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Karate with Rebel Wilson and Kevin Hart

Kevin: All right! I’m excited. – Extremely excited – I’m pumped. about this particular episode of “What the Fit.” I am Kevin Hart, and today– Oh, my God, I got my funny sister. Rebel Wilson, I’m a fan. Aww, that’s so nice. And I’m a massive fan of yours. I only met you, like, on one talk show. Yes, and you got to kick me in the balls. I think I was showing off my fight skills, which I’d done in a movie, “Pitch Perfect 3.” And I was showing, like, just how hard I can kick guys in the balls.

– Yeah. – Which is pretty hard. ( Kevin laughs ) Because of your amazing kick, listen to the idea that I came up with. – Okay. – What I wanted to do is, go to like, a dojo, like, a karate– – Shh. Yeah. – A karate class. – ( gong clashes ) – Hi-yah! It’s not just going to the gym with your trainer. No, no! This is about showing different ways to move, different way to be active.

I don’t know whether you know this, but I have a background in karate. Back in the day, my sensei said I was so good, he wanted to enter me in an all-star novice martial arts tournament. There was two categories, kata and kumite. – The kata is like… – Whoa. And you make the sound effects and stuff. I got a gold medal. Kevin: I studied a little bit myself. My mom bought me a karate book.

I think I was a black belt in… 35 minutes? ‘Cause I got through the book so fast. What style of karate was it? Uh, this was classic. I did that, then I started up a website. Basically, you would never mess with either of us if you saw us on the street. Oh, no, I’ll ( bleep ) you up. – Yeah. – ( gong clashes ) ( martial arts music ) ( grunting, shouting ) Whoa. That one’s got a knife! Nice. Nice. Tight. Nope, not today. – Not today. – No. – Thank you. Hello! – Hi! – Take the shoes off. – Are we allowed– should we take our shoes off? Take shoes off, please. Shoes off. Put ’em over here, sir? – Yes, please. – Okay. – All right. – Yeah, I remember this in the book.

It said don’t walk on the dojo floor – with your shoes. – Yes. Okay. Please come in. – ( exhales ) – Ooh! – That’s spongey. – Oh, yeah! You studied martial arts before? – Self taught. – Self taught. One book is called “Karate From Behind.” – I did that one in 30 minutes. – That sounds sexual. Another book was called “Right Foot Up, Left Foot Down, One, Two, Hi-yah.” That was with pop-ups. I think that was for kids, but I still read it. Can I see some– those moves? I got no problem with that, buddy. Yeah, just show us your best moves. – Start here? – Your best moves. So, I’m going– I’m going knee, I’m going body, head. – All right, do not laugh. – Oh. All right. ( bleep ) That seemed like two knees, didn’t it? I can’t laugh when I do it. Just hold up. Hold up. I gotta make sure I got a serious face. – There was no body or head that time. – Just pay attention. All right. Okay, here we go. I don’t know about that leg thing. Kevin: Ready? Here we go. – That’s not– – Knee, body, head. – All right, that’s the one. – Where was the head? – Kicking somebody’s head, – Yeah.

And they’re, like– and I’m not even that tall. – Hold your hand right– – I don’t think you were that high, though. – Hold your hand right there. – Okay, I will. Knee, body, head. No, but, see, the head’s here. – I kicked there. – I didn’t feel anything. Well, it’s ’cause it’s so fast. Last thing I’ll show you, sir, is just a typical takedown. – ( grunting ) – Oh, that was good. ( shouting ) – Cool! – Sensei: All right. – All right. – Cool, I liked that one at the end.

Rebel: I studied a form of karate called JKA Shotokan karate. Kevin: Ah. There you go. Oh! – Yeah. – Oh, my God. – Yah! – You should have just read a book. You should’ve did the book. I did actual training, though. – I don’t– – Like, I didn’t need the book. I don’t know if you did. Okay, I got uniform for you. What? Ooh. Thank you, Sensei. – And this for you. – Rebel: Ooh! – I got it. – You gotta watch out. Yeah, just wanted to show you– Okay, you gonna start this white belt. – White belt? – Yes. That’s not for me. Ooh, yeah! Whoo! – How are you, Sensei? – Hi, Sensei. What belt is this? There was just this man out by the vending machine.

– Yeah. – And he had this black belt, – and I said, – But you know what? “Excuse me, emergency.” I’m going to show you how to tie belts, though. Let’s take it off. This one first. – Okay. Are you– – Ah, he’s getting the white belt, because you’re a junior. And then I just keep the black belt? Just keep the black belt, – or you wanna… – No. – You gotta let him– – This is not really black belt. I mean, it’s a black belt. Kevin: When you put these on, though… – Okay. – Yeah. Most important for martial arts, when you punch-kicking, you don’t do quietly.

You have to yell– called “kiai.” You don’t have to say “kiai.” You yell loud like this. ( shouts ) Let me hear your kiai. Bitch! I think when you did it, it just sounded like you were saying the word “bitch.” He said it doesn’t have to be the word “kiai,” and if I’m on the streets, I’m doing what I’m thinking I’ma say. Uh, no, no. Let’s do the “kiai.” Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Let’s go with the “kiai.” – Okay. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – Uh. – ( high-pitched ) Kiai! – More macho one. ( deep voice ) Kiai. – Kiai. – How about your “kiai”? – Jeff! – That’s an ex. It is clearly– – Yeah, I ( bleep ) hate Jeff. – I know you do. – Can I call you– – Rebel. – Amy. – Oh, oh! Amy! You’ve seen “Pitch Perfect.” – Yes.

Can I call you Amy? – He’s seen “Pitch Perfect.” – You wanna call me– – Have you seen– have you seen this movie, “Central Intelligence”? I call “Kevin,” because my son’s name is Kevin, too. Oh, not one of my movies. He’s not a fan. – Let’s break with this palm. – Yeah. – This is what I’ve been waiting for. – Ooh, ooh. – I’m coming back. – Who wants to start first? – Rebel. You got it, Reb. – Oh, my– You’re going to hold this one for her. Yeah, I’ll hold it for you.

That’s an actual bit of wood. Yes, come on. What are you doing? Let’s go. It’s okay. You can do it. I tend not to break wood. ( laughs ) Wait a second, though. ( chuckles ) – Use the palm. – Okay. Speed is important. Snap, then back. – Okay. – So, kiai! Okay? Okay. Ready? And kiai! ( screaming ) I wanna do it. I wanna do it. You wanna get some of this wood? – Watch out for splinters. – ( growling ) – Kiai! – ( screams ) ( both screaming ) – Do you want– – Yeah! ( bleep ) – We’re gonna do your nunchuck. – Okay.

Ooh! Okay, want to kinda stay away so you don’t hit each other. – Okay. Yeah, yeah. – I know how to do this. Snap and bring in, like that. All right, I remember my first pair of nunchucks. I remember it like yesterday. Mother ( bleep ). Get some. Get some, ( bleep ). ( panting ) Now this is some exercise. Sensei: Okay. Good, good. Boop. I’m just warming up. Now, I know how to do the nunchucks, okay? ( music playing ) ( up-tempo music playing ) – Kiai! – All right! It’s just like that, Kev. We’re gonna see which one of you fights better against black belts. – Yes! – Got you, got you. Whoever’s gonna do good, you may earn the new belt. – Ooh! – I like it. Let’s go. – Whoo! – Let’s go. Cut this ( bleep ). – We could get a new belt. – Let’s do it. Bring ’em in. Bring on the black belts.

Are any of these black belts single or… There’s about to be some sushi in here ’cause I’m about to cook them raw. ( Kevin chuckles ) You need some nunchuck. All I see is bacon. ( martial arts music playing ) Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Back your ass up! Mother ( bleep )! Back your ass up! ( bleep ) back– back your– back your– Aah! Aah! Hot feet! Hot ( bleep )! You think I’m scared? ( screaming ) – He’s still there. – Bam! Kick your ass. Tap out! – All right. – Whoo! Can you hold my knife for me? – All right. – Thanks.

