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Weight Loss Body Transformation – (35 days) before and after results

So… today I am a fat fitness professionalI swear to god I even have a six pack somewhere Buried underneath the fat Ok this is officialy a bit weirdHey! I know how embrassing it can be I mean it jiggles everywhereit jiggles when I go for a walk it definitely jiggles when I go for a runit even jiggles when I’m on the train and it vibrates and I just feel like everyoneis looking at my belly I get it… I’m a little bit fat! What do you think? A year? Six months? how about 5 weeks? for the recordok google, what is the date today? it is Sunday, the 20th of September 2015 excellent, now that’s on the recordnow guys check this out this… this is not a photo, it’s a videoit is impossible to photoshop the jiggle anything from growth hormone to Insulin totestosterone it’s all there. It’s all well planned for the next 5 weeksthe perfect plan to lose as much fat as possible in the next 5 weeksnot really complicated, all I have to do is follow it so..Ok google what’s the date today? It is Sunday, the 25th of October 2015alright so there you go that’s exactly 5 weeksthat’s like… just to put in perspective… that’s just like 1 month and 1 weekmoment of truth Ahha not so fat anymore! Great! So I don’t know how much you are used to seeingyour body changing in 5 weeks but I am not doing what everybody else aredoing I am doing something quite a lot differentreally different and this is my result My name is Jacob Nadav andI started researching weight loss professionaly about 12 years agoBack then calories were all the rage! We believed you needed to eat less, trainmore boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit.. and that everything will be just fine but everything wasnt Im going to share some super interestingweight loss things with you but before I do there are two things you should know One, there are two types of fitness expertsThe first one is the type that still rely on calories, eating less, training more and…calling everyone bro Yeah bro, calories are your frenemy bro and the science nerdsthose who spend time looking at research, biology and asking questions.If you are a bro and you just want to eatless, train more and count calories go aheadI am not even going to try and stop you! this video is an advanced fitness tutorialif you are not interested in learning something new todayif you don’t want to give it the next couple of minutesif you just want to stick to what you already think you knowplease dont let me waste your time. on the other hand if you want to find outwhat thoudands of hours in research and experience with clients has led tothen keep watching two, forget 12 years of researchI realize you are busy and you wanna know everything right nowI am going to do my very best to pass on some really good concepts and really good knowledgeto you in the next few minutes but please dont be angry if you are notan expert in like the next 2 minutes there is a lot of knowledge involved and Iam happy to share but let’s keep it real I do want to make it worth your timelike every second you watch so listenIm going to touch on some amazing concepts in regards to weight lossif you want to learn more about any of them I got plenty more information for you, forfree at there are videos and articles for you to nerdout and explore the science and it’s fascinating to do that just go to BellyProof.comand click on the learn more menu I recommend you start with the lion technique and proceeddown from there you can also find results from other participantsin the before and after section and the red button is where you can find thefull program just in case you want to follow it and dothe 5 weeks body transformation yourself let’s dive right in Weve all been at it, trying to burn caloriesand burn fat with mixed results.Some of us walk for hours a day, others docardio and others do weight training and it seems like to a certain degree thatworks… and then we go on holiday and one week later,we put it all back. it all boils down to the old concept of youhave to train to burn fat In reality you have to trainbut you can’t just burn fat you have to break it down first Your first task is to ask google for the definitionof Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation now to put it simply, lipolysis is quite literally”fat breaking” Lipo lysis or the proccess of taking triglyceriedes and breaking theminto glycerol and free fatty acids fat oxidation is taking those free fatty acidsand oxidizing them in what we refer to as fat burningwhich is done aerobically The more fat you break, the more fat you canburn let’s give you some real life examles to connectthe dots if you just go on aerobic training like runningor if you are just doing a diet there is almost no fat breaking involvedthis means that all the calorie deficits you are creating and relying onleaves your body with one option to get your energy by burning glycogen whichincidentally also binds up to 4 times its own mass in water.This is why people who follow these type ofroutines tend to lose a lot of weight, mainly water weight, then gain it all backusually in a holiday or a couple of days of bad eatingwe call that yo-yo weight dieting alone with or without aerobic training,is a great way to lose weight, water weight… but it’s a terrible way to lose body fat if you are doing a ketogenic diet, you wouldbe happy to know that ketone body production is an expression of fat breaking. unfortunately, if you are going via nutritionalketosis alone, the fat loss you are seeing is real, but its tiny in comparison towhat you could be doing.Also, if you are doing ketogenic diet, thatmeans you are keeping your fats high, your calories high and you are still losing fatthat’s against the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of caloriesso you are breaking the law last example, lets say you are workingout correctly and hitting the mechanisms for both fat breaking and fat burning repetedlybut in your quest for the perfect body you eat an apple or take a flavoured pre-workoutbefore training now youre looking at something completelydifferent you may be doing a lot of things correctlybut now your Insulin levels are elevatedInsulin is antagonnistic to both Growth Hormone and Adrenaline both needed to break fatThat means if your Insulin levels are up Growth Hormone and Adrenaline must be downdo you see the irony? sometimes you can do a lot of