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Weight Loss Body Transformation – (35 days) before and after results

So… today I am a fat fitness professionalI swear to god I even have a six pack somewhere Buried underneath the fat Ok this is officialy a bit weirdHey! I know how embrassing it can be I mean it jiggles everywhereit jiggles when I go for a walk it definitely jiggles when I go for a runit even jiggles when I’m on the train and it vibrates and I just feel like everyoneis looking at my belly I get it… I’m a little bit fat! What do you think? A year? Six months? how about 5 weeks? for the recordok google, what is the date today? it is Sunday, the 20th of September 2015 excellent, now that’s on the recordnow guys check this out this… this is not a photo, it’s a videoit is impossible to photoshop the jiggle anything from growth hormone to Insulin totestosterone it’s all there. It’s all well planned for the next 5 weeksthe perfect plan to lose as much fat as possible in the next 5 weeksnot really complicated, all I have to do is follow it so..Ok google what’s the date today? It is Sunday, the 25th of October 2015alright so there you go that’s exactly 5 weeksthat’s like… just to put in perspective… that’s just like 1 month and 1 weekmoment of truth Ahha not so fat anymore! Great! So I don’t know how much you are used to seeingyour body changing in 5 weeks but I am not doing what everybody else aredoing I am doing something quite a lot differentreally different and this is my result My name is Jacob Nadav andI started researching weight loss professionaly about 12 years agoBack then calories were all the rage! We believed you needed to eat less, trainmore boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit.. and that everything will be just fine but everything wasnt Im going to share some super interestingweight loss things with you but before I do there are two things you should know One, there are two types of fitness expertsThe first one is the type that still rely on calories, eating less, training more and…calling everyone bro Yeah bro, calories are your frenemy bro and the science nerdsthose who spend time looking at research, biology and asking questions.If you are a bro and you just want to eatless, train more and count calories go aheadI am not even going to try and stop you! this video is an advanced fitness tutorialif you are not interested in learning something new todayif you don’t want to give it the next couple of minutesif you just want to stick to what you already think you knowplease dont let me waste your time. on the other hand if you want to find outwhat thoudands of hours in research and experience with clients has led tothen keep watching two, forget 12 years of researchI realize you are busy and you wanna know everything right nowI am going to do my very best to pass on some really good concepts and really good knowledgeto you in the next few minutes but please dont be angry if you are notan expert in like the next 2 minutes there is a lot of knowledge involved and Iam happy to share but let’s keep it real I do want to make it worth your timelike every second you watch so listenIm going to touch on some amazing concepts in regards to weight lossif you want to learn more about any of them I got plenty more information for you, forfree at there are videos and articles for you to nerdout and explore the science and it’s fascinating to do that just go to BellyProof.comand click on the learn more menu I recommend you start with the lion technique and proceeddown from there you can also find results from other participantsin the before and after section and the red button is where you can find thefull program just in case you want to follow it and dothe 5 weeks body transformation yourself let’s dive right in Weve all been at it, trying to burn caloriesand burn fat with mixed results.Some of us walk for hours a day, others docardio and others do weight training and it seems like to a certain degree thatworks… and then we go on holiday and one week later,we put it all back. it all boils down to the old concept of youhave to train to burn fat In reality you have to trainbut you can’t just burn fat you have to break it down first Your first task is to ask google for the definitionof Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation now to put it simply, lipolysis is quite literally”fat breaking” Lipo lysis or the proccess of taking triglyceriedes and breaking theminto glycerol and free fatty acids fat oxidation is taking those free fatty acidsand oxidizing them in what we refer to as fat burningwhich is done aerobically The more fat you break, the more fat you canburn let’s give you some real life examles to connectthe dots if you just go on aerobic training like runningor if you are just doing a diet there is almost no fat breaking involvedthis means that all the calorie deficits you are creating and relying onleaves your body with one option to get your energy by burning glycogen whichincidentally also binds up to 4 times its own mass in water.This is why people who follow these type ofroutines tend to lose a lot of weight, mainly water weight, then gain it all backusually in a holiday or a couple of days of bad eatingwe call that yo-yo weight dieting alone with or without aerobic training,is a great way to lose weight, water weight… but it’s a terrible way to lose body fat if you are doing a ketogenic diet, you wouldbe happy to know that ketone body production is an expression of fat breaking. unfortunately, if you are going via nutritionalketosis alone, the fat loss you are seeing is real, but its tiny in comparison towhat you could be doing.Also, if you are doing ketogenic diet, thatmeans you are keeping your fats high, your calories high and you are still losing fatthat’s against the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of caloriesso you are breaking the law last example, lets say you are workingout correctly and hitting the mechanisms for both fat breaking and fat burning repetedlybut in your quest for the perfect body you eat an apple or take a flavoured pre-workoutbefore training now youre looking at something completelydifferent you may be doing a lot of things correctlybut now your Insulin levels are elevatedInsulin is antagonnistic to both Growth Hormone and Adrenaline both needed to break fatThat means if your Insulin levels are up Growth Hormone and Adrenaline must be downdo you see the irony? sometimes you can do a lot of