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Unhealthy Foods Pretending to be Healthy! – Mind Over Munch!

Hey munchies, we all want healthy to be easier and packaged food makes life easier. There are some healthier packaged options but a lot of packaged food items are just pretending to be healthy. I am giving you the rundown on 15 of those right now but trust me, there are way more. That is why it’s important that you learn how to read the labels and determine for yourself. We cannot trust health claims. In fact, if a food package is making a health claim, it’s usually a bad sign. First up: Banana chips.

Noo! These are so good. The upside is that they are made of bananas and therefore contain the fiber, iron, magnesium and potassium that bananas offer. The downside: they’re often deep fried and include flavor enhancers and sugar. Instead, try home made banana chips cooked in the oven. I do have an episode, if you want to check that out and I have linked it in the description. Gluten free snacks and breads, the upside: many people, not just those with gluten intolerance or sensitivity, can find it hard to digest gluten. The downside is that in processed foods, when something is removed, another thing is usually added.

So, gluten free items can contain a lot of refined additives that are essentially depleted of nutrients, and they’re no healthier than any other snack. Instead, try a home made, or cleaner snack. One with less ingredients and more whole grains even if it does contain wheat or gluten, will be healthier for most than a refined and processed gluten free option. Ezekiel bread for instance, is a clean bread that is not completely gluten free but will do our bodies more justice than a gluten free, processed variety.

Dried fruit. The upside: they are fruit. But the downside, they’re often coated in sugar and to protect them from mold and to keep their color, they are treated with preservatives and additives. Instead, make your own. I’ve linked a few videos where I show drying out the fruit in the oven in the description. Or even better, go for fresh fruit. Yogurt. The upside: yogurt contains probiotics that can be great for gut health. The downside: most commercial varieties are loaded with sugar and contain little protein. Greek varieties are better when it comes to a protein balance, but they can still pack on the sugar. Greek does not mean healthy. Instead, use plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and add a drizzle of honey. Instant oatmeal packets. The upside: They are convenient and do contain oaty goodness. So, even quick cooking oats can be a healthy choice. The downside: these packets are often a very small serving with more sugar than anything else. Instead, make your own home made packets. I show how in a meal prep video linked in the description. Agave, oh my. The upside of agave is it tastes pretty good and I guess it comes from a plant, but so do coffee beans, and it doesn’t make it a vegetable.

It’s far from natural. The downside: agave is actually extremely processed and there’s more fructose in agave than almost any other sweetener, even high fructose corn syrup. Instead, try almost any other natural or raw liquid sweetener, but the truth is they should all be consumed in limited amounts. I discuss agave and other sweeteners in my sweeteners 101 video. Brown rice syrup. The upside: it’s made from rice. It seems natural and healthy, and it contains glucose but no refined fructose which is good. The downside: it’s very high on the glycemic index, meaning it will spike blood sugar super fast. Not to mention it’s extremely refined and contains no essential nutrients. It’s empty calories. Instead, like we mentioned previously, another natural liquid sweetener or even a no calorie sweetener, regardless, the goal should be moderation with all sweeteners, sugar filled or not. Vegan mayo, or store bought mayo all together. The upside: there isn’t really an upside to be honest.

What makes mayonnaise unhealthy isn’t the eggs or cholesterol or saturated fat, it’s actually the inflammatory oils. The downside: inflammatory oils exist in regular and vegan mayonnaise options. What’s worse is that vegan mayo options, like many other fake vegan foods, are often more processed. Some variations contain MSG in disguise and many contain brown rice syrup or soy protiens which aren’t doing our bodies any good either. Instead, try making your own clean avocado or olive oil mayo.

You can avoid inflammatory oils and sugar. I do this almost weekly, and it’s a great clean option. I actually have a video of me making this on my instagram highlights. Also, if any of you are wanting to learn more about inflammation and inflammatory foods, I have a course called Conquer Inflammation. You can get it at inflammation course dot com, I will link it in the description. It’s completely free and it teaches you all about inflammation and how to start to remove inflammatory foods from your diet. Next up, we’ve got low net carb, high fiber supplements. So the upside: for most people, these can help keep the total carb counts down and get into protein.

