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Fitness — Fitness and Nutrition Quick Tips

I wanted to give you a quick tip, so I get asked a lot of times. What do I eat before or after I work out which can be really complex, so let me try to make it really simple. So before you work out, you want to take in some fast-acting carbohydrates, right and some protein. If you’re going to work out right away like within an hour of waking up, then you want to take in less calories, so you’re not weighted down or bloated. So maybe around 200 calories 150 to 200 calories if you’re going to work out later, like is within two three hours. You have more time to digest the food. It doesn’t sit there, so you can bring in about 350 calories there afterwards. You also want to fuel your body for repair, especially if it’s a really hard workout and you want to you – want to take in again proteins and carbs, but you want to take in more complex carbohydrates, so a good example of something to eat before you workout That could be a half an English muffin whole-grain muffin, with some almond butter. On top you could do some oatmeal with sliced bananas. I usually use a half a banana since, when you get into the whole banana, the calories start to add up after a workout. A lot of you like to do your protein shake. So if you’re, not a vegetarian, it’s good to use the whey protein isolate. It gets right in its fast-acting, goes right in and helps you start repairing, and to that you can add your banana. You could add your berries and an antioxidants and stuff like that, and if you are a vegetarian, the soy proteins and the pea proteins are really good to use. Also, they do contain all the essential amino acids and those go right in as well for tissue and muscle repair and then there’s a really easy one. If you just want to drink some chocolate, milk, that’s sort of my favorite, it has protein, it has carbs, it’s like the perfect after workout drink.

As found on YouTube

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