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Powerlifter VS Street Workout – STRENGTH WARS 2k15 #1

My name is Romano I am 25 years old I am a power lifter I my name is veteran 24 years old awareness tricular at the moment I’m a professional a Cal aesthetics specialists I like to send a message on 50 other guys to show them this they should know that no matter that we do calisthenics you can do any other spots the muscles to do by calisthenics you more stronger compared to just lifting better and wait because the most waiting mostly once you understand how to live your own bodyweight I promise you you must stronger than ever need to lift any other ways that one as well good adlet and a radio spectrum I think I have a very good chance to win what it will be hard he’s got no chance look at this I’m around I’m duel as a machine you know Tom the fit is definitely gonna see what I’m all about and I’m gonna show him right there when I wish he says you know he’s definitely for now he’s my enemy I don’t really like him you know come on the fit you know before you realize you know I’ll be a long way already so you should get ready to get it’s just training as hard as economy you should get its egg game on because I’ll be there and when I got this mod you will see what I’m basically all about 20 reps 100 kilo stench 15 reps pull-ups with 40 kilos 15 reps dips with 40 kilos 90 kilos courts for 25 are you guys ready ready are you ready ready you’re ready ready let’s go guys two one go let’s go fight all right straight into the pull-up Oh all right one private army target trying to detect finish it finish it finish it finish it hold on tonight the quarry Marshall steady okay good good walk it off it again yay going all that game over man they put everything in anyway that’s it what’s your day today fucking Ben fry it up yeah and you start with something which is not your game that’s a sucker out there because

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4-Minute Workout to Lose Belly Fat And Tone Glutes

Hey, do you have 4 free minutes a day? You ready to get rid of that spare tire and saddlebags in just a month? Well, I feel ya, so here are the only exercises you need to get a perfectly toned belly and bum! Exercise #1: Plank What’s a workout without a plank, right? This simple exercise knows how to strengthen your buttocks, give you great muscle definition, and even boost your metabolism.

Hey, I’m not kidding, the muscle mass and strength that you get from planking regularly enhance your resting metabolic heart rate, helping you burn tons of calories even when you’re not working out! Your belly gets its dose of benefits too – planking works out all four muscle groups in your stomach, making it look flat, cinched in, and fantastic! It’s pretty easy to do as well. Just get into a push-up position, put your forearms on the floor, and hold this pose. Your elbows should be right below your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line. Your breathing is also key – try to keep it steady and it’ll be way easier for you to hold the longest plank! Now, for the first week of your training, a 20-second plank will be enough. Increase it up to 30 seconds for week two. In the third week, you should be able to hold a 45-second plank, and week four challenges you to a full 1-minute plank.

Believe me, by that time you’ll be a planking pro, so it won’t be that big of a deal! Exercise #2: Side Plank Seriously, planking is the best for reducing your midsection, so here’s another style that’ll help you out with that. Actually, the side plank doesn’t just target your obliques, which are the muscles on your sides where muffin top likes to gather! It also works your buttocks, arms, and legs. Not to mention, doing side planks regularly improves your sense of balance. Your belly muscles also have to work – they help you stay upright the whole time. So, yeah, if your stomach and sides are sore the next day, that means it’s working! And here’s how to do it: lie on your side with your feet together and put your forearm on the floor. Engage your core and buttocks to lift your body and hold it up just on your forearm and feet. Again, your forearm should be in line with your shoulder. Like with a regular plank, make sure to breathe steadily! The side plank duration should be the same as for regular planks: 20 seconds for week one, 30 seconds in week two, 45 seconds for week three, and 1 minute in week four.

And no, you can’t just pick one side and do it – if you wanna see real results, you have to do both left- and right-side planks. Exercise #3: Reverse Push-ups I’m sure you’ve heard of regular push-ups, but what about the reverse style? To do them, sit on the ground with your arms slightly bent behind you and your legs stretched out in front of you. From there, raise your body off the ground, straighten your arms, and exhale. Hold this pose for a second and lower your body back down while inhaling. Don’t go too fast or you can hurt your triceps and end up with a shoulder injury. And don’t forget to engage your core and buttocks! Now, as you’re doing all that, what muscles are you working? There’s, of course, your shoulders and triceps. But more important for our purposes today, reverse push-ups are irreplaceable for toning your buttocks and abs. These muscles work to keep your balance during every single rep.

Needless to say, this exercise gives your abdominals awesome definition very quickly. As for your monthly plan, it shouldn’t be too intense. Just do 3 reverse push-ups in week one. The goal for week two is 5, week three aims for 7 reps, and at the end of the month you should be able to do 10 full-fledged reverse push-ups to really challenge your body and lock in those results! Exercise #4: Upper-body Raises Raising your upper-body kills two birds with one stone: it works out both your abdominals and buttocks, allowing you to get a perfectly toned belly and bum within weeks without any particular effort. Plus, this exercise benefits your shoulders, legs, and back too! To do it correctly, lie on your back, keeping your legs together. Stretch your arms in front of you and slowly raise your upper-body. Exhale and freeze in this position for a couple seconds. Then, you can lower back down to the floor and inhale. Just like with reverse push-ups, going fast won’t make the exercise more effective – on the contrary, it can ruin the result completely.

You should feel your muscles working and keep your belly and buttocks tight throughout the exercise. Again, the repetitions are the same – 3 for week one, 5 for week two, 7 for week three, and 10 for week four. It’s not that much, so make sure to give it your all! And there you go, that’s a complete workout you can do as your coffee’s brewing in the morning! Not that hard, right? Try to do these exercises every single day, and you’ll notice your body transforming completely by the end of the month. If you’re eager to get to the finish line even faster, here’s a few other things you can do to get a toned belly and bum: – Take baths. They’re not only relaxing but also super helpful if you have a little bloating. Put a bit of Epsom salt in there and chill for a while – this will draw all the excess water from your belly, taking you from flabulous to fabulous! – Have some chocolate.

It contains monosaturated fat, which is well-known for speeding up your metabolism and helping you lose weight. Sorry, milk chocolate fans, but this only works for dark chocolate! – Make yourself some lemon water. This is a perfect before-breakfast drink that wakes up your digestive system. Sipping it throughout the day is also a great idea since it can quickly reduce any inflammation and keep your calorie intake in check. – Snack on almonds. Just like dark chocolate, they contain monosaturated fats that help you get slimmer.

