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Weight Loss Body Transformation – (35 days) before and after results

So… today I am a fat fitness professionalI swear to god I even have a six pack somewhere Buried underneath the fat Ok this is officialy a bit weirdHey! I know how embrassing it can be I mean it jiggles everywhereit jiggles when I go for a walk it definitely jiggles when I go for a runit even jiggles when I’m on the train and it vibrates and I just feel like everyoneis looking at my belly I get it… I’m a little bit fat! What do you think? A year? Six months? how about 5 weeks? for the recordok google, what is the date today? it is Sunday, the 20th of September 2015 excellent, now that’s on the recordnow guys check this out this… this is not a photo, it’s a videoit is impossible to photoshop the jiggle anything from growth hormone to Insulin totestosterone it’s all there. It’s all well planned for the next 5 weeksthe perfect plan to lose as much fat as possible in the next 5 weeksnot really complicated, all I have to do is follow it so..Ok google what’s the date today? It is Sunday, the 25th of October 2015alright so there you go that’s exactly 5 weeksthat’s like… just to put in perspective… that’s just like 1 month and 1 weekmoment of truth Ahha not so fat anymore! Great! So I don’t know how much you are used to seeingyour body changing in 5 weeks but I am not doing what everybody else aredoing I am doing something quite a lot differentreally different and this is my result My name is Jacob Nadav andI started researching weight loss professionaly about 12 years agoBack then calories were all the rage! We believed you needed to eat less, trainmore boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit.. and that everything will be just fine but everything wasnt Im going to share some super interestingweight loss things with you but before I do there are two things you should know One, there are two types of fitness expertsThe first one is the type that still rely on calories, eating less, training more and…calling everyone bro Yeah bro, calories are your frenemy bro and the science nerdsthose who spend time looking at research, biology and asking questions.If you are a bro and you just want to eatless, train more and count calories go aheadI am not even going to try and stop you! this video is an advanced fitness tutorialif you are not interested in learning something new todayif you don’t want to give it the next couple of minutesif you just want to stick to what you already think you knowplease dont let me waste your time. on the other hand if you want to find outwhat thoudands of hours in research and experience with clients has led tothen keep watching two, forget 12 years of researchI realize you are busy and you wanna know everything right nowI am going to do my very best to pass on some really good concepts and really good knowledgeto you in the next few minutes but please dont be angry if you are notan expert in like the next 2 minutes there is a lot of knowledge involved and Iam happy to share but let’s keep it real I do want to make it worth your timelike every second you watch so listenIm going to touch on some amazing concepts in regards to weight lossif you want to learn more about any of them I got plenty more information for you, forfree at there are videos and articles for you to nerdout and explore the science and it’s fascinating to do that just go to BellyProof.comand click on the learn more menu I recommend you start with the lion technique and proceeddown from there you can also find results from other participantsin the before and after section and the red button is where you can find thefull program just in case you want to follow it and dothe 5 weeks body transformation yourself let’s dive right in Weve all been at it, trying to burn caloriesand burn fat with mixed results.Some of us walk for hours a day, others docardio and others do weight training and it seems like to a certain degree thatworks… and then we go on holiday and one week later,we put it all back. it all boils down to the old concept of youhave to train to burn fat In reality you have to trainbut you can’t just burn fat you have to break it down first Your first task is to ask google for the definitionof Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation now to put it simply, lipolysis is quite literally”fat breaking” Lipo lysis or the proccess of taking triglyceriedes and breaking theminto glycerol and free fatty acids fat oxidation is taking those free fatty acidsand oxidizing them in what we refer to as fat burningwhich is done aerobically The more fat you break, the more fat you canburn let’s give you some real life examles to connectthe dots if you just go on aerobic training like runningor if you are just doing a diet there is almost no fat breaking involvedthis means that all the calorie deficits you are creating and relying onleaves your body with one option to get your energy by burning glycogen whichincidentally also binds up to 4 times its own mass in water.This is why people who follow these type ofroutines tend to lose a lot of weight, mainly water weight, then gain it all backusually in a holiday or a couple of days of bad eatingwe call that yo-yo weight dieting alone with or without aerobic training,is a great way to lose weight, water weight… but it’s a terrible way to lose body fat if you are doing a ketogenic diet, you wouldbe happy to know that ketone body production is an expression of fat breaking. unfortunately, if you are going via nutritionalketosis alone, the fat loss you are seeing is real, but its tiny in comparison towhat you could be doing.Also, if you are doing ketogenic diet, thatmeans you are keeping your fats high, your calories high and you are still losing fatthat’s against the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of caloriesso you are breaking the law last example, lets say you are workingout correctly and hitting the mechanisms for both fat breaking and fat burning repetedlybut in your quest for the perfect body you eat an apple or take a flavoured pre-workoutbefore training now youre looking at something completelydifferent you may be doing a lot of things correctlybut now your Insulin levels are elevatedInsulin is antagonnistic to both Growth Hormone and Adrenaline both needed to break fatThat means if your Insulin levels are up Growth Hormone and Adrenaline must be downdo you see the irony? sometimes you can do a lot of