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What is TDEE? (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

Have your fit friends ever started rambling out all of these weird fitness terms and acronyms and then you just stand there and be like: “… ah yea, uh huh, right.” As straightforward as exercise and dieting might seem, there’s actually a lot of fancy lingo in it to describe specifics. Luckily for you, I decided to cover these funky terms in my videos, both basic stuff and more advanced, so that you can keep up with the conversations at the gym. And to start off, we’re going right to a big fundamental: TDEE. Total daily energy expenditure. In its simplest term, TDEE is the total amount of energy you use each day. This accounts for all forms of energy use, be it exercise, chores, digesting, and even simply living. In scientific literature, energy usage is split into more specific categories, but we’ll get to that some other time. The main gist is that TDEE consists of energy spent on every single thing you do.

Now why is this important in fitness? Well, our weight is directly tied to the amount of energy we use versus the amount of energy we take in. In this sense, energy is measured through calories. Take in more calories, aka energy, than we burn, then weight increases. Burn more calories, aka use more energy, than we take in, then weight goes down. Of course, intake of calories is from the food we eat, which explains the magical calorie number found in our food labels. Knowing this, we can see why TDEE is important. It is the starting point in which we want to base our goals. First know your TDEE and then adjust your calorie intake to be higher or lower depending on your goals.

Higher intake for gaining weight, and lower for losing. Sure, there are more specific things to consider, like hormones, macros, and habits, but TDEE is the foundation, the first thing to factor in before anything else. Perhaps the most confusing part of TDEE is actually calculating it. Worse yet is knowing that your TDEE is always changing, which many misunderstand and then become disappointed when their results start to stagnate. Just as everything you do sums up your TDEE, any changes can alter it. More exercise, fewer chores, more digesting, less mass, and so on. Unfortunately, outside of using scientific equipment like metabolic wards and doubly labeled water, calculating your precise TDEE isn’t readily available. The goal then is to find an estimate. This is often through TDEE estimators and calculators you can find on the internet. I’ll link some of them down in the description. Even then, these estimates are only just that… estimates.

It’s up to you to take your estimate and experiment a little to see how close it actually is to your actual TDEE. If you’re struggling to lose weight while eating below your estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is probably lower, thus you need to further adjust your intake. Same for the opposite, where if you’re not gaining weight eating above the estimated TDEE, your actual TDEE is likely higher.

Thus, eat more. Just make sure you don’t go into the extreme, like eating below or above 1000 calories or so or more than 30% of your TDEE. And again, don’t forget that your TDEE will constantly change. Keep measuring your weight, re-estimate your TDEE, and adjust along the way. And that’s about it. TDEE explained. I hope I was able to clarify TDEE just a bit more for you. And as long as you enjoy this, I’m gonna keep covering more fitness terms in the future and make this series permanent with a catchy title or something. Maybe fitness term Fridays, Fitness Science explained, or some other cheesy phrase. You let me know what you think in the comments. Other than that, if you enjoyed and learned from this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your fitness-term loving friends.

As always, thank you for watching and GET YOUR PROTEIN! .

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We Lost 90 Pounds With A Celebrity Fitness Trainer

– I’m not ready for this shit. – Come on, yes, you are. – Shut up, Julissa. – Towards the end of 2017, some of the Pero Like crew decided ^we need to get fit for 2018. So, we called on our fitness celebrity trainer, Melissa Alcantara, who also trains Kim Kardashian to help us out. – Perfect. Go, go, go. – You guys, she’s trying to kill me. – Only a little bit. – Officially trying to kill me. – She exposed us to the hardest eight weeks we will never forget. – My name is Melissa Alcantara and I started my fitness journey about six years ago. I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter Isabella, and I just couldn’t seem to lose the weight. And so, one day I saw an infomercial on Insanity.

It’s the craziest workout ever, and I was like you know what? If these people can do it, I can do it. From that day on… It was a 60-day program, and I just followed it through every single day, prepped my meals, and 60 days later I lost 40 pounds, I had abs, and that kind of set off this whole journey that I’m still going through right now. So, I’m gonna be training Pero Like for two months.

They have no idea what is about to happen to them. ^- I used to workout before I started at Buzzfeed, ^and what I mean by working out was me at home doing some pushups and walking my dog. – I hate working out. ^It’s as though someone is dragging me by the feet and I’m hitting my face and mouth and teeth and everything on cobblestone. – I have a gym membership.

^I like to think that I’m working out, ^but really I ain’t doing shit. – I never work out, ever. ^I get extremely out of breath when I walk up the stairs. ^- I’m putting Pero Like on a macro-based diet. ^They are going to have to weigh their food, ^cook fresh food, eat a specific amount of protein, carbs, and fats, which I’ve created for them individually. – I thought macros was an abbreviation for macaroons, so… Apparently, it’s not. – My hopes for the Pero Like team is not to focus on losing a ton of weight. I want them to be conscious of the food that they’re putting in their mouth, of how they feel inside. – My weight is at its biggest that it’s ever been. ^I eat bad, I have a lot of heartburn, ^and my doctor says that I’m generally very unhealthy. ^All I’m hoping for is just to get a little bit slimmer. – I’ve done so many different diets, but it never surpasses a time period.

^From this journey, ^I honestly just wanna gain mental stability and strength. ^I wanna do it for the gain of confidence ^that I think I’ve lost over the years with just letting myself go and just eating and doing whatever I wanna do. – I wanna do this ’cause I wanna feel sexy. I’ve actually had hundreds of sexual partners, and I’ve only ever taken my shirt off with one. So, learning to love myself a little bit more is going to be one of the hardest parts of this journey. – I am a very emotional eater. So, when I’m happy, I eat, when I’m sad, angry, excited, and I think I’ve hit a point now ^to where I feel a little depressed and sad ^because I don’t feel healthy.

^I want to gain some confidence in myself ^that I am able to accomplish this journey, and that I will be able to develop healthier eating habits. – Pero Like, are you ready for me? (all talking) – It’s day one, and tonight, Melissa’s coming by after work and we’re gonna do our first fuckin’ workout. (exhales) I’m doing the eating already. I had a good breakfast, but I don’t know about this… I don’t know about this gym tonight. – I’m super excited (chuckles). Yeah, I’m just like (swallows). – Everybody’s gonna be sweating, even the other people. They’re gonna look at us at be like, yo. – The one that was like, I’m excited. Now I’m like, what? (laughing) – We’re about to enter hell, man, and I’m not looking forward to this shit. – Our first workout with Melissa was rough. – Julissa is killing it right now. You okay, Nor? – My arms are gonna fall off. It feels like my arms are gonna fall off, it feels like my legs are gonna fall off. This is day one, and I’m really fucked. – In the beginning, everyone is always super motivated. And so, I saw the motivation in all of their faces.

– With this new food plan, suddenly I became more aware of what I was putting inside of my body. This is two cups of brown rice. I made a scramble of sorts that just has half a yellow bell pepper and one whole tomato cut up in four. It’s not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. – It’s meal prep Sunday and we just went grocery shopping, so… Wow, I’ve never seen my fridge like this. Look at that. – From the beginning, I saw that Julissa was like ‘I’m gonna murder this.’ She’s very competitive. – I was waking up in the mornings, going to the gym. I’m here, in the morning, at the gym. Oh, there’s no cuts, but after eight weeks, you gon’ see. Yes, I was tired, but it wasn’t like my normal sluggish tired.

It was like get up, you got this, you can do this. – Norb is super strong. I felt like he was in it, but at the same time, he was kind of like, ‘oh, yeah, I got this.’ – For the first couple of weeks, I definitely was very negative about the whole experience. I complained a lot. I don’t feel like working out. I don’t feel like cooking. I don’t care about this anymore. I don’t care about looking good. I don’t care about losing weight. But I did the workouts and I did the food diet.

Even though I hated doing it, I still did it because I knew it was gonna benefit me in the long run. – For Maya and Curly, there’s something about building self-confidence, and I saw that that’s what they needed in the beginning. – The working out part I was nervous about, but I ended up working out with curly a lot. And I love him so much, and we just push each other. Every single time we wanna quit, we’re like, no, just one more set.

– What’s wrong today? You’re not weak. You can do this. I kind of, for the longest time, needed the other Pero Likers to kinda be there with me. I felt really weird going to the gym by myself. – Come on, Curly. You can do it, I believe in you. I believe in you. – Damn. – Do it, come on.

