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20-Minute Cardio Follow-Along Workout

– Here’s your follow-along cardio workout. I am with my girl, Karen, and I’m with my man, Joe. I’m David. We are so excited to be here with you today. Here’s what you need: You, we got you. It’s an official party because we’re on set, ready to roll with you. Towel if you want it. Water if you need it. Some open space, so that you can move safely. And just the desire to get some cardio going, right? So we’re going to start right off with a march, guys. So we’re just going to march. And, by the way, you decide how much you want to march and how slow you want to march to start.

Say you’re feeling great. Man, you jump right into a high march. You feel like, “Holy moly, this guy put me “right into the ringer, right out of the gate,” then we just start nice and slow. You move your arms. We’re going to stay here. I’m going to come back with you guys for a second. I’ll be able to stay with my team, right? We’re going to stay here for just a second. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to transition into a little bit of a different march, get our brain going in a different way, a little coordination, so watch this. Tap, tap, yeah. Aw, yeah, we got some dancers in the room. We got some dancers in the room, right? Right, Joe? Come on, yeah, don’t leave me hanging. – Don’t leave me hanging. – Karen, I’m coming.

Am I coming for a pound over there, Karen, or you just want me to stay in my lane over here? (laughs) – All good, all good. – She’s like, “Man, I got enough going on over here. “Don’t bother me, David.” Right? Good, now, we’re going to do a few more of these. You guys at home, you want to pop? You want to rock and roll? It doesn’t matter. Shades up, doors open. Neighborhood party, bring ’em in, have fun. You need to (blows air) bring it down, take it easy, catch your breath? You do it. Now watch, we’re going to go here. Tap, tap. Oh, we’re working, we’re working, we’re working. Yep, just a little tap. Step tap, step tap. Not too much. At home, once again. Rhythm, smooth, relaxed. Smile on your face. I want you to just smile the whole time. Now, there will be times when you don’t want to smile at me. You’d actually probably rather say something different to me, but that’s okay. You manage your energy. If it’s too much, slow down.

It’s too much? Smaller range of motion. Need to rest? Rest. ‘Cause guess what? You can pause us. You can put us back on whenever you want, right? – Right. – We’ve got to work. They get to decide when they work, and that’s the beauty of it. Now, last one here, check this out. We’re going to tap in front, tap in front. Yep, now, a little rotation in the hips, a little bit through the core. I’m going to go here for maybe, I don’t know, what do you think? Fifteen more seconds? – Sure. – That sound good? Okay, good.

So, I’m not going to even count. You guys got the clock at home. I’m going to try to get close. My guess is that’s about seven seconds. My guess is that’s about 10. So, we’re going to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now, back to march, back to march. So we’re going to stay right here, back in this march. Nice and easy. And we’re going to go for about 20 or 30 more seconds.

Here’s what I want you to feel like. Get your heart rate up a little bit. You know, you want to get those arms moving a little bit more? You do it. You want to keep ’em down? Keep ’em down. Keep ’em up? Keep ’em up. This is your game. Come on, have fun, play with it. So, I’m going to go. They’re not.

I’m going to give it a little push. I’m going to start getting my heart rate up. Whoo! Oh, they’re in it. I can’t outrun them. And I can’t outrun you. And I don’t need to because this is for you, not for us. 3, 2, 1, rest. All right, that’s a warmup, huh? Shake it out, shake it out. So, first move we’ve got, it’s going to go like this. We’re going to set our feet wider. When you’re ready, we’re going to go this leg first. This hand is going to tap that knee. So, I’m just going to demo it. It’s going to be here, here. That’s the move. You guys ready? Okay, set, and good.

There, now once again, you want to bring… So, Joe, you know, this guy: Princeton, football, gamer, boxer. His body’s been through a lot, and he’s had a lot of fun doing it, but he knows, “I’m not going to go super wide. “I’ve got a little bit of knee stuff I pay attention to. “A little bit of hip stuff I pay attention to.” So his base isn’t as wide. See the difference I just made right there? Just base is not as wide. It’s still really good work. Why? ‘Cause it’s good work for him. That’s good fitness. Now, if you can get wide, drive those knees harder.

That’s up to you. We’re going to go for a few more seconds here. Come on. Let’s go for 5, 4, 3, you’ve got this, 2, and rest. Now, next move. Catch your breath, rest whenever you guys need to. Yes, you have permission to do that. We’re going to go heel, heel, okay? And I’m going to show you different ways you can do it as we go. Ready, Karen? – Ready. – All right, you tell me when. – 1, 2, 3. – Heel, good. I took the count down. Did I follow directions? – Beautiful. – Yeah, good, that’s rare. That’s rare. You ask my mom. If you can find a way to get a hold of her, you ask her how good I am with that. She’d be like, “Meh.” (laughs) Good job, Karen. Yep. So back, try to get back. Yeah, and don’t have to go as wide if it’s just the lift. Right there, we’re thinking about that foot going back, stretching those quads. Now, here we go. Hands can stay on our hips, right? They can stay here. Hands can come here. Okay? Hands can move with the legs. You pick what you love to do and just stay with it.