The downside: most of the fiber supplements used do not create a universal blood sugar response meaning, different people respond to them differently. Some people can absorb the fiber and those high fiber syrups just like regular carbohydrates, it just sort of depends on the person and their own carbohydrate tolerance. Also, many companies keep the net carb count low by adding synthetic fibers that don’t provide the same benefits as natural dietary fibers from whole grains and fruits or vegetables. Instead, try whole foods. Most of us don’t need supplements to get enough protein and if we are in a pinch, there are still plenty of cleaner options for energy or fuel. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t ever eat protein bars, it just means to really be mindful about what’s in them and why you’re consuming them.

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Healthy Processed Food Choices! – Mind Over Munch

Hey munchies now sharing unhealthy processed foods or debunking healthy ones and I got so many comments saying “okay I get that these are ideal choices but what processed snacks can I have?” So today I am sharing five of my favorite healthier processed snack foods. Of course processed is never ideal. We want to make the bulk of our diet whole foods but we’re human we’re busy and a lot of people still depend on processed foods. So if we can educate people about which choices or at least more appreciated by our bodies as fuel than others the better. So there are a few ways to approach this. Some people say macro friendly is better period. So how many calories, fat, etc. Some people say clean is better period. So ingredients. I think both need to be considered. So clean is definitely important, less is more. But sometimes clean ingredients can still be dense in calories and fat and the truth is calories and fat do matter. I’m not saying we have to count our calories or tracker our macros but whether we count or not our bodies are still counting, and the fact is we only need a certain amount of calories and fat and those numbers are going to vary based on our size, our weight, our gender, our lifestyle, our activity level, our genetic predisposition, blah blah blah blah.

Also it’s true if you’re eating clean all the time probably you need to be less concerned if at all with macros calories etc. But guess what? If you’re watching this video looking for snack ideas that probably means your diet still contains processed foods. Which is fine. I eat these snacks. But the point is if people were to the point where they didn’t need to be aware at all or concerned at all with calories and fat then they wouldn’t be eating most of these foods anyway. This disclaimer is just here to let you know before someone tries to attack me which I know is inevitable because it’s YouTube that these snacks were determined based on which are the best options accounting for both ingredients and macros.

Also please note that none the products shared here are sponsored all thoughts are my own. First up, popcorn. So this is one of my favorite healthy snacks. It has lots of antioxidants and fiber it’s one of the only snacks that is actually one hundred percent a whole grain. It is also very low calorie and minimally processed. Now keep in mind we’re not talking about popcorn that you get at the movie theater that is loaded with butter that is doing more bad than good. I’m talking about air popped popcorn. Now I do have an air popper that i use for popping my own popcorn and I’ve shared that in other videos before. I love it. It’s amazing. You don’t need any oil but if you’re gonna buy a snack popcorn is a better one to buy.

The microwavable bags where you put the bag in the microwave and it you know pops up into a big poof of popcorn those are fine but a lot of them do contain chemicals in the lining of the bag so a lot of people prefer to avoid them. I prefer to just buy the pre-popped bags that are air popped if I can’t make it myself. So the pre bag options can be really great but we do need to read the labels and watch out for the claims. All of these really like to advertise 35 calories a cup. That’s really great, low calorie but who only eats a cup of popcorn? Not me. Ever. So looking at these the other thing to keep in mind the nutrition is not per cup.

The nutrition is per usually 28 grams. So all these are noted to be 28 grams but one of them is noted to be 3 1/2 cups, one is 3 3/4 cups, and one is 4 cups. All grams are not created equal apparently. You might notice on certain bags that some popcorns have 4 grams of fat in a serving and some have 8. Make sure you look at the serving size because sometimes it’s the exact same brand and the popcorn flavors maybe a little bit different and one has 4 grams of fat at 28 grams per serving and one has 8 grams of fat but it’s 56 grams per serving. So it’s the exact same nutrition but the serving size is doubled… mystery. Ingredients are key when it comes to processed snacks. As I said earlier so we always want to take a look at that list and remember less is more. So this brand has really nice design, looks pretty healthy, emphasizing the health claims, talking about how it has nothing but ingredients that you’ll love. This one is more like you know you think about it when you go to a party or a snacky food.

It’s like less emphasis on the health, even though it is still saying 35 calories hundred you know percent whole grain whatever. When you read the ingredients for these two you will find that they are exactly the same. So in the ingredients you love bag you have popcorn, sunflower oil, and sea salt and in this bag you have popcorn, vegetable oil which may be corn, canola, and or sunflower oil, and sea salt. So it’s exactly the same in exactly the same order. Now one might assume that something like a white cheddar popcorn would be worse for you because it’s cheese right and that may be the case with some brands but you have to read the label. Now for sure when you look at the ingredients here the list is much longer. This is not as clean of a popcorn. But when we look at the macros it’s not so different. It actually has less calories and fat than the sea salt but it also has 1 gram of sugar, less fiber, and a little bit more sodium. You win some you lose some. So the sea salt is obviously the cleaner choice.