Come on, keep going, keep going. Stay, stay, power, power. – We had a group text, which was amazing. – Definitely being in a group while doing this I think helped me. One, because I’m competitive, but also the fact that we were in a group chat talking, the fact that me, Maya, Curly, and Norb all worked together? You kind of hold each other accountable. Maya, you’re gonna have a piece of the cake? – I’m just looking at it. (laughing) Can I have your permission to look at it? – We are at Muscle Farm headquarters in Burbank. We’re gonna so sprints, kettlebell swings, battle ropes. We’re gonna hit every muscle. We’re gonna do a total body workout. Y’all are gonna come out like this, with guns. – Aren’t you excited? – I am not excited, what you talking about? This is gonna be terrible. – I feel like I might throw up, I might cry. – I feel like I might throw up watching her throw up, and then I might cry watching her cry.

– The first workout we had at Muscle Farm was intense. – I knew it was gonna be hard, and it was 100 times harder than I ever expected. – Push, push, push, push. (groaning) Let’s go, let’s go. – I don’t know what the fuck I got myself into. I’m kinda regretting this shit. After that first rep, I could promise you I was like, oh shit, I said I was gonna come out on top, and instead I’m fucking dying right now. And I didn’t wanna tell everybody that I was dying. And then after round two, it was like a boost of energy and all this adrenaline just rushed through me. Alright, you guys, let’s do this! I was no longer feeling like I was gonna die. For real, for real, I’m proud of all of us.

We did it. – Yeah, we did. – Nobody gave up, nobody was like, no, I’m not gonna… I can’t, come on, wait, let’s finish, let’s stop. We fucking… We did it, you know what I mean? And although I was talking my shit, we finished, and that’s really what matters, and we finished strong on top of that. So, group hug, guys. Lo hicimos! – All sweaty. – All sweaty, a sweaty hug. – Alright, so apparently Mel just sent us a revised workout for the next four weeks. She signs it off at the end as ‘have fun, muahahahaha,’ and there’s a little devil emoji. I had just gotten used to the last four weeks. I was pretty good with them. I was starting to get better at the exercises. I was staring to get better at the routine, and now she throws this curve ball. – I also did see the new workout plan and I was like, girl, you are… No, we’re not… I’m sticking to the old workout plan. There’s a part where we’re jumping and we need to jump on a box. I’m like, where does the box come from? What box? How am I gonna jump on a box? – Y’all, this glutes hamstring whatever day, calves, is real, so be prepared because it’s real.

– I cheated a little bit, but it sparked an entire breakdown ’cause I felt guilty about it. I feel horrible and I feel like shit. I know that it’s a process and it’s not gonna be fixed like that. And I didn’t nibble today, I didn’t cheat because I don’t care. I really care a lot about this, and I wanna do right by Melissa, and I wanna do right by myself. I realized that whoa, what’s happening? Don’t do this to yourself because you can fix this. You have the control to literally go to the gym tomorrow and work off whatever it is you ate. – I feel like I definitely had an emotional breakdown where I was sitting in my car and I just didn’t want to get out. This morning, it was a struggle to get the fuck here into the gym. I’m in the parking garage and I still haven’t gotten out. And I’m late, it’s like 6:45, not even anymore. I just want sleep, I just want a 12-hour night of sleep. – Over the weekend, I went down to San Diego. I didn’t think about the diet. I didn’t think about the workouts.

I just decided to go out there and enjoy myself. – What are you doing? – I’m breaking my diet, that’s what I’m doing. So, today, I wake up and I go weigh myself, and in two days I gained five pounds. So, this week, I’m gonna go hard at the gym. I’m gonna lose those five pounds and I’m gonna lose an additional five pounds, and I’m gonna try and look as good as possible ^and finish this off (speaking Spanish). – This shit is actually working. Not only is it working, but I can see the difference, which is even more rewarding. Seeing it on the scale, cool, but when you’re seeing at feeling it? That’s a whole different territory.

That makes you want to keep going. Look at this, look at these bones poking. Welcome back, collarbones. Welcome back, girls. – Discovering my body changing was… It happened really fast. I immediately started to fit into clothing that I hadn’t fit into in a very long time, which made me super excited to keep going. – So, my mom has noticed a difference. She commented the other day, she was like and I was just like, ‘no, mom, I’m trying out this new thing, this diet and everything.’ – We’re at Muscle Farm today for our final workout with the whole gang.

It’s been such a journey, right? I feel. – Yeah. – I think I’m gonna continue this, hopefully. Cross my fingers, but what about you? How do you feel? – I mean, I feel pretty great. I’ve complained a lot, but now that we’re here I don’t regret any of the eight weeks. – I can’t believe their results. I’m just so happy and so proud. We’re sculpting and building booties and muscles. Today, we’re gonna do total body. It’s not gonna be super duper crazy, but it’s gonna be intense. – The first workout compared to the last workout was a drastic change. I definitely noticed that we were less nervous to workout with them and we were more determined to make them proud. – Together, together. Two, yes, come on. Three, no laughing. – In the final workout, I could definitely keep up. It was still hard, it was still difficult, but it was nice to know that you know what? I can do this. – We did it. Did we do it? – You’re still alive. (cheering) (all talking) – I lost 30 pounds. My goal for this was to get my ass kicked. I wanted to change my lifestyle, and I feel like I did that.

Now, I’m going more to the gym, I’m more aware of the foods that I’m eating, and I think none of that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for this eight week program. – I lost 12 and a half pounds. Seeing my face thin out, seeing my body get slimmer, was so rewarding. Melissa’s plan really works, and I stuck to it. I went to the gym even if i didn’t want to, and that let me know that the mental strength that I wanted in the beginning, I had all along. I just had to really work for it. – I lost 30 pounds. It wasn’t as weird to go to the gym alone anymore. I felt a little bit more confident. The goal was to be able to feel comfortable enough to take off my shirt, and it’s interesting because I don’t think that I have…

I’m there yet, and I think that that’s okay too. I think that if I’ve learned anything from watching Melissa is that working out is kind of a process that never really ends. You continue to keep growing, and it’s nothing that you just do once. I stopped drinking, I stopped smoking, I stopped doing drugs and now I’m getting my fitness together.

So, it just was really nice to kind of become this whole person, and I bring it all back to her. And I’m saying she did this for me, and I’m so thankful for her. Because of the way that she trains and because of who she is, you wanna do well. – I lost 18 pounds. I didn’t focus on hitting a certain number that I wanted to lose, I focused on does this feel okay? Do I have energy? Are my moods okay? Because my emotions were out of wack in the beginning, and I feel like now that I have this system going, I have everything in check. Your personal goal should not be because of somebody else. – Oh my God, that is insane! Oh my God, I am so proud of you guys. You have no idea. I watch you guys on Instagram, and every time I see you, I see the changes, and it just makes me so happy. If I did, you can do it. I’m no different, I’m not a superhero, I’m just…

I’m a mom, I’m just a regular person. You have to make time for yourself, for the things that you want, so that you can feel good, so that people around you can feel good. .

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Which Countries Have The Best Healthcare? | NowThis World

In June 2017, the United States Senate rejected a third attempt under President Donald Trump to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This failure was the latest development in the US’s slow move towards socialized healthcare. But in fact, the United States has long had one of the worst balances between what healthcare costs each citizen, and what benefit they get out of it. In the rest of the world, citizens pay much less, or nothing, and often receive higher quality care, with higher life expectancy and lower rates of disease. So, we wanted to know, which countries get Whicthe most out of their healthcare? Well, since 2012, the Bloomberg Health-Care Efficiency Index has measured exactly this balance. As of 2016 one of the top three ranking countries was Spain. Spain is an above average representation of healthcare in OECD countries, and spends roughly twenty-six hundred dollars per person with an average life expectancy of nearly 84 years. About ten percent of the country’s GDP goes towards healthcare costs, which are largely subsidized by the government.

This system of socialized medicine is globally known as “single-payer”, and most citizens see no out-of-pocket expenses when they visit public hospitals. In fact, the right to healthcare is guaranteed in Spain’s constitution. However, this system also leads to complaints about delays in seeing doctors beyond primary care, or getting specialized surgeries. Ranking Second on the Efficiency-Index is another country with universal healthcare, Singapore. Unlike Spain, Singapore requires that care is NEVER provided for free, in order to avoid wasteful use of the system. Instead, healthcare costs are kept artificially low through government subsidies, which compared to Spain, only use 1.6% of Singapore’s GDP. In addition to implementing price controls on medical care and medication, the country uses a system known as Medisave.

