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St Lucia University Students talk Foodbank and Nutrition

my name is Jonah I’m staying nutrition at st. Lucia EQ as part of our study we come to a food bank once a week see what they have and then make a recipe for the food bank website this week we chose cabbage and pumpkin from the fresh fruit Bank produce and cooked it three different ways we really like coming here to show the community they can cook easy and it’s just meals at home .

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Hello everyone! I am very excited for today’s video because besides being a very requested subject I have partnered with Sadia over at Pickuplimes to deliver you two videos that will help you get healthy and eat well during your years in school and university. In this video I will be talking about general tips on how to manage your time in order to shop for groceries, meal prep, pack your lunch and overall making healthy eating a priority and Sadia will present you with some recipes for study snacks and general healthy ingredients that you should incorporate into your life. I will link her video down below, so you can get started with your healthy eating habits. For me, good time management is crucial to get to eat healthy every day if you are not living with anyone else and have to take care of your own meals.

Every friday, I do some brainstorming for recipes for the next week. I try to mix things up and create a routine where some of my meals can be completely cooked during my meal prep and others are cooked on the spot. This allows me the freedom to be able to cook during the week, which is something that I really enjoy, but also still be able to eat something healthy on those lazy days. By establishing all of the recipes, including breakfast and snacks, that I want to be cooking next week, I am able to create a thorough list of ingredients.

I have a very strict grocery shopping schedule – I order most of my groceries online and all of my food for the entire week arrives at my doorstep every Sunday night. Shopping for groceries online also allowed me for something else: I stopped buying things because of my cravings since when shopping online I search for the things I need, and I am not driven for the packaging and the things I see in the shopping aisle.

That allows for a quick shopping trip and also allows me to narrow down the scope of things I need and am actually going to consume. On the other hand, I end up saving a lot of money. If I have a very specific budget for groceries to respect each week, shopping online makes it way easier to respect it, as I am constantly seeing the total amount of money I am going to pay for the items I’ve added to my shopping cart and won’t end up surprised during checkout. If I pass the limit I set out to myself I can always go back and remove things from the cart and even search for cheaper alternatives just by filtering the results and ordering items by price.

Overall, I recommend everyone to get into online grocery shopping if you lack the time and have the service available. In case you can’t compromise to that system, try to schedule a very strict After I know when my groceries will be delivered I schedule a block of time in my calendar each week to do some meal prepping and this usually happens either Sunday night or Monday morning. For meal prepping, I usually do a batch of guacamole, baked sweet potatoes, tomato sauce and some chili or curry every week. Those are staples that are almost consistently on my fridge and then I mix things up and do some occasional cooking.

You have a lot of freedom with salads and rice bowls, for instance, where you can combine tons of different ingredients and leftovers from your fridge. I usually make sure that I have a couple of staple ingredients to prep my salads each week, like fresh spinach leaves, cherry tomatoes and parlsey and then I build up from there according to what I have around in my fridge. Although I am lucky enough to be able to lunch at home during most days of the week, I sometimes have the need to quickly grab something to eat in my lunchbreak between classes.

In those days I either pick something up from my meal prepping and pack it in airtight containers or cook two portions of dinner the night before and pack one of those portions to take with me to university the day after. Sometimes I also create my own salad or rice bowls with some leftovers. I have created a companion blog post that you can check out with more details on this subject.

I will link the types of container I’m using, how I pack for lunch, a few more details on meal prepping and grocery shopping an so on. You can find all of that down below as well as a link to Sadia’s video. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s video and I will see you next week. Bye! .