Now, let me show you one last one. Uh-oh, uh-oh, what just happened? I mean, we’re talking back, chest open, coordination. Whoo, send us a video of you doing this at SilverSneakers. We would love that. Come on. 3, 2, 1, rest. How we feel? – Good. Good. – Yeah? Yeah, she’s making a little, “Oh, yeah, I’ll make him feel “like I’m working a little bit. (blows raspberry) “Tell me when the workout starts, Dave.” Right, Joe? – I’m fine.

(laughs) – I’m good, I’m good. All right, so now, we promised you that we always want to work your brain. We want to work you in different ways safely but effectively. So, here’s the scoop. So, yeah, you ready? I’m going to have you right… Perfect. Because I need to see you in your awesomeness right now. So it’s going to look like this, because I know you can do it. It’s going to go knee, knee, heel, heel. Uh-oh, we did it, we did it. You ready? Set, come on, go. Knee, knee, heel, I’m going all in. Knee, knee. You guys don’t have to do this with your arms. You can go here, here, boom, boom, yep. Here, here, back, and I almost got myself thrown off right there. Knee, knee, back.

Come on, we got to go at least 10 more seconds, right, Joe? – Absolutely. – Good, get that heel back. He’s like, “Pfft.” His pulse, I don’t even know if it’s changed. He’s like, “Absolutely.” I just missed it. Did you see that? “Stay with… Oh, I’m lost!” Here, back, it happens to the best of us. Last one. Here, I tried to do too much, right? I tried to do too much. Did you see what happens? (laughs) Right, keep it simple, right, Joe? – Good, good. – But you know, we’re all human. So you get to laugh at David like, “Ha, even him.” Yes, even me. You should see how much I mess up when I’m preparing these things. Mmm, oh, no water for these guys. They’re like (blows raspberry). You guys, water, rest, breathe, towel. We’re going to move into the next thing. So, kind of moving in that lateral pattern, here’s what it’s going to look like. Floor is safe, so you know what’s around you. We’re going to go three step and a little kick. Now, watch. If you don’t do that, you can always tap. If that’s what you feel better with at home, having that foot tap the ground, perfect.

Right, I’m going to start there. If you want, you can really turn this into something more dynamic. You guys ready to go? I’m going to head this way first. Three steps, set, 1, 2, 3, tap. 1, 2, 3, yep. And you’re kicking. I might tap just to remind you guys at home. There it is, a lot of coordination here. Now, I’m going to kick because I just love it. It’s like, pow! Yep, sound effects. Pow! It’s what I do. Pew! Good, and then if you want to really kick it up, you can just make those bigger steps, quicker steps to the side, push further. Keep that balance. Test your balance. See, I’m a leaning a little away. As long as it’s safe, I’m working core. I’m reminding my brain, “My body can move that way.” If something flew at me or something happened, I can move around it. I can still own my body and space, and I can recover. Come on, 3, 2, last one, rest. Whoo, how you feeling? Knees okay, hips okay? – Easy day, easy day. Hips are good. – All of it? Karen, you good? You guys are good. I know you’re good.

That’s why you put us on. Here’s what we’re going to do next block. We’re going to set our bodies up. I’m going to show you first how it works. We’re going to set up. We’re going to work one side. So, first thing we’ll do is we’re going to squat down a little bit, okay? We’re going to lean off just a little bit to one side. Just a little. Not from our shoulders. From our hips, okay? Put that foot out. Now watch. It’s tap, out. Tap, and try to stay down a little bit. Good, you guys are with us. We’re already in it. You’re good. Yep, don’t try to follow the foot. Stay right here. Stay right over this leg, stay down. If you’ve got to come up a little higher, that’s fine. You stay in this long enough, you starting to feel a little burn in that leg? – Oh, yeah. – Karen, you getting a little burn in that leg? – I’m good. – Good, I like it. And you are moving a little bit, and that’s okay.

If that feels comfortable, you stay right there. We’re going to go 3, we got two more, 2, we got one more, arms moving. And we come up. Ooh, I feel it. Shake it out. We’re going to sit down, slide just a little with our backside over this leg. This foot comes out, ball of our foot. Ready, and we go. In, out, in, we take our time. Good, and if you want to follow a little, that’s okay.

