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Training For Enduro Ep. 1 | Neil’s Fitness Test

– Right. So I’ve decided I need to do some racing. I haven’t done much for a while. I did one cross-country race last year in Sireston. That’s what about it. So I’m going to do the final round of the EWS this year in (mumbles). I’ve not done any Enduro Racing for quite a while. So I think I’m going to need some help so I’ve come to Bristol. Come to BW Cycling and I’ve got a three-time Olympian, a Silver medalist, (mumbles) a five time National cross country champion, Oli Beckinsale to give me a hand and try to get me fit. (intense music) (mumbles) by Oli. I don’t know what we’re doing. I have done things like a VO2 max test and threshold tests in the past when I was a pro. And they’re horrible but one needs to wear a mask, I guess.

I’m getting my excuses out of the way. I’ve not been training. I definitely don’t have as much time as I used to have. I do a little bit of weights. Go to the gym a little bit. But no where near as much time on the bike as I’d like. So, I’ve got my kit. Check out all the old World Cup number number plates.

There are some new ones in there. I recognize some of those myself. Okay, and here’s (mumbles) bike. So, here I am, Oli. I’m in your hands. Okay, so what I’m doing is getting changed. I’m just gonna talk abut what we can actually do today. – Today we’re doing a VO2 max test. A simple way of looking at it is like we’re gonna ride an ever-steepening climb until Neil actually gets to his maximum.

And what we measuring is his aerobic capacity. So, it’s his ability to use oxygen as a fuel source for the work of his muscles. Okay. So it’s the kind of Blue Ribbon fitness test for him. Okay. How that ties in with his EWS. EWS, he’s got his short, sharp bursts. He’s gonna be doing two days of racing, two days of practice before. In his racing, he’s going to be doing really intense anaerobic downhill effort at the whole day. That’s only six to eight small sections. The rest of the time it’s all really hard, steady state exercise. He’s gonna need that aerobic fitness to get him, firstly, through the four days. And secondly, so when he does the really hard downhill sections he’s still going to be able to perform at his best.

And allow him to use his technical skills, rather than just blagging the sections. So once Neil’s done the test, what we’re gonna have is a VO2 maximum for him. We ought to get some really good training zones. So, Neil’s gonna be short on time. He’s got a busy job, young family. Like a lot of other guys, he’s probably only got three or four hours to train for an event that’s actually gonna be really long in endurance. So, if he’s got some good training zones, some good kick.

He can get the best bang for his buck and then achieve his goal. (heavy bass music) (bass chant) So, I’m warming up for the test now. I’m actually getting a little bit nervous thinking about what I’ve gotta do for Finale. They’re really big days. I thin`k you probably ride like 200K for four days. So 5,000 meters climbing. So, a lot of riding and I’ll see six or eight time stages where I’ve got good skill downhill speed. So, there’s work to be done. This fly’s pretty technical. Big hills. Nothing super steep as far as I can remember. Sort of long technical stages. Really physical. Lots of sprinting. And, of course, big liaisons back on top of the hill.

– Here we’re just starting the exercise test now. You can see we’ve got 160 watts on the kicker. We’re measuring his heart rate here. So he’s sitting here. 133, 134. That’s what we’d expect for a kind of steady state. And we’re measuring here his VO2. So that’s milligrams of oxygen per kilogram per minute. So that’s how you’re measuring that VO2. And you can see we’ve got oxygen consumption on the bottom here. As we increase, that yellow line, that VO2, we’ll see that VO2 rise. And then the heartrate as well. Once we go back through the numbers in the background when the test is done, we’ll have a good indication of Neil’s ability to burn fat as a fuel source. There’s a step change when that happens. And we’ll get a good indication of his threshold power.

So that will tell help give us some really good, accurate training zones. Step now, in the power, we’re taking him up to 180. So obviously, after the test today we’ll have a good indication let’s say of Neil’s current level of fitness. What we’re gonna do is put some good training in place. And then ultimately come back again and try and get that power up with the same heart rate and fitness levels. An increase in VO2 we’ll see as well.

(hard driving music) We’re gonna take it up a notch. (intense drum beat and chant) Just keep that cadence up. Don’t let it drop too much. I know you’re not a spinner but we don’t want to see it drop. If you let that cadence drop, the trainer will just load on top of you. All right? Focus on that cadence. Don’t let it drop. We’re going up again to 340 watts. Let’s see if we can crack this one. That’s good. Keep that cadence. But don’t let it slide. It won’t make it easier, all right? Let’s get this one done. (intense music) 20 seconds. See if you can clear this block. C’mon, mate. And then that block will all be up. C’mon. C’mon, mate. You can do this. Five, four, three, two one. Okay. You’re done. Keep spinning a sec. We’ll let the resistance wear off. Just keep spinning. Keep spinning. (soft gentle music) Okay, so in brief, Donny’s done his test today and we’ve all kind of calmed down now. And we’ve managed to look through the results. And this is basically the test we’ve done. So, this is the climb going up.

And this is his power. So we started off at 160 watts, so super steady. And as we’ve increased, we’ve added 20 watts per minute and he peaked at 340. So that’s the size of his energy, okay. What’s going on further down. There’s a couple of key points. 220 watts. That’s at aerobic base point, so AB, and that’s where he’s going from nice and chill to just starting to put his foot on the gas. We talk about kind of getting up the forest road backpack. That’s the one we need to try to raise up a little bit. Next, when we get to anaerobic threshold. That’s that really hard climb where you start to get the tingling legs and lactate building up. Once you go past that point, you’re blagging it and you can’t do it for too long. So what we need to do is when he’s doing his training or an EWS event, trying to cruise between here, roughly.

And then trying to not go exceed, other than the race sections, this point here. So, this is where you’re gonna try and ride between. So you’re going as fast as you can but you can keep that going all day. The key we’re going to try and do with training over the next months is try and get this to rise. So he does another test. He comes back. Smashes it. Maybe 370 watts, for example. What we need to do is not just get these to go up, but trying to get them to go along. So he can do work and still cruise without going into the red.

You get a higher power for a longer during the day. That’s what we’re going to try to achieve. – Neil It’s been a couple of days now since I went that day with Oli and I feel really good. Super motivating. I always think I wish I’d done more of that when I was racing as a pro. Getting tested and actually getting some training plans. He’s got a really good setup there. I actually saw Laurie Green in the downstairs working out in the gym. So there’s a lot of really top pro rides that actually use this type of training to get ready for their seasons. So, looking at the results. So, my VO2 max, which is just a good sort of indicator of my overall fitness, that’s now 54. Compare that to my VO2 max three years ago when I was still racing pro.

That was 69. So I’ve dropped quite a lot. I don’t think it’s unexpected. For instance, I know that I’ve not been training anything like I used to. It’s a bit more haphazard now when I do it. I try and ride at least a couple of hours a week. It’s definitely harder now. I don’t ride, definitely, as much as I used to. I know it looks like I still ride a lot, but I’ve got family commitments. Obviously, doing this job takes up a lot of my time. So now I do need to find the time to train for Finale. Going to the other results, my threshold is now. My threshold power, I should say, is now 270 watts. Again, that used to be 310 watts when I was a pro. I last got tested four years ago for that one. So, it’s dropped quite considerably, but Oli’s given me a good idea of the sort of training I need to do. So, a lot of training in the low zones. So, like Oli said, I need to work on that. Burning fat. So I can do that for longer. So I don’t get super tired and burn all my carbs when it comes to the EWS Finale.

So I need to do lots of training in the lower zone and training to get my threshold up, as well. So, zones two and zones four. So Oli’s gonna give me a training plan so I can work on that and hopefuly get round Finale. As to what else I need to work on, I think really it’s a case of skills, as well. I don’t ride as much as I used to. So, I need to get on my road bike. Do those lower trainings (mumbles). I need to spend a good amount of time on a mountain bike to make sure I can ride those stages and be as fast as possible.

So at the moment my training really, like I said, it’s haphazard. It sort of consists of an hour or two on the turbo trainer on (mumbles) in a week. I try to ride cross-country the weekends. When I work with Oli I’m going to set the bar a little bit higher. I’m going to try to do three hour sessions in a week around work. So I’m going to try to do a fasted ride one morning and then a couple of turbo sessions and then I need a three-hour ride a weekend either on a road bike on on a cross-country bike. (mumbles) and there’s two things. So my aerobic base so I can burn fat for longer and then really work on my threshold power.

Like Oli said, at the moment if I tried to ride those stages or even the liaisons, I’m gonna get above that aerobic zone and I’m gonna start burning my carbs too quick and I’m never gonna last a day. So I know I’ve got a couple of big days coming in Finale. I’ve got time to prepare. So, let’s get to it. There’ll be more videos following up on this one soon. I’ve got like a training program coming from Oli.

I’ll let you know how I get on. I’ve got some power meters and software, like training peaks. I’ll show you how I’m going to try to achieve those training goals. I’ve also got a really cool bike coming for the race in Finale. So I’ll let you know when I can about that. So keep your eyes peeled on Channel. And if you want to se an old video I did on a bike training for Enduro when I was fit, tick up there. Give thumbs up if you like this style of bloggy video following me trying to race the EWS. Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button. .

