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Which Countries Have The Best Healthcare? | NowThis World

In June 2017, the United States Senate rejected a third attempt under President Donald Trump to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This failure was the latest development in the US’s slow move towards socialized healthcare. But in fact, the United States has long had one of the worst balances between what healthcare costs each citizen, and what benefit they get out of it. In the rest of the world, citizens pay much less, or nothing, and often receive higher quality care, with higher life expectancy and lower rates of disease. So, we wanted to know, which countries get Whicthe most out of their healthcare? Well, since 2012, the Bloomberg Health-Care Efficiency Index has measured exactly this balance. As of 2016 one of the top three ranking countries was Spain. Spain is an above average representation of healthcare in OECD countries, and spends roughly twenty-six hundred dollars per person with an average life expectancy of nearly 84 years. About ten percent of the country’s GDP goes towards healthcare costs, which are largely subsidized by the government.

This system of socialized medicine is globally known as “single-payer”, and most citizens see no out-of-pocket expenses when they visit public hospitals. In fact, the right to healthcare is guaranteed in Spain’s constitution. However, this system also leads to complaints about delays in seeing doctors beyond primary care, or getting specialized surgeries. Ranking Second on the Efficiency-Index is another country with universal healthcare, Singapore. Unlike Spain, Singapore requires that care is NEVER provided for free, in order to avoid wasteful use of the system. Instead, healthcare costs are kept artificially low through government subsidies, which compared to Spain, only use 1.6% of Singapore’s GDP. In addition to implementing price controls on medical care and medication, the country uses a system known as Medisave.

This is a medical savings account, where up to 9 percent of employee salaries are required to be deducted and set aside, and can be used for personal or family care. This combination means that costs are low, while the quality of care is one of the highest in the world. But overall, the best, and most efficient healthcare system is reportedly in the autonomous territory of Hong Kong. Interestingly, the territory uses a combination of private and public care, with one of the highest life expectancies in the world, costing just $2000 dollars per citizen, and comprising just 3% of the GDP. However, Hong Kong’s high ranking healthcare may not be exactly what it seems at first glance. First of all, while public healthcare plans can be purchased at low costs, the wait to see specialists or to get certain surgeries can be excessive, with some sources claiming 5 year wait lists.

On the other hand, private hospitals are reportedly speedy but very expensive. This combination of low-cost care for routine visits and medication, with high priced elective or specialized care makes Hong Kong’s system incredibly efficient, and difficult to overburden, thereby avoiding raising costs for everyone. While these three countries get the most bang for their buck, with very high standards of care and life expectancy, they are also difficult to apply broadly around the world. Singapore and Hong Kong have populations of under ten million people, meaning that most health factors are uniform throughout the region and population. By comparison, the United States is enormous, with a population of over 320 million, making centralized, or single payer healthcare more difficult to implement without serious complications.

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Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don’t Ignore These 8 Factors

Your ears can indicate your health don’t ignore these, eight factors It is a normal hygienic procedure to clean our ears once every few days however not all of us know that Earwax has a protective function and can also indicate the state of our health With the help of a q-tip you can check the color of your earwax in this video we will explain what it means But before we start what exactly do you know about the human ear It is an important body part that allows people to hear what’s going on around them right, but also so much more Also ears are much cleaner than you have probably thought Earwax is not a body waste to get rid of regularly quite the contrary It’s a kind of protection it keeps the ear canal lubricated therefore prevents the ears from itching Moreover it prevents different pollutants from entering the inner ear Even more surprisingly this substance has antibacterial properties Our body is a clever mechanism did you know that when we chew the movement pushes earwax to the outer part of the ear this way your ears self clean and Now let’s see how earwax can indicate the state of your health Earwax of a gray color If your earwax is gray without any other symptoms There is nothing to worry about it may look pretty unusual and scary But it is probably just dust this color of earwax is a regular thing for city dwellers Because the air in cities is rather polluted if you notice such a color your earwax Succeeds in protecting your inner ear from anything that isn’t supposed to enter the ear canal But if along with the wax of such color you feel itchy nests have dry or cracking skin inside the ear canal There is a thread of sabor ik eczema visit your doctor immediately Earwax with traces of blood Older earwax can look darker having an appearance similar to blood However, if you notice traces of real blood when cleaning your ears it can indicate that your eardrum is perforated And it’s already a serious grounds for concern The eardrum functions as a natural barrier that prevents germs and bacteria from entering your inner ear In case of its damage your ears can be affected by infections Which can lead to otitis and consequently to the worsening of your hearing? that is why it is better to visit a doctor and take some precautions just Remember if you are careful enough in such a situation There’s no reason to panic an eardrum with a rupture heals on its own perfectly well.

Just give it a few weeks Ear wax of a brown color Do you know where earwax is produced the organ responsible for that is apocrine glands if the earwax Discharge is excessive and of darker colors this can indicate that your body has gone through a very stressful time The thing is that this is how apocrine glands react when you are afraid or anxious? You can compare it with sweating and you feel uncomfortable or nervous That is why if you have noticed such changes in the body of the earwax You should try to spend a few days in a calm and peaceful environment Earwax of a black Earwax sounds truly terrifying no cause for alarm though, if it happened only once. There is nothing to worry about it might just indicate that it has been an inhabitant of your ear for quite a long period This phenomenon has a scientific explanation earwax contains fats when they interact with oxygen the, substance darkens and the longer it stays in the ear The longer it is exposed to oxygen the darker it becomes However, if your ears are itchy and the itching becomes stronger you should visit a doctor This case the black color of the earwax might signify a fungal infection Earwax of a white color Dry and flaky white earwax is quite a common type it can indicate the presence of a recessive gene by the way There is also a tendency that the body of people with such type of earwax has less odor than that of people with dark earwax What is more almost a hundred percent of people from Korea and northern China and to have dry light earwax? If you’re not one of those born in the places mentioned above the white color of your earwax Can signify that there is a lack of vitamins and micro elements inside your body? specifically iron and copper That is why it is recommended to add beans and oatmeal to your diet.