Don’t go too crazy with it, though – having about 20-25 almonds daily is more than enough to get all those awesome vitamins and nutrients. – And finally, get active! This doesn’t mean you have to run every day before work or go out and buy yourself some barbells. Ride a bike, go for a walk around the block, or go hiking with your friends. Nothing changes your body more than an active lifestyle, so get out there and get moving! Do you know any other effective exercises for a flat belly? Let me know down in the comments! Remember to give this video a “like,” share it with your friends, and click “subscribe” to stay on the Bright Side of life!

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5-Minute Workout That Replaces High-Intensity Cardio

A 5 Minute Workout That Replaces High Intensity Cardio Is it you who always dreamt about the Fit Body, but didn’t know how to start or Is it you who always thought that squats and crunches are just too much for you We found a solution for you. No matter whether you’re a beginner or just a busy lady or gentleman These seven simple exercises will take just five minutes of your time and will suit any level of physical condition Because they’re all based on one phenomenal exercise, plank. Hey don’t run away no This is good Plank is famous for it’s four main benefits, One, a toned belly Two, strong back. Three, flexible body, Four, good posture Just do it with us every day preferably in the morning when you’re still fresh and full of energy And we will make sure that every training is fun and In just thirty days you will be surprised to find a so much slimmer and fitter body in the mirror hey What are you doing in my bathroom? So why do we make the first step to your transform body right now.

Let’s start. You don’t even have to start your stopwatch I’ll be counting for you Exercise number one full plank Lie down with your belly on the floor Then raise your body on your straight arms and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head the heels breathe normally You need to keep this position only for 60 seconds, let’s give it a try ready the countdown starts now Plank is one of the best exercises for core conditioning It strengthens your abs, but also works your glutes and hamstrings supports proper posture and improves balance How are you doing hold on try to breathe normally? inhale… exhale That’s right Okay, just five seconds left five, four, three, two, one Wow that’s great. Let’s try the next one Exercise number two elbow plank Keep the same position on your belly now Raise your body on your elbows and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head to heels Don’t forget to breathe normally This time only 30 seconds come on you can do it Plank is one of the basic poses in yoga So you can be sure it is absolutely healthy for your body and will keep you energized for the whole day Yogi’s don’t lie especially the yogi who said when you come to the fork in the road take it Three-two-one you are SuperDuper.

I’m amazed All right here we go exercise number three raised leg plank Prop your body in the position of elbow plank Raise your right leg to the level of your glutes or higher and breathe normally Up we go Breathe normally because your muscles will need to receive oxygen If you hold your breath your blood and abdominal pressure can increase significantly and have harmful effects on your body Three-two-one Now put your right foot on the floor and raise the left leg to the level of your glutes that’s right hold on Apart from working on your back, abs, chest, neck and shoulders Leg raise plank also strengthens your glutes and back thighs and every exercise that we do should be healthy to your body so inhale exhale inhale exhale Two one great! Can see you’re ready for exercise four left side plank Turn to your left side and put the left elbow strictly under the shoulder make sure your legs are straight Now push your bottom and waist up Balance yourself on your arm and feet until your body makes a diagonal line breathe normally And up, only 30 seconds Side plank makes your abdominal side muscles stronger and keeps your waist thin Whoo it’s also a great pose to strengthen your shoulders and arms that’s right.

It’s not hard is it? Five four three two one well done! Exercise number five can I guess mm-hmm right side plank Turn to your right side and put the right elbow strictly under the shoulder make sure that your legs are straight Now push your bottom and waist up Balance yourself on your arm and feet until your body makes a diagonal line and breathe normally And another thirty Seconds have started just now Keep your balance don’t sink in the shoulder I can see you, you are doing great. We’re almost there Three-two-one, okay, just two exercises left Exercise number six full plank again Absolutely, you’ve done this one before will let’s repeat raise your body on your straight arms and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a straight line head the heels breathe normally This time only thirty Seconds you can do it Make sure your palms are right under your shoulders, if not move them carefully your body should feel solid Yes, just like that You are just a plank superhero, you know that don’t you maybe five more seconds mm-hmm and here they are five four three two one Wow! And one last exercise to go Exercise seven elbow plank Yes again Okay, keep the same position on your belly now raise your body on your elbows and toes and keep it horizontally Your body should make a what straight line head to heels right and breathe You should hold the position for sixty Seconds How you doing keep your glutes down your body is a straight line yeah, there you go, Oh 30 seconds already passed and you are still standing.

You are my superstar All righty Keep going Ahh five seconds left five four three two one All right, you’ve done it. You are a god of Plank All right, and here is your daily workout plan summary that might be handy Number one Full Plank One minute, Two Elbow Plank 30 seconds Three, raised leg plank right leg 30 seconds, left leg 30 seconds Four, right side plank 30 seconds. Five left side plank 30 seconds Six, full plank 30 seconds Seven elbow plank one full minute And, one last thing before we say goodbye today once you feel that you are ready to intensify your workout Try not to lie down on the floor between the exercises and just keep your body up while changing the arms position Yeah, you can do it. I’m sure you can make it. See you tomorrow Have you tried plank exercises before share your experiences in the comments? Don’t forget to hit the like button and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life .

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James Joins Mark Wahlberg’s 4am Workout Club






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Yes! Look who we have here today. This is Olivier… ..and you may know him already from a previous photo that I have shared with you guys. Olivier, you are 2 meters and 18 cm long and 160 KG? I am 155 KG.. Awsome! Today we are at Burning heart for a good and intense press training… We do the chest, shoulders and triceps today. But first more about olivier, you are 2.18 so you stand out.

What was your starting weight? I started at 80 kilos when I was already that big.. I have gained about 75kg in about 7 to 8 years. Wauw! I weighed 75 kilos when I was 18 years old.. Why are you so big? Do you have long parents? Yes, my parents are 1,76m and 2,00m… That is normal for Dutch standards, but for the rest of the world long. My brother is no bigger than 2 meters while I have become longer. I am fortunate to have natural giant growth without any deviations… There are many people who suffer from abnormalities around the same length. I am completely healthy! What do you do in daily life? For me, the food was an entire undertaking… The first few years of course to gain weighed but then I had to pay attention to my diet. That was very difficult because at a certain moment I was at 6000 calories per day. Preparing the food took so much time that I invented muscle meat together with my brother and his girlfriend. So we started muscle meat in response to my hobby. Soon there was so much demand for it that we quickly grew as a company. What is the vision of Muscle Meat? Buy bulk and prepare your meal easily.