things right but by messing littlethings and now your hormones are acting against you this is the first lessonwhen it comes to losing body fat, fat breaking and fat burning are at the coreof everything you do and yes, to a large degree via nutrition,exercise, sleep and many many other things you can either enchance all those functionsor you could undermine them choose to ignore them altogether and yourejust doing guess work Next thing I want you to do is a cool experiement if you ever stuggled with love handles orbelly fat, you wouldve heard give it time Bro, everybody knows that bellyfat and love handles are the last to go yet they also tend to sayoh yeah, you lose fat everywhere, like evenly, bro so which one is it? The two statements are contradictory!if you lost fat everywhere evenly then we would not be talking about belly fat or lovehandles being the last to go which is what happens in real lifeand heres a cool experiment I want you to try right now touch your face feel the temperaturenow touch your upper abdominals feel the temperature therenext I want you to feel the feel the temperature on your belly fat,your spare tire, your love handles, your back fat, your bingo wings, your thunder thighswhichever part of your body that you define as stubbornalso make sure your hands arent freezing so that you can feel the temperature so is your belly or love handles or whateverstubborn fat you have is it colder to the touch? let me know in the comments belowthe reason it is so relevant is because when your fat is colder it is an indication ofpoor blood circulation now you know hormones are important for breakingyou know oxygen is important for burning, oxdiationblood is what delivers them to the tissues so fat tissues that recieve good blood circulationis often much easier to handle fatty tissues that are cold and are not recievinggood blood circulation are also not recieving a lot of Growth Hormone, a lot of oxygen andtherefore not seeing a lot of results sure, alpha-2 receptors, Cortisol receptors,HSD type 1 they all matterbut if you solve blood circulation, you will do loads better the next concept is Movement you exercise and each exercise you do requiresyou to go into positions those positions require range of motion onyour joints when you demonstrate passive range of motionwe call it flexibility and as you acquire motor control within that range we call itmobility as you get more positional information andcontrol you can stabilize and lock a position to produce strength fromthese positions are really good for the type of exercises we can use to break fat and points where you lack control, unstablepoints can be a powerful opportunity to burn fat,due to increased muscle activity we can take it even further if you considersymmetrical vs asymmetrical positions as well as sympathetic and parasympatheticresponses from your nervous system movement is like…Super cool!from high level mobility to calisthenics not only it’s super cool and really interestingthere are connections in there to muscle tone and fat loss that are just beyondtoo good to overlook The last two concepts are both about makingconnections and ignoring them we have already seen major aspects of fatloss like factors like fat breaking fat burning, Insulin, Growth hormone and blood circulationand it’s not just that everything is connected it’s actually connecting further did you know that by manipulating your breathingnot only you can influence cortisol which is obviouslly connected to belly fat, butyou can also control how much oxygen is in your blood and in your cells ready in timefor fat burning have you ever considered that gut health,probiotics, prebiotics, the lining the whole shabbangis virtually inseparable from metabolic health, cellular functionsits all connected What about your mobile phone and EMFs exposure? Hold on a second..Hi Mumyeah it has to be plugged in you have to press the power buttonfrom EMFs to Calcium in your cells to Magnesium deficienciesto Melatonin production how it connects to Growth Hormoneand there you go, there’s a connection to fat lossnow don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting you pack everything andmove to an organic farm but at the same time, knowledge is power is it worth knowing that everyday toxins canbuild up Estrogen and besides serious health implications, that can result in the dreadedchest fat also known as moobsor that sunlight can induce apoptosis and literally kill you fat cellskamikaze this bring me up full circle to the last pointwhich is very much the first point to remind you I started researching weightloss concepts about 12 years ago back then, calories were all the ragewe believed you needed to eat less, train more, boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit and that everything will be just fine but everything wasn’tas it turns out, it was not just motivation bro or yeah bro, it’s about the caloriesat the end of the day if you look at everything you now know and you decide to ignore it andlimit yourself to calories only then your results are going to be very limited as well heres what I want you to do next:if you liked this video and you want to learn more click on the subscribe button to getmore exclusive content also leave me comment below and tell medid you learn anything new today? does it resonate with you? what’s your experience?if you looked at some of the before and after results on the website, do you agree withme that some of them did better than I did? second, I want to remind that the BellyProofwebsite holds a lot more information and videos so you can dig in and educate yourself onhow to get your perfect body it’s also worth mentioning that it’s not staticand it’s worth checking from time to time because we are working on some crazy stuffat the moment and you..Let’s just say you don’t want to miss outif you want to do a before and after body transformation yourself, theres the program,where Ive done my absolute best to get all those concepts into a program that evenyour grandmother can do and lose fat including belly fat in the next 5-6 weeksso whether you are a newbie or experienced with your fitness, dont let granny smashit before you do have a great day, I hope you carry on to thenext video oh and let me know if you think I should geta tattoo for my next experiment I am thinking either my upper armor my leg running up to my pelvis yeah…using a bit of crowd wisdom to decideon the right tattoo thanks for watchingsee you in 5 weeks.

