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Island People Mas Fit to Play 2015

Bro all of us up in Island persons "match to play" each single yr they do that style of stuff? Yes each 12 months round carnival Island humans match to play each Saturday from four p.M. Up Chancellor.. I was not right here from the starting but i’ll let you know one thing it was pure vibes Pure pure vibes and Paul was once strolling …He is a part of the GPTT family and he was running he enjoyed the run an other stuff. How used to be it it used to be a beautiful expertise such as you need to be part of it, there is a music truck You need to follow the truck whilst you running up the hill while you attain the top they do aerobics its enjoyable and a just right expertise I fully endorse it utterly suggest they’ve trainers fro the long circular Mall gymnasium they’ve sponsors from blue waters free water refreshments and likewise an ambulance in case anyone pass out like my girl Joeline here good enough only a minute do not entrance…You didnt do whatever I did i run too, i walked in a sales space I howdy don’t study him i run too I you stroll to run so that you could say whatyou want I used to be part of the walk/run so i’m tired i am worn out to something I so guys anything does now not take thisguy right here on okay if you happen to look if you seem throughout here you are going to see video pictures of what we had been a part of, Paul without a doubt I was once walk walking ..Good you probably did pictures you were a part of it to one way or the other you doing an interview now so thats a part of it I endeavor too, he might say what he needs you had been figuring out the camera, working out your fingers anyway the video is strolling don’t take this punk significantly I mean to check it out whats your tune for Carnival 2015 Like a boss,.. So that you were walking down the hill like ah boss….. Your had been going for walks like a boss remember to hit that subscribebutton like this video each yesr 2016 we will be here as soon as again Island people Mas on the roadwhats their presentation watch the car .You see that is showbusiness something might happen some thing yet what you got what you gotme all about it yeah get a clip of the auto that nearly hit me traffic jam on the street.What had been we announcing, I cant remember… Anyway each 12 months what presentation you were runing and you dont recognize their Carnival Presentation I do not know as i don’t. Political knowwhy the presentation to the learn ruin but what’s the presentation "have fun" suscribe and like this video You would return out on the avenue now no trifling inappropriate a@@ I some mom I you dont know me you must grow some titties.

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This Is Why Eating Healthy Is Hard (Time Travel Dietician)

– [Narrator] Gadoosh. (traditional rock) (toilet flushing) – Oh, you’re horrible! (portal opening) – Wait!(gasping) discontinue! Don’t devour that meals! – who’re you? What are you doing in our house? – i’m from the future. I am right here to warn you, do not eat that meals. – Why not? – The eggs, they are filled with ldl cholesterol. – What? – ldl cholesterol it, it clogs up your arteries. Consuming even only one egg can dramatically broaden your risk of heart attack. Do not eat eggs! – Oh, my God. Thanks. – you are welcome. Godspeed. (dramatic tune) (portal closing) – good i assume I better take those eggs. (portal opening) – Wait! Discontinue! – [Woman] you’re again! – Yeah, we had been fallacious in regards to the eggs. – How? – good it turns out there’stwo varieties of cholesterol. There is just right cholesteroland dangerous cholesterol, and eggs truly have each.So which you can devour eggs but justdon’t devour the egg yolks. So stick with the egg whites. – sure, thanks. – Godspeed! (severe music) (portal closing) (portal opening) Wait! We have been improper about the eggs. – again? – Yeah. Yeah, k so it turns outthat the amount of ldl cholesterol in a meals doesn’t actuallyaffect how a lot cholesterol ends up in your blood. The eggs are almost always nice. Correctly we form of do not even understand what… Ldl cholesterol is. But the steak! You cannot consume the steak! – Why no longer? – turns out that purple meat raises your threat of coronary heart assault. You have to cut out purple meat. So no steak! – thank you. – Godspeed. (excessive track) – What, no. No steak, Mister. – Wait. (portal opening) – Wait! We have been improper concerning the steak! It can be the toast. Man was once now not supposed to consume bread. – What do you imply man wasnot meant to devour bread? – good when you believe about it, human beings should rather best be consuming what our paleolithic ancestors ate. So, as a result, no bread, no toast.- How have you learnt what ourpaleolithic ancestors ate? – well, we just ought to wager. Proper, I imply we don’t haveany way of realizing wha- (portal closing) (sighing) (portal opening) – Woo! Okay, went again to the paleolithic. They are… Now not doing well. I do not know what we were thinking. If anything we should allbe eating much more bread. Geez! So i assume simply um, ignore the whole lot I’ve stated and exercise.- pastime, ok. – Yeah. You guys would customarily use it. You’ve got been sitting simply sittinghere for the final 35 years. – it’s been 5 minutes. – correct. Time travel. Okay, good, Godspeed! (dramatic song) (portal opening) turns out it is genetic. Does not subject whether youexercise or what you eat. I am sorry I ruined your meal. – i want 10 minutes. Woo! – Do you need some eggs? – i’d love some..

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Boxing with Evander Holyfield & Joel McHale | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Ep 8 | Laugh Out Loud Network

( upbeat music playing ) – Hey. – Well, well, well. My guy. How are you, sir? Nice car, my friend. Thanks. Put your seatbelt on, Joel. – What? – Put your seatbelt on. I always put my seatbelt on. I’m making sure you put your seatbelt on. And I usually wear a helmet, but… In the car? You wear a helmet? Yes, you can never be too safe. First of all, for everybody watching, this is Joel McHale. – Hi. – The funny Joel McHale. Thank you. I’ve had three shows cancelled in the last two years, guys. Joel, that doesn’t mean that you’re not funny. It means that the people just don’t get it. That’s right. That’s the problem. See that? That’s it right there. I try and move every day, and you should, too. Today, we’re gonna go work out. Yeah, what are we doing? We’re gonna box today. – Uh… – We are boxing today. You know, I don’t– I’ve never boxed before. Actually, then that makes it that much better. It’d be dope if we fought, if we, like, did a little sparring match, me and you.

