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TSP’s Rabish Ki Report | Rabish Chala Gym Part 1

Our ancestors always said to desire and exercise. otherwise the date of success and the rate of weight will be out of control We often blame the government for the unemployment in this country. But Prime Minister, Mr. Modi, ?? Let’s keep aside the fact that you have to pay for this labour instead of it paying you. So what we’ve come to see here today is who besides Akshay Kumar and Mr. Modi has taken the Fit India movement seriously. so a distant relative of the gym and the bodybuilding. Hello, I’m Raja Rabish Kumar. Hail to God Bajrang Bali Isn’t that what hardcore builders say. Let’s take a look. Just as I entered the gym, 2 hard-working labourers stared at me as if Arnab is paying their fees. I saw a lady running on the treadmill and it felt like I found Barkha When i saw her face I was heartbroken and shocked.

Anyway, just then the gym owner greeted me with full excitement. – Hello, Rabishji! – That 5 kg hand pressed my hand so bad that it seemed like the bell icon from Screenpati’s Youtube channel. Okay, okay, man. Listen, this hand holds the mic, not the dumbbells. It’s a little weak so please let go. However, always remember that my tongue is quite strong! Sorry, Rabishji. What will you have? Tea, coffee or a protein shake? I don’t want all that.

I’ll just have the answers to my questions. Will you give that? Of course, I will. Why won’t I? I’ll answer you proudly. just shoot it It’s not so easy, got it? ‘Cause even people with a 56″ chest are scared to answer me. That’s why they don’t give me their interviews You might have understood who I’m talking about? So tell me how do you train here? Rabishji, our gym is world-famous in our city. Sir, people come here with 1-2 packs but leave with… 6-8 packs. – Wow, he has biscuits growing… – Yes, he does. – You’re a step ahead of Lakhan then. – What do you mean? I mean Lakhan would only make 1-2 turn to 4, but you turn 1-2 into 4, 6 and even 8. – Isn’t that right? – Well… Tell me something. Won’t it make you infertile if you drink this protein shake? – I have 4 kids, Rabishji. – Isn’t that wrong? – How so? – You’re taking disadvantage of your fertility. It’s not good for the nation, bro. Hey, you’re not doing the sit-ups properly. With what the gym owner said, it was obvious that this gym isn’t easy, it’s an excruciating workout everyday but you need to work through it Anyways, our camera went ahead from there and focused on a fitness freak who was lifting less weight but shouting more.

So at last I asked him bro, since all your energy is wasted in sound energy is it really hurting you or are you over acting? It’s not over acting but a technique. You get energy doing this. – you get the charge – Watch out, man. Don’t lose it all. Why did you shout now? Rajaji, this is a mix asian art of Chinese, Japanese and Indian muscle making. Mix asian art. Our body and mind works in sync with this. The amount we waste in sound energy will come back into us in the form of cosmic energy. And Rajaji energy and matter are conciousness of your body.

It is not equal to MC square He looks like a devotee of Nityanand baba ‘Cause only his devotees have such deep knowledge of physics. isn’t it? – Help! Help! – Look, he’s lost it. Looks like all the energy of his matter went away in the cosmos. Generally, no one wants to show their exam result. But they love to show the entire world what their workout result is. We met a gym member like that. Who would either take a selfie or a dumbbell to check his before and after. Looks like you’ve lost a lot. You’re going to look like Captain America in 2 months. One day, Rabishji. I will be succesful. I’m working so hard, ain’t I? But I think you need to lose some more weight. Well Rabish ji, anything for you – What? – Here you go, Rabishji! You misunderstood, man. I was talking about losing your body weight not the dummbells’. You took this system wrong. – What’d you say, Rabishji? – Nothing, bro. – Rabishji, you said… – No, no. I said nothing. Rabishji, you said the ‘system’! Exactly! System, Rabishji.

The system! The system should let us lose our weight, right? You tell me, Rabishji. You tell me. Is it our job to just lift weights and reduce our weight? Don’t we have any duty towards the society? What will happen to all the poor people who are surviving by selling samosas, vada pavs, chowmein, hakka noodles and jalebi, if we become selfish to lose weight. will this system feed them, Rabish ji? No, man. No. Mr. Modi tells us to sell pakodas on one hand and on the other he starts Fit India movement! Who’s going to eat the pakodas if India is Fit, Rabishji? It’s not called developing nation, it’s contradiction. It’s contradiction, Rabishji.