Yeah. – Put him in a body bag! – Whew! I’m gonna. – “Karate Kid.” “Karate Kid.” – All right, okay. Do you know any other lines from “The Karate Kid”? – Yeah, I got it. I got it. – Okay. ( shouting ) Yeah, twerk on him! Twerk on him! – Uh, uh, uh, uh. – Twerk on him! Pop, pop, pop. And pop it. Yeah. And get– yeah.

Yeah! Yeah, kick his– what are you doing? Kev, throw me the knife! I got him. – Here. – Throw it. – Kiai! – Ah Oh, I caught it in my sleeve. – ( grunting, shouting ) – Yes! Yeah! – Yeah! – Cut his Achilles. Yah! Yah! He can’t run. Go, Rebel! Yeah! It’s kind of hard decision, but I’m gonna choose a winner, – get the yellow belt. – Yeah. – Winner is Rebel. – Wait a minute. – Oh! – So, that’s– Sensei! Whoo! – So you got a black one for me? – Whoo! – Next time. – Sensei, I just want to say thank you for showing the world that I’m way better at karate than Kevin. If this was the awards, they would want you to wrap it up. – The music’s coming on. – Okay. And I’m just so proud. I was representing Australia, and I won. – ( music playing ) – ( cheers and applause ) Rebel, you want to tell people anything before we leave? – I just want to say– – Thank you, Rebel.

– Guys– No, Kevin– – Hey, listen, guys. – That is it for this week. – No, no, no, no. – We’ll see you next week. – I wanna say, guys, it’s really good to get out there and learn some self-defense techniques. – Yeah. – Because you never know when someone might come up to you and be like– – ( bleep ) – Kiai! – Kiai! – Damn it. ( grunting ) Tap out, Rebel. Tap out! – You tap out, ( bleep ). – Don’t call me a ( bleep ). – ( bleep ) – Oh, you got my neck. You got my neck. – God damn! She got my neck. – Ah! I ain’t gonna tap out. You got to kill me. – So, guys, – You got to kill me.

Basically, there’ll probably be some really cool karate classes in your local area that you can go to. I can’t keep my eyes open. Shh, shh, shh. ( snoring ) And, um, it’s just a really fun way to exercise, and meet some new friends, and learn some new discipline techniques. – That was a fake– – ( screaming ) Hey, what’s going on? This is Kevin Hart, your comedy sensei. To see more of what you saw today, all you gotta do is click here and subscribe to my YouTube channel, and “Laugh Out Loud.” Do it! Because I can break boards with words.


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Hi guys, welcome to the new video Dad and son in the is my today´s guest, my son hi guys, how you can see, we both are fashion wings, boobs, everything… fashion is a basis of good cooking today we have 2 exclusive recipes for you they are very good, we were choosing them a long time one recipe will be sweet, and second recipe will be salt these recipes are made from basic, cheap and fitness ingredients…so they will be for everybody for begginers, advanced and for superhumans too this food eat horses and Kuba can eat it too, so you don´t have to be afraid give it to children you will be look like me you want it the first recipe will be Family fitness pizza because you mostly don´t cook only for you, but for whole family I´m a parent so I will show you a recipe for whole family we´ll need eggs, curd defatted, because it´s the cheapest we´ll need cheese, ham also some cheap and oatmeal and that´s all so let´s do it..Kuba, prepare eggs you´re expert for it I don’t want to see the eggs anymore one egg?…yes now add whole curd and oatmeal who wants thicker dough can use whole oatmeal who wants softer dough can use finely ground oatmeal but it doesn’t matter Kuba open the curd I´ll prepare these oatmeal 140g Mix it so this is a dough base you have to mix it then you will give it on a metal plate with a backing sheet now it’s up to you how you do it if you want bigger pizza or smaller and thicker the benefits of this recipe are that´s healthy and it´s very cheap you can buy more expensive ham or cheese but we bought very cheap ingredients and they are also healthy that´s great you can eat cheaply and healthy it´s also for yung boys, because every family has oatmeal at home every family has some ham or cheese at home and every family has some eggs at home so for young boys it´s not so hard cook it you don´t have to eat only chicken with rice a lot of recipes exist, just don’t be lazy now we have the finished dough and now spread it over the baking sheet equally whenever Monika doing it, it’s round and accurate mainly that it has these macronutrients there are a lot of manners of curds defatted, semi-fat or fat this defatted, which doesn´t have any fat it´s very good but you can use another one we choosed this, because it was the most cheap how Kuba said, we were trying choose ingredients of best quality, but the cheapest for whole recipe you will pay about 50 CZK the whole pizza and I think that 2 maybe 3 people will eat so now we gave it a shape now let’s bake it in the oven 10 minutes, 180°C and then we´ll add ham, cheese and eggs on top I can give basil or other herbs we took basil random but you can choose anything what you see on pizza for example tomatoes or chive it doesn’t necessarily have to be exactly this now it’s up to you how much ham you put there how thick the dough you want everyone will do it as they please I didn’t want to say it in front of him, but he may be glad he has me, because he´s so senile he forgot half of what we wanted to buy so I had to remind him now we go to sweet Kuba I love you, finally you are good son we have a finished corpus, now we have to put on it the ingredients we want and we’ll put it back in the oven so corpus is done 10 minutes, 180°C and now we´ll put ingredients on it everyone can make a different pizza no matter what you put in there I choosed ham, Eidam ketchup, cherry tomatoes basil, eggs that’s enough…it’s the cheapest and the best I choosed ketchup ham, cheese and cherry tomatoes it looks almost like sexual experience in your home we put these bowls away he’s already senile I start with ham Kuba did it wrong, because he puted cheese first it won’t be good I wouldn’t want to eat it he don´t know what´s good I put six slices of ham on it it´ll be maybe 100g ham on it I put cheese did you see that in McDonald they put meat first and then cheese and then meat again? I know what I do I think that you don´t know it if you want more gains you can add chicken meat, tuna, salmon whatever you like whatever I got it done…I don´t we chose ham and cheese, because it should be the cheapest but I´m not done, because I put the egg on it now we’ll bake it again, 220°C about 10 minutes and it´ll be ready we put it in a hot oven which is not hot 200°C, hot air bye, we’ll make place for a son come here before than pizza will be done we prepare second dish and it will be sweet slices..yummy it will be yummy slices so we are preparing yummy slices so what we need coconut a little bit of pump it is supposed to put a baking powder there, but I don’t have it here is homemade honey cacao curd and eggs again what do you think about it? it´s again cheap and everybody has these things at home except that pump but you can replace it basically we made from the same ingredients pizza and dessert but I don´t know how you will whip it, because if you workout like you whip, it will be bad I have it in hand you won’t whip that way so here we go so you whip egg yolks with the honey and next you add cacao into it…