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Men Work Out And Diet Based On Their DNA

– Today we’re getting DNA tested with Fitness Genes. – We’re gonna send it to a lab and then get a diet plan and a workout plan based on our genetics. This is my boyfriend Juan, I’m Asian, he’s Latino. We’re curious how that might affect how our bodies react to our food. Something that might be good for him might be bad for me. – I feel like weight’s always been somewhat of an issue in my family. We tend to be on the bigger side. We eat a lot of fried foods.

Old habits are hard to break. – At work I sit down a lot and sometimes when you work from nine to six, you don’t have time to prepare your meals. We have a lot of things where they bring in doughnuts. Can’t say no to doughnuts. – We would kind of one up each other in gaining weight. Juan would gain ten pounds, and then I would gain ten pounds, and then he would gain ten pounds. We’ll feel motivation to diet or work out at different times and that’s affected us getting on the same page. – So I’m spitting in here. – Just go, okay.

– This will go off to a lab to be tested to tell me all the terrible things that I’m eating, yay. – Fitness Genes is a DNA testing and interpretation company. Which gives us information about how best you should exercise and eat, depending on what your goals are. – I hope there’s nothing too scary in my DNA. – This is my issue right here. A full, round issue. – Let’s dig into some genetics. Quite interested in the differences between the two of you. So if we start with you, Juan, you actually have a variation of one of the genes called the FTO gene. Which actually gives you a tendency to overeat. Means that ultimately you might have some issues controlling hunger. And also the amount of foods that you eat. – Yes, so it’s okay, it’s not my fault. – It’s not your fault. – Oh, thank God. – Not only do you tend to crave high-calorie meals, but then you also want to eat between meals as well. And that’s the reason why people with this particular gene variation, as well as exhibiting certain behavioral tendencies, always tend to be overweight.

The strategies we’ll adopt for that will include things like having lots of protein for breakfast and having lots of small, frequent meals through the day. Whereas with Kane, with you, they’re not strategies that we need to necessarily adopt. – Good, ’cause I’m so lazy, I can’t do that. – You’re what we would call a fast metabolizer of caffeine. Now that means that you break down caffeine quickly. The problem is when you’re fast metabolizing, that can cause an energy crash, so we want to prevent the energy crashes in the workout. You potentially could drink coffee to a little bit later on in the day, but you need to stop drinking the coffee about 4:00 in the afternoon. And ultimately, it wouldn’t have a significant effect on, for example, your sleep. So one of the other interesting things that you have in common is to do with metabolic inefficiency. You don’t store energy particularly well. There’s these little energy factories in cells called the mitochondria. The mitochondria produce energy. And there’s little proteins that sit on the mitochondria, (overlapping explanations) so we have to account for that, so we have to make sure that you eat before you workout so you’ve got energy to work out effectively.

– That’s crazy. I’m having trouble putting on muscle. I want to figure out what foods I should be eating to build muscle. – I want to have more energy throughout my day. I want to feel more confident wearing whatever I want to wear or not wearing a shirt. – I am trying to lose my gut, man. I have the body type that everything goes to the gut. – It’s about kind of sticking with that fat loss, and there’s no reason why you can’t. – Let me say goodbye. – The last time I was under 200 pounds was about five years ago.

– Your goal should be to get under 200. – By the end of this, on a scale of Donald Glover to The Rock, where do you think I’ll be? – You gotta aim for the The Rock. – Okay, you’re right. (Dan laughing) I’m gonna be The Rock by the end of this video. – It’s day one at 6:30 a.m., how was your first day of waking up? – Let’s do this. I feel like I’m Rocky. It turns out with my fitness genes, I’m a nocturnal person, and I notice it.

And it’s funny because when he was like, you’re a nocturnal person, I was like, how do you know? I didn’t know you could know that through your genes, right. – I think waking up for me was super easy ’cause I am a morning person, verified by my genetics. – Bright and early, Runyon Canyon, the guys are already getting into it. (Ryann whoops) (Dan laughs) This looks too easy (laughing). – In the first workout, Dan was telling me that I surprised him with my athleticism which, first time I’ve ever heard that in my life.

I’m dying. – We’ve got some sprinter’s genes with this team, that’s for sure. You have a gene which is the MCT1 gene, and this particular gene is all to do with how quickly your body can clear lactic acid, and you clear it quickly. So this is going to be quite empowering for you, because you’ve actually got some pretty good athletic genes. – Nice. – Nice, but it also means I can really kick your ass in the training sessions. (both laughing) – It’s just kind of cool to have someone who trains people tell you that you do have natural athletic ability. – You can do it. – Day one. – We have about 10 minutes left, I’m taking a stair walking break. Which, I don’t know how stairs count as a break. The workouts have been really really hard. Like, a lot harder than I was expecting. Five, ten minutes in, I’m just already completely drained. – Our alarm didn’t go off today and we overslept. Everyone else started maybe 15 minutes before us, now we’re trying to catch up. – It’s definitely been hard. While, at the same time, once I am up, I’m glad I’m up taking advantage of my day that early.

– My body aches from it, but the ache feels good, ’cause it’s growth and it’s progress. But actually during the workout I’m like, I hate this. I’m trying to eat breakfast more often, I don’t eat breakfast a lot. Apparently I have to have a bunch of protein after every workout. Who has time for this? I work long hours and then I don’t sleep much, so I’m always eating really quickly, so my hardest thing is finding time to eat something.

Oh, I’m– – So you’re supposed to go on a diet, what is this? – It’s orange juice. For me, I’m not supposed to take in as many carbs because I hold on to it. I’m only supposed to have 40 grams of carbs per meal, and there are like drinks that will have 30. Carbs are everywhere. ♪ 6 a.m., working out with Dr. Dan. ♪ It’s a huge difference having your personal trainer than actually working out in a class. You have somebody that’s focused on you. They give you the game plan. – You have a collection of genes which means you’re somebody that would benefit more from working out with high volume. Lots of sets, lots of reps. – I heard sex, I don’t know why. (Dan laughing) A lot of sex, I’m like, I did that yesterday. – Certain variations in your genes, because you clear lactate slowly, you need quite a lot of recovery between sets and reps, at least 90 seconds, 120 seconds of rest, in order to get the energy from lactic acid, you have to start taking in enough oxygen and that contributes to getting broken down. – Science. – When we’re working out, Dan’ll say, “keep it going, keep it going, one more.” And in my mind I’m like, I can’t do one more.

But when I really just go for it, I can do one more, two more, three more. – Juan did a really good job today. – And by really good job is, I was only last 80% of the time instead of every single time. – Look how sweaty he is. How do you feel? – Sweaty. – Juan just is so good at this, he became a chef, and just had like jars and jars of oats and steel oats, I don’t even know what that means. – One of the DNA tests came back and said that you’re definitely lactose intolerant. I took the step to cut out dairy out of my diet completely. Incredible how much of a difference it’s made. – All right, let me show you how serious I am with this diet. My sister’s chocolate cake, in the trash. I’m not playing around, I’m trying to lose this weight. Kale’s disgusting, I still cannot get that down.

I eat that shit raw, I put seasoning, I put mad good sauce and shit, that shit’s still nasty. I’m still trying to figure this shit out. – It’s been a journey. I’m sitting here watching Gadiel just melt away. Gadiel’s stomach is going away. Juan and Kane are both losing weight. Kane’s arms are getting bigger. – I think I’m seeing a bit of definition already. – Juan is like slimming down, and then I just feel like the only person who it’s not working for, so I’m gonna do a couple of extra workouts in the evening to try to make up for it.

This whole fitness thing, it’s hard for me. – Dan’s out of town next week, I’m really hoping that we can still meet up and stick with this. (alarm clock blaring) – Kane and I both failed, woke up– so late. I’m sorry guy Gadiel and Ryann, we won’t make it up. We’ll bring cupcakes tomorrow, just kidding, we won’t. – Dan left for a week and we’re slacking off.

I don’t want to go work out. My nocturnal gene is kicking in. A lot of times, it’s hard for me to wake up or even get out of bed. (fake crying) I should have tried working out at night. – So, I’m late again to the workout. People were supposed to say that working out gives you more energy. Every day I wake up at 5:00 and I’m like, oh God, what am I doing? It’s been really hard for me. I don’t feel like I’m seeing results. I’m getting a little frustrated with the fact that I don’t necessarily see my body shrinking. I have had friends come up to me and tell me that my skin looks better, or that I do look slimmer. – I did notice Ryann’s face getting slimmer. – I do see results in him, but like he’s in his head. There’s something bothering him, but he’s like not communicating that with everybody else. – We’re gonna eat healthy, we’re gonna eat together. We’re missing Ryann. I want to put Juan on blast right now. Nothing but carbs right here, what’s going on here, bro? There’s nothing but rice down there. (Juan laughs) Nothing but rice! – Dan is gonna see this video, he’s gonna have a heart attack.

I’m snitching. – Dan came back from London and destroyed all our bodies and I can’t move (whimpering). – I’ve never been big into like group sports, so this was like a shift for me to work out with a group. As much as I hated Gadiel’s cheering in the beginning, it’s starting to wear on me. (chuckles) – That feels good. That feels good! That’s right. – So he just lifts the people up around him. – Do inverted rows. – Push, come on, push. – Come on, keep it going.