And when their samosas and pakodas won’t sell, their children will turn into criminals because of hunger. They’ll hold guns in their hands and cause riots all over the nation. Will these toned body and 6-pack abs be able to face their 1″-2″ bullets? No! I ask you Rabish ji Will these gym owners provide security to their members? No, right? – Tell me something. – Yes? Are you on protein or on drugs? I just eat eggs, Rabishji. Indigenous one, The brown brown. However, I feel like you should be an employment minister of our country. ‘Cause you’ve made a good system within a system. You get fat and come to gym for gym owner’s livelihood. Then you go eat at the fast food places for their livelihood. – Very nice, bro. Very nice! – No, Rabishji. My heart’s just that way.

– soft, kind, cute and naughty – So… during the World War II When people had surrounded Hitler. Hitler said that, what happened was for the best. If I shoot anywhere, someone will surely die. That’s the kind of positivity I got from him. I think this nation needs builders and youth like him. For a while I got the feeling of Indian trains at the gym. When I saw a builder take the dumbbells to the bathroom like a ticketless traveller. But I went in like a TT and caught him. What is this? What are you doing? My camera is outside, bro. How will I report this? Open it. – Come on. – Come, come in. What are you doing, bro? What did you do? Actually, Rabishji, my gym membership has been expired, so I’m saving money by not letting people see me. That’s theft. but whats wrong in that. I’m quietly exercising and using my right. I’m not even bothering anyone. When I first came to get membership, they said it’s 4000 per month, and 4200 for 6 months. So I took it for 6 months. – But you only come for 1 month. – That’s right – You think they’ll refund me the rest? – They absolutely won’t.

You got me in trouble. He’s ruining my image. The nation says I’m a good journalist. – you got me in trouble. – Hold on.. Hold it.. How will I answer Mr. Modi? What do I tell him? What are you doing? – They’re gone… – What did you just do? Nuclear Bomb ! A threat is more than enough. – I’m sure you read the news, right? – Yeah. Okay, tell me why you didn’t come for the 5 months you’d paid for? Laziness. That’s all. – It took 5 months to wake up. – hmmm, your laziness was very lazy. Absolutely. But how do you hide from people when you come here? Rabishji, only my dumbbells recognise me at the gym. and they can’t talk. Also, I’m sure you’ve watched ‘3 Idiots’. You just need a uniform and not fees to come to a gym. and yeah, that I stole from the locker room. If the Indian government needs spies, come get him from the gym.

he is so good at spying. No one even knows about him. How will they know who I am? My body would’ve changed by then. – I’ll smash their teeth in! Bloody… – Okay, I’ll leave now. Do you need something? I can send it to you. Just a little room freshner. Not that, tell me if you need any dumbbells… – Okay? – I’ll get that myself. You also come along now. .

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What’s going on Nation? I’m Scott from and in today’s video I thought we’d have a little fun and I want to share with you guys ten of the craziest dumbest exercises that I’ve seen in my gym since moving down here to Florida Its pretty hilarious, but before we get started be sure to click that notification bell Its pretty hilarious, but before we get started be sure to click that notification bell So you never miss a new video uploaded from me. Alright, so let’s let’s just jump right in Let’s start this off with a bang. Okay, the first exercise is a seated barbell Biceps curl now guys, I know you can lift more weight by doing half curls But this is taking it to a whole new level All right They’re like there is absolutely no benefit to doing a seated barbell curl During the eccentric portion of the movement if you guys want to do a seated curl.

It’s very simple During the eccentric portion of the movement if you guys want to do a seated curl. It’s very simple You grab dumbbells and you do it the right way Number two triceps push down with the elbows flat all the way out to the sides now guys I know you want to be able to lift the entire stack but hunching over the bar with your shoulders Pronated forward and your elbows flared out isn’t the way to do it Okay You are not hitting those triceps as hard as you possibly can but there is a catch to why people do this Most of the time when I see dudes doing this it’s so that they can look in the mirror and they can mire that Triceps flex on the way down on every single repetition. It’s kind of hilarious But if you want to see triceps gains and not just look at them in the mirror you need to do proper form which is elbows by your sides chest up and full extension on the way down number three the uneven benchpress now guys in the video It might look like this could work If you have one side of your chest lagging or smaller than the other side entire side of your body where the heavier weight is on Mind muscle connection you need in your chest in order to break it down to see growth.