It wouldn’t harm to take a course of vitamins as well Earwax was an unpleasant smell If there is a strong unpleasant Smell coming from your earwax it can signify an infection inside your middle ear an ear drum That is ruptured or compacted earwax Another problem might be water trapped in the ear channel it can lead to an inflammation or a bacterial infection Apart from the smell you might also hear a noise or feel your ears pop from time to time if you have these symptoms Don’t hesitate and visit an ENT doctor Never try to take out smelly earwax on your own if you start digging in your ear that is already Infected with a pointed something you will worsen the situation It can turn out as bad as a ruptured eardrum Liquid earwax From time to time earwax leaks out from the ear canal It is a natural mechanism of ear cleaning performed by your body but if the amount of the substance is overabundant or the consistency of your earwax has changed recently it can indicate the start of the inflammation Process if on top of that.

There is some blood leaking out as well There is a great chance of your eardrum being perforated if so it is time to make an appointment specialist Dry earwax The easiest explanation for earwax dryness is the lack of lean fats inside your body? Apart from that the reason could be dermatitis and other skin diseases, which can make your skin dry Anyway, except in extreme cases earwax isn’t the reason to succumb to panic however you may start to? Worry in case of a blockage or an impact of the ear canal so see a doctor if you have the following symptoms the feeling of strange fullness in your ear or a plugged up feeling pain in the ear unpleasant odor or itching the feeling of your ear ringing impaired hearing or decrease of hearing sensitivity coughing All of these signs can indicate a serious problem of wax impaction However a doctor can dissolve all your worries.

That’s why don’t procrastinate and make an appointment If your ears tend to produce a big amount of earwax creating a buildup you can take some preventative measures yourself It’s effective to use agents softening the wax that can be mineral or baby oil or ear drops It is enough to put a few drops of these substances Into your ear once a week to soften the ear wax and help it to come out faster and with ease Another way to take care of your ears is to buy a special at home kit for their irrigation Follow the instructions precisely step-by-step What you shouldn’t do to avoid any problems with your ears do not put pointed objects into your ear canal They will do nothing more than push the wax further inside the ear What’s more it can result in a trauma caused to the wall of the canal or the eardrum say no to ear candles? this practice of alternative medicine Used to claim that lighting one side of a hollow candle and putting the other side into the ear canal makes overall health better So just stay clear of that it is dangerous And Now the top three most interesting facts about your ears one the inner ear is responsible for the equilibrium of your body if it gets damaged a person experiences a never ending feeling of merry-go-round It may sound fun for about the first five minutes, then it turns into a nightmare To your ear functions even when you are sleeping It keeps picking up sounds.

Why don’t you wake up then the brain blocks the noises out to let your body rest? Hmm perhaps those who cannot be woken up. Even if you fire a cannon in the next room have a very caring brain 3 your ears are hairy from inside. We aren’t pulling your leg the inner part of your ear is covered with more than 20,000 hair cells they have a critical role these cells transmit sound to the brain.

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Climate Change Will Impact Health

People probably know that scientists have been studying climate change for years and looking at how a changing climate affects global temperatures and sea level rise, and that’s important, but I think that most people don’t know that there’s hundreds of studies now connecting the dots between climate change and human health, and that’s a big concern. Climate change is fueling more frequent—and more intense—and longer-lasting heat waves, and that heat is not just an inconvenience to people. It kills people. Some of the people who are most vulnerable to that extreme heat include children, and older adults, and households that are economically disadvantaged, and that’s not just a few people; that amounts to many millions of people in the U.S.

Another concern is air pollution. The warmer temperatures are, the higher the concentration of some really important air pollutants. Breathing ground-level ozone smog can irritate your eyes and your throat, and really damage your lungs and airways. There are other kinds of air pollutants that are also affected by climate change. Take the kind of pollens that can make allergy symptoms much, much worse, or even trigger an asthma attack. The longer our warm weather seasons, the more pollen is produced in the air. So, it’s like a double whammy for health: ozone smog, and pollen. There’s another way, a third way, that climate change is affecting people’s health, and that’s insects and the illnesses that they can carry, like dengue fever, like West Nile virus, like Zika virus, that are carried by mosquitoes and Lyme disease that’s carried by certain kinds of ticks.

The thing is, people don’t think often about how much those illnesses caused by climate change cost, and not just in human suffering and pain and illness, but in dollars and cents. It’s big dollars. NRDC looked at just six of those kinds of events that have occurred very recently: a wildfire episode, a hurricane season, a flooding episode, a West Nile virus outbreak, and air pollution episode, a heat wave, and found that it costs over 14 billion dollars just to people’s health. Those are costs that we don’t think about and we need to. I guess my hope as a scientist who studies climate change and health is not that people will get super bummed out listening to all of these effects, but that they’ll be energized and demand preparedness and demand cleaner energy and demand building healthier and more secure communities for their children’s future.


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13 Health Problems Your Nails Try to Warn You About

13 health problems your nails warn you about. If you look at your fingernails, you’ll notice light areas at the base. These are moons or lunulae. Their changing color, shape, or size can indicate not only the presence of a disease, but also the predisposition to it. Such diagnostics help you notice the problem in time and take action. For instance, if your lunula is black or grey you need to see a doctor immediately.

Watch till the end to learn how to run diagnostics of your health with the help of lunulae. One – when a lunula changes on one finger. A lunula on the little finger, as a rule, should be almost unnoticeable or completely absent. It’s connected with the work of the kidneys, small intestine and heart. An increased lunula can be a result of high blood pressure. The ring finger is responsible for the work of the reproductive and lymphatic systems. A barely visible lunula can hint at digestion problems. The middle finger is connected with the work of the brain and cardiovascular system. The absence of a lunula can indicate vascular problems and high blood pressure. The index finger lunula can disappear or get considerably smaller because of improper function of the intestine, pancreas, or chronic E.N.T.

Diseases. The lunula on the thumb reflects the work of the lungs and spleen. It’s the most visible of all, and should take up no more than 25% of the whole fingernail. It can get significantly smaller in smokers or bigger when you have arterial hypertension. Overly huge lunulae. Lunulae are considered large when they occupy a third or more of the fingernail. They indicate problems with the cardiovascular system, heartbeat disruption, and low blood pressure. Large lunulae can often be found in athletes and people whose occupation is connected with physical activity. If a person isn’t involved in sports, enlarged lunulae may appear because of a high level of stress. Three – small lunulae. Small lunulae, which can be barely seen behind the cuticle, indicate low blood pressure and circulatory disorders. This can be a sign of a weak immune system, poor metabolism, or lack of iron and B12.