He grows from his own food .. Do you have goals for 2018? I want to get 160 kg heavy… And after that I want to do some dry training. And besides Muscle Meat you also have an acting career ahead? I have a casting for Game of Thrones running at the moment… There is a small chance that I will get the role but still very cool that I could participate. It must succeed once to get a role in a big movie or series. At your last casting you came to the last 12 you told me? Yes that’s right, that was for sylvester stallone creed 2. How many people did the casting in total? Thousands of people participated… Cool!! Enough about Olivier, it’s time to take our lovely pre-workout V2! Then we start with our training.

Do you have a fear of heights? No Fortunately not! Hey Olivier, are you ready for a scoop pre-workout? Golden Scoop incoming! The world looks very different from this height. You can see everything… But your length is also easy for replacing lights? You do not want to know how often I have been asked. We start with the bench press, 4×10 not too heavy but first pump that chest up! haha, your shoulder is as big as my head. The exercise we are going to do now is one of my standard shoulder trainings. 5 repetitions, 40 kilos, 10 kilos higher, so 1/3 of the weight. I go for the 35 kilos, which fits better with my height .. Okay, the last set of this exercise, drop-set 3×10. We have a caller, dumbell is calling ..

Okay guys, we arrived at the 2nd shoulder exercise. The Shoulder Side raises. We follow the same set-up here as with the shoulder press. Lets go! Olivier can not perform this exercise on a busy Monday night, with his wingspan the chances are high that he will hit someone. My wingspan is indeed 2 meters 20. You should actually carry a sign with the text: beware, extra wide. If you see my hands you can quickly see that all dumbells are actually too small for me.. The following exercise is a super set for the shoulders, including the front raise (20KG) rod.

2x 10, lets go! My shoulders now feel so full, just like the bus to work every Monday morning. The bus? I do not fit in there, haha Whether it is in the plane, bus or train, I take several places. We are going to start the last exercise, the triceps. We start on 15 repetitions and build the weight until you can only do 6 repetitions. So we go from 15 repetitions to 6, but the weight increases every time. Those arms look like tree trunks. Is it true that you can not do certain exercises because of your height? Please show 3 examples to the viewers. Stretched arms? I put it out, I can not do this exercise. If I want to do pull UPS, I have to sit on my knees. If I stand here, we both seem the same size… But finally, I saw one more exercise that is impossible for you to perform. I’m glad we’re done, I get cramp in my neck from looking up ..

Thank you very much and we have to do this more often! And do not forget, soon cooking with Ome Wutru and Muscle Meat! .

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20-Minute Cardio Follow-Along Workout

– Here’s your follow-along cardio workout. I am with my girl, Karen, and I’m with my man, Joe. I’m David. We are so excited to be here with you today. Here’s what you need: You, we got you. It’s an official party because we’re on set, ready to roll with you. Towel if you want it. Water if you need it. Some open space, so that you can move safely. And just the desire to get some cardio going, right? So we’re going to start right off with a march, guys. So we’re just going to march. And, by the way, you decide how much you want to march and how slow you want to march to start.

Say you’re feeling great. Man, you jump right into a high march. You feel like, “Holy moly, this guy put me “right into the ringer, right out of the gate,” then we just start nice and slow. You move your arms. We’re going to stay here. I’m going to come back with you guys for a second. I’ll be able to stay with my team, right? We’re going to stay here for just a second. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to transition into a little bit of a different march, get our brain going in a different way, a little coordination, so watch this. Tap, tap, yeah. Aw, yeah, we got some dancers in the room. We got some dancers in the room, right? Right, Joe? Come on, yeah, don’t leave me hanging. – Don’t leave me hanging. – Karen, I’m coming.

Am I coming for a pound over there, Karen, or you just want me to stay in my lane over here? (laughs) – All good, all good. – She’s like, “Man, I got enough going on over here. “Don’t bother me, David.” Right? Good, now, we’re going to do a few more of these. You guys at home, you want to pop? You want to rock and roll? It doesn’t matter. Shades up, doors open. Neighborhood party, bring ’em in, have fun. You need to (blows air) bring it down, take it easy, catch your breath? You do it. Now watch, we’re going to go here. Tap, tap. Oh, we’re working, we’re working, we’re working. Yep, just a little tap. Step tap, step tap. Not too much. At home, once again. Rhythm, smooth, relaxed. Smile on your face. I want you to just smile the whole time. Now, there will be times when you don’t want to smile at me. You’d actually probably rather say something different to me, but that’s okay. You manage your energy. If it’s too much, slow down.

It’s too much? Smaller range of motion. Need to rest? Rest. ‘Cause guess what? You can pause us. You can put us back on whenever you want, right? – Right. – We’ve got to work. They get to decide when they work, and that’s the beauty of it. Now, last one here, check this out. We’re going to tap in front, tap in front. Yep, now, a little rotation in the hips, a little bit through the core. I’m going to go here for maybe, I don’t know, what do you think? Fifteen more seconds? – Sure. – That sound good? Okay, good.

So, I’m not going to even count. You guys got the clock at home. I’m going to try to get close. My guess is that’s about seven seconds. My guess is that’s about 10. So, we’re going to go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Now, back to march, back to march. So we’re going to stay right here, back in this march. Nice and easy. And we’re going to go for about 20 or 30 more seconds.

Here’s what I want you to feel like. Get your heart rate up a little bit. You know, you want to get those arms moving a little bit more? You do it. You want to keep ’em down? Keep ’em down. Keep ’em up? Keep ’em up. This is your game. Come on, have fun, play with it. So, I’m going to go. They’re not.

I’m going to give it a little push. I’m going to start getting my heart rate up. Whoo! Oh, they’re in it. I can’t outrun them. And I can’t outrun you. And I don’t need to because this is for you, not for us. 3, 2, 1, rest. All right, that’s a warmup, huh? Shake it out, shake it out. So, first move we’ve got, it’s going to go like this. We’re going to set our feet wider. When you’re ready, we’re going to go this leg first. This hand is going to tap that knee. So, I’m just going to demo it. It’s going to be here, here. That’s the move. You guys ready? Okay, set, and good.

There, now once again, you want to bring… So, Joe, you know, this guy: Princeton, football, gamer, boxer. His body’s been through a lot, and he’s had a lot of fun doing it, but he knows, “I’m not going to go super wide. “I’ve got a little bit of knee stuff I pay attention to. “A little bit of hip stuff I pay attention to.” So his base isn’t as wide. See the difference I just made right there? Just base is not as wide. It’s still really good work. Why? ‘Cause it’s good work for him. That’s good fitness. Now, if you can get wide, drive those knees harder.