This is a medical savings account, where up to 9 percent of employee salaries are required to be deducted and set aside, and can be used for personal or family care. This combination means that costs are low, while the quality of care is one of the highest in the world. But overall, the best, and most efficient healthcare system is reportedly in the autonomous territory of Hong Kong. Interestingly, the territory uses a combination of private and public care, with one of the highest life expectancies in the world, costing just $2000 dollars per citizen, and comprising just 3% of the GDP. However, Hong Kong’s high ranking healthcare may not be exactly what it seems at first glance. First of all, while public healthcare plans can be purchased at low costs, the wait to see specialists or to get certain surgeries can be excessive, with some sources claiming 5 year wait lists.

On the other hand, private hospitals are reportedly speedy but very expensive. This combination of low-cost care for routine visits and medication, with high priced elective or specialized care makes Hong Kong’s system incredibly efficient, and difficult to overburden, thereby avoiding raising costs for everyone. While these three countries get the most bang for their buck, with very high standards of care and life expectancy, they are also difficult to apply broadly around the world. Singapore and Hong Kong have populations of under ten million people, meaning that most health factors are uniform throughout the region and population. By comparison, the United States is enormous, with a population of over 320 million, making centralized, or single payer healthcare more difficult to implement without serious complications.

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Get Fit While Doing Housework (Simple Workout Routines!) – No Sweat: EP3

Hey guys my name is 10 I’m a fitness trainer and body builder we all know that exercise is really important but it can be kind of a talk to go to the gym sometimes what I’m gonna show you in this video is unconventional but bear with me cuz I hope to show that you can’t see me exercise and just something as mundane as cleaning your house and you don’t need a gym so no excuse guys let’s go so for those of y’all who do more sweeping and mopping here is a very simple way for you to turn it into a workout you could do calf raises this has you standing on your tippy toes and you’re gonna be walking around just make sure that you’re standing upright keep your back straight and not only is it gonna train your balance it’s also going to activate your calf muscles so for mopping you can also add in a lunge but this is gonna be a lunch river twist so you’re gonna lunge forward you’re gonna twist your torso and you’re gonna come back and step right up so when you would lunge forward what you want to make sure is that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your packet straight this is gonna work your legs it works your butt is going to activate your core a lot more because we’re twisting our torso so it’s gonna make this exercise a lot harder for you but it’s definitely going to work your abs so much more so this one is called a side walk and it is perfect for when you have a really long stretch of area to clean so get into a squat position and mop or sweep to the side and with this exercise you want to make sure that you keep your posture nice and upright you also want to make sure that you keep your weight back it’s really going to work your legs your butt and it also works your core it’s been tiring so the next exercise is for you to reach those hard to reach areas like underneath your couch so what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna raise your chest and you’re gonna raise your butt and your legs like you’re flying like a Superman and at the same time you’re gonna clean underneath the couch and this is going to help to work your lower back and your button is definitely going to burn a lot more calories than you were just lying on the ground when you’re cleaning vertical surfaces like cupboards like tabletops and also like windows you’re going to get into a white stance and squat so while wiping the windows or the walls is an hourly workout in itself you are also going to incorporate a lick workout at the same time instead of doing a conventional squat with a narrower stance the reason why we are trying a wider stance is because it’s going to work your inner thighs and your butt a lot more and it also takes pressure off your knees very important especially if you have knee problems like myself a common household chore that we do is vacuuming so I’m gonna show you how you can incorporate some exercises into your vacuum routine the first exercise I’m gonna teach you as some lunges with a vacuum this is a lunge this is the motion make sure that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your back is straight because you don’t want to lunge forward and injure your back so when you’re cleaning you’re gonna alternate your lunges and step forward like this so yes instead of just walking and doing your vacuuming incorporate the lunge into it and you get your workout in at the same time this is a really great exercise because it’s gonna walk your legs it works your thighs it works your butt and it also works your core so with these lunges you can do about five to ten repetitions per side depending on your fitness level to switch your workout out just a bit you can also try doing side lunges and this is another variation of a lunge so you step out to the side instead of forward and what it’s gonna do is that it’s gonna help to work your inner thighs it also works for stability and your balance just like your previous lunges make sure that your knee doesn’t go over your toe because this can cause you to get injured and it’s also bad for people with weak knees also remember to kick off from your heels in this exercise I can I’m working my arms as well so for situations where there isn’t enough space for you to do lunges then you can also do a squat hold with your vacuum I’m gonna show you how you do it get into a squat position like this and you can clean the small area that you’re meant to clean while keeping this position and something very important about the squat is that you want to make sure that you keep your chest up you don’t hunched over because there’s a tendency you know I know how suppose really tiring but there’s a tendency if you hunched over and make sure that you put your weight all into your heel see my toes can almost go off the floor and you’re gonna hold this position while you clean for about 30 seconds or whenever you finish cleaning the area and then you can go on and move on to another area to squat and to you so like the lunges this is also a compound movement which means it works multiple muscles in your body your legs your butt and it’s also gonna work your abs so for more advanced workout you can also try doing single arm planks with the vacuum get into a plank position and then you’re gonna alternate between your hands so this is a perfect exercise for when you want to reach those hard-to-reach places like under the sofa with this plank exercise you want to make sure that your core is nice and tight so sub-set belly button in don’t let your butt come too high or too low and keep your body straight and this works your core your butt your legs and your arms another advanced workout that you can try is a single legged deadlift with the vacuum so one hand on the hip you’re gonna balance reach as far as you can and slowly come back up it’s definitely a stability exercise so it’s gonna work a lot of your car and it’s also going to work your hamstrings which out the back of your legs so you can also alternate and use the other leg okay obviously I’m not very good at this exercise yeah this is definitely quite a high exercise I must say I kind of stuck it in when you’re cleaning the floor of the tower what you do is you normally kneel and you would clean like this instead of just kneeling on the ground just keep your knees above the ground and walk in this crawling position you want to make sure that your stomach is tucked in nice and tight and you also want to make sure that if you have any kind of shoulder or any kind of elbow injuries that you don’t do this workout because it actually puts a lot of strain on your arms so this might look kind of easy but it’s really really not because this is almost like a cardio workout this one is a more advanced workout with your towel and these are called ab rollouts what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna get into a push-up position with your knees on the ground instead and what you’re gonna do is roll out and back in and what it does is that it ty gets your car and honestly I find it’s pretty difficult so this is definitely a much more advanced workout do this with caution because you don’t want to fall on your face so with this exercise you’re really targeting the entire length of your abs and it is definitely an ab workout like none other whoo that was difficult so that’s it for this episode I hope you found the tips useful for you especially the next time you clean your house I know this is quite an unconventional way of working out.

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6 Exercises to Get Fit AF With a Friend | Cosmopolitan

The first exercise is a band core twist. You’ll need an exercise band. -And a friend! Alright, so grab the handle, abs are tight, belly button into your spine, and you are going to twist away, and then bring it back. Make sure you’re holding it securely. You trust your friend. So you’ll feel this on the waistline, on the side that you’re twisting away. -The next move is a standing row with a squat. So you and your partner will stand about four feet apart. You’ll grab onto your handles, and your partner is holding, with an alternate grip, very important for safety. As I row back, your partner, Katrina, is going to squat! So she’s working her booty. Complete all of your reps and then switch moves with your partner. -Alright, this one you have to have your friends back. We are going to do back to back ball squats. So you wanna put the ball on the small of your back. And then inch your feet out. Lean up against your friend.

Are you good? -I’m good! Are you leaning? -Leaning! Okay hands in prayer and pray that you won’t fall. Squat down and then come up. Go down and come up. You are toning up your thighs. And your trust. Alright now we are going to have a ball. This is a standing chest press with a ball. So hold the ball with your friend. Step one foot out, opposite foot as your partner.

And then we’re going to lean in towards each other and press out. Lean in, and out. Abs are tight and engaged. You’re working your chest, your arms. -I like this for the triceps. Mhm. -Now, we’re gonna get really close. You wanna bring your booty about a foot away from each other and we’re gonna do booty burners! Bring your feet together. Good. And then slowly lift your hips up to the sky. Ready? -I’m ready! One, two, three, up! And down. This one works your booty, the backs of the thighs, and the core. Alright next is plank patty cake! So we will start in a high plank position. Facing your friend -Don’t try to kiss me. Oh.. And then we will patty cake, opposite hand to hand. Keeping our core tight, body in a straight line. Booty down. Working your core, your chest, your arms. Everything. -Little higher. Up here! -Oh! Look at that! Make sure you do each of these moves 12 times and then repeat it for three sets. And most of all, have some fun with your friend! .