Follow a little is okay. I’d rather you do that than lean off and get out of position. You want to just stay here. The more you sit down on that heel, bend that knee, push that hip back, oh, baby, it happens. This is glutes, thighs, holy surprise, it comes out of nowhere. And it’s amazing. It will work it in a really effective way. Come on, 3, and 2, and 1, and rest. Okay, now, going to take that lateral pattern, we’re just going to go here. Step, step, step. Kinda did it in the beginning, but we’re making it bigger now. Okay, you ready, ready? You’re with us. We’re with you. Going this way first, and we go. Step, step, good. That’s all it is. Now, the wider you step, this is kind of like a skater, right? We’re going to do that next. It’s a little different. We’re setting you up for it. The wider you go, the deeper you stay, the more this stings in a good way, right? And that heart rate will come up.

Now, if you wanted to come up higher, stay right here. That’s totally fine. Higher you go, less in the legs. Lower you go, more legs, more cardio. Good, come on, keep moving through, keep moving through. What I try to say is there’s a tunnel that I’m in or a hallway. That ceiling is like right above my head. I want to keep my head level, so it doesn’t bounce up into the ceiling. You do that, you’re going to feel it. And 3, 2, 1, rest. You guys feel that? Ooh, huh? – That was good. – That’s good, okay. We’re going to go into what we call a sprinter step. So, we’re going to just open up in a split stance.

We’re going to put that foot behind us, ball of our foot. We’re going to bring whatever leg is forward, that hand’s going to come toward our hip, right? So that hand is back, so that hand will be back. Yes, right like there. Now watch. It’s just up and back. And we’re going to pause, and we’re just going to do reps, right here. You guys ready? Okay, I’m going to stay this way… you guys can stay forward, whatever feels comfortable for you… so they can see me. Set, and go.

Up, and back. Hold. Up, and back. Hold. Up, and back. You come up as much as you feel comfortable. You go back as much as you feel comfortable. You need to stay up tall? That’s totally fine. Right here, just a little bend in the knee, little bend in the hip. Come on, we’re going to do three more. 1, set. 2, set. Lot of balance, lot of core. And let’s switch. Ooh wee, setting it up, I’m feeling it now. Feel like we’re on the field now, right? – Yeah. – Yeah, yeah.

Ready, and we go. Up, good, perfect, Karen! Arms are moving with the legs. That’s rhythm. That’s coordination. By the way, that’s one of the first we learn when we’re babies. Somehow, we figure out how to get up on our feet and walk. Opposite hand, opposite leg. It’s called cross-crawl gait pattern. It makes the brain miraculous. Come on. Here we go. Three more. 1, 2, and 3, and we rest. Shake that out. Okay, we’re going to go knee strikes. You guys ready for some knee strikes? Okay, so on knee strikes, they’re going to work for us. Grab a sip of water if you need it. It’s kind of like that, that we did. We’re going to make it a little more like, you know, your kids stayed just a little too long in your house and uh, time to get out.

You know what I mean? (laughs) It’s one of those. This is where you can get some, some of the energy out. You know that husband that we’ve been fiddling with for 40 years, and… I’ve been in 20, and I think my wife is already ready… So this is going to look like this. Knee strike, knee strike, knee strike. You go at your pace. I’ll start slow. Then we’re going to build our speed up, okay? All right, set, and we go. Here, here, perfect. So what we say always is “slow to fast.” We start a movement or an exercise slow, and we get it right. Then we think about going fast, right. We start really light, then we think about getting heavy, okay. We start really simple, then we think about complex. Slow to fast. Light to heavy. Simple to complex. Use that in all of your fitness.

Now, come on. Let’s go for 10 seconds. Your pace, pushing that through. Feeling it in that glute, feeling it in that core, maybe in your shoulders. 3, 2, 1, rest. Is there any sweat happening back here at all? – Yes, yes, yes. – I mean, at all? I mean, I’m flinging it all over the place. It’s like, it’s raining up here, in north wherever-I-am, and in south, it’s like sunny back there, you know? Holy moly. Think I’ve got to follow my own programs, guys. Ready? Knee strikes nice and slow, other side. Set, and we go. Up and back, up and back. That’s it, good. I’m going to show you my side here. That foot stays flat. I’m on the ball of the foot back there for support. Now, if you need to be near a wall, that’s totally fine.

It’s always there for you. A counter, a couch, something to rely on as you’re trying something new. That’s called smart training, and I’m proud of you. Come on. Now we’re going to go quicker here. Ten seconds. Up, back, up, back, yeah, good. I’d say we’re about halfway there, right, Joe? – Yep. – Come on, Karen. Count us out. You give us 3, 2, 1. You ready? You got it. – 3. – Come on. – 2. – Yep. – 1. – Nice! We might put you up front one of these days! Watch for her, watch for her! All right, so now, we have two little things left.