That’s up to you. We’re going to go for a few more seconds here. Come on. Let’s go for 5, 4, 3, you’ve got this, 2, and rest. Now, next move. Catch your breath, rest whenever you guys need to. Yes, you have permission to do that. We’re going to go heel, heel, okay? And I’m going to show you different ways you can do it as we go. Ready, Karen? – Ready. – All right, you tell me when. – 1, 2, 3. – Heel, good. I took the count down. Did I follow directions? – Beautiful. – Yeah, good, that’s rare. That’s rare. You ask my mom. If you can find a way to get a hold of her, you ask her how good I am with that. She’d be like, “Meh.” (laughs) Good job, Karen. Yep. So back, try to get back. Yeah, and don’t have to go as wide if it’s just the lift. Right there, we’re thinking about that foot going back, stretching those quads. Now, here we go. Hands can stay on our hips, right? They can stay here. Hands can come here. Okay? Hands can move with the legs. You pick what you love to do and just stay with it.

Now, let me show you one last one. Uh-oh, uh-oh, what just happened? I mean, we’re talking back, chest open, coordination. Whoo, send us a video of you doing this at SilverSneakers. We would love that. Come on. 3, 2, 1, rest. How we feel? – Good. Good. – Yeah? Yeah, she’s making a little, “Oh, yeah, I’ll make him feel “like I’m working a little bit. (blows raspberry) “Tell me when the workout starts, Dave.” Right, Joe? – I’m fine.

(laughs) – I’m good, I’m good. All right, so now, we promised you that we always want to work your brain. We want to work you in different ways safely but effectively. So, here’s the scoop. So, yeah, you ready? I’m going to have you right… Perfect. Because I need to see you in your awesomeness right now. So it’s going to look like this, because I know you can do it. It’s going to go knee, knee, heel, heel. Uh-oh, we did it, we did it. You ready? Set, come on, go. Knee, knee, heel, I’m going all in. Knee, knee. You guys don’t have to do this with your arms. You can go here, here, boom, boom, yep. Here, here, back, and I almost got myself thrown off right there. Knee, knee, back.

Come on, we got to go at least 10 more seconds, right, Joe? – Absolutely. – Good, get that heel back. He’s like, “Pfft.” His pulse, I don’t even know if it’s changed. He’s like, “Absolutely.” I just missed it. Did you see that? “Stay with… Oh, I’m lost!” Here, back, it happens to the best of us. Last one. Here, I tried to do too much, right? I tried to do too much. Did you see what happens? (laughs) Right, keep it simple, right, Joe? – Good, good. – But you know, we’re all human. So you get to laugh at David like, “Ha, even him.” Yes, even me. You should see how much I mess up when I’m preparing these things. Mmm, oh, no water for these guys. They’re like (blows raspberry). You guys, water, rest, breathe, towel. We’re going to move into the next thing. So, kind of moving in that lateral pattern, here’s what it’s going to look like. Floor is safe, so you know what’s around you. We’re going to go three step and a little kick. Now, watch. If you don’t do that, you can always tap. If that’s what you feel better with at home, having that foot tap the ground, perfect.

Right, I’m going to start there. If you want, you can really turn this into something more dynamic. You guys ready to go? I’m going to head this way first. Three steps, set, 1, 2, 3, tap. 1, 2, 3, yep. And you’re kicking. I might tap just to remind you guys at home. There it is, a lot of coordination here. Now, I’m going to kick because I just love it. It’s like, pow! Yep, sound effects. Pow! It’s what I do. Pew! Good, and then if you want to really kick it up, you can just make those bigger steps, quicker steps to the side, push further. Keep that balance. Test your balance. See, I’m a leaning a little away. As long as it’s safe, I’m working core. I’m reminding my brain, “My body can move that way.” If something flew at me or something happened, I can move around it. I can still own my body and space, and I can recover. Come on, 3, 2, last one, rest. Whoo, how you feeling? Knees okay, hips okay? – Easy day, easy day. Hips are good. – All of it? Karen, you good? You guys are good. I know you’re good.

That’s why you put us on. Here’s what we’re going to do next block. We’re going to set our bodies up. I’m going to show you first how it works. We’re going to set up. We’re going to work one side. So, first thing we’ll do is we’re going to squat down a little bit, okay? We’re going to lean off just a little bit to one side. Just a little. Not from our shoulders. From our hips, okay? Put that foot out. Now watch. It’s tap, out. Tap, and try to stay down a little bit. Good, you guys are with us. We’re already in it. You’re good. Yep, don’t try to follow the foot. Stay right here. Stay right over this leg, stay down. If you’ve got to come up a little higher, that’s fine. You stay in this long enough, you starting to feel a little burn in that leg? – Oh, yeah. – Karen, you getting a little burn in that leg? – I’m good. – Good, I like it. And you are moving a little bit, and that’s okay.

If that feels comfortable, you stay right there. We’re going to go 3, we got two more, 2, we got one more, arms moving. And we come up. Ooh, I feel it. Shake it out. We’re going to sit down, slide just a little with our backside over this leg. This foot comes out, ball of our foot. Ready, and we go. In, out, in, we take our time. Good, and if you want to follow a little, that’s okay.

Follow a little is okay. I’d rather you do that than lean off and get out of position. You want to just stay here. The more you sit down on that heel, bend that knee, push that hip back, oh, baby, it happens. This is glutes, thighs, holy surprise, it comes out of nowhere. And it’s amazing. It will work it in a really effective way. Come on, 3, and 2, and 1, and rest. Okay, now, going to take that lateral pattern, we’re just going to go here. Step, step, step. Kinda did it in the beginning, but we’re making it bigger now. Okay, you ready, ready? You’re with us. We’re with you. Going this way first, and we go. Step, step, good. That’s all it is. Now, the wider you step, this is kind of like a skater, right? We’re going to do that next. It’s a little different. We’re setting you up for it. The wider you go, the deeper you stay, the more this stings in a good way, right? And that heart rate will come up.

Now, if you wanted to come up higher, stay right here. That’s totally fine. Higher you go, less in the legs. Lower you go, more legs, more cardio. Good, come on, keep moving through, keep moving through. What I try to say is there’s a tunnel that I’m in or a hallway. That ceiling is like right above my head. I want to keep my head level, so it doesn’t bounce up into the ceiling. You do that, you’re going to feel it. And 3, 2, 1, rest. You guys feel that? Ooh, huh? – That was good. – That’s good, okay. We’re going to go into what we call a sprinter step. So, we’re going to just open up in a split stance.