– We’re all very quiet, like kind of introverted, like we’re not used to the pep talk. – Feels good, feel like a new man. – At first I thought it was silly because I’d never worked out in an environment like that. It just comes naturally to Gadiel. – My man, you got this. You got this, boom. – Last one. – When he starts to pump up everybody I’m like, yeah you know, you’re right. – That’s right, give it all you got. – Keep it going. – There’s no stopping. (all cheering) – I just realized this is the first time I have ever finished a bottle of protein. – Just randomly, he’ll be like “did you get your tickets?” And I’ll be like, “for what movie?” And he’ll be like “for the gun show.” I’m happy that he’s really proud of it. – Did you get them yet though? – I did, I did. – Juan’s constantly looking at his body and saying what. He’s shy, bam. – Dan was like, don’t eat doughnuts. I’m like, Dan you crazy. I give up anything but doughnuts. I haven’t been craving those doughnuts anymore.

Every time I want sweets, I’m rushing home, just so I can have a little smoothie. I stopped eating doughnuts. – We’re almost done. I think I’m gonna miss it because it’s been a good journey so far. – I don’t think we’ve ever committed this much time to working on the same thing. It was actually really nice. – We joked in the training sessions about how Ryann never gave up, but one of the things that I saw was that mentality started to spread through the other guys as well. The beginning, everyone was quite happy to just stop an exercise when they were a bit tired. Towards the end, that wasn’t the case. The pack mentality really kicked in and it really sort of showed how even though they’re all different, as a group they can still come together and drive each other to get the best possible results. You two have both worked incredibly hard. Juan, you can from a position where you weren’t necessarily used to the exercise. Your improvements were so quick. In the beginning, you were 181 pounds, let’s see where you are today.

And, 171, well done. Wow, so that’s a loss of 10 pounds. I think you’ve lost quite a decent amount of body fat. – It’s something that I’ve been meaning to do for awhile. Really great to see I could make so much improvement in two months. – I am super proud of your progress while the improvement you’ve been making. His form from the first week to now has been so drastic. – From when we were working out in the beginning, he might want to give up a lot more, and now he’s at the end where he’s like yeah, he is definitely trying, he’s definitely pushing.

And he like, looks great. – So Kane, we’re in a slightly different position with you because the plan was we were going to spend a bit of time trying to put some muscle on first. Your weight to start off with was 141. And we’re at 143, excellent. So I mean, ultimately, it just means we put some muscle on. – Kane looks like buff. I’m looking Kane, Kane is already like his chest is coming out like this. His shirts are coming in a little tighter. I’m like, goddamn Kane, where did that chest came from? – It’s cool to see his journey and how once I’m on the other side of the weight loss I can then switch gears, learn from his process.

– You have done absolutely incredibly well. Really sort of committed yourself to the workout, to the eating. – The most committed. – We started at 186, and today you are– – Oh, shit. – 167. – 167? – I think the biggest challenge is noticing the changes because I do not see it because I see myself every day. – Gadiel is just like, he’s lost a small child. Melted this baby away. It’s so inspiring and it’s like every time I see him, I’m like man, I’m gonna lose as much weight as Gadiel’s lost ’cause he’s been like the rockstar of this. – Ryann, as you know I have been super impressed with your ability to exercise and work out. When you started out, you were 218, midway check in you were 217. – I might have put on weight so I just don’t know. – Well, let’s see. So today you are 209. – Holy crap, whoa dude, that’s amazing.

It’s been very very hard for me to switch my diet. The workouts were always like, oh yeah, this is simple, this is easy to do, but it’s just like the diet has killed me. At this point, I think about what I’m eating. When I look at food, I’m like, this isn’t worth it, or I don’t need this much. So I’m definitely way more conscious than I ever was. – Anybody that’s out there that is really considering doing Fitness Genes, I’d say you get to know your own body. – There’s so much diet information out there. Having this as like an additional piece that you can add to your library of knowledge is great. – You feel healthier, you feel more energetic, your skin clears up. I’m pretty sure the other guys could have attested to that. People are looking at me like, Gadiel, you’re glowing. I’m like, Fitness Genes.

(laughs) Next up is a six-pack. – It is. – We’re getting six-pack, that’s the next video. – We are. .

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Yes! Look who we have here today. This is Olivier… ..and you may know him already from a previous photo that I have shared with you guys. Olivier, you are 2 meters and 18 cm long and 160 KG? I am 155 KG.. Awsome! Today we are at Burning heart for a good and intense press training… We do the chest, shoulders and triceps today. But first more about olivier, you are 2.18 so you stand out.

What was your starting weight? I started at 80 kilos when I was already that big.. I have gained about 75kg in about 7 to 8 years. Wauw! I weighed 75 kilos when I was 18 years old.. Why are you so big? Do you have long parents? Yes, my parents are 1,76m and 2,00m… That is normal for Dutch standards, but for the rest of the world long. My brother is no bigger than 2 meters while I have become longer. I am fortunate to have natural giant growth without any deviations… There are many people who suffer from abnormalities around the same length. I am completely healthy! What do you do in daily life? For me, the food was an entire undertaking… The first few years of course to gain weighed but then I had to pay attention to my diet. That was very difficult because at a certain moment I was at 6000 calories per day. Preparing the food took so much time that I invented muscle meat together with my brother and his girlfriend. So we started muscle meat in response to my hobby. Soon there was so much demand for it that we quickly grew as a company. What is the vision of Muscle Meat? Buy bulk and prepare your meal easily.

He grows from his own food .. Do you have goals for 2018? I want to get 160 kg heavy… And after that I want to do some dry training. And besides Muscle Meat you also have an acting career ahead? I have a casting for Game of Thrones running at the moment… There is a small chance that I will get the role but still very cool that I could participate. It must succeed once to get a role in a big movie or series. At your last casting you came to the last 12 you told me? Yes that’s right, that was for sylvester stallone creed 2. How many people did the casting in total? Thousands of people participated… Cool!! Enough about Olivier, it’s time to take our lovely pre-workout V2! Then we start with our training.

Do you have a fear of heights? No Fortunately not! Hey Olivier, are you ready for a scoop pre-workout? Golden Scoop incoming! The world looks very different from this height. You can see everything… But your length is also easy for replacing lights? You do not want to know how often I have been asked. We start with the bench press, 4×10 not too heavy but first pump that chest up! haha, your shoulder is as big as my head. The exercise we are going to do now is one of my standard shoulder trainings. 5 repetitions, 40 kilos, 10 kilos higher, so 1/3 of the weight. I go for the 35 kilos, which fits better with my height .. Okay, the last set of this exercise, drop-set 3×10. We have a caller, dumbell is calling ..

Okay guys, we arrived at the 2nd shoulder exercise. The Shoulder Side raises. We follow the same set-up here as with the shoulder press. Lets go! Olivier can not perform this exercise on a busy Monday night, with his wingspan the chances are high that he will hit someone. My wingspan is indeed 2 meters 20. You should actually carry a sign with the text: beware, extra wide. If you see my hands you can quickly see that all dumbells are actually too small for me.. The following exercise is a super set for the shoulders, including the front raise (20KG) rod.

2x 10, lets go! My shoulders now feel so full, just like the bus to work every Monday morning. The bus? I do not fit in there, haha Whether it is in the plane, bus or train, I take several places. We are going to start the last exercise, the triceps. We start on 15 repetitions and build the weight until you can only do 6 repetitions. So we go from 15 repetitions to 6, but the weight increases every time. Those arms look like tree trunks. Is it true that you can not do certain exercises because of your height? Please show 3 examples to the viewers. Stretched arms? I put it out, I can not do this exercise. If I want to do pull UPS, I have to sit on my knees. If I stand here, we both seem the same size… But finally, I saw one more exercise that is impossible for you to perform. I’m glad we’re done, I get cramp in my neck from looking up ..

Thank you very much and we have to do this more often! And do not forget, soon cooking with Ome Wutru and Muscle Meat! .

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We Tried The 30 Day Gym Challenge

– I don’t go to the gym. I signed up for one like five months ago, I went for two weeks, and then I haven’t gone back. (upbeat music) I would say there are two things that prevent me from going to the gym frequently. One is time. I feel like I barely have time to do what I wanna do, and then when I get to the gym I’m kinda like what do I do here? I feel like an outsider. – Eating healthy’s not hard for me. The part that’s kind of challenging is working out. – My relationship with fitness is kind of like a roller coaster journey since college. – So, growing up, I wasn’t really that active, but I was always interested in kinda like the healthy lifestyle, in a way. – Since I moved to L.A. my physical activity is grocery shopping, walking around the office, getting coffee. – I know that I’m not super out of shape, but I want myself to be able to look at a before and an after shot and be like okay, so this hard work is paying off.

So, I feel like being consistent is my main issue. – With these 30 days, I hope that I can kinda find my way around the gym and find its role in my life. – I wanna be able to make it a consistent routine and habit of going every day, and if I miss a day, then at least it’s just one day than just missing a whole week of working out. – I mean, I figure if I just take a boatload of the classes, I’ll be fine. – Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is day one of going to the gym for 30 days. You know, it was raining this morning, so I had to force myself to go. Today, I’m taking it slow, I’m taking it easy. I’m just gonna do some cardio, maybe some pushups, ab workout and stuff like that, and just kinda warm up my body. – Day one, I thought I could ease my way into it, so I booked a really fun dance workshop. I show up, and… (pop music) I did not know taking a dance class could be so hard.

