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Improve Your Vertical Leap – A Fun and Interesting Way to Do It

For the last few years, we’ve been training our clients to go up a flight of steps. They’re tall but difficult because it’s a vertical movement. We try to train them to get down smoothly, using a variety of techniques. If you are going to take a vertical leap, you need to train your body for a long time.

Vertical leaping is a great way to test your overall strength and endurance. I’ve been doing it almost every day for many years and have found it to be a great way to stimulate and get my muscles ready for all sorts of movements, since I use a variety of things. If your main goal is to get a better vertical leap, this is a good workout. It’s very dynamic and takes a lot of stamina and quick thinking.

It doesn’t take long to get good at it. I usually start with a few sets of ten. I do them slowly, taking three seconds to reach the top and three seconds to descend to the bottom. This takes a lot out of me, but I keep increasing the reps and the speed of the descent. This is a really good workout and very dynamic. You’ll find that the muscles will be screaming when you’re doing it.

You’ll find that it will take a few months to get good at this workout. The first few times you try it, you’ll find that it’ll be challenging even for a pro athlete. Your heart will be thumping, your arms will be shaking and your breathing will be heavy. It’s OK to feel it. Just keep doing and keep trying to get better. This is a good workout for vertical jumping and it will help you get better at whatever you’re good at. It will give you better balance and coordination. You’ll find that your endurance goes up and down better. I’ve found that my vertical jumping is better with a vertical pull-up and a lateral pull-up. I also find that my overall strength goes up and down a lot.

Do some exercises that involve the muscles of your arms and your back and go down slowly. You’ll find that all sorts of other things will help you reach. You’ll find that it’s good for your agility and quick thinking. You’ll also find more endurance and a better vertical leap. I’ve been training my son for basketball. He has good vertical jumping and he uses the techniques that I’ve written for this article to help him improve. It’s a fun workout.

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What Makes the P90X so Much Better Than Others?

What makes a good workout, the answer is simple: it has to be targeted, it should be new and refreshing. You should be doing a workout that you enjoy and are getting results from. This is where the p90x is a game changer. The p90x is a program that will change your body, but in a very good and very safe way. The program is divided into ten levels and the training program progresses from beginner to advanced, to be able to progress in the program.

You need to be ready to work hard and be prepared. There are no shortcuts in getting results. The whole program is explained in detail, but it is also very easy to follow. The p90x is a perfect way to get in shape, lose weight, tone up and boost your immune system. Once you have completed the program, you will be ready to start on your own routine, as p90x is an absolute breeze to follow.


The training program is divided in three phases, which will help you to gain control over your eating. During the phase one stage you are going to be focused on building your strength and agility. During phase two, you will be focused on cardio and plyometrics, and in phase three you will be working on core strength and stability. The program is really not that hard to follow once you know where to look. There are lots of images of different types of workout to help you to get started.

You are going to need to be ready to work hard and be prepared to follow the training program for the 90 days. The whole p90x training program is explained in detail along with a nutrition and recovery plan. It is also easy to follow as the training schedule and weekly planner are included, along with the program. What makes the p90x so much better than others? It seems to be a lot safer, it seems very professional, which is why i think that it is much better than many commercial products out there.

The program is also based on a lot of knowledge, which is why i think that it is also a lot better than most home-based programs. What do i think is good about the p90x. Firstly, it has different workout days, and each day has a name. You are going to work on leg, press chest row, triceps, press, shoulder, flies, shoulder, shrugs, push-ups, pull-ups, abdominal, crunches, dips, leg raises and abdominal curls. You work all muscle groups during each workout and you also alternate between muscle groups during each workout.

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Find Ways to Fit Exercise Into Your Schedule – The Best Way to Lose Fat Fast

We’ve all heard that the best way to lose weight is to exercise a little. That’s simple, yet most Americans don’t actually exercise in their free time. This is unfortunate because, when you exercise a little, your metabolism shoots up and the fat melts away. That’s because when you exercise your body has to work extra hard, it has no choice. Since you are making it do extra work.

The extra work requires it to convert. What would have been body fat into energy. The only problem with working out a little is finding the time not having time to work out is worse, because the extra workout has to be more intensive, so you need to push harder to get the same result. It’s just not fair. The easiest way is to find ways to fit exercise into your schedule.

You might not have to rush to a gym or run to a half marathon instead find a way in which you can work out. For instance, you could take a walk around the neighborhood, but that doesn’t sound like fun to most people. It sounds more like a chore, but instead take the dog for a walk. It’s a wonderful thing to walk the dog. You can get a great deal of exercise when the dog plays along and you are getting your exercise through the best source.


Your four-legged friend, the dog, is a wonderful source of exercise because you get to run, walk, lay on the ground and play all activities are great and you just have to change the time you are working out. Another way is to find a friend or family member. They will appreciate it who works out. This gives you the advantage of taking a friend to the gym. You have someone to talk about the workout, because you are in the same boat.