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Gym Stereotypes

Wait oh dude I’m almost out of gas I don’t wanna get you straining after run home I really wanted to working out today so cute lay these at least in about 45 minutes I’ll Drive oh dude I can’t go I got a mo what mo it’s winter time tomorrow what does hey why would I ever go to the gym when I get one of these for my mom jock with eight-pound ladies me certainly a senior dog yoga class through those ways and then you know with these dude just like 15 more minutes of those and I’ll be done but you got a nice I remember you got the room shirt I got you dog yep thanks I’m done are you taking that well I have it summon I saw you here last week I think what were you here last week we’re going out yeah yes are you gonna go grab lunch after last week when Jeremy came over to my house you know my friend years yeah no I know yeah just like a quick sandwich oh no we’re playing Mario Kart we’re playing rainbow road I think I’m done I’m gonna head home yeah I’m pretty tired too you just got here we don’t dude you know what I’m really grateful a double cheeseburger extra bacon dude we just worked out exactly I think when I had a milkshake you I deserve it it’s good really good water it’s to look at protein goes into the mouth and then goes yeah and this into the Mustang you eat your proteins like this right got you dude yeah um d-day put it inside your arms hello folks just cruising on a treadmill hope you enjoyed our video if you would like to buy some awesome do perfect merchandise including this shirt this shirt or sweatshirts puppy love blankets backpack all kinds of cool stuff click up here in the corner if you’d like to share a lot of stereotypes video click up here but that do you like to check my phone game click straight in the middle comment share like favorite everything that’s good do it what’s all over your face protein mainly

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How To GET FIT For Kids Boys and Girls

What’s up guys it’s aaron from in jumping-jacks work your whole body your arms your legs they do cardio they’ll do the core they’re good and they’re super good and they’re super easy you can do them any way and they’re super simple so do 50 jumping jacks five days a week all right start with that 50 jumping jacks five days a week if that’s too hard do and go on a walk just go on like a little walk right even just a couple blocks just to get your body moving because it’s it’s good to start with walking walking is great exercise you know so walking or 50 jumping jacks five days a week so walking every day or the 50 jumping jacks another tip is slowly wean off the chips if you’re eating a lot of chips or if you’re eating a lot of you know fast food or donuts I’m trying to just wean yourself off of it don’t just don’t just go completely off and just be like oh I’m going like gluten free I’m not eating any I’m just being super healthy because then you’re gonna suffer yourself and then you’re gonna you’re gonna go back to it but if you slowly wean yourself off and get used to not having as much fast food not having as much fried food not having as much chips not having as much donuts then you’ll do it a lot longer you’ll you know be consistent with it instead of you know one day oh I’m gonna go without it and then a week later you’re back at it and doing the same amount or even more a fast-food or whatever so those are you know those are three tips on how to how to get fit for kids boys and girls thank you so much for watching the video the reason I made this video to help people you know find their purpose because that’s my true passion and that’s why I wanted you to stay stick around to the end of the video so thank you so much for sticking around to the end of the video what I would encourage you to do is find what your purpose is find why you’re here and I know that’s a big question but it’s key to to living a fulfilling life and living life full of purpose meaning and connection and fulfillment and so if you’re struggling at all the finer purpose and you’re if you’re struggling with addiction at all either of those two things I’m here to help I have some links in the description that you can check out thank you so much for watching the video and god bless

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Wheel Chair Fitness Fat Burner Exercise Workout #2

Hi this is Paul Eugene and welcome to exercising with all Eugene well today I’m in a wheelchair and I’m gonna do wheel chair Fitness if you choose to wheelchair Fitness with me make sure you pace yourself drink plenty of water during and after this workout here’s the deal take those arms down let’s take an inhale then exhale arms up up up up up bring them down take take them up oh yeah you know me I love dramatics.