It was very hard. I thought it’d be very chill ’cause I’m like, you know, I’m dancing. I don’t know how I’m gonna get up and walk. – So, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but someone overslept, and that was me. So, I had to go on my lunch break. I am actually on my lunch break. This is my lunch post-workout, but I did it, I went to the gym today.

– So, it’s day two. I came to do spinning, but I came too late and won’t let me in, therefore I need to figure out how to work out on my own. My strategy was to keep taking class after class because I don’t know what to do in the gym. So, I took spinning, hated it, I took… I don’t even know. It had a lot of weights in there, and I wasn’t into it at all. I’m meant to work out right now, but I ran out of clothing for the gym ’cause I own like four items. So, I have to go shopping before I can work out. – It is Saturday morning. It is raining, but guess where I’m going? To the gym, baby. – I took it upon to figure out what to do in the actual gym. Working out on my own was a lot more chill. I could take my time, then when I was actually doing my workout I could focus on what was happening, I could feel what was moving.

– Over the weekends I would do cardio, that way I don’t have to lift more weights and I could give my body a break, but I would still go to the gym. I’m feeling good. – A couple times it was a little crazy because I went to dinner. – Kiano, are you thinking about the gym right now? – And then I worked out. I’m not doing that one again. We just ate like 20 pounds of Korean food.

It’s like, what time? 8:00 p.m. and now I’m gonna go to the gym. And then I went to the gym after a seven-course dinner. That was miserable. I don’t wanna be here, but I’m here. I’m not gonna work out. I’m gonna stretch my body and chill ’cause I can barely walk. I’m very full. (upbeat music) – It is Monday, it is day 10. I’ve been going to the gym for 10 days straight. I haven’t missed a day. I feel stronger than ever, I feel so happy. I was noticing that I was feeling stronger, and I was like okay, so if I feel stronger, that means that this is working.

So, I would just keep getting more and more motivated instead of tired, which is crazy. I feel so proud of myself, honestly, that I’ve been doing this. Today, I thought that it was gonna be hard because it was Monday, but no, I was so motivated to just go after work and work out and sweat and lift weights. I’m so excited to see the final outcome. – There was one day I went to the gym, and it was right when Daylight Savings happened, so by the time I arrived, it had closed where I thought I had another hour. To make up for it, I will do a two-a-day workout. I’m really annoyed because my gym is very far from where I live. I drove like a half hour to get here, and I’m gonna eat my feelings. – So, coming into week three, I was going at it every day.

I would spend an hour a day in the gym, and then I started adding even more weights. – I’m about to go into dance class. I can’t video in there, but I’m excited. After working out on my own for a while and I was a lot more aware of what was happening when I was doing different workouts, it was a lot easier for me to take a class again because at the beginning, I didn’t know what was going on, I just knew I was doing a lot of different stuff. But then, having worked out on my own and going back to class, I knew what to focus on. Alright, I just finished dance class, and it was really good. I’m looking forward to doing this every week, every Monday, late at night, I don’t care. I brought people French from work. – Hello. – It’s so much more fun working out with people you know, you know? I’m not alone, we’re sweating together, I love it. – So, I’m here in Nashville, Tennessee, I’m in the hotel room, but that’s not stopping me from not going to the gym because first of all, the gym is here is really nice, and second of all, I’m pumped, so I’m going to the gym.

Let’s do it. Alright, so we’re in the countdown. We have about five days left of this challenge. So, when the last week of this challenge came, I was extra motivated. I was like, I can’t believe I’ve been going for over 20 days, I haven’t missed a day, I’m so excited. And then, as the last week started, I went to the gym and sadly, I’m starting to feel sick. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m going to go to the gym, but hopefully I still have enough energy to push through, but honestly, I’m not feeling too good.

Wish me luck. – So, final week, I went back to classes, and my last one was a dance class again. So, I did full circle, and that one was fun and I brought friends from work too. (upbeat music) – You know how two days ago I said I was feeling a little bit sick, but I was still going to the gym? (sniffles) Well, it’s been two days. I was super congested, so I couldn’t even breathe. So, that was when I knew that I had to stop for a little bit, and it was devastating because it was especially towards the end. I am definitely sick. I’ve missed the gym the last two days because it’s been impossible for me to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can go back and finish strong, but let’s see. – It went by quicker than I thought. – So, even though I did miss a few days towards the end, and as you can see, I still sound a little bit stuffy, so I’m still getting over that, it didn’t really change my perspective on the gym right now because now I’m super motivated.

I feel like I’m in a good level that if I just keep going consistently, I will see results. – From doing the challenge, I don’t feel as awkward walking into the gym. I knew people at reception, they know my name now, and that’s kind of… I like it, it’s like a community in its own. – Yo, that’s at 13 inches. That’s, hold on a sec. – What? Let’s do it! – I’m just happy my numbers didn’t go up. – Awesome. – That’s all I care about. (upbeat music) .

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym

muffin-top love handles spare tire however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your side’s belly and lower back there’s one thing we can all agree on pit needs to go so how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week hey hey try them out for yourself number one jumping burpees bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight arm plank after a moment pull your feet back in towards your chest quickly stand up and immediately jump up while reaching your hands toward the ceiling and clap lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there you see burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time making them an awesome warm-up exercise on top of that burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques as the muscles on your side where that fat is sitting but also your arms quadriceps glutes chest and hamstrings do three sets with 15 reps each two bicycle crunches lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the mat keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out move your bent leg right towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it’s parallel to the floor while doing that move your left shoulder towards your right knee remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides this way your stomach not your neck will have to strain the most this kind of crunch works the sides of your stomach and hips do three sets with ten to 20 reps each number three kneeling vacuum kneel on the floor with your bum resting on your heels put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back now imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible if it can’t pull it in very far at first don’t sweat it your results will improve with time hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never done it before otherwise you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds some people don’t breathe while doing this exercise while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing choose whichever way is more comfortable for you but don’t relax your stomach muscles this seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection shrink your waistline and carve your abdominal muscles repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break number 4 side plank lie on your right side and lean on your elbow so that it’s directly below your shoulder lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot if this is too hard for you at the beginning bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight and finally reach your left hand up toward the ceiling just like a traditional plank this exercise works your stomach muscles as well as your back glutes and core but most of all the side plank focuses more on the obliques which is a surefire way to get rid of love handles try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side do at least 3 reps number five swimmers lay down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and shoulder-width apart your feet should be hip-width apart on the mat tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg up at the same time leave them in the air for two to three seconds then lower them back to the ground do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air do 10 reps of five counts on each side if you want to break a sweat and burn more fat alternate your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground this exercise will take care of any lower back fat it sculpts your rear end as a bonus number six Russian twist sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent lean your upper body back and hold your legs off the ground you can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first now slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side hold it there for three seconds and then return to the initial position repeat the movement on the other side do three sets of ten to twelve reps each by the way if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate number seven woodchoppers stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged you’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands again a medicine ball or a jug of water will do whatever it is make sure you can get a good safe grip on it now twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder the turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee go back up to the right and repeat keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance also if you’re a beginner don’t pick a heavyweight otherwise it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side number 8 reverse crunches lie down on the ground lift your legs in the air and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest at the top of the movement raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position just like regular crunches the reversed ones work the front of your apps but the especially hit your lower abdominal muscles do three sets of 10 to 15 reps each aim to do this workout four to five times a week it’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate intensity aerobic activities like swimming jogging or cycling that’ll really kick up the fat burning process so that those love handles melt right off and of course you’ll need to change your guide a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all first cut down your calorie intake 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about one to two pounds a week avoid eating processed and fried foods it’s usually high in added sugars preservatives and additives you’ll also want to stay away from the usual offenders sweetened drinks fast food junk food like cookies and chips and fatty meat remember that high amounts of added sugar gets stored exactly around your stomach which means yep a spare tire if you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish chicken turkey and lean red meat it’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non starchy veggies such as cauliflower celery peppers spinach broccoli tomatoes in the life and finally drink more water it’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake so your love handles will shrink with time so good look out there and let me know if these exercises work for you and if you know any other ways to deal with love handles leave them down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey now don’t go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life

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This year my theme is snow Not just as an element I was born in December and I am kind of a child of winter and christmas On the other hand, I am a child of sunshine Being finnish and having that “sisu” (perseverance) and strength But at the same time, the softness, fairness and purity – of snow So, now we are… “we”? All of us I am going to train my fitness routine Ringa (my choreographer) came from Jyväskylä to Helsinki Ringa have made all of my fitness routines besides the year 2013 We have known each other since the time we were doing gymnastics together and we have coached together too Ringa has made me…

4 fitness routines We started doing this routine last autumn and this has been ready for a long time but it always needs some fine adjustments Especially because I was ill for a while a go I still don’t know if I can do a whole routine or not When I was getting better from my flu, I went and try out to do it Is was not a good idea… That’s why I recovered a bit longer and tried to keep my training light I have been training my fitness routine about 2 times per week And this is probably the 3rd time, in this year, when we are seeing each other with Ringa But I am used to train alone I see my coach Teemu once a month, now when the competitions are coming, we are seeing a bit more often It is good to get some little tricks and do finetuning Let’s see…

What Ringa will think Eve has advanced a lot during these years When we started out together we had to concentrate on that it wouldn’t look so gymnastics -like Tightness has always been natural for her, but dancing is something we have been trying to train more Now things are going really well, considering her low energy Now we have to do just a little adjustments here and there The flips are so lively and powerful you can’t know which way is she going down There haven’t never been a question about Eve on stage.