We got a fun little movement pattern, which is going to bring our brain in. I’m going to show you. You’ll get it. Then we got a fun little fighting finish, right, Joe? – Fighting. – Fighting finish. We’re going to fight for it. Whoo, so here we go. Three patterns, you guys can do them with me and learn it, as they’re picking it up at home. One of ’em is just stepping. We call it 1, 2, 3, 4. Out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in. Right, how’s that feel? – Good. – That feel okay? – Mm-hmm. – So, out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in, perfect! And you make it your own if you need to, right. Now, next one. Walk up, walk back, 1, 2, 3, 4. Try it, 2, 3, 4. Got it? Okay, up, up, yep. So we go left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right.

Stay right there, very nice. Last one, toe taps. Toe, toe, toe, toe. Good, we good? – Yes. – All right, so let’s go through the first one. In, in, out, out. We’re going to go about 20 seconds. Ready, set, go. Out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in. Yeah, good, stay there, good. You can get wide if you want. Now, sometimes I try to go lead with the other foot first. You don’t have to worry about that. At home, when you play this a few times, you’ll understand what I just meant. Out, out, in, in. Just lead with the other foot sometimes.

It’s a totally different movement because of your brain and your body. Now, you guys stay at that pace. If you’re feeling it at home, you can also do this like this. Out, out, in, in, out, out, in, in. I know, I know, I know, I know. – I’m staying here. – Rest. I’m just showing you what’s possible. Up and back. Here we go. Ready? Up, back. Step over the line, step back. Step over the line, step back. Good. Come on. We’re going to… You know what, you’re moving, and you’re not causing pain. That is a recipe for vitality. It’s a recipe for health. It is brain. It is core. It is coordination. It is cardiovascular. It is everything your body deserves to do what it is that you’re supposed to do. The things that you’ve worked hard for, the things that matter to you, this is how you keep it. You decide what you put in your mouth, you decide what you let in your ears, you decide what you let in your eyes, and you decide how you move your body, so that you can honor and you can respect everything that you’ve been given, so you can give it away to somebody else.

Especially the next generation you’re trying to create legacy in, right? That’s your job now. So stay healthy to do it. Good, and rest. Now, toe taps, ready? Toe, toe, toe, good. We’re going to move through this, we’re going to move through this. Yeah, keep it moving. Good. Now I’ll show you. You guys just keep tapping. Don’t… You stay in your rhythm, fight for your rhythm… Don’t look at me.

Look ahead. You keep your rhythm. Feel that? At home, that’s what that looks like. You’ve got to be careful if you have ankle issues or calf issues, but I want you to know, this is there for you. Small, little movements, that’s what that turns in to. 3, 2, 1, rest. How we doing? – Good. – Are we ready to fight to finish? – We did the hard part. – We’re ready to fight to finish? – We’re ready. – All right, here we go. So, it’s a little series. It’s going to take us less than two minutes. We’re going to start with some side kicks. You’ll just follow me. Then we’re going to do some little, little digs. Like, you see me, and you want to give me a little shot in the ribs, and be like, “Hey!” Give me one of those, right? And then we’re going to do a little uppercuts, and then we’re going to do a little flurry to finish, flurry to finish. You ready? – Ready. – Side kicks. We’re going to go alternating. Set, this one first, and we go. Boom, boom, boom, yep, good. And you get a little bit of a lean away.

Push that heel out. If you need to tap, that’s totally cool. Out, out, come on. Push through, push away. Push away, yeah, give him a kick. Give him a punt. Punt him right out the door. Time to go, get out, come back later. Good, when you got a job, what? (laughs) 3, 2, 1, rest, nice job. Okay, we’re going right into a digs. Set our feet up. Here we go. It’s boom, boom. It’s… Yep, let that heel open up, and that hand you bring around. And you don’t have to do it this big. Just little punches. That’s fine. But if you want to go big, smooth, smooth. Yep, no hurt shoulders, no hurt pecs. So we work from the hips. We work from the core. We let that foot open up. We’re finding that midsection. Bang, right there. Bang, right there. 3, 2, 1. Uppercuts. Here, stay with me, good. Oh, we’re coming right here. We’re bending down on those legs a little bit. Coming right up the midline. Swinging through, swinging through, swinging through.

Here we go. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We’re big finishing, big finish, and I’m coming back. You keep your feet moving. She’s not going to punch. She’s just going to hustle. Joe and I are going to do a quick ta-ta-ta. Ready, and go. (breaths through mouth) I’m going to move around with it. I’m going around a little bit. I don’t want to catch that shot in the eyeball. That’s it, Joe. That’s it, Joe! Oh, ho, ho, ho! Oh, there it is, there it is! He’s on it. Come on! 10, 9, I’m with you, 8, 7, move ’em, hot floor, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Over! What I want you to do is start catching your breath. Right now, start catching your breath. You get a sip of water, use your towel. We’re just going to breathe for a second, and them I’m going to let you go stretch on your own, talk a walk around the house, around the park. Pick one of our stretch routines, do what you like on your own time, but for right now, (breathes deeply) just move around a little bit. (breathes deeply) So it’s a military breathing pattern, when their heart rates are really high, or even athletes or people that have highly technical jobs where they have to do really precise things, when they’re under stress, when they’re under cardiovascular, when they’re really, really worked up, to be able to use their breath.