We’re going to put that foot behind us, ball of our foot. We’re going to bring whatever leg is forward, that hand’s going to come toward our hip, right? So that hand is back, so that hand will be back. Yes, right like there. Now watch. It’s just up and back. And we’re going to pause, and we’re just going to do reps, right here. You guys ready? Okay, I’m going to stay this way… you guys can stay forward, whatever feels comfortable for you… so they can see me. Set, and go.

Up, and back. Hold. Up, and back. Hold. Up, and back. You come up as much as you feel comfortable. You go back as much as you feel comfortable. You need to stay up tall? That’s totally fine. Right here, just a little bend in the knee, little bend in the hip. Come on, we’re going to do three more. 1, set. 2, set. Lot of balance, lot of core. And let’s switch. Ooh wee, setting it up, I’m feeling it now. Feel like we’re on the field now, right? – Yeah. – Yeah, yeah.

Ready, and we go. Up, good, perfect, Karen! Arms are moving with the legs. That’s rhythm. That’s coordination. By the way, that’s one of the first we learn when we’re babies. Somehow, we figure out how to get up on our feet and walk. Opposite hand, opposite leg. It’s called cross-crawl gait pattern. It makes the brain miraculous. Come on. Here we go. Three more. 1, 2, and 3, and we rest. Shake that out. Okay, we’re going to go knee strikes. You guys ready for some knee strikes? Okay, so on knee strikes, they’re going to work for us. Grab a sip of water if you need it. It’s kind of like that, that we did. We’re going to make it a little more like, you know, your kids stayed just a little too long in your house and uh, time to get out.

You know what I mean? (laughs) It’s one of those. This is where you can get some, some of the energy out. You know that husband that we’ve been fiddling with for 40 years, and… I’ve been in 20, and I think my wife is already ready… So this is going to look like this. Knee strike, knee strike, knee strike. You go at your pace. I’ll start slow. Then we’re going to build our speed up, okay? All right, set, and we go. Here, here, perfect. So what we say always is “slow to fast.” We start a movement or an exercise slow, and we get it right. Then we think about going fast, right. We start really light, then we think about getting heavy, okay. We start really simple, then we think about complex. Slow to fast. Light to heavy. Simple to complex. Use that in all of your fitness.

Now, come on. Let’s go for 10 seconds. Your pace, pushing that through. Feeling it in that glute, feeling it in that core, maybe in your shoulders. 3, 2, 1, rest. Is there any sweat happening back here at all? – Yes, yes, yes. – I mean, at all? I mean, I’m flinging it all over the place. It’s like, it’s raining up here, in north wherever-I-am, and in south, it’s like sunny back there, you know? Holy moly. Think I’ve got to follow my own programs, guys. Ready? Knee strikes nice and slow, other side. Set, and we go. Up and back, up and back. That’s it, good. I’m going to show you my side here. That foot stays flat. I’m on the ball of the foot back there for support. Now, if you need to be near a wall, that’s totally fine.

It’s always there for you. A counter, a couch, something to rely on as you’re trying something new. That’s called smart training, and I’m proud of you. Come on. Now we’re going to go quicker here. Ten seconds. Up, back, up, back, yeah, good. I’d say we’re about halfway there, right, Joe? – Yep. – Come on, Karen. Count us out. You give us 3, 2, 1. You ready? You got it. – 3. – Come on. – 2. – Yep. – 1. – Nice! We might put you up front one of these days! Watch for her, watch for her! All right, so now, we have two little things left.

We got a fun little movement pattern, which is going to bring our brain in. I’m going to show you. You’ll get it. Then we got a fun little fighting finish, right, Joe? – Fighting. – Fighting finish. We’re going to fight for it. Whoo, so here we go. Three patterns, you guys can do them with me and learn it, as they’re picking it up at home. One of ’em is just stepping. We call it 1, 2, 3, 4. Out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in. Right, how’s that feel? – Good. – That feel okay? – Mm-hmm. – So, out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in, perfect! And you make it your own if you need to, right. Now, next one. Walk up, walk back, 1, 2, 3, 4. Try it, 2, 3, 4. Got it? Okay, up, up, yep. So we go left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right. Left, right, left, right.

Stay right there, very nice. Last one, toe taps. Toe, toe, toe, toe. Good, we good? – Yes. – All right, so let’s go through the first one. In, in, out, out. We’re going to go about 20 seconds. Ready, set, go. Out, out, in, in. Out, out, in, in. Yeah, good, stay there, good. You can get wide if you want. Now, sometimes I try to go lead with the other foot first. You don’t have to worry about that. At home, when you play this a few times, you’ll understand what I just meant. Out, out, in, in. Just lead with the other foot sometimes.

It’s a totally different movement because of your brain and your body. Now, you guys stay at that pace. If you’re feeling it at home, you can also do this like this. Out, out, in, in, out, out, in, in. I know, I know, I know, I know. – I’m staying here. – Rest. I’m just showing you what’s possible. Up and back. Here we go. Ready? Up, back. Step over the line, step back. Step over the line, step back. Good. Come on. We’re going to… You know what, you’re moving, and you’re not causing pain. That is a recipe for vitality. It’s a recipe for health. It is brain. It is core. It is coordination. It is cardiovascular. It is everything your body deserves to do what it is that you’re supposed to do. The things that you’ve worked hard for, the things that matter to you, this is how you keep it. You decide what you put in your mouth, you decide what you let in your ears, you decide what you let in your eyes, and you decide how you move your body, so that you can honor and you can respect everything that you’ve been given, so you can give it away to somebody else.

Especially the next generation you’re trying to create legacy in, right? That’s your job now. So stay healthy to do it. Good, and rest. Now, toe taps, ready? Toe, toe, toe, good. We’re going to move through this, we’re going to move through this. Yeah, keep it moving. Good. Now I’ll show you. You guys just keep tapping. Don’t… You stay in your rhythm, fight for your rhythm… Don’t look at me.