How about we play golf? What are you talking about? No. I’m about to take Joel McHale and make Joel McHale an action star today. So what if I told you that I had one of the best people coming with us? The best person to help us out? – I said one of the best. – One of the best. One of the best. He flew in just for us. This guy is gonna teach us to box, right? He’s gonna give us some pointers. He’s gonna put us through some drills so we can have a good workout. Like, so, Clubber Lang? I don’t– okay. Um, Ivan Drago? He’s one of the best. He was built by the Soviet Union.

All right, yeah, you’re not even naming real people at this point. Those robots they used in that Hugh Jackman movie? All right. Do you wanna come in with me? Uh, I’ll stay here. – You sure? – Yep. Yep, yep, yep. – I’m gonna get him myself– – All right, fine. I’m gonna go in there and– – Don’t be stupid, man. – I’m gonna get a neck pillow. – No, stay in, stay in. – No, it’s fine.

Oh, wait, does he have checked luggage? That’s why I told you to stay in the car, Joel. If you’re gonna be an ass, I would’ve told you to stay in the car. Anybody wants a picture of Kevin Hart, you just step right on up. He’s very excited. Yeah. You get right in there, guys. Don’t even make a line. Just start taking photos. I’m picking up my friend. Just give me a second, guys.

– Don’t listen to him. – Don’t even make a line. Kevin Hart, right here. Guys, get in there. Just come on. Just surround Kevin Hart. – Yeah, look at that. – Thank you, guys. – I really appreciate it. – Looks like a family reunion. – Thank you, man. – Come on over. Take a photo. I’m just picking up my friend. You cannot be taller than him though, all right? – You wanna hold the baby? – No, I don’t wanna– There it is, yeah.

Great. That’s something she’ll remember for a long time. Yeah, that’s great. Thank you for a great pic. – ( cries ) – Thank you, guys. – Great. That’s great. – Thank you so much. Yeah, yeah. Of course, of course. – What’s your name? – No. Joel. Just step up and you take a photo. Oh, here we go. Evander Holyfield, everybody! – How are you, sir? – I’m good. How are you, man? Joel McHale, Evander. He’s gonna be with us today, all right? – Okay. – Get the bag. Come on, champ. Bye-bye, guys. Bye-bye. – How was the flight, man? – Everything’s good. That’s good. The least you could do is get the door. Yo, let me get the door for you. Yes. – Joel! Joel! – What? We got a ( bleep ) ticket, man! You got a ticket? I told you to stay in the car. It’s not my fault. There’s a lot of kids around here. They don’t like cursing. You’re paying this, man. I’m so sorry that Kevin Hart cursed around you, guys.

Kevin: Tickets piss me off, Joel. $58 in a loading zone. If you had stayed in the car, I wouldn’t have a ticket. Yeah! Champ, I am ready. I want you to show me what you can do yourself. Without you helping me. Okay. – Then I add on to it. – Uh, all right. I’m not a big boxer so, uh… What’s this called? A disclaimer. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You got– you got snot all over your nose. In boxing, there’s snot! I’m not– I’m not touching his hands. Okay. You can already tell, coach, – like, I’m that guy. – Oh, okay.

You know what I’m saying? I’ve always been that guy. You look like you’re avoiding, like, a bee or a fly. – What is that? – Well, you know… You see what I’m saying, coach? You’re in, like– that’s the sequel – to the thriller video. – You see what I’m saying? How do you get away from punches? I don’t need to. Boom, catch it. Pull you forward. Bang. Everybody, rope and… your timing is almost like– when I fight, I got a rhythm. It ain’t how high you get. It’s in little bitty steps. There you go. Okay. Champ, did your mom used to whip your ass with one of these? Mines did. Ah, no! No more! I ain’t gonna get no more F’s! ( crying ) Flashbacks. Evander, can we do something else, please? These ropes ain’t good for my psyche.

What we’re gonna do, we’re gonna hit the bag. Get your balance right where you can– how much power you can get by just having your feet – in the proper place. – Got it. Can you guys lower this for Kevin? – No, that’s fine. – This has to be lowered. That’s the thing. It ain’t the– it ain’t the size of the dog. It’s the bite. – You know what I mean? – No, not really. Better not say– better not say “bite”. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Yeah. – He’s gonna kill you. He’s not gonna kill me. It’s just trash-talking. Let me show you how to hit it one time. Let me hold it while you give it a couple, huh? Okay. Hold on, now. That’s all you got? Shit. Shit. Okay. Stop it, Dad! Just love me, Dad! Why didn’t you love me, Dad? Why didn’t you love me? You don’t like me because I do comedy, Dad? ( blubbering ) Thank you for my inner monologue. It got me through a lot of stuff, Kevin. Kevin, wait, wait, wait. Let’s try something. Let’s try something. Go ahead. Go ahead. Boxing is not a game.