things right but by messing littlethings and now your hormones are acting against you this is the first lessonwhen it comes to losing body fat, fat breaking and fat burning are at the coreof everything you do and yes, to a large degree via nutrition,exercise, sleep and many many other things you can either enchance all those functionsor you could undermine them choose to ignore them altogether and yourejust doing guess work Next thing I want you to do is a cool experiement if you ever stuggled with love handles orbelly fat, you wouldve heard give it time Bro, everybody knows that bellyfat and love handles are the last to go yet they also tend to sayoh yeah, you lose fat everywhere, like evenly, bro so which one is it? The two statements are contradictory!if you lost fat everywhere evenly then we would not be talking about belly fat or lovehandles being the last to go which is what happens in real lifeand heres a cool experiment I want you to try right now touch your face feel the temperaturenow touch your upper abdominals feel the temperature therenext I want you to feel the feel the temperature on your belly fat,your spare tire, your love handles, your back fat, your bingo wings, your thunder thighswhichever part of your body that you define as stubbornalso make sure your hands arent freezing so that you can feel the temperature so is your belly or love handles or whateverstubborn fat you have is it colder to the touch? let me know in the comments belowthe reason it is so relevant is because when your fat is colder it is an indication ofpoor blood circulation now you know hormones are important for breakingyou know oxygen is important for burning, oxdiationblood is what delivers them to the tissues so fat tissues that recieve good blood circulationis often much easier to handle fatty tissues that are cold and are not recievinggood blood circulation are also not recieving a lot of Growth Hormone, a lot of oxygen andtherefore not seeing a lot of results sure, alpha-2 receptors, Cortisol receptors,HSD type 1 they all matterbut if you solve blood circulation, you will do loads better the next concept is Movement you exercise and each exercise you do requiresyou to go into positions those positions require range of motion onyour joints when you demonstrate passive range of motionwe call it flexibility and as you acquire motor control within that range we call itmobility as you get more positional information andcontrol you can stabilize and lock a position to produce strength fromthese positions are really good for the type of exercises we can use to break fat and points where you lack control, unstablepoints can be a powerful opportunity to burn fat,due to increased muscle activity we can take it even further if you considersymmetrical vs asymmetrical positions as well as sympathetic and parasympatheticresponses from your nervous system movement is like…Super cool!from high level mobility to calisthenics not only it’s super cool and really interestingthere are connections in there to muscle tone and fat loss that are just beyondtoo good to overlook The last two concepts are both about makingconnections and ignoring them we have already seen major aspects of fatloss like factors like fat breaking fat burning, Insulin, Growth hormone and blood circulationand it’s not just that everything is connected it’s actually connecting further did you know that by manipulating your breathingnot only you can influence cortisol which is obviouslly connected to belly fat, butyou can also control how much oxygen is in your blood and in your cells ready in timefor fat burning have you ever considered that gut health,probiotics, prebiotics, the lining the whole shabbangis virtually inseparable from metabolic health, cellular functionsits all connected What about your mobile phone and EMFs exposure? Hold on a second..Hi Mumyeah it has to be plugged in you have to press the power buttonfrom EMFs to Calcium in your cells to Magnesium deficienciesto Melatonin production how it connects to Growth Hormoneand there you go, there’s a connection to fat lossnow don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting you pack everything andmove to an organic farm but at the same time, knowledge is power is it worth knowing that everyday toxins canbuild up Estrogen and besides serious health implications, that can result in the dreadedchest fat also known as moobsor that sunlight can induce apoptosis and literally kill you fat cellskamikaze this bring me up full circle to the last pointwhich is very much the first point to remind you I started researching weightloss concepts about 12 years ago back then, calories were all the ragewe believed you needed to eat less, train more, boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit and that everything will be just fine but everything wasn’tas it turns out, it was not just motivation bro or yeah bro, it’s about the caloriesat the end of the day if you look at everything you now know and you decide to ignore it andlimit yourself to calories only then your results are going to be very limited as well heres what I want you to do next:if you liked this video and you want to learn more click on the subscribe button to getmore exclusive content also leave me comment below and tell medid you learn anything new today? does it resonate with you? what’s your experience?if you looked at some of the before and after results on the website, do you agree withme that some of them did better than I did? second, I want to remind that the BellyProofwebsite holds a lot more information and videos so you can dig in and educate yourself onhow to get your perfect body it’s also worth mentioning that it’s not staticand it’s worth checking from time to time because we are working on some crazy stuffat the moment and you..Let’s just say you don’t want to miss outif you want to do a before and after body transformation yourself, theres the program,where Ive done my absolute best to get all those concepts into a program that evenyour grandmother can do and lose fat including belly fat in the next 5-6 weeksso whether you are a newbie or experienced with your fitness, dont let granny smashit before you do have a great day, I hope you carry on to thenext video oh and let me know if you think I should geta tattoo for my next experiment I am thinking either my upper armor my leg running up to my pelvis yeah…using a bit of crowd wisdom to decideon the right tattoo thanks for watchingsee you in 5 weeks.