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Healthy Eating with Type 2 Diabetes

Good day my identify is Carlton rivers and i’m a registered dietician with Nick Pat in these days we will be discussing how you can beef up your weight-reduction plan after a diagnosis of diabetes now these methods aren’t just for these with diabetes I encourage every person to use these pointers to their food regimen every day so let’s get started the first thing that you need to don’t forget is to observe the quantity of carbohydrates you consume that way you are capable to manipulate your blood glucose levels or blood sugar stages so what is a carbohydrate good carbohydrates are determined in bread in rice and pasta and different starchy things like potatoes and corn and legumes that are beans and peas carbohydrates are also discovered in sweet foods and drinks like fruit and milk and yogurt as good as sugar sweetened beverages fruit juice and a few sweet and of path any candy cakes so the variety of diet i’ll be emphasizing at present is the Mediterranean sort food plan now this weight loss program has giant amounts of research which have shown distinct advantages in improving cardiovascular wellness and likewise increasing insulin sensitivity which is integral for anyone with kind 2 diabetes a Mediterranean type weight-reduction plan is wealthy in seasonal fruits and greens entire grains healthy fat like fish and nuts and avocados after which it is going to be reasonable amounts of cheese and dairy products like milk and yogurt it is going to be average amounts of lean protein and eggs and then just minimal quantities of crimson meat and sweets so for those who become aware of over here there may be nonetheless our carbohydrates in the Mediterranean kind weight-reduction plan and that is where carb counting comes into play so I find that carb counting is the high-quality way to reveal the amount of carbohydrates you devour and drink at mealtime and for snacks so what i’ve achieved here is I’ve portioned out the carbohydrate containing foods into one carbs serving so what does that imply good 15 grams of carbohydrates equals one carb serving so let’s take this piece of bread for example this piece of bread comprises about 15 grams of carbohydrates so we will say that is one carb serving now if you’re advocated to devour two carb servings for breakfast then you want to limit your carbohydrate consumption to 30 grams that breakfast the American Diabetes association recommends a good beginning factor as 3 to five carb servings per meal that might be a sandwich comprised of two slices of bread you could put meat and cheese in it together with a bunch of non starchy greens after which a small part of fruit and there you go you may have three carb servings so what i’ll do at present is i will exhibit you the right way to take advantage of out of this weight-reduction plan so i’ll take just a little over one cup of spinach after which i go to grab some tomatoes and a radish and what’s great about these vegetables is they may be very low in carbohydrates so we name them free meals which you could generally consume as much as you wish to have of those meals and no longer lift your blood glucose levels so i’m going to add this to the salad and that i continually love adding a salad to any meal on the grounds that it simply helps helps fill you up so we’re going to slice up a few of this radish and add it to the salad and then we’re going to seize some walnuts which you are stuffed with fairly healthy fat they may be really high-quality on your mind wellness and to raise your excellent ldl cholesterol your HDL ldl cholesterol so i am just going to crush some of that now one serving measurement is about one palm full which is one ounce of best after which i’ll add in some just multi elegies simply slice it up sprinkle it on after which we’ll do salad dressing so it is particularly simply 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a half of a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar or anything vinegar you decide on some a drizzle it over and now of direction that you could buy salad dressing in the grocery store however it’s in most cases more luxurious and when you get the low-fats variation then it’ll be excessive in sugar so I say go along with homemade it’s normally higher anyways so i am also going to add in about 3 oz of salmon fillet and so there you go so this meal actually does no longer have many carbohydrates it does not actually have a full one carb serving so if you want to add carbohydrates to this meal you might add 1/2 of a sweet potato which is about 15 grams of carbohydrates you might add one cup of strawberries which is one carb serving and then you definately would add half of a cup of grapes so now not all fruits are created equal there are some which might be greater in carbohydrates and others for example berries are going to have the lowest amount of carbohydrates whereas grapes are a little bit better and so are bananas so one carb serving of banana is going to be half of a banana after which for an apple one small Apple is going to be one carb serving so when you’ve got a giant apple you’re frequently going to wish to cut it in half of to watch your carbohydrate consumption so do not forget when you are seeking to make a culture exchange involving your weight-reduction plan it’s now not that difficult seem at all the distinct food that you simply get to consume all you must do is make sure you’re eating nutrient-wealthy meals so excessive in nutrients and minerals so yummy fruits and greens entire grains matters that are going to fill you up and preserve you convinced they’re additionally going to reinforce your wellness and simply make you feel higher so when you’re adjusting your weight loss program to control your blood glucose stages or your blood sugar phases go low and carbohydrates and high in those healthy fat like olive oil avocados and salmon it will take slightly bit more instruction however i know you can do it so consume up and enjoy blissful consuming you

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) vs. Steady-State – Is High Interval Cardio Better?

In the 1960s, a man title Kenneth H. Cooper got here up with the notion of aerobics. Firstly, aerobics, by way of the aerobics factor process, measured the effectiveness of one of a kind exercises and routine for making improvements to cardiovascular wellbeing. This lead to the coining of the term at present referred to as cardio. Over time, however, the principal focus of these aerobic-situated workouts started shifting from making improvements to cardiovascular well being to helping folks drop extra pounds and burn fat. And it makes a lot feel when you consider that cardio workouts do indeed aid men and women drop some weight through burning excess energy and likewise help humans burn fat by activating the fat-burning cardio power pathway within the physique. This aerobic energy pathway is the vigour method on your body that makes use of saved fats- after being transformed into fatty acids- along with oxygen and different chemical compounds to supply the body’s sole source of energy referred to as ATP. As long as this pathway is utilized, more and more fats will be burned. Early science believed that the quality technique to set off this pathway is by way of performing long-duration, low depth exercises comparable to lengthy-distance jogging, biking, or swimming. This ultimately result in the construction of other types of cardio workouts in these days comparable to aerobic dance classes, step aerobics, and the totally trendy Zumba. Although low intensity cardio continues to be the recreation king of weight loss and fat burning in these days, newbies have arrived to venture for the crown.The biggest gripe with low depth cardio workout routines is the duration, which ordinarily takes greater than an hour. Cardio would appear to be fun and exciting the first time it is carried out, however over time, it starts offevolved to suppose means too repetitive and long. As increasingly persons turn out to be bored and lose interest, increasingly folks will stop. And for some folks, they without problems do not have the time. But are low depth cardio workouts really the nice choice to burn fat and energy? The science today says, "Ehh, ordinarily no longer." this is the place the most outstanding challenger to low depth cardio steps in. This challenger is often called high depth Interval training. Excessive intensity Interval coaching, because the title suggests, is any "coaching" program which are performed in "intervals" at a "high depth." high intensity interval coaching, also called HIIT for brief, are alternating periods of quick high intensity activity with periods of low depth healing. The most popular pastime for HIIT is alternating sprinting with going for walks. Each dash interval lasts between 5-30 seconds and each and every walk interval may even final between 5-30 seconds. The more healthy you are, the larger the work to relaxation ratio will come to be.For instance, if you are quite match, you might be sprinting for 30 seconds and walking for 10. Anybody that is less fit might be sprinting for 10 seconds and jogging for 30. The total session size varies between 5-20 minutes, and when you consider that of the depth, must simplest be accomplished three days every week. When introduced collectively, that’s a highest of simplest 60 minutes of pastime per week! So what is the science behind this? When the physique goes via severe exercise, it needs to be ready to preserve up with the vigor demand. One way of doing so is via secreting excessive stages of fats-releasing hormones often called catecholamines into the bloodstream.The extra catecholamines, the extra speedily fat is damaged down into free fatty acids. Free fatty acids are then used to top off vigor outlets. Reports have additionally proven that HIIT creates a powerful EPOC outcome. EPOC, short for extra submit-recreation oxygen consumption, is the additional oxygen your physique needs with a purpose to recuperate after an excessive recreation. The extra oxygen you absorb additionally means extra energy are being burned. This influence can last up to an effective 24 hours after the exercise. Nevertheless, other stories have proven that the amount of energy being burned during EPOC is not all that so much, where at most a different 60 energy being burned. There are also a few drawbacks. High depth interval coaching is totally strenuous. Individuals might drop out of low depth cardio turns into it can be long and boring, however folks can simply as simply drop out of HIIT in view that it is just too difficult. High depth interval training might also purpose joint suffering as a result of the excessive impact, and over time, would result in critical injuries.Additionally, low intensity cardio can definitely be achieved everyday. HIIT, nevertheless, requires ample recuperation time, which can intrude different exercise routines. Even though HIIT could venture low depth cardio for the crown, it’s not exactly a knockout punch. Have you ever tried excessive depth interval training earlier than? Please share your expertise in the remark part below! .