But we can’t deny the fact that some people might consider this one more macro friendly. I’m not saying that’s true. I’m not saying I agree with it. I’m not saying I don’t like this either though. Next up jerky. So beef jerky, turkey jerky, I’ve even had salmon jerky. If you’re looking for a high-protein snack that is not a supplement jerky is about as good as you’re gonna get macro wise. But of course they’re not all created equal. Now first of all in general turkey jerky is going to have less fat than beef jerky just because turkey breast is not fatty and beef is. For a serving you can get 10 to 12 grams of protein. That’s pretty darn good. The problem is the serving size. So one ounce 28 grams is a pretty typical serving size but there is supposed to be 4 servings in here and there’s supposed to be 2 servings in here and I don’t know about you but if I was going to eat this I would just eat the whole bag.

So you’ve got to keep that in mind when you’re reading the ingredients and then also keep in mind sometimes they decide to say there are three and a half servings in here. Which is just oh so convenient. Another problem with jerky is the added sugar. So I’m not just talking teriyaki flavor almost all of them have you know sugar, cane sugar, brown sugar, molasses. The other jerky issue, ‘jissue’, has been sodium and additives. So most companies are aware that this has been an issue and have been trying to accommodate. They have stopped using quite as many additives but always read the label. Most of these actually advertise no preservatives, no nitrates, no added msg, all-natural minimally processed. But just be aware because the sodium can be really high. Anyway at the end of the day remember that less is more.

So some of these brands have really long ingredients list and it just isn’t necessary. So when you’re picking out your jerky try to find one that has a shorter ingredients list. A little bit less sodium and if you can manage less sugar. You should be able to get a high-protein low-calorie ratio it’s not that hard but you just gotta find the right brand. This one has 11 grams of sugar per serving and remember if there’s 3/12 servings this is now 11 x 38-39… Oh it was NICE! Next up dried fruit. Not all dried fruit is created equal. So if i asked you which of these was a healthier choice which one would you choose? Well since you can’t tell me i’m going to go ahead and guess that a decent amount of you said the strawberries were a healthier choice. Now i’m going to guess that you may have said that because the pineapple is noted to be sweetened and the strawberries are not and they also have some other added claims: good source of vitamin C, good source of fiber, great.

The truth is these are not any different. Why? They are both sweetened. So why does the strawberries not say that they’re sweetened and the pineapple does? I don’t know. But we wouldn’t know that unless we looked at the back and read the ingredients. The first ingredient pineapple. First ingredient strawberries. Second ingredient sugar. Second ingredient sugar. When we compare the macros for a 40 gram serving there’s only a 10 calorie difference and just a 5 gram difference in sugar and the truth is plain pineapple that hasn’t been sweetened with anything just normal raw fruit has more sugar almost double the sugar naturally as strawberries. So really the strawberries could have the same amount of added sugar or more and we just don’t know. When it comes to dried fruit you are better off trying to find unsweetened. It is not an easy task.

I’ve had some luck at health food stores and the bins sometimes but you still have to read the labels because those will still say first ingredient blueberry second ingredient sugar or whatever so you have to read. Better than dried fruit if you can’t be sure if it’s sweetened or not is freeze-dried fruit. Pretty much the water is removed the flavor and nutrition are preserved. So this entire package is 28 grams and it’s a 110 calories and 14 grams of sugar. The only ingredient is strawberries. now remember this entire package is 1 serving this entire package is 4 servings. Makes a difference. And there’s also no sodium in this one because there’s nothing added to it. Next up is nuts.

So we all know that nuts are a healthy snack lots of good healthy fats and protein. When you look at a bag like this raw mixed nuts this is fantastic. The only ingredients are almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios. There is nothing added. So the problem with nuts is when we start buying those mixes or trail mixes that have added chocolate or dried fruit and you all know the deal with chocolate since I already did a chocolate video but since we just touched on the dried fruit let’s just hit that really quickly. This is a trail mix first ingredient noted with sweetened cranberries, unsalted roasted almonds, walnuts, roasted pepitas and raw, pick up pecans pecaans peecans. When you look at the ingredients here this is an omega-3 walnuts trail mix you would think the first ingredient might be a walnut but actually it’s dried sweetened cranberries. Which is then noted to be cranberries, sugar, and sunflower oil.