What did you just say? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? It’s me, Kevin, a bag with no arms or legs. You talking to me? Kevin, don’t you recognize me? We did a buddy cop movie two years ago. – That’s your ass, man. – Loser. You decided to talk anyway. Rocky! Adrian! You say something else, bitch? – A little bit more work. – Back punch. You are so lucky Chris Tucker retired. What else we got to do, champ? Now y’all got to get into the ring. – And spar? – Yeah, spar.

You’re damn right we do, because I’m feeling it. Hi, I’m Joel McHale. I’m gonna kick Kevin Hart’s ass in the ring today. – Everybody knows it. – Let me tell you something, Joel. – Yes. – You got hands, and then after that, you got fists. But if you brought mines up, I suggest you find your own way to school, because where I’m going, there ain’t gonna be no books. It’s only gonna be mats and sneakers. Shit. I’d like to just declare that we just witnessed the world’s record for the longest analogy in the history of the Earth, everyone. Amazing. Kevin Hart just pulled it off right here. I can’t imagine when that will ever be broken.

I don’t know if anybody here has, but that’s where Joel’s next movie is premiering. It’s an educational film on how to watch Kevin Hart movies without falling asleep and hitting your head on the seat in front of you. All right! That’s enough of this shit! Enough of it! Let’s just fight! Evander, can we just get to the fight? God damn it! – If I could just say a few more things. – No, Joel! Did we really need a “Ride Along 2,” everyone? I will finally stop this man…

– Jesus Christ. – …from making “Ride Along 3.” – Enough, Joel. – “Think Like A Man, Too.” – Did you want that? No. – Okay. You know who did? One person, Kevin Hart. And he got it. And we suffered as a country. I will put that right in the ring right now! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls around the world, welcome to “It’s No Laughing Matter!” And in this corner, standing six-foot four inches tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds… Yeah. Joel “Banana Hammock” McHale! All right. – Hi. – How you doing? – Joel. – Joel. And in this corner, weighing one hundred and forty pounds, standing allegedly five-foot four inches tall… I had my hood down. I couldn’t see. Kevin “The Hitman” Hart! Put the ring down, girl. You see I got to get in there? Do the thing.

I don’t know why you acting like you ain’t seen me – walking up in here. – Come on in. Shit. Get off me, Joel. Get off of me. It’s my intro. Oh! Reveal. Reveal. Bow, dougie, pop, pop, pop. Hey, hey, hey, hey. – I’m ready. – In this corner, Gary Coleman making a comeback from the dead. This is ridiculous. I don’t support the objectification of women in boxing. Aw, yeah. ♪ Go, here we go ♪ ♪ Go, here we go ♪ I don’t need headgear. Gentlemen, center of the ring. Wait, now I look like an idiot in my headgear. No, you don’t. You look great. Come on, man. Evander, who looks cooler, with or without the headgear? – You look great, both. – Both look great. All right. What was that? Showtime! Let’s rumble. Go! Wait. Ref, before we start, please, don’t hit me on this side of my face. Well, don’t hit me in the face at all. That’s why I’m wearing this. I just bleached all my teeth, so I don’t– All of them? Yeah.

I bleached– even the back ones. Because you can’t tell if you don’t. – It looks good. No, no. – So don’t hit my– Anywhere near here. All right, I’m not gonna ( bleep ) with your teeth. Are you ready? Come on. Box! Wait, last thing. I swear to God. I dislocated this shoulder when I was seven. – I will stay away– – Stay away from this. I got to shoot a movie in a month. – Okay. – So don’t ( bleep ) me up. Uh, I just waxed all my genital area. So I’m a little sensitive right here. – Okay. – So just avoid– Stay away from there. Because I have a lot of ingrown hairs and stuff. Let’s have a good ( bleep ) fight. I won’t hit you here. Don’t hit me there. Let’s go. Go, Hitman. All right, give him what he wanted. ♪ Now or never ♪ What are you guys doing? How long are the rounds? Yeah, how long are these? Is that the first round or no? – Slipped, slipped. – Come on, man. Break, break! Ah. No, Mom! No, Mom.

No, Mom! Call the time, Evander! Nah. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. – Go down, man. – Ow, ow, ow. Why don’t you fight like real men? Just go down. Now, stop! Go down! – Go down, man! – Okay, okay, okay. Ref: One! Back into your corner. Two, three, four, five. Wait, he up? – What the ( bleep )? – Leave your gloves on. I’m just taking a quick break. Oh, God. ( “Waltz Of The Snowflakes” playing ) – Hey, come on! – Water? That’s cheating. Ow, ow! – Come on. – Ow, ow, ow. That’s it! That’s it, Joel! God damn it’s cold! ( music continues ) Ref: Disqualified! Everyone’s disqualified. – Water disqualification? – Evander: It’s over. Y’all guys are disqualified. – Touch gloves. – That’s great. – Good shit, man. – You did great.

Your skin looks amazing when it’s wet. Thank you, ref. You called a good fight. – Whew! – You can have this. Evander, thank you for everything. If you want, I can treat you to Cinnabon. – Oh! – You want a Cinnabon? – Do you like Cinnabon? – You like Cinnabon? – Nah. – Come on. If you wanna watch more of me, Kevin Hart, click the videos. And why not subscribe to my comedy channel, Laugh Out Loud? Click the logo. It’s free. Get clicking. .