things right but by messing littlethings and now your hormones are acting against you this is the first lessonwhen it comes to losing body fat, fat breaking and fat burning are at the coreof everything you do and yes, to a large degree via nutrition,exercise, sleep and many many other things you can either enchance all those functionsor you could undermine them choose to ignore them altogether and yourejust doing guess work Next thing I want you to do is a cool experiement if you ever stuggled with love handles orbelly fat, you wouldve heard give it time Bro, everybody knows that bellyfat and love handles are the last to go yet they also tend to sayoh yeah, you lose fat everywhere, like evenly, bro so which one is it? The two statements are contradictory!if you lost fat everywhere evenly then we would not be talking about belly fat or lovehandles being the last to go which is what happens in real lifeand heres a cool experiment I want you to try right now touch your face feel the temperaturenow touch your upper abdominals feel the temperature therenext I want you to feel the feel the temperature on your belly fat,your spare tire, your love handles, your back fat, your bingo wings, your thunder thighswhichever part of your body that you define as stubbornalso make sure your hands arent freezing so that you can feel the temperature so is your belly or love handles or whateverstubborn fat you have is it colder to the touch? let me know in the comments belowthe reason it is so relevant is because when your fat is colder it is an indication ofpoor blood circulation now you know hormones are important for breakingyou know oxygen is important for burning, oxdiationblood is what delivers them to the tissues so fat tissues that recieve good blood circulationis often much easier to handle fatty tissues that are cold and are not recievinggood blood circulation are also not recieving a lot of Growth Hormone, a lot of oxygen andtherefore not seeing a lot of results sure, alpha-2 receptors, Cortisol receptors,HSD type 1 they all matterbut if you solve blood circulation, you will do loads better the next concept is Movement you exercise and each exercise you do requiresyou to go into positions those positions require range of motion onyour joints when you demonstrate passive range of motionwe call it flexibility and as you acquire motor control within that range we call itmobility as you get more positional information andcontrol you can stabilize and lock a position to produce strength fromthese positions are really good for the type of exercises we can use to break fat and points where you lack control, unstablepoints can be a powerful opportunity to burn fat,due to increased muscle activity we can take it even further if you considersymmetrical vs asymmetrical positions as well as sympathetic and parasympatheticresponses from your nervous system movement is like…Super cool!from high level mobility to calisthenics not only it’s super cool and really interestingthere are connections in there to muscle tone and fat loss that are just beyondtoo good to overlook The last two concepts are both about makingconnections and ignoring them we have already seen major aspects of fatloss like factors like fat breaking fat burning, Insulin, Growth hormone and blood circulationand it’s not just that everything is connected it’s actually connecting further did you know that by manipulating your breathingnot only you can influence cortisol which is obviouslly connected to belly fat, butyou can also control how much oxygen is in your blood and in your cells ready in timefor fat burning have you ever considered that gut health,probiotics, prebiotics, the lining the whole shabbangis virtually inseparable from metabolic health, cellular functionsits all connected What about your mobile phone and EMFs exposure? Hold on a second..Hi Mumyeah it has to be plugged in you have to press the power buttonfrom EMFs to Calcium in your cells to Magnesium deficienciesto Melatonin production how it connects to Growth Hormoneand there you go, there’s a connection to fat lossnow don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting you pack everything andmove to an organic farm but at the same time, knowledge is power is it worth knowing that everyday toxins canbuild up Estrogen and besides serious health implications, that can result in the dreadedchest fat also known as moobsor that sunlight can induce apoptosis and literally kill you fat cellskamikaze this bring me up full circle to the last pointwhich is very much the first point to remind you I started researching weightloss concepts about 12 years ago back then, calories were all the ragewe believed you needed to eat less, train more, boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit and that everything will be just fine but everything wasn’tas it turns out, it was not just motivation bro or yeah bro, it’s about the caloriesat the end of the day if you look at everything you now know and you decide to ignore it andlimit yourself to calories only then your results are going to be very limited as well heres what I want you to do next:if you liked this video and you want to learn more click on the subscribe button to getmore exclusive content also leave me comment below and tell medid you learn anything new today? does it resonate with you? what’s your experience?if you looked at some of the before and after results on the website, do you agree withme that some of them did better than I did? second, I want to remind that the BellyProofwebsite holds a lot more information and videos so you can dig in and educate yourself onhow to get your perfect body it’s also worth mentioning that it’s not staticand it’s worth checking from time to time because we are working on some crazy stuffat the moment and you..Let’s just say you don’t want to miss outif you want to do a before and after body transformation yourself, theres the program,where Ive done my absolute best to get all those concepts into a program that evenyour grandmother can do and lose fat including belly fat in the next 5-6 weeksso whether you are a newbie or experienced with your fitness, dont let granny smashit before you do have a great day, I hope you carry on to thenext video oh and let me know if you think I should geta tattoo for my next experiment I am thinking either my upper armor my leg running up to my pelvis yeah…using a bit of crowd wisdom to decideon the right tattoo thanks for watchingsee you in 5 weeks.