If the lunulae are noticeably separated from the rest of the nail plate with transverse lines, it indicates problems with blood sugar levels and the possible development of diabetes. Four – lunulae aren’t visible at all. Don’t panic if you haven’t found lunulae on your own or your child’s nails. They’re often not visible on children’s nails and appear over time. In some people, they don’t appear at all due to physiological specifities of the nail structure.

However, a sudden disappearance of lunulae is perceived by modern medicine as one of the symptoms of a circulatory disorder. This study showed that the absence of lunulae is connected with thyroid gland disorders, and a deficient of vitamin B12 and iron. Five – change in lunulae color. Gray lunulae indicates severe fatigue, digestion disorders, and possible difficulties in nutrient absorption. White lunulae are healthy and natural. The moon should be several shades lighter than the skin. Purple lunulae are a sign of poor blood circulation and a lack of oxygen in the organs and tissues. Dizziness and headaches may often occur. Pink (red) lunulae may indicate low physical activity and lung problems. Black lunulae are an uncommon and extremely dangerous sign.

As found on Youtube

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Black Pepper and Turmeric: Health Benefits

The health benefits of black pepper and turmeric, and why you should take these together. 1. Turmeric is a delicious golden coloured spice which is often added to delicious curries, especially in Asian cooking. This has been used for over 4000 years as a natural medicine. Black Pepper is also a common spice made from dried berries. These have some wonderful health benefits and were used by the Ancient Egyptians. 2. When these ingredients are mixed together they form a special combination which multiplies it’s health benefits for the body. These work wonders when helping you to lose weight. 3. Weight gain is a common problem in the modern world, as we have access to many unhealthy junk foods and processed carbohydrates. Turmeric contains a powerful compounds called Curcumin which helps your body shed fat very quickly. 4. The problem is that Curcumin is not easily absorbed into the body. This is where black pepper comes in. Adding a little black pepper boosts the bioavailability of curcumin by 2000%. This allows your body to absorb this into the blood quickly, through the lymphatic system. 5. You can add this into healthy recipes such as curries, stir fries or as a marinate for meat.

Alternatively you can drink turmeric water on an empty stomach for a fast acting weight loss method. Recipe: You Will Need: 500ml Spring Water 1/2 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper 1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Powder Method: Simply mix these ingredients in a pan and simmer for 5 minutes. Allow this to cool slightly and drink every morning before breakfast It is very important that you use organic turmeric, as some cheaper varieties are not as effective. The black pepper helps your body to absorb the curcmin and compounds from within the turmeric. If you do not like the taste, simply add a little raw honey or xylitol for sweetness. 6. The curcumin within turmeric has been scientifically proven to be stronger than many medical drugs for fighting diseases and infections. 7. Drinking this every day is excellent for those who suffer with depression, as it has been shown to be stronger than Prozac yet is completely natural.

It does this by boosting serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. 8. The high amount of potassium within the black pepper is also excellent for reducing insulin resistance, helping to prevent diabetes. 9. Black pepper is also a carminative and works with the turmeric to reduce bloating and gas in the stomach. It also aids in breaking down fat cells. 10. Turmeric and Black Pepper can also be useful for patients suffering with breast, bowel or stomach cancer. The combination helps to prevent cell multiplication and spreading. 11. This mixture is also highly anti-inflammatory and is stronger than aspirin and ibuprofen. This lowers the risk of stomach ulcers, arthritis and high cholesterol. 12. In fact many problems in the body are caused by inflammation, by eating herbs and spices such as this, you can begin to heal your body from within in a short period of time. 13. This also calms the mind and central nervous system, helping you to think more clearly and with better memory. 14. It also helps your body to naturally stabilise blood pressure, therefore protecting you from heart disease. 15. Alzheimer’s diseases and other forms of dementia are linked to oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain. Turmeric and black pepper has the ability to lower these problems and prevent the onset of these diseases.

16. The black pepper in particular has been shown to reduce mucus and phlegm in the throat. When combined with turmeric, it produces a powerhouse healing mixture for getting rid of sinus infections fast. 17. Black pepper contains a powerful alkaloid called piperine. This gives the pepper its pungent taste, and is responsible for boosting the healing abilities of turmeric. 18. Piperine has been used as a natural antihistamine for those who suffer with allergies such as hayfever or hives, or allergic rhinitis. 19. Many people in Eastern countries eat these ingredients regularly. This combined with their healthy lifestyle helps them to stay looking younger for longer, because they have less oxidative stress in their bodies. 20. If you prefer you can purchase a curcumin supplement which also contains black pepper to help the body to absorb it.

This is much easier to take on the go, if you do not have access to the raw ingredients. 21. Turmeric also contains healthy doses of potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin B6, C and magnesium. These minerals and vitamins improve the health of the millions of cells within the body. 22. If you suffer with headaches often, then you will find that this drink reduces pain significantly, as it works in the same way aspirin does. 23. The mixture of black pepper and turmeric also detoxifies the liver and flushes out waste from the digestive system. This can be helpful when quitting smoking, drinking or other addictive substances. 24. A healthy substance called lipollysaccharide in turmeric boosts the body’s immune system against fungal, bacterial and viral agents. This is excellent to prevent colds during the winter and throughout the year 25.

Some people with a sensitive stomach may find that this mixture triggers diarrhea. If this is the case then lower the dose to half a teaspoon or turmeric and slowly add more over time.