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Strongman Competition w/ Rhett & Link | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 7 | Laugh Out Loud Network

( upbeat music ) Kevin: All right, guys, another amazing episode of “What The Fit” is about to be in session. As usual, I’m not by myself. I’m with talented individuals. I switched it up. I went with some YouTube stars this week I got my guy, Rhett and Link with me. Just walk with me for a second. I got some strongman stuff to do. But before we get physical and we get into talking about health and wellness, let’s stop right here. This is my star. ( dramatic music ) -Link: Oh, there it is. -Kevin: That’s my star. -They don’t make these for internet stars. -Kevin: No. Bullshit. -That’s why I brought you here. -You’re just rubbing it in. No, I’m not. I brought you here to see it, soak this moment in. It does hurt a little bit. I’m just saying. Kevin: Understand that that can happen. Now, I want you guys to take a moment to breathe this in. This is–breathe it in. And what–is that gum? Jesus Christ.

Who would put that? What is this shit. What was somebody… -Link: I didn’t do it. -Oh, my God. Hold on. -You mind if he spits on it? Goddammit, guys. The point of this moment is to simply motivate and inspire you to get what you can eventually have. You know what? This brought me to another– I’m giving you guys a full (bleep) tour -of Hollywood. -Rhett: Okay. Kevin: Why the internet? Why did you guys choose -the internet route? -Link: We can do -whatever we wanna do. -Uh-huh.

Now, no one has to watch. -Okay. -But if they happen to watch, then it’s like, okay. I did whatever I wanted. -Okay. -And they still watch. What is the endgame? One was to get a star on Hollywood Boulevard. -You’re goddamn right it was. -A very clean one. Number two, make a collaboration video with Kevin Hart one day. It sounds like you guys are, uh, -on your way. -Yeah. ( laughing ) Yes, it sounds like. It sounds like you both are on your way. So, we’re gonna get on the Hollywood tour bus.

-Rhett: Okay. -Kevin: Yeah, man. I’m full of surprises, baby. -Can find the true meaning of Hollywood? -Man: Whoo. -Kevin: Come on, guys. Oh. Hello, everybody. -Hi. -Man: Hey, Kev. -Kevin: Hello. I’m with two friends. The big one, that’s my guy, Rhett. -Woman: Hi. -The little one is Link. Link: Hey, I’m the little one. Kevin: Allow me to take over this tour for a little bit and give you all a tour on what I consider Hollywood, okay? -( laughter ) -Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go, bus. I wanna give the tour. Let–let’s go. Drive the bus. -( laughter ) -Kevin: Okay. If you look to your left right now– -That’s their right? —you’re gonna see… -You mean left or is it right. -Link: Kev, left is over there. -My left, my left. This was my laundromat right here. That’s where I used to wash my clothes, people. Man: Go, Kevin. Kevin: The guy that owns the laundromat, he recognized me and he was like, “Give me a headshot so I can put it up.” I came in one day to wash my clothes and this lady was like, “Is that you?” I was like, “Yeah.” She was like, “Then why are you here?” I was like…

I immediately wanted the picture down. It’s a true story. I didn’t want my (bleep) picture up there anymore. Do not curse, okay? Every time I cuss, I normally have to give my kids a dollar, but I don’t have any… -Man: I got a dollar. -Okay, no. -Man: I can you loan a dollar. -I have $100 bill. That’s yours. You keep it, all right. That’s yours. -Thank you. -There’s gonna be a lot of cussing and I feel like I should get a lot of curse words off. -Rhett: Right, yeah. -And nobody can say anything.

Shit, damn, damn, shit, shit, shit, ass, ass, ass, ass. I get 80 more. I’mma owe this little girl a lot of money. Rhett: Yeah. -I feel like this is a great tour, guys. -It’s excellent. If you wanna give us a shot at any time to take over, I mean, we’re ready and willing. We’re ready. -Kevin: Are you sure? -Rhett: Oh, yeah. -Kevin: Introduce yourself. -Link: Hey, guys. Uh, we’re Rhett and Link. I’m Rhett. He’s Link. Uh, this mic is not even on.

-It’s not. -Yeah. Oh, there it is. Kevin: ( laughs ) Link: Here we have the St. George Dental Clinic. You know you can trust George because he’s a saint. If everyone looks down to their left, you’ll see a very nice office chair against a palm tree. If that doesn’t say LA, I don’t know what does. Can we get a clap– a handclap? ( applause ) Woman: Whoa. You guys are killing it. ( upbeat music ) Kevin: This is our stop, guys. We’re approaching the thing with the stuff. -Link: When you say the thing with the stuff, what does that mean? -Kevin: The stuff– just look out there and look at the stuff.

-( upbeat music ) -( grunting ) -Kevin: Yeah. Who doesn’t like working out in a hundred and twenty-six-degree heat, huh? Come on, guys. I got us some strongman stuff to do. This is not going to be a regular workout. We will be getting fit outside of our comfort zone. -We’re gonna build a truck? -No, no, no, no, these are for us to lift. -Link: ( laughing ) -Yeah. We’re out there with these guys. You see this? -Man: Gentlemen. -How are you, man? -Both: Welcome to your Strongman Competition. How’s it going guys? -Hello, hello. -In unison and everything. -How are you, man? -I’m Martins. Fourth strongest men in the world. -Kevin: Holy shit. -Martins: Well, let me show you what strongman is all about. -( upbeat music ) -Man, I’m hiding behind you. Oh, there it is. -Oh, shit. -Holy shit. -And today, you guys will be going to your ancestral roots and learning what it means to be strong. Uh, this might be a good time to let everybody know that, uh, I got doctor’s orders.

