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Yes! Look who we have here today. This is Olivier… ..and you may know him already from a previous photo that I have shared with you guys. Olivier, you are 2 meters and 18 cm long and 160 KG? I am 155 KG.. Awsome! Today we are at Burning heart for a good and intense press training… We do the chest, shoulders and triceps today. But first more about olivier, you are 2.18 so you stand out.

What was your starting weight? I started at 80 kilos when I was already that big.. I have gained about 75kg in about 7 to 8 years. Wauw! I weighed 75 kilos when I was 18 years old.. Why are you so big? Do you have long parents? Yes, my parents are 1,76m and 2,00m… That is normal for Dutch standards, but for the rest of the world long. My brother is no bigger than 2 meters while I have become longer. I am fortunate to have natural giant growth without any deviations… There are many people who suffer from abnormalities around the same length. I am completely healthy! What do you do in daily life? For me, the food was an entire undertaking… The first few years of course to gain weighed but then I had to pay attention to my diet. That was very difficult because at a certain moment I was at 6000 calories per day. Preparing the food took so much time that I invented muscle meat together with my brother and his girlfriend. So we started muscle meat in response to my hobby. Soon there was so much demand for it that we quickly grew as a company. What is the vision of Muscle Meat? Buy bulk and prepare your meal easily.

He grows from his own food .. Do you have goals for 2018? I want to get 160 kg heavy… And after that I want to do some dry training. And besides Muscle Meat you also have an acting career ahead? I have a casting for Game of Thrones running at the moment… There is a small chance that I will get the role but still very cool that I could participate. It must succeed once to get a role in a big movie or series. At your last casting you came to the last 12 you told me? Yes that’s right, that was for sylvester stallone creed 2. How many people did the casting in total? Thousands of people participated… Cool!! Enough about Olivier, it’s time to take our lovely pre-workout V2! Then we start with our training.

Do you have a fear of heights? No Fortunately not! Hey Olivier, are you ready for a scoop pre-workout? Golden Scoop incoming! The world looks very different from this height. You can see everything… But your length is also easy for replacing lights? You do not want to know how often I have been asked. We start with the bench press, 4×10 not too heavy but first pump that chest up! haha, your shoulder is as big as my head. The exercise we are going to do now is one of my standard shoulder trainings. 5 repetitions, 40 kilos, 10 kilos higher, so 1/3 of the weight. I go for the 35 kilos, which fits better with my height .. Okay, the last set of this exercise, drop-set 3×10. We have a caller, dumbell is calling ..

Okay guys, we arrived at the 2nd shoulder exercise. The Shoulder Side raises. We follow the same set-up here as with the shoulder press. Lets go! Olivier can not perform this exercise on a busy Monday night, with his wingspan the chances are high that he will hit someone. My wingspan is indeed 2 meters 20. You should actually carry a sign with the text: beware, extra wide. If you see my hands you can quickly see that all dumbells are actually too small for me.. The following exercise is a super set for the shoulders, including the front raise (20KG) rod.

2x 10, lets go! My shoulders now feel so full, just like the bus to work every Monday morning. The bus? I do not fit in there, haha Whether it is in the plane, bus or train, I take several places. We are going to start the last exercise, the triceps. We start on 15 repetitions and build the weight until you can only do 6 repetitions. So we go from 15 repetitions to 6, but the weight increases every time. Those arms look like tree trunks. Is it true that you can not do certain exercises because of your height? Please show 3 examples to the viewers. Stretched arms? I put it out, I can not do this exercise. If I want to do pull UPS, I have to sit on my knees. If I stand here, we both seem the same size… But finally, I saw one more exercise that is impossible for you to perform. I’m glad we’re done, I get cramp in my neck from looking up ..

Thank you very much and we have to do this more often! And do not forget, soon cooking with Ome Wutru and Muscle Meat! .

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