Up bring down last time, Up Up Ready to get moving bring them down arms down are you ready and four three two chair march, go, pump those arms oh yeah how are you doing today I’m excited I like this wheelchair fitness workout that moves all right keep moving we’re gonna keep moving and pumping that’s right now, listen up I like to give a special shout out to Camp joy here we go pump pump are you moving we gotta keep moving and movin and moving and four three hold it right here now arms out In Oh Yeah we go I’m ready to move you’re gonna move with me come on push push push hold it swag here arms out palm down rotate the arm that’s it for three reverse here we go seven six five come on four three two drop the arms down or it’s up here now are you ready we’re gonna work those wait aha we’re gonna twist only to the right side okay four three two let’s go eight six five four three I love it switch left we gotta get moving come on move it move it move it move it four three two come Center arms down we’re gonna fly come on blah blah blah I love it come on energy alright feel something come on four three two hold here now listen up we’re right here right we’re rocking side to side that’s it oh yes and for three pull we go right left right left come on right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left right left hold right here so how did you do so far you feel my excitement you feel my energy you feel my expression are you ready four three go seven six five four three – everybody now 7 6 5 4 3 2 arms out wide Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Oh Ben Oh Ben Oh Ben hold it here now five steps right there fill it that’s it oh yeah now watch Paul you cheat let me go going down now you want to call you – four three – let me go bye that’s it Center oh yeah censor you know I like the move psycho that’s it simmer simmer down side side Center down sighs OH oh yeah sighs OH last time Center gets wet fuck that’s it I can reach up reach up now you keep this and watch me pop pop pop come on pop pop pop come on pump five change coming up now I go reach reach reach that’s it I’m reaching to you you’re reaching to me oh yeah you’re my techno club workout and a wheelchair here we go reach and reach reach reach again reach and reach and reach come on push it come on reach reach reach reach again reach and reach change up hold it right here now how are you you okay you should be bouncing I can help but here’s the deal we’re gonna take both arms ha right here we go push push push I call it’s my cardio wheelchair workout that’s it come on push hey come on seven six five come on four three two again let’s go eight seven six five come on four three two and one pull now out in right there that’s it working your biceps oh yeah I know I’m being kind of lazy but guess what we got speed it up we go boom boom come on boom you gotta work it come on boom boom boom hold it we’re gonna go that’s it come on that’s it come on so the music again come on ladies and gents March ha ha how is that how that heart rate is it climbing up there is that sweat pouring off are you working with me you know me I’d like to move it move it oh yeah I’d like to move it move it come on we got it we got it four three holes cross cross honking a breather taking it kind of slow but you know me I can’t stay here ready we go criss cross criss cross don’t hurt yourself come on criss cross Chris Rock Chris Rock hold it right here now how is that keep these arms here we’re gonna work these chest muscles arms here a little wider watch – Paul do jeans I go in oh come on in oh we’re working our pecs that’s it right there come on squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze and squeeze and squeeze and hold it right here how did you do oh I hit that music and I don’t get excited I can’t sit still it’s pulling me it has my name on it ladies and gents we’re gonna go keep Rocking that’s it come on keep Rocking that’s it we got it keep rocking keep rocking come on that’s it we got to keep pressing we got to press on come on oh yeah keep pressing don’t let go come on press I know my arm is getting tired but I’m keep Rocking I gotta keep Rocking listen up four three hold right here how is that oh my body says keep Rocking but you know what I want to rotate these soldiers these arms let me go keep Rocking that’s it we got it beat rocky keep Rocking sighs no keep Rocking come on keep Rocking we got away keep Rocking oh yeah keep walking hold it out that’s it bring it down gets wet arms here we got a key trockie let’s turn that body playing the music’s coming up home out that’s it matrix matrix matrix now take it up play with me ha now oh yeah come on we got a play take it up now wind goes down guess what