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Cycling Workout – Get Fit With GCN’s 60 Minute Turbo Trainer Class

Let’s start this class. [music] These are slightly long intervals, soremember to p.C. Your self. To preserve matters fascinating throughout thisendurance session, the riding position will range throughout the complete type.There are no sprints. You can need to work for the entire session, but your effortand speed will have to fluctuate. Try to stay with this for the nextthree and a half minutes. [music] Now, think that rhythm. Just right. [music] center of attention on your position. Calm down yourshoulders and bend your elbows. [music] retaining it high-quality and relaxed. That you would be able to arise or stay seated. It is up to you and whatyou decide on at this factor. [music] pleasant and easy. Keep breathing. Be certain you are ingesting lots of water andconcentrating on attractive your core. [music] best. Four minutes into the session now. [music] Add some extra resistance so you are workinga little bit harder. We have four minutes extra. [music] Come on, stay targeted and try and think therhythm. You wish to have to win some races? Thenstep it up for a minute. Maintain the resistance the equal however just alittle more effort by means of the pedals. [music] Come on, don’t discontinue. The next three minutes will likely be slower,somewhat bit less difficult, 80 beats per minute. Come on, center of attention. Push somewhat bit tougher.Attempt to keep your shoulders at ease and do not grip the manage bars. No whiteknuckles please. [music] attempt to seem ahead as if you’re on theroad, now not down at the floor. [music] okay, good done. Cut back the resistance andlet’s concentrate on the rhythm and your cadence for 4 minutes. [music] ok, gradual down and broaden theresistance. That’s the first two minutes slowerand into role two. Keep your shoulders comfy. These first two minutes are slower, thenwe will broaden the resistance. [music] Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,and alter to role three. [music] Eight, seven, six, 5, four, three, two,and again to role two. [music] and 4, three, two and change toposition three. [music] okay. To preserve matters intriguing, you willchange the role throughout the interval. I’ll consultant you. Rise up. Come on. A bit of slower. [music] 4, three, two, and take a seat down.And let’s go for it.Extra effort for four, three, two,preserve that rhythm. [music] Let’s go. Come on. Final few seconds thenwe can gradual down. [music] 4, three, two, and backto function two. [music] We’re leaving the flat behind now. Imagineyou’re on a hill or climb. The resistance should be more difficult so we haveto put extra effort by way of the pedals to turn them. All right, broaden the resistance now.Gradual your legs down or scale back your cadence.If you wish to stayseated, that is fine. If not, the icon on the correct of your monitor willguide you. Simply be certain you hold that resistance on to get the mostout of this exercise. K, here we go. [music] Come on, think the resistance. [music] Come on, don’t gradual down, maintain it going. [music] four, three and two, and changeto position two. [music] k, here we go. And four, three, three, two, and changeto function three. [music] Come on, suppose the resistance. 4, three, two, and backto position two.Five, 4, three, two, and changefor position three. [music] 4, and three, and two, and changeto position two. And four, three, two, andchange to position three. [music] four, three, and two, and changeto role two. [music] 4, three, two, and changeto function three. Come on. Do not sluggish down, hold it going. [music] okay, music is altering.Suppose the slower rhythm, then we will chill out.Back to tempo for four minutes. [music] okay. Four, three and twoand back to 2. If you want to sit down down, then sit down. [music] k. Four, and three, and two,and alter for function three. [music] ok. 4, and three, and two,and back to two. Let’s go. [music] k. 4, and three, and two,and change for role three. Eight, seven, six, 5, four, three,two, and again to position two. 5, four, three, two, and changefor role three. Come on, you can do it. Two and a half minutes, that is it. Ok, hold going. And four, and three,and two, and again to function two. [music] preserve your legs moving.Suppose the rhythm. [music] if you want to sit down,have a sit down down. [music] 4, and three, and two, andchange for role three. Come on. Push, push, push.Excellent. [music] 4, three, and two, and backto position two. [music] Let’s go! So 5, 4, three, two, andchange for position three. [music] Come on. Slightly bit rapid. Let’s feelthe beat. [music] Three, and two, and backto role two. Let’s go. Competent? [music] 4, and three, and two, andchange to position three. [music] And eight, seven, six, and five, 4,three, and two, and again to function two.Seven, six, and five, four, three,and two, and alter for function three. 