I can’t lift more than 20 pounds. -Kevin: What? -Why is that? -Rhett: Uh, I’m coming off of vasectomy. -Kevin: Oh. -Martins: Oh, okay. -Rhett: Yeah. -Oh, you got them snipped. -Rhett: Yeah, I did. But you know what. -Kevin: Wait a second. Wait. No, wait a second. Wait a second. -There we go. -Wait a second. -Oh, all right. I am dressed for it. -Kevin: Wait a second. -( applause ) -Kevin: All right. Come on. -( applause ) -Kevin: I definitely would not wear that shit ever, ever. -( laughter ) -Kevin: No. All right. Let’s go. I’m ready. So, where are we starting at? -Martins: We’re gonna start with the stone lift. Now, this is a staple strongman exercise. Widespread fingers, you lift it right up to your lap. -Rhett: Oh, what. -Sit down with it. You’re gonna drive your hips right into it. Roll the stone right up to your shoulder. -Link: So, why? -Because you guys are gonna be shouldering it. -Link: Uh-huh. -You got to shoulder it. -Martins: Yeah. -And that counts as a pick-up. -Martins: That counts as a rep. -Kevin: What the (bleep) is in that? -Martins: Right now, it’s empty.

So, that’s a hundred pounds. -And then, what, you put it in a cannon. -One, two, and three. -Straight on, just get… -I can do it, man. Get out of my face. -Martins: You’ve gotta listen to me. You already proved that you can’t do it. -I can. I didn’t lift it. I just wanted to see how heavy it was. -Sure. I mean, like, if you guys– -Kevin: You don’t know nothing. -Okay, fine. -Link: Just fourth strongest man in the world.

-You ain’t got to tell me nothing. You let me do it how I feel like I could do it. -I can’t believe you’re being mean to this guy. -Yeah. -( laughter ) -Strongman Competition, hmm? That’s what you all call it. ( grunts ) Okay. ( grunts ) Here we go. Oh my. -Yeah, yeah, right ( indistinct ) you up, yeah, yeah, yeah. -Okay. Okay. -You have to sit down. -Get down with it.

-Okay. Get right there, pull it in close to you. Push your hips into it. That’s it. -Yeah. -Pump it, pump it. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -There we go. There we go. -Yes! -Okay. -That’s a rep! That’s a rep! -Yeah! Shit! -Suck it! -Man: There it is! -That’s what I’m talking about. -You suck it, stone! Ah. That’s right. – ( laughter ) -Rhett: You let me know what you need, man. -Here’s the thing. -Just let me know where you want me to touch you. -You know–what I need is an excuse.

Thank you. What’s the point of picking this up? Like, what’s my motivation? -What do you mean, what’s your motivation? -Martins: Because we are men. -That’s right. That’s right. Good job, baby. -We lift shit up. -I got you. -Let’s go! -( upbeat music ) -Continue. -There you go! There you go! -Yeah! Get it, Link! We got this belt! We got this battle! -Give him some help. Give him some help, Rhett. -You might wanna go– all right. Okay. -Martins: You got it halfway out. -( cheers and applause ) -You got that, Link. -I tried, Kevin. -Kevin: All right, what’s next? Let’s go. What’s next? -Next, we get that tire flip. -Okay. -Martins: This is a 900-pound tire. It’s– -Kevin: A what? Timeout. Wait, what? You lost me at 900 pounds. -Martins: So, Shawn here is gonna demonstrate. He’s gonna drive his hips forward as his torso rises. -Kevin: Uh-hmm. -Pushing into the tire and flipping it over. -Shawn: Nothing. You’re just gonna put your chin on that tire -like that? -Got to get intimate. Kevin: All right. You’re my bitch, huh? Huh? Hmm. That’s what you want? Watch out.

-It’s all you. -Okay. All right, give me a countdown. -Martins: Ready. -Kevin: Yes. -Martins: Three… -One hundred, ninety-nine… ( laughter ) -Five, four, three– -Shawn: Four, three, -two, one. -Link: –two, one. Here we go. Okay. Up, up, up, up, up. -Hey. -Oh, shit. Move those feet a little bit forward. Link: I’m telling you. I’d get it. Wait a second, man. Like, I really tried. -I know. It’s tough. -Hold on. Hold on. -Martins: Come on. Come on. -Oh, shit.

-Get back down. -Oh, shit. -Shawn: Get back down. I’m gonna help you through the first part. -Okay. Yeah. You got to. -Let’s do it. -Somebody better help me. All right. On three. One, two, three. Okay. Okay. -There you go. There you go. -Oh, shit. -There–get under it, get under it. Both hands under. Drop it down. -It’s all you. It’s all you. -Kevin: Goddamn. -There it this. -Yeah. Yeah. -What the (bleep) what the (bleep) timeout. -You’re on your way, baby bird! -Whoo! -Everybody, timeout. -Martins: You’re gonna fly soon. -Kevin: Timeout. Everybody, timeout. Now, it’s not fair to have all these amazing people on the side and not involve them. So, what I wanna do, I wanna do a Bengay challenge right now. I’mma grab six people, six people. We’re gonna go three against three, tug-of-war. You’re gonna go all in and win, okay? You and you, I like that. I like you and you. So, one, two, and I’mma get a guy. Brother, we’re gonna go you right here, and we’re gonna go you right here.