it’s time to roll it haha which switch ah are you with me which oh yeah hold it right here how did you do how those arms are you rocking with me this rocket side repeat out see I’m giving a repetition that’s it we’re burning burning calories burning energy you got it for that’s it three that’s it and two back and one hold it right here now here’s what I want to do I want to go keep rocking right there oh yeah come on right here we go in toddlers arms oh yeah I know I’m spilling it and I’m loving but get your composure okay four three slow down sue got 40s right are you rocking keep rocking are you rocking keep rocking little breather watch now Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam keep Rocking Bam Bam Bam now that was slow right but you know me we can’t stay there right because I feel the music and it’s calling me to what speed it up we go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam come on oh yeah I love it oh now I’m gonna do something with these hopes that’s gonna take out these elbow bending down we’re gonna stay up hooking right to left we go oh yeah hold it right here now how is that you see me flat side oh that’s it right side again four three two one again for change coming up play on the rhythm hold it right here listen up you seen your bouncing oh yeah I can’t help it quick little Beyonce did we here we go boom boom boom boom boom boom hahaha I got you dancing in your wheelchair again our real serious change coming up okay listen up to me the Midlands gonna slow down and we’re gonna slow down with it okay are you ready get set four three two we go right left just right left right come on left right left I’m imagine myself dancing stepping right to left but my arms are stimulating my body moves okay right come on oh yeah oh yes absolutely energy it’s coming on come on come on ah take it up into it a bargain wind oh yeah I love a breather oh yeah hold it right here now here’s what I wanted to do and Wow right there simple move oh yeah listen up cheering March we’re almost there how you feeling pushing you too too hard or not enough keep that much for three and two and one listen up how does it start bringing us down so I’m gonna make the move slower okay it’s gonna be sweet hop that’s it reach up we’re slowing down on purpose oh yeah oh yeah you ready put it in hell the Edsel ladies and gents hold it right in your orange down pick it up and help mmm exhale inhale up and sell out one more time exhale out that’s it now bring the arms up shoulder height right there sweep to the flat oh yeah all the way through hug yourself now go take on your butt oh yeah other way and guess what this was the cardio portion of this workout I’ll be back with our cooldown and our stretch don’t go nowhere okay okay yeah oh yeah right back hi this is Paul Eugene and welcome back to exercising with Paul Eugene and a wheelchair well if you’ve been following along with me it is time to stretch out and close out today’s show well here’s the way I wanted us to do dropped our arms down alongside the wheelchair and just rotate our shoulders back and back again give me four three and two and one now to the front go for I love it three two and one right there now take the arms out bring them up inhale exhale between the orange right back down I can’t take a mop excellent now take them back down you got it hold it right here now I always take this arm right here lean it here to this arm over and just stretch hold the stretch for four and three two and one bring this arm down now this arm goes up and over hole here for four and three and two and one bring it down we just get a side stretch so here’s what I want us to do now I want you to and drop these arms down again bring the arms up into a prayer position palms together bring them down in front of your chest excellent now I want you to lace your fingers through like this extend your arms straight out relaxing your shoulders excellent take the arm straight up excellent release the palms out bring the arms shoulder height palms facing front now contract your stomach in and pull your arms together towards the front relax your shoulders bring your arms all the way through give yourself a hug but doing a good good good job all right now listen up unwrap those arms drop them down and guess what you did it I did it we all did it so we’re gonna get out of here by just doing our famous wheelchair March this has been Paul Eugene and I trust that you had a fantastic fun time I inspired you and encourage you and your spirit and your soul and in your body until next time may God bless you and have a wonderful day this is Paul Eugenia’s I am out of here I’ll see you next time oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

