuperate after an excessive recreation. The extra oxygen you absorb additionally means extra energy are being burned. This influence can last up to an effective 24 hours after the exercise. Nevertheless, other stories have proven that the amount of energy being burned during EPOC is not all that so much, where at most a different 60 energy being burned. There are also a few drawbacks. High depth interval coaching is totally strenuous. Individuals might drop out of low depth cardio turns into it can be long and boring, however folks can simply as simply drop out of HIIT in view that it is just too difficult. High depth interval training might also purpose joint suffering as a result of the excessive impact, and over time, would result in critical injuries.Additionally, low intensity cardio can definitely be achieved everyday. HIIT, nevertheless, requires ample recuperation time, which can intrude different exercise routines. Even though HIIT could venture low depth cardio for the crown, it’s not exactly a knockout punch. Have you ever tried excessive depth interval training earlier than? Please share your expertise in the remark part below! .

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