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4-Minute Workout to Lose Belly Fat And Tone Glutes

Hey, do you have 4 free minutes a day? You ready to get rid of that spare tire and saddlebags in just a month? Well, I feel ya, so here are the only exercises you need to get a perfectly toned belly and bum! Exercise #1: Plank What’s a workout without a plank, right? This simple exercise knows how to strengthen your buttocks, give you great muscle definition, and even boost your metabolism.

Hey, I’m not kidding, the muscle mass and strength that you get from planking regularly enhance your resting metabolic heart rate, helping you burn tons of calories even when you’re not working out! Your belly gets its dose of benefits too – planking works out all four muscle groups in your stomach, making it look flat, cinched in, and fantastic! It’s pretty easy to do as well. Just get into a push-up position, put your forearms on the floor, and hold this pose. Your elbows should be right below your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line. Your breathing is also key – try to keep it steady and it’ll be way easier for you to hold the longest plank! Now, for the first week of your training, a 20-second plank will be enough. Increase it up to 30 seconds for week two. In the third week, you should be able to hold a 45-second plank, and week four challenges you to a full 1-minute plank.

Believe me, by that time you’ll be a planking pro, so it won’t be that big of a deal! Exercise #2: Side Plank Seriously, planking is the best for reducing your midsection, so here’s another style that’ll help you out with that. Actually, the side plank doesn’t just target your obliques, which are the muscles on your sides where muffin top likes to gather! It also works your buttocks, arms, and legs. Not to mention, doing side planks regularly improves your sense of balance. Your belly muscles also have to work – they help you stay upright the whole time. So, yeah, if your stomach and sides are sore the next day, that means it’s working! And here’s how to do it: lie on your side with your feet together and put your forearm on the floor. Engage your core and buttocks to lift your body and hold it up just on your forearm and feet. Again, your forearm should be in line with your shoulder. Like with a regular plank, make sure to breathe steadily! The side plank duration should be the same as for regular planks: 20 seconds for week one, 30 seconds in week two, 45 seconds for week three, and 1 minute in week four.

And no, you can’t just pick one side and do it – if you wanna see real results, you have to do both left- and right-side planks. Exercise #3: Reverse Push-ups I’m sure you’ve heard of regular push-ups, but what about the reverse style? To do them, sit on the ground with your arms slightly bent behind you and your legs stretched out in front of you. From there, raise your body off the ground, straighten your arms, and exhale. Hold this pose for a second and lower your body back down while inhaling. Don’t go too fast or you can hurt your triceps and end up with a shoulder injury. And don’t forget to engage your core and buttocks! Now, as you’re doing all that, what muscles are you working? There’s, of course, your shoulders and triceps. But more important for our purposes today, reverse push-ups are irreplaceable for toning your buttocks and abs. These muscles work to keep your balance during every single rep.

Needless to say, this exercise gives your abdominals awesome definition very quickly. As for your monthly plan, it shouldn’t be too intense. Just do 3 reverse push-ups in week one. The goal for week two is 5, week three aims for 7 reps, and at the end of the month you should be able to do 10 full-fledged reverse push-ups to really challenge your body and lock in those results! Exercise #4: Upper-body Raises Raising your upper-body kills two birds with one stone: it works out both your abdominals and buttocks, allowing you to get a perfectly toned belly and bum within weeks without any particular effort. Plus, this exercise benefits your shoulders, legs, and back too! To do it correctly, lie on your back, keeping your legs together. Stretch your arms in front of you and slowly raise your upper-body. Exhale and freeze in this position for a couple seconds. Then, you can lower back down to the floor and inhale. Just like with reverse push-ups, going fast won’t make the exercise more effective – on the contrary, it can ruin the result completely.

You should feel your muscles working and keep your belly and buttocks tight throughout the exercise. Again, the repetitions are the same – 3 for week one, 5 for week two, 7 for week three, and 10 for week four. It’s not that much, so make sure to give it your all! And there you go, that’s a complete workout you can do as your coffee’s brewing in the morning! Not that hard, right? Try to do these exercises every single day, and you’ll notice your body transforming completely by the end of the month. If you’re eager to get to the finish line even faster, here’s a few other things you can do to get a toned belly and bum: – Take baths. They’re not only relaxing but also super helpful if you have a little bloating. Put a bit of Epsom salt in there and chill for a while – this will draw all the excess water from your belly, taking you from flabulous to fabulous! – Have some chocolate.

