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Abs Workout – Best Abs Exercises – Get Abs in 30 Days

– Hi guys! This is Christine Curry. I want to welcome you to our yoga core workout. So what we’re gonna be doing is blending some yoga moves in with a lot of core, and if that doesn’t make sense to you, abs. So just think abs, everybody likes abs. Alright, so we’re gonna start in Downward Dog. So you’re just gonna stretch your back. Bend your right knee, and then bend your left knee.

Just a stretch. Drop it way back and then drop the knees wide, sit into Child Pose way far back. Extend the arms and then the whole time you’re gonna keep your core engaged here. And then stretch forward to the abdominals up into Cobra. And then take it way back, pull the abdominals and stretch. Two more of those. So come forward and up. Press back. Two more, forward and up. And press back. And last one. So inhale, lift up, hold stretch, maybe lean to the right, lean to the left, and then bring it to neutral. So you move your wrists underneath your shoulders, knees underneath the hips. You’re gonna pull the abdominals in back as flat. Cat Cow. So inhale, stretch up. Exhale, really suck the navel to the spine and curl it. So as we move through a lot of these normal yoga poses I want you to think more core. Inhale, lift up. So exhale, really squeeze the navel in. One more time. Inhale, lift up. And exhale, curl and suck your navel to your spine, and then find neutral.

Extending the left leg, extend the right arm, breathe. So again, core is pulled in. And then bringing the right elbow to the left knee, crunch here and extend. 12 of these. So that’s two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. So two more, we’re gonna hold the last one. So this one right here, you’re gonna suck it in, suck it in, suck it in, and release a Child Pose. Come back up.

Second side. So extend the left leg, engage the glute so the bonus is your butt, extend the arm, and try not to dump into the lower back, right? So pull the abdominals in tight. And then second side, curl in, 12. 11. 10. Breathe, so you’re gonna exhale on the squeeze. So curl. And curl. So make it a little stronger in. Last four. Three. Two. And one. Extend. Draw it in, stretch it back. Take a breath here. And then come forward. So forearm plank. You’re gonna draw the forearms to the ground here and then extend the legs. Now to modify all you’re gonna do is drop the knees. You’re not gonna move your butt back, right? You’re just gonna lift it here and extend and hold.

So breathing in in this plank. You’re gonna drop your hips to the right. Left leg can stack on top here, and drop the hips down for 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Okay, hold on one. Lift the leg, breathe. Bring it back together. Drop the knees, stretch back. And then second side. So come forward. Again forearms down, extend the legs. If you’re gonna modify, knees go down and you twist like that, okay? So you twist the hips.

Obviously not a stronger move, right? So we have 10 more. So you’re gonna lean here and drop down, 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Lift the leg. Bring it down. Drop the knees, release the lower back. So we do a lot of this release because it’s a little strong in the lower back. So breathe down. Come forward, give me another Cobra here. This time curl the toes under, press back into Downward Dog. Lift the right leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, just stretch. Bring it down. Lift the left leg up, bend the knee, open the hip. Breathe back into Downward Dog. And then moving into abdominals again. You’re gonna take your right leg, you’re gonna bring it to your right elbow or shoulder, and then stretch it back up, and you can either add the backbend here, or you can take it out if it bothers your back. Alright? So the knee comes in. That’s one. Stretch it up. Knee comes in, two. Bend it back. Three. Back. Four. Five. And I’m gonna show you the modification.

You drop the knee, six. Take it back. Seven. Take it back. Eight. Nine. 10. And then you have two more, 11. 12. Hold it up on the last one. The bonus is your arms get a huge workout. Hold it up, breathe. Drop it down, Downward Dog. Drop the knees, stretch back. Come forward onto your belly. Take the hands behind the back. So working all this back here is also like backbend, right? So hands up and crunches. You’re just gonna crunch up, one. We have 12 of them. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Hold. Bring the arms right by your side, shoulders back. Curl the toes under, pull your belly. So right here, look, pull your belly off the mat, press yourself up. Push up. Push it back, stretch. Left leg up, bend the knee. And into second side. So knee to shoulder elbow for 12. Back and twist, 11. 10. Nine. So I’m keeping a bend in my knee. Eight. So the bonus there is I’m adding the glute lift.

