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5-Minute Workout That Replaces High-Intensity Cardio

A 5 Minute Workout That Replaces High Intensity Cardio Is it you who always dreamt about the Fit Body, but didn’t know how to start or Is it you who always thought that squats and crunches are just too much for you We found a solution for you. No matter whether you’re a beginner or just a busy lady or gentleman These seven simple exercises will take just five minutes of your time and will suit any level of physical condition Because they’re all based on one phenomenal exercise, plank. Hey don’t run away no This is good Plank is famous for it’s four main benefits, One, a toned belly Two, strong back. Three, flexible body, Four, good posture Just do it with us every day preferably in the morning when you’re still fresh and full of energy And we will make sure that every training is fun and In just thirty days you will be surprised to find a so much slimmer and fitter body in the mirror hey What are you doing in my bathroom? So why do we make the first step to your transform body right now.

Let’s start. You don’t even have to start your stopwatch I’ll be counting for you Exercise number one full plank Lie down with your belly on the floor Then raise your body on your straight arms and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head the heels breathe normally You need to keep this position only for 60 seconds, let’s give it a try ready the countdown starts now Plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning It strengthens your abs, but also works your glutes and hamstrings supports proper posture and improves balance How are you doing hold on try to breathe normally? inhale… exhale That’s right Okay, just five seconds left five, four, three, two, one Wow that’s great. Let’s try the next one Exercise number two elbow plank Keep the same position on your belly now Raise your body on your elbows and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head to heels Don’t forget to breathe normally This time only 30 seconds come on you can do it Plank is one of the basic poses in yoga So you can be sure it is absolutely healthy for your body and will keep you energized for the whole day Yogi’s don’t lie especially the yogi who said when you come to the fork in the road take it Three-two-one you are SuperDuper.

I’m amazed All right here we go exercise number three raised leg plank Prop your body in the position of elbow plank Raise your right leg to the level of your glutes or higher and breathe normally Up we go Breathe normally because your muscles will need to receive oxygen If you hold your breath your blood and abdominal pressure can increase significantly and have harmful effects on your body Three-two-one Now put your right foot on the floor and raise the left leg to the level of your glutes that’s right hold on Apart from working on your back, abs, chest, neck and shoulders Leg raise plank also strengthens your glutes and back thighs and every exercise that we do should be healthy to your body so inhale exhale inhale exhale Two one great! Can see you’re ready for exercise four left side plank Turn to your left side and put the left elbow strictly under the shoulder make sure your legs are straight Now push your bottom and waist up Balance yourself on your arm and feet until your body makes a diagonal line breathe normally And up, only 30 seconds Side plank makes your abdominal side muscles stronger and keeps your waist thin Whoo it’s also a great pose to strengthen your shoulders and arms that’s right.

It’s not hard is it? Five four three two one well done! Exercise number five can I guess mm-hmm right side plank Turn to your right side and put the right elbow strictly under the shoulder make sure that your legs are straight Now push your bottom and waist up Balance yourself on your arm and feet until your body makes a diagonal line and breathe normally And another thirty Seconds have started just now Keep your balance don’t sink in the shoulder I can see you, you are doing great. We’re almost there Three-two-one, okay, just two exercises left Exercise number six full plank again Absolutely, you’ve done this one before will let’s repeat raise your body on your straight arms and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head the heels breathe normally This time only thirty Seconds you can do it Make sure your palms are right under your shoulders, if not move them carefully your body should feel solid Yes, just like that You are just a plank superhero, you know that don’t you maybe five more seconds mm-hmm and here they are five four three two one Wow! And one last exercise to go Exercise seven elbow plank Yes again Okay, keep the same position on your belly now raise your body on your elbows and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a what straight line head to heels right and breathe You should hold the position for sixty Seconds How you doing keep your glutes down your body is a straight line yeah, there you go, Oh 30 seconds already passed and you are still standing.

You are my superstar All righty Keep going Ahh five seconds left five four three two one All right, you’ve done it. You are a god of Plank All right, and here is your daily workout plan summary that might be handy Number one Full Plank One minute, Two Elbow Plank 30 seconds Three, raised leg plank right leg 30 seconds, left leg 30 seconds Four, right side plank 30 seconds. Five left side plank 30 seconds Six, full plank 30 seconds Seven elbow plank one full minute And, one last thing before we say goodbye today once you feel that you are ready to intensify your workout Try not to lie down on the floor between the exercises and just keep your body up while changing the arms position Yeah, you can do it. I’m sure you can make it. See you tomorrow Have you tried plank exercises before share your experiences in the comments? Don’t forget to hit the like button and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life .