And here we whip a snow what do you think about it? so at first give me egg whites.. no no, you have to separate it we, who have ever been on a diet oh fuck, he dirty the table fuck, he dirty whole table and then he goes to the big city and father will clean up here hey man, I wonder on what attempt he made the scene how he broke it by one finger by guesstimate… what? by guesstimate… we are making sweet slices for two 120kg men try it by guesstimate four eggs?..yes now is fourth it looks good one more I think you should have done the opposite, because you will whip these egg whites in this glass bowl I ruined it by mistake…by mistake? now yolk has fallen into it fuck it fuck it I added a spoon of honey to it by guesstimate honey is homemade, it´s good should I whip it? you have to whip the snow at first so now we have time about 10 minutes the second part includes egg yolks which I will whip with honey and then I´ll add cacao one spoon adequately now I have time about 20 minutes, than he´ll be done Hans has forgotten the pizza in the oven oh fuck I forgot on the pizza but my pizza looks pretty fresh but Kuba´s pizza these cherry tomatoes under it mainly that fashion I´m dying that´s good like this not snowing neither at Filip slowly so Kuba whiped snow from egg whites cherries again I prepared sheet of tin baking sheet…Kuba whiped egg whites, here he whiped egg yolks with honey and cacao now he mix it together and the basis will be done then we pour it on the dough and let’s bake it’s not brown coconut is then put into the dough we forgot we forgot on the pump without the pump it didn´t rise and it would be very thin you know how the pump reacts it´s the same with this cake now it looks good the basis is to have a dirty whole kitchen and now we put it in the oven on 10 minutes, 180°C and then we pull it out…meantime we prepare a filling do you prepare the filling? do you know how to do it? the dough is baking so now we prepare the filling the filling will be made of curd coconut and honey we use honey to make it sweeter and to keep it together What the fuck are you doing again?…Do you have spoon? in today’s shooting we’ve already dirty about twelve spoons give two curds there so we use honey, because it´s natural product I have homemade honey…who doesn´t have honey it´s fucked up, because if you don´t have honey you can´t have anything else and you can´t do this recipe we are using defatted curd but only because of price who wants more calories, more gains can add semi-fat curd or full fat curd me personally or Kuba, we are both ektomorfs…are you ektomorf? yes, you made me that way I made him so we both can use full fat curd because full fat curd is certainly better than defatted curd deffated things are from 90’s when everyone thought everything defatted was good but it´s not true but this defatted curd is cheaper than normal curd so if we were only looking at the price we choose this one done? do you think it will be little? now we wait for the dough to finish cool down cover by fullfil, put in the fridge and we can serve it easy bussiness yummy sweet slices, very easy it looks very good! we do it for the first time and it will be good always no, it does not matter the name matches it just a minute and it´ll be done we pull it out of the oven I have advice for you for beginners like me use cutting board, because look at my kitchen unit the coals from water pipe fell on it and I burned through this kitchen unit if you have anything hot use cutting board and my father is fireman, Kuba´s grandpa so I let it cool down on 30 minutes to the balcony a then we fill it up I had sprinkled the balcony by BCAA before so the pigeons don´t give a shit here you don´t have to worry about having a shit on the dough what pigeons are flying at night? at night flying these most insidious pigeons which give a shit secretly but not at my balcony we have here beginning of our yummy sweet slices holding how glued we let him cool down so let´s go…we cut it in half fill up,we fold in half we cut the corners and we´ll taste it say something it’s in the pussy the last anointing dude when Monika sees that I’m cutting it on the plate, she’ll kill me is it not too thin? no, man that’s how it should be if I put a baking powder there it inflates, but I put there the pump and it inflates too, but then it collapsed after training, you know it looks good smear it you have to put everything in there, we’ll count the macronutrients it must be precisely fuck, you didn’t put everything there look at this it looks good I look forward to it it looks like we’ve ever done it before but this was the first time yummy sweet slice almost done, I cut the edges and I think that it doesn´t look like from Instagram but it´s real mainly we don´t make fashion cakes but macro friendly cakes and cheap cakes if you will have good macros and a lot of money, chicks come you are so wheezing as if you doing workout I´m so concentrate how i look at Masterchef I fully see Přemek how he looks at me and I’m stressed out of it so yummy sweet slices fitness version so these are our yummy sweet slices now we go for pizza and we serve it it´s like a wax so now we’re just going to decorate it Kuba has already decorated it, by this withered basil I put fresh basil on it and we taste it he don´t save it now I decorate it by fresh basil a little on digestion so family fitness pizza yummy sweet slices macros and recipes you can find down in the label macros which are in one serving of this pizza are 50g proteins, 120g carbs 15g fat but you can add what you want, for example chicken meat and you will have 10 grams proteins more you can make macros like you want but you will count it yourself yumm sweet slices here is the recipe, here are macros and we are going to taste so at the end of this video we have to taste it Kuba taste my pizza and I taste his pizza homemade fitness pizza with that, I’d broke a neighbor´s windows if she excite me I’ll eat it like that It taste like “langoš” it´s good, I like it I like on Kuba´s pizza that design these hidden tomatoes under ham I’m older, I’m worried about my teeth it´s not funny to bite into the stone it´s not bad that it has such macros it´s not bad you have to close your eyes and eat on a scale of 1 to 10 for taste I give you 9 but it´s tough like a dick my grandma without denture wouldn’t eat it so I give you 6 points if I would evaluated design 3 of 10 but taste 8 points…dude you said that it´s good show it soft soft, nice dough flexible dough it´s top you don’t feel oatmeal at all it’s soft, it´s very good I wouldn’t be afraid to give this to my grandmother just the egg is not good does not matter ok, we go taste yummy sweet slices this we made together so we can objectively evaluate it if I would objectively evaluate it, my pizza is better than Kuba´s pizza I admit it is better but it´s really good and put on it maybe bacon or chicken meat we don’t do it that often so we are not yet so skilled at it but if you will do it regularly, I think it will be good so yummy slices this is really good! it’s a dessert or a snack between meals but it´s so good! you have to count on the fact that it is healthy and if there is something healthy, it won’t be mega top but it´s really good it’s soft coconut is felt it´s commonly very good it’s just a wet cake if I rate it from 1 to 10 I had better but I’ve never done anything better so I give 9 of 10 and one point down because I made it with Kuba so if you want next recipes which you don´t know, which are not chicken with rice write it us to comment if you want next episodes of dad and son in the kitchen write us to the comment and we prepare something for you Have a nice day, follow Kuba on Instagram Kuba´s Youtube He shoots like a fool…follow me give likes, give comments and we see in trends it´s so good I left you something yummy!! you jumped into it like into your wife

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Boxing with Evander Holyfield & Joel McHale | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Ep 8 | Laugh Out Loud Network

( upbeat music playing ) – Hey. – Well, well, well. My guy. How are you, sir? Nice car, my friend. Thanks. Put your seatbelt on, Joel. – What? – Put your seatbelt on. I always put my seatbelt on. I’m making sure you put your seatbelt on. And I usually wear a helmet, but… In the car? You wear a helmet? Yes, you can never be too safe. First of all, for everybody watching, this is Joel McHale. – Hi. – The funny Joel McHale. Thank you. I’ve had three shows cancelled in the last two years, guys. Joel, that doesn’t mean that you’re not funny. It means that the people just don’t get it. That’s right. That’s the problem. See that? That’s it right there. I try and move every day, and you should, too. Today, we’re gonna go work out. Yeah, what are we doing? We’re gonna box today. – Uh… – We are boxing today. You know, I don’t– I’ve never boxed before. Actually, then that makes it that much better. It’d be dope if we fought, if we, like, did a little sparring match, me and you.

How about we play golf? What are you talking about? No. I’m about to take Joel McHale and make Joel McHale an action star today. So what if I told you that I had one of the best people coming with us? The best person to help us out? – I said one of the best. – One of the best. One of the best. He flew in just for us. This guy is gonna teach us to box, right? He’s gonna give us some pointers. He’s gonna put us through some drills so we can have a good workout. Like, so, Clubber Lang? I don’t– okay. Um, Ivan Drago? He’s one of the best. He was built by the Soviet Union.

All right, yeah, you’re not even naming real people at this point. Those robots they used in that Hugh Jackman movie? All right. Do you wanna come in with me? Uh, I’ll stay here. – You sure? – Yep. Yep, yep, yep. – I’m gonna get him myself– – All right, fine. I’m gonna go in there and– – Don’t be stupid, man. – I’m gonna get a neck pillow. – No, stay in, stay in. – No, it’s fine.

Oh, wait, does he have checked luggage? That’s why I told you to stay in the car, Joel. If you’re gonna be an ass, I would’ve told you to stay in the car. Anybody wants a picture of Kevin Hart, you just step right on up. He’s very excited. Yeah. You get right in there, guys. Don’t even make a line. Just start taking photos. I’m picking up my friend. Just give me a second, guys.

– Don’t listen to him. – Don’t even make a line. Kevin Hart, right here. Guys, get in there. Just come on. Just surround Kevin Hart. – Yeah, look at that. – Thank you, guys. – I really appreciate it. – Looks like a family reunion. – Thank you, man. – Come on over. Take a photo. I’m just picking up my friend. You cannot be taller than him though, all right? – You wanna hold the baby? – No, I don’t wanna– There it is, yeah.