(breathes deeply) Carbon dioxide comes out. (breathes deeply) We just shake it out, just relax. One of my favorite things is just shaking, however you feel comfortable. Maybe you just roll your shoulders open a little bit. We’re just so grateful to be here with you. I had so much fun with you guys. We hope you come back, and keep getting after it with cardio with us. We’ll always be here. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, Karen. Thank you. .

As found on Youtube

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Tiffany Rothe’s 5 Minute Fitness – Chair Workout part 1

Hola Rothestars, soy yo Tiffany Rothe, y estoy de vuelta con una serie de rutinas de 5 minutos Tenemos 4 videos para hacer este mes, que podemos relizar uno después del otro Y lograr un buena rutina de 20 minutos. Y todos estos entrenamientos usaremos una silla Asi que tienen que ir a su comedor en su cocina o donde quieran y buscar una silla Debe tener un respaldar alto como este, y quiero que se acerquen a la silla Y se sienten Bien lo primero que van a hacer es estirar sus piernas así Y estiramos hacía arriba, bien, desde su cintura hasta la punta de los dedos, bien Y luego hacía afuera, y hacía el otro lado Bien no tendremos música en este video, porque realmente quiero que prestén atención a mis indicaciones Para asegurarme que estén en una buena y correcta postura Entonces abran sus rodillas hacía afuera, y siéntensen bien derechos y contráigan su abdómen Y luego levanten sus talones del piso así Bien luego levántense y manténganse así, y vamos a subir en cuatro, uno, dos Tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, asi es Dos, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, contráigan su abdomen, bien firme Tres, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro, y cuatro, dos, tres, cuatro, lo tienen Sigan así, talones, arriba, vamos y cinco, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo dos, tres, cuatro, tres más Y seis, dos, tres, cuatro y abajo, dos, tres, cuatro y siete Empujen, empujen, empujen y abajo, dos, tres, y ocho, dos, tres, cuatro, y abajo.

Van a mantenerse aquí mismo Estiren un brazo hacía afuera y empujen abajo Así es, empujen abajo, abran sus rodillas, y vamos por 10, nueve, ocho, siete, mantengan su pecho arriba, seis, contraigan su abdómen Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, cambiamos, vamos Empujen, pecho arriba, contraigan su abdómen Relajen sus hombros, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, vamos Toquen la silla al bajar, y estiren la pierna, bajen y estiren hacia arriba Los talones bajan al piso, contraigan el abdómen, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, empujen hacía abajo y hacia arriba, lo tiene Tenemos la silla aquí porque no quiero que ustedes se inclinen hacía adelante, no se inclinen así, manténganse derechos, contraigan el abdómen, y abran sus rodillas Abajo y arriba, abajo y arriba, vamos a probar nuestro equilibrio, abrimos y juntamos, abrimos y juntamos; lo tienen Exhalen cuando contraigan su abdómen, su espalda debe estar derecha Abran sus rodillas y los talones arriba, ocho, cuenten conmigo Siete, así es, seis, cinco, cuatro Los talones no tocan el piso, tres, dos Y uno, bien, bajamos, pecho estirado, bajamos los talones, mantenemos los pies en el piso, levántense y Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, siéntense Bien, de nuevo, hagamos un poco más, ocho, siete, abajo, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, siéntense Bien, va a quedarse aquí, para relajar y acomodar su postura Las rodilas hacia afuera, acomoden los pies, levántense Contraigan el abdómen, y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Bien, están fortaleciendo sus entrepiernas y cuádriceps, vamos a hacer otra serie más, están listos? Levántense y empujen, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, uno Ustedes son increíbles.

Ok, ahora vamos a hacer una variación más asi que abran sus talones, y van a saltar y sentarse Cuando salten, pongan sus pies en punta Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, y ocho Bien quiero que se sienten sobre la silla, porque saben que, requiere más energia Empezar y parar, que continuar sin sentarse Entonces lo que lo hace más difícil es que se sienten sobre la silla Vamos a hacerlo de nuevo, están listos? Empujen, ocho, siete, empujen hacia arriba, seis, empujen hacia arriba, cinco Cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno Buen trabajo, ustedes son increíbles, ok, haremos una serie más de estos Se que su corazón está acelerado, siéntense derechos, contragan su abdómen Vamos, ocho, siete, seis, cinco, cuatro, tres, dos, y uno, buen trabajo Ok, si combinan estos tres ejercicios tiene una gran rutina para sus piernas Y quiero que hagan esta video tres veces seguidas, o que hagan todos los videos de esta serie para obtener una gran rutina de 20 minutos Ustedes recuerden encontrarme en Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Estoy en todas partes con el mismo nombre, Tiffany Rothe Workouts Ok Tiffany Rothe Workouts, búsquenme en todas partes, pueden buscarme en google, y únanse En todas las grandiosas redes sociales asi podemos estar en forma, feroces, y fabulosos, juntos Los veo la próxima

