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Yes! Look who we have here today. This is Olivier… ..and you may know him already from a previous photo that I have shared with you guys. Olivier, you are 2 meters and 18 cm long and 160 KG? I am 155 KG.. Awsome! Today we are at Burning heart for a good and intense press training… We do the chest, shoulders and triceps today. But first more about olivier, you are 2.18 so you stand out.

What was your starting weight? I started at 80 kilos when I was already that big.. I have gained about 75kg in about 7 to 8 years. Wauw! I weighed 75 kilos when I was 18 years old.. Why are you so big? Do you have long parents? Yes, my parents are 1,76m and 2,00m… That is normal for Dutch standards, but for the rest of the world long. My brother is no bigger than 2 meters while I have become longer. I am fortunate to have natural giant growth without any deviations… There are many people who suffer from abnormalities around the same length. I am completely healthy! What do you do in daily life? For me, the food was an entire undertaking… The first few years of course to gain weighed but then I had to pay attention to my diet. That was very difficult because at a certain moment I was at 6000 calories per day. Preparing the food took so much time that I invented muscle meat together with my brother and his girlfriend. So we started muscle meat in response to my hobby. Soon there was so much demand for it that we quickly grew as a company. What is the vision of Muscle Meat? Buy bulk and prepare your meal easily.

He grows from his own food .. Do you have goals for 2018? I want to get 160 kg heavy… And after that I want to do some dry training. And besides Muscle Meat you also have an acting career ahead? I have a casting for Game of Thrones running at the moment… There is a small chance that I will get the role but still very cool that I could participate. It must succeed once to get a role in a big movie or series. At your last casting you came to the last 12 you told me? Yes that’s right, that was for sylvester stallone creed 2. How many people did the casting in total? Thousands of people participated… Cool!! Enough about Olivier, it’s time to take our lovely pre-workout V2! Then we start with our training.

Do you have a fear of heights? No Fortunately not! Hey Olivier, are you ready for a scoop pre-workout? Golden Scoop incoming! The world looks very different from this height. You can see everything… But your length is also easy for replacing lights? You do not want to know how often I have been asked. We start with the bench press, 4×10 not too heavy but first pump that chest up! haha, your shoulder is as big as my head. The exercise we are going to do now is one of my standard shoulder trainings. 5 repetitions, 40 kilos, 10 kilos higher, so 1/3 of the weight. I go for the 35 kilos, which fits better with my height .. Okay, the last set of this exercise, drop-set 3×10. We have a caller, dumbell is calling ..

Okay guys, we arrived at the 2nd shoulder exercise. The Shoulder Side raises. We follow the same set-up here as with the shoulder press. Lets go! Olivier can not perform this exercise on a busy Monday night, with his wingspan the chances are high that he will hit someone. My wingspan is indeed 2 meters 20. You should actually carry a sign with the text: beware, extra wide. If you see my hands you can quickly see that all dumbells are actually too small for me.. The following exercise is a super set for the shoulders, including the front raise (20KG) rod.

2x 10, lets go! My shoulders now feel so full, just like the bus to work every Monday morning. The bus? I do not fit in there, haha Whether it is in the plane, bus or train, I take several places. We are going to start the last exercise, the triceps. We start on 15 repetitions and build the weight until you can only do 6 repetitions. So we go from 15 repetitions to 6, but the weight increases every time. Those arms look like tree trunks. Is it true that you can not do certain exercises because of your height? Please show 3 examples to the viewers. Stretched arms? I put it out, I can not do this exercise. If I want to do pull UPS, I have to sit on my knees. If I stand here, we both seem the same size… But finally, I saw one more exercise that is impossible for you to perform. I’m glad we’re done, I get cramp in my neck from looking up ..

Thank you very much and we have to do this more often! And do not forget, soon cooking with Ome Wutru and Muscle Meat! .