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Weight Loss के लिए Full Day Diet Plan | Healthy Food To Lose Weight Fast | Eat Vegetarian | Hindi

In these days we deliver you a diet plan where you can devour all day! In this weight loss plan, which you could have your standard tea, roti-sabzi and in addition you get to eat anything tasty each 2 hours! This 1200 calorie healthy dietweight-reduction plan will not handiest preserve your calories in manipulate however may even aid in weight loss apart from taking good care of your taste buds! Both males and females can follow this healthy eating plan. Start your Morning with heat Water, honey and lemon. Take a glass of heat water and add 1/2 a lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey. Make it recent every morning and don’t reheat it as it kills one of the crucial useful enzymes present in honey. This drink will soften away your body fat and likewise flush out toxins out of your body.It is going to also increase your immunity and helps clear your dermis. Next meal is Tea with 2 biscuits. Try utilizing low fats milk and really much less sugar. Breakfast is the main meal of your day. For this, let’s first cook dinner Masala Oats. Those of you who don’t like oats, please do try this recipe. This dish is loaded with veggies making it delicious and nutritious. Green peas, carrots, Capsicums and Beans are one of the most vegetables which are continually saved chopped in my fridge. It saves a lot of effort and time and quite comes in useful when i’m cooking in a hurry. Take a Saucepan. Add half of spoon of olive oil. Half of spoon of black mustard seeds. 2 cloves of garlic, chopped Pinch of turmeric powder 1 significant spoon of Chopped carrot 1 giant spoon of capsicum. Mix it good. Add 1 cup of water. 1 tremendous spoon of inexperienced Peas. 1 significant spoon of chopped onion.1 giant spoon of chopped tomato Now add 1 gigantic spoon of Oats. Add pinch of salt, purple chili powder and dhaniya powder. We have now taken all components as per 1 serving handiest. You can also regulate the range as per your requirement. These oats might be competent in 10 to 15 minutes. Alongwith Masala Oats, we will take one recent apple and a tumbler of milk. This mixture will provide you energy in the course of the day. Two hours after Breakfast, have a bowl of contemporary fruits. Have any seasonal fruits besides Banana like Oranges, Strawberries, Pineapples, Grapes and Rasbharis. Fruits are low in calorie and provide your physique the fundamental vitamins and minerals and fiber. For Lunch, you must take your usual Dal/Sabzi with 2 aata rotis. Moreover, that you may take this tasty raita. For this raita, we will take a bowl of freshhomemade curd/yogurt. Add 1 grated cucumber to this. Then add one tablespoon of Flax seeds powder and mix it well.For style, add little salt, black pepper and roasted cumin powder. Then add fresh cilantro. Flax seeds have excellent quantity of fiber content material and prevents constipation. They also support slash cholestrol degree and may be very primary for everyday food regimen. Half an hour after lunch, have a cup of inexperienced Tea on the way to help digest your food rapidly. To prepare green Tea, boil a cup of water and switch off the gasoline. Then add half of teaspoon of green Tea and canopy it with a lid for approximately 10 minutes. Then pressure it and serve it scorching.With evening tea, you can have a bowl of Fox Nut / Lotus Seeds popularly often called makhana. They’re very low in calorie and have tons of wellness benefits. To make these makhanas, take a non stick pan and dry roast them. As soon as they’re roasted, add a spoon of olive oil with a pinch of salt. Well being advantages of makhanas are way more than these of dry fruits they usually additionally support in weight loss. For Dinner, we will put together an extraordinarily scrumptious soup with plenty of greens so one can offer you fullness for long. Take a saucepan. For one bowl of soup, take one bowl of water. You may also modify the variety. Add 1 tremendous spoon of chopped carrots. 1 big spoon of chopped capsicum. 1 gigantic spoon of chopped beans 1 massive spoon of Corn 1 gigantic spoon of onion half a spoon of grated ginger 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped combine it good Add a pinch of salt. Add 1 large spoon of green peas. Add 1 giant spoon of Tomatoes. Add 1 enormous spoon of Paneer. The soup must be equipped in 10 to 15 minutes.In the serving bowl, add half a lemon. That you could make minor variations on this weight loss plan like for breakfast, that you would be able to add greens to daliya, poha, upma and even sandwiches. Primary is you take veggies, be it in any type. That you can even take some low calorie sandwiches that we showed in one in all our prior videos. That you may examine the video link in description box. In a similar way, for lunch, are trying a further daal or sabzi daily and not using a or very less oil and spices. Once in a whilst, you may even substitute roti with a bowl of boiled rice. For dinner, you may also scan with exceptional veggies every day for type. When you have a leftover daal or sabzi, you may add it to your soup for improved taste and vitamin.In addition, have minimum eight to 10 glasses of water day-to-day. Have plain or flavoured water – whichever way you like however have in good range. We had proven recipes of detox waters in one among our earlier movies, that you can investigate hyperlink in description box. Also, walk or jog for at least 15 minutes day-to-day. Should you like this diet plan, then do are attempting it and share your feedback..