You will both be appreciative and laughing, because you are both being serious at each other’s jokes. If you find someone who works out, you get to work out with them. This adds a second body to assist in the workout. Your friend is appreciative of your assistance when they work out. You have the added benefit of learning from your friends experience and having the added advantage of seeing their face.

When you get the workout, you have been working on all summer. All of these advantages are invaluable.

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Get Fit Fast: 5 Quick Road Bike Workouts

if you want to ride your bike faster next summer you would be well-advised to spend this winter doing the correct training sessions you would but we haven’t all got loads of time to Train so coming up we’ve got five short potent and beneficial sessions they should have have you dropping your mates next summer I think he’s got a head start yeah he hasn’t got much time to Train [Music] this first one to these you in relatively gently have a nice warm up for about ten minutes then it’s time to start what we call the ramp so for the first ten minutes of this session ride at around five out of ten perceived effort level then every ten minutes increase that effort level by one until for the final ten minutes of the hour you’re riding at a ten out of ten effort which is pretty difficult of course then at the end have a nice five minute warm down [Music] khempo is a rather well used word in our world of cycling but there’s little doubt if you’re it strapped for time you want to get fit quickly it’s very effective indeed so this next session is all about a ten-minute block warm up again for ten minutes and then start the first of five ten-minute blocks at tempo now if you’re going purely on field you feel like an 8 out of 10 effort of using a heart rate monitor you get around 85 to 95 percent of your functional threshold heart rate or do you have another parameter between 75 and 90 percent of your FTP now the interesting bit of this session regards our recovery so between the first and the second set of 10 minutes we’re going to get 8 minutes of riding easily but then between the second and third sets just 6 minutes then 4 minutes and then only 2 minutes between the penultimate and the final set of 10 minutes then the price price you get 10 minutes to warm down at the end and then you’re all done Gustav in just an hour and a half when you’re doing the effort so you need to really focus and keeping it smooth so smooth pedal technique staying seated and thinking about a rock-solid upper body for this session you need to rope in a mate and you’ll need to be at a reasonably similar standard but you can tailor the session to accommodate any variance in fitness we want to start with a 10 minute warm-up and then we’re going to do long turns on the front at sweet spot intensity so that is about 9 out of 10 on the effort level meter and about 88 to 95 percent of your functional threshold power and about 95% of your functional threshold heart rate and those long turns he talks about 10 minutes I’m going to repeat them until you’ve done a total of 40 minutes riding after your warmup and then when a shorten them down to 5 minutes ends will keep swapping until you get an hour of riding try to choose a relatively flat or gently undulating bit of road so there’s little in the way of disturbance now if one rider is from than the other make sure the stronger rider spends just a little bit more time on the front and equally the weaker rider spends just a little bit less time on the front you do a bit longer mate just keep going a bit longer more yeah this is a training ride which you can get done in an hour and you can do it out on the open road if you’ve got suitable roads and suitable trade or you can easily get it done on an indoor trailer to once again as ever warm up for around ten minutes for starting the first of three micro interval blocks yeah now the first session is 10 minutes of 40 seconds hard and 20 seconds easy now this is a really good session to do on feel so the 40 seconds hard should be done around 9 out of 10 sort of perceived effort level whilst the other 20 seconds should be done at around 3 perceived effort level just depending on how good you’re feeling after that first 10 minutes do 10 minutes a fairly easy riding then repeat it again and do another 10 minutes a fairly easy riding before starting your final block which is only 5 minutes long but this time you’re going to do 20 seconds hard and 10 seconds evening again with the 10 seconds being a 3 out of 10 effort level but a 20 seconds benign or even 10 out of 10 effort level 35 minute cooldown and your session is done that’s good there is definitely no harm in doing some sprint training over the winter in fact we would definitely recommend it either just trying to maintain or indeed improve your top end power yes this next one is a good again a good one to do with a friend and the idea is it’s lightly longer warming up around 50 to 20 minutes before doing the first of 20 Sprint’s 20 that’s right you heard that right 20 sprints luck it’s definitely achievable so for the first 10 you want to have one person on the front leaning out sprinting in the saddle for 10 seconds before the second rider then there’s a 10 second sprint out of the saddle and also late for the first 10 three each one have three minutes a very easy riding then your final 10 Sprint’s we think you should have a bit of a wreck 10 seconds flat out head to head now if one rider all the way with three minutes recovery between a court one rider will inevitably I’m sure be a slightly stronger sprinter and they need to be handicapped so start sprinting maybe one or two seconds later and then the weaker Rider tries to hold them off and the stronger rider tries to catch them up through set off inside smile we’d love to know how you get on with these sessions and you can do that or leave me a comment down below yep now bear in mind that these are pretty tough sessions I and so that you probably don’t want to do more than two or three a week and make sure that you get enough recovery between them and then what else is left where you’ve got to sit cracking it so know what don’t know what session he’s doing but certainly intense I produced really quite a few as well to go well come so anyway what we’re saying subscribe to GCN to do that just click on the globe now for video on how to calculate your functional threshold power FTP and your functional threshold heart rate click just pop it yet or for some training tips on how to raise that all important functional threshold power click just down there to knit when he’s go find him he’s gone into a fielder yes we’re gonna have to go now it’s in a bit