4, three, two and again toposition two. Go! [music] And eight, seven, six, 5, four, three,two, and alter for position three. [music] Step on it and ten, nine, eight, seven,six, five, four, three, two, and sit down. Diminish the resistance and keep a fasterrhythm. Drink some water. [music] stay with this turbo rhythm for the nextfive minutes. Come on, it can be effortless. You are just sitting down. [music] recollect, deep breathes. Simply make it easyor tempo. Come on, two and a half of minutes. [music] when you sit down, it is still handy, sokeep the rhythm up. [music] Come on, ninety seconds, 90 seconds extra.Ninety seconds then we rise up for three minutes. [music] Come on, one minute more. [music] preserve it in time. K, 20 seconds, 20seconds extra then we gradual down. [music] okay, let’s go three minutes. Slow it down just a little bit forthree minutes. About 70% for the following three minutes. [music] Let’s stand up. [music] Come on. 4, three, two, exchange forposition three. Eight, seven, six, 5,4, three, two, exchange to position two.Seven, six, five, four, three, two, andchange for position three. [music] four, three, two, and backto role two. 4, three, two, and changeto position three. Three, two, and back toposition two. Three, two, and alter forposition three and again to function two. [music] four, three, two, and changefor position three. Ninety seconds. Ninety seconds morethen that you could sit down down. [music] 4, three, two, and backto role two. Ok. Let’s go. Come on. One minute. Oneminute extra. 4, three, two, and change forposition three. [music] So 4, three, two, and back to positiontwo. And change for role three. And three, two, and again to position two.Three, and two, and alter for position three. [music] Come on, forty seconds. [music] just hold that rhythm. [music] Twenty seconds more then that you would be able to sit down down. [music] And five, four, three, and two, and sitdown. Go back to that faster rhythm. Less resistance for two minutes. Two minutes turbo. [music] Ninety seconds. Suppose the rhythm.Preserve going. [music] Come on, do not just spin these legs. Thisis a exercise. [music] don’t slow down. Do not sluggish down. [music] ok, develop the resistanceand arise or into role two Come on, first minute faster.Take heed to the tune. Preserve the rhythm. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two,and alter for role three. Three, two, and again to positiontwo. Three, two and alter for position three. And back to function two. Let’s go.Come on. Thirty seconds. [music] ok, four, three, two, and changefor role three. Let’s go. Thirty seconds. [music] four, three, two, and backto role two. [music] Going 4, three, two, and alter forposition three. Maintain your head up, watching forward. [music] okay, 4, three, two, and back toposition two. An additional minute. [music] change to role three. One minute more after which that you would be able to sitdown. Come on! [music] keep in position three. Thirty seconds now. [music] 4, three, two, one. Best! Sit down and cut down the resistance. You will have to be spinning at afaster rhythm. Two minutes turbo then two minutesslower, then two minutes rapid for the next six minutes. [music] Come on, it is easy, right? Forty seconds.Then sluggish down and stand up for two minutes. [music] stand up. Increase the resistance, slowyour legs down. [music] Let’s go. [music] ok, and back to role twoa little bit slower. Come on, two minutes.Two minutes more. Go 4, three, and two, andchange for function three. Five, 4, three, two, and changeto position two. Five, go four, three, two, and change forposition three. Ninety seconds. [music] four, three, two, and again toposition two. 5, 4, three, two, and again toposition three.Eight, seven, six, five, 4, three, andtwo and again to role two. Go! Come on, do not slow down. One minute. One minutemore. If you want to take a seat down, do but do not gradual down. Come on, look ahead.Maintain your shoulders relaxed. [music] Thirty seconds. Thirty