As found on Youtube

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4-Minute Workout to Lose Belly Fat And Tone Glutes

Hey, do you have 4 free minutes a day? You ready to get rid of that spare tire and saddlebags in just a month? Well, I feel ya, so here are the only exercises you need to get a perfectly toned belly and bum! Exercise #1: Plank What’s a workout without a plank, right? This simple exercise knows how to strengthen your buttocks, give you great muscle definition, and even boost your metabolism.

Hey, I’m not kidding, the muscle mass and strength that you get from planking regularly enhance your resting metabolic heart rate, helping you burn tons of calories even when you’re not working out! Your belly gets its dose of benefits too – planking works out all four muscle groups in your stomach, making it look flat, cinched in, and fantastic! It’s pretty easy to do as well. Just get into a push-up position, put your forearms on the floor, and hold this pose. Your elbows should be right below your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line. Your breathing is also key – try to keep it steady and it’ll be way easier for you to hold the longest plank! Now, for the first week of your training, a 20-second plank will be enough. Increase it up to 30 seconds for week two. In the third week, you should be able to hold a 45-second plank, and week four challenges you to a full 1-minute plank.

Believe me, by that time you’ll be a planking pro, so it won’t be that big of a deal! Exercise #2: Side Plank Seriously, planking is the best for reducing your midsection, so here’s another style that’ll help you out with that. Actually, the side plank doesn’t just target your obliques, which are the muscles on your sides where muffin top likes to gather! It also works your buttocks, arms, and legs. Not to mention, doing side planks regularly improves your sense of balance. Your belly muscles also have to work – they help you stay upright the whole time. So, yeah, if your stomach and sides are sore the next day, that means it’s working! And here’s how to do it: lie on your side with your feet together and put your forearm on the floor. Engage your core and buttocks to lift your body and hold it up just on your forearm and feet. Again, your forearm should be in line with your shoulder. Like with a regular plank, make sure to breathe steadily! The side plank duration should be the same as for regular planks: 20 seconds for week one, 30 seconds in week two, 45 seconds for week three, and 1 minute in week four.

And no, you can’t just pick one side and do it – if you wanna see real results, you have to do both left- and right-side planks. Exercise #3: Reverse Push-ups I’m sure you’ve heard of regular push-ups, but what about the reverse style? To do them, sit on the ground with your arms slightly bent behind you and your legs stretched out in front of you. From there, raise your body off the ground, straighten your arms, and exhale. Hold this pose for a second and lower your body back down while inhaling. Don’t go too fast or you can hurt your triceps and end up with a shoulder injury. And don’t forget to engage your core and buttocks! Now, as you’re doing all that, what muscles are you working? There’s, of course, your shoulders and triceps. But more important for our purposes today, reverse push-ups are irreplaceable for toning your buttocks and abs. These muscles work to keep your balance during every single rep.

Needless to say, this exercise gives your abdominals awesome definition very quickly. As for your monthly plan, it shouldn’t be too intense. Just do 3 reverse push-ups in week one. The goal for week two is 5, week three aims for 7 reps, and at the end of the month you should be able to do 10 full-fledged reverse push-ups to really challenge your body and lock in those results! Exercise #4: Upper-body Raises Raising your upper-body kills two birds with one stone: it works out both your abdominals and buttocks, allowing you to get a perfectly toned belly and bum within weeks without any particular effort. Plus, this exercise benefits your shoulders, legs, and back too! To do it correctly, lie on your back, keeping your legs together. Stretch your arms in front of you and slowly raise your upper-body. Exhale and freeze in this position for a couple seconds. Then, you can lower back down to the floor and inhale. Just like with reverse push-ups, going fast won’t make the exercise more effective – on the contrary, it can ruin the result completely.

You should feel your muscles working and keep your belly and buttocks tight throughout the exercise. Again, the repetitions are the same – 3 for week one, 5 for week two, 7 for week three, and 10 for week four. It’s not that much, so make sure to give it your all! And there you go, that’s a complete workout you can do as your coffee’s brewing in the morning! Not that hard, right? Try to do these exercises every single day, and you’ll notice your body transforming completely by the end of the month. If you’re eager to get to the finish line even faster, here’s a few other things you can do to get a toned belly and bum: – Take baths. They’re not only relaxing but also super helpful if you have a little bloating. Put a bit of Epsom salt in there and chill for a while – this will draw all the excess water from your belly, taking you from flabulous to fabulous! – Have some chocolate.

It contains monosaturated fat, which is well-known for speeding up your metabolism and helping you lose weight. Sorry, milk chocolate fans, but this only works for dark chocolate! – Make yourself some lemon water. This is a perfect before-breakfast drink that wakes up your digestive system. Sipping it throughout the day is also a great idea since it can quickly reduce any inflammation and keep your calorie intake in check. – Snack on almonds. Just like dark chocolate, they contain monosaturated fats that help you get slimmer.