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Power Foods for the Brain | Neal Barnard | TEDxBismarck

Translator: Peter van de Ven Reviewer: Denise RQ Thank you for joining me. On February, 8, 2012, my father passed away. The truth is that was the day his heart stopped beating. For all intents and purposes, my father had died years earlier. It started with memory lapses, and as time went on, his memory failed more and more, and it got to the point where he didn’t know his own kids who came in to see him.

His personality changed, and his ability to take care of himself was completely gone. And… If you could make a list of all the things that could ever happen to you, the very last thing on your list, at the very bottom of the list, the thing you want the least is Alzheimer’s disease, because when you lose your memory, you lose everything. You lose everyone who ever mattered to you. If you could look into the brain of a person who has this disease, what you see is, between the brain cells are these unusual looking structures. Beta-amyloid protein comes out of the cells, and it accumulates in these little meatball-like structures that are in front of you, on a microscopic slide. They shouldn’t be there, and they are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. This disease affects about half of Americans by their mid 80s. You could say to your doctor, “OK, I don’t want that. What can I do to stop that?” Your doctor will say, “Well, its old age and it’s genetics.” There’s a gene – it’s called the APOE-4 allele. If you have this gene from one parent, your risk is tripled; if you got it from both parents, your risk is 10 to 15 times higher than it was before.

What’s the answer? Get new parents? No, I don’t think so. That’s not it. So, I’m sorry: it’s old age, it’s genes, period, that’s it; there’s not a darn thing you can do just wait for it to happen. Or maybe not. In Chicago, researchers started something called the Chicago Health and Ageing Project. What they did was they looked at what people in Chicago were eating. They did very careful dietary records in hundreds and hundreds of people, and then they started to see who, as the years go by, stayed mentally clear, and who developed dementia. The first thing they keyed in on was something that I knew about as a kid growing up in Fargo, North Dakota – My mom had five kids, we would run down to the kitchen to the smell of bacon.

My mom would take a fork, and she’d stick it into the frying pan and pull the hot bacon strips out and put them on a paper towel to cool down, and when all the bacon was out of the pan, she would carefully lift up that hot pan and pour the grease into a jar to save it – that’s good bacon grease, you don’t want to lose that! My mother would take that jar, and she would put it not in the refrigerator but she’d put it on the shelf, because my mother knew that as bacon grease cools down, what happens to it? It solidifies. And the fact that it’s solid at room temperature is a sign that bacon grease is loaded with saturated fat, bad fat. We’ve known for a long time that that raises cholesterol, and there’s a lot of in bacon grease. And by the way, the next day, she’d spoon it back into the frying pan and fry eggs in it; it’s amazing any of her children lived to adulthood.

That’s the way we lived. The number one source of saturated fat is actually not bacon, it’s dairy products, cheese, and milk, and so forth; and meat is number two. In Chicago, some people ate relatively little saturated fat, around 13 grams a day, and others ate about twice that much, and the researchers just looked at who developed Alzheimer’s disease. And can I show you the figures? Here’s the low group, and there is the high group. In other words, if you are avoiding the bad fat, your risk was pretty low, but if you were tucking into the cheese and the bacon strips, your risk was two, three, or more-fold higher, Then they looked not just at saturated fat, they looked at the fat that’s in doughnuts and pastries; you know what that is, that’s trans fats you’ll see on the labels. They found the very same pattern in there, too. So, the people who tended to avoid the saturated fat and the trans fats, wanted to avoid them for cholesterol and heart disease reasons, but they also seem to affect the brain. Then researchers in Finland said, “Wait a minute, let’s go further.” There is a condition we call mild cognitive impairment.

You’re still yourself – you’re managing your checkbook, you’re driving, your friends know it’s you – but you’re having mental lapses, especially for names and for words. They brought in over 1,000 adults, they were 50 years old, and they looked at their diets. Then, as time went on, they looked to see who developed mild cognitive impairment. Some of these people ate relatively little fat, some people ate a fair amount, and then they looked at whose memory started to fail. They found exactly the same pattern. In other words, it’s not just, “Will I get Alzheimer’s disease?” but, “Will I just have old age memory problems?” Well, what about that gene, that APOE-4 allele the one that condemns you to Alzheimer’s disease? Well, they then redid the study, and they focused only on those people, and some of these people ate relatively little fat, some people ate more, and– …Exactly the same.

In other words, if you are avoiding the bad fats, even if you have the gene, your risk of developing memory problems was cut by 80%. And this is my most important point: genes are not destiny. Let’s take another look in those plaques. We know there’s beta amyloid protein, but there’s also iron and copper. Metals in my brain? That’s right, there are metals in foods, and they get into the brain. Now think about this: I have a cast-iron pan, and we had a backyard barbecue, and a week later, I remember, “Oh… I left my frying pan on the picnic table, and it rained last week.” What happened to my pan? It rusted, and that rust is oxidation. Or you take a shiny new penny, and does it stay shiny forever? No, it oxidizes too. Well, iron and copper oxidize in your body, and as they do that, they cause the production of what are called free radicals. You’ve heard of free radicals: free radicals are molecules that are swimming around in your bloodstream, and they get into the brain, and they act like sparks that seam through the connections between one cell and the next.

So, how is this happening? Where am I getting all this iron? Where am I getting all this copper? How can that be? How many people have a cast iron pan? Let me see hands. If that’s your once a month pan, I’m going to say, “Who cares?” But if it’s every single day, you’re getting the iron into your food, and it’s more iron than your body needs.

Or copper pipes. Who has copper pipes? That water sits in the copper pipes all night long, and in the morning it goes into the coffee maker, and you’re drinking that copper, you get more than you need, and it starts producing these free radicals that go to the brain. If you’re a meat eater, of especially liver, there’s iron and copper in those foods too. And we used to think, “Isn’t that great?” until we realized iron is a double-edged sword. You need a little bit, but if you have too much, it becomes toxic.

Vitamins. Vitamin manufacturers put in vitamin A, and the B vitamins, and vitamin C, and vitamin D. And then they throw in iron and copper, thinking, “Well, you need these,” not recognizing you’re already getting enough in foods, and if they add it to your supplement, you are getting too much. OK, so what am I saying? What I’m saying is aside from the fact that the saturated fat and the trans fats will increase our risk, these metals will, too, and they are causing sparks to form in the brain, free radicals to form that seam through the connections.

And if that’s the case, then I need a fire extinguisher. And we have one, and it’s called vitamin E. Vitamin E is in spinach, and it’s in mangoes, and it’s especially in nuts and seeds. And in Chicago, some people eat a little bit of it, and some people eat a lot of it, and the beauty of this is vitamin E is an antioxidant: it knocks out free radicals. So, if what I’m saying is true, then the people in Chicago who ate only a little bit of vitamin E would be at much higher risk than people who ate a lot, and that’s exactly what the research showed. People getting eight milligrams a day of vitamin E cut their risk of Alzheimer’s by about half compared to people getting less than that. Hmm, OK, how do I get that? It’s very, very easy: run to the store and just buy a bottle of vitamin E pills.

No, I don’t think so, and here’s why not. Nature has eight forms of vitamin E. It’s built into nuts and into seeds, but if I put it into my supplement pill, I can legally call it vitamin E if it has only one form. And if you’re eating too much of one form of vitamin E, it reduces your absorption of all the others. So, you want to get it from food; that’s the form that nature has designed for us, and that’s the form that we’ve evolved with. We can go a step further. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. How much should I have? If I put some nuts or seeds into the palm of my hand, by the time it hits your fingers, that’s just one ounce, and that’s about five milligrams of vitamin E, right there.