seconds moreand that you would be able to sit down. [music] 4, three, and two, and changefor position three. [music] four, three and two. Sit down down,slower rhythm. Four, three and two. Ok, reducethe resistance and a faster rhythm.Two minutes simpler at this turbo rhythm. [music] Forty seconds. Faster rhythm. Take a drinkof water. [music] Ten seconds. Slower rhythm,expand the resistance. It must be a little bit bit less complicated to keepthis rhythm for the following six minutes. [music] Eight, seven, six, 5, 4, three, two,and arise. [music] five, 4, three, and twoand sit down. [music] Come on, do not gradual down. Maintain thisfaster rhythm. Do not sluggish down. Let’s go. [music] 4, three, two, back to function two.Let’s go! Six, five, 4, three, two and backtrack for eight, seven,six, 5, 4, three, two.Let’s go! Eight, seven, six, five,four, three, two and sit down down. 5, four, three, and let’s go! [music] Come on, preserve this rhythm. Should you’reslowing down, sit down down. It doesn’t matter which role you are in, just preserve thisrhythm. Try and keep your shoulders relaxed. Let’s go! [music] 4 minutes extra. Keep in mind, for those who’reslowing down, it can be significantly better to sit down and hold the rhythm. [music] ok, exchange of song a bit of bit. Slowit down, broaden the resistance or it’ll be too easy. Preserve this resistance. [music] 4, three, two, role two. Go! [music] 4, three, two and sit down.Eight,seven, six, five, 4, three two and get up. Go! [music] Go! 5, four, three, two, into positiontwo. Go! Eight, seven, six, 5, 4, three, two and take a seat down. Comeon, two minutes extra. [music] 4, three, two and position two. [music] proper. 4, three, two and sit down. 4, three, two and up. And four, three,two and sit down, and get up. And four, three, two, sit down. Go!Four, three, two and up. And four, three, two and take a seat down. Ok, go!Come on, preserve the identical rhythm. [music] ok, 4, three, two and arise. [music] okay, four, three and two and sit down down. [music] Take a drink of water then backto a slower rhythm. The last five minutes willbe on a hill. [music] increase your resistance. If you want tosit down, that’s excellent. If you want to arise, get up.Preserve to this rhythm. [music] within the subsequent beat, its’ a bit slower. Handiest five extra minutes on the hill. Go four, three, two and changefor position three. [music] k, right here we go. Rise up, go, go, go!Come on! Two minutes. [music] one more minute. One more minutewith this music. [music] and 4, three, two and backto role two. [music] Come on, last two minutes. [music] Go! 4, three, two and alter forposition three. [music] maintain going, just a little bit slower for thenext three minutes. 4, and three, and two, and again toposition two.Come on, role two. Good. [music] 4, three, and two, and alter forposition three. [music] . Come on, ninety seconds. Ninety seconds. [music] One minute extra, 60 seconds.Go! Let’s go, go, go! Let’s go! Forty seconds extra.Let’s go, go, go. You are doing pleasant. And 5, four, three, two, one, and sitdown. [music] last three minutes. Attempt to preserve afaster rhythm. [music] Ninety seconds. [music] okay, excellent. Slow down. Lessen theresistance so you are nearing a standstill. Stretching is fairly fundamental after along hard session. Even as you’re on the bike and gently turning the pedals, claspyour palms behind your again and straighten your palms. Look ahead, open up yourchest. Discontinue the bike and loosen up your head. Take one arm behind your head and gentlyclaw your elbow to the center. Take the identical arm but this time,straighten it throughout your chest and repeat on the other side. [music] Get off the bike and stretch your legmuscles. Begin from your calves, position one foot forward. Keep your again legstraight. Both feet must be flat on the floor after which change legs. Stretch your hamstrings next. Bend one knee and lean forwardfrom your hips. Utilizing the identical leg, stretchyour quads subsequent. [music] preserve your knee shut together and pullyour foot up at the back of you to your bottom. [music] k, place one in all your legs over yourknee and sit down down into the stretch. This may increasingly stretch your gluts.Trade legs. [music] well executed. Exceptional session.Thank you very a lot. Subscribe now to GCN. Click on up there to subscribe to GCNfor more videos like this. Add your feedback below or clickfor more GCN coaching movies. [music] .