She is always shining so bright It doesn’t matter what she is doing, and whether she’d forget her routine, performing is something she can do and that is also why we can concentrate on just a small things With other people I work with, we have to train technique till the last weeks to get the routine completed Gladly, with Eve we can focus on to the little details… which will guarantee her winning We are going to the gym I have been training my fitness routine this morning also I trained mainly technique and some rehabilitation for my back because I have some problems with it, and with my back’s facet lock it causes problems with my right side’s nervous system But now, let’s do some delts Maybe a bit arms…

And chest… My training program depends a lot about my feelings and I like to go “with the flow” I know approximately what to do But whatever feels good at that moment I do not plan strictly my programs Let’s go… Yeah I have to be precise with the movements and angles to my chest and delts When my back gets locked, it causes some nervous problems with the ride side of my body and it is hard for me to keep my right shoulder blade at its right form So I have to concentrate to do the movements right But yeah, you’ll always find some way to work things out And well, I wouldn’t say I’d had some major problems right now, But the fact is that with so many training years that I have, it gets harder and problematic sometimes *emotional explosion* Only because of training That emotional explosion is a combination of many things It is the big picture: how much I have been working for this, how hard times I have had before…

And now it finally feels that I have succeed (at least for myself) Winning is pretty important for me and… Of course I want to win I have been trying to think that maybe it isn’t everything and the most important thing And of course it couldn’t have ever been But I can admit that sometimes winning was the only thing that mattered and winning was the only thing that made me happy Oh what an explosion of emotions But it is kind of really cool that something like this can cause so big emotions What else could do the same…? Besides love But for myself I think I am going to achieve the goals I have made And be in the best shape where I have ever been If I could be just as lean as on my first year of competing Getting so lean and cutted is never easy for me, and for few it is But for me it takes a lot In the end calories are low and there is a lot of training And I know that even though I think I can and I could eat less and do more It is not always better It is definitely not always better I have a good feeling And I will enjoy this as much as I can I have been definitely working so hard for this Was the result whatever (hopefully good) I have deserved all this And I will enjoy it at full

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Fitness with Ralph: Summer Ropes Circuit



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10 Foods To Eat On A Weight Loss Diet

When you’re on a diet or trying to meet specific weight loss goals it can sometimes feel as though your food options are restricted fortunately for you the secret to losing weight might not be to eat less but to simply eat better instead last time we decided to explore this topic we discovered that there are several foods that you can still enjoy while trying to lose weight so many in fact that we couldn’t fit them all into a single video welcome to part two of this video series in which bestie aims to examine 10 more foods which can help you along the path to losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle before we start make sure you’re getting your recommended daily intake of vesti content by subscribing to our Channel and ringing the notification bell that way you can be sure to stay in the loop and never miss a video if you haven’t seen our previous video in this series 10 foods to eat on a diet we encourage you to check that one out as well here’s a quick recap when it comes to managing your weight the quality of what you eat matters just as much as the quantity according to nutritional researcher Chris Gunnar’s not all calories are created equal meaning that even when trying to lose weight you should always pick healthy foods to make sure you’re getting the best nutritional bang for your buck without further ado here are 10 more foods which Gunnar’s assures us are scientifically supported to help you along the path of your personal weight loss journey number one avocados truly what can we say about these vibrant green fruits that hasn’t already been said avocados are so healthy in fact that we’ve already done an entire video about them be sure to check it out if you haven’t already as for how they impact weight loss avocados are unique among fruits in that they are loaded with healthy fats as opposed to carbs as well as a high amount of water and fiber which lowers its overall energy density avocados are also a healthy source of potassium more like potassium am i right number two apple cider vinegar whether using it as an ingredient in salad dressing or even diluting it into drinking water natural health and fitness enthusiasts everywhere love apple cider vinegar according to some studies ingesting some apple cider vinegar at the same time as a meal that’s high in carbs can help you feel more full thus encouraging you to consume fewer calories it has also been shown to reduce blood sugar spikes after meals which can also potentially have long-term benefits when it comes to health and weight loss number 3 nuts for a healthy snack on the go nuts are where it’s at nuts of various kinds are high in protein fiber and healthy fats making them both satisfying to eat as well as packed with nutritional benefits if that wasn’t enough studies have also linked nuts to improved metabolic health and potential weight loss as well and population studies have indicated that people who regularly snack on nuts are typically healthier and leaner on average they’re still high in calories however so as long as you don’t go overboard and eat too many at once you should be fine in other words just don’t go nuts when snacking number four whole grains cereal grains get a bad rap sometimes however certain types of grains can still provide health benefits and may even be useful when it comes to losing weight while it’s true that processed grains are unhealthy whole and cereal grains packed with fiber and protein can be useful when it comes to managing your weight grains that fall under this category include oats brown rice and quinoa if you’re trying to avoid curbs altogether though you might want to steer clear of all grains regardless number 5 chili pepper what’s your tolerance when it comes to spicy food in addition to adding a much-needed kick to many a bland meal chili peppers can also add a much needed kick to your weight loss strategies this is because chili peppers are high in capsaicin which is a substance that according to some studies has been proven to reduce appetite and increase excess fat burning in the human body capsaicin is so useful in this regard in fact that it’s often used as ingredient in weight-loss products such as dieting supplements however it’s also worth mentioning that people who eat spicy food on the regular seem to reap fewer weight-loss benefits from Chili Peppers then people with milder tastes this would seem to imply that your body might build up a tolerance to these peppers and the capsaicin that they contain over time if you like things spicy then Chili Peppers might not be an effective weight-loss tool in the long term but hey at least they’re still delicious right number six fruit the health benefits that we associated with fruit have been known for a long time even though fruits contain natural sugars they’re low energy density and fiber content prevents the sugar they contain from being released into your bloodstream too quickly for this reason fruit is a delicious and nutritious addition to almost any diet in fact the only reason you may want to consider reducing your fruit intake is if you happen to either have an intolerance or if you’re on a diet to emphasize reducing the carbs you ingest such as the ever-popular ketogenic diet or keto diet for everyone else munch away number seven grapefruit while we just talked about the weight loss benefits that can come from fruit as a whole some fruits deserve a little more attention on this list than others one specific fruit we’d like to shine the spotlight on is grapefruit due to it being the subject of a number of studies regarding the effects this fruit has on weight loss and weight management according to these studies people who integrated grapefruit into their diets not only led to reduced weight but also reduced resistance to insulin insulin resistance is a condition that affects the body’s metabolism and can lead to a number of chronic diseases and other unwanted conditions researchers therefore suggests that eating half a grapefruit as an appetizer half an hour before meals can help with feelings of fullness and prevent you from overeating during mealtimes number eight chia seeds originally used for planting Chia Pets in the 90s it turns out that chia seeds are also a nutritional superfood as well chia seeds contain 12 grams of carbohydrates per ounce if that seems high bear in mind that 11 of these grams is made up of fiber officially making chia seeds one of the best sources of fiber in the whole world while the jury’s still out on whether or not she is seeds impact weight loss directly they’re high fiber content means that at the very least chia seeds can reduce your appetite and stop you from potentially over snacking this combined with their high nutritional value means that chia seeds should be seen as a healthy addition to just about any diet number 9 coconut oil coconut oil is a high source of medium chain triglycerides otherwise known as MCTS MCTS are a type of fatty acid and research has indicated that they make you feel more full and satiated than other fats when ingested and also increase the number of calories you burn so does that mean you should slather on some coconut oil all over your meals from now on well probably not coconut oil still contains calories after all and it has been suggested to use the oil as a substitute for other cooking ingredients rather than as an addition number 10 full fat yogurt like we mentioned in the previous video dairy products are useful food due to their high protein content in addition certain types of yogurt are also a source of probiotic bacteria which can help you to maintain a healthy gut and can protect against factors that can cause inflammation and obesity next time you’re at the grocery store be on the lookout for yogurts that advertise live active cultures to make sure you’re buying a brand that comes loaded with these probiotics full fat yogurt in particular is also associated with a reduced risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes and there you have it between these two videos we now have a list of 20 different types of food that can help you manage your weight and eat healthily \

As found on Youtube

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Moving with Pete Davidson and Kevin Hart

– ( coughing ) – Kevin: Is this full-fledged attack? – Oh, ( bleep ) – ( heart monitor beeping ) Oh, God. Oh, Jesus, not like this, Pete. – ( Pete grunts ) – Oh, my God. ( coughing ) – ( music playing ) – Kevin: Ah, yeah. Ah, yeah. Little man in a big truck. That’s what I am. Very excited about today’s episode of “What the Fit.” Why? Well, because I’m moving, people. So all this stuff needs to go. All the couches are going, the rug, the TVs are going. I’m gonna need to pack all this stuff in boxes right here. Kevin: Whoa! I’m gonna move a family out of their home and into a new home. Obviously, I need a partner. It’s gonna be Pete Davidson. My comedy brother, he definitely looks like a hitchhiker right now. Not the best that I’ve seen him. Hey, Pete! ( laughs ) Hey, Pete. ( chuckles ) What’s up, man? How you doing, man? – I’m great, man. – Kevin: Are you good, are you good? Pete, this is gonna be great.