The trick is: don’t eat it; because if you do, you know what happens. If you have those diced salty almonds, and you’ve eaten them: you fill your hand again, and then you eat it again. There’s something about salty cashews and almonds, is it just me? There’s something about them, they’re a little bit addicting in some way. So, don’t do that, that’s going to be way more than you need. The answer is pour them into your hand, and then crumble them up, and put them on your salad, or put them on your oatmeal, or on your pancakes, or something.

Use them as a flavoring not as a snack food, then you’re going to be OK. All right, researchers at the University of Cincinnati went one step further. Not just saturated fat, not just trans fats, not just vitamin E, but they said, “What about color?” Look at blueberries and grapes: that color that they have is dramatic. And the colors of blueberries aren’t just there to make them pretty, those are called anthocyanins. They brought in a group of individuals into a research study: average age: 78, and everyone was already having memory problems. And what they asked them to do was to have grape juice, a pint a day. A cup in the morning, a cup at night. Three months later, they tested everyone, and their memory was better, and their recall was better. Three months? That sounds too easy. How can that be? Well, think about it: a grape has a rough life. A grape has to sit on the vine, all day long under the sun, and exposed to the elements, and it has no protection. Or does it? That purple color, those anthocyanins happen to be powerful antioxidants, just like vitamin E, but they’re the grape form, and if you consume them, they go into your bloodstream.

And if that’s true, it doesn’t have to be grapes, it could be anything that has that color. Like blueberries. So, back into the laboratory: a new group of patients, they came in, they all had memory problems. And three months on blueberry juice, Their memory was better, their recall was better. Now, the moral of the story is not to have grapes and blueberries, and blueberry juice, and grape juice. No, the answer is color. If you look at the colorful foods, there’s an important lesson there for us. You walk into the grocery store, and from a hundred feet away, looking at the produce department, you can recognize beta-carotene, lycopene, anthocyanins.

Your retina can detect them because that’s the orange color of a carrot, or the red color of a tomato, or the purple color of a grape. And the brain also tells you they’re pretty, they’re attractive, you can recognize antioxidants, you’re drawn to them. So, back in 2009, my organization, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, went to the Department of Agriculture. We said, “This is important. Let’s throw out the pyramid.” The pyramid was a nice shape, but it had a meat group, and it had a dairy group, despite the fact that people who don’t eat meat or dairy products happened to be healthier than people who eat them. And also, who eats off a pyramid anyway? We eat off a plate. So, we devised a plate that said fruits, and grains, and legumes – that’s the bean group – and vegetables, those should be the staples.

Well, we gave this to the USDA in 2009, and we didn’t hear back from them. So, in 2011, we sued the federal government, the Physicians Committee filed a lawsuit against the USDA, simply to compel response. And did you see what the US government came out with in 2011? I’m not taking any credit for this, but this is now US government policy, it’s called MyPlate, and it does look in some way similar to what we’d sent them a couple of years earlier. Fruits, and grains, and vegetables, and they have this thing called ‘the protein group.’ The protein group could be meat, but it could be beans, or tofu, or nuts, or anything that’s high in protein, it doesn’t have to be meat. In fact, there is no meat group anymore in federal guidelines. There’s a dairy group there, but to their credit, soy milk counts. So, things are improving. So far, what we’ve talked about is getting away from the saturated fats, that’s in cheese, and bacon, and meats; getting away from the trans fats and snack foods; you’re having the vitamin E and the colorful foods; and there’s one more step.

It’s not all food, there’s something to say about exercise. At the University of Illinois, researchers brought in a large group of adults, 120 of them, and they said, a brisk walk, three times a week. After a year, everyone went into the laboratory for a brain scan. They measured the hippocampus which is at the center of the brain, and it’s the seat of memory: it decides what should be let through into memory, and what should not be let through. It turned out that this organ, which is gradually shrinking in older adults, suddenly, stopped shrinking. The exercisers found that their hippocampus was a little bit bigger, and a little bit bigger, and a little bit bigger, it was as if time was going backwards: It reversed brain shrinkage, and on memory tests, they did substantially better. So, I’ve devised my own exercise plan. I’d like to present it to you, I do this three times a week. Arrive at the airport as late as possible, carry massively heavy luggage, and just run for the plane. (Laughter) At the University of Illinois they had their own ideas, and their idea was a little simpler. Do a ten-minute walk, and do it three times a week.

And then, next week, let’s do a 15-minute walk, and the week after that, 20. All they did was add five minutes a week until they got to 40 minutes. And a 40-minute brisk walk – this is not a trudge, but it’s a good brisk walk – 40 minutes, three times a week is all you need to improve memory and reverse brain shrinkage. Very simple. What I would like to do is to go back in time, and I want to sit down with my dad, and I want to say, “Dad, I found out something really important. We can change our diet, we don’t really need that cheese and that bacon. There’s plenty of healthy things that we can eat. Let’s bring in the colorful vegetables and fruits, let’s make them part of our everyday fair. Let’s lace up our sneakers, let’s exercise together.” It’s too late for him. But it’s not too late for you. It’s not too late for me either, and if we take advantage of what we have now learned about how we can protect our brain, then perhaps, families will be able to stay together a little bit longer.

Thank you very much. .

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Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU

Translator: Anders Björk Reviewer: Ivan Stamenković I have the best job in the world. I’m a doctor. No! Believe me that’s not why. I’m an obesity doctor. I have the honor of working with the group of people subject to the last widely accepted prejudice: being fat. These people have suffered a lot by the time they see me: shame, guilt, blame and outright discrimination. The attitude that many take, including those in healthcare, is that these people are to blame for their situation. If they could just control themselves, they wouldn’t be overweight, and they are not motivated to change. Please let me tell you this is not the case.

The blame, if we’ve got to extend some here, has been with our advice. And it’s time we change that. Obesity is a disease, it’s not something created by lack of character. It’s a hormonal disease, and there are many hormones involved. And one of the main ones is a hormone called insulin. Most obese individuals are resistant to this hormone, insulin. So, what does that mean exactly, to be resistant to insulin? Well, insulin resistance is essentially a state of pre-pre-type 2 diabetes. Insulin’s job is to drive glucose, or blood sugar, into the cells where it can be used. In a nutshell, when someone is insulin resistant, they are having trouble getting blood sugar where it needs to go, into those cells. And it just can’t hang out in the blood after we eat or we would all have a diabetic crisis after every meal! So, when someone is resistant to insulin, the body’s response to this is to just make more of it.

And insulin levels will rise and rise, and for a while, years even, this is going to keep up, and blood sugar levels can remain normal. However, usually it can’t keep up forever, and even those elevated levels of insulin are not enough to keep blood sugar in the normal range. So it starts to rise. That’s diabetes. It probably won’t surprise you to hear that most of my patients have insulin resistance or diabetes. And if you are sitting there thinking, “Phew, that’s not me,” you actually might want to think again, because almost 50% of adult Americans now have diabetes or prediabetes. That is almost 120 million of us. But that’s hardly everyone who has issues with insulin. Because as I was saying, people have elevated insulin levels due to insulin resistance for years, even decades, before the diagnosis of even prediabetes is made.

Plus it’s been shown that 16-25% of normal-weight adults are also insulin resistant. So, in case you’re keeping track, this is a heck of a lot of us. So, the trouble with insulin resistance is: If it goes up, we are at great risk for developing type 2 diabetes. But also, insulin makes us hungry, and the food we eat much more likely to be stored as fat. Insulin is our fat storage hormone. So we can start to see how it’s going to be a problem for diseases like obesity and metabolic issues like diabetes. But what if we traced this problem back to the beginning, and we just didn’t have so much glucose around that insulin needed to deal with? Let’s take a look at how that could be.

Everything you eat is either a carbohydrate, a protein or a fat, and they all have very different effect on glucose and therefore insulin levels, as you can see on the graph. So when we eat carbohydrates, our insulin and glucose are going to spike up fast. And with proteins it looks a lot better. But take a look at what happens when we eat fat. Essentially nothing, a flat line. And, this is going to wind up being very important. So, now I want to translate that graph for you into a real-world situation. I want you to go back and think about the last time you ate an American version of Chinese food. We all know there’s rules associated with this, right? And the first rule is: You’re going to overeat.

Because the stop signal doesn’t get sent until you are literally busting at the seams. Rule number two is: In an hour you’re starving. Why? Well, because the rice in that meal caused glucose and insulin to skyrocket, which triggered hunger, fat storage and cravings. So, if you are insulin resistant to begin with, and your insulin levels are already higher, you really are hungrier all the time. And we have this setup: Eat carbs, your glucose goes up, your insulin goes up, and you have hunger and fat storage. So, how do we recommend to these people to eat, because it seems like that would be really important, and it is.