Don’t go too crazy with it, though – having about 20-25 almonds daily is more than enough to get all those awesome vitamins and nutrients. – And finally, get active! This doesn’t mean you have to run every day before work or go out and buy yourself some barbells. Ride a bike, go for a walk around the block, or go hiking with your friends. Nothing changes your body more than an active lifestyle, so get out there and get moving! Do you know any other effective exercises for a flat belly? Let me know down in the comments! Remember to give this video a “like,” share it with your friends, and click “subscribe” to stay on the Bright Side of life!

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Tiffany Rothe’s 5 Minute Fitness – Chair Workout part 1

Hola Rothestars, soy yo Tiffany Rothe, y estoy de vuelta con una serie de rutinas de 5 minutos Tenemos 4 videos para hacer este mes, que podemos relizar uno después del otro Y lograr un buena rutina de 20 minutos. Y todos estos entrenamientos usaremos una silla Asi que tienen que ir a su comedor en su cocina o donde quieran y buscar una silla Debe tener un respaldar alto como este, y quiero que se acerquen a la silla Y se sienten Bien lo primero que van a hacer es estirar sus piernas así Y estiramos hacía arriba, bien, desde su cintura hasta la punta de los dedos, bien Y luego hacía afuera, y hacía el otro lado Bien no tendremos música en este video, porque realmente quiero que prestén atención a mis indicaciones Para asegurarme que estén en una buena y correcta postura Entonces abran sus rodillas hacía afuera, y siéntensen bien derechos y contráigan su abdómen Y luego levanten sus talones del piso así Bien luego levántense y manténganse así, y vamos a subir en cuatro, uno, dos Tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, asi es Dos, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, contráigan su abdomen, bien firme Tres, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, y cuatro, dos, tres, cuatro, lo tienen Sigan así, talones, arriba, vamos y cinco, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo dos, tres, cuatro, tres más Y seis, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro y siete Empujen, empujen, empujen y abajo, dos, tres, y ocho, dos, tres, cuatro, y abajo.

Van a mantenerse aquí mismo Estiren un brazo hacía afuera y empujen abajo Así es, empujen abajo, abran sus rodillas, y vamos por 10, nueve, ocho, siete, mantengan su pecho arriba, seis, contraigan su abdómen Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, cambiamos, vamos Empujen, pecho arriba, contraigan su abdómen Relajen sus hombros, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, vamos Toquen la silla al bajar, y estiren la pierna, bajen y estiren hacia arriba Los talones bajan al piso, contraigan el abdómen, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, lo tiene Tenemos la silla aquí porque no quiero que ustedes se inclinen hacía adelante, no se inclinen así, manténganse derechos, contraigan el abdómen, y abran sus rodillas Abajo y arriba, abajo y arriba, vamos a probar nuestro equilibrio, abrimos y juntamos, abrimos y juntamos; lo tienen Exhalen cuando contraigan su abdómen, su espalda debe estar derecha Abran sus rodillas y los talones arriba, ocho, cuenten conmigo Siete, así es, seis, cinco, cuatro Los talones no tocan el piso, tres, dos Y uno, bien, bajamos, pecho estirado, bajamos los talones, mantenemos los pies en el piso, levántense y Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, siéntense Bien, de nuevo, hagamos un poco más, ocho, siete, abajo, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, siéntense Bien, va a quedarse aquí, para relajar y acomodar su postura Las rodilas hacia afuera, acomoden los pies, levántense Contraigan el abdómen, y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Bien, están fortaleciendo sus entrepiernas y cuádriceps, vamos a hacer otra serie más, están listos? Levántense y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Ustedes son increíbles.

Ok, ahora vamos a hacer una variación más asi que abran sus talones, y van a saltar y sentarse Cuando salten, pongan sus pies en punta Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, y ocho Bien quiero que se sienten sobre la silla, porque saben que, requiere más energia Empezar y parar, que continuar sin sentarse Entonces lo que lo hace más difícil es que se sienten sobre la silla Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, están listos? Empujen, ocho, siete, empujen hacia arriba, seis, empujen hacia arriba, cinco Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno Buen trabajo, ustedes son increíbles, ok, haremos una serie más de estos Se que su corazón está acelerado, siéntense derechos, contragan su abdómen Vamos, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, buen trabajo Ok, si combinan estos tres ejercicios tiene una gran rutina para sus piernas Y quiero que hagan esta video tres veces seguidas, o que hagan todos los videos de esta serie para obtener una gran rutina de 20 minutos Ustedes recuerden encontrarme en Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Estoy en todas partes con el mismo nombre, Tiffany Rothe Workouts Ok Tiffany Rothe Workouts, búsquenme en todas partes, pueden buscarme en google, y únanse En todas las grandiosas redes sociales asi podemos estar en forma, feroces, y fabulosos, juntos Los veo la próxima

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My Weight and 5 tips to get you started | Fibro Fitness 1

