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Francis Bouillon on prospect training and physical fitness | Rising Stars #2

Hi, this is Francis Bouillon. I’m player development coach. Welcome to ‘Rising Stars.’ For sure when we played, we were all the best on our teams, and… in the lower levels, you can count a lot on talent. But these days we know that in order to make it to the next level, it’s important to be a complete player. So physical training is very important. Stretching after games, eating well… So it’s important to be ready both mentally and physically. I’d say that before, we worked a lot more on physical strength. The game was very different, it was slower and… When I started playing in ’99, and when I finished in 2014 the game had changed a lot. It became a lot more focused on speed like today, on the players’ agility, too. So we work differently during summer training sessions, we train differently, we work a lot on speed and agility. The workouts are very similar. I’ve always said it’s important to be strong abdominally, in the lower back, and to have strong legs too, to feel solid on the ice. For sure there is a lot more stretching today, a lot more preparation before and after the games too.

Back in the day, I remember we’d do a couple of stretches then go play the game. Today, there’s a lot more preparation. The Montreal Canadiens are lucky to have a team of people who come after practice to lead stretches. There’s also the cold tub that we use a lot. Before, we didn’t do that after games to recuperate. So, yes things have changed a lot. .

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