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Weight Loss के लिए Full Day Diet Plan | Healthy Food To Lose Weight Fast | Eat Vegetarian | Hindi

In these days we deliver you a diet plan where you can devour all day! In this weight loss plan, which you could have your standard tea, roti-sabzi and in addition you get to eat anything tasty each 2 hours! This 1200 calorie healthy dietweight-reduction plan will not handiest preserve your calories in manipulate however may even aid in weight loss apart from taking good care of your taste buds! Both males and females can follow this healthy eating plan. Start your Morning with heat Water, honey and lemon. Take a glass of heat water and add 1/2 a lemon and 1 tablespoon of honey. Make it recent every morning and don’t reheat it as it kills one of the crucial useful enzymes present in honey. This drink will soften away your body fat and likewise flush out toxins out of your body.It is going to also increase your immunity and helps clear your dermis. Next meal is Tea with 2 biscuits. Try utilizing low fats milk and really much less sugar. Breakfast is the main meal of your day. For this, let’s first cook dinner Masala Oats. Those of you who don’t like oats, please do try this recipe. This dish is loaded with veggies making it delicious and nutritious. Green peas, carrots, Capsicums and Beans are one of the most vegetables which are continually saved chopped in my fridge. It saves a lot of effort and time and quite comes in useful when i’m cooking in a hurry. Take a Saucepan. Add half of spoon of olive oil. Half of spoon of black mustard seeds. 2 cloves of garlic, chopped Pinch of turmeric powder 1 significant spoon of Chopped carrot 1 giant spoon of capsicum. Mix it good. Add 1 cup of water. 1 tremendous spoon of inexperienced Peas. 1 significant spoon of chopped onion.1 giant spoon of chopped tomato Now add 1 gigantic spoon of Oats. Add pinch of salt, purple chili powder and dhaniya powder. We have now taken all components as per 1 serving handiest. You can also regulate the range as per your requirement. These oats might be competent in 10 to 15 minutes. Alongwith Masala Oats, we will take one recent apple and a tumbler of milk. This mixture will provide you energy in the course of the day. Two hours after Breakfast, have a bowl of contemporary fruits. Have any seasonal fruits besides Banana like Oranges, Strawberries, Pineapples, Grapes and Rasbharis. Fruits are low in calorie and provide your physique the fundamental vitamins and minerals and fiber. For Lunch, you must take your usual Dal/Sabzi with 2 aata rotis. Moreover, that you may take this tasty raita. For this raita, we will take a bowl of freshhomemade curd/yogurt. Add 1 grated cucumber to this. Then add one tablespoon of Flax seeds powder and mix it well.For style, add little salt, black pepper and roasted cumin powder. Then add fresh cilantro. Flax seeds have excellent quantity of fiber content material and prevents constipation. They also support slash cholestrol degree and may be very primary for everyday food regimen. Half an hour after lunch, have a cup of inexperienced Tea on the way to help digest your food rapidly. To prepare green Tea, boil a cup of water and switch off the gasoline. Then add half of teaspoon of green Tea and canopy it with a lid for approximately 10 minutes. Then pressure it and serve it scorching.With evening tea, you can have a bowl of Fox Nut / Lotus Seeds popularly often called makhana. They’re very low in calorie and have tons of wellness benefits. To make these makhanas, take a non stick pan and dry roast them. As soon as they’re roasted, add a spoon of olive oil with a pinch of salt. Well being advantages of makhanas are way more than these of dry fruits they usually additionally support in weight loss. For Dinner, we will put together an extraordinarily scrumptious soup with plenty of greens so one can offer you fullness for long. Take a saucepan. For one bowl of soup, take one bowl of water. You may also modify the variety. Add 1 tremendous spoon of chopped carrots. 1 big spoon of chopped capsicum. 1 gigantic spoon of chopped beans 1 massive spoon of Corn 1 gigantic spoon of onion half a spoon of grated ginger 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped combine it good Add a pinch of salt. Add 1 large spoon of green peas. Add 1 giant spoon of Tomatoes. Add 1 enormous spoon of Paneer. The soup must be equipped in 10 to 15 minutes.In the serving bowl, add half a lemon. That you could make minor variations on this weight loss plan like for breakfast, that you would be able to add greens to daliya, poha, upma and even sandwiches. Primary is you take veggies, be it in any type. That you can even take some low calorie sandwiches that we showed in one in all our prior videos. That you may examine the video link in description box. In a similar way, for lunch, are trying a further daal or sabzi daily and not using a or very less oil and spices. Once in a whilst, you may even substitute roti with a bowl of boiled rice. For dinner, you may also scan with exceptional veggies every day for type. When you have a leftover daal or sabzi, you may add it to your soup for improved taste and vitamin.In addition, have minimum eight to 10 glasses of water day-to-day. Have plain or flavoured water – whichever way you like however have in good range. We had proven recipes of detox waters in one among our earlier movies, that you can investigate hyperlink in description box. Also, walk or jog for at least 15 minutes day-to-day. Should you like this diet plan, then do are attempting it and share your feedback..