Look ahead. You keep your rhythm. Feel that? At home, that’s what that looks like. You’ve got to be careful if you have ankle issues or calf issues, but I want you to know, this is there for you. Small, little movements, that’s what that turns in to. 3, 2, 1, rest. How we doing? – Good. – Are we ready to fight to finish? – We did the hard part. – We’re ready to fight to finish? – We’re ready. – All right, here we go. So, it’s a little series. It’s going to take us less than two minutes. We’re going to start with some side kicks. You’ll just follow me. Then we’re going to do some little, little digs. Like, you see me, and you want to give me a little shot in the ribs, and be like, “Hey!” Give me one of those, right? And then we’re going to do a little uppercuts, and then we’re going to do a little flurry to finish, flurry to finish. You ready? – Ready. – Side kicks. We’re going to go alternating. Set, this one first, and we go. Boom, boom, boom, yep, good. And you get a little bit of a lean away.

Push that heel out. If you need to tap, that’s totally cool. Out, out, come on. Push through, push away. Push away, yeah, give him a kick. Give him a punt. Punt him right out the door. Time to go, get out, come back later. Good, when you got a job, what? (laughs) 3, 2, 1, rest, nice job. Okay, we’re going right into a digs. Set our feet up. Here we go. It’s boom, boom. It’s… Yep, let that heel open up, and that hand you bring around. And you don’t have to do it this big. Just little punches. That’s fine. But if you want to go big, smooth, smooth. Yep, no hurt shoulders, no hurt pecs. So we work from the hips. We work from the core. We let that foot open up. We’re finding that midsection. Bang, right there. Bang, right there. 3, 2, 1. Uppercuts. Here, stay with me, good. Oh, we’re coming right here. We’re bending down on those legs a little bit. Coming right up the midline. Swinging through, swinging through, swinging through.

Here we go. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We’re big finishing, big finish, and I’m coming back. You keep your feet moving. She’s not going to punch. She’s just going to hustle. Joe and I are going to do a quick ta-ta-ta. Ready, and go. (breaths through mouth) I’m going to move around with it. I’m going around a little bit. I don’t want to catch that shot in the eyeball. That’s it, Joe. That’s it, Joe! Oh, ho, ho, ho! Oh, there it is, there it is! He’s on it. Come on! 10, 9, I’m with you, 8, 7, move ’em, hot floor, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Over! What I want you to do is start catching your breath. Right now, start catching your breath. You get a sip of water, use your towel. We’re just going to breathe for a second, and them I’m going to let you go stretch on your own, talk a walk around the house, around the park. Pick one of our stretch routines, do what you like on your own time, but for right now, (breathes deeply) just move around a little bit. (breathes deeply) So it’s a military breathing pattern, when their heart rates are really high, or even athletes or people that have highly technical jobs where they have to do really precise things, when they’re under stress, when they’re under cardiovascular, when they’re really, really worked up, to be able to use their breath.

(breathes deeply) Carbon dioxide comes out. (breathes deeply) We just shake it out, just relax. One of my favorite things is just shaking, however you feel comfortable. Maybe you just roll your shoulders open a little bit. We’re just so grateful to be here with you. I had so much fun with you guys. We hope you come back, and keep getting after it with cardio with us. We’ll always be here. Thank you, Joe. Thank you, Karen. Thank you. .

As found on Youtube

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We Tried The 30 Day Gym Challenge

– I don’t go to the gym. I signed up for one like five months ago, I went for two weeks, and then I haven’t gone back. (upbeat music) I would say there are two things that prevent me from going to the gym frequently. One is time. I feel like I barely have time to do what I wanna do, and then when I get to the gym I’m kinda like what do I do here? I feel like an outsider. – Eating healthy’s not hard for me. The part that’s kind of challenging is working out. – My relationship with fitness is kind of like a roller coaster journey since college. – So, growing up, I wasn’t really that active, but I was always interested in kinda like the healthy lifestyle, in a way. – Since I moved to L.A. my physical activity is grocery shopping, walking around the office, getting coffee. – I know that I’m not super out of shape, but I want myself to be able to look at a before and an after shot and be like okay, so this hard work is paying off.

So, I feel like being consistent is my main issue. – With these 30 days, I hope that I can kinda find my way around the gym and find its role in my life. – I wanna be able to make it a consistent routine and habit of going every day, and if I miss a day, then at least it’s just one day than just missing a whole week of working out. – I mean, I figure if I just take a boatload of the classes, I’ll be fine. – Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is day one of going to the gym for 30 days. You know, it was raining this morning, so I had to force myself to go. Today, I’m taking it slow, I’m taking it easy. I’m just gonna do some cardio, maybe some pushups, ab workout and stuff like that, and just kinda warm up my body. – Day one, I thought I could ease my way into it, so I booked a really fun dance workshop. I show up, and… (pop music) I did not know taking a dance class could be so hard.

It was very hard. I thought it’d be very chill ’cause I’m like, you know, I’m dancing. I don’t know how I’m gonna get up and walk. – So, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but someone overslept, and that was me. So, I had to go on my lunch break. I am actually on my lunch break. This is my lunch post-workout, but I did it, I went to the gym today.

– So, it’s day two. I came to do spinning, but I came too late and won’t let me in, therefore I need to figure out how to work out on my own. My strategy was to keep taking class after class because I don’t know what to do in the gym. So, I took spinning, hated it, I took… I don’t even know. It had a lot of weights in there, and I wasn’t into it at all. I’m meant to work out right now, but I ran out of clothing for the gym ’cause I own like four items. So, I have to go shopping before I can work out. – It is Saturday morning. It is raining, but guess where I’m going? To the gym, baby. – I took it upon to figure out what to do in the actual gym. Working out on my own was a lot more chill. I could take my time, then when I was actually doing my workout I could focus on what was happening, I could feel what was moving.

– Over the weekends I would do cardio, that way I don’t have to lift more weights and I could give my body a break, but I would still go to the gym. I’m feeling good. – A couple times it was a little crazy because I went to dinner. – Kiano, are you thinking about the gym right now? – And then I worked out. I’m not doing that one again. We just ate like 20 pounds of Korean food.

It’s like, what time? 8:00 p.m. and now I’m gonna go to the gym. And then I went to the gym after a seven-course dinner. That was miserable. I don’t wanna be here, but I’m here. I’m not gonna work out. I’m gonna stretch my body and chill ’cause I can barely walk. I’m very full. (upbeat music) – It is Monday, it is day 10. I’ve been going to the gym for 10 days straight. I haven’t missed a day. I feel stronger than ever, I feel so happy. I was noticing that I was feeling stronger, and I was like okay, so if I feel stronger, that means that this is working.