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Hi guys, welcome to the new video Dad and son in the is my today´s guest, my son hi guys, how you can see, we both are fashion wings, boobs, everything… fashion is a basis of good cooking today we have 2 exclusive recipes for you they are very good, we were choosing them a long time one recipe will be sweet, and second recipe will be salt these recipes are made from basic, cheap and fitness ingredients…so they will be for everybody for begginers, advanced and for superhumans too this food eat horses and Kuba can eat it too, so you don´t have to be afraid give it to children you will be look like me you want it the first recipe will be Family fitness pizza because you mostly don´t cook only for you, but for whole family I´m a parent so I will show you a recipe for whole family we´ll need eggs, curd defatted, because it´s the cheapest we´ll need cheese, ham also some cheap and oatmeal and that´s all so let´s do it..Kuba, prepare eggs you´re expert for it I don’t want to see the eggs anymore one egg?…yes now add whole curd and oatmeal who wants thicker dough can use whole oatmeal who wants softer dough can use finely ground oatmeal but it doesn’t matter Kuba open the curd I´ll prepare these oatmeal 140g Mix it so this is a dough base you have to mix it then you will give it on a metal plate with a backing sheet now it’s up to you how you do it if you want bigger pizza or smaller and thicker the benefits of this recipe are that´s healthy and it´s very cheap you can buy more expensive ham or cheese but we bought very cheap ingredients and they are also healthy that´s great you can eat cheaply and healthy it´s also for yung boys, because every family has oatmeal at home every family has some ham or cheese at home and every family has some eggs at home so for young boys it´s not so hard cook it you don´t have to eat only chicken with rice a lot of recipes exist, just don’t be lazy now we have the finished dough and now spread it over the baking sheet equally whenever Monika doing it, it’s round and accurate mainly that it has these macronutrients there are a lot of manners of curds defatted, semi-fat or fat this defatted, which doesn´t have any fat it´s very good but you can use another one we choosed this, because it was the most cheap how Kuba said, we were trying choose ingredients of best quality, but the cheapest for whole recipe you will pay about 50 CZK the whole pizza and I think that 2 maybe 3 people will eat so now we gave it a shape now let’s bake it in the oven 10 minutes, 180°C and then we´ll add ham, cheese and eggs on top I can give basil or other herbs we took basil random but you can choose anything what you see on pizza for example tomatoes or chive it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly this now it’s up to you how much ham you put there how thick the dough you want everyone will do it as they please I didn’t want to say it in front of him, but he may be glad he has me, because he´s so senile he forgot half of what we wanted to buy so I had to remind him now we go to sweet Kuba I love you, finally you are good son we have a finished corpus, now we have to put on it the ingredients we want and we’ll put it back in the oven so corpus is done 10 minutes, 180°C and now we´ll put ingredients on it everyone can make a different pizza no matter what you put in there I choosed ham, Eidam ketchup, cherry tomatoes basil, eggs that’s enough…it’s the cheapest and the best I choosed ketchup ham, cheese and cherry tomatoes it looks almost like sexual experience in your home we put these bowls away he’s already senile I start with ham Kuba did it wrong, because he puted cheese first it won’t be good I wouldn’t want to eat it he don´t know what´s good I put six slices of ham on it it´ll be maybe 100g ham on it I put cheese did you see that in McDonald they put meat first and then cheese and then meat again? I know what I do I think that you don´t know it if you want more gains you can add chicken meat, tuna, salmon whatever you like whatever I got it done…I don´t we chose ham and cheese, because it should be the cheapest but I´m not done, because I put the egg on it now we’ll bake it again, 220°C about 10 minutes and it´ll be ready we put it in a hot oven which is not hot 200°C, hot air bye, we’ll make place for a son come here before than pizza will be done we prepare second dish and it will be sweet slices..yummy it will be yummy slices so we are preparing yummy slices so what we need coconut a little bit of pump it is supposed to put a baking powder there, but I don’t have it here is homemade honey cacao curd and eggs again what do you think about it? it´s again cheap and everybody has these things at home except that pump but you can replace it basically we made from the same ingredients pizza and dessert but I don´t know how you will whip it, because if you workout like you whip, it will be bad I have it in hand you won’t whip that way so here we go so you whip egg yolks with the honey and next you add cacao into it…