Okay? This doesn’t work now there are exercises where Maybe you hold the barbell straight up and you just bring one arm down Bench press that could work to a degree, but doing it this way Maybe you hold the barbell straight up and you just bring one arm down Not if you guys want to grow your chest and one side’s lagging compared to the other Bench press that could work to a degree, but doing it this way It’s a it’s a bent over row done on a lat Not if you guys want to grow your chest and one side’s lagging compared to the other You lean all the way back and then you Consistently and work with progressive overload number four is actually kind of hilarious It’s a it’s a bent over row done on a lat pulldown machine where basically you sit like you’re about to do a reverse lat pulldown and then once you get into position You lean all the way back and then you start pulling the bar to your belly button in order to simulate a bent over row this Don’t try to invent something new just stick with what you know barbell bent over rows Not to mention that you’re never gonna be able to overload Properly number one probably because the weight doesn’t go that high number two The weight is gonna pull you out of the seat as you start to go heavier and number three You’re not really getting that like nice deep stretch you want in your lats because the position that you’re in Isn’t really allowing that to happen.

So if you want to grow your lats and you’re having a hard time Don’t try to invent something new just stick with what you know barbell bent over rows Next is quarter crunches on the ab crunch Machine and I’m willing to bet that quite a few of you watching this video right now are guilty of this Go to the ab crunch machine You’ll load as much weight as you can on it because you want to build some big blocky abs But then when it comes time to doing the reps, all you’re doing is quarter crunches at the top of the movement Let me explain something to you guys The machine has a range of motion that forces you to arch your back in the beginning and crunch at the top Because that’s the range of motion you need to do to work your abs If you only had to do a quarter crunch, it would be designed to allow you to only do a quarter crunch Okay, so drop the weight and do full range of motion. Now number six is probably the most hilarious thing They’re like, okay good because you you look really dumb and I’m like, but like Did it just because you can bend over and the barbell can fit behind your kneecap I felt like such a moron like dudes were looking at me Exercise that nobody’s ever thought of before.

Okay. All right. I see in the gym It’s almost like basically doing a triceps kickback I know that’s why I’m putting it in the video What you need to be doing is an incline Skullcrusher Did it just because you can bend over and the barbell can fit behind your kneecap With a lot more weight than doing it bent over with the bar behind your knees Exercise that nobody’s ever thought of before.

Okay. All right. I’ve seen alright, and we’re just gonna call it a barbell shoulder press You’re literally watching the barbell come down to your face and then pressing it back to the top of the movement which when it comes to building muscle is pretty much a useless exercise I had barely any weight and the few times I actually did touch at the top of my nose it frickin hurt What you need to be doing is an incline Skullcrusher It’s like almost like it’s an excuse to not do full range of motion because technically the bar stops at your face Takes pressure off the elbows as long as you do it on an incline and you’ll be able to overload With a lot more weight than doing it bent over with the bar behind your knees Now number six was the most ridiculous, but number seven is probably the most dangerous one I’ve seen alright, and we’re just gonna call it a barbell shoulder press But it’s probably one of the useless movements you can do You’re literally watching the barbell Where you’re stable enough to do as much weight as you probably can do And I have to admit the guy I saw doing this had a lot of weight on the bar I can understand that but in order to fully activate your glutes in the flex, you have to be able to push down and All right, super dangerous.

Don’t ever do it like this But you cannot get a full extension with that hard glute flex. Now if you really want to get those glutes on fire With a similar exercise all you’re gonna do is to step up on a bench. It works a lot better But if you want shoulder gains and you don’t want to kill yourself do it the right way and bring it down to the top of your chest and repeat four reps number eight is the you will be able to flex those glutes to take full advantage of But it’s probably one of the useless movements you can do to try to target your glutes for a couple different reasons number one Pointless and useless exercise to do Okay? and number two in order to activate your glutes Yes, you might be getting a stretch at the top of the movement I can understand that but in order to fully activate your glutes in the flex, you have to be able to push down and Through with your leg and when you’re doing it on this machine.

Yes, you can push the weight down But you cannot get a full extension with that hard glute flex. Now if you really want to get those glutes on fire With a similar exercise all you’re gonna do is to step up on a bench. It works a lot better it’s gonna require you to have a bit more stability as you step up and control yourself on the way down and When you get to the top of the movement you will be able to flex those glutes to take full advantage of the flex at the top of the movement number nine is Lateral for seven reps and then bend over and hit the rear delts for seven reps. but I am seeing it in my gym and I had to go over to a few different people and explain why it’s a pretty You gotta check out my mercy 30s you do 10 repetitions with your arms really wide on the barbell You do 10 repetitions with your hands close together on the barbell And then you do 10 repetitions with a neutral grip on the barbell and then your biceps explode Regrow and then they get bigger and last but not least.