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3 Types of Soccer Fitness Training | Improve Soccer Fitness | COACH MY SKILLS

God its so cold, can’t even speak properly. Hi guys, Chris here from Coach My Skills. Coming today here with another short videofor you. I’ve had a couple of requests about this one,so today I’m doing Soccer fitness. Now there are many aspects to Soccer fitness. You’ve got things like speed, endurance, stamina, agility,strength. So, only today is what i want to focus onis building that base fitness. So, if you’re starting from an offseason andyou’re starting to work into a season thats upcoming, and you’re in preseason with thatand you want to start from the bottom and try build that base up. Thats the sort of fitness of talking about now. So, I want to talk through 3 different typesof training that you can do to help improve that Soccer fitness. So just before you get started with any fitnesswork, of course its important with these to warm up properly.Now I’m not going to talk about a warmup today,maybe we do that in another video. But make sure you warm up properly, thingslike dynamic movements are perfect, for this sort of fitness work. So make sure you do that to avoid any injuries. Now I apologise for the wind. “Its too late to apologise” Its quite strong here so hopefully it doesn’t affect the sound. Now the first training type that we will speakabout is continuous training. Now the clue is in the title with this one,CONTINUOUS. As you can see there. So its a form of training that is low aerobictraining, so you’re doing it at low intensity but you do it for a longer period of time.So something like going to the gym 30 minuteson a bicycle, low intensity, keep it going for 30 – 40 minutes. Its a long period. So this is a good training to begin with. Its a baseline training so for the first,I would recommend for the first one to two weeks of you’re initial training for you’reoffseason you stick to continuous training to try and build that base up of your fitness. After you build that base up of fitness, after1-2 weeks you can start moving on to other different types of training Im aboutto speak about.So after having been doing that continuoustraining for a period of 1 to 2 weeks the second type of training you can now incorporateinto your offseason programme is Fartlek training. Believe it or not, “Fartlek” training means”Speed play” in Swedish. Of all languages. For me, Fartlek runs are like the Holy Grailfor Soccer fitness. What they are basically small surge of increasedspeed followed up by returning back to normal zone and recovering, and then trying to repeatagain. Its very much specific to a football gamewhere you’re making short dashes, short sprints and then you want to try and recover as quicklyas possible. So they are perfect for football and somethingyou need to incorporate to build that Soccer fitness base up. Now to start off with the Fartlek runs, Iwould recommend to do like a 20 minute timed run. And you can do say a 3 minute jog. And then do a Fartlek run for 1 minute where you increase the speed, run at 70 to 80 % of yourmaximum. Thats all it is. Its not a full out maximum run.You are not trying to hit the red line. You are not trying to push yourself to thelimits. Its at a good pace like that. And then after you’ve done 1 minute you arethen going to recover again for those 3 mins. So its like I said, very specific for football. Very relevant. So something you should definitely incorporatein your training. Freezing up. Yeah ok. But you got the first continuous training,the second Fartlek training, and then you want to incorporate the last thing that Ithink is essential for football players aswell is Interval training. Now interval training can seem a little similarto the Fartlek training. I can assure you its not.And what that is a higher intensity for shorterperiods of time, but the rest is almost the equivalent to the amount of time that you’reworking. So for example you might work for a high intensityof 90 % so your almost close to your maximum, for a minute but then your rest is only aminute or a minute and a half. So its alot more intense, but its a alot shorterperiod. So a little bit like the Fartlek trainingas well, with the interval training its important to focus as well on the recovery. When you recovering your body is also adaptingaswell.It is part of the process that when you’reputting the work in and you’re recovering, you focus on the recovery as well. Because as you’re doing it your body makeschanges. You are becoming alot more stronger and fitter. This is perfect for Football as well. So its important you build up through that,and I’ll show you that as well.That you build from the continuous, to yourfartlek, then into your interval and you start to incorporate them all and that will giveyou a really good basic ground fitness for football for moving forward into things thatare more specific like speed, agility, all those other things that you have as well thatyou can focus on another time. So thats the three types of training thatI would recommend to do, especially if you’re doing an offseason programme. To the people that requested this video, thankyou very much. I picked probably the worst day to do it itsso cold. And yeah, I hope that its useful for you. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did give it a thumbs up. If you feel sorry for me standing in the coldgive me a thumbs up as well. And I’ll see you in the next video. Don’t forget to comment and subscribe! Thanks.

