Style Switcher

Predefined Colors


Hey guys welcome to my channel today i going to show you how your shave his shoulder your biceps your triceps and you get nice and strong and I hope you are can follow and always you can do it inside your house even you will have small or spares no space or in your dry goal let’s get started and go me first warm up in Hannah nectar over your chairs great now you are level on your ups close and open three two and one now more from your side and then slow down your chest don’t enemy right mullah five four three two one now go to your right go to the left cross cross cross but laugh right side again four three two one now who you with your assistant front on your chest and keep open with your shoulder ten nine eight seven six five four three two one now pause when you pose you can feel it you type in shoulder given your name right four three two one stand half and all the way over up on your head and from the top you can put your hand straight above your head and keep your side and side again five four three two and one for ten five and up two three four five six seven eight nine and then from here you bitch you can feeling now see the other side and stand on the half keep your hand here and then side up side up side up now your assistant in your side and they reach on top of your head and instead of strong snap your abs squeeze up five four three two and one give me pause one two three four five six seven eight nine and then stand straight and put your right legs give it smaller space and your bicep you can use your bicep keep your elbow near your waistline and then by SEPA bicep what is your bicep can do it as much again then Helen Excel squeeze again five four three two and one now keep yourself bicep now who you want your elbow level of here under your side please and lift open and open in Harran except right and left okay feeling your homes inhaling like that say you lift all the way up you can put it straight above your head inhale the next step above your head and then you can feeling how you shave that’s five and four three two and one from the top pull your lip pop up in your head all the way down your side and right left in had a next step go left side right again five more four three two and one dress now from here you can go to squat and squat side now squat it’s up its up in eight seven six five four three two one no hold when you bully keep your hand here and wrong square shoulder and read your shoulder now this woman asked you like you can make it 10 reps to set and squeeze in hand an exam four three two and one now if you hold your legs straight you can make it close in open-front your chest six seven eight nine ten five more five four three two one no keep your head here side on your shoulder and drop your chest now you keep down bow and then hold it rest in all the way and keep you all the way up down your chest near yogi and reached up I can you you should squat inhale in exhale close together front off inhale last five four three two and one all the way down all the way up all the way down all the way up again float your chest until your elbow closed on your blitz and reach again why for – one no more your legs from your left side and right side no good here you can make it rise up and build it your back hand up keep your tricep all your abs the squeeze your shoulder you can do it continue five more four three two one now switch other side step your left hold and stand forward to other legs and tricep inhale again and Excel strong tie to legs reach on pop your head and reach up eight seven six five come on four three two one well done glide is well done now stand straight and when you’re home punch hole you’re right left side right side left side on hole see you right left side giving you have a persistent squeeze all right left side four three two one now keep your hand here front of your chest lift above your head and down I get brought and down don’t baby put your head extend up front instant pudding stand and with up give me a right on straight from five four three two one freeze now keep your legs wider straight your legs now hold your work resistant front of your chest and then go right left side now your inner side you can make right side third and this right next to go to right left in the next set five four three two one great now pull your back and then is your son squat twice one to right side and left go right and left are right and let’s start with from the top and left side one more and right corner left in your right corner and then hold squeeze your squad and drop us 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 no give me a small on your front under your foot and then you put your hand all the way side and it’s 3 4 1 2 release release now it is for your upper your tricep and on your shoulder stand strong that’s much it can you can make it 10 reps to set 3 sets again 2 1 4 5 4 3 2 1 now switch the other side and small space on there hold your hand down straight down on your side 6 five four three two one three four one two three four five hold you hold by four three two one now sing nine so much again again in your lips can you open send your sleeves keep your hand here from top open same side your legs inhale answer you can put light open squeeze you either your arms by more four three two one from here right hold your knee on your left side support your right side Nina and there one two three four five six seven eight other side one two three four five six seven eight relax now back it’s starting to be there this is your one side and then all the way all the way up and all the way all the way up and up twice and up single finger up when you both hold hold one