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We Tried The 30 Day Gym Challenge

– I don’t go to the gym. I signed up for one like five months ago, I went for two weeks, and then I haven’t gone back. (upbeat music) I would say there are two things that prevent me from going to the gym frequently. One is time. I feel like I barely have time to do what I wanna do, and then when I get to the gym I’m kinda like what do I do here? I feel like an outsider. – Eating healthy’s not hard for me. The part that’s kind of challenging is working out. – My relationship with fitness is kind of like a roller coaster journey since college. – So, growing up, I wasn’t really that active, but I was always interested in kinda like the healthy lifestyle, in a way. – Since I moved to L.A. my physical activity is grocery shopping, walking around the office, getting coffee. – I know that I’m not super out of shape, but I want myself to be able to look at a before and an after shot and be like okay, so this hard work is paying off.

So, I feel like being consistent is my main issue. – With these 30 days, I hope that I can kinda find my way around the gym and find its role in my life. – I wanna be able to make it a consistent routine and habit of going every day, and if I miss a day, then at least it’s just one day than just missing a whole week of working out. – I mean, I figure if I just take a boatload of the classes, I’ll be fine. – Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it is day one of going to the gym for 30 days. You know, it was raining this morning, so I had to force myself to go. Today, I’m taking it slow, I’m taking it easy. I’m just gonna do some cardio, maybe some pushups, ab workout and stuff like that, and just kinda warm up my body. – Day one, I thought I could ease my way into it, so I booked a really fun dance workshop. I show up, and… (pop music) I did not know taking a dance class could be so hard.

It was very hard. I thought it’d be very chill ’cause I’m like, you know, I’m dancing. I don’t know how I’m gonna get up and walk. – So, I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but someone overslept, and that was me. So, I had to go on my lunch break. I am actually on my lunch break. This is my lunch post-workout, but I did it, I went to the gym today.

– So, it’s day two. I came to do spinning, but I came too late and won’t let me in, therefore I need to figure out how to work out on my own. My strategy was to keep taking class after class because I don’t know what to do in the gym. So, I took spinning, hated it, I took… I don’t even know. It had a lot of weights in there, and I wasn’t into it at all. I’m meant to work out right now, but I ran out of clothing for the gym ’cause I own like four items. So, I have to go shopping before I can work out. – It is Saturday morning. It is raining, but guess where I’m going? To the gym, baby. – I took it upon to figure out what to do in the actual gym. Working out on my own was a lot more chill. I could take my time, then when I was actually doing my workout I could focus on what was happening, I could feel what was moving.

– Over the weekends I would do cardio, that way I don’t have to lift more weights and I could give my body a break, but I would still go to the gym. I’m feeling good. – A couple times it was a little crazy because I went to dinner. – Kiano, are you thinking about the gym right now? – And then I worked out. I’m not doing that one again. We just ate like 20 pounds of Korean food.

It’s like, what time? 8:00 p.m. and now I’m gonna go to the gym. And then I went to the gym after a seven-course dinner. That was miserable. I don’t wanna be here, but I’m here. I’m not gonna work out. I’m gonna stretch my body and chill ’cause I can barely walk. I’m very full. (upbeat music) – It is Monday, it is day 10. I’ve been going to the gym for 10 days straight. I haven’t missed a day. I feel stronger than ever, I feel so happy. I was noticing that I was feeling stronger, and I was like okay, so if I feel stronger, that means that this is working.

So, I would just keep getting more and more motivated instead of tired, which is crazy. I feel so proud of myself, honestly, that I’ve been doing this. Today, I thought that it was gonna be hard because it was Monday, but no, I was so motivated to just go after work and work out and sweat and lift weights. I’m so excited to see the final outcome. – There was one day I went to the gym, and it was right when Daylight Savings happened, so by the time I arrived, it had closed where I thought I had another hour. To make up for it, I will do a two-a-day workout. I’m really annoyed because my gym is very far from where I live. I drove like a half hour to get here, and I’m gonna eat my feelings. – So, coming into week three, I was going at it every day.

I would spend an hour a day in the gym, and then I started adding even more weights. – I’m about to go into dance class. I can’t video in there, but I’m excited. After working out on my own for a while and I was a lot more aware of what was happening when I was doing different workouts, it was a lot easier for me to take a class again because at the beginning, I didn’t know what was going on, I just knew I was doing a lot of different stuff. But then, having worked out on my own and going back to class, I knew what to focus on. Alright, I just finished dance class, and it was really good. I’m looking forward to doing this every week, every Monday, late at night, I don’t care. I brought people French from work. – Hello. – It’s so much more fun working out with people you know, you know? I’m not alone, we’re sweating together, I love it. – So, I’m here in Nashville, Tennessee, I’m in the hotel room, but that’s not stopping me from not going to the gym because first of all, the gym is here is really nice, and second of all, I’m pumped, so I’m going to the gym.

Let’s do it. Alright, so we’re in the countdown. We have about five days left of this challenge. So, when the last week of this challenge came, I was extra motivated. I was like, I can’t believe I’ve been going for over 20 days, I haven’t missed a day, I’m so excited. And then, as the last week started, I went to the gym and sadly, I’m starting to feel sick. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I’m going to go to the gym, but hopefully I still have enough energy to push through, but honestly, I’m not feeling too good.

Wish me luck. – So, final week, I went back to classes, and my last one was a dance class again. So, I did full circle, and that one was fun and I brought friends from work too. (upbeat music) – You know how two days ago I said I was feeling a little bit sick, but I was still going to the gym? (sniffles) Well, it’s been two days. I was super congested, so I couldn’t even breathe. So, that was when I knew that I had to stop for a little bit, and it was devastating because it was especially towards the end. I am definitely sick. I’ve missed the gym the last two days because it’s been impossible for me to go. Hopefully tomorrow I can go back and finish strong, but let’s see. – It went by quicker than I thought. – So, even though I did miss a few days towards the end, and as you can see, I still sound a little bit stuffy, so I’m still getting over that, it didn’t really change my perspective on the gym right now because now I’m super motivated.

I feel like I’m in a good level that if I just keep going consistently, I will see results. – From doing the challenge, I don’t feel as awkward walking into the gym. I knew people at reception, they know my name now, and that’s kind of… I like it, it’s like a community in its own. – Yo, that’s at 13 inches. That’s, hold on a sec. – What? Let’s do it! – I’m just happy my numbers didn’t go up. – Awesome. – That’s all I care about. (upbeat music) .

Posted in Cardio, Get fit, Health, Healthy FoodTagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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