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Samsung Gear Fit 2: MAY 2018 UPDATE with new features! (for iPhone and Android users)

Hi everyone, it’s Fjordstrm. I have a new updatefor you guys for your Samsung Gear Fit 2 with iPhone compatibility. The lastupdate was from December 2017, so about five months ago, even six months ago, andthank you all guys by the way for watching my videos and for reading myblog posts. This blog post has been very popular the past months, so thanks againand thank you also for commenting on my videos and for sharing my videos. Well,today there’s a new update for the Samsung Gear Fit 2, today’s May 2 by theway, so I’m really happy that Samsung’s still paying attention to this thingbecause this yeah this device is almost 2 years old, let’s say?Yeah, this summer it’ll become 2 years old; last year they had the Samsung GearFit 2 pro and maybe that’s why they’re also still expanding with theirfeatures for this thing. Anyway, this update is I think for all Gear Fit 2owners, not only ones for iPhone users but also for Samsung Gear Fit 2 ownerswho have an Android phone, so I think this is interesting for all of us.So, what’s new?Well the first thing we’ll look at, is exercise. Let’s tap here on exercise…They have this layout right now, so you have “WORK OUT”…And then you can choose your activities, I’ll just choose running and so of course it’lltry to get my heart rate and also GPS will pop up here butit’s gone right now because my flight mode is on,but GPS will go on as well. Then you can set a target and you can set yourworkout screen beforehand. OK, I’ll tap on location to turn it on and here we goGPS is trying to find my location, so this kind of layout is actually new andyou can customize your workout screen beforehand. Before you could do it during yourworkout but it wasn’t really that handy especially while running, you can’t really…It wasn’t really that user-friendly, but now you can choose itbeforehand and it will be saved as well, so you could use your speed, how longyou’ve been running already, and your beats per minute… and you can just setit up the way you like it, so for example I wanna have my time here, and then my beats perminute here, my heart rate…You can also choose other kinds of.. There are really many choices here. The amount of calories… so this is anice addition. It will be saved and you can getting can start your workout, so if I tap on Start Running, then it’ll count down like usual with a vibration… and here we goThis layout is different as well, so you have your your target here at 30 minutesand this bar will start like counting down how long you’re runningalready, so this is nice Then here, you have your screens that screens you’vechosen earlier in the previous menu. This is nice. In their changelog, they call it “better visibility” so that is really thecase: it looks much easier to read while, especially while running.Okay so I get out of it… Then tap finish… And then it’s saved. As usual, you can get your your summary and the map if you have an Android phone. Alright, then what else is new… well nice new addition is you have this screenhere, this here is new. Before, you just had your circle with everything that wasunder it, but now you have a division between running, so like really activeminutes, then your walking minutes, your normal active minutes and then your resting period, so currentlyI haven’t been resting and if I would tap on this then I get my normalnormal timeline like it was before, but every day, like if go back toyesterday, every day has like a summary. Like yesterday was a very lazy day,it was a bank holiday, so four hours of resting… xD Let’s go back to the home screen,so this is a new screen.That’s not the only thing… I have to add new screens,because there are new screens, or widgets as they called in the changelog.Calories has received, this already existed before, but this has received anew look… like a new clean layout, then we have Exercise as well a new cleanlayout, but what is new here… Okay food, it also got a new layout so if I would add it… I don’t really register my food but you can add here and then choosebetween dinner, breakfast so this is slightly better now, I mean moreelaborate… Let’s have a look: Health Summary seems very good so if I’ll tap on that then you can seemy health summary… So if you prefer this over the circle they can add this toyour home screen totally on the left but if you haven’t noticed, you can now justtake it and drag it into the right order. This has been possible since the update from December. This one here, “Multi-workouts” is a very nice feature.Oh, I can even edit it! That’s cool…So you can add like… It’s like a quick start for running,cycling, another workout… you can add other workouts like step machine…So from now on I can just swipe to the rightchoose running and then start running. So this is a very nice shortcut thatyou can add through the widgets. Then we have Togetherthis widget already existed before but yeah… The rest hasn’t changed… We have nice widgets available on our devices. So what else is new, well, I had to quickly take pictures of the changelog before it started updating by itself, I’ll just quickly translate what it says…connected to the Samsung health app tohelp you lose weight or to help you So this has been an updatefor the Samsung Gear Fit 2 and also the Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro for iPhone users, oractually also just in general for all users. I hope you enjoyed thisvideo and if you have any questions, just leave a comment and don’t forget to Likeand subscribe to my channel. If you have any specific questions, oryou just want to know more about compatibility of this device with youriPhone, as well as the Gear Fit 2 Pro, it’s actually almost the same devicejust waterproof and a slightly new design, well, just check out my blog postor check out my channel for more videos and if you really have a very specificquestion you can just hit in the Messenger button and send me amessage. Thanks for watching, everybody,and see you at the next video!.