Pete: I’m so excited. Kevin: Well, Pete, I’m even more excited. – What do we got going on, man? – Well… Pete, here on “What the Fit,” we put ourselves in situations that people wouldn’t expect us to be in. and we find physical fit-like activities – within everyday life. – Cool. Movers basically, are exercising on a daily basis. That sounds great. Me and you are gonna help a family move. Here’s the thing, Pete, they have no idea that we’re coming to help them move. Are you telling me that we’re surprising this family? And we’re going to dig into this family’s personal life. Sick. Pete: Oh, yeah. Kevin: Oh, I forgot to give you your shirt. – because I’m moving company, – Okay, cool. so, yeah, you’re gonna have to put on that shirt. Let me put it on. I might have to unbuckle the seatbelt. I want us to look like a unit when we go up here. – Like a real company. You know what I mean? – That’s tight.

We don’t want to look like two crazy people– This is what a moving truck company usually is though. – It’s like one shredded guy… – That’s a good t-shirt. and then a really dumb partner. When we get in here, don’t have me moving – all these boxes by myself. – Oh, no, I’ll pick up stuff. – Yeah, you’re gonna help me. – I’ma help. If there’s a couch and I say we’re gonna get the couch, Pete, we gotta get the couch. I gotta be honest with you, man. I’m not picking up that couch, okay? ( laughter ) Kevin: I really did a good job driving. That’s the last car I would ever think of you to get out of. – Can you get by, that’s– – “The Rock ‘n’ Roll Movers.” ( chuckles ) ( knocking ) – Someone’s at the door. – How– hold on. How do I look? – Just look natural, look natural. – Yeah, what’s up, man? Pete: Yeah, what up? Holy shit! – Pete: Oh, cool. – Oh! How are you? – Kevin: How are you? Hello. – Pete: What up? – What’s your name? Cheryl, how are you, Cheryl? – Cheryl.

– Hi, I’m Schuyler. – Schuyler, this is my friend Pete right here. – Hello, Cheryl. – Oh, my God, you’re engaged to Ariana Grande. – Yes, I am. – Congratulations! – I’m Mr. Grande. – Oh, my gosh! It’s me, the new Kevin Federline. How are you? – Awesome. – We are helping you guys move. – All right, yay. – We are embracing this. We are here as helping hands.

– This a very nice home. – Oh, thank you. – I see a lot of memories were had here. – Yes. – Yeah. – 20 years almost. – You have a dad, that’s cool. – Yeah. – Congratulations. – Thank you. – What’s that like? – ( laughter ) You really want us to answer that? I don’t think I should be the one packing this up because… – Kevin: You’ll start crying. – …yeah, I’ll just start crying. – I’ll call my mom. – Cheryl: Oh, here’s the rest of the family! Pete: Oh, wow! Kevin: Oh, wow. – Evie, Shane, Allen. – Hi. – Hello. – Hi, nice to meet you. Kevin: All right, so go on, man. So break it down to us. All right, break it down. So, we’re gonna start packing some boxes and what we’re gonna do is wrap these picture frames. – We’re gonna wrap. All right, so Pete, – Pete: Okay. we’re gonna help this family get out of here. – You got it. – Guys, don’t worry, you’ll be in your new house in no time because the Rock ‘n’ Roll Movers are on the job. – ( air guitar sounds ) – Rock ‘n’ Roll movers! – Kevin: Rock ‘n’ Roll movers. – You guys have a dog in here? – Yeah. – I’m super allergic.

If you guys have a dog, what kind of dog? – Uh… – One’s a labradoodle. Kevin: What’s the consequences of it? – Throat closes. – ( laughs ) Asthma attack. I swear. – We’ll get you some Benadryl. – ( hoarse voice ) Did we get the shot? ( hoarse voice ) Hey, guys. All right, well, me and Pete are gonna do the picture frames. – Okay. – I feel like I’m gonna hand them to you. Hey, uh, Rock ‘n’ Roll! Do you do ’em one-by-one or can I group ’em? – Oh, you should never group ’em. – Are you sure? This isn’t the way you pack memories? – That’s not how you pack it at all. – You sure? You grab one picture, and you’re gonna put it here…

– Cool. – …right in the center of the bubble wrap. – Pete: Uh-huh. – You’re gonna do one fold there. – That’s sick. – Another fold there. – Tight. – Another fold there. Pete: You do that one-by-one? We just do it like that while they watch, right? – Yeah. – But when they turn their heads then we get– we can do it the other way. Usually, uh, no. We gotta do it the right way. We’ll do it. I’ma show you how we’re gonna do it. – Give me four to five pictures. – Okay. ( chuckles ) Give me four to five of these pictures. – Cool, I think so, too. – Yeah, this is gonna be great. – Pete: We absolutely– – Kevin: Yeah, we do it his way – we ain’t never getting out of here. – We’ll never get out of here. Uh, this family seems cool and all, but– Yeah, they cool, but we’re not.

So, watch this, when you wrap these up properly. – Cheryl: Yeah, they don’t– They don’t move. – Pete: They don’t move. You see what I’m saying. So, he was saying do it one-by-one, which is not good. I wish this was a joke, but if someone could have an asthma pump – brought to set. – Just in case, guys. Just in case Pete dies. – We got more bubble wrap? – We do got more bubble wrap. ‘Cause me and Pete are flying through these frames. That’s all dog hair. That’s all dog hair. I’ma have a full asthma attack. – ( bleep ) – Kevin: Mom, get out the way. – Mover: On three. – One– one, two, three. – Oh, yeah. – Mover: There we go. – That’s a deep– uh-huh. – There we go, uh-huh. That’s a deep lift right there. – Yeah. Drop down. – Okay. – Whoo! – I’m starting to get a little tight in my throat. – Whoo! – Woman: Whoo! – Hey, uh, guys. – Woman: Yeah? Let’s make sure that we have Pete’s death medicine. – ( coughs ) – He keeps touching his throat. If this is how I die, I’ll be so mad. I die doing Kevin Hart’s “What the Fit.” He’s really shutting down over here, guys.

Sounds like an Onion article. So what I’m gonna do right now is I’m gonna tape a blanket – so it stays in place. – If they weren’t in here would we do this or we just throw it in the truck? – Just throw that shit in there. – I’m gonna be honest with you– Like do you ever just throw shit in the truck? – I do not. – You’re a really noble guy.

You should ( bleep ) my mom. ( laughs ) She needs it so she can get off my back. ( imitating mom ) “Pete, what are you doing?” “Living my life!” Sorry. Pete: All right, man. There you go. – Oh, all right! All right. – There you go. That’s the thing about Rock ‘n’ Roll, baby, you gotta know how to rock and roll. Right? All right, this is ready. – Let’s get this one out. – Well, it’s not fully ready yet. – No, this is 100% ready. – It’s not the real Rock ‘n’ Roll way. Shrink wrap all the way up to here. – Yeah. – Then you’re going to stretch it. – Yeah. – And then wrap the corner. Hey, man, how important is this couch? – Ah! Shit! – We might as well get them a new couch. This is so much. Like, I’ll just get you guys a new couch. – Yeah. – All right, this is ready. – It is not ready. – So, Pete should take this outside now. – And by the way, you don’t do nothing. – Ah, man. – ( laughs ) – Kevin: You’re sitting here just watching.

Okay, oh, God, Pete. Oh, no, Pete! Pete, you can’t take a smoke break, Pete! I’m sorry, guys. Pete, no. Pete, this isn’t our house, Pete. ( bleep ) Yeah! Come on, you know you’re gonna make the crew do that shit. – Get in here! – Pete, we got shit to do, Pete. – Pete: Yeah! – And judging by those leaves on there, they don’t use that trampoline much.

So you need to get the hell off it. – Doesn’t look that safe, Pete. – All right! Hey, look, it’s grandma’s… ( meows ) – Kevin: Oh, God. – I’m sorry. I’m sorry y’all had to hear that. ( laughing ) Oh, God! Okay. All right, this is going outside. Brother, this is ready to go on the truck. I got you, Kevin. Yeah, there you go. Let’s do it. – Ready? Where do you want me to go? – Pete: I’m gonna open the door. – Where do you want me to go? I got it. – I want you to do is – to grab the wrap– – I got it. I got it. You got it in the back? I got it in the front. Biggest thing with the movers is communicating, baby, so don’t let me hold it by myself. – I got you, Kevin. I’m right behind you. – I’m losing grip, baby.

– Baby, I’m losing grip, you got it? – I got it. You got it, Pete? Is he in the back? – I’m right here in the back. – You got it? – Coming down, Pete! – You’re scaring me, Kevin. – Pete! Pete! – Kevin, you’re scaring me. – Kev! – Pete, hold on, Pete! – ( grunts ) – There you go. – Goddamn! – Come on, Kev.

– Goddamn, Pete! Stop! – All right! – Right here, Pete. – Go ahead and leave it right here. – Right here! – We’re gonna put the lift gate down. Right here. Hey, Pete, between me and you, they gotta come get this theyself. – Let them come out and do this. – Let’s go to In-N-Out. Hey, you gotta do a better job of wrapping. ‘Cause look at me, I’m secure. You had this part. All my shit stayed. This is your stuff. – So you gotta do a better job. – That’s the most exercise I’ve done. – I tried telling Kevin… – Kevin: Oh, my God! …that we, uh, gotta wrap the couch in full.