As found on Youtube

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym

muffin-top love handles spare tire however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your side’s belly and lower back there’s one thing we can all agree on pit needs to go so how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week hey hey try them out for yourself number one jumping burpees bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight arm plank after a moment pull your feet back in towards your chest quickly stand up and immediately jump up while reaching your hands toward the ceiling and clap lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there you see burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time making them an awesome warm-up exercise on top of that burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques as the muscles on your side where that fat is sitting but also your arms quadriceps glutes chest and hamstrings do three sets with 15 reps each two bicycle crunches lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the mat keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out move your bent leg right towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it’s parallel to the floor while doing that move your left shoulder towards your right knee remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides this way your stomach not your neck will have to strain the most this kind of crunch works the sides of your stomach and hips do three sets with ten to 20 reps each number three kneeling vacuum kneel on the floor with your bum resting on your heels put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back now imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible if it can’t pull it in very far at first don’t sweat it your results will improve with time hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never done it before otherwise you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds some people don’t breathe while doing this exercise while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing choose whichever way is more comfortable for you but don’t relax your stomach muscles this seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection shrink your waistline and carve your abdominal muscles repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break number 4 side plank lie on your right side and lean on your elbow so that it’s directly below your shoulder lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot if this is too hard for you at the beginning bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight and finally reach your left hand up toward the ceiling just like a traditional plank this exercise works your stomach muscles as well as your back glutes and core but most of all the side plank focuses more on the obliques which is a surefire way to get rid of love handles try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side do at least 3 reps number five swimmers lay down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and shoulder-width apart your feet should be hip-width apart on the mat tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg up at the same time leave them in the air for two to three seconds then lower them back to the ground do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air do 10 reps of five counts on each side if you want to break a sweat and burn more fat alternate your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground this exercise will take care of any lower back fat it sculpts your rear end as a bonus number six Russian twist sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent lean your upper body back and hold your legs off the ground you can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first now slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side hold it there for three seconds and then return to the initial position repeat the movement on the other side do three sets of ten to twelve reps each by the way if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate number seven woodchoppers stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged you’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands again a medicine ball or a jug of water will do whatever it is make sure you can get a good safe grip on it now twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder the turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee go back up to the right and repeat keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance also if you’re a beginner don’t pick a heavyweight otherwise it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side number 8 reverse crunches lie down on the ground lift your legs in the air and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest at the top of the movement raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position just like regular crunches the reversed ones work the front of your apps but the especially hit your lower abdominal muscles do three sets of 10 to 15 reps each aim to do this workout four to five times a week it’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate intensity aerobic activities like swimming jogging or cycling that’ll really kick up the fat burning process so that those love handles melt right off and of course you’ll need to change your guide a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all first cut down your calorie intake 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about one to two pounds a week avoid eating processed and fried foods it’s usually high in added sugars preservatives and additives you’ll also want to stay away from the usual offenders sweetened drinks fast food junk food like cookies and chips and fatty meat remember that high amounts of added sugar gets stored exactly around your stomach which means yep a spare tire if you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish chicken turkey and lean red meat it’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non starchy veggies such as cauliflower celery peppers spinach broccoli tomatoes in the life and finally drink more water it’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake so your love handles will shrink with time so good look out there and let me know if these exercises work for you and if you know any other ways to deal with love handles leave them down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey now don’t go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life

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Tiffany Rothe’s 5 Minute Fitness – Chair Workout part 1

Hola Rothestars, soy yo Tiffany Rothe, y estoy de vuelta con una serie de rutinas de 5 minutos Tenemos 4 videos para hacer este mes, que podemos relizar uno después del otro Y lograr un buena rutina de 20 minutos. Y todos estos entrenamientos usaremos una silla Asi que tienen que ir a su comedor en su cocina o donde quieran y buscar una silla Debe tener un respaldar alto como este, y quiero que se acerquen a la silla Y se sienten Bien lo primero que van a hacer es estirar sus piernas así Y estiramos hacía arriba, bien, desde su cintura hasta la punta de los dedos, bien Y luego hacía afuera, y hacía el otro lado Bien no tendremos música en este video, porque realmente quiero que prestén atención a mis indicaciones Para asegurarme que estén en una buena y correcta postura Entonces abran sus rodillas hacía afuera, y siéntensen bien derechos y contráigan su abdómen Y luego levanten sus talones del piso así Bien luego levántense y manténganse así, y vamos a subir en cuatro, uno, dos Tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, asi es Dos, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, contráigan su abdomen, bien firme Tres, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, y cuatro, dos, tres, cuatro, lo tienen Sigan así, talones, arriba, vamos y cinco, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo dos, tres, cuatro, tres más Y seis, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro y siete Empujen, empujen, empujen y abajo, dos, tres, y ocho, dos, tres, cuatro, y abajo.

Van a mantenerse aquí mismo Estiren un brazo hacía afuera y empujen abajo Así es, empujen abajo, abran sus rodillas, y vamos por 10, nueve, ocho, siete, mantengan su pecho arriba, seis, contraigan su abdómen Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, cambiamos, vamos Empujen, pecho arriba, contraigan su abdómen Relajen sus hombros, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, vamos Toquen la silla al bajar, y estiren la pierna, bajen y estiren hacia arriba Los talones bajan al piso, contraigan el abdómen, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, lo tiene Tenemos la silla aquí porque no quiero que ustedes se inclinen hacía adelante, no se inclinen así, manténganse derechos, contraigan el abdómen, y abran sus rodillas Abajo y arriba, abajo y arriba, vamos a probar nuestro equilibrio, abrimos y juntamos, abrimos y juntamos; lo tienen Exhalen cuando contraigan su abdómen, su espalda debe estar derecha Abran sus rodillas y los talones arriba, ocho, cuenten conmigo Siete, así es, seis, cinco, cuatro Los talones no tocan el piso, tres, dos Y uno, bien, bajamos, pecho estirado, bajamos los talones, mantenemos los pies en el piso, levántense y Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, siéntense Bien, de nuevo, hagamos un poco más, ocho, siete, abajo, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, siéntense Bien, va a quedarse aquí, para relajar y acomodar su postura Las rodilas hacia afuera, acomoden los pies, levántense Contraigan el abdómen, y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Bien, están fortaleciendo sus entrepiernas y cuádriceps, vamos a hacer otra serie más, están listos? Levántense y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Ustedes son increíbles.