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym

muffin-top love handles spare tire however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your side’s belly and lower back there’s one thing we can all agree on pit needs to go so how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week hey hey try them out for yourself number one jumping burpees bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight arm plank after a moment pull your feet back in towards your chest quickly stand up and immediately jump up while reaching your hands toward the ceiling and clap lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there you see burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time making them an awesome warm-up exercise on top of that burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques as the muscles on your side where that fat is sitting but also your arms quadriceps glutes chest and hamstrings do three sets with 15 reps each two bicycle crunches lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the mat keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out move your bent leg right towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it’s parallel to the floor while doing that move your left shoulder towards your right knee remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides this way your stomach not your neck will have to strain the most this kind of crunch works the sides of your stomach and hips do three sets with ten to 20 reps each number three kneeling vacuum kneel on the floor with your bum resting on your heels put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back now imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible if it can’t pull it in very far at first don’t sweat it your results will improve with time hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never done it before otherwise you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds some people don’t breathe while doing this exercise while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing choose whichever way is more comfortable for you but don’t relax your stomach muscles this seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection shrink your waistline and carve your abdominal muscles repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break number 4 side plank lie on your right side and lean on your elbow so that it’s directly below your shoulder lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot if this is too hard for you at the beginning bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight and finally reach your left hand up toward the ceiling just like a traditional plank this exercise works your stomach muscles as well as your back glutes and core but most of all the side plank focuses more on the obliques which is a surefire way to get rid of love handles try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side do at least 3 reps number five swimmers lay down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and shoulder-width apart your feet should be hip-width apart on the mat tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg up at the same time leave them in the air for two to three seconds then lower them back to the ground do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air do 10 reps of five counts on each side if you want to break a sweat and burn more fat alternate your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground this exercise will take care of any lower back fat it sculpts your rear end as a bonus number six Russian twist sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent lean your upper body back and hold your legs off the ground you can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first now slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side hold it there for three seconds and then return to the initial position repeat the movement on the other side do three sets of ten to twelve reps each by the way if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate number seven woodchoppers stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged you’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands again a medicine ball or a jug of water will do whatever it is make sure you can get a good safe grip on it now twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder the turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee go back up to the right and repeat keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance also if you’re a beginner don’t pick a heavyweight otherwise it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side number 8 reverse crunches lie down on the ground lift your legs in the air and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest at the top of the movement raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position just like regular crunches the reversed ones work the front of your apps but the especially hit your lower abdominal muscles do three sets of 10 to 15 reps each aim to do this workout four to five times a week it’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate intensity aerobic activities like swimming jogging or cycling that’ll really kick up the fat burning process so that those love handles melt right off and of course you’ll need to change your guide a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all first cut down your calorie intake 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about one to two pounds a week avoid eating processed and fried foods it’s usually high in added sugars preservatives and additives you’ll also want to stay away from the usual offenders sweetened drinks fast food junk food like cookies and chips and fatty meat remember that high amounts of added sugar gets stored exactly around your stomach which means yep a spare tire if you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish chicken turkey and lean red meat it’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non starchy veggies such as cauliflower celery peppers spinach broccoli tomatoes in the life and finally drink more water it’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake so your love handles will shrink with time so good look out there and let me know if these exercises work for you and if you know any other ways to deal with love handles leave them down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey now don’t go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life

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6 Simple Exercises to Get Bigger Arms In No Time