As found on Youtube

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Cardio for Weightlifters – Fat Loss without Strength Interference

We’re going to talk about cardio for fat loss yes it’s a rather long and technical video but as always I promise it’s worth your time first of all we’ll discuss if it’s actually necessary to do cardio to get shredded next we’ll see the pros and cons of each type of cardio and finally I’ll help you decide if you need to do cardio and what form you should choose oh and something important before we get started please note that these recommendations are for people that are physique oriented meaning they train only to look good if you’re interested also in a conditioning or sport performance then probably you need to do cardio and this video doesn’t apply to you cool all right let me start it so first of all let’s ask the question is god young necessary for you to get shredded from my experience working with clients and with friends and with myself 90% of people do not need Carter to get shredded they can get to 6 7 percent body fat through dieting alone now here’s the thing even if you don’t need cardio you could probably benefit from it it could help I’ll talk about the benefits of calculator in this video but for now let’s stick to the if cardio is necessary but my opinion is that over the years cardio became synonymous with fat loss because people thought that sweat was an indicator of fat loss dunno those means floating around online sweat is fat crying oh my god that’s so wrong but I’ll give marketers that it’s very easy to convince someone that the losing fat when the lot of bread and drenched in sweat that’s how I think intense cardio workouts became fat burning workouts but you you are an well-educated person you know that cardio in a No itself doesn’t burn fat fat loss review all comes down to being in a calorie deficit so yes if you can create a calorie deficit to cardio sure it leads to fat loss but if you eat enough calories to compensate what you burn to exercise then you won’t be losing fat in fact if you ate more calories than you burn so you are in a surplus you could actually be gaining fat doing all those extreme cardio workouts that is the truth of energy balance I’m sure you’ll notice this yourself you know all those fat people at the gym that are on the treadmill for years basically and they’re losing fat well there you go they probably eat too much so for now we concluded that cardio leads to fat loss through the energy deficit it creates if it creates one so it is not necessary for you to get shredded you can create all the deficit you need to your diet now with that said I think most people would benefit from combining calorie restriction meaning dieting with a bit of cardio there are some benefits there let me share what OSA the way I see it cardio for us has two benefits number one it burn some calories so it allows us to eat more food and number two it can help with stubborn body fat mobilization now I know there are a lot of other benefits to cardio and they may be useful but for our purposes meaning getting a whole new type is it a modern type physique I believe that these two are the only ones we should really care about so let’s talk about them in more detail so benefit number one card you’re burning some calories and it allows you to eat more food all right as I said in the beginning I assume that conditioning is not very important for you you are probably just training to look good to get the six-pack and have well-developed muscles and look awesome well in that case cardio for you is really just a tool for you to burn more calories it doesn’t directly help you to get that type of physique cardio of course is most beneficial when you’re cutting because let’s say that you need a seven hundred calorie deficit for you to lose fat well you could be reducing your calorie intake only by five hundred calories and burn the rest of 200 to exercise I personally used to neglect this fat loss advantage in the past and I remember that on my last cut which was right before Christmas I didn’t do any cardio nothing I just ate very little and that was that did I get lean sure I did of course but I had to eat very little I remember that my daily intake was around 7 17 1800 calories so not that much and my diet was okay because I was still doing intermittent fasting I was making the right food choices but I wouldn’t have called it enjoyable now on this last cut the diamond right now well things have been different I did reduce my calorie intake under 2,000 because I was doing some sort of walking or activity every day to burn some energy and I estimate I burn maybe 200 calories more than I usually did with my normal activity level and those 200 calories made a massive difference because I could eat 200 grams of potatoes extra every day or maybe an extra ice cream and it sounds very very little but those little bits of food make a massive difference when you’re on a calorie restricted diet and that’s something I learned to respect so the main advantage of doing cardio if you’re a physique oriented trainee is that you get to eat more food regardless if you’re cutting maintaining or bulking that’s the main advantage now let’s move on and talk about the other benefit of doing cardio which is stubborn body fat mobilization when a person which is a very low body fat maybe under 10% nine percent maybe even eight percent the body has only stubborn body fat stores left for men stubborn body fat is usually located around the midsection in your lower abs your lower back goods and of course it also depends on your genetics now what do I mean by stubborn body fat how is it different well this type of fat is slightly different because it is less sensitive to the chemicals such as adrenaline or growth hormone that signal the need to release fatty acids from the fat cells fat loss has two steps first of all the fatty acids must be released from the fat cells then they need to get into the bloodstream circulate through the body and get burned well there is a consumer well the muscle or an organ needs it so it so that fatty acid is actually burned locally well those stubborn body fat stores don’t want to release those fatty acids and when that happens the risk of muscle loss during a cut is increased because if there are no fatty acids in the bloodstream the body we’ll have to burn something else and that can also be muscle tissue now before you freak out about this let me say a few more things for most people getting free fatty acids into the bloodstream is not a problem at all not a problem at all probably you are at a high enough body fat percentage to have plenty of free fatty acids in your bloodstream at any time I talked about this in other videos and I’m going to say to get here people very often underestimate how much body fat they have I often get emails from guys looking like this that tell me oh man I really hate this this last bit of fat on my lower abs oh man I hate stubborn body fat yeah you’d probably around 15 percent body fat actually and no that’s not stubborn body fat so before you even think about stubborn body fat make sure that you are actually very lean now how does card your help with stubborn body fat mobilization well it improves blood circulation to those areas and it helps transport to the fatty acids to the bloodstream to a place where they will be burned that’s why when you are very very lean doing some cardio is probably a good idea now please note that I said it’s probably a good idea I didn’t say that it’s necessary the truth is if you maintain a calorie deficit long enough you will eventually burn all body fat everything including stubborn body fat but the main point to remember is that cardio can be a valid tool for fat loss in certain situations so you probably should do some now the question is how much should you do some people say well if some cardio is good then doing a lot of cardio must be amazing as always too much of a good thing is actually bad so let’s next talk about how much cardio should you do and why too much is bad here’s my best recommendation for cardio when you create a calorie deficit create 80% of it to your diet and only 20% through exercise to cardio for example if your calorie deficit needs to be 700 calories then eat 500 calorie less and you could do maybe researchers three sessions three sessions of cardio a week that burn about 400 calories and if you do the weekly average you will see that the daily deficit comes out to about 700 calories now some of you might be asking why why shouldn’t I do 50% of my deficit to guard you why shouldn’t I lose fat only through cardio well if you are overweight and you only want to lose some weight then sure do all the cardio you want but you you want the model type physique that means you are also interested in muscle mass and in getting stronger at the gym and here’s the thing cardio has any type of exercise causes muscle damage which needs recovery and remember if you’re in a calorie deficit your recovery capacity is also reduced a