All right. So, you all three. -Woman: Uh-huh. -Back up a little bit on the rope. Okay. I just saw they legs. These are goddamn track runners right here. -( laughter ). -Yeah, yeah. You run track. I know a track leg when I see one. All right. On your mark, get set, let’s go! Go! -Whoo! -Whoo! -Man: Yeah! Come on! -Come on! -( cheers and applause ) -( indistinct ) all right, all right. -( applause ) -Okay. ( laughs ) You might be a sore winner now, but hopefully this win from Bengay will relieve the pain, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, guys so much. -Whoo! -Thank you, guys. Give them a round of applause. -( cheers and applause ) -What’s next? Go to the next thing. -Martins: All right. We’re going to the yoke carry. -Kevin: Okay. -So, basically, you’re just gonna get right under it, stand up and carry it down the line and back. -Kevin: How many pounds is it? -Now, this empty is 200 pounds. -What? -So I’ve personally competed in the heaviest contest in the world. The heaviest yoke I’ve done was a thousand five hundred fifty pounds.

They’re first. Martins: ( laughing ) -Rhett: This doesn’t look compromising, does it? -No. It definitely– it definitely looks like y’all are doing something else, but whatever. -Okay. -Kevin: Let’s go, Link. Rhett: Twenty, I’m giving you twenty. I’m giving you– -Man: Nice. There we go. -And I’m giving you a hundred and twenty in my mind. How is that? -Kevin: Come on, Link. -There you go. Stay with him. -Rhett: Look at us. Look what we’re doing. -Are you pushing down? Pull up! -Man: Come on. Going strong. -Pull up! Pull up! -Yeah! -Yeah! -That’s it. -Rhett: Look at us. -Martins: There we go. -Yeah. -How was that? -Yeah. -Look at that, huh? -( applause ) -Kevin: Now, here’s another question. If I breeze through this, where will my place be in, like, the Strongest Man Competition? Is there like a level? -Shawn: You would have successfully warmed up for the contest probably. -Kevin: Okay, got it. -Shawn: Yeah. Okay. You’re gonna push forward. -Kevin: One. Hey, man. Leave me alone! I know what to do! -Okay! You got it! -Shit! Ready, one, two, and push.

Okay. Oh, yeah. -Man: There we go. There we go. -Okay. -( laughs ) -Rhett: Two hundred, no problem. -I’m one of the strongest men in the world. ( laughing ) Oh, God. Whoo. Oh, God. Oh. -Shawn: Nice. -Kevin: Oh! Oh! Boom, boom. Huh? – ( cheers and applause ) -Martins: All right. You’re gonna use what you’ve learned in the bus pull. -The what pull? -Martins: The bus pull. -Kevin: Oh, you pull the bus. Easy. -I’ll be the ref. -Done. -Shawn: All right, Kevin. So, you and I is going head to head, see who’s stronger. -How does it feel to know you’re gonna lose? -( laughter ). I get to pull a bus. All this fake ass Strongman shit. Give me my bus, cuz! -( bus horn blows ) -Martins: Competitors, ready? -Kevin: Why can’t I pull the bus? I don’t need to pull this! ( car horn honks ) -( laughter ).

-Martins: Oh, you haven’t had enough training, dude. You’re a little too short. -Kevin: Bullshit! That’s bullshit and you know it! -Martins: All right. Sorry, buddy. Just not today, little bird. -Call me little bird again, I’mma fly. -Martins: Okay. Set, go. -( grunts ) -Martins: Good job, Shawn. That’s it, chop, chop. Keep drawing the rope into your stomach. That’s it. Keep drawing it. -Link: Oh, the bus is moving. Oh, look how that little car’s moving. He’s gaining on him. -Martins: He’s gaining on you.

You got to move, man. You got to move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move. -That’s right. Suck it, strongman! Suck it! Suck it, strongman! -( air horn . -Suck it! Whoo! Yeah! -Beginner’s luck. -Kevin: Oh. -Shawn: Kevin hart is our winner. -Shoot for the stars! -Link: Hey, that was a good pull though. -Shawn: I tried. -Mini hulk, that’s what I’m talking about! An amazing episode of “What The Fit” ended it with a bang. -Nice job. -Thank you. -I’m impressed. -Thank you, guys. Thank you to you and your singlets. Thank you to our strongmen who came and paved the way and showed us what to do. -That’s right. That’s right. -And how to do it correctly. At the end of the day, they left losers, but it happens to the best of them when they face Kevin “The Hitman” Hart.

-That’s right. -Aka Hustle Hart, aka Move With Hart, aka Mini Pull, aka Put It On My Back, a.k.a. Hot Feet, a.k.a. Thunder Thighs, a.k.a. Hard Knees, a.k.a. Quick Edit So You Can Get Gone, aka Slam The Ball. ( sighs ) It’s just a– it’s just a nickname, you know. It’s just a nickname -Oh, right, right, right. I got known for. -Yeah, yeah, right, right… -Kevin: This is Kevin Hart. Now I don’t wanna tell you what to do, but subscribe to my YouTube channel. Do it now. Just click that Laugh Out Loud logo. Oh, and click the video to watch more of “What The Fit.”

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Sumo Wrestling with Conan O’Brien | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 1 | Laugh Out Loud Network

♪ Babada-dooba-doodu- bang-bang ♪ ♪ Booba-dooba-doo-bee bado-daba-dabeep-bop ♪ I believe in this health and wellness. I believe in this fitness lifestyle. You know what? Why not drag one of my closest friends in with me? So I’m waiting on Conan O’Brien to come outside now. I’m about to take his old ass to the gym with me, his old, pale ass. – There he is. – Hey. – Good to see you. – Hey. Good to see you too. How you doing? – Not good. – Not good? What happened? I’m here. Long night, Conan. Okay. Nothing’s gonna make you feel better than a good workout. Here’s my thought, nothing gets the endorphins going like wrestling with large naked men.