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Get Fit Fast: 5 Quick Road Bike Workouts

if you want to ride your bike faster next summer you would be well-advised to spend this winter doing the correct training sessions you would but we haven’t all got loads of time to Train so coming up we’ve got five short potent and beneficial sessions they should have have you dropping your mates next summer I think he’s got a head start yeah he hasn’t got much time to Train [Music] this first one to these you in relatively gently have a nice warm up for about ten minutes then it’s time to start what we call the ramp so for the first ten minutes of this session ride at around five out of ten perceived effort level then every ten minutes increase that effort level by one until for the final ten minutes of the hour you’re riding at a ten out of ten effort which is pretty difficult of course then at the end have a nice five minute warm down [Music] khempo is a rather well used word in our world of cycling but there’s little doubt if you’re it strapped for time you want to get fit quickly it’s very effective indeed so this next session is all about a ten-minute block warm up again for ten minutes and then start the first of five ten-minute blocks at tempo now if you’re going purely on field you feel like an 8 out of 10 effort of using a heart rate monitor you get around 85 to 95 percent of your functional threshold heart rate or do you have another parameter between 75 and 90 percent of your FTP now the interesting bit of this session regards our recovery so between the first and the second set of 10 minutes we’re going to get 8 minutes of riding easily but then between the second and third sets just 6 minutes then 4 minutes and then only 2 minutes between the penultimate and the final set of 10 minutes then the price price you get 10 minutes to warm down at the end and then you’re all done Gustav in just an hour and a half when you’re doing the effort so you need to really focus and keeping it smooth so smooth pedal technique staying seated and thinking about a rock-solid upper body for this session you need to rope in a mate and you’ll need to be at a reasonably similar standard but you can tailor the session to accommodate any variance in fitness we want to start with a 10 minute warm-up and then we’re going to do long turns on the front at sweet spot intensity so that is about 9 out of 10 on the effort level meter and about 88 to 95 percent of your functional threshold power and about 95% of your functional threshold heart rate and those long turns he talks about 10 minutes I’m going to repeat them until you’ve done a total of 40 minutes riding after your warmup and then when a shorten them down to 5 minutes ends will keep swapping until you get an hour of riding try to choose a relatively flat or gently undulating bit of road so there’s little in the way of disturbance now if one rider is from than the other make sure the stronger rider spends just a little bit more time on the front and equally the weaker rider spends just a little bit less time on the front you do a bit longer mate just keep going a bit longer more yeah this is a training ride which you can get done in an hour and you can do it out on the open road if you’ve got suitable roads and suitable trade or you can easily get it done on an indoor trailer to once again as ever warm up for around ten minutes for starting the first of three micro interval blocks yeah now the first session is 10 minutes of 40 seconds hard and 20 seconds easy now this is a really good session to do on feel so the 40 seconds hard should be done around 9 out of 10 sort of perceived effort level whilst the other 20 seconds should be done at around 3 perceived effort level just depending on how good you’re feeling after that first 10 minutes do 10 minutes a fairly easy riding then repeat it again and do another 10 minutes a fairly easy riding before starting your final block which is only 5 minutes long but this time you’re going to do 20 seconds hard and 10 seconds evening again with the 10 seconds being a 3 out of 10 effort level but a 20 seconds benign or even 10 out of 10 effort level 35 minute cooldown and your session is done that’s good there is definitely no harm in doing some sprint training over the winter in fact we would definitely recommend it either just trying to maintain or indeed improve your top end power yes this next one is a good again a good one to do with a friend and the idea is it’s lightly longer warming up around 50 to 20 minutes before doing the first of 20 Sprint’s 20 that’s right you heard that right 20 sprints luck it’s definitely achievable so for the first 10 you want to have one person on the front leaning out sprinting in the saddle for 10 seconds before the second rider then there’s a 10 second sprint out of the saddle and also late for the first 10 three each one have three minutes a very easy riding then your final 10 Sprint’s we think you should have a bit of a wreck 10 seconds flat out head to head now if one rider all the way with three minutes recovery between a court one rider will inevitably I’m sure be a slightly stronger sprinter and they need to be handicapped so start sprinting maybe one or two seconds later and then the weaker Rider tries to hold them off and the stronger rider tries to catch them up through set off inside smile we’d love to know how you get on with these sessions and you can do that or leave me a comment down below yep now bear in mind that these are pretty tough sessions I and so that you probably don’t want to do more than two or three a week and make sure that you get enough recovery between them and then what else is left where you’ve got to sit cracking it so know what don’t know what session he’s doing but certainly intense I produced really quite a few as well to go well come so anyway what we’re saying subscribe to GCN to do that just click on the globe now for video on how to calculate your functional threshold power FTP and your functional threshold heart rate click just pop it yet or for some training tips on how to raise that all important functional threshold power click just down there to knit when he’s go find him he’s gone into a fielder yes we’re gonna have to go now it’s in a bit