guys look if we’re not self-conscious about our abs or lack thereof then it’s our puny arms that have us looking in the mirror and sighing and disappointment okay maybe I’m being a little dramatic but seriously if you’re looking to beef up your arms fast then try these exercises out let’s start with the triceps these are the muscles that run along the back of your arm from your shoulder to your elbow a lot of people forget about them and that be a big mistake you see your arms aren’t just about the biceps you know the one you flex for someone when they want to feel your arm muscles in fact your biceps only make up one third of your upper arms the rest is all tricep so the rule of thumb is if you want really big arms you need to work on your triceps too and here are the exercises that will help you do it incline dumbbell skull Crusher’s lie down on an inclined bench with a dumbbell in each hand carefully bring your arms up overhead and keep your hands shoulder-width apart now slowly bend your elbows to bring the dumbbells toward your temples your upper arms shouldn’t move only your forearms straighten your arms back out and that’s one rep you need three sets of twelve to fifteen each it might seem like a lot but the triceps are one of those muscle groups that are hard to work on so you need more reps to start to feel it think of the first two sets as a sort of warm-up for your muscles just don’t overdo it with huge weights from the get-go building up your arms takes time so be patient and here’s a cool tip for you try to do this exercise at different angles and greps this will help you target different parts of your triceps there are three of them hence the whole try thing so that they get massive in no time reverse grip push-ups here’s a fun spin on traditional push-ups I’m sure you know how to do a push-up but here’s a reminder get on the floor with your arms straight hands in line with your shoulders and your feet straight back behind you pull your core in your stomach shouldn’t be hanging down now for the reverse style turn your hands in the opposite direction so that they’re fronting more toward your toes yeah it takes flexibility and strength so this one is in for beginners and if you can’t do it just work your way up from regular push-ups you’ll get there in no time don’t worry anyway this style will make the outside part of your triceps really work try to do four sets of 12 to 15 reps or work your way up to that goal as for the last set do as many reps as you can with the same weights on your back again if you’re new to the whole fitness game then work your way up to the weighted version – this one’s intense but it helps grow your triceps dramatically cable tricep pushdowns here’s probably one of the most classic and standard moves to build up your triceps grab the cable with your hands close together and your palms facing down keep your elbows tucked at your sides and bent at a 90 degree angle now straighten your elbows to bring the cable downward then slowly return to the initial position I’d recommend doing 3 sets of 15 reps for this one there are also different styles you can do with the cable machine like facing away from it and doing similar move like you did in the dumbbell Skullcrusher exercise just pick a style that you like best or do as many different times as you want in order to hit all the parts of the triceps ok let’s move on to those biceps if you want really big bulky biceps you’ll need to use the progressive overload method it basically means adding one more weight and intensity to your exercises with each set that you do starting with preacher curls sit down on a preacher bench and place your upper arms on the support pack make sure your armpits are right up on that pad and clean it afterwards you can grab an EZ curl bar dumbbells or a barbell whatever you choose pull it up toward your chin hold it there for a second and then slowly straighten your arms and bring it back down don’t straighten your elbows completely or you risk hurting they should stay slightly bent and parallel to each other don’t let them point outward try to do four sets of 12 to 15 reps to really blast those biceps barbell curl stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart head up shoulders back elbows tucked into your sides and your chest out now bring the barbell up to your chin by bending your elbows and engaging your biceps a great thing about barbell curls is that you can put your whole body into the last few reps when your arms are getting kinda tired you know it’s best to do 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps and don’t forget about that progressive overload thing add more weight to the bar with each set zot man curls for your final bicep exercise you’ll need to grab some dumbbells and hold one in each hand with your arms down at your sides and your palms facing your body keeping your elbows locked at your sides curl the weights up from your chin while turning your palms toward your face from there you’ll do a 180 with your hands so that your palms then face outward and lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position all this turning might sound complicated but it’s what targets both the inner and outer parts of your biceps making them big and bulky all around you need four sets of ten to twelve reps now before you run to the nearest gym and over train yourself there are some important things for you to know all this stuff about big arms and muscles isn’t just connected to lifting weights one of the essential things here is your diet yeah yeah it sounds so cliche but hear me out you need to take in more calories than your body requires right now with your current weight and the best way to do that is and guess is protein hey athletes don’t chug this stuff down for nothing more specifically you need a lean protein which can be found in eggs nuts fish chicken beef pork and low-fat dairy products name of yep if you want to gain inches around your arms try to consume one gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight you also shouldn’t underestimate the importance of staying hydrated and well rested water and sleep should be your best friends on your road to huge arms I know it sounds kind of random but it makes sense when you think about since you’ll be losing hydration through sweat you need to replace it by drinking at least six to eight glasses of water every day as for asleep I am sure you know the drill seven to eight hours each night but it’s especially important for people who work out because your muscles need time to chill and repair the micro tears they get from exercise it’s okay these tears are totally normal and that’s what builds a muscle in the first place so that’s it keep me updated on whether or not these tips work for you and if you know any other exercises that build big muscular arms then sound off in the comments down below and don’t forget to give this video a like share with your friends and click that subscribe button to stay on the bright side of life

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2-Exercise Workout to Get Slim Legs in a Week

Two-exercise workout to tighten your legs in a week. Alex Silver-Fagan, a Nike trainer, believes that to get your legs and buttocks into great shape, you need to do squats! Yeah, I know, squats. Well, they work. So, we’ve made a week training plan for you. You should perform only two exercises each day. They’re simple, and you can do all of them at home while watching this video. Follow it, and watch your body change for the better.

