Style Switcher

Predefined Colors

Karate with Rebel Wilson and Kevin Hart

Kevin: All right! I’m excited. – Extremely excited – I’m pumped. about this particular episode of “What the Fit.” I am Kevin Hart, and today– Oh, my God, I got my funny sister. Rebel Wilson, I’m a fan. Aww, that’s so nice. And I’m a massive fan of yours. I only met you, like, on one talk show. Yes, and you got to kick me in the balls. I think I was showing off my fight skills, which I’d done in a movie, “Pitch Perfect 3.” And I was showing, like, just how hard I can kick guys in the balls.

– Yeah. – Which is pretty hard. ( Kevin laughs ) Because of your amazing kick, listen to the idea that I came up with. – Okay. – What I wanted to do is, go to like, a dojo, like, a karate– – Shh. Yeah. – A karate class. – ( gong clashes ) – Hi-yah! It’s not just going to the gym with your trainer. No, no! This is about showing different ways to move, different way to be active.

I don’t know whether you know this, but I have a background in karate. Back in the day, my sensei said I was so good, he wanted to enter me in an all-star novice martial arts tournament. There was two categories, kata and kumite. – The kata is like… – Whoa. And you make the sound effects and stuff. I got a gold medal. Kevin: I studied a little bit myself. My mom bought me a karate book.

I think I was a black belt in… 35 minutes? ‘Cause I got through the book so fast. What style of karate was it? Uh, this was classic. I did that, then I started up a website. Basically, you would never mess with either of us if you saw us on the street. Oh, no, I’ll ( bleep ) you up. – Yeah. – ( gong clashes ) ( martial arts music ) ( grunting, shouting ) Whoa. That one’s got a knife! Nice. Nice. Tight. Nope, not today. – Not today. – No. – Thank you. Hello! – Hi! – Take the shoes off. – Are we allowed– should we take our shoes off? Take shoes off, please. Shoes off. Put ’em over here, sir? – Yes, please. – Okay. – All right. – Yeah, I remember this in the book.

It said don’t walk on the dojo floor – with your shoes. – Yes. Okay. Please come in. – ( exhales ) – Ooh! – That’s spongey. – Oh, yeah! You studied martial arts before? – Self taught. – Self taught. One book is called “Karate From Behind.” – I did that one in 30 minutes. – That sounds sexual. Another book was called “Right Foot Up, Left Foot Down, One, Two, Hi-yah.” That was with pop-ups. I think that was for kids, but I still read it. Can I see some– those moves? I got no problem with that, buddy. Yeah, just show us your best moves. – Start here? – Your best moves. So, I’m going– I’m going knee, I’m going body, head. – All right, do not laugh. – Oh. All right. ( bleep ) That seemed like two knees, didn’t it? I can’t laugh when I do it. Just hold up. Hold up. I gotta make sure I got a serious face. – There was no body or head that time. – Just pay attention. All right. Okay, here we go. I don’t know about that leg thing. Kevin: Ready? Here we go. – That’s not– – Knee, body, head. – All right, that’s the one. – Where was the head? – Kicking somebody’s head, – Yeah.

And they’re, like– and I’m not even that tall. – Hold your hand right– – I don’t think you were that high, though. – Hold your hand right there. – Okay, I will. Knee, body, head. No, but, see, the head’s here. – I kicked there. – I didn’t feel anything. Well, it’s ’cause it’s so fast. Last thing I’ll show you, sir, is just a typical takedown. – ( grunting ) – Oh, that was good. ( shouting ) – Cool! – Sensei: All right. – All right. – Cool, I liked that one at the end.

Rebel: I studied a form of karate called JKA Shotokan karate. Kevin: Ah. There you go. Oh! – Yeah. – Oh, my God. – Yah! – You should have just read a book. You should’ve did the book. I did actual training, though. – I don’t– – Like, I didn’t need the book. I don’t know if you did. Okay, I got uniform for you. What? Ooh. Thank you, Sensei. – And this for you. – Rebel: Ooh! – I got it. – You gotta watch out. Yeah, just wanted to show you– Okay, you gonna start this white belt. – White belt? – Yes. That’s not for me. Ooh, yeah! Whoo! – How are you, Sensei? – Hi, Sensei. What belt is this? There was just this man out by the vending machine.

– Yeah. – And he had this black belt, – and I said, – But you know what? “Excuse me, emergency.” I’m going to show you how to tie belts, though. Let’s take it off. This one first. – Okay. Are you– – Ah, he’s getting the white belt, because you’re a junior. And then I just keep the black belt? Just keep the black belt, – or you wanna… – No. – You gotta let him– – This is not really black belt. I mean, it’s a black belt. Kevin: When you put these on, though… – Okay. – Yeah. Most important for martial arts, when you punch-kicking, you don’t do quietly.

You have to yell– called “kiai.” You don’t have to say “kiai.” You yell loud like this. ( shouts ) Let me hear your kiai. Bitch! I think when you did it, it just sounded like you were saying the word “bitch.” He said it doesn’t have to be the word “kiai,” and if I’m on the streets, I’m doing what I’m thinking I’ma say. Uh, no, no. Let’s do the “kiai.” Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Okay. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – Uh. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – More macho one. ( deep voice ) Kiai. – Kiai. – How about your “kiai”? – Jeff! – That’s an ex. It is clearly– – Yeah, I ( bleep ) hate Jeff. – I know you do. – Can I call you– – Rebel. – Amy. – Oh, oh! Amy! You’ve seen “Pitch Perfect.” – Yes.