Didn’t work out. Kevin: I feel like I’m doing everything myself. Oh, my God. Do you wrap these up, too? Movers: No, we do not wrap up the cushions. These just go on. I got the cushions. – ( frames breaking ) – Oh, my goodness. Oof. Yeah, man. – Whoa! – Oh! Man, that was their dead grandma’s urn. Come on, man, like… What happened? – Maybe this house is haunted or something. – Somebody broke the vase. No, I had– I had the couch– I had the pillows, so somebody must have– – Pete: It was a ghost. – Pete, Kev, let’s go move the drum set. Okay, yeah. You know, I used to play a little bit, actually. – Really? – Yeah. This is just like the drum set I had. I can teach you a little bit if you want. All right. ( off-beat drum beat ) I was just making sure your tones is right.

Of course, of course. – Hey, yo, Kev. – I was in a band. Hey, hey, Pete. No, no, Pete, Pete. What? That’s not ours! We’re moving. You think they’re gonna put that in their next fridge? ( laughter ) Oh, wait, Pete. Ask me a question. Just anything. Hey, man, what’s up? Well, I’ll tell you what’s not up. Me and my wife. ( laughs ) The new Kevin Hart. Boy, I just flew in and let me tell you something, my arms are tired. Those are like Jerry Seinfeld’s actual jokes. ( laughs ) Man, anybody here got kids? Well, if you don’t, you could take mine. Pete just did a spit take. This was my act. Sold out arenas and this is my act. Right here on this drum set. – Do you play? – I do play. – You really play? Or… – I really play. Here you go, brother, you sit down and let me– Let me get a little taste of what you got, buddy. ( playing drum ) – ( coughing ) – Kevin: Whoo! – ( laughter ) – We gotta get outside, Pete Davidson is having an asthma attack right in front of our face. – Come on. – I’m okay, Kev. Can we get Pete out there in the back, Juan? Take Pete out the back.

– ( groans ) – Kevin: Pete’s not playing. Pete is having an asthma attack right now. – If I stay in there, it’ll get bad. – Pete’s really in some trouble. You guys killed Pete. ( air swishing ) Oh, yeah! – ( chuckles ) – Oh, gosh. Oh, God. This– Oh, Jesus, not like this, Pete. All right, I can hold this down in there, okay? Yeah. I’ma figure out the move. – Yes. – ( laughter ) We’re very much friends, Pete. I’m 100% your friend, Pete. Okay. All right, man. ( muffled laughter ) Okay, guys. What I’m seeing is a lot– What in the “Family Ties” is this? What type of soft-porn– what? Hey, uh, Mom? Oh, gosh.

What’s, uh, what’s going on here? – It was 1997ish. – 1990– who came up with the idea? – Cheryl: My husband. – Kevin: He said, “Let’s get sexy. – Get frisky. – And 20 years later it’s still hanging – on the wall of my house. – It should be. – This is the beginning. I love it. – Yeah. 1997. Very soft-pornish, though. Oh, my God! How much stuff do we have? This is a lot of stuff. Are you taking all of this stuff? Well, yeah, I mean, I have to get rid of some clothing, but this is mostly junk.

We gotta get rid of some stuff. Let’s do a yard sale. Here, all your junk. Get all the junk. This is junk. – We’re gonna call this junk. – Cheryl: Keepsakes. No keepsakes, no keepsakes. You’re a hoarder. – This is a– – I’m not really a hoarder! This just became an episode of “Hoarders.” ( chuckles ) – You know what this is? It’s my first baby. – What’s that? – Are you serious? – That was Lucy. – Her dog’s ashes. – Unfortunately, she’s not with us anymore. – Well, no, she’s here. – She’s right here. – Lucy’s here. – Lucy. How long have you had this? So she died when Stevie was two, Stevie’s twelve. ( laughs ) Oh, my God. But she died a horrible death, so… keepsakes. Oh, my God. ( laughs ) – You ready? You ready? – Oh, my God. – Little teeth. – She has a box full of teeth. – Should I put it with the ashes? – Uh, okay, well those teeth– it’s time for them to go in the trash. Now I’m going to make a necklace out of them. – Oh, my gosh. – ( laughter ) I can’t– ( quiet laughter ) How you doing, buddy? You all right? It’s like a Make A Wish episode.

– You okay. – Yeah, man, I’m okay. I talked them into having a garage sale. – Okay. – They’re gonna sell some of the junk. Also, we went through memory lane, – Mm. – Uh, she has all the kids’ teeth. – Still, to this day. – Yo, I’m out, that’s weird. – Yeah. – If I stay any longer she’ll have our teeth, you know what I mean? So…

No, it’s definitely turned into an episode of “Get Out.” Cheryl: Oh, this is a good idea for a yard sale. Kevin: This is, right? We’re gonna get rid of a lot of stuff right now. I don’t know if anyone’s gonna buy this stuff. – Oh, yeah. Get it. – Yeah, right? Tack it on. – Ah! – Oh, there you go. Now that, I’m not gonna lie to you. That’s dope. Yeah, man. This is really… I mean, you want people over here? This is how you get people to buy stuff, man.

You know, don’t make no dumb, cute, yard sale. ( shouting ) Hey! Buy my shit! – There you go. – Bet you my idea works. Anybody want to buy my shit? – Hey, buy my shit. – It’s a little aggressive. Hey, I almost died today I’m gonna live my life. So everything that you’re selling has to be sold with a story. Let me tell you a story about these scarves. These scarves were got when we went to Madrid. Don’t matter if you’ve been to Madrid or not. The conversation sells it. Here we go, people are coming, look alive, look alive. People are coming. Mom, put your hat on. Put your hat on, you look real– it makes you look really good. – Oh, yeah. – Everybody act natural. All right, everybody look natural, look like we belong. – Hey! – Hey, what up? – How are you? – Hey.

Look at this very cool pencil case made out of a horse. – That’s not just any pencil case. – Yeah, that’s not just any– Pete: You guys are not good. Leonardo DiCaprio used to use that in school. – Kevin: There you go. – What? – That’s Leonardo DiCaprio’s pencil case. – Cheryl: How about this? Hey, I’ll blow you if you take all this shit. – Okay. – ( laughter ) You guys don’t know how to sell stuff, man. I’m from the streets. ( laughing ) “I’ll blow you if you take…” – All these items are great items. – Pete: Sure. This hat was actually worn by Tom Hanks. – ( laughter ) – Uh, Tom Hanks wore it at– There you go! Now wait a minute, sir. $40 for everything. Pete: Whatever that is just give it us! – It’s $40. – That’s good, give it all to us. And it all goes to charity, in Pete Davidson’s pocket.

Kevin: How are you guys doing? Those aren’t just any plastic forks, and spoons, and knives. – Those are… – They’re not. They’re champagne flutes. Those are champagne flutes. They’re actually modeled after the gentleman who owns this house’s penis. Very big flutes. This is really cool. This is like Dolce & Gabbana, but I’ll give it to you for $9. Yo, I’ll give you this for a dollar. Come back. I’ll give you all of this for a dollar. There you go. – One dollar? – One dollar, I swear. – Pete: Oh yeah! – Cheryl: What kind you got? Hey! Give me a dollar! Don’t run off with that shit! – ( laughter ) – I’m watching you! Kevin: Pizza is always welcome here, thank you, – thank you. – Yeah! Look at that sale! – Yes. Hey, we did it! Yeah! – Oh, my God! – Pete: Here you go, man. – Kevin: Thank you, brother.

– Kevin: Appreciate you. – Pete: Have a good one. – Rock ‘n’ Roll movers! – $61.43. All right, all right, they got it. We’ll give you a Twitter shout out. Kevin: Who got the money, guys? – I got the money. – Kevin: Rock ‘n’ Roll movers! We got pizza, guys! Guys, I’ll be honest, moving is a lot tougher than we thought. Uh, as you can see, stuff got broken, Pete had an asthma attack, uh, we found out that a lady loves her dog way too much. More importantly, we’re trying to sell stuff – because they’re also hoarders. – Three dollars. This is another episode of “What the Fit.” I’ma go check on Pete, but from the look of things, Pete Davidson is still on his last leg. Uh, I gotta go check on my friend. I’ll see you guys next week. Hey, when Kevin Hart says jump, you say, “How high?” When I say click, you say, “How hard?” With that being said, I want you to click these videos and watch more episodes of “What the Fit.” Do it.

( pulsing ) ( heart beating ) .

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Karate with Rebel Wilson and Kevin Hart

Kevin: All right! I’m excited. – Extremely excited – I’m pumped. about this particular episode of “What the Fit.” I am Kevin Hart, and today– Oh, my God, I got my funny sister. Rebel Wilson, I’m a fan. Aww, that’s so nice. And I’m a massive fan of yours. I only met you, like, on one talk show. Yes, and you got to kick me in the balls. I think I was showing off my fight skills, which I’d done in a movie, “Pitch Perfect 3.” And I was showing, like, just how hard I can kick guys in the balls.

– Yeah. – Which is pretty hard. ( Kevin laughs ) Because of your amazing kick, listen to the idea that I came up with. – Okay. – What I wanted to do is, go to like, a dojo, like, a karate– – Shh. Yeah. – A karate class. – ( gong clashes ) – Hi-yah! It’s not just going to the gym with your trainer. No, no! This is about showing different ways to move, different way to be active.