So the remember the ingredients are noted by priority or weight. So whatever the most prominent ingredient is in a product has to go first That’s like the law. So the most weighty ingredient in here is those sweetened cranberries. Now it is good to note cranberries actually are decently high in omega-3. So this isn’t really making any false claims but we still pick it up and we think it’s a really healthy choice it is using those sweetened cranberries. That being said there is only 6 grams of sugar in a quarter cup.

So it’s not so bad. There are worse choices. Remember that beef jerky had 11 grams in a serving. Also do keep in mind even though nuts are really healthy and have a lot of micro nutrients and antioxidants um they are still very high in calories and fat. So we want to just make sure we’re not over consuming because remember at the end of the day our bodies still know if we consumed more calories than we need and I don’t know about you but for me it’s really easy to overdo it on nuts. So next we have these roasted beans or legumes in snack form.

So a chickpea snacks have become a thing and I’m really excited about it because they taste really good. As is the case with most processed snacks you can get these in many different flavors. So I’ve had like habanero and ranch and you know whatever. When you pick out those types of flavor varieties make sure you read the ingredients list because what starts as something really clean only chickpeas, sunflower oil, and sea salt can become something with a really lengthy ingredients list that is not so clean. Even if the macros aren’t that different. So this is pretty much a chip that uses chick peas instead of potatoes. There’s only 4 grams of fat per serving whereas chips can have anywhere from you know 8 to 15 grams.

So you’re pretty much cutting the fat by half to you know 70%. Probably because they’re using less oil and they’re baking them not frying them. These are also decently high in protein 6 grams of protein for 130 calories. Not bad. Now edamame is really impressive in the protein department. So this is freeze dried edamame I also by roasted edamame but I don’t have any right now and pretty much it’s the same macros for a serving about 120 calories, 5 grams of fat, 12 grams of protein. So for the same calories and serving size and almost the same fat you get double the protein. Also it’s really delicious. This is actually more protein than any of the beef jerkies. How about that? So don’t get caught up in those health claims of thinking well I need to eat beef jerky because it’s high in protein because even though that’s true it is high in protein there are other options as well.

So those are my chips substitutes. Speaking of chips I know that I told you I had 5 snacks but I actually have a bonus 6th snack that I wanted to share with you. This is coconut chips. I don’t know if you’ve ever had these, these are toasted and sweetened. They are so good. They’re so good. You can’t actually I can’t actually stop eating them. They are clean as can be.

The ingredients coconuts, cane sugar, and sea salt. Boom you’re done. The problem and the reason I decided to include this was what I talked about at the beginning of the video and that is macros matter. When we take a look at these macros 170 calories in a serving with 11 grams of fat, 9 of which is saturated remember though saturated fat in coconuts is not the same as saturated fat from unhealthy processed foods or meats, 11 grams of sugar. Now remember these are supposed to be a chip substitute. Chip substitute. A serving of these regular old potato chips 160 calories, 10 grams of fat 1 1/2 which is saturated and less than 1 gram of sugar.

Ok so my point here is not to tell you to eat Lays and not eat toasted coconut chips. It is not to tell you that these are better than these. It’s just to put it in perspective and let you understand that if you overdo it on this it’s not really much better than overdoing it on this. Also the ingredients for these Lays are only potatoes, vegetable oil, and salt. So they both have three ingredients. This is very clean but it’s still dense in calories and fat and sugar. Just like this. I mean you think about it a potato, a potato is not bad for you. It’s once they douse it in oil and fry it that it becomes bad for you. So don’t demonize foods. You know this is not a bad food and this is not a good food.

Both are fine they are what they are but just recognize that we have to consume both of these in moderation. Not just one of them. At the end of the day too many calories and fat from a good thing can be just as damaging of too many calories and fat from a bad thing. I hope you guys got some snack ideas but most importantly I hope you learned something from this video and if you did would you mind giving it a thumbs up and sharing it on social.

I do love making these kinds of educational videos because I think they offer light bulb moments for a lot of people but remember I don’t make these to tell you what to eat or what or what to not eat. I’m also not trying to tell you how to eat. I do it so that we can be honest and see the facts and make educated decisions. So if we decide to eat choices that provides less fuel that’s allowed. But do it because you make the informed decision while aware of what that means.

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