And here we whip a snow what do you think about it? so at first give me egg whites.. no no, you have to separate it we, who have ever been on a diet oh fuck, he dirty the table fuck, he dirty whole table and then he goes to the big city and father will clean up here hey man, I wonder on what attempt he made the scene how he broke it by one finger by guesstimate… what? by guesstimate… we are making sweet slices for two 120kg men try it by guesstimate four eggs?..yes now is fourth it looks good one more I think you should have done the opposite, because you will whip these egg whites in this glass bowl I ruined it by mistake…by mistake? now yolk has fallen into it fuck it fuck it I added a spoon of honey to it by guesstimate honey is homemade, it´s good should I whip it? you have to whip the snow at first so now we have time about 10 minutes the second part includes egg yolks which I will whip with honey and then I´ll add cacao one spoon adequately now I have time about 20 minutes, than he´ll be done Hans has forgotten the pizza in the oven oh fuck I forgot on the pizza but my pizza looks pretty fresh but Kuba´s pizza these cherry tomatoes under it mainly that fashion I´m dying that´s good like this not snowing neither at Filip slowly so Kuba whiped snow from egg whites cherries again I prepared sheet of tin baking sheet…Kuba whiped egg whites, here he whiped egg yolks with honey and cacao now he mix it together and the basis will be done then we pour it on the dough and let’s bake it’s not brown coconut is then put into the dough we forgot we forgot on the pump without the pump it didn´t rise and it would be very thin you know how the pump reacts it´s the same with this cake now it looks good the basis is to have a dirty whole kitchen and now we put it in the oven on 10 minutes, 180°C and then we pull it out…meantime we prepare a filling do you prepare the filling? do you know how to do it? the dough is baking so now we prepare the filling the filling will be made of curd coconut and honey we use honey to make it sweeter and to keep it together What the fuck are you doing again?…Do you have spoon? in today’s shooting we’ve already dirty about twelve spoons give two curds there so we use honey, because it´s natural product I have homemade honey…who doesn´t have honey it´s fucked up, because if you don´t have honey you can´t have anything else and you can´t do this recipe we are using defatted curd but only because of price who wants more calories, more gains can add semi-fat curd or full fat curd me personally or Kuba, we are both ektomorfs…are you ektomorf? yes, you made me that way I made him so we both can use full fat curd because full fat curd is certainly better than defatted curd deffated things are from 90’s when everyone thought everything defatted was good but it´s not true but this defatted curd is cheaper than normal curd so if we were only looking at the price we choose this one done? do you think it will be little? now we wait for the dough to finish cool down cover by fullfil, put in the fridge and we can serve it easy bussiness yummy sweet slices, very easy it looks very good! we do it for the first time and it will be good always no, it does not matter the name matches it just a minute and it´ll be done we pull it out of the oven I have advice for you for beginners like me use cutting board, because look at my kitchen unit the coals from water pipe fell on it and I burned through this kitchen unit if you have anything hot use cutting board and my father is fireman, Kuba´s grandpa so I let it cool down on 30 minutes to the balcony a then we fill it up I had sprinkled the balcony by BCAA before so the pigeons don´t give a shit here you don´t have to worry about having a shit on the dough what pigeons are flying at night? at night flying these most insidious pigeons which give a shit secretly but not at my balcony we have here beginning of our yummy sweet slices holding how glued we