Let’s focus just on type 2 diabetes, because the general recommendations are to tell patients with type 2 diabetes to consume 40 to 65 grams of carbohydrates per meal, plus more at snacks. Trust me on this, that’s a lot of carbs. And remember what’s going to happen to glucose and insulin, blood sugar and insulin, when we eat them? Yes, we are essentially recommending that they eat exactly what’s causing their problem.

Sound crazy? It really, really is. Because, at its root, diabetes is a state of carbohydrate toxicity. We can’t get the blood sugar into the cells, and that causes a problem in the short term. But the long-term consequences are even greater. And insulin resistance is essentially a state of carbohydrate intolerance. So why, oh why, do we want to continue to recommend to people to eat them? The American Diabetes Association guidelines specifically state that there is inconclusive evidence to recommend a specific carbohydrate limit. But those guidelines go right on to say what we all know: Our carbohydrate intake is the single, biggest factor in blood sugar levels, and therefore need for medication. These guidelines then go on to say: Hey look, if you are taking certain diabetic medications, you actually have to eat carbs, otherwise your blood sugar can go too low. Okay, so let’s take a look at the vicious cycle that that advice just set up. So it’s: Eat carbs so you have to take medicine, then you have to eat more carbs so you avoid the side-effect of those medications, and around and around we go.

Even worse is that nowhere in the ADA guidelines is the goal of reversing type 2 diabetes. This needs to be changed, because type 2 diabetes can be reversed, in many, if not most, situations, especially if we start early. Not only do we need to let people know this, but we have to start giving them the practical advice so they can do this. Consider carbs. First, here’s a shocker for you: We don’t need them. Seriously! Our minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates is zero. We have essential amino acids, those are proteins, essential fatty acids, but, nope, no essential carb. A nutrient is essential if we have to have it to function, and we can’t make it from something else. We make glucose, plenty of it, all the time, it’s called gluconeogenesis.

So, we don’t need them, the overconsumption of them is making us very sick, yet we are continuing to recommend to patients to consume close to, if not more than, half of their total energy intake every day from them. It doesn’t make sense. Let’s talk about what does. Cutting carbs, a lot. Yes, in my clinic we teach patients to eat with carbs as the minority of their intake, not the majority. So, how does that work? Well, when our patients decrease their carbs their glucose goes down, and they don’t need as much insulin. So those insulin levels drop, and fast. And this is very important, because a study looking at our National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data, better known as NHANES, showed that the single, biggest risk factor for coronary artery disease is insulin resistance. It is responsible for a whopping 42% of heart attacks.

Low-carb intervention works so fast that we can literally pull people off of hundreds of units of insulin in days to weeks. One of my favorite stories is a very recent one. A young gal, but who had an almost 20-year history of type 2 diabetes, came in when a physician from another clinic told her she was just sick, and she’d probably get used to it. Her diabetes was way out of control.

This despite the fact that she was on multiple medications, including almost 300 units of insulin, that was being injected into her continuously every day via a pump. All of this, remember, blood sugar still out of control. So we put her on a low-carb diet, and now let’s fast-forward four months. She lost weight, yes, but, better than that, sick no more. Her blood sugar levels were now normal all of the time. This on, get this, no diabetes medication.

Gone was the 300 units of insulin, no more insulin pump, no more pricking her finger multiple times each day, gone, all of it, no more diabetes. One of the greatest joys of my job is to be able to tell a patient like this that they no longer have diabetes, and we ceremoniously take it off their problem list together. So, are they cured, is this a miracle? We’ll leave that grandstanding to Doctor Oz. Cured would imply that it can’t come back. And if they start eating excessive carbs again, it will. So no not cured, but they don’t have diabetes any longer. It’s resolved, and it can stay that way as long as we keep away the cause. So, what does this look like then? How does somebody eat this way? Well, first, let me tell you what it’s not.

Low-carb is not zero carb, and it is not high protein. These are common criticism that are so frustrating because they are not true. Next, if we take the carbs out, what are we going to put in? Because, remember, there’s only three macronutrients: if one goes down, one has to go up. My patients eat fat, and a lot of it. “What!?” you say. What’s going to happen when you eat fat? Well, let me tell you, you’re going to be happy, because fat tastes great, and it is incredibly satisfying. (Applause) (Laughter) But, remember, fat is the only macronutrient that’s going to keep our glucose – blood sugar – and insulin levels low, and that is so important. So, I want you to now hear my simple rules for eating. These rules, you have to remember, are even going to be more important if you are one of the tens of millions of Americans who have trouble with insulin levels.

Rule number one: If it says light, low fat or fat-free, stays in grocery store. because they took the fat out, they put carbs and chemicals in. Rule number two: Eat food. The most important rule in low-carb nutrition: Real food does not come in a box, and no-one should have to tell you real food is natural. You should know that when you look at it. Don’t eat anything you don’t like. And eat when you’re hungry; don’t eat when you’re not, no matter what the clock says. And number five is a simple way to remember what we want to avoid. No GPS: no grains, no potatoes and no sugar. That last one is a biggie, right, no grains? Na, no grains. But we have to have them.

Nope, they’re a carb. But whole grains are so good for us. Well, first of all, there are actually very few foods out there that are truly whole grain even when they say they are. Most foods that purport themselves to be wholegrain are highly processed and the fiber benefit ruined. Or they’re coming with highly refined flour, usually both of these things. So if you are one of the truly insulin-sensitive people, you can eat real, whole grain. But if you’re in the enormous slice of our population with insulin issues, it’s making things worse. So what if you are one of the real insulin-sensitive people? Can you still eat this way? Yes! I am a great example. Over a year ago I decided I would cut my carbs as low as I recommend to my diabetic patients. Now, it’s not mandatory for my health like it is for theirs; I’m not insulin resistant, so would this be a problem? No! That’s just the thing. Unless you have an exceedingly rare syndrome, then cutting carbs is going to be good for you, even if it’s not necessary.

I want to show you a couple of pictures of my radical food. So, this is a common breakfast in my house. So does it look like I just broke my own rule? I didn’t because this muffin is made with coconut flour. I bake all the time still. I just use non-grain-based flours: coconut, almond, hazelnut, flax. They make delicious things. And this is a typical dinner in my house with a typical starch. That would be the sautéed mushrooms. No, my patients and I eat delightful food all of the time and enjoy it.

But what about the research on this? I mean is this just anecdotal evidence now from my clinic? No! There are dozens of randomized controlled trials looking at low-carb intervention for things like diabetes, cardiovascular risk factors, obesity. They’re consistent. It works! There are even a large number of studies showing that low-carb nutrition decreases inflammatory markers, which is making it really exciting for diseases like cancer.

We just finished a study in our clinic. And what we did is, we took 50 type 2 diabetic patients that were treated with our low-carb-high-fat-based program, and we compared them to 50 patients who were treated with the ADA guidelines. And after six months, not only did we find a significant metabolic advantage for the low-carb group, but, and let’s face it, this is important, a huge cost savings. Our analysis showed that our patients could save over $2,000 a year just on the diabetes meds they were no longer taking. Just think how fast that adds up. We are in a diabetes epidemic now that we are spending $250 billion a year on in this country. So, I want to show you a slide now that demonstrates where those savings are coming from. So this is looking just at the insulin difference in the two groups after six months. And what we can see is that the low-carb group was able to decrease their insulin by almost 500 units a day.

Whereas in the ADA treated group, they had to increase their insulin by almost 350 units a day. Two important things. Number one: Insulin is expensive. And number two: Not all the people in this study were even on insulin, which makes these results even more impressive. But what I would say is that this graph really represents two different approaches to treating this disease. The first, our group, with the goal of reversing disease, meaning they need less medicine. And the second group, which very clearly aligns with the ADA guidelines, which state that diabetes is a progressive disease, requiring more medicine over time. Progressive unless we take away the cause. So, what’s the problem then? Why is this not everywhere? Why isn’t low carb the norm? There’s two big reasons.