It contains monosaturated fat, which is well-known for speeding up your metabolism and helping you lose weight. Sorry, milk chocolate fans, but this only works for dark chocolate! – Make yourself some lemon water. This is a perfect before-breakfast drink that wakes up your digestive system. Sipping it throughout the day is also a great idea since it can quickly reduce any inflammation and keep your calorie intake in check. – Snack on almonds. Just like dark chocolate, they contain monosaturated fats that help you get slimmer.

Don’t go too crazy with it, though – having about 20-25 almonds daily is more than enough to get all those awesome vitamins and nutrients. – And finally, get active! This doesn’t mean you have to run every day before work or go out and buy yourself some barbells. Ride a bike, go for a walk around the block, or go hiking with your friends. Nothing changes your body more than an active lifestyle, so get out there and get moving! Do you know any other effective exercises for a flat belly? Let me know down in the comments! Remember to give this video a “like,” share it with your friends, and click “subscribe” to stay on the Bright Side of life!

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6 TIPS: How To Stay Motivated | Workout & Fitness Journey

Today I want to share with you some Tips on how I stay Motivated Throughout My Three Years Fitness Journey and A new Topics Fitness Guide Called the Body Boss that I recently Just Started to try it out On and what I think About it I often get Questions on How I make the Switch from the most Unhealthy Lifestyle of Partying Drinking and Never Working out to now this health and Fitness life of Staying Motivated for so Long and Even Becoming a trainer Myself First one Set goals what is it in Health and Fitness that you want to achieve it Can Be weight Loss getting abs Feeling Healthier Being more Confident in your Own Body and This goal is going to change as you Progress Along your Journey mine used to be Slimming my waist reducing my cellulite getting abs A few Months Ago it was getting a Handstand and now it Is Growing my Booty and Just to practice Self-Love and Body Confidence Those Are what get you started to do what you do in The first Place and then Keep you going every single day I set Big goals Five Years, ten Years, and Then Work Backwards to Set my Short-Term goals: what you do on a Daily Weekly and Monthly Basis to work towards these Goals so they will become A Reality Which Is why I have a Daily To-do list, Including my Workout of the day so every day I aim to get that Done it Makes me Feel Productive And Organized and When You achieve Certain goals and when you see that you’re getting closer to the big goals that you set in The Beginning I’m Telling you that Feeling of Happiness and Achievement Knowing that your Hard Work Is worth it it Gets you more Motivated to Crush even More Goals Or even Set bigger goals that You Have Probably Never dreamed of before This brings me to my next Point track your Progress We evaluate Regularly what is working what Is not and We can do Better to get you closer to your goals what are the things that you Should Change Up Or AdD in your Routine and that leads me to my third point Keep it fun and Always Changing so that your Body Won’t get used to the Same Exercise and Stop Progressing trust me I won’t be able to do the Same Workout for Three Years Even Doing the same Routine for One Week Already Would drive Me Crazy Which Is why I’m Always UP for trying Something new Even if You try and Realize it doesn’t Work the best for you you’ll end Up Learning Something Useful and new for Yourself I personally love Bodyweight Workout because you can, do them Anywhere at Home when you Travel and you don’t always need a gym i’m Always looking for new Exercises To Challenge Myself and To Add to my Existing Routine so right Now I’m trying to body Boss Workout to see if We can Help Me Further Improve my Fitness Level it is A 12-Week Program of Different HIIT workouts you do it three Times A week There are Quite some new Movements I have learned so it’s Been Really fun so far it Also has A four-Week pre-Training for beginners who want to Prepare their Bodies for the Main Program for me A fun new Challenge Always Gives me some new Goals and Inspiration to Keep me Going in my Fitness Journey if You’re interested I’ll link this Fitness Guide in The Description Box Below They have Both The Online Version or One That includes the Book.

Forth find inspiration but don’t Compare it Is okay to have body goals People Inspire and motivate You to Keep you going in your Own Journey but Don’t Compare your own Progress and Transformation with them because, everyone’s Body and Fitness Level are Different There’s Absolutely No Point to Compare your Journey is your Own do it for Yourself last One and, also the most important one For me Make it a habit am I motivated every day No I feel like Motivation Plays the biggest part to get me Started in The first Place but Afterwards it’s more so that I made it part of my Daily habit and Lifestyle it’s like Working out Brushing my teeth Changing and Going to Work I don’t really need Motivation to do Any of These things Because it’s Just Automatically Part of my Daily life my Routine and Exercises might Change but Most days I just do it because it’s Part of my Lifestyle not Because I’m Especially Motivated These tips To Stay Motivated and Keep Me Going in my fitness journey and what Worked best for me Based on my personal Experience and it Can be Different for Everyone.

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