Hey you! It’s Evie or Fibro Mom MUSIC I’m overweight I’m always late I’ve got too many things to say I know everyone’s got their own opinions and different thoughts huddle this way and how to do that I’m just trying to make it more realistic for those that really struggle because of health or whatever so I’m not going to give you some fad diet I’m just going to be realistic so if you don’t agree I’m sorry I’m just sharing what I’m doing they say the best diet to be on is one that you can be on forever so that’s what I’m going for and I know I’m going to find my mess ups as I go along but that’s part of the journey of learning right you only learn when we screw up but though I should be really really really smart by now I had brought up that I wanted to start making videos to share with you if you were interested in my little journey to get healthier with some fat while having a chronic illness cause I think a lot of people feel that’s impossible I want to do it and I know some of you want to do it with me now so thank you for those that we’re encouraging and said that you wanted to join me and I share a few things every week along with my truth and if it was good or bad kind of hold myself accountable to it this week would be technically week number two for me week one for you guys okay I kind of want to be a week ahead share with you where I screwed up where I get good what results have been and it’s embarrassing to say to the whole world but Shh I have reached a weight from when I was pregnant and I am 206 pounds it hurts to say that but after two weeks I am at 200 no first thing I was want you to do is weigh yourself okay good idea and while I say that I want you to know please don’t obsess over your wait I’ve seen this thing where there is a study done five ten different ladies all same exact weight but it showed how different everyone could look if I can find it I’ll share the link in the description box so you can check it out big eye-opener for me it was just really crazy how different was I don’t want to obsess over your weight and that leads into the second one which is measured yourself just grab a flimsy I have to do this yet and just you know measure sinks biggest part of your arms your chest the measurement is what really matters before the weight okay okay so we got do your weight take a measurement and I will put I’ll put everything in the description box so once you forget just check down below you’re going to hate three but I promise you it’s going to help okay so I’m sorry you can smack me up through the screen right here it’s what you still got to do it okay if you really want to do this to do this do this for yourself and that is start a food diary don’t need no fancy diary don’t need to go buy a fancy journal all that matters is that you write down everything you put in your mouth for just this week okay just this week if you want to do it longer awesome but just promise me that’s one week after you put down everything you’ve eaten drinking on the bottom I want you to share how you felt that’ll help you through the week realize exactly what you’re eating and it kind of helps hold yourself accountable to it so even if it’s bad you still write that down and you’ll be able to find out later where you kind of fall short although you have a general idea it really will help number four is find your goal shirt or your goal pants and don’t make it too extreme grab something that maybe you’re not so happy how your arms fit in or something looser belly which is me like I am gotten bigger since I’ve had my second kid Oh Xander but my belly oh my lord but working on it to make it healthier the whole thing is just to be healthier and be more happy with the skin you’re in kind of thing you know so I have my goal shirt on right now no mean comments people just showing you how it is I can’t really see I got a quick gut but see what I mean it’s like yeah this is my goal shirt okay last one number five is to help encourage you you can help where your goal sir around like I am right now yoga pants or something that I feel a little bit more like moving around because I know how hard it is when you’re not feeling good good meme I got took them bothering me today and my legs are aching it’s really cloudy today so it’s just a little extra encouragement and you pick like more of like a workout shirt it’s like more form-fitting everybody is so different and it’s just me sharing this maybe you’ll find something I click for you give a shot see what happens and because I Ella to fail but I’m going to at least give it my best shot this week I have been watching more portions and the biggest thing I have found myself doing is that I could go all day I get up at 2:40 every morning and go to bed 8 or 9 which I know that’s not much sleep that you’re supposed to get when in all reality you don’t see a fibro that you’re not getting that deep sleep even if you were to sleep for 20 hours so but I could go all day without eating until like mid-afternoon or almost dinner and I usually do in dinner early that’s what I’ve been doing and I fish I just been keeping it up with my stretches and sometimes a little yoga but you’ll have to worry about none of that right now just right now the focuses what’s going in your body yourself okay you can take a picture of it but I hope some of you will do this with me I think it’ll be really encouraging that just for you but for me too I don’t have that walking buddy how you guys are kind of my walking above you I plan on doing these videos on Fridays comment below let me know what you’re looking forward to what you’re not looking forward to for this week I think so much I appreciate it and I’ll see you next video young hisis things that we don’t like about ourselves

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5 Fat-Burning Cardio Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment

Know-it-all regulars, complicated machines, pushy trainers, mystery smells – yep, I’m talking about the gym. (Cue horror music.) Why deal with all that when you can complete sweat-inducing, fat-burning workouts without any equipment at all, right from your own home! For starters, there’s… – Jogging in place Seems simple enough, but trust me, doing this exercise for a couple minutes can get your heart rate up big time. Jogging in place is a gentle way to get your blood pumping before the more heavy-duty stuff, making it a great warm-up move. It’ll also keep that heart rate up in between more intense cardio exercises. Because why would you wanna rest between exercises when you can squeeze in a little jogging? Hey, that beach bod ain’t gonna magically appear on its own, just sayin’… Of course, you’ve got your standard jogging in place, pretty self-explanatory. You just lift each leg off the ground one-by-one, swing your bent arms back and forth, and literally jog without moving forward. But there are other variations you can do to target different muscles. For example, if you really wanna kick it up a notch and work those hammies and glutes, you can turn this jogging into knee touches, picking up your knee to about hip-level with each lift.