So, I would just keep getting more and more motivated instead of tired, which is crazy. I feel so proud of myself, honestly, that I’ve been doing this. Today, I thought that it was gonna be hard because it was Monday, but no, I was so motivated to just go after work and work out and sweat and lift weights. I’m so excited to see the final outcome. – There was one day I went to the gym, and it was right when Daylight Savings happened, so by the time I arrived, it had closed where I thought I had another hour. To make up for it, I will do a two-a-day workout. I’m really annoyed because my gym is very far from where I live. I drove like a half hour to get here, and I’m gonna eat my feelings. – So, coming into week three, I was going at it every day.

I would spend an hour a day in the gym, and then I started adding even more weights. – I’m about to go into dance class. I can’t video in there, but I’m excited. After working out on my own for a while and I was a lot more aware of what was happening when I was doing different workouts, it was a lot easier for me to take a class again because at the beginning, I didn’t know what was going on, I just knew I was doing a lot of different stuff. But then, having worked out on my own and going back to class, I knew what to focus on. Alright, I just finished dance class, and it was really good. I’m looking forward to doing this every week, every Monday, late at night, I don’t care. I brought people French from work. – Hello. – It’s so much more fun working out with people you know, you know? I’m not alone, we’re sweating together, I love it. – So, I’m here in Nashville, Tennessee, I’m in the hotel room, but that’s not stopping me from not going to the gym because first of all, the gym is here is really nice, and second of all, I’m pumped, so I’m going to the gym.

Let’s do it. Alright, so we’re in the countdown. We have about five days left of this challenge. So, when the last week of this challenge came, I was extra motivated. I was like, I can’t believe I’ve been going for over 20 days, I haven’t missed a day, I’m so excited. And then, as the last week started, I went to the gym and sadly, I’m starting to feel sick. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m going to go to the gym, but hopefully I still have enough energy to push through, but honestly, I’m not feeling too good.

Wish me luck. – So, final week, I went back to classes, and my last one was a dance class again. So, I did full circle, and that one was fun and I brought friends from work too. (upbeat music) – You know how two days ago I said I was feeling a little bit sick, but I was still going to the gym? (sniffles) Well, it’s been two days. I was super congested, so I couldn’t even breathe. So, that was when I knew that I had to stop for a little bit, and it was devastating because it was especially towards the end. I am definitely sick. I’ve missed the gym the last two days because it’s been impossible for me to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can go back and finish strong, but let’s see. – It went by quicker than I thought. – So, even though I did miss a few days towards the end, and as you can see, I still sound a little bit stuffy, so I’m still getting over that, it didn’t really change my perspective on the gym right now because now I’m super motivated.

I feel like I’m in a good level that if I just keep going consistently, I will see results. – From doing the challenge, I don’t feel as awkward walking into the gym. I knew people at reception, they know my name now, and that’s kind of… I like it, it’s like a community in its own. – Yo, that’s at 13 inches. That’s, hold on a sec. – What? Let’s do it! – I’m just happy my numbers didn’t go up. – Awesome. – That’s all I care about. (upbeat music) .

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym

muffin-top love handles spare tire however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your side’s belly and lower back there’s one thing we can all agree on pit needs to go so how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week hey hey try them out for yourself number one jumping burpees bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight arm plank after a moment pull your feet back in towards your chest quickly stand up and immediately jump up while reaching your hands toward the ceiling and clap lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there you see burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time making them an awesome warm-up exercise on top of that burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques as the muscles on your side where that fat is sitting but also your arms quadriceps glutes chest and hamstrings do three sets with 15 reps each two bicycle crunches lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground raise your chest up and lift your shoulders off the mat keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out move your bent leg right towards your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it’s parallel to the floor while doing that move your left shoulder towards your right knee remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides this way your stomach not your neck will have to strain the most this kind of crunch works the sides of your stomach and hips do three sets with ten to 20 reps each number three kneeling vacuum kneel on the floor with your bum resting on your heels put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back now imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible if it can’t pull it in very far at first don’t sweat it your results will improve with time hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never done it before otherwise you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds some people don’t breathe while doing this exercise while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing choose whichever way is more comfortable for you but don’t relax your stomach muscles this seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection shrink your waistline and carve your abdominal muscles repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break number 4 side plank lie on your right side and lean on your elbow so that it’s directly below your shoulder lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot if this is too hard for you at the beginning bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight and finally reach your left hand up toward the ceiling just like a traditional plank this exercise works your stomach muscles as well as your back glutes and core but most of all the side plank focuses more on the obliques which is a surefire way to get rid of love handles try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side do at least 3 reps number five swimmers lay down on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you and shoulder-width apart your feet should be hip-width apart on the mat tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg up at the same time leave them in the air for two to three seconds then lower them back to the ground do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air do 10 reps of five counts on each side if you want to break a sweat and burn more fat alternate your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground this exercise will take care of any lower back fat it sculpts your rear end as a bonus number six Russian twist sit down on the mat with your legs together and knees slightly bent lean your upper body back and hold your legs off the ground you can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first now slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side hold it there for three seconds and then return to the initial position repeat the movement on the other side do three sets of ten to twelve reps each by the way if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water you’ll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate number seven woodchoppers stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your core engaged you’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands again a medicine ball or a jug of water will do whatever it is make sure you can get a good safe grip on it now twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder the turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee go back up to the right and repeat keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance also if you’re a beginner don’t pick a heavyweight otherwise it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side number 8 reverse crunches lie down on the ground lift your legs in the air and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest at the top of the movement raise your hips up in the air so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position just like regular crunches the reversed ones work the front of your apps but the especially hit your lower abdominal muscles do three sets of 10 to 15 reps each aim to do this workout four to five times a week it’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate intensity aerobic activities like swimming jogging or cycling that’ll really kick up the fat burning process so that those love handles melt right off and of course you’ll need to change your guide a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all first cut down your calorie intake 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about one to two pounds a week avoid eating processed and fried foods it’s usually high in added sugars preservatives and additives you’ll also want to stay away from the usual offenders sweetened drinks fast food junk food like cookies and chips and fatty meat remember that high amounts of added sugar gets stored exactly around your stomach which means yep a spare tire if you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish chicken turkey and lean red meat it’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non starchy veggies such as cauliflower celery peppers spinach broccoli tomatoes in the life and finally drink more water it’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake so your love handles will shrink with time so good look out there and let me know if these exercises work for you and if you know any other ways to deal with love handles leave them down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey now don’t go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life

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2 On Your Side: LA Fitness Contracts