Ok, ahora vamos a hacer una variación más asi que abran sus talones, y van a saltar y sentarse Cuando salten, pongan sus pies en punta Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, y ocho Bien quiero que se sienten sobre la silla, porque saben que, requiere más energia Empezar y parar, que continuar sin sentarse Entonces lo que lo hace más difícil es que se sienten sobre la silla Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, están listos? Empujen, ocho, siete, empujen hacia arriba, seis, empujen hacia arriba, cinco Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno Buen trabajo, ustedes son increíbles, ok, haremos una serie más de estos Se que su corazón está acelerado, siéntense derechos, contragan su abdómen Vamos, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, buen trabajo Ok, si combinan estos tres ejercicios tiene una gran rutina para sus piernas Y quiero que hagan esta video tres veces seguidas, o que hagan todos los videos de esta serie para obtener una gran rutina de 20 minutos Ustedes recuerden encontrarme en Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Estoy en todas partes con el mismo nombre, Tiffany Rothe Workouts Ok Tiffany Rothe Workouts, búsquenme en todas partes, pueden buscarme en google, y únanse En todas las grandiosas redes sociales asi podemos estar en forma, feroces, y fabulosos, juntos Los veo la próxima

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What is TDEE? (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

Have your fit friends ever started rambling out all of these weird fitness terms and acronyms and then you just stand there and be like: “… ah yea, uh huh, right.” As straightforward as exercise and dieting might seem, there’s actually a lot of fancy lingo in it to describe specifics. Luckily for you, I decided to cover these funky terms in my videos, both basic stuff and more advanced, so that you can keep up with the conversations at the gym. And to start off, we’re going right to a big fundamental: TDEE. Total daily energy expenditure. In its simplest term, TDEE is the total amount of energy you use each day. This accounts for all forms of energy use, be it exercise, chores, digesting, and even simply living. In scientific literature, energy usage is split into more specific categories, but we’ll get to that some other time. The main gist is that TDEE consists of energy spent on every single thing you do.

Now why is this important in fitness? Well, our weight is directly tied to the amount of energy we use versus the amount of energy we take in. In this sense, energy is measured through calories. Take in more calories, aka energy, than we burn, then weight increases. Burn more calories, aka use more energy, than we take in, then weight goes down. Of course, intake of calories is from the food we eat, which explains the magical calorie number found in our food labels. Knowing this, we can see why TDEE is important. It is the starting point in which we want to base our goals. First know your TDEE and then adjust your calorie intake to be higher or lower depending on your goals.

Higher intake for gaining weight, and lower for losing. Sure, there are more specific things to consider, like hormones, macros, and habits, but TDEE is the foundation, the first thing to factor in before anything else. Perhaps the most confusing part of TDEE is actually calculating it. Worse yet is knowing that your TDEE is always changing, which many misunderstand and then become disappointed when their results start to stagnate. Just as everything you do sums up your TDEE, any changes can alter it. More exercise, fewer chores, more digesting, less mass, and so on. Unfortunately, outside of using scientific equipment like metabolic wards and doubly labeled water, calculating your precise TDEE isn’t readily available. The goal then is to find an estimate. This is often through TDEE estimators and calculators you can find on the internet. I’ll link some of them down in the description. Even then, these estimates are only just that… estimates.

It’s up to you to take your estimate and experiment a little to see how close it actually is to your actual TDEE. If you’re struggling to lose weight while eating below your estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is probably lower, thus you need to further adjust your intake. Same for the opposite, where if you’re not gaining weight eating above the estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is likely higher.

Thus, eat more. Just make sure you don’t go into the extreme, like eating below or above 1000 calories or so or more than 30% of your TDEE. And again, don’t forget that your TDEE will constantly change. Keep measuring your weight, re-estimate your TDEE, and adjust along the way. And that’s about it. TDEE explained. I hope I was able to clarify TDEE just a bit more for you. And as long as you enjoy this, I’m gonna keep covering more fitness terms in the future and make this series permanent with a catchy title or something. Maybe fitness term Fridays, Fitness Science explained, or some other cheesy phrase. You let me know what you think in the comments. Other than that, if you enjoyed and learned from this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your fitness-term loving friends.

As always, thank you for watching and GET YOUR PROTEIN! .

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7 Food Combinations That Can Ruin Your Health

Seven food combinations that can ruin your health Food is an essential part of every person’s life some people love simply cook dishes Others have their eyes on some pungent flavors and enjoy unusual combination choices of course even a child knows that eating beans and soda together can bring unexpected results However even some seemingly safe products put together can have a harmful effect on your digestion system and make you sick and Some of them you may eat on a daily basis without even knowing the influence they have on your body So we got familiar with diet specialists recommendations and put together seven food combinations, you’d better avoid Did you know that combining milk and banana isn’t that good of an idea? Watch our video to find out other common and popular but not so healthy combinations Number seven sandwiches with coffee Pretty much everyone starts their day with a quick cup of coffee and a couple of sandwiches When there’s no time such a simple breakfast on the go is a great and common solution for some of us it has already Become a part of our daily morning routine sort of a ritual Unfortunately when you say hello to cheese sandwiches and coffee you also say goodbye to all the healthy properties of cheese The main reason is that the simple carbs in bread Prevent calcium from being digested properly and bringing help to your nervous and cardiovascular systems Moreover if you add instant coffee there will be no benefit to your health at all.

Don’t worry however There’s a solution for all those cheese sandwich lovers. Just try to replace coffee with white or green tea Properly brewed tea will make you energized Plus it has numerous other benefits It reduces the risk of cancer and helps to maintain good physique And fresh looking and clear skin and as to the green tea Everyone is already aware of its many advantages among which are the overall improvement of your immune system stamina etc Number six tomatoes with cucumbers This is one of the most popular food combinations especially for summer salads you can find it in a lot of Restaurants and cafes all over the world and a lot of people really enjoy.