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Weight Loss Body Transformation – (35 days) before and after results

So… today I am a fat fitness professionalI swear to god I even have a six pack somewhere Buried underneath the fat Ok this is officialy a bit weirdHey! I know how embrassing it can be I mean it jiggles everywhereit jiggles when I go for a walk it definitely jiggles when I go for a runit even jiggles when I’m on the train and it vibrates and I just feel like everyoneis looking at my belly I get it… I’m a little bit fat! What do you think? A year? Six months? how about 5 weeks? for the recordok google, what is the date today? it is Sunday, the 20th of September 2015 excellent, now that’s on the recordnow guys check this out this… this is not a photo, it’s a videoit is impossible to photoshop the jiggle anything from growth hormone to Insulin totestosterone it’s all there. It’s all well planned for the next 5 weeksthe perfect plan to lose as much fat as possible in the next 5 weeksnot really complicated, all I have to do is follow it so..Ok google what’s the date today? It is Sunday, the 25th of October 2015alright so there you go that’s exactly 5 weeksthat’s like… just to put in perspective… that’s just like 1 month and 1 weekmoment of truth Ahha not so fat anymore! Great! So I don’t know how much you are used to seeingyour body changing in 5 weeks but I am not doing what everybody else aredoing I am doing something quite a lot differentreally different and this is my result My name is Jacob Nadav andI started researching weight loss professionaly about 12 years agoBack then calories were all the rage! We believed you needed to eat less, trainmore boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit.. and that everything will be just fine but everything wasnt Im going to share some super interestingweight loss things with you but before I do there are two things you should know One, there are two types of fitness expertsThe first one is the type that still rely on calories, eating less, training more and…calling everyone bro Yeah bro, calories are your frenemy bro and the science nerdsthose who spend time looking at research, biology and asking questions.If you are a bro and you just want to eatless, train more and count calories go aheadI am not even going to try and stop you! this video is an advanced fitness tutorialif you are not interested in learning something new todayif you don’t want to give it the next couple of minutesif you just want to stick to what you already think you knowplease dont let me waste your time. on the other hand if you want to find outwhat thoudands of hours in research and experience with clients has led tothen keep watching two, forget 12 years of researchI realize you are busy and you wanna know everything right nowI am going to do my very best to pass on some really good concepts and really good knowledgeto you in the next few minutes but please dont be angry if you are notan expert in like the next 2 minutes there is a lot of knowledge involved and Iam happy to share but let’s keep it real I do want to make it worth your timelike every second you watch so listenIm going to touch on some amazing concepts in regards to weight lossif you want to learn more about any of them I got plenty more information for you, forfree at there are videos and articles for you to nerdout and explore the science and it’s fascinating to do that just go to BellyProof.comand click on the learn more menu I recommend you start with the lion technique and proceeddown from there you can also find results from other participantsin the before and after section and the red button is where you can find thefull program just in case you want to follow it and dothe 5 weeks body transformation yourself let’s dive right in Weve all been at it, trying to burn caloriesand burn fat with mixed results.Some of us walk for hours a day, others docardio and others do weight training and it seems like to a certain degree thatworks… and then we go on holiday and one week later,we put it all back. it all boils down to the old concept of youhave to train to burn fat In reality you have to trainbut you can’t just burn fat you have to break it down first Your first task is to ask google for the definitionof Lipolysis and Fat Oxidation now to put it simply, lipolysis is quite literally”fat breaking” Lipo lysis or the proccess of taking triglyceriedes and breaking theminto glycerol and free fatty acids fat oxidation is taking those free fatty acidsand oxidizing them in what we refer to as fat burningwhich is done aerobically The more fat you break, the more fat you canburn let’s give you some real life examles to connectthe dots if you just go on aerobic training like runningor if you are just doing a diet there is almost no fat breaking involvedthis means that all the calorie deficits you are creating and relying onleaves your body with one option to get your energy by burning glycogen whichincidentally also binds up to 4 times its own mass in water.This is why people who follow these type ofroutines tend to lose a lot of weight, mainly water weight, then gain it all backusually in a holiday or a couple of days of bad eatingwe call that yo-yo weight dieting alone with or without aerobic training,is a great way to lose weight, water weight… but it’s a terrible way to lose body fat if you are doing a ketogenic diet, you wouldbe happy to know that ketone body production is an expression of fat breaking. unfortunately, if you are going via nutritionalketosis alone, the fat loss you are seeing is real, but its tiny in comparison towhat you could be doing.Also, if you are doing ketogenic diet, thatmeans you are keeping your fats high, your calories high and you are still losing fatthat’s against the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of caloriesso you are breaking the law last example, lets say you are workingout correctly and hitting the mechanisms for both fat breaking and fat burning repetedlybut in your quest for the perfect body you eat an apple or take a flavoured pre-workoutbefore training now youre looking at something completelydifferent you may be doing a lot of things correctlybut now your Insulin levels are elevatedInsulin is antagonnistic to both Growth Hormone and Adrenaline both needed to break fatThat means if your Insulin levels are up Growth Hormone and Adrenaline must be downdo you see the irony? sometimes you can do a lot of