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2-Exercise Workout to Get Slim Legs in a Week

Two-exercise workout to tighten your legs in a week. Alex Silver-Fagan, a Nike trainer, believes that to get your legs and buttocks into great shape, you need to do squats! Yeah, I know, squats. Well, they work. So, we’ve made a week training plan for you. You should perform only two exercises each day. They’re simple, and you can do all of them at home while watching this video. Follow it, and watch your body change for the better.

Day one – exercise number one – basic squat. Start your weekly workout with basic squats. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, standing on your whole foot. Imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line and your back straight. You can keep your balance by raising your arms in front of you. Rise back up as slow as you can. This exercise is one of the best for the butt, as it strengthens muscles of the buttocks, thighs and ankles. For a start, you should do it 10 times. Here we go. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 well done. Exercise number two – squat with kickbacks. Place your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and squat. As you stand up, transfer your leg to one leg and kick back with another. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. You should do five times for each leg. Ready, go. Kickbacks will put your buttocks to work.

This exercise is a more dynamic version of the basic squats. It’ll help you make your legs look perfect, and increase your muscle tone all together. Hey, great job. That’s enough for the first day. Day 2 – exercise number 1 – sumo squat. All right, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. It looks easy doesn’t it? These squats strengthen both your torso and buttocks. Let’s repeat the exercise 10 times. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Well done.

Exercise number two – reaching sumo squat. This exercise adds some cardio. So, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Keep your hands straight down. Strain your buttocks, stand up and raise your hand above your head. Let’s repeat ten times, okay? I’ll count for you. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Day three – exercise number one – oblique squat. Your waist will thank you for this exercise. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat ’til your knees are bent at a right angle. Strain your buttocks, and raise your left knee towards your left elbow. Repeat on the other side. You should do this five times on each leg. So, totally, ten. Ready? Let’s start with the left leg. 1 2 3 4 5 Now, the right one. 1 2 3 4 5 well done. Exercise two – pop squat. This exercise gives your muscles a rest after the previous static posture, flushes out lactic acid, and adds some cardio.

Set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line. Strain your buttocks, bring your feet together while standing up and moving your straight hands back. You should do it only ten times. 1 2 3 4, come on, 5 6 7, that’s it, 8 9 and 10. You’re doing super great. Day four – exercise number one – narrow squat. It can also be called a warm-up or the pistol squat. Set your feet close together and squat down. Keep your back straight. How many times should you repeat it? Only 10. I’ll count for you. Ready? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Way to go. Exercise number two – pistol squat. A tough exercise with a lot of work for your knees, so do it carefully, and don’t squat too low. At the beginning, you might also want to hold on to something. Set your feet close together. Stretch your right leg in front and squat down on your other leg. Then, repeat on the other side. You should do five times on each leg.

Shall we begin? Let’s start with the left leg. Here we go. 1 2 3 4 5, all right. Now, the right one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, well done. That’s it for the fourth day. Day five – exercise one – curtsey squat. Many muscle groups are involved simultaneously. So, set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Press your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Bend your left knee and cross the right leg behind you. Repeat on other side.

You should perform the exercise five times on each leg. Let’s start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, well done. Now, the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, well done. Now, the second exercise. Exercise number two – split squat. This exercise significantly strengthens your calves, hips and buttocks. Set your legs wide apart, one foot in front of the other. Keep your back straight and squat. Repeat on the other side. As usual, you should perform the exercise five times on each leg. Start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 Now, the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, hey, you’re doing great.

Day six – exercise number one – isometric squat with toe taps. Silver-Fagan calls it the booty burn because of the muscles are as tight as possible. Set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat with your knees and feet in the same line. Stretch your right leg to the right, keeping it straight. Repeat on the other side. Five times on each leg is your goal, so let’s start with the right leg. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 Okay, let’s go to the left one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, good going. Exercise number two – pop squat. All right, set your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, imagine you’re sitting down on a chair, with your knees and feet in the same line. Strain your buttocks, bring your feet together while standing up and move your straight hands back. You should do it only ten times. So here we go. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 Hey, you’re doing super great. Day seven – exercise number one – sumo squat. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward.

Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. It looks easy, doesn’t it? These squats strengthen both your torso and buttocks. Let’s repeat the exercise ten times. Ready? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Well done. Exercise number two – oblique squat. Set your legs wide apart with your toes outward. Pull your hips back a bit, and squat until your knees are bent at a right angle. Strain your buttocks, and lift your left knee towards your left elbow. Repeat on the other side. You should do five times on each leg. So, a total of ten. Ready? Let’s start with the left leg. Here we go. 1 2 3 4 5 All righty.

Now, the right one. Ready? 1 2 3 4 5, all right, well done. If you perform the exercises correctly, you will notice changes in your body within a week. As a bonus, you’ll develop a habit of doing this five minute workout every day. Want to improve your body even more? Then double the effort. Don’t forget to hit the like button below the video and save it to your favorites. And click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life. .

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