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I Did 100 Pull-Ups Every Day For 30 Days

My body is really sore and that really was the hardest workout I think I’ve ever done I’m not a personal trainer I’m just a regular person the last thing I want to do is 100 pull-ups it is day one of the pull-up challenge I’m doing a hundred pull-ups every day for 30 days this challenge started a couple of years ago I wanted to do a fitness project for BuzzFeed where I gained as much muscle mass as possible I was always super skinny and I always had body image issues so I gave myself 12 weeks to do it and I gained about 20 pounds and then throughout the year I kept it on and I was really impressed with how much stronger I looked and felt so I wanted to sort of challenge myself again and see what else I could do I’m pretty excited I’m nervous I’m scared I don’t even know if I can do 100 pull-ups most I’ve ever probably done was like 50 in one gym session and 100 super daunting and I’m grossly competitive so if I can’t do 100 I’m gonna be so frustrated with myself since it’s my very first day I want to see how much I can improve over the next 30 days so I’m sort of going for time today I want to see how quickly I can do my hundred pull-ups about halfway through on the very first day my arms were completely dead so I’m not looking forward stay what I’m gonna do it we’ll see what happens luckily I finished all 100 pull-ups I was super proud of myself it took me about 54 minutes to do 100 pull-ups which i think is pretty good I want to keep time because I know I’ll be able to cut down on my very last day and I want to see how much time I can actually cut my very first set I did 16 pull-ups hoping to get that to 25 or 30 I think 30 would be awesome and yeah day one is complete 29 more to go I have a feeling I’m gonna be very sore tomorrow I don’t think I’ve been this sore in a very long time basically my whole upper body I don’t know can I do this for 29 more days day threes workout is officially done last 25 were really difficult almost couldn’t do it I almost came back a second time today it’s okay if I fail but it’s also I don’t know I’m gonna push myself and see how far I can go this challenge was gonna be a really big undertaking so I wanted to make sure that I was doing it correctly so I reached out to my friends at Soho strength lab which is a gym in New York and we realized that if I was gonna do all of these pull-ups I wanted to make sure that I had different variations of the pull-ups so I could do a regular pull up this way but I could also do parallel grip or reverse grip and that way I wouldn’t put too much strain on my body and then we also figured out that if I was gonna do all these pulls I needed to have a lot of pushes in my workout as well so when I was doing 100 pull-ups I was also in between doing some push-ups we’re doing handstands just so my muscles could get a break and I wasn’t just overworking them because I was doing this challenge I actually didn’t want to change too much about my diet I just wanted to see what the pull-ups would add or change to my body I did want to be careful about the number of carbs that I was putting into my body so I didn’t have any cars with dinner and then for for breakfast that was when I mostly got my carbs just because I needed that energy before and after my workouts it’s day four and I don’t want to go to the gym I am tired and sore but I signed up for the challenge and I think it’ll get better the next couple days were actually a lot harder than I thought they were gonna be because my entire upper body was so sore my abs were sore it hurt when I laughed when I coughed and I started getting calluses all over my hands which made it even harder to grip the pull-up bar I thought to myself if my body’s gonna be this sore and it’s only day four into this challenge there is no way I’m gonna make it to day 30 so that was not looking forward to the rest of it it’s getting easier to be honest at least compared to the first couple days okay five is done 25 left week two was a little different my body stopped getting really sore which was awesome I was sort of getting used to all the pull-ups and that made them a lot easier to do I’ve always struggled with not knowing how far to push myself so one day 9 I wanted to really see how far I could go so I did the hundred pull-ups but I also did a hundred push-ups on top of that just to see if I could do it and surprisingly I was able to do it it took a little while but I did it all in one gym session and that was incredible because to me it sort of told me that the project was working because there’s no way I would have been able to do that before this challenge day 11 early in the morning ready for the challenge feel-good nuts or the biggest thing for me with this challenge is they’re only like to pull up spots at my whole gym and I always feel so guilty using them so I sort of made the the city of New York my gym at some points I would go to the park to do the pull-ups or I would use scaffolding and do the pull-ups just to finish my workout and that way I wouldn’t cheat myself out of not finishing off one hundred I don’t know I just have to get creative with it because I feel so bad about taking up the pull-ups by every single time in the gym just finished day 15 that means them literally halfway through the challenge already this is crazy because two years ago I couldn’t do a single pull-up and now I’m doing a hundred a day and I just did it for 15 days there’s a point during the end of the third week when I was in a separate BuzzFeed video the video was taken from a different angle of where I ever saw myself this camera was set really far away I got to see myself from an angle I could see that my arms were like the biggest they had ever been I was just so impressed with myself because I was actually seeing results it is day 20 and I am 2/3 of the way through the project so I thought I’d celebrate by doing hundred pull-ups and 100 pushups today just to compare myself to that first week when I did it to see how much I’ve improved it actually went really well I did it in the same amount of time it took me to do the just a hundred pull-ups in day one so I’m definitely doing a lot faster at this and that’s like exact proof that I had gotten stronger and was able to do this so I originally wasn’t going to say anything about it but there was one day last week when I didn’t complete all hundred pull-ups I don’t know I was just super tired my body was exhausted I wasn’t feeling well I’ve done enough research about fitness to know that if your body is not feeling well you shouldn’t push yourself I wanted to listen to my body so I only did thirty that one day and I was really frustrated with myself and embarrassed I didn’t want everyone to know that I had failed I sort of looked at it as failing I wouldn’t even call it failing because I’m still completing the challenge almost every single day it’s just one day I couldn’t do it and I was so glad that I didn’t finish because for the next day my body was absolutely ready and I was able to do all hundred the next day so the very last day of the challenge was pretty big for me I knew that I wanted to go into it and do all hundred pull-ups as quickly as I could because I wanted to compare that time to the very first day and on the first day I did all hundred pull-ups in 54 minutes on the very last day I completed all 100 in 21 minutes and I was just so incredibly proud of myself because they just showed how strong I had actually got I am officially done with the challenge I did not really think I was gonna make it this far I don’t know I just keep thinking – two years ago I literally couldn’t do a single pull-up I know it’s really easy to look at some of these fitness videos and fitness projects online and think yeah that’s great for that person but like what about me I am that person who used to ask those questions I would see other people’s body transformations and I would just think like that is honestly incredible for them but I could never do that but here I am I’m literally that person who did that there were actually some pretty big changes in my measurements from before and after the challenge my weight actually went up by about half a pound which was incredible I saw that my body fat percentage went down to ten point nine percent instead of the thirteen point eight percent it was originally and also I saw that my chest got a lot bigger and my biceps got bigger and my shoulders got bigger – I’m not a personal trainer I’m just a regular person and some days I don’t do everything that I should do but it is not easy at all it’s a lot of hard work a lot of willpower and you may not like it then but if you have a fitness goal or if you want to gain muscle if you want to lose weight if you want to do anything like just look at my progress I couldn’t do a single pull-up two years ago and I just did a hundred of them everyday for 30 days so you can do it too

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