I do have a bonus exercise I’m gonna share with you guys 21 repetitions is gonna cause a pump whether you do it the wrong way or the right way The only difference is if you do it the right way You’ll actually progress with the movement and you’ll see some muscle growth when you do it the wrong way Repeating for reps and what a lot of people like to do on this There’s absolutely no reason to do a bicep curl from the bottom to halfway Seven repetitions and then do half way to the top for 7 repetitions There’s no point in doing that you need to do full range of motion 21s were originally designed to basically do a triple a triple set or a You are gonna see a lot more gains and you’re gonna be least likely to hurt yourself Lateral for seven reps and then bend over and hit the rear delts for seven reps. That’s what it was originally designed for Protein for the holiday season if you guys haven’t seen it yet You gotta check out my mercy 30s you do 10 repetitions with your arms really wide on the barbell You do 10 repetitions with your hands close together on the barbell And then you do 10 repetitions with a neutral grip on the barbell and then your biceps explode Regrow and then they get bigger and last but not least.

I do have a bonus exercise I’m gonna share with you guys Number 10 the two inch leg press we’ve all seen it. Some of us may have even done it you’ll load up as much weight as you possibly can and then you literally just do a so now for the final exercise that I’ve seen at my gym the dumbest Repeating for reps and what a lot of people like to do on this Exercise is put their legs really close together Alright, and this is what this guy did, this dude Literally loaded up the leg press with as much weight as he possibly could and then decided kind of looking around and looking at people looking around whatever You are gonna see a lot more gains and you’re gonna be least likely to hurt yourself And before we get to the bonus exercise puts his feet up and then pretends and acts like he’s gonna do the movement Protein for the holiday season if you guys haven’t seen it yet go to or even amazon they have it there It’s a limited edition.

It actually tastes really good all I could think of and I’m with my workout partner and we’re laughing our butts off and all I can think is that he This is something that you’re gonna want to get because you can use it in a lot of different really cool recipes Which I plan on posting on my Instagram So if you don’t follow me, make sure you check me out at scott herman fitness All right, guys so now for the final exercise that I’ve seen at my gym the dumbest To make it seem like he may have actually lifted the weight Seen I’ve only seen it once that’s how rare it is. Okay, but it did happen All right. This is this is basically gonna be called the fake out leg press Alright, and this is what this guy did, this dude Literally loaded up the leg press with as much weight as he possibly could and then decided kind of looking around and looking at people looking around whatever Gets down and sits on the leg press That’s what the update is for so you can expect to see that on My Android phone it works phenomenally you guys are gonna absolutely love it Then after he’s like done preparing like he’s gonna actually do the lift He puts his feet down and gets up and starts looking around again and I swear to god he did it like three times in a row and So we’ve submitted the app actually three weeks ago.

Then we resubmitted it again last week at the beginning of the week I don’t know what’s going on with Apple, but they take forever but it is coming. Okay? with maybe other people that he thinks were watching him that were And I really hope you guys like this I put a lot of time and a lot of energy into it And then he used that lapse of time where they were actually doing their own thing To make it seem like he may have actually lifted the weight So go down there and smash that like button if you enjoyed the video and I wish I was making this stuff up because some of not even allowing you to properly bench the weight in place all that at a time kind of like a single arm dumbbell all you need to do is bench more pulldown machine where basically you sit like you’re about to do a reverse lat start pulling the bar to your belly button in order to simulate a bent over row I know that’s why I’m putting it in the video It’s almost like somebody’s like oh, wow.

This feels really natural which when it comes to building muscle is pretty much a useless exercise keeps constant tension on the triceps throughout the entire range of motion to the face because that’s what you’re doing to try to target your glutes for a couple different reasons number one and number two in order to activate your glutes the flex at the top of the movement number nine is just because you get a pump doesn’t mean that you’re getting muscle work That’s what it was originally designed for go to or even amazon they have it there this is probably the dumbest most ridiculous thing I’ve ever and kind of sits there for a little bit and Monday Tuesday the latest like I actually have it on Never heard from Apple. We were in queue for the longest time and as always more good stuff coming soon. See you guys .

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