It helps to hold your forearms out in front of you with the palms facing down. That way, you can try to touch your knee to your hand each time you bring it up. Another way to intensify this workout is by widening the distance between your legs. If you have your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, it’ll take even more energy to lift them up, helping you get your heart rate up even more. This is pretty good for your core and glutes as well. – Burpees Hey, that’s what I do after drinking a Coke! Oh, wrong “burpees”? Ok, then… Burpees (the exercise!) are one of the best fat-burning moves out there. To do a burpee, find a spot where there’s nothing around for you to bump into. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart or just slightly wider than that. To start, do a basic squat by going down in a sitting motion as if you’re about to sit in a chair behind you.

As you hit the bottom of that squat, put your hands forward flat onto the floor and push your legs back like you’re gonna do a push-up. Next, using your core strength, tuck your knees back under your body like they were during that squat and stand back up. If you’re new to cardio, burpees can really take a lot out of you. So pace yourself and start slow so that you don’t wear yourself out too fast. For beginners, just do 10 in a row at your own pace. As you build up your stamina and strength, do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps daily. If you’re comfortable doing the regular burpee, you can kick things up a notch by doing a little jump at the end with your hands reaching toward the ceiling. The key to this exercise is buoyancy. When you’re kicking your feet off the ground and getting back up, putting all your energy into it with a little bounce is what will really get your heart rate going.

And that, in turn, will burn fat like there’s no tomorrow, and that’s why we’re all here, right? But burpees don’t just boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie-burning machine! They also hit tons of muscle groups. During that squat, you’re working your hip and butt muscles. Kick back into that push-up, there’s your ab, shoulder, and arm workout. If you jump up at the end, you’ll have shapely calves in no time! Yeah, burpees are definitely worth the strenuous effort! – The Jab Cross Who says you need to go to a gym to practice your boxing moves? You can do that right at home without any equipment or a fighting partner.

Although, imaginary opponents aren’t against the rules if you need to blow off some steam! Ah, if crippling student loan debt were a person… Anyway, the jab cross is a fast-paced move you can do with your arms to really focus and get your heart rate up. Start by standing with your right foot slightly forward and your left foot straight under your body. Turn yourself slightly so that you’re facing more toward the left. Keep your elbows bent and your hands in fists right under your chin. Really tense up those biceps. Take your right hand and propel it forward in a quick punch. The key to this jab is to quickly bring that arm back into the starting position after you punch.

This requires more energy and focus. Next comes the cross. With your left fist, punch forward while twisting your body slowly toward the right, lifting your left heel off the ground to help propel you. Just like with that right jab, bring your left arm in again right under your chin with the same amount of intensity and energy. Do the jab cross combination 20 times on each side for 2 to 3 reps, and you’ll be channeling your inner Rocky Balboa in no time. This is a great way to get your heart rate up, strengthen the shoulders and upper arms, and get that pent-up anger out! – Mountain climbers If you really wanna work up a sweat, mountain climbers will definitely do the trick.

Not only does this exercise get your heart racing, it also engages your core, helping you to achieve those rock-hard abs of your dreams. Start on the floor with your arms holding you up in the push-up position and your legs stretched straight out behind you. It should look like you’re about to do push-ups or hold a plank. Keeping your back level and your arms sturdy, start bringing your knees in under your chest, one at a time. This move should be done at a rapid pace and should look like you’re climbing in place. Do as many mountain climbers as you can within 30 seconds. If you’re a beginner, one set of these for 30 seconds should be enough.

But as you gain more stamina, do 3 reps of 30 seconds to really see the fat-burning results. – Squat Jumps Here’s an exercise that’s pretty easy to do and very effective at burning fat. That’s because the squatting motion combined with the light jump takes quite a lot of energy and can get your heart rate up almost immediately after starting. To do a squat jump, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Put your arms out in front of you, bent comfortably, with your hands clasped together or in fists. Slowly squat down like you’re about to sit in an imaginary chair. Make sure you’re not leaning forward too far. If you need to, practice by sitting down again and again in an actual chair so that you can really mimic the movement correctly. When you come up from each squat, do a little jump and land softly. Squat jumps are great for your calves, thighs, and glutes. Do 3 reps of 10 to 20 for the best results. And there ya go! The best of the best when it comes to burning calories and melting fat off your body! So, once you’ve started incorporating these cardio workouts into your daily routine, how can you know if they’re working or not? First off, you’ll notice your problem areas tightening up. That’s right, say goodbye to flabby arms, a jiggly stomach, and blubbery thighs.