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Lose Belly Fat Cardio Workout

Workout and helpful advice. For burning fat, training muscle and improving health. 5,4,3,2,1. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors, keep your abdominals constantly tight. Add this video to your favorites, it will guide you when you train. Don’t bend your head. Keep it constantly in line with your back. Next Exercise: Standing Full Side Crunch. Ready? Go! Try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Don’t bend the neck sideways to avoid forcing it. Be sure not to lean the bust forward, the shoulders should be in line with your hips. Next Exercise: Standing Cross Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Keep the abdomen constantly tight. Do not strain your neck, stare at fixed point in front of you to help you. Next Exercise: Standing twist.

Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Be sure to only rotate your torso, it may help to Stare at a fixed point in front of you. Keep your abs constantly tight, to avoid burdening the spine. Next Exercise: Jumping Jack. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time.

Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. Next Exercise: High punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. Don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards during the descent phase. Next Exercise: Half Squat + lateral punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace.

Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes. Don’t bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stabilize the spine and avoid injuries. Next Exercise: High Knee Run + Power Crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump. If you find the video interesting, then share it. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Full Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Dont’ bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stable the spine and avoid injuries. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes.

Keep your abs and butt constantly tight to improve the effectiveness of the exercise. Next Exercise: Standing Crunch with Outstretched Leg. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try keeping your legs bent and touch your knees with your hands. Keep your shoulders and head straight throughout the whole exercise. Try staring at a fixed point in front of you. Be sure not to bend your leg when you lift it. Next Exercise: High knee run with twist.

Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try slowing down the pace. Avoid hard impacts with the floor to avoid damaging the joints. Be sure to always land on your toes. Don’t curve your back. To keep the torso straight, stare at a fixed point in front of you and tighten your abs. Next Exercise: Standing side crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back, maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you, while contract your abdominals Be sure not to lift your shoulders, Keep them down and relaxed.

Next Exercise: Standing Knee Touch Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Side Lunges with jump. Ready? Go! If you can’t do it, try doing side-lunges without jumping. Be sure not to curve your back during movement. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent. 3,2,1. Stop! Next Exercise: Side step Jack. 5,4,3,2,1. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace.

Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors, keep your abdominals constantly tight. Don’t bend your head. Keep it constantly in line with your back. Next Exercise: Standing Full Side Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Don’t bend the neck sideways to avoid forcing it. Be sure not to lean the bust forward, the shoulders should be in line with your hips. Next Exercise: Standing Cross Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Keep the abdomen constantly tight. Do not strain your neck, stare at fixed point in front of you to help you. Next Exercise: Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Be sure to only rotate your torso, it may help to Stare at a fixed point in front of you. Keep your abs constantly tight, to avoid burdening the spine.

Next Exercise: Jumping Jack. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. Next Exercise: High punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. Don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight.

Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards during the descent phase. Next Exercise: Half Squat + lateral punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. During the descent, do not take your knees over the tips of the toes. Don’t bend or curve your back, keep the abdomen constantly tight to stabilize the spine and avoid injuries. Next Exercise: High Knee Run + Power Crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Full Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Dont’ bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stable the spine and avoid injuries. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes. Keep your abs and butt constantly tight to improve the effectiveness of the exercise. Next Exercise: Standing Crunch with Outstretched Leg. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try keeping your legs bent and touch your knees with your hands.

Keep your shoulders and head straight throughout the whole exercise. Try staring at a fixed point in front of you. Be sure not to bend your leg when you lift it. Next Exercise: High knee run with twist. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try slowing down the pace. Avoid hard impacts with the floor to avoid damaging the joints. Be sure to always land on your toes. Don’t curve your back. To keep the torso straight, stare at a fixed point in front of you and tighten your abs. Next Exercise: Standing side crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back, maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you, while contract your abdominals.

Be sure not to lift your shoulders, Keep them down and relaxed. Next Exercise: Standing Knee Touch Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. It is ideal to do the workout four times a week. Next Exercise: Side Lunges with jump. Ready? Go! If you can’t do it, try doing side-lunges without jumping. Be sure not to curve your back during movement. To increase the benefits repeat the exercises several times.

Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent. 3,2,1. Stop! .