It as a quick and fresh meal however it’s not as healthy as it may seem the latest research actually shows that combining these two vegetables can disturb the Biomechanical pathways of your body this can lead to excessive Calcination and swelling and the vitamins contained in both vegetables won’t be digested properly Above all these products have a different digestion time which again confuses the system So it’s much better to eat tomatoes and cucumbers separately for example today You can make a salad with tomatoes and greens and tomorrow a salad with cucumbers This way all the valuable vitamins that these vegetables contain will be consumed properly and you won’t feel any discomfort you can always find simple and good recipes both for tomato salads and cucumber ones Number 5 potatoes with meat Another all-time favorite combination for a lot of us, I mean seriously who can resist the steak with fries It’s way too delicious, but unfortunately just like all the previous ones This is a very unhealthy and heavy food combination the starch contained in potatoes demands out kalitta digestive fluids and the proteins for meat demand acidic ones So when put together they just get stuck inside your stomach and can bring such disorders as heartburn Belching gas and many others.

Do you know this feeling of bloatedness that you sometimes get after eating this combination? Well, it’s caused by mixing protein and starch so as sad as it may sound it’s better not to put these two products together Instead as a side dish to meat choose non. Starchy vegetables for example asparagus broccoli cauliflower green beans or zucchini These combinations not only complement each other, but they are also way healthier Number four pasta with minced meat Pasta is considered to be one of the most popular and tasty products by people all over the world Everyone combines it with different products to their liking and minced meat is an ultimate choice for many people however Just like with potatoes and meat the same reasoning applies to minced meat with pasta the saliva glands produced ptyalin and amylase which transform the starch carbs in pasta into simple sugars and when simple sugars cover proteins which meat contains they create a dangerous chemical mixture that can lead to diabetes and Cv DS So the best thing to do is to just eat pasta as a separate dish Try to choose the roughly textured pasta made of durum.

Wheat and combine it with herb sauces It’s just as delicious. If not more and better for your system Number 3 beer with nuts This is one of the most popular combinations from our college days Everyone loves to eat salty nuts while drinking beer still to this day it Continues to be a perfect combination for a good Friday night in especially for men It’s no wonder that the first image that comes to mind while mentioning a beer with nuts is a man who’s watching football or just Hanging out with his friends, and if you ever thought that this particular combination could not be healthy for the system you were right High-salt foods are not only unhealthy by themselves, but also lead to dehydration Salty products contain a lot of sodium so your body increases the fluid loss And you get thirsty that increases the likelihood of having more and more pints of beer On the other hand beer has the third most Consumed drink in the world after water and tea has a couple of bad effects on your system as well One of them is weight gain which results in the widely known term beer belly Still if you’re a big lover of this particular combination you can actually avoid dehydration While drinking alcohol just by keeping soda or water nearby They will help to quench your thirst without necessarily drinking way too much beer Number two daiquiris with pineapple Recently pineapple smoothies and milkshakes became quite common there are countless Recipes on the internet on how to make it tasty pineapple ice cream or cocktail with milk and other ingredients however Pineapple and dairy don’t really go well together Sour fruits make your digestion work slower especially in the morning Beside pineapple contains bromelain and enzyme make complex which can cause intoxication when combined with dairy products the bromelain also causes milk to curdle So if you’re a big fan of putting dairies with fruit try adding dry apricots or plums instead of pineapple These types of combinations will have a fresh and tasty flavor and will be consumed way more easily by your system It’s always great to expand your menu.

Who knows maybe you’ll find your new favorite dish or beverage Number one milk with banana This food has become very popular among followers of a healthy lifestyle because it’s nourishing and fast to prepare However, it’s not that simple Combining bananas with milk as a smoothie or milkshake may disturb your digestion process as well as your sleep pattern also different flavors of these products confuse your digestion system And results in different kinds of imbalances in Fact some nutritionists strongly believe that fruits. Especially sweet ones should be consumed separate They stay inside the body for longer slowing down the digestion system Especially when eaten with other foods as for milk. It is also more healthy to drink it separately Instead of drinking a banana milkshake, or smoothie just use bananas as snacks between major meals Bananas on their own have tons of positive influences on your health First of all they’ll make you happier as they contain the vitamin b9 which helps in fighting depression and anxiety At the same time they improve your sleep pattern stabilize your blood sugar and boost your energy Plus eating bananas between meals will reduce the possibility of consuming Unhealthy junk food and have an overall good effect on your system and body.

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Drink This To Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week Without Diet And Exercise and Get Flat Tummy/ RABIA SKIN CARE

Hey guys welcome to Rabia dermis care i m rabia and at present i might be sharing magical fat cutter drink this drink is particularly for ur stomach fat and with this u will get a flat tummy i m no longer speaking about overall weight, i m talking concerning the fats below ur stomach when you consider that the elements which had been used in this video r belly blaster so this will likely be concentrating on ur belly fat if u shall be making use of this in most cases u will see reduction of two to 3 inches and making that is additionally effortless so let us see how we can make this magical drink so plz subscribe for more videos so let us start so for this u will want 1.5 inch ginger 1 tsp cumin seeds half of tsp turmeric powder half lemon juice first take 1 glass of water in a pan and warm it then put ginger cumin seed the elements used on this drink has a thermogenic properties it method this rises our physique temperature and raises the rate of metabolism briefly this burns calories boils this for 5 to 10 minutes on high flame we r doining this given that we need to infuse the cumin seeds and ginger in water ginger has a compound named leptin which makes us to believe our tummy full this reduces the intake of our meals we consume as we feel full and we don’t overeat and this outcome in weight reduction cumin seeds r also excellent for weight reduction as it has phytosterols which make sure that the physique doesnt soak up cholestrol cumin is also priceless for reduction in gases in belly this outcome in excellent digestion and metabolism after 5 minutes be certain that the flame is low to medium the water should lower to half…<br><br>After that add turmeric powder after including turmeric boil for 1 minute on low flame turmeric additionally has thermogenic properties and it tremendously burns energy and it is very useful for diabetic sufferers because it controls the sugar stage in blood after 1 minute off the gas.. U can drink heat…Or else cool it and take it take it out in a glass now we can add half of lemon in this lemon can also be valuable for weight reduction it improves digestion and metabolism for drinking this u have 2 fine time 1. In morning empty belly and if u want to accelerate ur weight loss safely take it after consuming ur dinner so neighbors if u like the video adore it and share it ….<br><br>on facebook, insta, whatsapp….. U can watch my new movies right here….. Till then bye bye take care .

