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11 Rookie Workout Mistakes You Should Avoid

Eleven rookie workout mistakes you should avoid Going to the gym is great. Workouts are good for both your body and your mind after a stressful day. But we often make mistakes during our workouts that stand in the way of being healthy Did you know that doing exercises in a wrong way is even worse than doing nothing at all? Why do you go to the gym regularly and don’t get the desired resuls? In this video, we collected the 11 most common workout mistakes that you should avoid.

Remember the devil is in the details 11. long cardio workouts When it comes to cardio workouts, you need to learn to keep the balance. On the one hand, don’t exhaust yourself. Overdoing cardio can have a negative effect on your cardiovascular system We are pretty sure that the last thing you want from your workouts is heart problems. On the other hand, not doing enough means exercising in vain. Of course, it’s different for everyone, but the average duration of a cardio training should be around 30 minutes We recommend you start small and gradually build your way up. This way you will know your limits and keep your heart safe 10. low calorie diet Generally, low calorie diets are healthy and can slow down the aging of the heart and prevent cardio diseases However, they contain very small amounts of fat that your body needs so much during an intensive workout To get the necessary fats, proteins and carbohydrates for your body, eat more salmon and avocado These products have enough fat but they are healthy and nondestructive 9.

Not sleeping enough Of course, not sleeping enough means lower physical performance and slower recovery And when you feel tired, there is no point going to the gym. In such a bad mood, you will be cheating yourself, doing the exercises just for show. like this video if we’re right 8. sports drinks with electrolytes Drinks with electrolytes can harm your body a lot because they contain a large amount of sugar This is exactly why they seem to make you feel energetic and refreshed Drink pure water instead.

Many people think drinking water when exercising is wrong, but you are not one of them, right? Don’t torture yourself by not drinking any water. During a workout your body actively loses a lot of fluids So be kind. Don’t deprive yourself of life-sustaining water 7. eating more Yes, sometimes you may feel like a good workout is a great feat So you deserve a feast We’re not fans at this pun either. If you want to keep your weight in check or even decrease it, you have to eat right and stay away from empty calories What do you choose? super tasty hamburgers or a beautiful body? 6. working out on an empty stomach If you come to the gym hungry, there is a great chance you won’t be able to finish the workout because of tiredness and feeling unwell If you don’t want to lose consciousness, this is not a joke.

It’s real In the gym, eat two hours before exercising. Two hours is enough for the body to digest the food to the point when you are already not feeling sleepy and not hungry yet 5. going to the sauna after a workout Like we said before, during an intensive workout you lose a lot of fluids because of that your body pressure rises So a hot bath or a sauna can be very dangerous for your heart and blood vessels So, if you want to wash off the sweat, take a warm shower instead. It’s quicker and less harmful. 4. using a scale Do you feel discouraged every time you step on a scale? Well you shouldn’t. You can comfort yourself with this thought: Muscles weigh more than fat So maybe the fat you wanted to burn turned into muscles Seriously speaking, to get accurate measurements, you need to use special devices that can tell you how much fat there is on your body 3. not hiring a fitness trainer Some people, if not most, need a Shia LaBeouf in the gym, someone who can yell at them. Just do it. If you are one of such people, don’t be cheap and hire a trainer He or she won’t let you stop when you want to Trainers are usually great motivators besides their job is to develop a training program that fits your needs and your physical capacity A professional trainer can make sure you do all exercises correctly and don’t harm yourself accidentally 2.

Not cooling down Don’t forget to take a few minutes to stretch after a workout it will reduce the pain in the muscles and make your recovery much faster. Also when running, don’t stop immediately Slow down gradually and walk a little in the end. Don’t forget about this and leave some energy for it 1. daily workouts Regular workouts and eating healthy food are your way to a great body But regular doesn’t mean everyday. If you workout every day you will feel exhausted. and your muscles won’t have time to recover Ironically, daily workouts lead to the increase of cortisol in your body This hormone may cause your weight to increase so that all of your effort will be for nothing To avoid this, take breaks between training sessions, get enough sleep and eat well Do you know any other workout mistakes that we should avoid in the gym. Share them in the comment section below Share this video with your friends to help them get their dream bodies and hit the like button below the video The more likes we get, the faster we make new videos for you

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