Great. That’s something she’ll remember for a long time. Yeah, that’s great. Thank you for a great pic. – ( cries ) – Thank you, guys. – Great. That’s great. – Thank you so much. Yeah, yeah. Of course, of course. – What’s your name? – No. Joel. Just step up and you take a photo. Oh, here we go. Evander Holyfield, everybody! – How are you, sir? – I’m good. How are you, man? Joel McHale, Evander. He’s gonna be with us today, all right? – Okay. – Get the bag. Come on, champ. Bye-bye, guys. Bye-bye. – How was the flight, man? – Everything’s good. That’s good. The least you could do is get the door. Yo, let me get the door for you. Yes. – Joel! Joel! – What? We got a ( bleep ) ticket, man! You got a ticket? I told you to stay in the car. It’s not my fault. There’s a lot of kids around here. They don’t like cursing. You’re paying this, man. I’m so sorry that Kevin Hart cursed around you, guys.

Kevin: Tickets piss me off, Joel. $58 in a loading zone. If you had stayed in the car, I wouldn’t have a ticket. Yeah! Champ, I am ready. I want you to show me what you can do yourself. Without you helping me. Okay. – Then I add on to it. – Uh, all right. I’m not a big boxer so, uh… What’s this called? A disclaimer. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You got– you got snot all over your nose. In boxing, there’s snot! I’m not– I’m not touching his hands. Okay. You can already tell, coach, – like, I’m that guy. – Oh, okay.

You know what I’m saying? I’ve always been that guy. You look like you’re avoiding, like, a bee or a fly. – What is that? – Well, you know… You see what I’m saying, coach? You’re in, like– that’s the sequel – to the thriller video. – You see what I’m saying? How do you get away from punches? I don’t need to. Boom, catch it. Pull you forward. Bang. Everybody, rope and… your timing is almost like– when I fight, I got a rhythm. It ain’t how high you get. It’s in little bitty steps. There you go. Okay. Champ, did your mom used to whip your ass with one of these? Mines did. Ah, no! No more! I ain’t gonna get no more F’s! ( crying ) Flashbacks. Evander, can we do something else, please? These ropes ain’t good for my psyche.

What we’re gonna do, we’re gonna hit the bag. Get your balance right where you can– how much power you can get by just having your feet – in the proper place. – Got it. Can you guys lower this for Kevin? – No, that’s fine. – This has to be lowered. That’s the thing. It ain’t the– it ain’t the size of the dog. It’s the bite. – You know what I mean? – No, not really. Better not say– better not say “bite”. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Yeah. – He’s gonna kill you. He’s not gonna kill me. It’s just trash-talking. Let me show you how to hit it one time. Let me hold it while you give it a couple, huh? Okay. Hold on, now. That’s all you got? Shit. Shit. Okay. Stop it, Dad! Just love me, Dad! Why didn’t you love me, Dad? Why didn’t you love me? You don’t like me because I do comedy, Dad? ( blubbering ) Thank you for my inner monologue. It got me through a lot of stuff, Kevin. Kevin, wait, wait, wait. Let’s try something. Let’s try something. Go ahead. Go ahead. Boxing is not a game.

What did you just say? Who are you talking to? Who are you talking to? It’s me, Kevin, a bag with no arms or legs. You talking to me? Kevin, don’t you recognize me? We did a buddy cop movie two years ago. – That’s your ass, man. – Loser. You decided to talk anyway. Rocky! Adrian! You say something else, bitch? – A little bit more work. – Back punch. You are so lucky Chris Tucker retired. What else we got to do, champ? Now y’all got to get into the ring. – And spar? – Yeah, spar.

You’re damn right we do, because I’m feeling it. Hi, I’m Joel McHale. I’m gonna kick Kevin Hart’s ass in the ring today. – Everybody knows it. – Let me tell you something, Joel. – Yes. – You got hands, and then after that, you got fists. But if you brought mines up, I suggest you find your own way to school, because where I’m going, there ain’t gonna be no books. It’s only gonna be mats and sneakers. Shit. I’d like to just declare that we just witnessed the world’s record for the longest analogy in the history of the Earth, everyone. Amazing. Kevin Hart just pulled it off right here. I can’t imagine when that will ever be broken.

I don’t know if anybody here has, but that’s where Joel’s next movie is premiering. It’s an educational film on how to watch Kevin Hart movies without falling asleep and hitting your head on the seat in front of you. All right! That’s enough of this shit! Enough of it! Let’s just fight! Evander, can we just get to the fight? God damn it! – If I could just say a few more things. – No, Joel! Did we really need a “Ride Along 2,” everyone? I will finally stop this man…

– Jesus Christ. – …from making “Ride Along 3.” – Enough, Joel. – “Think Like A Man, Too.” – Did you want that? No. – Okay. You know who did? One person, Kevin Hart. And he got it. And we suffered as a country. I will put that right in the ring right now! Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls around the world, welcome to “It’s No Laughing Matter!” And in this corner, standing six-foot four inches tall, two hundred and fifteen pounds… Yeah. Joel “Banana Hammock” McHale! All right. – Hi. – How you doing? – Joel. – Joel. And in this corner, weighing one hundred and forty pounds, standing allegedly five-foot four inches tall… I had my hood down. I couldn’t see. Kevin “The Hitman” Hart! Put the ring down, girl. You see I got to get in there? Do the thing.

I don’t know why you acting like you ain’t seen me – walking up in here. – Come on in. Shit. Get off me, Joel. Get off of me. It’s my intro. Oh! Reveal. Reveal. Bow, dougie, pop, pop, pop. Hey, hey, hey, hey. – I’m ready. – In this corner, Gary Coleman making a comeback from the dead. This is ridiculous. I don’t support the objectification of women in boxing. Aw, yeah. ♪ Go, here we go ♪ ♪ Go, here we go ♪ I don’t need headgear. Gentlemen, center of the ring. Wait, now I look like an idiot in my headgear. No, you don’t. You look great. Come on, man. Evander, who looks cooler, with or without the headgear? – You look great, both. – Both look great. All right. What was that? Showtime! Let’s rumble. Go! Wait. Ref, before we start, please, don’t hit me on this side of my face. Well, don’t hit me in the face at all. That’s why I’m wearing this. I just bleached all my teeth, so I don’t– All of them? Yeah.

I bleached– even the back ones. Because you can’t tell if you don’t. – It looks good. No, no. – So don’t hit my– Anywhere near here. All right, I’m not gonna ( bleep ) with your teeth. Are you ready? Come on. Box! Wait, last thing. I swear to God. I dislocated this shoulder when I was seven. – I will stay away– – Stay away from this. I got to shoot a movie in a month. – Okay. – So don’t ( bleep ) me up. Uh, I just waxed all my genital area. So I’m a little sensitive right here. – Okay. – So just avoid– Stay away from there. Because I have a lot of ingrown hairs and stuff. Let’s have a good ( bleep ) fight. I won’t hit you here. Don’t hit me there. Let’s go. Go, Hitman. All right, give him what he wanted. ♪ Now or never ♪ What are you guys doing? How long are the rounds? Yeah, how long are these? Is that the first round or no? – Slipped, slipped. – Come on, man. Break, break! Ah. No, Mom! No, Mom.

No, Mom! Call the time, Evander! Nah. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. – Go down, man. – Ow, ow, ow. Why don’t you fight like real men? Just go down. Now, stop! Go down! – Go down, man! – Okay, okay, okay. Ref: One! Back into your corner. Two, three, four, five. Wait, he up? – What the ( bleep )? – Leave your gloves on. I’m just taking a quick break. Oh, God. ( “Waltz Of The Snowflakes” playing ) – Hey, come on! – Water? That’s cheating. Ow, ow! – Come on. – Ow, ow, ow. That’s it! That’s it, Joel! God damn it’s cold! ( music continues ) Ref: Disqualified! Everyone’s disqualified. – Water disqualification? – Evander: It’s over. Y’all guys are disqualified. – Touch gloves. – That’s great. – Good shit, man. – You did great.

Your skin looks amazing when it’s wet. Thank you, ref. You called a good fight. – Whew! – You can have this. Evander, thank you for everything. If you want, I can treat you to Cinnabon. – Oh! – You want a Cinnabon? – Do you like Cinnabon? – You like Cinnabon? – Nah. – Come on. If you wanna watch more of me, Kevin Hart, click the videos. And why not subscribe to my comedy channel, Laugh Out Loud? Click the logo. It’s free. Get clicking. .