things right but by messing littlethings and now your hormones are acting against you this is the first lessonwhen it comes to losing body fat, fat breaking and fat burning are at the coreof everything you do and yes, to a large degree via nutrition,exercise, sleep and many many other things you can either enchance all those functionsor you could undermine them choose to ignore them altogether and yourejust doing guess work Next thing I want you to do is a cool experiement if you ever stuggled with love handles orbelly fat, you wouldve heard give it time Bro, everybody knows that bellyfat and love handles are the last to go yet they also tend to sayoh yeah, you lose fat everywhere, like evenly, bro so which one is it? The two statements are contradictory!if you lost fat everywhere evenly then we would not be talking about belly fat or lovehandles being the last to go which is what happens in real lifeand heres a cool experiment I want you to try right now touch your face feel the temperaturenow touch your upper abdominals feel the temperature therenext I want you to feel the feel the temperature on your belly fat,your spare tire, your love handles, your back fat, your bingo wings, your thunder thighswhichever part of your body that you define as stubbornalso make sure your hands arent freezing so that you can feel the temperature so is your belly or love handles or whateverstubborn fat you have is it colder to the touch? let me know in the comments belowthe reason it is so relevant is because when your fat is colder it is an indication ofpoor blood circulation now you know hormones are important for breakingyou know oxygen is important for burning, oxdiationblood is what delivers them to the tissues so fat tissues that recieve good blood circulationis often much easier to handle fatty tissues that are cold and are not recievinggood blood circulation are also not recieving a lot of Growth Hormone, a lot of oxygen andtherefore not seeing a lot of results sure, alpha-2 receptors, Cortisol receptors,HSD type 1 they all matterbut if you solve blood circulation, you will do loads better the next concept is Movement you exercise and each exercise you do requiresyou to go into positions those positions require range of motion onyour joints when you demonstrate passive range of motionwe call it flexibility and as you acquire motor control within that range we call itmobility as you get more positional information andcontrol you can stabilize and lock a position to produce strength fromthese positions are really good for the type of exercises we can use to break fat and points where you lack control, unstablepoints can be a powerful opportunity to burn fat,due to increased muscle activity we can take it even further if you considersymmetrical vs asymmetrical positions as well as sympathetic and parasympatheticresponses from your nervous system movement is like…Super cool!from high level mobility to calisthenics not only it’s super cool and really interestingthere are connections in there to muscle tone and fat loss that are just beyondtoo good to overlook The last two concepts are both about makingconnections and ignoring them we have already seen major aspects of fatloss like factors like fat breaking fat burning, Insulin, Growth hormone and blood circulationand it’s not just that everything is connected it’s actually connecting further did you know that by manipulating your breathingnot only you can influence cortisol which is obviouslly connected to belly fat, butyou can also control how much oxygen is in your blood and in your cells ready in timefor fat burning have you ever considered that gut health,probiotics, prebiotics, the lining the whole shabbangis virtually inseparable from metabolic health, cellular functionsits all connected What about your mobile phone and EMFs exposure? Hold on a second..Hi Mumyeah it has to be plugged in you have to press the power buttonfrom EMFs to Calcium in your cells to Magnesium deficienciesto Melatonin production how it connects to Growth Hormoneand there you go, there’s a connection to fat lossnow don’t get me wrong I’m not suggesting you pack everything andmove to an organic farm but at the same time, knowledge is power is it worth knowing that everyday toxins canbuild up Estrogen and besides serious health implications, that can result in the dreadedchest fat also known as moobsor that sunlight can induce apoptosis and literally kill you fat cellskamikaze this bring me up full circle to the last pointwhich is very much the first point to remind you I started researching weightloss concepts about 12 years ago back then, calories were all the ragewe believed you needed to eat less, train more, boost your metabolism and be in a caloriedeficit and that everything will be just fine but everything wasn’tas it turns out, it was not just motivation bro or yeah bro, it’s about the caloriesat the end of the day if you look at everything you now know and you decide to ignore it andlimit yourself to calories only then your results are going to be very limited as well heres what I want you to do next:if you liked this video and you want to learn more click on the subscribe button to getmore exclusive content also leave me comment below and tell medid you learn anything new today? does it resonate with you? what’s your experience?if you looked at some of the before and after results on the website, do you agree withme that some of them did better than I did? second, I want to remind that the BellyProofwebsite holds a lot more information and videos so you can dig in and educate yourself onhow to get your perfect body it’s also worth mentioning that it’s not staticand it’s worth checking from time to time because we are working on some crazy stuffat the moment and you..Let’s just say you don’t want to miss outif you want to do a before and after body transformation yourself, theres the program,where Ive done my absolute best to get all those concepts into a program that evenyour grandmother can do and lose fat including belly fat in the next 5-6 weeksso whether you are a newbie or experienced with your fitness, dont let granny smashit before you do have a great day, I hope you carry on to thenext video oh and let me know if you think I should geta tattoo for my next experiment I am thinking either my upper armor my leg running up to my pelvis yeah…using a bit of crowd wisdom to decideon the right tattoo thanks for watchingsee you in 5 weeks.

