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Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don’t Ignore These 8 Factors

Your ears can indicate your health don’t ignore these, eight factors It is a normal hygienic procedure to clean our ears once every few days however not all of us know that Earwax has a protective function and can also indicate the state of our health With the help of a q-tip you can check the color of your earwax in this video we will explain what it means But before we start what exactly do you know about the human ear It is an important body part that allows people to hear what’s going on around them right, but also so much more Also ears are much cleaner than you have probably thought Earwax is not a body waste to get rid of regularly quite the contrary It’s a kind of protection it keeps the ear canal lubricated therefore prevents the ears from itching Moreover it prevents different pollutants from entering the inner ear Even more surprisingly this substance has antibacterial properties Our body is a clever mechanism did you know that when we chew the movement pushes earwax to the outer part of the ear this way your ears self clean and Now let’s see how earwax can indicate the state of your health Earwax of a gray color If your earwax is gray without any other symptoms There is nothing to worry about it may look pretty unusual and scary But it is probably just dust this color of earwax is a regular thing for city dwellers Because the air in cities is rather polluted if you notice such a color your earwax Succeeds in protecting your inner ear from anything that isn’t supposed to enter the ear canal But if along with the wax of such color you feel itchy nests have dry or cracking skin inside the ear canal There is a thread of sabor ik eczema visit your doctor immediately Earwax with traces of blood Older earwax can look darker having an appearance similar to blood However, if you notice traces of real blood when cleaning your ears it can indicate that your eardrum is perforated And it’s already a serious grounds for concern The eardrum functions as a natural barrier that prevents germs and bacteria from entering your inner ear In case of its damage your ears can be affected by infections Which can lead to otitis and consequently to the worsening of your hearing? that is why it is better to visit a doctor and take some precautions just Remember if you are careful enough in such a situation There’s no reason to panic an eardrum with a rupture heals on its own perfectly well.

Just give it a few weeks Ear wax of a brown color Do you know where earwax is produced the organ responsible for that is apocrine glands if the earwax Discharge is excessive and of darker colors this can indicate that your body has gone through a very stressful time The thing is that this is how apocrine glands react when you are afraid or anxious? You can compare it with sweating and you feel uncomfortable or nervous That is why if you have noticed such changes in the body of the earwax You should try to spend a few days in a calm and peaceful environment Earwax of a black Earwax sounds truly terrifying no cause for alarm though, if it happened only once. There is nothing to worry about it might just indicate that it has been an inhabitant of your ear for quite a long period This phenomenon has a scientific explanation earwax contains fats when they interact with oxygen the, substance darkens and the longer it stays in the ear The longer it is exposed to oxygen the darker it becomes However, if your ears are itchy and the itching becomes stronger you should visit a doctor This case the black color of the earwax might signify a fungal infection Earwax of a white color Dry and flaky white earwax is quite a common type it can indicate the presence of a recessive gene by the way There is also a tendency that the body of people with such type of earwax has less odor than that of people with dark earwax What is more almost a hundred percent of people from Korea and northern China and to have dry light earwax? If you’re not one of those born in the places mentioned above the white color of your earwax Can signify that there is a lack of vitamins and micro elements inside your body? specifically iron and copper That is why it is recommended to add beans and oatmeal to your diet.

It wouldn’t harm to take a course of vitamins as well Earwax was an unpleasant smell If there is a strong unpleasant Smell coming from your earwax it can signify an infection inside your middle ear an ear drum That is ruptured or compacted earwax Another problem might be water trapped in the ear channel it can lead to an inflammation or a bacterial infection Apart from the smell you might also hear a noise or feel your ears pop from time to time if you have these symptoms Don’t hesitate and visit an ENT doctor Never try to take out smelly earwax on your own if you start digging in your ear that is already Infected with a pointed something you will worsen the situation It can turn out as bad as a ruptured eardrum Liquid earwax From time to time earwax leaks out from the ear canal It is a natural mechanism of ear cleaning performed by your body but if the amount of the substance is overabundant or the consistency of your earwax has changed recently it can indicate the start of the inflammation Process if on top of that.