calorie deficit is also a recovery deficit so it makes sense to save most of your recovery capacity for lifting not for cardio I really like how very cams puts it remember that you are a weight lifter first muscle and strength take priority secondly large amounts of cardio can interfere with your weight lifting progress if you try to progressively overload both cardio and strength-training it’s very hard to make progress in either one because your body is is getting mixed stimuli your ass can get go down to both endurance and strength explosiveness and this is something it cannot do optimally the number of studies have shown that a lot of cardio aerobic exercise can interfere with muscle and strength gains in athletes who are weight training they found that the more cardio you do and the more intensities the more it can interfere with muscle and strength researchers call this the interference effect now again before you freak out about this interference effect don’t worry it’s not like you’re going to lose your gains if you go for a run we’ll talk more about this later in the video what you need to remember for now is that if your goal is to get muscular and strong then a lot of cardio doesn’t help it may actually make things harder now before we move on to talk about what types of cardio you should do remember the rule of thumb create 80% of your deficit through dieting and only 20% to cardio this video is really getting long so let’s do a quick recap in the first part of this video we concluded that physique oriented trainees should do cardio for two reasons number one to burn some calories so they could eat more food and number two to mobilize fatty acids that means cardio is really not a priority and you should do a form of cardio that doesn’t interfere with your lifting in any way which is the priority and those types of cardio and steady-state low intensity and high intensity interval training I’ll explain why in a minute the form of cardio that you should do only sparingly is moderate intensity steady-state cardio such as running long distances cycling on a moderate intensity for a long time rowing for a long time so any type of activity that has your heart rate elevated to a moderate level for a long period of time the reason this type of cardio shouldn’t be done frequently is because it can interfere with your strength training program we talked about the interference effect earlier in this video what you need to remember is that high level aerobic fitness and elite strength and power are opposite updations if you try to collectively overload both you try to become better at both at the same time you will probably only become mediocre in both of them it’s funny because when I first shared this information with my opinion audience a lot of them freaked out oh my god I will never go for a run in my life again whoa no no I’m sorry if I made you believe that it’s not that drastic it’s it’s a matter of context this interference effect only the beasts if you try to professionally overload both cardio and strength-training at the same time for example if everyday you are trying to run faster run longer because last time so you’re trying to progressively overload your running and you also want to get stronger at the gym well in that case yes the interference effect will appear but two hours of jogging every week in the park that will have no effect on your strength performance so you can certainly do miss moderate intensity steady-state cardio but the key is not to do it very frequently not to do it every day and not to overload it not to try to get better at it that way you will not be signaling that the improvements in endurance are demanded and he will just maintain your cardiovascular fitness and that will have no effect on your strength training program you will just be burning some calories now let’s talk about high-intensity interval training this is the type of cardio that is actually very similar to weightlifting and actually know how it is you do short bursts of high effort followed by a longer period of time where you rest or you do some kind of light activity intervals have become very popular lately because some people say that they burn more fat than other types of cardio which i think is not true yes some studies show that during exercise they may be burning more fat than maybe steady-state cardio but the mean it leads to more fat loss over time you see if you burn more fat during exercise you will just burn more carbohydrate for the rest for the rest of the day the body is actually very good at preserving fuel and fat loss usually only comes down to the calorie deficit it doesn’t matter what kind of fuel you burn during each period of the day with that said I do believe that high-intensity interval training is very good for conditioning and it is also very time efficient it burns a lot of calories per minute in a short period of time here is how we could perform high des interval training at the gym on the recumbent bike now of course you could use any type of cardio machine a treadmill a bike and elliptical rowing machine etc etc basically all all kinds of intervals are good you could do this routine two or three times a week but don’t try to do more than that don’t try to do intervals every day even high-level athletes such as elite cyclists only do intervals two or three times a week you are not at the level you do not need to do more than them besides intervals are hard and if you train legs at the gym too well if you do one or two leg workouts per week and you do three or four high paced interval training sessions then your legs are getting hit hard almost every day so you don’t want that alternatively you could play sports two or three times a week because almost all sports are a form of high intensity interval training if you think about soccer for instance there are short sprints when you chase the ball and longer periods when you just walk and you know you catch your breath the same goes for basketball the same goes for volley so pretty much all sports you can do that instead of going to the gym but again it’s important not to overdo it don’t do more than one or two hours of high test interval per week now let’s talk about low intensities that is state cardio this list could be anything anything from walking to cycling to rowing to lifting light weights any type of activity that is very easy to do and you can do it for a long period of time without getting tired while is isn’t that great for conditioning it has its virtues it doesn’t effect recovery in any way which means you can do it every day and it also burns a significant amount of calories for example you can walk every day for one hour and it will not affect your strength training program in any way and that’s why is my favorite form of cardio and in fact I don’t even call it cardio I just call it burning calories another thing I like about this is that you can perform it anywhere you don’t need to go to the gym you don’t need special equipment you don’t need to change you can just walk and burn some calories and that’s why it is my favorite type and that’s why it’s the one I recommend most but now let me show you how you could structure a cardio routine and because I want to make things more clear so let’s do that now okay I know this video is getting ridiculously long but stay with me so yeah in my opinion I think the best way to do cardio is to combine both high-intensity interval training and low intensity steady-state cardio I think this is the best way to do it also I know that most of you are lifestyle oriented you don’t want to go to the gym everyday you want you have your own schedule and you want to have as much free time as possible while having an awesome physique well if that’s the case here’s what you could do during the warm months of the year you could be doing what is called informal cardio meaning any type of activity that burns calories but doesn’t require doesn’t require special equipment you don’t need to go to the gym you don’t need to change in special clothes you just do something that burns calories and that can be considered cardio this could be anything from walking hiking going to the pool playing volley on the beach walking your dog any type of activity that habit has you moving your body and is burning calories and I’ll be honest I don’t do any formal cardio I just walk and I just do all the types of activities that burn calories that’s it so do these two during the summer months during the spring months during the autumn months just walk more walk more and you will burn some calories now during wintertime walking is not that enjoyable in that case you can just go to the gym and do some high-intensity interval training sessions maybe two or three times a week or you could do high-intensity interval training two times a week after and workout so you don’t have to go to the gym on a rest day any machine at the gym works remember that you just have to push yourself on those intervals that’s the only way we’re going to make them effective so that’s it guys.

