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My Weight and 5 tips to get you started | Fibro Fitness 1

Hey you! It’s Evie or Fibro Mom MUSIC I’m overweight I’m always late I’ve got too many things to say I know everyone’s got their own opinions and different thoughts huddle this way and how to do that I’m just trying to make it more realistic for those that really struggle because of health or whatever so I’m not going to give you some fad diet I’m just going to be realistic so if you don’t agree I’m sorry I’m just sharing what I’m doing they say the best diet to be on is one that you can be on forever so that’s what I’m going for and I know I’m going to find my mess ups as I go along but that’s part of the journey of learning right you only learn when we screw up but though I should be really really really smart by now I had brought up that I wanted to start making videos to share with you if you were interested in my little journey to get healthier with some fat while having a chronic illness cause I think a lot of people feel that’s impossible I want to do it and I know some of you want to do it with me now so thank you for those that we’re encouraging and said that you wanted to join me and I share a few things every week along with my truth and if it was good or bad kind of hold myself accountable to it this week would be technically week number two for me week one for you guys okay I kind of want to be a week ahead share with you where I screwed up where I get good what results have been and it’s embarrassing to say to the whole world but Shh I have reached a weight from when I was pregnant and I am 206 pounds it hurts to say that but after two weeks I am at 200 no first thing I was want you to do is weigh yourself okay good idea and while I say that I want you to know please don’t obsess over your wait I’ve seen this thing where there is a study done five ten different ladies all same exact weight but it showed how different everyone could look if I can find it I’ll share the link in the description box so you can check it out big eye-opener for me it was just really crazy how different was I don’t want to obsess over your weight and that leads into the second one which is measured yourself just grab a flimsy I have to do this yet and just you know measure sinks biggest part of your arms your chest the measurement is what really matters before the weight okay okay so we got do your weight take a measurement and I will put I’ll put everything in the description box so once you forget just check down below you’re going to hate three but I promise you it’s going to help okay so I’m sorry you can smack me up through the screen right here it’s what you still got to do it okay if you really want to do this to do this do this for yourself and that is start a food diary don’t need no fancy diary don’t need to go buy a fancy journal all that matters is that you write down everything you put in your mouth for just this week okay just this week if you want to do it longer awesome but just promise me that’s one week after you put down everything you’ve eaten drinking on the bottom I want you to share how you felt that’ll help you through the week realize exactly what you’re eating and it kind of helps hold yourself accountable to it so even if it’s bad you still write that down and you’ll be able to find out later where you kind of fall short although you have a general idea it really will help number four is find your goal shirt or your goal pants and don’t make it too extreme grab something that maybe you’re not so happy how your arms fit in or something looser belly which is me like I am gotten bigger since I’ve had my second kid Oh Xander but my belly oh my lord but working on it to make it healthier the whole thing is just to be healthier and be more happy with the skin you’re in kind of thing you know so I have my goal shirt on right now no mean comments people just showing you how it is I can’t really see I got a quick gut but see what I mean it’s like yeah this is my goal shirt okay last one number five is to help encourage you you can help where your goal sir around like I am right now yoga pants or something that I feel a little bit more like moving around because I know how hard it is when you’re not feeling good good meme I got took them bothering me today and my legs are aching it’s really cloudy today so it’s just a little extra encouragement and you pick like more of like a workout shirt it’s like more form-fitting everybody is so different and it’s just me sharing this maybe you’ll find something I click for you give a shot see what happens and because I Ella to fail but I’m going to at least give it my best shot this week I have been watching more portions and the biggest thing I have found myself doing is that I could go all day I get up at 2:40 every morning and go to bed 8 or 9 which I know that’s not much sleep that you’re supposed to get when in all reality you don’t see a fibro that you’re not getting that deep sleep even if you were to sleep for 20 hours so but I could go all day without eating until like mid-afternoon or almost dinner and I usually do in dinner early that’s what I’ve been doing and I fish I just been keeping it up with my stretches and sometimes a little yoga but you’ll have to worry about none of that right now just right now the focuses what’s going in your body yourself okay you can take a picture of it but I hope some of you will do this with me I think it’ll be really encouraging that just for you but for me too I don’t have that walking buddy how you guys are kind of my walking above you I plan on doing these videos on Fridays comment below let me know what you’re looking forward to what you’re not looking forward to for this week I think so much I appreciate it and I’ll see you next video young hisis things that we don’t like about ourselves

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