let him cool down so let´s go…we cut it in half fill up,we fold in half we cut the corners and we´ll taste it say something it’s in the pussy the last anointing dude when Monika sees that I’m cutting it on the plate, she’ll kill me is it not too thin? no, man that’s how it should be if I put a baking powder there it inflates, but I put there the pump and it inflates too, but then it collapsed after training, you know it looks good smear it you have to put everything in there, we’ll count the macronutrients it must be precisely fuck, you didn’t put everything there look at this it looks good I look forward to it it looks like we’ve ever done it before but this was the first time yummy sweet slice almost done, I cut the edges and I think that it doesn´t look like from Instagram but it´s real mainly we don´t make fashion cakes but macro friendly cakes and cheap cakes if you will have good macros and a lot of money, chicks come you are so wheezing as if you doing workout I´m so concentrate how i look at Masterchef I fully see Přemek how he looks at me and I’m stressed out of it so yummy sweet slices fitness version so these are our yummy sweet slices now we go for pizza and we serve it it´s like a wax so now we’re just going to decorate it Kuba has already decorated it, by this withered basil I put fresh basil on it and we taste it he don´t save it now I decorate it by fresh basil a little on digestion so family fitness pizza yummy sweet slices macros and recipes you can find down in the label macros which are in one serving of this pizza are 50g proteins, 120g carbs 15g fat but you can add what you want, for example chicken meat and you will have 10 grams proteins more you can make macros like you want but you will count it yourself yumm sweet slices here is the recipe, here are macros and we are going to taste so at the end of this video we have to taste it Kuba taste my pizza and I taste his pizza homemade fitness pizza with that, I’d broke a neighbor´s windows if she excite me I’ll eat it like that It taste like “langoš” it´s good, I like it I like on Kuba´s pizza that design these hidden tomatoes under ham I’m older, I’m worried about my teeth it´s not funny to bite into the stone it´s not bad that it has such macros it´s not bad you have to close your eyes and eat on a scale of 1 to 10 for taste I give you 9 but it´s tough like a dick my grandma without denture wouldn’t eat it so I give you 6 points if I would evaluated design 3 of 10 but taste 8 points…dude you said that it´s good show it soft soft, nice dough flexible dough it´s top you don’t feel oatmeal at all it’s soft, it´s very good I wouldn’t be afraid to give this to my grandmother just the egg is not good does not matter ok, we go taste yummy sweet slices this we made together so we can objectively evaluate it if I would objectively evaluate it, my pizza is better than Kuba´s pizza I admit it is better but it´s really good and put on it maybe bacon or chicken meat we don’t do it that often so we are not yet so skilled at it but if you will do it regularly, I think it will be good so yummy slices this is really good! it’s a dessert or a snack between meals but it´s so good! you have to count on the fact that it is healthy and if there is something healthy, it won’t be mega top but it´s really good it’s soft coconut is felt it´s commonly very good it’s just a wet cake if I rate it from 1 to 10 I had better but I’ve never done anything better so I give 9 of 10 and one point down because I made it with Kuba so if you want next recipes which you don´t know, which are not chicken with rice write it us to comment if you want next episodes of dad and son in the kitchen write us to the comment and we prepare something for you Have a nice day, follow Kuba on Instagram Kuba´s Youtube He shoots like a fool…follow me give likes, give comments and we see in trends it´s so good I left you something yummy!! you jumped into it like into your wife