There is some blood leaking out as well There is a great chance of your eardrum being perforated if so it is time to make an appointment specialist Dry earwax The easiest explanation for earwax dryness is the lack of lean fats inside your body? Apart from that the reason could be dermatitis and other skin diseases, which can make your skin dry Anyway, except in extreme cases earwax isn’t the reason to succumb to panic however you may start to? Worry in case of a blockage or an impact of the ear canal so see a doctor if you have the following symptoms the feeling of strange fullness in your ear or a plugged up feeling pain in the ear unpleasant odor or itching the feeling of your ear ringing impaired hearing or decrease of hearing sensitivity coughing All of these signs can indicate a serious problem of wax impaction However a doctor can dissolve all your worries.

That’s why don’t procrastinate and make an appointment If your ears tend to produce a big amount of earwax creating a buildup you can take some preventative measures yourself It’s effective to use agents softening the wax that can be mineral or baby oil or ear drops It is enough to put a few drops of these substances Into your ear once a week to soften the ear wax and help it to come out faster and with ease Another way to take care of your ears is to buy a special at home kit for their irrigation Follow the instructions precisely step-by-step What you shouldn’t do to avoid any problems with your ears do not put pointed objects into your ear canal They will do nothing more than push the wax further inside the ear What’s more it can result in a trauma caused to the wall of the canal or the eardrum say no to ear candles? this practice of alternative medicine Used to claim that lighting one side of a hollow candle and putting the other side into the ear canal makes overall health better So just stay clear of that it is dangerous And Now the top three most interesting facts about your ears one the inner ear is responsible for the equilibrium of your body if it gets damaged a person experiences a never ending feeling of merry-go-round It may sound fun for about the first five minutes, then it turns into a nightmare To your ear functions even when you are sleeping It keeps picking up sounds.

Why don’t you wake up then the brain blocks the noises out to let your body rest? Hmm perhaps those who cannot be woken up. Even if you fire a cannon in the next room have a very caring brain 3 your ears are hairy from inside. We aren’t pulling your leg the inner part of your ear is covered with more than 20,000 hair cells they have a critical role these cells transmit sound to the brain.

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7 Food Combinations That Can Ruin Your Health

Seven food combinations that can ruin your health Food is an essential part of every person’s life some people love simply cook dishes Others have their eyes on some pungent flavors and enjoy unusual combination choices of course even a child knows that eating beans and soda together can bring unexpected results However even some seemingly safe products put together can have a harmful effect on your digestion system and make you sick and Some of them you may eat on a daily basis without even knowing the influence they have on your body So we got familiar with diet specialists recommendations and put together seven food combinations, you’d better avoid Did you know that combining milk and banana isn’t that good of an idea? Watch our video to find out other common and popular but not so healthy combinations Number seven sandwiches with coffee Pretty much everyone starts their day with a quick cup of coffee and a couple of sandwiches When there’s no time such a simple breakfast on the go is a great and common solution for some of us it has already Become a part of our daily morning routine sort of a ritual Unfortunately when you say hello to cheese sandwiches and coffee you also say goodbye to all the healthy properties of cheese The main reason is that the simple carbs in bread Prevent calcium from being digested properly and bringing help to your nervous and cardiovascular systems Moreover if you add instant coffee there will be no benefit to your health at all.

Don’t worry however There’s a solution for all those cheese sandwich lovers. Just try to replace coffee with white or green tea Properly brewed tea will make you energized Plus it has numerous other benefits It reduces the risk of cancer and helps to maintain good physique And fresh looking and clear skin and as to the green tea Everyone is already aware of its many advantages among which are the overall improvement of your immune system stamina etc Number six tomatoes with cucumbers This is one of the most popular food combinations especially for summer salads you can find it in a lot of Restaurants and cafes all over the world and a lot of people really enjoy.