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How To Plan Best Diet For Kidney Problems | Health Made Easy

Friends from recovering any disease our diet plays a very important role. It also determines the speed and quality of our recovery also. So friends in today’s video we will see that which type of diet should be taken by Kidney Disease patient. Which not only slow the progression of disease but also speed up the recovery. So Friends stay with me till the end of this video. Friends the most important thing regarding the diet of kidney patient is it that, it is not common for all patients.

Diet of kidney patients is decided according to the stage of the disease. And you can know about the stage by Consulting your physician. They advise two kinds of tests for it. The first important test is called the renal function test, And the second test is the glomerular filtration rate. It is also called GFR. This test tells about the percentage functioning of your kidney. Your kidney is filtering which elements properly and which are those elements your kidney is not filtering properly.

Based on this, the stage of your Kidney Disease is decided. Friends there are mainly four stages of Kidney Disease. And according to the stage mainly 4 elements protein, Sodium, Potassium, and phosphorus these four elements are controlled in the diet. Apart from this, in the late stages, fluid intake has to be reduced. Because the filtration capacity of Kidneys gets reduced slowly. and due to the reduced filtration capacity. Fluids tend to accumulate in our body. Which causes inflammation in the various parts of the body. And such type of food items is incorporated into a diet, which contains less amount of these elements. For example, if your doctor has please you in stage 1 category, then your focus must be upon how you can preserve the functions of Kidney. So if you are diabetic or you take medicines for blood pressure. Then do keep these under control. Apart from this, you have to reduce protein in your diet. No need to stop completely. But you have to reduce protein in your diet. and Replace high protein substances like Red meat, poultry, fish, eggs with low protein substances Like bread, fruits, vegetables, Pasta, and rice. So that your diet should not lack proteins.

And the intake of proteins should be low. Along with this, you should also limit the intake of sodium or salt in your diet. And use such type of substances in your diet which is salty naturally. Likewise, you should replace high potassium food items in your diet like Apricot, banana, cantaloupe, Dried fruits, Honeymelon, Kiwi, mango, oranges, Papaya, pomegranate and substances with resins. Which contain a high amount of potassium. Keep these items low in your diet and replace these with low potassium items like Apple, blackberries, Blueberries, Cranberries, Grapes, grapes juice, Peaches. Peas, Pineapple, Pineapple juice, plums, raspberries, strawberries, Watermelon. these types of substances which contain less potassium. So that you can take potassium in your diet. and the quantities of potassium in your body stay controlled.

Apart from this high potassium vegetables like Baked beans, Black Beans, broccoli, Okra, onions, Tomato, tomato sauces, Vegetable juices, Chocolates, Creamy soups, French fries, ice creams, Peanut butter, potato chips, Tofu, etc. These types of substances which contain high potassium should be replaced with low potassium Food items like Alfalfa sprouts, cabbage, Carrots, cauliflower, celery, corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Green beans, Kale, White mushrooms, parsley, Pepper, radish. So that potassium cannot be accumulated in your body. and your diet still gets a supply of potassium. Friends apart from this, one more very important element, Which is called phosphorus. You have to control that in your diet also. High Phosphorus items in your diet like a bear, chocolate, chocolate drinks, Dark colored colas, Cheese, custard, ice cream, pudding, Creamy soups, Chicken, beef, fish, Meet and all kind of processed foods, Pizza, hotdog.

Substances which contain high amounts of phosphorus Should be replaced with low Phosphorus substances. Few examples of low Phosphorus substances are like Tea, coffee, rice, milk, Almond milk, eggs. Unsalted popcorns. There are various substances which you can opt as per your body type, or by Consulting with your physician or dietician. Control the intake of phosphorus in your diet. Because these four elements are very important which affect the health of our Kidneys.

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Jeff Cavaliere Meal Plan and Workout (1 FULL DAY!)

What’s up guys? Jeff Cavaliere , ATHLEANX.COM. So we’re approaching our 1 millionth subscriber here on youTube and for that I want to stop and thank all of you who subscribe to my channel, who support what I do and who consistently watch the videos that I put out. As a way of paying that back, you guys have asked me for a long time now. Jeff, let us see a day in your life. Let us see what it is what you go through from a business standpoint. What your nutrition looks like, what your workout looks like and even what your business looks like.

And what I wanted to do was, do exactly that. Show you guys how it all starts and what it looks like from a day to day for me. And it’s pretty much to same a lot of the times for me, I like to have a routine and a schedule. And I think it’s a very important thing for those that want to try to get to a certain goal. Be very focused, have a schedule, try to stick to it as much as you can. For me, it all starts Breakfast at 8:30 in the morning. I get up at about 8, I’m not the earliest riser in the world but you’ll see why that is as this day plays out. And for me again, I’ve showed a lot of different meals that I like to eat. My favorite one, we’ve covered on this channel before, Pumpkin Oatmeal, Scrambled Eggs and Salsa, some Skim Milk, Kiwi Slices.

There’s no fear of carbohydrates here guys, I actually enjoy eating carbohydrates. I eat Protein, I get everything I need here in the morning to get me to feel the way I need to get my day started. This is just one representative example. And it’s off to Business. AX Business. Guys it’s obviously a lot to do, beyond just the videos that we put out here, to get ATHLEANX to represent the ideal that I want it to. To be the Best in Fitness. Not just an OK, remember I said don’t want to be ever be average and the same thing holds through in our business. I don’t want to be average, I want to be the Best and I want our business to represent that. And I get to work on that and I start working early and I keep that going. Around mid morning I’m still working but I take a break to have a snack. And for me, this is a typical day for yesterday, I had an RX2 Shake with Bananas and Strawberries.

So RX2 is our post workout but on days that I know I’m going to be super busy, especially days that I’m going to be training, which you’ll see later on, I’ll have an RX2 Shake, it’s a perfect snack for me. It’s easy for me to make in the morning and take with me so I’m ready to go and I have no concerns about my nutrition at that point, which a lot of people can trip up usually in that mid morning. And it’s on the Conference Calls, Distance Coaching and Training. So here the work shifts a little bit, so now I’ve got to be focused a little bit. Whether I have a Conference Call as a consultant for a team or whether I have to consult with one of my Athletes who doesn’t live in the Northeast. This is when I try to do that. It’s my Distance Coaching time. So we’ll try to catch up on a program, go over what it is that I want them to do for that given week or the next phase and period of time.

Just to check in. I have to make sure that I’m on top of what my Athletes are doing or I feel like, not only do I lose a little bit of control, but it’s very very easy, even for guys that are being paid to do this for a living for them to slip out of their schedule as well. So it’s my job as a Coach to rein them in and make sure they’re on track. Then Lunch, 1:45. I do eat a little bit of a later lunch but that’s because again, this whole morning was filled with work. My lunch yesterday matter of fact, Grilled Cajun Chicken Wrap with Grilled Vegetables, Sun Dried Tomatoes, Hot Sauce, a Greek Yogurt. I’m loving the Chobani Banana and Oats at the moment so I had that. And then a bottle of Sparkling Water. Sparkling Water is one of my biggest secrets for making sure that I can drink enough water in a day. I love the difference between Sparkling Water and flat water. I can drink Sparkling Water by the bottle and continue to drink it and not even think about it.

Whereas bottled water and regular flat water a lot of times feels like a chore to me. If you feel the same, I would definitely try Sparkling Water. Again no flavors, nothing in it, just regular Sparkling Water. But it’s the texture that makes it just a little bit more interesting to me. Then it’s Client Training. So now if there’s a Client that is in town and I have to train them here in the XBOX, this is the time that I usually do it, right here in the afternoon. A lot of Athletes are not early risers either and that works great with my schedule. But if, even if they are, it just works really well when we train in the afternoon. Guys have their energy levels up, they’re ready to hit it and hit it hard. We’ll do Client Training and it doesn’t matter, home or on the road. Here you see me training with WWE Athlete Sting, yet this is out in Texas and this is at his location.