Day one – exercise number one – basic squat. Start your weekly workout with basic squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, standing on your whole foot. Imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line and your back straight. You can keep your balance by raising your arms in front of you. Rise back up as slow as you can. This exercise is one of the best for the butt, as it strengthens muscles of the buttocks, thighs and ankles. For a start, you should do it 10 times. Here we go. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 well done. Exercise number two – squat with kickbacks. Place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and squat. As you stand up, transfer your leg to one leg and kick back with another. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. You should do five times for each leg. Ready, go. Kickbacks will put your buttocks to work.

This exercise is a more dynamic version of the basic squats. It’ll help you make your legs look perfect, and increase your muscle tone all together. Hey, great job. That’s enough for the first day. Day 2 – exercise number 1 – sumo squat. All right, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. It looks easy doesn’t it? These squats strengthen both your torso and buttocks. Let’s repeat the exercise 10 times. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Well done.

Exercise number two – reaching sumo squat. This exercise adds some cardio. So, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Keep your hands straight down. Strain your buttocks, stand up and raise your hand above your head. Let’s repeat ten times, okay? I’ll count for you. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Day three – exercise number one – oblique squat. Your waist will thank you for this exercise. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat ’til your knees are bent at a right angle. Strain your buttocks, and raise your left knee towards your left elbow. Repeat on the other side. You should do this five times on each leg. So, totally, ten. Ready? Let’s start with the left leg. 1 2 3 4 5 Now, the right one. 1 2 3 4 5 well done. Exercise two – pop squat. This exercise gives your muscles a rest after the previous static posture, flushes out lactic acid, and adds some cardio.

Set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line. Strain your buttocks, bring your feet together while standing up and moving your straight hands back. You should do it only ten times. 1 2 3 4, come on, 5 6 7, that’s it, 8 9 and 10. You’re doing super great. Day four – exercise number one – narrow squat. It can also be called a warm-up or the pistol squat. Set your feet close together and squat down. Keep your back straight. How many times should you repeat it? Only 10. I’ll count for you. Ready? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Way to go. Exercise number two – pistol squat. A tough exercise with a lot of work for your knees, so do it carefully, and don’t squat too low. At the beginning, you might also want to hold on to something. Set your feet close together. Stretch your right leg in front and squat down on your other leg. Then, repeat on the other side. You should do five times on each leg.

Shall we begin? Let’s start with the left leg. Here we go. 1 2 3 4 5, all right. Now, the right one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, well done. That’s it for the fourth day. Day five – exercise one – curtsey squat. Many muscle groups are involved simultaneously. So, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Press your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Bend your left knee and cross the right leg behind you. Repeat on other side.

You should perform the exercise five times on each leg. Let’s start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, well done. Now, the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, well done. Now, the second exercise. Exercise number two – split squat. This exercise significantly strengthens your calves, hips and buttocks. Set your legs wide apart, one foot in front of the other. Keep your back straight and squat. Repeat on the other side. As usual, you should perform the exercise five times on each leg. Start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, hey, you’re doing great.

Day six – exercise number one – isometric squat with toe taps. Silver-Fagan calls it the booty burn because of the muscles are as tight as possible. Set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat with your knees and feet in the same line. Stretch your right leg to the right, keeping it straight. Repeat on the other side. Five times on each leg is your goal, so let’s start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 Okay, let’s go to the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, good going. Exercise number two – pop squat. All right, set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line. Strain your buttocks, bring your feet together while standing up and move your straight hands back. You should do it only ten times. So here we go. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 Hey, you’re doing super great. Day seven – exercise number one – sumo squat. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward.

Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. It looks easy, doesn’t it? These squats strengthen both your torso and buttocks. Let’s repeat the exercise ten times. Ready? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Well done. Exercise number two – oblique squat. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Strain your buttocks, and lift your left knee towards your left elbow. Repeat on the other side. You should do five times on each leg. So, a total of ten. Ready? Let’s start with the left leg. Here we go. 1 2 3 4 5 All righty.

Now, the right one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, well done. If you perform the exercises correctly, you will notice changes in your body within a week. As a bonus, you’ll develop a habit of doing this five minute workout every day. Want to improve your body even more? Then double the effort. Don’t forget to hit the like button below the video and save it to your favorites. And click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life. .

As found on Youtube

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