Can I call you Amy? – He’s seen “Pitch Perfect.” – You wanna call me– – Have you seen– have you seen this movie, “Central Intelligence”? I call “Kevin,” because my son’s name is Kevin, too. Oh, not one of my movies. He’s not a fan. – Let’s break with this palm. – Yeah. – This is what I’ve been waiting for. – Ooh, ooh. – I’m coming back. – Who wants to start first? – Rebel. You got it, Reb. – Oh, my– You’re going to hold this one for her. Yeah, I’ll hold it for you.

That’s an actual bit of wood. Yes, come on. What are you doing? Let’s go. It’s okay. You can do it. I tend not to break wood. ( laughs ) Wait a second, though. ( chuckles ) – Use the palm. – Okay. Speed is important. Snap, then back. – Okay. – So, kiai! Okay? Okay. Ready? And kiai! ( screaming ) I wanna do it. I wanna do it. You wanna get some of this wood? – Watch out for splinters. – ( growling ) – Kiai! – ( screams ) ( both screaming ) – Do you want– – Yeah! ( bleep ) – We’re gonna do your nunchuck. – Okay.

Ooh! Okay, want to kinda stay away so you don’t hit each other. – Okay. Yeah, yeah. – I know how to do this. Snap and bring in, like that. All right, I remember my first pair of nunchucks. I remember it like yesterday. Mother ( bleep ). Get some. Get some, ( bleep ). ( panting ) Now this is some exercise. Sensei: Okay. Good, good. Boop. I’m just warming up. Now, I know how to do the nunchucks, okay? ( music playing ) ( up-tempo music playing ) – Kiai! – All right! It’s just like that, Kev. We’re gonna see which one of you fights better against black belts. – Yes! – Got you, got you. Whoever’s gonna do good, you may earn the new belt. – Ooh! – I like it. Let’s go. – Whoo! – Let’s go. Cut this ( bleep ). – We could get a new belt. – Let’s do it. Bring ’em in. Bring on the black belts.

Are any of these black belts single or… There’s about to be some sushi in here ’cause I’m about to cook them raw. ( Kevin chuckles ) You need some nunchuck. All I see is bacon. ( martial arts music playing ) Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Mother ( bleep )! Back your ass up! ( bleep ) back– back your– back your– Aah! Aah! Hot feet! Hot ( bleep )! You think I’m scared? ( screaming ) – He’s still there. – Bam! Kick your ass. Tap out! – All right. – Whoo! Can you hold my knife for me? – All right. – Thanks.

Yeah. – Put him in a body bag! – Whew! I’m gonna. – “Karate Kid.” “Karate Kid.” – All right, okay. Do you know any other lines from “The Karate Kid”? – Yeah, I got it. I got it. – Okay. ( shouting ) Yeah, twerk on him! Twerk on him! – Uh, uh, uh, uh. – Twerk on him! Pop, pop, pop. And pop it. Yeah. And get– yeah.

Yeah! Yeah, kick his– what are you doing? Kev, throw me the knife! I got him. – Here. – Throw it. – Kiai! – Ah Oh, I caught it in my sleeve. – ( grunting, shouting ) – Yes! Yeah! – Yeah! – Cut his Achilles. Yah! Yah! He can’t run. Go, Rebel! Yeah! It’s kind of hard decision, but I’m gonna choose a winner, – get the yellow belt. – Yeah. – Winner is Rebel. – Wait a minute. – Oh! – So, that’s– Sensei! Whoo! – So you got a black one for me? – Whoo! – Next time. – Sensei, I just want to say thank you for showing the world that I’m way better at karate than Kevin. If this was the awards, they would want you to wrap it up. – The music’s coming on. – Okay. And I’m just so proud. I was representing Australia, and I won. – ( music playing ) – ( cheers and applause ) Rebel, you want to tell people anything before we leave? – I just want to say– – Thank you, Rebel.

– Guys– No, Kevin– – Hey, listen, guys. – That is it for this week. – No, no, no, no. – We’ll see you next week. – I wanna say, guys, it’s really good to get out there and learn some self-defense techniques. – Yeah. – Because you never know when someone might come up to you and be like– – ( bleep ) – Kiai! – Kiai! – Damn it. ( grunting ) Tap out, Rebel. Tap out! – You tap out, ( bleep ). – Don’t call me a ( bleep ). – ( bleep ) – Oh, you got my neck. You got my neck. – God damn! She got my neck. – Ah! I ain’t gonna tap out. You got to kill me. – So, guys, – You got to kill me.

Basically, there’ll probably be some really cool karate classes in your local area that you can go to. I can’t keep my eyes open. Shh, shh, shh. ( snoring ) And, um, it’s just a really fun way to exercise, and meet some new friends, and learn some new discipline techniques. – That was a fake– – ( screaming ) Hey, what’s going on? This is Kevin Hart, your comedy sensei. To see more of what you saw today, all you gotta do is click here and subscribe to my YouTube channel, and “Laugh Out Loud.” Do it! Because I can break boards with words.


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