And I’ll do that a lot too guys. I travel a ton for my job. If I have to go where my Athletes are, then I have to go where they are. And that’s exactly what we’ll do to make sure we get the job done. Back for a mid afternoon snack, this is now at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Again yesterday, perfect example, Black Bean and Vegetable and Onion Soup and another bottle of Sparkling Water. So not a lot in the afternoon, I just didn’t have a lot of time. Sometimes I’ll try to aim for more if I can. But if I can’t, this is what it was. This is exactly what I did as of yesterday.

Back to AX Business again. So now it’s back to trying to answer emails, plan out the videos that we’re going to do. That’s all kind of occurring in this part of the afternoon, strategizing what we have to do. And again, off to Dinner now. Now I head home, Dinner at 7 o’clock. Ahi Sesame Tuna Steak, Grilled Cajun Asparagus, Sweet Potato Mash, another bottle of Sparkling Water. I told you, I drink a lot of that. I wasn’t exaggerating.

Next is my favorite time of the day which is when I Decompress. So I’ve had my Dinner and now I spend time with the family. My wife Michelle and our four little kids. These are our four kids, our four Black Labs. There’s four in case you lost track, now we rescued a new one, her name is Penny. We have two rescue Labs and again my little Public Service announcement, if you’re in the market for a dog and you’re looking to get a dog or any kind of an animal, I would always stress, it’s a great thing to rescue. We have two purebred dogs, we also have these rescues and they are such great animals and they deserve the upgrade. I think that we spoil them like they’re the only thing we have, so I know these guys lucked out.

But if you’re out there in the market, I would definitely do the same if you could. And after that guys, now it’s kind of getting time where I train. And I told you before, I’ve been training later and later at night. I start off, 8:45, RX1 with water. Now I don’t necessarily always take a preworkout. But if I’m going to be training at night like I have of late, I always take a preworkout. I just want that little extra boost so I don’t fade out, where others are already hitting the bed, I’ve got to be ready to train and train hard. So I hit my 8:45, 30 minutes before I train and then it’s training. In this particular workout here that you’re seeing, went from 9:15 to 10 o’clock. I did a little bit of athletic training and conditioning but I really this time, hit my Shoulders.

It was a Shoulder workout for me. So I trained for, as I said 45 minutes, you know again if you take the conditioning out of it, I was probably training hard 30 minutes on just my Shoulders. But you’ll see, I’m training hard and I’m working on getting it done more efficiently. You don’t need to train for hours and hours to get an efficient effective workout. If you train hard, you can’t train long and I say that all the time. This particular workout had me wiped quick but I know that I did what I needed to do to spark that progressive overload to build and get stronger and come back bigger and stronger. Post Workout after I’m done, 10 pm, I never miss my RX2 with Cinnamon. So guys are always asking me for particular recipes, I get a little bit, I’m a little bit boring when it comes to my post workout Shake.

I just like to put Cinnamon in it, it’s already flavored Vanilla. This is my goto Shake, I have it every single time I’m done training. I feel it’s exactly what I need to conclude a hard training session. I view my workout not necessarily ending when I put the weights down. I always view my workout as continuing because your body doesn’t just say, OK we’re done now you go back to doing whatever you want to do. It’s a continuous process and it continues here as you fuel your body after your workout, that’s what I do. And guess what, it’s back to business again. Matter of fact this is my most productive time of the night. Anywhere in between 10:30 and 1 o’clock is probably my most productive time. There’s less emails coming in, there’s no more phone calls to be made, everybody else is sleeping and I feel like I’m getting ahead of the rest of the world.

And this is where I like to feel like I can get through and get a lot of work done and I actually wind up doing that. And of course, right before I go to bed, 12:30 about 30 minutes before I finally put my head on the pillow at the end of the night. I have my RX3 Reconstruction which is our nighttime Protein Recovery drink.

I just mix it with fresh Blueberries, a perfect way to end my day. Even when I haven’t trained, I also have my RX3 just to give me the nutrition that I need because remember guys, your muscles grow while you’re sleeping. What you do in the gym is not making your muscles grow, it’s breaking them down. What you do to fuel your body when you go to bed, that means everything. So don’t ignore your nutrition, certainly don’t ignore the opportunities you have to provide your body with that nutrition at the right time.

That’s what I do here. And again 12:30, 1 o’clock, half hour later, I just give it a little time to digest. 1 o’clock to 8 o’clock, that’s the time that I stay in bed. Pretty much do this again the next day and rewind. I am a little bit repetitive here but I think it’s good for you guys to see the schedule and see what it’s like and again, you may not have to time to do what you want to do but you’ll make the time if it’s important to you.

And I hope that you guys having watched this channel, found enough things, enough reasons to become serious about what you do. Take your nutrition seriously, take your sleep seriously, take your training seriously and make the time for it. Because I promise you guys, it is well worth the time that you will spend doing it. Alright guys, if you found this video helpful and you liked it and you want to see more of these behind the scenes, let me know and I’ll make sure I do more of them here as we approach our 2 millionth subscriber. Alright guys, thanks a lot again. I’ll be back here again in just a couple days. .

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1-2 Years For The Rest Of Your Life (Key Fitness Mindset)

All right, so if you’re still a beginner at the whole fitness thing, you’re not happy with the shape you’re in right now, maybe you’re on the thinner side and you want to put on some muscle, maybe you’re overweight and you want to lean down, or you’re somewhere in the middle and you want to do both, I know that if you’ve never really been in great shape before then it might seem like kind of a lofty goal right now, there’s a lot of things you’re trying to keep track of; figuring out your calories, your macronutrients, food choices, setting up a proper workout plan, getting to the gym consistently, putting in the actual effort during your training sessions, tracking your progress, your supplements, it definitely can feel a bit overwhelming at the start.

I’ve been there myself. You might be having a tough time, you might be questioning whether or not it’s even worth it. But one very important thing that you have to keep in mind is that learning the ropes in terms of building muscle and losing fat is just like any other skill. And once you’ve gone through that initial grind and you’ve gotten accustomed to things, you’ve learned about your body, you’ve built up the proper habits, you’ve achieved some decent muscle building and fat burning results, it might be easy to just focus on the immediate short-term game that you’re gonna see, but you also have to understand that by just putting in the work for that initial year or two you’re literally setting yourself up for an entire lifetime of benefits. And the specific time frame it’s gonna take for each person to get to that point where they really just get it in terms of training and nutrition, and they’ve built a decent physique, and everything is mostly on autopilot, that time frame is gonna differ a bit it depends on whether you’re being exposed to the right information and how closely you’re dedicating yourself to your plan, but I think in most average cases probably somewhere between a year or two if you’re getting the right informatio, that’s all it takes to really get a solid handle on things where training has just become a normal part of life, probably something you enjoy and look forward to, at least on certain days of the week, and where nutrition is mostly just automatic and is something that you don’t really have to think too much about.

I mean, if you go about things properly you should be able to gain roughly 50% of the total muscle mass you’re ever gonna build just in that first year alone. And then probably the second year will be another 25%, so within one to two years you can make a very solid transformation if you stay consistent, and be right up around 75% of your genetic limit. And then the next year or two would be used to fill in most of the remaining amount. And not everyone is even trying to be as muscular as possible, so if you’re going for a leaner more aesthetic look, then by the two-year mark you might already be carrying an amount of muscle that you’re satisfied with. And if you compare that to the scope of your life as a whole, that’s really not a long time. That’s seven hundred and thirty days, and it’s a hundred and four weeks. And then the other very important thing to understand in this whole equation, is the fact that maintaining your physique after you’ve built it is a lot easier than the actual process of building it from the ground up.

Not only because you’ll have all the right habits in place already so they’re easier to stick to but even just physiologically as well, it doesn’t require as heavy of a training stimulus to keep your existing muscle mass intact in comparison to initially building it. So once you’ve achieved a physique that you’re happy with, at that point if you want you can be a quite a bit looser with your training and your physique probably won’t change that much. And then because of muscle memory if you do happen to go off the rails a bit down the line and fall off track a bit, which happens to most people here and there, you’re going to be able to rebuild any muscle that you might lose at a way faster pace than it took to originally build it. So, what I’m ultimately getting at here is that, if you’re in those beginner stages, if you’re thinking this is really hard, I’m overwhelmed, I don’t know if I can maintain this, understand that there’s a huge lifetime ROI involved with just buckling down and putting in the work for the first one to two years.