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Crazy 5 Minute Cardio Workout – KEEP YOUR MUSCLE!

It’s Black Friday you think the challenge of getting a hole in one of those doorbuster deals is hard what do you see what I have in store for you today with our Black Friday workout what’s up guys jeff cavaliere I hope if you had Thanksgiving dinner yesterday that you enjoyed it but it’s time to get back to work today and today as you might know here is Black Friday and the challenge that guys face or whoever it is that are jumping in line trying to get a hold of doorbuster deals as I said is nothing compared to what we’re going to put you through here physically I’m going to show you why because what we do is we incorporate challenges into the workouts that we do with athlean-x what do I mean by challenges I mean by actually giving you goals by giving you rep goals with time in order to be able to know that you’ve accomplished something but more importantly to see how you measure up against the best in the world to see how you measure up against yourself and others like yourself but also against the best in the world because if you want to be the best that you can be you should always try to shoot to be better than you are now and that’s the whole essence of athlean-x and why when guys follow workouts like this step-by-step in athlean-x they get the results they do so let’s take a look at just one example the type of stuff that we’re doing in the athlean-x system when we have burpees okay black VL ACK burpees but we have 25 we gotta do in 60 seconds you know pretty attainable when we start to add these up it gets much more difficult next we’re going for lion hop push-ups 25 in 60 seconds next add scissors we’re going to hang from a bar but I want to see if you can last all 60 seconds without dropping next chin-ups 25 and 60 seconds and then finally kettlebell or dumbbell single arm clean and press 10 on each arm in 60 seconds okay it’s all about challenging yourself so that you know you’re doing well because let me show you a quick quick example the difference when we do the Burpee itself if I said do burpees for 60 seconds which one’s harder this one you know I’ll probably get about seven out at that rate that’s not how we do it here and that’s not how I want you to do it so we’re going to start the clock 54 seconds now that’s a lot harder than as I said going at your own pace and thinking you’re going hard now you know you are next we have to do line hop push-ups so the ourselves in position pick an imaginary line on the ground for me it’s right here and I go over and back 25 a little break there 25 seconds home to the bar guys when you work out hard I always say you don’t have to work out long and that’s the point kick your ass yourself hard and you’ll get that intensity and the trade-off will be workout length so now as I approach the minute catch my breath now I’m going to go for my ab circles or scissor sorry for 60 seconds we’ll put this down the ground 69 easy guys next up the chin up 45 and admit it catch my breath you’ll notice this sequencing of these exercises is key we went from the Burpee which had a lot of chest involvement into another exercise with burpees are with collateral explosion upper body we work from a hanging exercise into another exercise hanging because we want to add up in a strategic way the volume in certain muscle groups whoo with 15 seconds to spare and lastly hit – or kettlebell or a dumbbell cleaning price now if we want if you have a cowbell you deal with your kettlebell I’ll demonstrate with a dumbbell sense or you guys will probably have those hey last one just clean it use the hammer curl set so there you have it guys the Black Friday workout yet another example of what we call athlean burst training being able to get your stamina you know going get your heart rate up by the same time preserve a muscle that you work so hard in the gym and your other workouts building that’s the essence of athlean-x and guys this is what everybody as I said in the beginning who follows a 90-day program has a step-by-step schedule and the right sequencing as I said so that you don’t burn out muscles when you’re not trying to you do when you are trying to okay you got to have an effort and a purpose and athlean-x is all about putting this type of training in your hands with me as your coach guiding you through if you like this guys head over to and grab the 90-day training program in the meantime i think i’m going to take every bit of the next seven days to rest up and come back and next week get a really cool workout based on I measure this magazine article that I just wrote until then.

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At Home Eight Minute Cardio Workout

This is your at-home eight minute cardio workout. We’re going to get it done you guys ready to get started with our warm-up, let’s do this! Start with our feet a little bit wider than hip distance apart. What I want you to do is drop down into a squat, swing your arms up look up good hip extension swing back, and lift and lengthen through the body. Focus on your breath here. Sit back into your heels, lift up, hip extension, and now allow the heels to come off the floor. Come up onto your toes so a little balance there, want to warm up the feet especially with some of the jumping that’s about to happen. Good, inhale exhale. Let’s do one more here. Come all the way down lift up, and now plant the lower body here. We’re going to move and rotate from the top half of the body. Hands to the chest and just rotate over the shoulder and allow those hips and knees to stay straight forward.

Now let the arms go and just swing make it natural, and guess what we’re going to do next – add the feet pivot. Allow the body to move to pivot through the feet. Shoelaces are moving from one side of the room to the other. Breathing in through the nose back out through the mouth. Wonderful, let’s do one more on each side. Come back to center, alternating knee hugs. Let’s start just pulling the knee in, and let it go. Bring that kneecap up so that it’s facing that ceiling. Draw the knee in, put the foot down, good job you guys. Let’s do one more on each side. Now alternating hip circles. Open the hip, draw the knee to the outside, work through this.

