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This year my theme is snow Not just as an element I was born in December and I am kind of a child of winter and christmas On the other hand, I am a child of sunshine Being finnish and having that “sisu” (perseverance) and strength But at the same time, the softness, fairness and purity – of snow So, now we are… “we”? All of us I am going to train my fitness routine Ringa (my choreographer) came from Jyväskylä to Helsinki Ringa have made all of my fitness routines besides the year 2013 We have known each other since the time we were doing gymnastics together and we have coached together too Ringa has made me…

4 fitness routines We started doing this routine last autumn and this has been ready for a long time but it always needs some fine adjustments Especially because I was ill for a while a go I still don’t know if I can do a whole routine or not When I was getting better from my flu, I went and try out to do it Is was not a good idea… That’s why I recovered a bit longer and tried to keep my training light I have been training my fitness routine about 2 times per week And this is probably the 3rd time, in this year, when we are seeing each other with Ringa But I am used to train alone I see my coach Teemu once a month, now when the competitions are coming, we are seeing a bit more often It is good to get some little tricks and do finetuning Let’s see…

What Ringa will think Eve has advanced a lot during these years When we started out together we had to concentrate on that it wouldn’t look so gymnastics -like Tightness has always been natural for her, but dancing is something we have been trying to train more Now things are going really well, considering her low energy Now we have to do just a little adjustments here and there The flips are so lively and powerful you can’t know which way is she going down There haven’t never been a question about Eve on stage.

She is always shining so bright It doesn’t matter what she is doing, and whether she’d forget her routine, performing is something she can do and that is also why we can concentrate on just a small things With other people I work with, we have to train technique till the last weeks to get the routine completed Gladly, with Eve we can focus on to the little details… which will guarantee her winning We are going to the gym I have been training my fitness routine this morning also I trained mainly technique and some rehabilitation for my back because I have some problems with it, and with my back’s facet lock it causes problems with my right side’s nervous system But now, let’s do some delts Maybe a bit arms…

And chest… My training program depends a lot about my feelings and I like to go “with the flow” I know approximately what to do But whatever feels good at that moment I do not plan strictly my programs Let’s go… Yeah I have to be precise with the movements and angles to my chest and delts When my back gets locked, it causes some nervous problems with the ride side of my body and it is hard for me to keep my right shoulder blade at its right form So I have to concentrate to do the movements right But yeah, you’ll always find some way to work things out And well, I wouldn’t say I’d had some major problems right now, But the fact is that with so many training years that I have, it gets harder and problematic sometimes *emotional explosion* Only because of training That emotional explosion is a combination of many things It is the big picture: how much I have been working for this, how hard times I have had before…

And now it finally feels that I have succeed (at least for myself) Winning is pretty important for me and… Of course I want to win I have been trying to think that maybe it isn’t everything and the most important thing And of course it couldn’t have ever been But I can admit that sometimes winning was the only thing that mattered and winning was the only thing that made me happy Oh what an explosion of emotions But it is kind of really cool that something like this can cause so big emotions What else could do the same…? Besides love But for myself I think I am going to achieve the goals I have made And be in the best shape where I have ever been If I could be just as lean as on my first year of competing Getting so lean and cutted is never easy for me, and for few it is But for me it takes a lot In the end calories are low and there is a lot of training And I know that even though I think I can and I could eat less and do more It is not always better It is definitely not always better I have a good feeling And I will enjoy this as much as I can I have been definitely working so hard for this Was the result whatever (hopefully good) I have deserved all this And I will enjoy it at full

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