Even though it might seem challenging right now, if you can just grind through and move forward regardless, stick to your training plan, stick to your nutrition plan, continue researching so that you can expand your knowledge further, that is going to massively benefit you literally for the rest of your life, because it really just gets easier and easier the longer you’ve been doing this. And once you’ve gone through those first couple years, you’ll always be in shape and have a body that you’re happy with moving forward.

You’ll be healthier. You’ll be more confident and you’ll have the knowledge to easily get back in shape if you do fall off track. One to two years is not a long time to ask for in the grand scheme. There are a lot harder things in life than going to the gym and eating well. Those are things that will directly benefit you not just physically but mentally as well, so just go and do it, keep that bigger picture in mind and understand that the effort you’re putting in right now is going to have a reverberating effect ten, twenty, thirty, fifty years or more down the line.

So, I hope this was helpful. Like I mentioned before, having access to the proper information is a critical aspect of helping you learn the ropes as efficiently as possible and maximizing your results in those first couple of years, so if you do want to grab a fully structured step-by-step plan that lays out everything you need to know in terms of training nutrition and supplementation using a no BS science-based approach, I definitely recommend checking out my Body Transformation Blueprint program by clicking up here or visiting

Definitely a resource that I wish I would have had when I first started. For those who are new to the channel, my brand new science-based pre-workout fish oil and multivitamin are also now available over at, the link is in the description. And make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment, and subscribe below if you haven’t already, in order to stay up to date on future videos. Thanks for watching, guys. And I’ll see you in the next video. .

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Tito Ortiz Tries Out ‘Fitness MMA’ – Sweat Inc., Season 1

Welcome to Fitness MMA, guys. It is a high-intensity 30-minute workout with one-minute rest in between intervals. We’ll do all the same workouts that MMA fighters do, but you’ll never get hit, so it’s safer. From a business model standpoint, what size class? Where are you going to make your money from? We’re doing these classes five times a day. We have about 80 students in just one gym, and they’re paying $45 per month. – $45– – Really, really cheap for that. Yeah, it’s very– Right now, we have it very inexpensive. Do you have this trademarked? Uh, no because we’re the only ones doing it. I know there are other similar inspiration-type of classes, um, MMA TRX program. You say you’re the only guys doing this, you know. – What do you mean? – We’re the only gym that is doing it. Uh, our structured class– I guess it depends on what you’re calling this.

That’s where you’re losing me. I want to see innovation. I like the idea, but, like, how are you doing it differently? So, you can use karate, taekwondo, jiu jitsu, wrestling, and that’s where you get the MMA part. It’s a high impact workout working with medicine balls, working on heavy bags. It’s functional training because you’re using every muscle in the body. We’re going to start out with our warm-up. We’re going to do bag jumps with sprawls. So, from here, we sprawl out, back and forth. Over the bag, sprawl out, drive your hips in. Obi: This ain’t no warm-up. The purpose of the warm-up is to raise heart rate and to prep the muscles for strenuous exercise. Starting with the move that Adrian is doing can shock the system and result in a muscle tear. We’re going to mount the bag, and we’re going to start with our elbows. So, it’s boom, boom, boom.

It’s fast. Randy: And you’re just doing this for 30 seconds, huh? Adrian: Yeah, 30, well… You provide instruction, like, “Put your hand here. You drop your core there.” You gotta, like– Where’s the cuing? We need your cuing. Yes. Normally, I wouldn’t be on a bag. Normally, I would be walking through the class. Well, like Erin’s all over the frickin’ place right now. Instruct me. People pay for classes to learn proper form, and the reason for that is so you don’t get hurt. Whenever I design a program, a workout, I always make sure that I instruct which muscles should be engaging at what point during the entire exercise. It’s critical. Now, we’re up, back on our feet. Build the cardio up. Look, I’ve done this stuff before. Obviously, Tito has, but this requires instructions. It can’t just be, “Here we are. Figure it out. Hit the bag with your elbow.” How are you going to teach this workout to other instructors if you can’t even teach it to us? You’re unprepared.


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Hi, my name’s Julian, I’m 26 years old and currently a student. My whole life I’ve had problems gaining weight, maintaining my bodyweight or gaining muscle in general. I’ve always been very skinny but also always had the dream of gaining weight, being stronger and having a good physique. I went to the gym for a while, quite regularly. But this didn’t change anything and left me pretty frustrated. About half a year ago I went travelling around the world. During this time I realized how out of shape my body got from not doing any sports or exercising. This showed in how super skinny and gaunt I became. Freeletics Gym is a free app that creates you a personalized training plan every week. It guides you through every training session and teaches you all the movements. This was perfect for me as I didn’t have any experience with barbell training.

It adapts to your goals and experience and programs the training accordingly. Check the description for a free link. I’ve been training with Freeletics Gym for the last 18 weeks now. The first couple of weeks I focused on learning the exercises but soon after I was able to increase my weights on a weekly basis. I have become stronger than I ever could have imagined especially since I went to the gym for years before and never saw a real change.

Don’t forget to like and share the video 🙂 .

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Most Inspiring Person 2019 – Successful FIT and HEALTHY #PeopleWithPassion

Hello my name is Peter Kareem. I’m from New Zealand and 67 years of age and turn 68 in about 3 months time. I have many passions: raw food, loving the mountains I’m in the Himalayas here and the Annapurna circuit is my favorite. I’ve been here many times before and a lot of those times I’ve been here to do research on altitude sickness I’ve had a passion for studying physiology and natural health for many many years and I decided that while I was in Nepal, loving the mountains that I’d find out a little bit about this altitude sickness Now most of the medical profession at the moment say it’s caused by low oxygen levels and there is a secondary factor because as you do get higher the oxygen levels are quite low But the primary factor has to do with the thing called hemoglobin which has to do with the iron content of your red blood cells When you’re pushing yourself hard in these mountains Your red blood cell are used up pretty quick and your bone marrow is where the red blood cells are made.

And if they’re not getting enough iron Then what happens is you start suffering from the same symptoms as anemia. Because the iron is what carries the oxygen and if these low oxygen and insufficient iron in your body then the nutrients are not getting to the cells within the body. But yes I’ve had other patients in life. Being adventurous. I put a little yacht together once and spend 3 1/2 years sailing around the Pacific Ocean I guess because my life has been earth based and I’ve always been a person who’s been trekking in life and as a younger person or as seriously into snow and ice climbing and that’s one reason I come back here to the Himalayas quite often This is my sixth time.

I’ve been over five times before And each time I try to take different tracks. Like this morning I went up 1000 meters or so just on a local track to be up and in the snow and the mountains We all have the power! The important thing is to make sure that in your diet system that you’re not putting too much food into your body that has already been damaged which means that you should be eating a lot of raw food I’m about 95% raw in my home environment. When I’m traveling I have to compromise and just do the best I can. If you’re eating a typical Western diet then most of the food that you’re eating has been damaged to some point. Now what we’re calling damage this is when the food is taken above the pointer of denaturing Denaturing happens up to about 42 degrees centigrade and above that the more heat that’s put onto the food source the more damage is done to it Then you consuming this food and your body’s been built out of demolition material Now I’ve been it long enough now that my body’s hopefully does not have too much demolition material in it. So I’m able to push it a little bit harder than most people of my age I haven’t beaten age I’m still slowling down.

But I’m managing to hold on to it quite well Several reasons! Firstly as a younger child I suffered severely from tonsillitis I had to take days off school and there’s a lot of pain and this went on for most of my life until I was in my early 20s. When I had my tonsils out and it was the impact of of that. That made me stop and start thinking that somewhere from the time I was born to that moment I was doing something wrong I needed to change my lifestyle. The other thing that made me seriously go down this path was that my father died when I was 14 to 15 Left my mum with six kids and no income. Things were pretty hard at the time And I decided as a younger person that one day I was going to find out what caused cancer.