Number one: status quo. It is hard to break. There are many agendas involved. We got this notion that low fat was the way to go decades ago. But a recent study just came out showing that there was zero randomized control evidence to recommend to Americans to remove the fat from our diet. And that’s how the carbs got added in. It was essentially a huge experiment on millions of people, and it failed miserably. The second reason we don’t see it everywhere is money. Don’t be fooled, there’s a lot of money to be made from keeping you sick. And what we see is, with these specialty guideline panels, they are stacked with conflict of interest. So, the solution to the diabetes epidemic in my clinic is exceedingly clear: Stop using medicine to treat food. And for a disease whose root cause is carbohydrates, take away the carbohydrates, or at least cut them, so we can remember what we used to know.

We knew it a long time ago, this was said thousands of years ago, and we need, in this day and age, to get back to that notion. Thank you. (Applause) .

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Wheel Chair Fitness Fat Burner Exercise Workout #2

Hi this is Paul Eugene and welcome to exercising with all Eugene well today I’m in a wheelchair and I’m gonna do wheel chair Fitness if you choose to wheelchair Fitness with me make sure you pace yourself drink plenty of water during and after this workout here’s the deal take those arms down let’s take an inhale then exhale arms up up up up up bring them down take take them up oh yeah you know me I love dramatics.

Up bring down last time, Up Up Ready to get moving bring them down arms down are you ready and four three two chair march, go, pump those arms oh yeah how are you doing today I’m excited I like this wheelchair fitness workout that moves all right keep moving we’re gonna keep moving and pumping that’s right now, listen up I like to give a special shout out to Camp joy here we go pump pump are you moving we gotta keep moving and movin and moving and four three hold it right here now arms out In Oh Yeah we go I’m ready to move you’re gonna move with me come on push push push hold it swag here arms out palm down rotate the arm that’s it for three reverse here we go seven six five come on four three two drop the arms down or it’s up here now are you ready we’re gonna work those wait aha we’re gonna twist only to the right side okay four three two let’s go eight six five four three I love it switch left we gotta get moving come on move it move it move it move it four three two come Center arms down we’re gonna fly come on blah blah blah I love it come on energy alright feel something come on four three two hold here now listen up we’re right here right we’re rocking side to side that’s it oh yes and for three pull we go right left right left come on right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left hold right here so how did you do so far you feel my excitement you feel my energy you feel my expression are you ready four three go seven six five four three – everybody now 7 6 5 4 3 2 arms out wide Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Ben hold it here now five steps right there fill it that’s it oh yeah now watch Paul you cheat let me go going down now you want to call you – four three – let me go bye that’s it Center oh yeah censor you know I like the move psycho that’s it simmer simmer down side side Center down sighs OH oh yeah sighs OH last time Center gets wet fuck that’s it I can reach up reach up now you keep this and watch me pop pop pop come on pop pop pop come on pump five change coming up now I go reach reach reach that’s it I’m reaching to you you’re reaching to me oh yeah you’re my techno club workout and a wheelchair here we go reach and reach reach reach again reach and reach and reach come on push it come on reach reach reach reach again reach and reach change up hold it right here now how are you you okay you should be bouncing I can help but here’s the deal we’re gonna take both arms ha right here we go push push push I call it’s my cardio wheelchair workout that’s it come on push hey come on seven six five come on four three two again let’s go eight seven six five come on four three two and one pull now out in right there that’s it working your biceps oh yeah I know I’m being kind of lazy but guess what we got speed it up we go boom boom come on boom you gotta work it come on boom boom boom hold it we’re gonna go that’s it come on that’s it come on so the music again come on ladies and gents March ha ha how is that how that heart rate is it climbing up there is that sweat pouring off are you working with me you know me I’d like to move it move it oh yeah I’d like to move it move it come on we got it we got it four three holes cross cross honking a breather taking it kind of slow but you know me I can’t stay here ready we go criss cross criss cross don’t hurt yourself come on criss cross Chris Rock Chris Rock hold it right here now how is that keep these arms here we’re gonna work these chest muscles arms here a little wider watch – Paul do jeans I go in oh come on in oh we’re working our pecs that’s it right there come on squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and hold it right here how did you do oh I hit that music and I don’t get excited I can’t sit still it’s pulling me it has my name on it ladies and gents we’re gonna go keep Rocking that’s it come on keep Rocking that’s it we got it keep rocking keep rocking come on that’s it we got to keep pressing we got to press on come on oh yeah keep pressing don’t let go come on press I know my arm is getting tired but I’m keep Rocking I gotta keep Rocking listen up four three hold right here how is that oh my body says keep Rocking but you know what I want to rotate these soldiers these arms let me go keep Rocking that’s it we got it beat rocky keep Rocking sighs no keep Rocking come on keep Rocking we got away keep Rocking oh yeah keep walking hold it out that’s it bring it down gets wet arms here we got a key trockie let’s turn that body playing the music’s coming up home out that’s it matrix matrix matrix now take it up play with me ha now oh yeah come on we got a play take it up now wind goes down guess what it’s time to roll it haha which switch ah are you with me which oh yeah hold it right here how did you do how those arms are you rocking with me this rocket side repeat out see I’m giving a repetition that’s it we’re burning burning calories burning energy you got it for that’s it three that’s it and two back and one hold it right here now here’s what I want to do I want to go keep rocking right there oh yeah come on right here we go in toddlers arms oh yeah I know I’m spilling it and I’m loving but get your composure okay four three slow down sue got 40s right are you rocking keep rocking are you rocking keep rocking little breather watch now Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam keep Rocking Bam Bam Bam now that was slow right but you know me we can’t stay there right because I feel the music and it’s calling me to what speed it up we go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam come on oh yeah I love it oh now I’m gonna do something with these hopes that’s gonna take out these elbow bending down we’re gonna stay up hooking right to left we go oh yeah hold it right here now how is that you see me flat side oh that’s it right side again four three two one again for change coming up play on the rhythm hold it right here listen up you seen your bouncing oh yeah I can’t help it quick little Beyonce did we here we go boom boom boom boom boom boom hahaha I got you dancing in your wheelchair again our real serious change coming up okay listen up to me the Midlands gonna slow down and we’re gonna slow down with it okay are you ready get set four three two we go right left just right left right come on left right left I’m imagine myself dancing stepping right to left but my arms are stimulating my body moves okay right come on oh yeah oh yes absolutely energy it’s coming on come on come on ah take it up into it a bargain wind oh yeah I love a breather oh yeah hold it right here now here’s what I wanted to do and Wow right there simple move oh yeah listen up cheering March we’re almost there how you feeling pushing you too too hard or not enough keep that much for three and two and one listen up how does it start bringing us down so I’m gonna make the move slower okay it’s gonna be sweet hop that’s it reach up we’re slowing down on purpose oh yeah oh yeah you ready put it in hell the Edsel ladies and gents hold it right in your orange down pick it up and help mmm exhale inhale up and sell out one more time exhale out that’s it now bring the arms up shoulder height right there sweep to the flat oh yeah all the way through hug yourself now go take on your butt oh yeah other way and guess what this was the cardio portion of this workout I’ll be back with our cooldown and our stretch don’t go nowhere okay okay yeah oh yeah right back hi this is Paul Eugene and welcome back to exercising with Paul Eugene and a wheelchair well if you’ve been following along with me it is time to stretch out and close out today’s show well here’s the way I wanted us to do dropped our arms down alongside the wheelchair and just rotate our shoulders back and back again give me four three and two and one now to the front go for I love it three two and one right there now take the arms out bring them up inhale exhale between the orange right back down I can’t take a mop excellent now take them back down you got it hold it right here now I always take this arm right here lean it here to this arm over and just stretch hold the stretch for four and three two and one bring this arm down now this arm goes up and over hole here for four and three and two and one bring it down we just get a side stretch so here’s what I want us to do now I want you to and drop these arms down again bring the arms up into a prayer position palms together bring them down in front of your chest excellent now I want you to lace your fingers through like this extend your arms straight out relaxing your shoulders excellent take the arm straight up excellent release the palms out bring the arms shoulder height palms facing front now contract your stomach in and pull your arms together towards the front relax your shoulders bring your arms all the way through give yourself a hug but doing a good good good job all right now listen up unwrap those arms drop them down and guess what you did it I did it we all did it so we’re gonna get out of here by just doing our famous wheelchair March this has been Paul Eugene and I trust that you had a fantastic fun time I inspired you and encourage you and your spirit and your soul and in your body until next time may God bless you and have a wonderful day this is Paul Eugenia’s I am out of here I’ll see you next time oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

As found on Youtube

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