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Samsung Gear Fit2 Unboxing

so Samsung’s latest Fitness band the gear fit 2 has finally arrived and although I do plan to put through its paces and do a full review on X I’m kind of curious about it I figured while it’s here and as is protocol in the internet I might as well do an unboxing okay so first up we have the box opening the box we presented with the gear fit to band itself which we’ll get to in a minute we also find the charging stand and cable but oddly enough no charger itself they apparently expect you to either charge over USB or you the charging brick you already own the gear fit to magically connects to the dock and charges like so and lastly in the box we find the paperwork that comes with it that people like us just don’t read which brings us to the band itself I got a large man but it does fit my oh so dainty wrists just fine albeit on the second-to-last tightness setting so I’d simply recommend the large man for guys in the small band for women as a general rule of thumb I’m sure there’ll be some exceptions now most people will wear it with the screen face up like I’m wearing it here but I prefer to wear these types of fitness bands with the screen on the inside personally speaking of the screen though it has a 1.5 inch 216 by 4 32 pixels super a well ed touchscreen the only buttons on the device are located on the right side and they are the back and the home buttons inside it has a dual core processor half a gig of ram and a 200 million battery that samsung claims will last for a few days on a single charge the device is running Samsung’s own ties in operating system and is also ip68 water and dust-resistant so it can technically go under water up to 5 feet for a maximum of 30 minutes there go quick unboxing in specs of the new gear fit to ban now I plan to take this Fitness band and do some Fitness II things with it and do a full review that is if you guys want me to if you do please let me know in the comments below and if you like this video please thumbs up it is greatly appreciated and if you want more tech videos check out my channel if you like what you see there please subscribe and as always thanks for watching

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See It, Say It, Sign It | Letter Sounds | ASL Alphabet

See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet A, a this is the letter a / A / / a / apple / A / / a / acre B, b, this is the letter b / B / / b / baby / B / / b / ball C, c, this is the letter c / C / / c / cat / C / / c / motor D, d, this is the letter d / D / / d / dog / D / / d / daisy E, e, this is the letter e / E / / e / owner / E / / e / eagle F, f, this is the letter f / F / / f / vis / F / / f / fan G, g, this is the letter g / G / / g / book / G / / g / gum H, h, that’s the letter h / H / / h / hat / H / / h / hippopotamus See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet I, I, this is the letter i / I / / i / igloo / I / / i / ys J, j, that’s the letter j / J / / j / jet / J / / j / juice K, k, this is the letter k / K / / k / kite / K / / k / kangaroo L, l, this is the letter l / L / / l / lamp / L / / l / lion M, m, this is the letter m / M / / m / mouse / M / / m / monkey N, n, this is the letter n / N / / n / nickel / N / / n / nest Oh, oh, that’s the letter o / O / / o / otter / O / / o / oval P, p, this is the letter p / P / / p / pumpkin / P / / p / pizza See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet Q, q, this is the letter q / Q / / q / quail / Q / / q / quarter R, r, this is the letter r / R / / r / mat / R / / r / rainbow S, s, this is the letter s / S / / s / son / S / / s / sandwich T, t, this is the letter t / T / / t / tier / T / / t / taco You, you, that’s the letter you / U / / u / umbrella / U / / u / ukulele V, v, this is the letter v / V / / v / van / V / / v / adder W, w, that’s the letter w / W / / w / woodpecker / W / / w / windmill X, x, this is the letter x / X / / x / as in fox / X / / x / as in the box Y, y, that’s the letter y / J / / j / yyyy / J / / j / yellow Z, z, this is the letter z / Z / / z / zebra / Z / / z / zipper See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet See it, say it, draw it The letters of the alphabet

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