As found on Youtube

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Lose Belly Fat Cardio Workout

Workout and helpful advice. For burning fat, training muscle and improving health. 5,4,3,2,1. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors, keep your abdominals constantly tight. Add this video to your favorites, it will guide you when you train. Don’t bend your head. Keep it constantly in line with your back. Next Exercise: Standing Full Side Crunch. Ready? Go! Try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Don’t bend the neck sideways to avoid forcing it. Be sure not to lean the bust forward, the shoulders should be in line with your hips. Next Exercise: Standing Cross Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Keep the abdomen constantly tight. Do not strain your neck, stare at fixed point in front of you to help you. Next Exercise: Standing twist.

Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Be sure to only rotate your torso, it may help to Stare at a fixed point in front of you. Keep your abs constantly tight, to avoid burdening the spine. Next Exercise: Jumping Jack. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time.

Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. Next Exercise: High punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. Don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards during the descent phase. Next Exercise: Half Squat + lateral punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace.

Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes. Don’t bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stabilize the spine and avoid injuries. Next Exercise: High Knee Run + Power Crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump. If you find the video interesting, then share it. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Full Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Dont’ bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stable the spine and avoid injuries. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes.

Keep your abs and butt constantly tight to improve the effectiveness of the exercise. Next Exercise: Standing Crunch with Outstretched Leg. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try keeping your legs bent and touch your knees with your hands. Keep your shoulders and head straight throughout the whole exercise. Try staring at a fixed point in front of you. Be sure not to bend your leg when you lift it. Next Exercise: High knee run with twist.

Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try slowing down the pace. Avoid hard impacts with the floor to avoid damaging the joints. Be sure to always land on your toes. Don’t curve your back. To keep the torso straight, stare at a fixed point in front of you and tighten your abs. Next Exercise: Standing side crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back, maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you, while contract your abdominals Be sure not to lift your shoulders, Keep them down and relaxed.

Next Exercise: Standing Knee Touch Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Side Lunges with jump. Ready? Go! If you can’t do it, try doing side-lunges without jumping. Be sure not to curve your back during movement. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent. 3,2,1. Stop! Next Exercise: Side step Jack. 5,4,3,2,1. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace.

Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors, keep your abdominals constantly tight. Don’t bend your head. Keep it constantly in line with your back. Next Exercise: Standing Full Side Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Don’t bend the neck sideways to avoid forcing it. Be sure not to lean the bust forward, the shoulders should be in line with your hips. Next Exercise: Standing Cross Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try not lifting your leg and concentrate on your bust. Keep the abdomen constantly tight. Do not strain your neck, stare at fixed point in front of you to help you. Next Exercise: Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Be sure to only rotate your torso, it may help to Stare at a fixed point in front of you. Keep your abs constantly tight, to avoid burdening the spine.

Next Exercise: Jumping Jack. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump but instead raise the feet in a lateral direction one at a time. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Do not bend or curve your back during the exercise, to avoid errors keep the abdominals tight. Next Exercise: High punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent, to avoid joint problem. Don’t curve your back during the exercise, keep your abs and glutes constantly tight.

Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards during the descent phase. Next Exercise: Half Squat + lateral punch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. During the descent, do not take your knees over the tips of the toes. Don’t bend or curve your back, keep the abdomen constantly tight to stabilize the spine and avoid injuries. Next Exercise: High Knee Run + Power Crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement, do not jump. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. Next Exercise: Full Standing twist. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Dont’ bend or curve your back. Keep the abdomen constantly tight to stable the spine and avoid injuries. Don’t turn your knees inwards or outwards, be sure constantly be in line with your toes. Keep your abs and butt constantly tight to improve the effectiveness of the exercise. Next Exercise: Standing Crunch with Outstretched Leg. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try keeping your legs bent and touch your knees with your hands.

Keep your shoulders and head straight throughout the whole exercise. Try staring at a fixed point in front of you. Be sure not to bend your leg when you lift it. Next Exercise: High knee run with twist. Ready? Go! If you cannot do it, try slowing down the pace. Avoid hard impacts with the floor to avoid damaging the joints. Be sure to always land on your toes. Don’t curve your back. To keep the torso straight, stare at a fixed point in front of you and tighten your abs. Next Exercise: Standing side crunch. Ready? Go! If you are unable to complete this movement try slowing down the pace. Do not bend or curve your back, maintain your torso straight by staring at a fixed point in front of you, while contract your abdominals.

Be sure not to lift your shoulders, Keep them down and relaxed. Next Exercise: Standing Knee Touch Crunch. Ready? Go! If you can not do it, try slowing down the pace. Don’t arch your back, keep your abs tight. Avoid violent impact with the floor during the descent, in order to do this, always land on your toes. It is ideal to do the workout four times a week. Next Exercise: Side Lunges with jump. Ready? Go! If you can’t do it, try doing side-lunges without jumping. Be sure not to curve your back during movement. To increase the benefits repeat the exercises several times.

Don’t pass the line of your toes with your knees during the descent. 3,2,1. Stop! .

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This 4-Minute Workout Is All You Need To Get Fit

According to science, if you work out really hard for just a short period of time, that’s just as good as kinda working out for a long period of time. If you’ve got five minutes here are five full-body exercises that we’re going to do on the street. Let’s try it out. Do you have any New Year’s resolutions? – I definitely want to work out. – Eat healthier, work out more. – Eat healthy? Work out more? – Party harder. – Party harder? All right. Four minutes on the clock.