It as a quick and fresh meal however it’s not as healthy as it may seem the latest research actually shows that combining these two vegetables can disturb the Biomechanical pathways of your body this can lead to excessive Calcination and swelling and the vitamins contained in both vegetables won’t be digested properly Above all these products have a different digestion time which again confuses the system So it’s much better to eat tomatoes and cucumbers separately for example today You can make a salad with tomatoes and greens and tomorrow a salad with cucumbers This way all the valuable vitamins that these vegetables contain will be consumed properly and you won’t feel any discomfort you can always find simple and good recipes both for tomato salads and cucumber ones Number 5 potatoes with meat Another all-time favorite combination for a lot of us, I mean seriously who can resist the steak with fries It’s way too delicious, but unfortunately just like all the previous ones This is a very unhealthy and heavy food combination the starch contained in potatoes demands out kalitta digestive fluids and the proteins for meat demand acidic ones So when put together they just get stuck inside your stomach and can bring such disorders as heartburn Belching gas and many others.

Do you know this feeling of bloatedness that you sometimes get after eating this combination? Well, it’s caused by mixing protein and starch so as sad as it may sound it’s better not to put these two products together Instead as a side dish to meat choose non. Starchy vegetables for example asparagus broccoli cauliflower green beans or zucchini These combinations not only complement each other, but they are also way healthier Number four pasta with minced meat Pasta is considered to be one of the most popular and tasty products by people all over the world Everyone combines it with different products to their liking and minced meat is an ultimate choice for many people however Just like with potatoes and meat the same reasoning applies to minced meat with pasta the saliva glands produced ptyalin and amylase which transform the starch carbs in pasta into simple sugars and when simple sugars cover proteins which meat contains they create a dangerous chemical mixture that can lead to diabetes and Cv DS So the best thing to do is to just eat pasta as a separate dish Try to choose the roughly textured pasta made of durum.

Wheat and combine it with herb sauces It’s just as delicious. If not more and better for your system Number 3 beer with nuts This is one of the most popular combinations from our college days Everyone loves to eat salty nuts while drinking beer still to this day it Continues to be a perfect combination for a good Friday night in especially for men It’s no wonder that the first image that comes to mind while mentioning a beer with nuts is a man who’s watching football or just Hanging out with his friends, and if you ever thought that this particular combination could not be healthy for the system you were right High-salt foods are not only unhealthy by themselves, but also lead to dehydration Salty products contain a lot of sodium so your body increases the fluid loss And you get thirsty that increases the likelihood of having more and more pints of beer On the other hand beer has the third most Consumed drink in the world after water and tea has a couple of bad effects on your system as well One of them is weight gain which results in the widely known term beer belly Still if you’re a big lover of this particular combination you can actually avoid dehydration While drinking alcohol just by keeping soda or water nearby They will help to quench your thirst without necessarily drinking way too much beer Number two daiquiris with pineapple Recently pineapple smoothies and milkshakes became quite common there are countless Recipes on the internet on how to make it tasty pineapple ice cream or cocktail with milk and other ingredients however Pineapple and dairy don’t really go well together Sour fruits make your digestion work slower especially in the morning Beside pineapple contains bromelain and enzyme make complex which can cause intoxication when combined with dairy products the bromelain also causes milk to curdle So if you’re a big fan of putting dairies with fruit try adding dry apricots or plums instead of pineapple These types of combinations will have a fresh and tasty flavor and will be consumed way more easily by your system It’s always great to expand your menu.

Who knows maybe you’ll find your new favorite dish or beverage Number one milk with banana This food has become very popular among followers of a healthy lifestyle because it’s nourishing and fast to prepare However, it’s not that simple Combining bananas with milk as a smoothie or milkshake may disturb your digestion process as well as your sleep pattern also different flavors of these products confuse your digestion system And results in different kinds of imbalances in Fact some nutritionists strongly believe that fruits. Especially sweet ones should be consumed separate They stay inside the body for longer slowing down the digestion system Especially when eaten with other foods as for milk. It is also more healthy to drink it separately Instead of drinking a banana milkshake, or smoothie just use bananas as snacks between major meals Bananas on their own have tons of positive influences on your health First of all they’ll make you happier as they contain the vitamin b9 which helps in fighting depression and anxiety At the same time they improve your sleep pattern stabilize your blood sugar and boost your energy Plus eating bananas between meals will reduce the possibility of consuming Unhealthy junk food and have an overall good effect on your system and body.

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