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Tito Ortiz Tries Out ‘Fitness MMA’ – Sweat Inc., Season 1

Welcome to Fitness MMA, guys. It is a high-intensity 30-minute workout with one-minute rest in between intervals. We’ll do all the same workouts that MMA fighters do, but you’ll never get hit, so it’s safer. From a business model standpoint, what size class? Where are you going to make your money from? We’re doing these classes five times a day. We have about 80 students in just one gym, and they’re paying $45 per month. – $45– – Really, really cheap for that. Yeah, it’s very– Right now, we have it very inexpensive. Do you have this trademarked? Uh, no because we’re the only ones doing it. I know there are other similar inspiration-type of classes, um, MMA TRX program. You say you’re the only guys doing this, you know. – What do you mean? – We’re the only gym that is doing it. Uh, our structured class– I guess it depends on what you’re calling this.

That’s where you’re losing me. I want to see innovation. I like the idea, but, like, how are you doing it differently? So, you can use karate, taekwondo, jiu jitsu, wrestling, and that’s where you get the MMA part. It’s a high impact workout working with medicine balls, working on heavy bags. It’s functional training because you’re using every muscle in the body. We’re going to start out with our warm-up. We’re going to do bag jumps with sprawls. So, from here, we sprawl out, back and forth. Over the bag, sprawl out, drive your hips in. Obi: This ain’t no warm-up. The purpose of the warm-up is to raise heart rate and to prep the muscles for strenuous exercise. Starting with the move that Adrian is doing can shock the system and result in a muscle tear. We’re going to mount the bag, and we’re going to start with our elbows. So, it’s boom, boom, boom.

It’s fast. Randy: And you’re just doing this for 30 seconds, huh? Adrian: Yeah, 30, well… You provide instruction, like, “Put your hand here. You drop your core there.” You gotta, like– Where’s the cuing? We need your cuing. Yes. Normally, I wouldn’t be on a bag. Normally, I would be walking through the class. Well, like Erin’s all over the frickin’ place right now. Instruct me. People pay for classes to learn proper form, and the reason for that is so you don’t get hurt. Whenever I design a program, a workout, I always make sure that I instruct which muscles should be engaging at what point during the entire exercise. It’s critical. Now, we’re up, back on our feet. Build the cardio up. Look, I’ve done this stuff before. Obviously, Tito has, but this requires instructions. It can’t just be, “Here we are. Figure it out. Hit the bag with your elbow.” How are you going to teach this workout to other instructors if you can’t even teach it to us? You’re unprepared.


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