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This 4-Minute Workout Is All You Need To Get Fit

According to science, if you work out really hard for just a short period of time, that’s just as good as kinda working out for a long period of time. If you’ve got five minutes here are five full-body exercises that we’re going to do on the street. Let’s try it out. Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? – I definitely want to work out. – Eat healthier, work out more. – Eat healthy? Work out more? – Party harder. – Party harder? All right. Four minutes on the clock.

Are you ready? – Yeah! – Yeah! Three, two, one. OK, we’re going to start with ten push-ups. Super easy, make two little V’s, and go all the way down, come back up, count them off. One! Two! – Three. – Four! Remember if you don’t have great upper body strength, you can do push-ups from your knees. That’s cool too. It just lowers the weight. Nine and ten. OK, now we’re going to keep that heart rate up. You’re going to finish out that first minute with jumping jacks. Keep that heart rate up, keep that body moving. – How do you feel right now? – Exhausted. – Tired already. – I failed my P.E. test. – I’m usually the type of guy to go for half-hour jogs with my wife. Now, I read about high-intensity interval training and I figured I’d make a video about it.

OK. Nope, fifteen more seconds of jumping jacks. Did you come dressed appropriately to work out? – You know, my ripped jeans are faring pretty well, actually. – You feel that? You feel the energy? You guys feeling it? – Yes. One minute down. Let’s do this! Up next, spider lunges. The way these work is you’re going to start in a plank position, then just like a spider, put one leg up, then jump back, then you gotta switch. Left leg! Right leg! All right? We’re going to do ten of those.

One, two… I’m a spider. Yeah, that’s it. Get those legs all the way up. Five, six. This works out your shoulders ’cause you gotta keep your arms steady, and it works out your whole lower body. – Oh my God. – Nine, ten. OK. Guess what? More jumping jacks. – OK. – Keep that heart rate up. Fitness, fitness, fitness. Wait, that’s Jingle Bell Rock. So whenever you’re not moving, whenever you’re not counting to ten, you’re going to round it out with some jumping jacks. – I’m regretting this.

– You got some sweat stains right there. – Do I? Oh, I was my shirt. – You ladies are working hard. I’m the instructor, though, so I get to sit down. These people were on the way to see a movie. Now they’re working out on the street. And, two minutes! Two minutes is up. Now it’s time for the third exercise. Next is ten jumping lunges. You’re going to do a standard lunge, dipping your knee down.

Don’t let your knee go in front of your toe, and then, boom! jump up, switch legs. Ten of those. Ready? One! Two! Three, four. Keep up now, five. – Oh, geez. – Eight, nine, ten. OK. And jumping jacks. – OK. – We got thirty more seconds. OK. You’ve only been working out for two minutes! Two minutes! Can you believe that? I’ve stayed on the toilet for longer than two minutes. – Once you start doing push-ups, I was like, “Oh no, I don’t think I can do this ” but then, I got into it and now I’m on a body high, I guess. – Oh my God. – Well, do you think you would do this at home? – Yeah, definitely. This is a lot of fun. It was quick, short, but really high intensity. It gave you what you needed, a good boost. – Three minutes up! Time to move on to the last exercise. All right, you start up, you go down, then you walk your hands out all the way to a plank position, then walk yourself back up. One! All right, that’s just one. OK. Ten more. Getting a little tired. Use your arms, your legs, your core muscles.

Dig deep, dig deep. Four minutes is almost up. Seven. Three more. You guys are slowing down on me. You got this. How do you feel? – Exhausted. – Clearly out of shape. – It could be worse. – I feel healthier already. Time to start doing this more. – You don’t have to go to the gym to do this, you can do this literally on the street. You got this…and ten! Street Workout! (all cheering) That took four minutes. Now for a twenty-minute workout, you do that five more times. Nothing should hold you back. If you want to be healthy, you can do it.

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