– Okay. That’s… – You wanna hear what we’re – gonna do today? – What are we gonna do? We’re gonna sumo wrestle. ( music playing ) ( yelling in foreign language ) It was interesting because I was watching male pornography when a pop-up ad came up for male sumo wrestling and I thought, – “That’s what I see when I look in the mirror.” – ( laughs ) So… You’re a damaged soul. It’s not my fault. Grew up in a rough neighborhood. Enough. – Conan, enough. – (laughs) How does your wife do it? How does she do it? Well, I’ll be honest, she never seems quite happy. – Oh, my God. – ( laughs ) Oh, my God. So listen, sumo wrestlers burn up to 30,000 calories a day. – Are you serious? – Yeah. So here’s what we got to do, – we got to carbo load if– – We got to what? There’s a new school of thought, very new. It says, before you exercise you have to get as many fats, and as much sugar into you as possible. This is what I always do when I walk into a restaurant. Watch this.

Hey, folks, everyone settle down, yeah. Some pretty big celebrities just walked into the room. Let’s not get crazy, all right? This happens every day, just settle down. I do that every time I walk into a joint. ( laughs ) Waitress: Good morning. Can I get you guys some coffee maybe? Yeah, actually let me get a… black coffee. – Okay. – Do want a coffee? Yeah. Do you have beer? – I do, yes. – Wait, what? – Do you have Sam Adams? – I sure do. – Give me a Sam Adams. – No, no. Stop. No – I want a Sam Adams. I want to carbo load. – I’ll go ahead – and get that for him. – I order for me, – he orders for him. – it’s a good starter for the morning. – I’ll get a Sam Adams. – And you’re old enough, right? – I love you. ( growls ) – I’ll be right back. ( laughs ) Women love it when you… ( growls ) Conan. All right, that’s it. Do you want some of this? This is free. You can have as many of these – as you want. – Hey, Conan, don’t do that.

I take these when I go… – All right, all right. – …to a restaurant. – All right. – We don’t need the Sam Adams. – There you go. – Sam Adams is a good beer. Would you guys like to order? – Conan: Yeah. – Kevin: Give me some scrambled – egg whites. – scrambled egg whites, okay. Turkey bacon, and let me get – the whole wheat toast. – Would you like that with butter? – No. Ugh. – No butter? – No butter. – Eat healthy all the way. – Yeah. Healthy all the way. – Okay. – Thank you. – What about you? All right, I would like two Belgian waffles – with whipped cream. – Okay. I would like bacon, I would also like sausage. Give me a ham steak. I would also like to have pancakes. How many do you want? – I want like nine pancakes. – Nine of them.

– Stop. – Okay. I would also like– Excuse me, did I interrupt your order? – Okay. Stop. – Did I interrupt your order? – Okay? – Okay, perfect. Does anybody else here not care about their heart? – ( laughter ) – Waitress: All right, all set. We got some sausage, nine pancakes, waffles, second waffle. I’m not paying for this ( bleep ). I’ll pay for it, okay? ( music playing ) – Can we get that pie to go? – You sure can. – Yes, can I get another beer? – All right, that’s enough. – Right. – That’s enough, let’s go. – Let’s go. – Wait up. – Just give me a second. – Thank you, ma’am. – Check. – Conan: No, no. – I think we’re good. – Check! Check! That’s enough, you don’t need this. – I’m gonna take that with me. – That’s enough. – Oh, what did you do that for? – Just pay the bill. – Pay the bill. – That was a good beer. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you. Everyone have a great meal – and a terrific day, right? – Man: Yeah.

U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! What the hell is wrong with you, people? – ( laughter ) – ( Conan grumbles ) – Waitress: Have a good day, thanks. – Conan: Thank you. Kevin: Listen, listen, – U.S.A. U.S.A… – Yeah. And I love nobody… – Nobody says… – Nobody says anything. – “What’s wrong with you people?” – ( laughter ) ( music playing ) You chanted “U…” – Do you want pie? – No. I don’t want pie. ( music playing ) To be completely honest, I don’t feel great right now. I think the beer might have been a mistake, might have been. I’m not putting it in the definite mistake column yet. Belgian waffle was a mistake. – What are you talking about? – Pancakes. I just don’t feel great. I feel a little sluggish because of– I think because of what I ate. I think I’m gonna have diarrhea in like half an hour. Of course you are. That’s great. This is your car, right? – Of course. – I’d hate to have diarrhea – In my car. – Of course.

Right. Are you– are you serious right now? I wish I was wearing an adult diaper. That’s great. That’s perfect. Because then I would just ( bleep ) right now. Of course you would. Of course, it’d be an odor – not pleasant for you, but… – That’s right. – if it’s a good diaper… – That’s right. Maybe if we could just refrain – from… – Okay. – from doing it now. – Okay. Listen to me, when we get there I’m gonna have diarrhea, – we’ll get that out of way, – That’s good. we’ll evacuate my bowels, – Then I’m ready to sumo wrestle. – Okay. ( music playing ) Kevin: I can’t believe you dragged me into this ( bleep ). Doesn’t it feel good to not be in a gym? Doesn’t it feel good to be – in this beautiful setting? – I’m not knocking that, I’m not knocking that.