But aside from actual weight loss, cardio is great for your blood circulation, heart health, general stamina, and overall mood. After a few weeks of regular cardio, you’ll probably notice that carrying heavy bags of groceries from the car to the house no longer leaves you in a nasty sweat. And doing basic things like rearranging heavy furniture or running for the bus no longer takes the wind out of you. And you won’t be embarrassingly out of breath after climbing up a flight of stairs. Regular cardio workouts also help release what they call “feel good” hormones. This means you’ll feel more emotionally balanced and happier every day. Many people find that doing cardio on a regular basis helps them manage depression and serves as a great stress reliever, especially with that boxing move! Along with regular cardio exercise, eating right and getting a decent amount of sleep each night does wonders for maintaining a healthy weight.

So the next time you find yourself bored at home watching trash TV, try doing these super easy cardio workouts as you watch. That way, you can indulge in your guilty pleasure and better your health at the same time. Win-win! Do you know any other ways to burn fat and get in shape? Leave your suggestions down in the comments just in case I forgot something here! And remember to give this video a like, share it with your friends, and click that subscribe button to stay on the Bright Side of life!

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How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Night With This Diet

How to Lose Belly Fat in a Single Night Each of us has some belly fat, even people who have flat tummies. That is normal, but too much of it can affect your health stronger than other types of fat. Being overweight does not always mean being unhealthy. There are many great examples of overweight people who have excellent health. On the contrary, there is the same amount of examples of people who are skinny, but face some metabolic issues.

All that happens because the under-the-skin fat does not cause so many health problems. It causes only discomforts from the cosmetic point of view. Doesn’t it? The real monster is the fat in the abdominal cavity, also known as the belly fat. Not only does it bring you health problems, but also it one of the most difficult types of fat to get rid of. Hence, belly fat is more than just an irritant that makes your clothes feel tight. How can it bring health problems? You might ask. Here is the answer: Some fat is there right under your skin, on the other is deep inside, around your organs. Liver, heart, lungs. This type of fat is called visceral fat, and this is the very type which is bad, even for slim people. Well, don’t get disappointed so fast. We do need some of visceral fat though. Guess why? Yes, because it acts as cushions around your organs. But again, you should know the measure, because too much of it can cause high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even some types of cancers.

Now, how to know if you have too much of belly fat? There is a straightforward way to do it! Get a measuring tape and put it around your waist, Did it? Now you can check your girth. Keep in mind that you should do it while you are in standing position, not sitting, okay? It will be easier if you start and finish at your belly button, that will give you measurements that are more precise. Now, if you’re a woman and your waist size is less than 35 inches, Relax! Everything is fine.

However, if it is more than 35 inches, then you definitely should consider this diet. Secret of which we are going to reveal very soon. And if you are a man, then the waist size less than 40 inches sounds pretty okay. On more than 40 inches should alarm you and the diet would be a good way out. Moreover, there are two types of shapes; a pear size when the hips and thighs are bigger than your waist line, and an apple size when your waist line is wider than your hips and thighs. In fact, a pear size is considered safer than an apple size. Why? An apple size shows that you have too much of belly fat, which means that you have too much of visceral fat in your body.

So, if your measurements show that you have too much of extra fat around you waist line, even if you’re not obese or heavy, then you should consider some ways to say goodbye to it. Sounds like an uphill task, huh? Don’t give up that fast! You’ll be surprised to know that this task can be accomplished within one day. In this video, we are going to show you an outstandingly effective and quick way to lose belly fat. And not only it. Have you ever tried dieting before? Probably yes. Therefore, you know how exhausting it might be. This diet will not only make your belly flat, but also it will help you to lose unnecessary weight and burn those nasty calories.

Moreover, you’ll get a purified body as a result. Intrigued? The diet consists of smoothies, juices, and teas, an extra amazing thing for tea lovers. All this stuff acts as a drink detox that additionally cleanses your body very fast, that will give you a boost of energy, and the most important thing is that you’ll know the way of getting a flat stomach and will be able to use it whenever it is required. So, are you ready to hear the most amazing diet ever? Here’s how you can do it: You should start right in the morning, 8 AM. Drink a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it.

Good start! After a couple of hours, take another glass of warm water with apple or orange juice in it. Do you find it interesting? Then at noon, get yourself a cup of green tea. Not bad! After an hour, you should drink a glass of cold water with carrot juice in it. At 3 PM, take a cup of your favorite tea. Do you like it so far? At 5 PM, have a glass of your favorite juice. That might be your favorite part of the diet. After another couple of hours, take one more cup of green tea. At 9 PM, grab a glass of water with grapefruit juice in it. We are almost there. (hopefully) Finally, after another hour at 10 PM, you should finish the diet the way you started it. Have a glass of warm water with some lemon juice in it. The important thing is that you are not supposed to add any artificial ingredients to your drinks. It is probably hard to believe, but your tummy will become flat in just 24 hours. Moreover, your body will get rid of all the toxins. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start it tomorrow! Do you know any other amazing diets? Share them in the comment section below.

Don’t forget to share your results in the comments as well. Don’t forget to hit the like button below the video and click subscribe to join us on the Bright Side of life. .

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