So not only are you working your arms, not only are you working your core, but we’ve added glute, okay? So just a few more left. Bring it forward. And back, I think there’s four. If not, you’ll figure it out. Three. Two. Twist, one. Stretch it back up. Put it down slight forward, drop it down. Pull the belly in and again into the lower back. So feet stay rooted, inhale up. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. Last one, 12. Same thing, strong. Curl the toes under, shoulders roll back and off, push up. Drop the knees, take it back, breathe. So take a nice long breath here. Curl the toes back under, push back on feet to Downward Dog. Take a breath in Downward Dog. Lift the right leg up, and you’re gonna pull it all the way through and drop the left hip into the lunge. Low lunge here. Exhale, hands to your heart.

So take a breath. So twisting. Twisting is good for detoxifying, right? It moves into the abdominal area. It’s not like things are just gonna fly out of you, it just means that it stimulates that area to start like flushing things out of your system. So twist, turn. Bring it back up. Stretch here. Bring the arms down. Curl the toes under, Downward Dog. Left leg up, pull it through into that low lunge, drop the knee. Inhale, stretch up. Pause. Exhale into the twist. So starting to wake up things in your sides here. Twist it out, breathe.

And then release it back down. Again curl the toes under, Downward Dog. Take a breath, inhale. Exhale. Press forward in a plank. You’re gonna drop your right forearm, drop your left forearm, breathe into a normal plank, knees down if you need to. So we’ve already done right left, we’ve done left side. So now let’s alternate right and left. So we’re gonna do 24, 12 on each side. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. 12 more. 12. So let’s start with 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Take it down, walk the hands in.

Alright. So coming onto your side. We’re gonna move into a side forearm plank. Modification: knee is down. But full pose: pull it up in a plank. So just pause here, just hold it. You can extend the arm. You can have it behind your head. Breathing, holding, working the sides, top, everything. And now you’re gonna take the top leg and you’re gonna move it behind you. Top leg behind you, the bottom leg is now free. So we’re gonna lift it up for 12 reps. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Bring it down, replace the top leg, hold. Lift the top leg, bend the knee, draw it in. 12 times, alright? So two. If you want more work, you swing it forward, three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Put it down, stretch up. Bring it in. Reach that top arm up and over. Stretch. Shake that shoulder elbow out and let’s do the other side. So moving into the other side. Same setup, knee how we did it before, but make sure that shoulder and elbow are lined up so you don’t get all that pain in that shoulder joint. So push it up, hold. We did one hold here. Breathing. And then top leg behind, bottom leg lifts, arm behind. So lift 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Replace it, lift the top leg. Easy version: knee in and out. Harder version: straight leg for 10 more. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. So squeeze and contract here. Four. Three. Two. One. Bring it in, stretch it over. Drop the hips. Mermaid stretch over. Okay, let’s roll back down onto our backs. And then take a nice stretch. Knees in, take a breath. Exhale here. Move into a twist. So knees to the right, stretch to the left. So part of having long lean muscles right is about stretching them. And then other side. Especially abdominals, you don’t want them poking way out, you want to pull them nice and tight in.

Good, bring it center. And then extend the legs, extend the arms. So we’re gonna do a lift. So you’re gonna sweep up, bring the knee in, and sweep back down. You’re gonna sweep up, bring the knee in, and down. So we’re gonna keep going for 12. And up. 11, exhale. 10. Nine. If you want to make this harder watch the bottom leg. It lifts, off the ground and in. Off the ground and in. Give six more. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Last one. Bring it down, stretch your arms up and over the head. Breathe the right knee into the chest. Extend the leg, take a stretch. And then bend the bottom leg. You’re gonna wrap the right leg around. So those of you who know Eagle Pose, you’re gonna lift and double wrap.