I’m not a negative Nancy. I’ll embrace what you said and what– Oh, my god. ( music playing ) ( yelling in foreign language ) Yeah. Yeah. ( grunting ) Yup. Nice, very nice. We honor you. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. ( man speaks in foreign language ) – Yes. – I have Nakashi. – He’s from Japan. – Kevin: Nakashi. Nakashi, I honor you – and I accept you. – Nakashi.

You’re from Idaho? – Kevin: From Idaho? – I’m not gonna bow to Idaho. He’s not real. – Are you a champion? – Five-time champion, – U.S. champion. – From Idaho? – Kelly: Yup. – That’s a yes! – U.S.A.! U.S…. – No, stop it, stop it, Don’t do that. Okay, well, hey, hey, good, hey, baby, Conan: I honor you – and the state of Idaho. – There you go. Kevin: Okay. Can we put it on over? ‘Cause no one wants to see my body. Time out. I’m not– I’m not gonna put nothing in my ass like that. I got way too much ( bleep ) for that. ( gong strike ) – Yeah, me too. – I’m being honest. We have large penises. Well, I mean, come on. – Hold on, hold on, hold on. – That’s not– – that’s not– that’s not… – What’s that? I wanted to do it – and, get, include myself and… – That’s not–stop it. – What’s that? – Stop it. Wrap me up, cuz.

I feel like I’m getting violated, cuz. Conan: This feels good. Did you like that feeling? It’s just right up in there. – This is crazy, guys. – See, well, this is– this is what it looks like. There’s no– it’s a kind of white – you don’t see a lot. – Oh, God. ( strained ) Yeah, that’s good. ( grunting ) I think that’s enough. Hold on, keep pulling. Keep going, that’s good. Kevin: Oh, come on, that’s not… – That’s good. – Okay, you’re ready. – ♪ Give it up ♪ – Now, I’m gonna show you that matawari, it’s very important for sumo wrestlers. It’s flexibility. Y’all need to start throwing tights up – under to this ( bleep ). – Okay, go ahead guys. Idaho, that’s enough. Hey, hey, guys! – Conan: Oh, God! Look at that! – Kevin: That’s enough.

Conan: That isn’t right. – Jesus. – Kevin: No, man! I’m not looking at that. I’m married, cuz. Okay. ( grunts ) – What are you doing, man? – I was just admiring. – Right. – If you dip low on me, that mean I get to… pop, pop, No, you cannot kick or you can’t punch. – No punching? – No. Excuse me, let me handle this. What about scratching? – Can we scratch? – No. – Poke, can we poke? – You have to push– no, no poking. – No poking? – What about this salt right here? Look, what about this stuff? – Yeah. – If you get close to me, can I do this? Eh. Conan: Throw salt at someone? No, you cannot do that. – Yeah. – You can’t throw salt? Jean-Claude Van Damme did. So, before the matches, we have the ritual.

When you come the ring, – you have to bow first. – Conan: Yeah. And then go down, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. – So that means… – Conan: Okay. you don’t hide any weapons in my body. – Okay. – Right. So come, come here. I mean, really, if you wanna be thorough, you would allow an anal cavity search. – No. – True. Conan, I don’t think they’re gonna do that. – They don’t do that. – Technically, if you wanted – to really be sure – Conan, just stop. that there’s no weapon, you would get your hand – inside my… – Conan, stop it. – I can hide a toolbox in here. – Yeah, it’s okay. You don’t got to open up that toolbox, – Jesus Christ. – I don’t get it. Look at this. All right, Conan, you go first against Idaho. – What are you talking about? – Whoo! – What are you talking about? – Let’s go. Let’s go. Match one. ( music playing ) Put him in a body bag! Is that for me? You put him– – Oh, yeah. – Go ahead.

Just go. Okay! ( yelling, grunting ) – Okay! All right. – Jesus, – what was that? – That was close. That was close. Let’s try it again. – Go at him! – Again! ( yelling, grunting ) What? Try it again. Oh, how awful is he? Okay. ( yelling, grunting ) All right, stop, stop, stop. Let’s just hold each other – for a bit. – Hey, you cannot stop. We’re just gonna hold each other. Kevin: That’s enough. Y’all ain’t never had somebody with that money Mayweather style.

– Okay. – ( screaming ) Yeah, yeah, yeah! I got him where I want him. I got him where I want him, baby. ( slow motion ) Oh, I got him where I want him, baby. Time out. I thought that was very good. I thought you did great. – Yeah. – Bow, you need to bow. I ain’t got no problem with that. How it feel to get your ass whooped? East side, Kevin. ( music playing ) West side, Conan. Okay! Go! ( dramatic music playing ) Oh, you done messed up now. ( hip-hop music playing ) ( laughs ) ( dramatic music resumes ) ( grunting ) No, no! Stop. Start the match over. This is how we do it. – Yeah. – Guys, lay back. – Yes. Don’t worry. – This is how we do it! ( screams ) Die! Kill! – No! No! – Kill! ( both grunting, yelling ) Ah! ( babbling ) Kevin Hart is the winner! ( cheering ) Show respect, bow each other. Come on. Oh, my God. I made sumo my ( bleep ). – Good job, man. – Good job, you did great, man. Good job, guys. ( Kevin clapping ) – Good job.

Good job, guys. – ( screams ) – Nothing. – ( speaking in foreign language ) ( laughter ) Kevin: Kevin Hart here. If you like “What the Fit,” then click the videos to watch more. You’ll also probably like my YouTube channel, “Laugh Out Loud.” Subscribe now by clicking the logo. ( heart beating ) ( music playing ) ( musical chime ) .

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