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3 Types of Soccer Fitness Training | Improve Soccer Fitness | COACH MY SKILLS

God its so cold, can’t even speak properly. Hi guys, Chris here from Coach My Skills. Coming today here with another short videofor you. I’ve had a couple of requests about this one,so today I’m doing Soccer fitness. Now there are many aspects to Soccer fitness. You’ve got things like speed, endurance, stamina, agility,strength. So, only today is what i want to focus onis building that base fitness. So, if you’re starting from an offseason andyou’re starting to work into a season thats upcoming, and you’re in preseason with thatand you want to start from the bottom and try build that base up. Thats the sort of fitness of talking about now. So, I want to talk through 3 different typesof training that you can do to help improve that Soccer fitness. So just before you get started with any fitnesswork, of course its important with these to warm up properly.Now I’m not going to talk about a warmup today,maybe we do that in another video. But make sure you warm up properly, thingslike dynamic movements are perfect, for this sort of fitness work. So make sure you do that to avoid any injuries. Now I apologise for the wind. “Its too late to apologise” Its quite strong here so hopefully it doesn’t affect the sound. Now the first training type that we will speakabout is continuous training. Now the clue is in the title with this one,CONTINUOUS. As you can see there. So its a form of training that is low aerobictraining, so you’re doing it at low intensity but you do it for a longer period of time.So something like going to the gym 30 minuteson a bicycle, low intensity, keep it going for 30 – 40 minutes. Its a long period. So this is a good training to begin with. Its a baseline training so for the first,I would recommend for the first one to two weeks of you’re initial training for you’reoffseason you stick to continuous training to try and build that base up of your fitness. After you build that base up of fitness, after1-2 weeks you can start moving on to other different types of training Im aboutto speak about.So after having been doing that continuoustraining for a period of 1 to 2 weeks the second type of training you can now incorporateinto your offseason programme is Fartlek training. Believe it or not, “Fartlek” training means”Speed play” in Swedish. Of all languages. For me, Fartlek runs are like the Holy Grailfor Soccer fitness. What they are basically small surge of increasedspeed followed up by returning back to normal zone and recovering, and then trying to repeatagain. Its very much specific to a football gamewhere you’re making short dashes, short sprints and then you want to try and recover as quicklyas possible. So they are perfect for football and somethingyou need to incorporate to build that Soccer fitness base up. Now to start off with the Fartlek runs, Iwould recommend to do like a 20 minute timed run. And you can do say a 3 minute jog. And then do a Fartlek run for 1 minute where you increase the speed, run at 70 to 80 % of yourmaximum. Thats all it is. Its not a full out maximum run.You are not trying to hit the red line. You are not trying to push yourself to thelimits. Its at a good pace like that. And then after you’ve done 1 minute you arethen going to recover again for those 3 mins. So its like I said, very specific for football. Very relevant. So something you should definitely incorporatein your training. Freezing up. Yeah ok. But you got the first continuous training,the second Fartlek training, and then you want to incorporate the last thing that Ithink is essential for football players aswell is Interval training. Now interval training can seem a little similarto the Fartlek training. I can assure you its not.And what that is a higher intensity for shorterperiods of time, but the rest is almost the equivalent to the amount of time that you’reworking. So for example you might work for a high intensityof 90 % so your almost close to your maximum, for a minute but then your rest is only aminute or a minute and a half. So its alot more intense, but its a alot shorterperiod. So a little bit like the Fartlek trainingas well, with the interval training its important to focus as well on the recovery. When you recovering your body is also adaptingaswell.It is part of the process that when you’reputting the work in and you’re recovering, you focus on the recovery as well. Because as you’re doing it your body makeschanges. You are becoming alot more stronger and fitter. This is perfect for Football as well. So its important you build up through that,and I’ll show you that as well.That you build from the continuous, to yourfartlek, then into your interval and you start to incorporate them all and that will giveyou a really good basic ground fitness for football for moving forward into things thatare more specific like speed, agility, all those other things that you have as well thatyou can focus on another time. So thats the three types of training thatI would recommend to do, especially if you’re doing an offseason programme. To the people that requested this video, thankyou very much. I picked probably the worst day to do it itsso cold. And yeah, I hope that its useful for you. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did give it a thumbs up. If you feel sorry for me standing in the coldgive me a thumbs up as well. And I’ll see you in the next video. Don’t forget to comment and subscribe! Thanks.