two three one two three one two three one two three one more time one two three switch other side keep your legs strong pull you were put under on your assistant to be balanced now three times you push 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 hold hold hold hold very nice I get one more time 1 2 3 good where’s your sister front of your chest keep your hand here drop your chest and there when you turn it go right and left side you can fish you hear fish you’re here go back side and then left again your eyes on your left all right side and let’s start and then further guys this is nice your shape or your upper this world is definitely work on your body part if you have resistant easy to find resistant any sport place of any shape or spot I know you can do it if you can bring it more better and try it to find also your top and if you cannot find your sister but I know you can now try now you are stretching and small balance how you balance your stab and wait sanyo toe we can marry next there keep your hand strong and live from the top this is your right side come ten nine eight seven six five four four three two and one okay every laughs really what you’re doing dealing here and always your pawns go all the way up ten nine eight seven six five four three two one wait would you here live and up live and breathe and then hold for one two three and four five six seven eight nine and ten now squeeze keep your eye turn it from here to see how you squeeze your glutes and squeeze hold one two three four and squeeze your time squeeze back and squeeze inhale exhale one two three four five six seven eight eight seven six five four small bending when you cannot squeeze your abs squeeze your lower back and up one two three four five six seven eight nine oh now down pull your legs strong you turn it back and then only squeeze one two three to up without beginning one two three four five six seven eight eight seven six five four three two one two three four six seven eight nine ten the whole when you would be balanced again crossing right behind your left and squeeze your hand here dumped on your chest ten nine eight seven six five four three two one shut down and cross your left ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one great guys hold your hands up on your head in her neck there downside when you’re down side I need you turn your right go into the left side and stretching hold your hand and so much you can release put your hand left on your side and switch the other side reach on your waist on the right side and here my side over your ear straighten your side lips and all your back goes together your palm put on the front reach above your head in her next set and relax now when you relax where’s your knee reach your knee right let’s start you can put it stop on your left side and then move your hand you can put on your chest front and hold six five four three two one switch the other side push your focus for your left side and then leave the big bang and then on side find your balance put on frontal chest bye yes the hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 4 3 2 1 important always you pocos die rate on your forehead direct in your Center where’s your what your front and then open every last breathe inhale extend now take it shoulder drop falling on your left in a species show the right and then stand straight open your chest and then drop your chest don’t go into the right side corner and then open 3 stop round twice and then hold when you hold it as much again under your right side your hand under your left now hold your heel or your ankle and hold your legs knees side to side right and left in hand XL 4 3 2 1 from the pluck down in the ground straight your legs you can touch your toes and here you can put it up you can put it down and it’s 3 you can put your hand on your side corner pull out your left from the front and it’s breaking down in the ground and live up down in the ground 5 4 3 2 1 then hold keep your arms on your side from and you can see your right leg straight flat your dog you had a next step now switch the other side flat on top and then hold it and stretching your chest okay put your hand here one front one side up and lift and down you can put down in the ground pull up and up and down down and up and then one when you hold it legs up in the ground like your hand the crown and you can touch your toe how you’re stretching reach your shoulder or your pump return journey and you’re sure those three touch your toe on the left side and then final balance even your small finger you can get single and mold it in answer you can put your legs straight leave your heel again to relax your comes in the next shoulder – one now relax put your legs here again you place little bit wrong inhale the next time relax find your balance and touch your toe and then one two three and four now you much less you’ll have your body every in Hell in a Cell know which and more reach and relax now don’t forget your hand the chin all this near your chest and down your head die recognize oh now your head use your side to side and then and then hold up all those all goes all the way up and hold your elbows Ray Jones and switch that aside and perfect which drop in your side and we great workout guys for you are today and you are until tomorrow you can feeling great I get all must waive your power for every day try your best to follow all my video workout and I hope I can help you how you searching about for your part of your shoulder your abs your glutes your dialogue tubs pull your body I know are you a low folder and give me a thumbs like please

As found on Youtube

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