So one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is of course to get fit so January is one of the busiest months for new gym memberships and for hiring a personal trainer ah but as one local gym being upfront about what its new customers are actually signing up for CBS 2’s investigator Kristine Lazar joins us now with more on this you gotta listen to this you know it’s so hard these days because if you look at the Terms of Service of all these contracts you sign their pages and pages and pages so people really need to know what they’re getting into now once you join LA Fitness they’ll offer you a free training session and that trainer will then sit down with you to talk about training packages but when we went undercover we found that some of those trainers weren’t always truthful about that fine print their pitch sounds great the lowest monthly gym membership in town with no contract but is LA Fitness being truthful with potential clients I was furious I was livid I felt taken advantage last summer santa clarita pastor tony montijo met with a trainer at this LA Fitness in Santa Clarita to discuss monthly training packages I said I cannot afford any of this I could afford maybe one or two months did you ask him if you could cancel at any time yes I did I made it abundantly clear that I cannot afford a personal trainer for a whole year so after two months when Tony wanted to cancel his training package he says the manager told him he would have to buy out his contract for more than $1000 and at that point he said that he was so sorry that I was misled and that the person that signed me up is no longer there iliza Valley says she was told the same thing about the same trainer but she tried to confront him about the contract that she signed she signed up for a membership at LA Fitness in Santa Clarita and decided to ask about swim lessons in the gyms pool iliza says she was very clear that she wanted to sign up for a package of eight classes for about $300 so all this time I’m just focused on one package for eight classes eliza says she never saw a contract until they emailed it to her after she had signed it they mislead you and that they trap you into this contract stuff turns out what Eliza signed up for was eight classes a month for an entire year more than $2,000 worth of swim lessons it’s like I’m going to be competing Olympics I have to do this kind of a training for a whole year it’s a joke hi how are ya – on your side went to three area le Fitness’s including Tony and Eliza’s location to hear the sales pitch this employee told us when it comes to memberships contract she assured us that le fitness doesn’t do contracts but their membership agreement says right here it’s a contract and at this San Fernando Valley location this personal trainer assured us we wouldn’t be locked into a training contract if we signed up for one and if I needed to cancel could I it was only once we pushed her for specifics that she told us about the buyout we asked at all three locations if we could take a contract home to review it and to said no do you have copies of the membership contracts I can’t go home and read it one location did give us a membership contract although they insisted it wasn’t a contract only fitness told you on your side that the terms of the contract are always displayed on a large computer screen at the time of the signing they would not tell us however what their policy is on allowing potential customers to take home a contract to review it before they sign it now after we contacted them LA Fitness did agree to let Tony and Eliza out of their training contracts and they refunded the extra months they paid after they asked to cancel so the key is you want to look at those contracts you want to take some time to review them if a business won’t let you take those contracts home ahead of time then maybe you want to look for a different business the line got me there is no contract but we’ll give you a copy of it right right okay I’ll tell you something right there thank you well Ken – on your side help you just email – on your side at with your problem or on social media use the hashtag – on your side

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This year my theme is snow Not just as an element I was born in December and I am kind of a child of winter and christmas On the other hand, I am a child of sunshine Being finnish and having that “sisu” (perseverance) and strength But at the same time, the softness, fairness and purity – of snow So, now we are… “we”? All of us I am going to train my fitness routine Ringa (my choreographer) came from Jyväskylä to Helsinki Ringa have made all of my fitness routines besides the year 2013 We have known each other since the time we were doing gymnastics together and we have coached together too Ringa has made me…

4 fitness routines We started doing this routine last autumn and this has been ready for a long time but it always needs some fine adjustments Especially because I was ill for a while a go I still don’t know if I can do a whole routine or not When I was getting better from my flu, I went and try out to do it Is was not a good idea… That’s why I recovered a bit longer and tried to keep my training light I have been training my fitness routine about 2 times per week And this is probably the 3rd time, in this year, when we are seeing each other with Ringa But I am used to train alone I see my coach Teemu once a month, now when the competitions are coming, we are seeing a bit more often It is good to get some little tricks and do finetuning Let’s see…

What Ringa will think Eve has advanced a lot during these years When we started out together we had to concentrate on that it wouldn’t look so gymnastics -like Tightness has always been natural for her, but dancing is something we have been trying to train more Now things are going really well, considering her low energy Now we have to do just a little adjustments here and there The flips are so lively and powerful you can’t know which way is she going down There haven’t never been a question about Eve on stage.

She is always shining so bright It doesn’t matter what she is doing, and whether she’d forget her routine, performing is something she can do and that is also why we can concentrate on just a small things With other people I work with, we have to train technique till the last weeks to get the routine completed Gladly, with Eve we can focus on to the little details… which will guarantee her winning We are going to the gym I have been training my fitness routine this morning also I trained mainly technique and some rehabilitation for my back because I have some problems with it, and with my back’s facet lock it causes problems with my right side’s nervous system But now, let’s do some delts Maybe a bit arms…

And chest… My training program depends a lot about my feelings and I like to go “with the flow” I know approximately what to do But whatever feels good at that moment I do not plan strictly my programs Let’s go… Yeah I have to be precise with the movements and angles to my chest and delts When my back gets locked, it causes some nervous problems with the ride side of my body and it is hard for me to keep my right shoulder blade at its right form So I have to concentrate to do the movements right But yeah, you’ll always find some way to work things out And well, I wouldn’t say I’d had some major problems right now, But the fact is that with so many training years that I have, it gets harder and problematic sometimes *emotional explosion* Only because of training That emotional explosion is a combination of many things It is the big picture: how much I have been working for this, how hard times I have had before…

And now it finally feels that I have succeed (at least for myself) Winning is pretty important for me and… Of course I want to win I have been trying to think that maybe it isn’t everything and the most important thing And of course it couldn’t have ever been But I can admit that sometimes winning was the only thing that mattered and winning was the only thing that made me happy Oh what an explosion of emotions But it is kind of really cool that something like this can cause so big emotions What else could do the same…? Besides love But for myself I think I am going to achieve the goals I have made And be in the best shape where I have ever been If I could be just as lean as on my first year of competing Getting so lean and cutted is never easy for me, and for few it is But for me it takes a lot In the end calories are low and there is a lot of training And I know that even though I think I can and I could eat less and do more It is not always better It is definitely not always better I have a good feeling And I will enjoy this as much as I can I have been definitely working so hard for this Was the result whatever (hopefully good) I have deserved all this And I will enjoy it at full

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