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Tiffany Rothe’s 5 Minute Fitness – Chair Workout part 1

Hola Rothestars, soy yo Tiffany Rothe, y estoy de vuelta con una serie de rutinas de 5 minutos Tenemos 4 videos para hacer este mes, que podemos relizar uno después del otro Y lograr un buena rutina de 20 minutos. Y todos estos entrenamientos usaremos una silla Asi que tienen que ir a su comedor en su cocina o donde quieran y buscar una silla Debe tener un respaldar alto como este, y quiero que se acerquen a la silla Y se sienten Bien lo primero que van a hacer es estirar sus piernas así Y estiramos hacía arriba, bien, desde su cintura hasta la punta de los dedos, bien Y luego hacía afuera, y hacía el otro lado Bien no tendremos música en este video, porque realmente quiero que prestén atención a mis indicaciones Para asegurarme que estén en una buena y correcta postura Entonces abran sus rodillas hacía afuera, y siéntensen bien derechos y contráigan su abdómen Y luego levanten sus talones del piso así Bien luego levántense y manténganse así, y vamos a subir en cuatro, uno, dos Tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, asi es Dos, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, contráigan su abdomen, bien firme Tres, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, y cuatro, dos, tres, cuatro, lo tienen Sigan así, talones, arriba, vamos y cinco, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo dos, tres, cuatro, tres más Y seis, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro y siete Empujen, empujen, empujen y abajo, dos, tres, y ocho, dos, tres, cuatro, y abajo.

Van a mantenerse aquí mismo Estiren un brazo hacía afuera y empujen abajo Así es, empujen abajo, abran sus rodillas, y vamos por 10, nueve, ocho, siete, mantengan su pecho arriba, seis, contraigan su abdómen Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, cambiamos, vamos Empujen, pecho arriba, contraigan su abdómen Relajen sus hombros, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, vamos Toquen la silla al bajar, y estiren la pierna, bajen y estiren hacia arriba Los talones bajan al piso, contraigan el abdómen, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, lo tiene Tenemos la silla aquí porque no quiero que ustedes se inclinen hacía adelante, no se inclinen así, manténganse derechos, contraigan el abdómen, y abran sus rodillas Abajo y arriba, abajo y arriba, vamos a probar nuestro equilibrio, abrimos y juntamos, abrimos y juntamos; lo tienen Exhalen cuando contraigan su abdómen, su espalda debe estar derecha Abran sus rodillas y los talones arriba, ocho, cuenten conmigo Siete, así es, seis, cinco, cuatro Los talones no tocan el piso, tres, dos Y uno, bien, bajamos, pecho estirado, bajamos los talones, mantenemos los pies en el piso, levántense y Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, siéntense Bien, de nuevo, hagamos un poco más, ocho, siete, abajo, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, siéntense Bien, va a quedarse aquí, para relajar y acomodar su postura Las rodilas hacia afuera, acomoden los pies, levántense Contraigan el abdómen, y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Bien, están fortaleciendo sus entrepiernas y cuádriceps, vamos a hacer otra serie más, están listos? Levántense y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Ustedes son increíbles.

Ok, ahora vamos a hacer una variación más asi que abran sus talones, y van a saltar y sentarse Cuando salten, pongan sus pies en punta Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, y ocho Bien quiero que se sienten sobre la silla, porque saben que, requiere más energia Empezar y parar, que continuar sin sentarse Entonces lo que lo hace más difícil es que se sienten sobre la silla Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, están listos? Empujen, ocho, siete, empujen hacia arriba, seis, empujen hacia arriba, cinco Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno Buen trabajo, ustedes son increíbles, ok, haremos una serie más de estos Se que su corazón está acelerado, siéntense derechos, contragan su abdómen Vamos, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, buen trabajo Ok, si combinan estos tres ejercicios tiene una gran rutina para sus piernas Y quiero que hagan esta video tres veces seguidas, o que hagan todos los videos de esta serie para obtener una gran rutina de 20 minutos Ustedes recuerden encontrarme en Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Estoy en todas partes con el mismo nombre, Tiffany Rothe Workouts Ok Tiffany Rothe Workouts, búsquenme en todas partes, pueden buscarme en google, y únanse En todas las grandiosas redes sociales asi podemos estar en forma, feroces, y fabulosos, juntos Los veo la próxima

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