If that doesn’t work, then just cross it. Keep the cross right, arms up. You’re gonna wrap the right arm around the left. So you’re an eagle basically. So take your breath here, breathe in, and then eagle crunches. For 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. You’re gonna hold this one and pulse for 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Extend everything out. Second set, lift up, squeeze. One. Two, so there was no break in-between. Three, leg up or down, it’s up to you. Four. Five. Six. So six more and you can hover that bottom leg. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Stretch. Breathe. Bend the knees. Lift the left leg, take a stretch.

Bend the right leg. Wrap it, double wrap it for Eagle if you can. Left arm up, comes under and double wrap. Okay, so whatever version of that you can do. 12 reps. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. Last one we hold for 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Release. Stretch again. Arms up and over. This time draw the right knee in, hold, and take spinal twists. So drop it over, knees to the right, make lots of length in the right hip. Take a breath. And then move into the second side, extend the right.

Twist, looking left. Good, bring it back to center. Drawing both knees in, one more time. Just hug them into the chest, lift yourself up. Pull your abs in. And release the head to the ground. Holding on to the edges of your mat here you’re gonna take the legs up. So you’re gonna do a reverse crunch and then press it out. So reverse crunch. Press it out. We’re gonna do 12 of those. So one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. Last two. And we’re gonna add a twist. So at the top, you’re gonna press out, twist right. Press out, twist left. So doing 12 of those.

This is four. Twist. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Bring it straight up, legs up and down. 12. 11. You can always put your hands under your hips if you need to. 10. Nine. Eight, you want to make it harder. Hands come above the head. Seven. Six, you can add a crunch. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Head back down, breathe. So back into that reverse curl but this time we’re gonna add a bicycle. So it’s reverse, twist. Reverse, twist. For 12. One, turn. Two, turn. Three, turn. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Reverse the crunch, hold, pull the right knee in to the left elbow. Breathe and hold. Lift up higher, four, three, two. Twist other side, lift up higher. Hold for four, three, two, one. Knees back in the chest, breathe. Feet down. Bring your heels near your rear end and lift up into Bridge Pose, stretch.

Just hold that stretch. Bring it down. One more time, curl and roll up, stretch here. Up. And down. Good, alright. Knees back in. Drop the knees to the right, hands behind the head to the right. So working in those sides here again so love handles. Lifting up for 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lift the feet up, 12 more. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, hold it up. Extend the legs and give me little pulses here on that angle, one. Two, and you really have to stabilize or you’ll fall over. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Bend the knees again, bring them down, take a little stretch here. And then second side. So lift up, twist everything to the left side. First one legs stay down, crunch into that right side for 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lift everything up, stabilize. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Hold the crunch, so everything is engaged here, extend the legs, little pulses. 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Back down, release. Bring it back in. Inhale, exhale, lift up moving into a side bend. So it’s not up and over, it’s literally a side bend. For 12. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Now extend, reach for the ankles for 12. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Hold, lift up. Lift up higher, extend the right leg. Extend the left leg, hold. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in, breathe, inhale. Exhale, lift up again. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in again, breathe, inhale. Exhale, again. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in, breathe. Right leg down. Left ankle on top of right knee. Press that right hip open, stretch. Hands behind the head. Side crunch again, so more in the sides here. Crunch the right knee to the right elbow. For 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Same movement but add the bottom leg here. For one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. Bring it in. Release. Left ankle crosses over right. So it’s just a side bend. So knee meets elbow.

Okay, for 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Then make it harder, extend the bottom leg. For 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Bring it all the way down. Lift the right leg up, cross that right ankle, hold the stretch. Here. So Reclining Pigeon. Reach through, bring the knee in, keep the right hip open, drop it back, breathe. So stretching. Move it to the left a little bit. Release that side. Cross the left ankle over the right. Push that hip away, reach up, reach through. Release. Breathe. Release that down, take both knees in.

Rock yourself all the way up. Come seated, take a twist. So wrapping the right leg around the left, or if you want more, bending the bottom, full wrap. Turn and twist. Bring it in, switch sides. Turn and twist. Good, look forward, release. So whatever way you’re comfortable, take a deep breath in, inhale, lift up. Exhale, take it down, and thank you for joining us for our yoga core workout today. .

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