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Drink This To Lose Belly Fat In 1 Week Without Diet And Exercise and Get Flat Tummy/ RABIA SKIN CARE

Howdy guys welcome to Rabia dermis care i m rabia and at present i will probably be sharing magical fats cutter drink this drink is specifically for ur belly fat and with this u will get a flat tummy i m no longer speaking about overall weight, i m speakme concerning the fats under ur belly seeing that the parts which had been used in this video r belly blaster so this will probably be concentrating on ur stomach fat if u shall be utilising this probably u will see discount of two to 3 inches and making this is additionally effortless so allow us to see how we will make this magical drink so plz subscribe for extra movies so allow us to so for this u will want 1.5 inch ginger 1 tsp cumin seeds half of tsp turmeric powder half lemon juice first take 1 glass of water in a pan and heat it then put ginger cumin seed the elements used on this drink has a thermogenic properties it way this rises our physique temperature and increases the price of metabolism briefly this burns energy boils this for five to 10 minutes on high flame we r doining this because we wish to infuse the cumin seeds and ginger in water ginger has a compound named leptin which makes us to consider our tummy full this reduces the consumption of our meals we devour as we believe full and we don’t overeat and this outcome in weight reduction cumin seeds r additionally just right for weight reduction because it has phytosterols which be certain that the physique doesnt absorb cholestrol cumin can be important for reduction in gases in stomach this results in excellent digestion and metabolism after 5 minutes make sure that the flame is low to medium the water will have to lessen to half…<br><br>After that add turmeric powder after adding turmeric boil for 1 minute on low flame turmeric also has thermogenic houses and it enormously burns calories and it is very useful for diabetic patients as it controls the sugar level in blood after 1 minute off the fuel.. U can drink heat…Or else cool it and take it take it out in a pitcher now we will add half lemon in this lemon is also valuable for weight loss it improves digestion and metabolism for drinking this u have 2 pleasant time 1. In morning empty belly and if u need to speed up ur weight loss safely take it after consuming ur dinner so associates if u just like the video find it irresistible and share it …. On fb, insta, whatsapp….. U can watch my new videos here…..<br><br>till then bye bye take care .

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20 Healthy Food Swaps | Easy Food Life Hacks