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Get Fit While Doing Housework (Simple Workout Routines!) – No Sweat: EP3

Hey guys my name is 10 I’m a fitness trainer and body builder we all know that exercise is really important but it can be kind of a talk to go to the gym sometimes what I’m gonna show you in this video is unconventional but bear with me cuz I hope to show that you can’t see me exercise and just something as mundane as cleaning your house and you don’t need a gym so no excuse guys let’s go so for those of y’all who do more sweeping and mopping here is a very simple way for you to turn it into a workout you could do calf raises this has you standing on your tippy toes and you’re gonna be walking around just make sure that you’re standing upright keep your back straight and not only is it gonna train your balance it’s also going to activate your calf muscles so for mopping you can also add in a lunge but this is gonna be a lunch river twist so you’re gonna lunge forward you’re gonna twist your torso and you’re gonna come back and step right up so when you would lunge forward what you want to make sure is that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your packet straight this is gonna work your legs it works your butt is going to activate your core a lot more because we’re twisting our torso so it’s gonna make this exercise a lot harder for you but it’s definitely going to work your abs so much more so this one is called a side walk and it is perfect for when you have a really long stretch of area to clean so get into a squat position and mop or sweep to the side and with this exercise you want to make sure that you keep your posture nice and upright you also want to make sure that you keep your weight back it’s really going to work your legs your butt and it also works your core it’s been tiring so the next exercise is for you to reach those hard to reach areas like underneath your couch so what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna raise your chest and you’re gonna raise your butt and your legs like you’re flying like a Superman and at the same time you’re gonna clean underneath the couch and this is going to help to work your lower back and your button is definitely going to burn a lot more calories than you were just lying on the ground when you’re cleaning vertical surfaces like cupboards like tabletops and also like windows you’re going to get into a white stance and squat so while wiping the windows or the walls is an hourly workout in itself you are also going to incorporate a lick workout at the same time instead of doing a conventional squat with a narrower stance the reason why we are trying a wider stance is because it’s going to work your inner thighs and your butt a lot more and it also takes pressure off your knees very important especially if you have knee problems like myself a common household chore that we do is vacuuming so I’m gonna show you how you can incorporate some exercises into your vacuum routine the first exercise I’m gonna teach you as some lunges with a vacuum this is a lunge this is the motion make sure that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your back is straight because you don’t want to lunge forward and injure your back so when you’re cleaning you’re gonna alternate your lunges and step forward like this so yes instead of just walking and doing your vacuuming incorporate the lunge into it and you get your workout in at the same time this is a really great exercise because it’s gonna walk your legs it works your thighs it works your butt and it also works your core so with these lunges you can do about five to ten repetitions per side depending on your fitness level to switch your workout out just a bit you can also try doing side lunges and this is another variation of a lunge so you step out to the side instead of forward and what it’s gonna do is that it’s gonna help to work your inner thighs it also works for stability and your balance just like your previous lunges make sure that your knee doesn’t go over your toe because this can cause you to get injured and it’s also bad for people with weak knees also remember to kick off from your heels in this exercise I can I’m working my arms as well so for situations where there isn’t enough space for you to do lunges then you can also do a squat hold with your vacuum I’m gonna show you how you do it get into a squat position like this and you can clean the small area that you’re meant to clean while keeping this position and something very important about the squat is that you want to make sure that you keep your chest up you don’t hunched over because there’s a tendency you know I know how suppose really tiring but there’s a tendency if you hunched over and make sure that you put your weight all into your heel see my toes can almost go off the floor and you’re gonna hold this position while you clean for about 30 seconds or whenever you finish cleaning the area and then you can go on and move on to another area to squat and to you so like the lunges this is also a compound movement which means it works multiple muscles in your body your legs your butt and it’s also gonna work your abs so for more advanced workout you can also try doing single arm planks with the vacuum get into a plank position and then you’re gonna alternate between your hands so this is a perfect exercise for when you want to reach those hard-to-reach places like under the sofa with this plank exercise you want to make sure that your core is nice and tight so sub-set belly button in don’t let your butt come too high or too low and keep your body straight and this works your core your butt your legs and your arms another advanced workout that you can try is a single legged deadlift with the vacuum so one hand on the hip you’re gonna balance reach as far as you can and slowly come back up it’s definitely a stability exercise so it’s gonna work a lot of your car and it’s also going to work your hamstrings which out the back of your legs so you can also alternate and use the other leg okay obviously I’m not very good at this exercise yeah this is definitely quite a high exercise I must say I kind of stuck it in when you’re cleaning the floor of the tower what you do is you normally kneel and you would clean like this instead of just kneeling on the ground just keep your knees above the ground and walk in this crawling position you want to make sure that your stomach is tucked in nice and tight and you also want to make sure that if you have any kind of shoulder or any kind of elbow injuries that you don’t do this workout because it actually puts a lot of strain on your arms so this might look kind of easy but it’s really really not because this is almost like a cardio workout this one is a more advanced workout with your towel and these are called ab rollouts what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna get into a push-up position with your knees on the ground instead and what you’re gonna do is roll out and back in and what it does is that it ty gets your car and honestly I find it’s pretty difficult so this is definitely a much more advanced workout do this with caution because you don’t want to fall on your face so with this exercise you’re really targeting the entire length of your abs and it is definitely an ab workout like none other whoo that was difficult so that’s it for this episode I hope you found the tips useful for you especially the next time you clean your house I know this is quite an unconventional way of working out.

As found on Youtube

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