Why do people get these diseases and start dying of cancer And then I started reading about other ways people were dying: Diabetes and cardiovascular problems and I kept going down this this roadway. It became a passion. Things like Alzheimers diseases and Huntington’s diseases… Yes there’s not many diseases I haven’t covered at this stage of life I lived in a small Township in New Zealand. The name of the township is called Karamea. It’s on the west coast of the South Island. I’ve got a small acreage there It’s just under 2 acres. I have a number of fruit trees on the property Set up on a permaculture system. Permaculture is a system that was developed by Australians many many years ago. Basically what we’re talking about is taking a small environment and treating it with as many diversity of tree sources in food sources. And my places mainly set up with fruit trees at the stage. Later I’ll put more gardens in. And in my place I’ve well over 100 fruit trees, vines and things of that sort and any excess food I swap with local people for who’s into gardening I’ve a very large greenhouse to try and extend the climates in the area And I’ve built her house there myself.

A little two-bedroom house which is solar-powered for electricity. And it has a little wood-burner. I grow my own firewood trees on the property And I have another second building. We have a clinic for people who want to come and who do have serious diseases And they wanting to cure themselves by natural means People are always welcome. I don’t advertise but the places is always there and set up for people who want to go down that path.

Max Gerson… That was almost 100 years ago now and he did a lot of research into raw foods and he was finding that many of his cancer patients were curing themselves by using raw food. It was unfortunate for him that he didn’t have the physiology and the medical research that we have today A hundred years ago Litoral microscopes and things of that sort weren’t known. And by all means, I did study a lot of his work There were people like Pritikin who knew there was a problem with the defense. But again, he didn’t understand what was going on at the molecular level And we have that knowledge today! All the knowledge is there but not many people are connecting the dots Hopefully I’m one of them!

As found on Youtube

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6 PACK ABS For Beginners You Can Do Anywhere | 2018

(soft music) – What’s up, THENX athletes? Today, I’m gonna show you a six pack abs workout that you can do anywhere and this workout is gonna be perfect for beginners because a lot of these moves are exercises that you can just get right into. You don’t really have to have any prior knowledge on how to do these. These are pretty basic movements, but they’re super effective when it comes to burning fat and getting a six pack ab.

And best of all, all these exercises require zero equipment. All you need is your body and the ground and gravity and you’re good to go. Now this routine I’ve created for you guys is gonna have a mixture of fat burning exercises, ab sculpting exercises and we’re gonna be using different exercises to target different areas of our abs. The abdominals is a very big muscle group, which is gonna require a lot of different types of exercises to target every single area. The upper abs, lower abs, middle of your abs, your obliques and everything else in between. So to be really aesthetic, you have to target all aspects of that muscle group. And of course, we’re gonna be incorporating fat burning exercises to burn that layer of fat right on top of our abs to make them really show, to make them a lot more aesthetic. And the best of all, this ab routine is gonna make your core super strong. These are the same exercises that I got started with and I still use to this day.

With the right nutrition and the workout that I’m right about to show you guys, it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or advanced, this workout is gonna get you shredded. And best of all, you can do this anywhere. So there are absolutely no excuses. So, let’s go and do this together guys. Are you ready? First exercise is gonna be high knee taps. We’re gonna go for 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Let’s go for it. (soft dance music) Make sure to stay breathing, guys. Just regulate that breathing. And this is gonna be a piece of cake. (soft dance music) So right now we’re getting our whole body moving, getting that heart rate up and start burning that fat.

This is also gonna get our body ready so that when we move into those harder core exercises, it’s really gonna take a stronger effect cause we get everything fired up. Whew, alright. Next one we have, Russian twists. Let’s go right into it. So legs up, keep those legs straight. Touch one side, touch the other side. Keep that core tight, regulate that breathing. (electronic music) Don’t give up guys, we’re just getting started. Pace yourself. If you can go fast, challenge yourself, go for it. If you can only go slow, take it easy, chill. Eventually, you’re gonna get a lot better at this. The most important thing is to make sure that your form is on point and everything else will progress. We’re on out way to six pack abs, baby. Keep those cores tight.

(electronic music) Alright, next exercise we have is leg raises. You guys ready for that? Let’s go for it. Alright, so all the way up, all the way down. You want to come to about six inches off the ground. Make sure you’re going all the way up and all the way down. Keep those legs straight. (slow tempo music) There we go, almost there guys. Five more seconds. Three, two, there we go. Alright, next move we have hip raises. Alright, here we go guys. This move, form is everything. Legs straight out tight, tight together. You’re gonna bring them in and you’ll bring your body up. Back down, straight out. Let’s go for it. (dance music) Form is everything on this one, guys. (dance music) Keep that breathing. (dance music) Whew, alright. Now you’re starting to feel it, hopefully. Okay, so the next move we have is flutter kicks.

Let’s go right into those. Legs straight, core tight from this position. One leg up, one leg down. (electronic music) This is an excellent move for tightening that core, strengthening that core and also burning that fat. This is one of my favorites. I literally started off on this move right here. This is one of the first ones I ever did for abs. (electronic music) This is one of those excellent moves that targets that lower core. That’s normally one of the most hardest places to hit. Alright, now let’s go for some plank. Now we’re gonna use a different angle to target those abs, alright? And also, a different flex too. Let’s go right into it. We’re gonna go into a plank. We bring one knee up, come back down. Other one up and come back down. Let’s go for it. (slow tempo music) It’s all about control.

Keep that core tight that whole time, guys. Don’t ever loosen it. That’s the most important part. Bring those knees up. Alright. So now we’re gonna switch it up again, hit another angle. We’re gonna go to chair sit ups. From this position, you wanna keep your legs up so that way you’re automatically engaging that core. And we’re gonna put our hands, let’s start with one side first. Activate that core, keep that core tight. Keep these feet up. (soft music) This one is an ab-killer, guys. If you’re doing this with me, hang in there. We’re almost there. Regulate that breathing. (soft music) When you guys go up, try to go up. Try to touch the ceiling. You guys really want to reach for it. Here we go, we’re almost there. Alright, so the next one we’re gonna go for is seated in and outs. Another different angle. We’re gonna go straight out, keep that core tense and bring ’em right back in. Alright guys, let’s go for it. Make sure to go all the way out, all the way in. Form is everything. Especially if there’s a lot of beginners watching this right now, you want to start with perfect form because you’re gonna grow off of perfect form.

You start with sloppy form, you’re gonna grow off of that sloppy form. You don’t want that. (dance music) If you need to stop, stop. Take that break, but keep going. Don’t give up, no matter what. Alright, we’re gonna build that discipline. That’s also just as important as working out cause you’re only as good as you continue to push. So with that said, we’re gonna move in to the last exercise, guys. We have jumping jacks. This is gonna really finish off the job right here. Get us those six pack abs coming in. Here we go. So this is the last exercise, guys. Push it as hard as you can. This one, you don’t want to stop. You want to give this everything you’ve got, this last exercise. Build that discipline. That’s what first gonna allow you to go on that extra reps, go on that extra time. And eventually, your strength is gonna catch up with you.

You’re gonna progress super quick. But, it’s all in the mindset. We’re almost there, almost there. Here we go, five seconds. Hard, hard, hard. Alright, so there you have it. Round one for those six pack abs, a routine that you can do anywhere. Great for beginners because you don’t need any equipment as well as the exercises being pretty basic. Anyone can do them, but be extremely effective. Because they’re the ones I started off on, but the ones that I still do to this day. I mean, you can hear me.

I’m pretty gassed at this point, but we still got three more rounds to go to finish this routine. So if you guys enjoyed this routine, enjoyed the workout, then smash that Like button. And for more workouts sign up right now at, become a member and get full access to all our workout programs, all our technique guides and our daily workouts that are gonna have you shredded and not just looking strong, but actually being strong.

Download the THENX app in the App Store to take our workouts with you everywhere. We have people all around the world learning how to muscle up, planche with ease properly, step-by-step with the correct progressions all on our app. So sign up today and become a member and join the millions of THENX athletes and start getting in the best shape of your life today.

Thank you guys for watching. I’ll see you guys in the next Sunday’s video. Let me know what you want the next video to be about by commenting down below. (upbeat music) .

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