I don’t know whether you know this, but I have a background in karate. Back in the day, my sensei said I was so good, he wanted to enter me in an all-star novice martial arts tournament. There was two categories, kata and kumite. – The kata is like… – Whoa. And you make the sound effects and stuff. I got a gold medal. Kevin: I studied a little bit myself. My mom bought me a karate book.

I think I was a black belt in… 35 minutes? ‘Cause I got through the book so fast. What style of karate was it? Uh, this was classic. I did that, then I started up a website. Basically, you would never mess with either of us if you saw us on the street. Oh, no, I’ll ( bleep ) you up. – Yeah. – ( gong clashes ) ( martial arts music ) ( grunting, shouting ) Whoa. That one’s got a knife! Nice. Nice. Tight. Nope, not today. – Not today. – No. – Thank you. Hello! – Hi! – Take the shoes off. – Are we allowed– should we take our shoes off? Take shoes off, please. Shoes off. Put ’em over here, sir? – Yes, please. – Okay. – All right. – Yeah, I remember this in the book.

It said don’t walk on the dojo floor – with your shoes. – Yes. Okay. Please come in. – ( exhales ) – Ooh! – That’s spongey. – Oh, yeah! You studied martial arts before? – Self taught. – Self taught. One book is called “Karate From Behind.” – I did that one in 30 minutes. – That sounds sexual. Another book was called “Right Foot Up, Left Foot Down, One, Two, Hi-yah.” That was with pop-ups. I think that was for kids, but I still read it. Can I see some– those moves? I got no problem with that, buddy. Yeah, just show us your best moves. – Start here? – Your best moves. So, I’m going– I’m going knee, I’m going body, head. – All right, do not laugh. – Oh. All right. ( bleep ) That seemed like two knees, didn’t it? I can’t laugh when I do it. Just hold up. Hold up. I gotta make sure I got a serious face. – There was no body or head that time. – Just pay attention. All right. Okay, here we go. I don’t know about that leg thing. Kevin: Ready? Here we go. – That’s not– – Knee, body, head. – All right, that’s the one. – Where was the head? – Kicking somebody’s head, – Yeah.

And they’re, like– and I’m not even that tall. – Hold your hand right– – I don’t think you were that high, though. – Hold your hand right there. – Okay, I will. Knee, body, head. No, but, see, the head’s here. – I kicked there. – I didn’t feel anything. Well, it’s ’cause it’s so fast. Last thing I’ll show you, sir, is just a typical takedown. – ( grunting ) – Oh, that was good. ( shouting ) – Cool! – Sensei: All right. – All right. – Cool, I liked that one at the end.

Rebel: I studied a form of karate called JKA Shotokan karate. Kevin: Ah. There you go. Oh! – Yeah. – Oh, my God. – Yah! – You should have just read a book. You should’ve did the book. I did actual training, though. – I don’t– – Like, I didn’t need the book. I don’t know if you did. Okay, I got uniform for you. What? Ooh. Thank you, Sensei. – And this for you. – Rebel: Ooh! – I got it. – You gotta watch out. Yeah, just wanted to show you– Okay, you gonna start this white belt. – White belt? – Yes. That’s not for me. Ooh, yeah! Whoo! – How are you, Sensei? – Hi, Sensei. What belt is this? There was just this man out by the vending machine.

– Yeah. – And he had this black belt, – and I said, – But you know what? “Excuse me, emergency.” I’m going to show you how to tie belts, though. Let’s take it off. This one first. – Okay. Are you– – Ah, he’s getting the white belt, because you’re a junior. And then I just keep the black belt? Just keep the black belt, – or you wanna… – No. – You gotta let him– – This is not really black belt. I mean, it’s a black belt. Kevin: When you put these on, though… – Okay. – Yeah. Most important for martial arts, when you punch-kicking, you don’t do quietly.

You have to yell– called “kiai.” You don’t have to say “kiai.” You yell loud like this. ( shouts ) Let me hear your kiai. Bitch! I think when you did it, it just sounded like you were saying the word “bitch.” He said it doesn’t have to be the word “kiai,” and if I’m on the streets, I’m doing what I’m thinking I’ma say. Uh, no, no. Let’s do the “kiai.” Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Okay. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – Uh. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – More macho one. ( deep voice ) Kiai. – Kiai. – How about your “kiai”? – Jeff! – That’s an ex. It is clearly– – Yeah, I ( bleep ) hate Jeff. – I know you do. – Can I call you– – Rebel. – Amy. – Oh, oh! Amy! You’ve seen “Pitch Perfect.” – Yes.

Can I call you Amy? – He’s seen “Pitch Perfect.” – You wanna call me– – Have you seen– have you seen this movie, “Central Intelligence”? I call “Kevin,” because my son’s name is Kevin, too. Oh, not one of my movies. He’s not a fan. – Let’s break with this palm. – Yeah. – This is what I’ve been waiting for. – Ooh, ooh. – I’m coming back. – Who wants to start first? – Rebel. You got it, Reb. – Oh, my– You’re going to hold this one for her. Yeah, I’ll hold it for you.

That’s an actual bit of wood. Yes, come on. What are you doing? Let’s go. It’s okay. You can do it. I tend not to break wood. ( laughs ) Wait a second, though. ( chuckles ) – Use the palm. – Okay. Speed is important. Snap, then back. – Okay. – So, kiai! Okay? Okay. Ready? And kiai! ( screaming ) I wanna do it. I wanna do it. You wanna get some of this wood? – Watch out for splinters. – ( growling ) – Kiai! – ( screams ) ( both screaming ) – Do you want– – Yeah! ( bleep ) – We’re gonna do your nunchuck. – Okay.

Ooh! Okay, want to kinda stay away so you don’t hit each other. – Okay. Yeah, yeah. – I know how to do this. Snap and bring in, like that. All right, I remember my first pair of nunchucks. I remember it like yesterday. Mother ( bleep ). Get some. Get some, ( bleep ). ( panting ) Now this is some exercise. Sensei: Okay. Good, good. Boop. I’m just warming up. Now, I know how to do the nunchucks, okay? ( music playing ) ( up-tempo music playing ) – Kiai! – All right! It’s just like that, Kev. We’re gonna see which one of you fights better against black belts. – Yes! – Got you, got you. Whoever’s gonna do good, you may earn the new belt. – Ooh! – I like it. Let’s go. – Whoo! – Let’s go. Cut this ( bleep ). – We could get a new belt. – Let’s do it. Bring ’em in. Bring on the black belts.

Are any of these black belts single or… There’s about to be some sushi in here ’cause I’m about to cook them raw. ( Kevin chuckles ) You need some nunchuck. All I see is bacon. ( martial arts music playing ) Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Mother ( bleep )! Back your ass up! ( bleep ) back– back your– back your– Aah! Aah! Hot feet! Hot ( bleep )! You think I’m scared? ( screaming ) – He’s still there. – Bam! Kick your ass. Tap out! – All right. – Whoo! Can you hold my knife for me? – All right. – Thanks.

Yeah. – Put him in a body bag! – Whew! I’m gonna. – “Karate Kid.” “Karate Kid.” – All right, okay. Do you know any other lines from “The Karate Kid”? – Yeah, I got it. I got it. – Okay. ( shouting ) Yeah, twerk on him! Twerk on him! – Uh, uh, uh, uh. – Twerk on him! Pop, pop, pop. And pop it. Yeah. And get– yeah.

Yeah! Yeah, kick his– what are you doing? Kev, throw me the knife! I got him. – Here. – Throw it. – Kiai! – Ah Oh, I caught it in my sleeve. – ( grunting, shouting ) – Yes! Yeah! – Yeah! – Cut his Achilles. Yah! Yah! He can’t run. Go, Rebel! Yeah! It’s kind of hard decision, but I’m gonna choose a winner, – get the yellow belt. – Yeah. – Winner is Rebel. – Wait a minute. – Oh! – So, that’s– Sensei! Whoo! – So you got a black one for me? – Whoo! – Next time. – Sensei, I just want to say thank you for showing the world that I’m way better at karate than Kevin. If this was the awards, they would want you to wrap it up. – The music’s coming on. – Okay. And I’m just so proud. I was representing Australia, and I won. – ( music playing ) – ( cheers and applause ) Rebel, you want to tell people anything before we leave? – I just want to say– – Thank you, Rebel.

– Guys– No, Kevin– – Hey, listen, guys. – That is it for this week. – No, no, no, no. – We’ll see you next week. – I wanna say, guys, it’s really good to get out there and learn some self-defense techniques. – Yeah. – Because you never know when someone might come up to you and be like– – ( bleep ) – Kiai! – Kiai! – Damn it. ( grunting ) Tap out, Rebel. Tap out! – You tap out, ( bleep ). – Don’t call me a ( bleep ). – ( bleep ) – Oh, you got my neck. You got my neck. – God damn! She got my neck. – Ah! I ain’t gonna tap out. You got to kill me. – So, guys, – You got to kill me.

Basically, there’ll probably be some really cool karate classes in your local area that you can go to. I can’t keep my eyes open. Shh, shh, shh. ( snoring ) And, um, it’s just a really fun way to exercise, and meet some new friends, and learn some new discipline techniques. – That was a fake– – ( screaming ) Hey, what’s going on? This is Kevin Hart, your comedy sensei. To see more of what you saw today, all you gotta do is click here and subscribe to my YouTube channel, and “Laugh Out Loud.” Do it! Because I can break boards with words.


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