Whats up wellbeing nuts it’s Nicole from health nut vitamin and today i’m gonna show you guys rock your new 12 months’s resolutions with 20 healthy food swaps these are tremendous convenient and engaging things that you are able to do to make small alterations to your plate to suppose more energized and live for the new year in cutting-edge video i’m so extremely joyful to be working with wal-mart and in track again for 2018 I for my part love looking at Walmart because i can prefer up various my contemporary and organic produce there at low-priced costs so i will be able to nonetheless eat healthy even as being a price range-pleasant and that i just want to give a disclaimer for this video these are by no means like food plan foods or matters I suppose you need to do to be healthy these are similar to other possible choices which you can are attempting perhaps this rather of that not all of them are junk meals and i’m I in my opinion eat junk meals once in a whilst I simply don’t make it part of my every day eating habits so I just need to share some of these with you guys optimistically you guys try them out let me understand how you consider after you are trying them and let’s put hop right into the video as a substitute of sugary cereal why not prefer some puffed grains like camu or brown rice there’s plenty of choices it’s excellent with some berries and a little bit of almond milk and you’ve got yourself a scrumptious bowl of cereal with out all of the delivered sugar quantity two how about you swap your white sugar for some coconut sugar it can be just as sweet it has a pleasant caramel flavor and it works ideal in the morning cup of joe number three we have now the gummies why no longer are trying swapping it with some dry fruit i like dried pineapple cranberries and dates they’re an amazing replacement for dried sweet they’re so sweet and chewy and you can suppose just right about eating them on account that they’ve no synthetic coloring next up we’ve the sporting events drink which come in a whole kind of exceptional colours I prefer to alternative that for some coconut water it can be stuffed with electrolytes it is naturally sweetened and it is so refreshing after a just right workout pop it into a water bottle and bring it to your subsequent exercise alternatively of that mayonnaise established veggie dip why no longer sub it for some hummus you could even make your possess or purchase it on the retailer it can be just essentially chickpeas and tahini and it is scrumptious with said geez this is a fun one how about swapping out your Parmesan cheese for some dietary yeast if you happen to’ve not ever tried earlier than supply it a are attempting it can be essentially an unaccented yeast that tastes very cheesy and taste potent sprinkled on high of your pasta this next one is just a enjoyable alternative in case you’re getting bored of normal rice why not are trying cauliflower rice it’s clearly simply uncooked cauliflower blended up in a meals processor and you’ve got whatever that looks like rice and works best and stir-fries in your next Sunday brunch instead of fried eggs and oil why not are attempting poached eggs you are skipping the oil on the grounds that you are just making use of water to cook dinner it and it is strong on avvocato toast now who would not love mayonnaise so addicting and scrumptious but it’s no longer always the first-class for you if you are eating various it so why not just try some mashed up avocado that’s first-rate and ripe it works robust on toast that you would be able to literally put it in something and it has that creamy buttery taste and texture how strong does that appear how about ditching your favourite soda or pop for some sparkling water with fresh-squeezed lime the lime adds some sweetness and flavor and the glowing water makes you think like you are drinking soda tell me does this not look far more refreshing supply it a try I suppose you guys will like it if you’re getting bored of wraps or sliced bread why not are trying a lettuce wrap it’s so clean and crunchy and that you can fill it with anything you adore i have some shredded chook and salsa percent a few for lunch and you can believe just right about getting some further greens to your meal are trying swapping out your oil for some vegetable stock this works best for sauteing veggies all you ought to do is warmness them up in a non-stick skillet and throw in your veggies and cook just like you would with oil you would want a bit of bit extra stock for the reason that it evaporates but your veggies will still be crispy and flavorful are trying swapping out your spaghetti with some zoodles zoodles are just zucchini that’s been spiralized it is fairly fun to devour which you could have them uncooked steamed sauteed nevertheless you love they may be scrumptious to devour and so they add extra veggies to your meal plus you are not able to roll them around your fork similar to spaghetti fries can be so tasty I get it but how about instead of doing the bundle freezer fries that you could just cut up a sweet potato into strips bake them with a little little bit of coconut oil and sea salt and they’ll be just as crispy as the opposite stuff and so they’re simply as excellent dipped in some natural ketchup how about ditching those deep-fried potato chips for some air-popped popcorn it can be scrumptious it is loads fitter and which you could suppose good about snacking on it even fairly late that you may flavor it with any seasoning you love and it can be ideal for a movie night alternatively of sour cream why now not just are attempting some undeniable Greek yogurt i love adding this to a couple baked potatoes some thing that you’d put bitter cream on which you can quite simply use simple historic yogurt it’s a bit of a layer alternative and it can be excellent when you run out of sour cream and all you’ve got is yogurt you realize you need to use it for the same thing as an alternative of artificially colored and super excessive sugar ice cream why no longer simply are attempting making your possess with some frozen bananas and fruit aka quality cream I just use some frozen banana strawberries a bit of bit of peanut butter and almond milk and that i created this delicious dessert and you could high any toppings you like i have some chocolate chips and coconut flakes and it could soften quick but i’m telling you it can be heavenly as a substitute of your heavy cream why not just are attempting blending up some cashews with water this makes an handy dairy-free choice for including cream to a couple of your favourite dishes like pasta now i really like fruit however that you can without difficulty put too much into your smoothies with the intention to give your smoothie a creamy base with out any longer sugar why not are trying adding some frozen zucchini or cauliflower combination them up with just a little little bit of fruit and i am telling you you don’t even become aware of them and also you get additional veggies in your drink i’ve been using this one without end rather of extra oil why now not try adding applesauce to your next baked just right this works strong in banana bread i take advantage of it always principally if I run out of oil or I simply wish to loosen up my baked items works perfectly at any time when test it out with a few of your favorite recipes could must alter the ratios slightly bit however I adore it with banana bread all proper there you might have it tremendous effortless right I had so much fun sharing my 20 healthful meals swaps with you guys and i simply need to as soon as again say these aren’t this isn’t like a unique weight loss plan you are going to now not consider deprived while you eat these foods and honestly for me I to find the more you eat actual meals the more your body craves it and believe me your body would much prefer to run off green smoothies versus greasy fries and if you happen to guys have any of your own healthy meals swaps I would like to listen to them leave me a remark down under we will support encourage every other to remain on high of our healthful goals for the new yr yet another factor I want to mention is that wellbeing is not just always the foods you eat and how generally you move your physique additionally it is about your mental well being and your stress levels and just being on top of that and doing small matters to cut back any stress for your life and for me I used to get so confused out about money seeing that i might put matters on bank cards after which like now not have sufficient money to pay it every month and i wasn’t budgeting and organizing my price range luckily i’ve mister mat now and he is that is like his abilities however for me now I really simply try to use the cash I ought to pay for things just like the gym membership and my foods and groceries and things like that so i know i’m sincerely making use of cash i have and you are now not like ending the month with this like gigantic bank card bill that you cannot for it and pay and then you definitely get harassed and it doesn’t matter how many inexperienced smoothies you’ve since you’re identical to all pressured out and that is no longer fun oh and earlier than I disregard I want to remind you guys to go check out the brand new net series referred to as upstairs Amy I did a relatively fun cameo in it it was once shot and filmed so well it’s fairly cute and humorous i do know you guys will adore it and it is like an excellent brief convenient watch i will hyperlink it down under you guys can go determine it out let me know if you’ll find me find my my little celebrity second it is like 5 seconds however go find me let me recognize what you guys feel so simply make sure you might be eager about all areas to your life when you are looking to create new healthy habits and confidently a few of these helped you guys in your life along with your wellness journeys and as continually don’t forget to subscribe to this channel i’ll even have a playlist linked down under in the info box known as hashtag objectives which is gonna be filled with a ton of alternative videos from different strong youtubers right here on the internet that is all going to be about healthful ways to fortify your year so thanks so much for watching guys i’ll see you guys subsequent one and have a gorgeous January bye guys you

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