Are you ready? – Yeah! – Yeah! Three, two, one. OK, we’re going to start with ten push-ups. Super easy, make two little V’s, and go all the way down, come back up, count them off. One! Two! – Three. – Four! Remember if you don’t have great upper body strength, you can do push-ups from your knees. That’s cool too. It just lowers the weight. Nine and ten. OK, now we’re going to keep that heart rate up. You’re going to finish out that first minute with jumping jacks. Keep that heart rate up, keep that body moving. – How do you feel right now? – Exhausted. – Tired already. – I failed my P.E. test. – I’m usually the type of guy to go for half-hour jogs with my wife. Now, I read about high-intensity interval training and I figured I’d make a video about it.

OK. Nope, fifteen more seconds of jumping jacks. Did you come dressed appropriately to work out? – You know, my ripped jeans are faring pretty well, actually. – You feel that? You feel the energy? You guys feeling it? – Yes. One minute down. Let’s do this! Up next, spider lunges. The way these work is you’re going to start in a plank position, then just like a spider, put one leg up, then jump back, then you gotta switch. Left leg! Right leg! All right? We’re going to do ten of those.

One, two… I’m a spider. Yeah, that’s it. Get those legs all the way up. Five, six. This works out your shoulders ’cause you gotta keep your arms steady, and it works out your whole lower body. – Oh my God. – Nine, ten. OK. Guess what? More jumping jacks. – OK. – Keep that heart rate up. Fitness, fitness, fitness. Wait, that’s Jingle Bell Rock. So whenever you’re not moving, whenever you’re not counting to ten, you’re going to round it out with some jumping jacks. – I’m regretting this.

– You got some sweat stains right there. – Do I? Oh, I was my shirt. – You ladies are working hard. I’m the instructor, though, so I get to sit down. These people were on the way to see a movie. Now they’re working out on the street. And, two minutes! Two minutes is up. Now it’s time for the third exercise. Next is ten jumping lunges. You’re going to do a standard lunge, dipping your knee down.

Don’t let your knee go in front of your toe, and then, boom! jump up, switch legs. Ten of those. Ready? One! Two! Three, four. Keep up now, five. – Oh, geez. – Eight, nine, ten. OK. And jumping jacks. – OK. – We got thirty more seconds. OK. You’ve only been working out for two minutes! Two minutes! Can you believe that? I’ve stayed on the toilet for longer than two minutes. – Once you start doing push-ups, I was like, “Oh no, I don’t think I can do this ” but then, I got into it and now I’m on a body high, I guess. – Oh my God. – Well, do you think you would do this at home? – Yeah, definitely. This is a lot of fun. It was quick, short, but really high intensity. It gave you what you needed, a good boost. – Three minutes up! Time to move on to the last exercise. All right, you start up, you go down, then you walk your hands out all the way to a plank position, then walk yourself back up. One! All right, that’s just one. OK. Ten more. Getting a little tired. Use your arms, your legs, your core muscles.

Dig deep, dig deep. Four minutes is almost up. Seven. Three more. You guys are slowing down on me. You got this. How do you feel? – Exhausted. – Clearly out of shape. – It could be worse. – I feel healthier already. Time to start doing this more. – You don’t have to go to the gym to do this, you can do this literally on the street. You got this…and ten! Street Workout! (all cheering) That took four minutes. Now for a twenty-minute workout, you do that five more times. Nothing should hold you back. If you want to be healthy, you can do it.

As found on Youtube

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Get Fit While Doing Housework (Simple Workout Routines!) – No Sweat: EP3

Hey guys my name is 10 I’m a fitness trainer and body builder we all know that exercise is really important but it can be kind of a talk to go to the gym sometimes what I’m gonna show you in this video is unconventional but bear with me cuz I hope to show that you can’t see me exercise and just something as mundane as cleaning your house and you don’t need a gym so no excuse guys let’s go so for those of y’all who do more sweeping and mopping here is a very simple way for you to turn it into a workout you could do calf raises this has you standing on your tippy toes and you’re gonna be walking around just make sure that you’re standing upright keep your back straight and not only is it gonna train your balance it’s also going to activate your calf muscles so for mopping you can also add in a lunge but this is gonna be a lunch river twist so you’re gonna lunge forward you’re gonna twist your torso and you’re gonna come back and step right up so when you would lunge forward what you want to make sure is that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your packet straight this is gonna work your legs it works your butt is going to activate your core a lot more because we’re twisting our torso so it’s gonna make this exercise a lot harder for you but it’s definitely going to work your abs so much more so this one is called a side walk and it is perfect for when you have a really long stretch of area to clean so get into a squat position and mop or sweep to the side and with this exercise you want to make sure that you keep your posture nice and upright you also want to make sure that you keep your weight back it’s really going to work your legs your butt and it also works your core it’s been tiring so the next exercise is for you to reach those hard to reach areas like underneath your couch so what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna raise your chest and you’re gonna raise your butt and your legs like you’re flying like a Superman and at the same time you’re gonna clean underneath the couch and this is going to help to work your lower back and your button is definitely going to burn a lot more calories than you were just lying on the ground when you’re cleaning vertical surfaces like cupboards like tabletops and also like windows you’re going to get into a white stance and squat so while wiping the windows or the walls is an hourly workout in itself you are also going to incorporate a lick workout at the same time instead of doing a conventional squat with a narrower stance the reason why we are trying a wider stance is because it’s going to work your inner thighs and your butt a lot more and it also takes pressure off your knees very important especially if you have knee problems like myself a common household chore that we do is vacuuming so I’m gonna show you how you can incorporate some exercises into your vacuum routine the first exercise I’m gonna teach you as some lunges with a vacuum this is a lunge this is the motion make sure that your knees don’t go over your toes and that your chest is out in your back is straight because you don’t want to lunge forward and injure your back so when you’re cleaning you’re gonna alternate your lunges and step forward like this so yes instead of just walking and doing your vacuuming incorporate the lunge into it and you get your workout in at the same time this is a really great exercise because it’s gonna walk your legs it works your thighs it works your butt and it also works your core so with these lunges you can do about five to ten repetitions per side depending on your fitness level to switch your workout out just a bit you can also try doing side lunges and this is another variation of a lunge so you step out to the side instead of forward and what it’s gonna do is that it’s gonna help to work your inner thighs it also works for stability and your balance just like your previous lunges make sure that your knee doesn’t go over your toe because this can cause you to get injured and it’s also bad for people with weak knees also remember to kick off from your heels in this exercise I can I’m working my arms as well so for situations where there isn’t enough space for you to do lunges then you can also do a squat hold with your vacuum I’m gonna show you how you do it get into a squat position like this and you can clean the small area that you’re meant to clean while keeping this position and something very important about the squat is that you want to make sure that you keep your chest up you don’t hunched over because there’s a tendency you know I know how suppose really tiring but there’s a tendency if you hunched over and make sure that you put your weight all into your heel see my toes can almost go off the floor and you’re gonna hold this position while you clean for about 30 seconds or whenever you finish cleaning the area and then you can go on and move on to another area to squat and to you so like the lunges this is also a compound movement which means it works multiple muscles in your body your legs your butt and it’s also gonna work your abs so for more advanced workout you can also try doing single arm planks with the vacuum get into a plank position and then you’re gonna alternate between your hands so this is a perfect exercise for when you want to reach those hard-to-reach places like under the sofa with this plank exercise you want to make sure that your core is nice and tight so sub-set belly button in don’t let your butt come too high or too low and keep your body straight and this works your core your butt your legs and your arms another advanced workout that you can try is a single legged deadlift with the vacuum so one hand on the hip you’re gonna balance reach as far as you can and slowly come back up it’s definitely a stability exercise so it’s gonna work a lot of your car and it’s also going to work your hamstrings which out the back of your legs so you can also alternate and use the other leg okay obviously I’m not very good at this exercise yeah this is definitely quite a high exercise I must say I kind of stuck it in when you’re cleaning the floor of the tower what you do is you normally kneel and you would clean like this instead of just kneeling on the ground just keep your knees above the ground and walk in this crawling position you want to make sure that your stomach is tucked in nice and tight and you also want to make sure that if you have any kind of shoulder or any kind of elbow injuries that you don’t do this workout because it actually puts a lot of strain on your arms so this might look kind of easy but it’s really really not because this is almost like a cardio workout this one is a more advanced workout with your towel and these are called ab rollouts what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna get into a push-up position with your knees on the ground instead and what you’re gonna do is roll out and back in and what it does is that it ty gets your car and honestly I find it’s pretty difficult so this is definitely a much more advanced workout do this with caution because you don’t want to fall on your face so with this exercise you’re really targeting the entire length of your abs and it is definitely an ab workout like none other whoo that was difficult so that’s it for this episode I hope you found the tips useful for you especially the next time you clean your house I know this is quite an unconventional way of working out.