So you guys still breathing back there and at home? Good job! We’re almost ready to rock and roll. We’re going to be doing three exercises two times through. 40 seconds as hard as you can go, with a 20-second recovery. Keep going. Hip circles right there let’s do one more on each side. Do one more on our right, one more on our left. We’re ready to lock and load. First exercise is a deceleration squat with four high knees. We’re ready to do this guy’s, 40 seconds all out in 3 2 1. I’ll do the first one with. You come down, drive, sit down, drive the knees. Good, so looking at this exercise here you really want to use your arms so arm drive is everything. Notice how when they’re jumping down into that squat, you can’t hear it – decelerate. Your effort. right now should be high.

I’m looking for breathless, why not? I’m going to ask you for everything, especially because this workout is short it has to be intense. Guys you got this, your recovery is coming soon. Five seconds to fight for it, in three, two, one recover. Breathe, this is a passive recovery. Firstly you need to know, if you didn’t earn it you should be able to work a little bit harder. You know you earned it if you have to take a break. Get ready to go in five seconds to go to the second exercise which is a skater. Guys are we ready? Let’s take it this way go.

Get down, reach now I want that inside hand reaching across the body everybody moves differently and at a different speed. This is a fantastic lateral movement heart rates going straight up. Keep working guys, there you go, I love what I’m seeing back there. And if you can move faster, do it. We get it done we get it done quickly only 15 seconds left, guys. Earn that recovery, if it doesn’t feel hard it isn’t. Eight seconds left to go. I see you fighting back there, recovery is coming in four, three, two, recover. Breathe,two exercises done one to go. You can see in their eyes, and I know you’re working hard at home I trust it. 10 seconds left. Burpees alternating it with one arm, yes I said one arm, you can use both if you need to. Five seconds to go, I’m going to do this first one with you. You guys ready, set, let’s hit it. Come on jump back, stand up, drive the feet back come up. For your form, I want that hand directly underneath the shoulder. Legs are kicking back quickly, land softly. This is different than anything you’ve ever done.

We’ve done burpees all day long, but this one’s going to change it up for you. Working the core a little bit differently, and ultimately this is about cardio so you want to work as hard as you can here. Good news, guys, 10 seconds left, and we’re done with the first round. We’ve got one more to go, you’re going to keep fighting hard for me. In four, in three, two recover. Say it out loud, “One round done.” One round done, got one to go. We’re almost there, so we’re going to do those same three exercises one more time through, no big deal. Deceleration squat for high knees you earn that recovery ready to rock and roll. In three, two, one let’s see it guys! Drive it, come on, I want to see your arms work.

Get down, drive. Athletes right here, we’re all athletes at heart. She’s fighting for it big effort proves and shows big results that’s what we’re after. You work hard you get it back keep going guys fitness levels going straight up. Halfway through, we love being halfway through it’s a mental win. Stay strong, do not fade ever. You have your last ten seconds and you’re done with this exercise piece of cake guys keep giving it in four, three, two one, recover. That one’s done, celebrate it. We have two more exercises to go skaters coming up next. We got this, keep moving. Keep breathing, fill your lungs with air exhale and blow it out. Five seconds we crush it guys. Come on here we go in four, three, two, one, hit it now let’s go. Reach, drive, get past. If you can move faster, believe in it, do it, go for it right now. Great job you guys, come on now. We’re halfway it is so close take your time through this move well keep landing softly and if you can move faster, crush it. 15 seconds guys maximize what you’re doing here to the last time you have to do this exercise that is a mental win keep after at eight seconds to go recovery you’re earning it in four three two one freeze whoa here we are last one amazing job at home show me how you finish it’s not how you start it’s how you finish here we go ten seconds to go one-handed burpees we get it done we make it look good in four three two one let’s get it guys last one come on leg back drive get up there shoot those legs back keep your shoulders in alignment with your hips land softly I like it good tremendous effort I could not do this alone and I am here to motivate you these two individuals are crushing it for you there with you we are with you 15 seconds left and can you believe it you are this close to the finish line come on guys your last 10 seconds make them count all the way home here we go in five four three two one oh my goodness stand tall allow some air to come back into your body bring those need hugs back right there bring them in breathe in through the nose back out to the now good keep going I know your heart rates up you should be so proud of yourself right here I want one more on each side to one knee hug on the right one on the left stand tall go ahead drop back into that squat just like we started drop back inhale exhale reach let’s do one more big inhale as you draw the hands back exhale as you reach up fantastic job if you still need a little recovery you earned it take a walk around your house great work doing you’re at home eight minute cardio workout.

As found on Youtube

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