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Crazy 5 Minute Cardio Workout – KEEP YOUR MUSCLE!

It’s Black Friday you think the challenge of getting a hole in one of those doorbuster deals is hard what do you see what I have in store for you today with our Black Friday workout what’s up guys jeff cavaliere I hope if you had Thanksgiving dinner yesterday that you enjoyed it but it’s time to get back to work today and today as you might know here is Black Friday and the challenge that guys face or whoever it is that are jumping in line trying to get a hold of doorbuster deals as I said is nothing compared to what we’re going to put you through here physically I’m going to show you why because what we do is we incorporate challenges into the workouts that we do with athlean-x what do I mean by challenges I mean by actually giving you goals by giving you rep goals with time in order to be able to know that you’ve accomplished something but more importantly to see how you measure up against the best in the world to see how you measure up against yourself and others like yourself but also against the best in the world because if you want to be the best that you can be you should always try to shoot to be better than you are now and that’s the whole essence of athlean-x and why when guys follow workouts like this step-by-step in athlean-x they get the results they do so let’s take a look at just one example the type of stuff that we’re doing in the athlean-x system when we have burpees okay black VL ACK burpees but we have 25 we gotta do in 60 seconds you know pretty attainable when we start to add these up it gets much more difficult next we’re going for lion hop push-ups 25 in 60 seconds next add scissors we’re going to hang from a bar but I want to see if you can last all 60 seconds without dropping next chin-ups 25 and 60 seconds and then finally kettlebell or dumbbell single arm clean and press 10 on each arm in 60 seconds okay it’s all about challenging yourself so that you know you’re doing well because let me show you a quick quick example the difference when we do the Burpee itself if I said do burpees for 60 seconds which one’s harder this one you know I’ll probably get about seven out at that rate that’s not how we do it here and that’s not how I want you to do it so we’re going to start the clock 54 seconds now that’s a lot harder than as I said going at your own pace and thinking you’re going hard now you know you are next we have to do line hop push-ups so the ourselves in position pick an imaginary line on the ground for me it’s right here and I go over and back 25 a little break there 25 seconds home to the bar guys when you work out hard I always say you don’t have to work out long and that’s the point kick your ass yourself hard and you’ll get that intensity and the trade-off will be workout length so now as I approach the minute catch my breath now I’m going to go for my ab circles or scissor sorry for 60 seconds we’ll put this down the ground 69 easy guys next up the chin up 45 and admit it catch my breath you’ll notice this sequencing of these exercises is key we went from the Burpee which had a lot of chest involvement into another exercise with burpees are with collateral explosion upper body we work from a hanging exercise into another exercise hanging because we want to add up in a strategic way the volume in certain muscle groups whoo with 15 seconds to spare and lastly hit – or kettlebell or a dumbbell cleaning price now if we want if you have a cowbell you deal with your kettlebell I’ll demonstrate with a dumbbell sense or you guys will probably have those hey last one just clean it use the hammer curl set so there you have it guys the Black Friday workout yet another example of what we call athlean burst training being able to get your stamina you know going get your heart rate up by the same time preserve a muscle that you work so hard in the gym and your other workouts building that’s the essence of athlean-x and guys this is what everybody as I said in the beginning who follows a 90-day program has a step-by-step schedule and the right sequencing as I said so that you don’t burn out muscles when you’re not trying to you do when you are trying to okay you got to have an effort and a purpose and athlean-x is all about putting this type of training in your hands with me as your coach guiding you through if you like this guys head over to and grab the 90-day training program in the meantime i think i’m going to take every bit of the next seven days to rest up and come back and next week get a really cool workout based on I measure this magazine article that I just wrote until then.

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