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Strongman Competition w/ Rhett & Link | Kevin Hart: What The Fit Episode 7 | Laugh Out Loud Network

( upbeat music ) Kevin: All right, guys, another amazing episode of “What The Fit” is about to be in session. As usual, I’m not by myself. I’m with talented individuals. I switched it up. I went with some YouTube stars this week I got my guy, Rhett and Link with me. Just walk with me for a second. I got some strongman stuff to do. But before we get physical and we get into talking about health and wellness, let’s stop right here. This is my star. ( dramatic music ) -Link: Oh, there it is. -Kevin: That’s my star. -They don’t make these for internet stars. -Kevin: No. Bullshit. -That’s why I brought you here. -You’re just rubbing it in. No, I’m not. I brought you here to see it, soak this moment in. It does hurt a little bit. I’m just saying. Kevin: Understand that that can happen. Now, I want you guys to take a moment to breathe this in. This is–breathe it in. And what–is that gum? Jesus Christ.

Who would put that? What is this shit. What was somebody… -Link: I didn’t do it. -Oh, my God. Hold on. -You mind if he spits on it? Goddammit, guys. The point of this moment is to simply motivate and inspire you to get what you can eventually have. You know what? This brought me to another– I’m giving you guys a full (bleep) tour -of Hollywood. -Rhett: Okay. Kevin: Why the internet? Why did you guys choose -the internet route? -Link: We can do -whatever we wanna do. -Uh-huh.

Now, no one has to watch. -Okay. -But if they happen to watch, then it’s like, okay. I did whatever I wanted. -Okay. -And they still watch. What is the endgame? One was to get a star on Hollywood Boulevard. -You’re goddamn right it was. -A very clean one. Number two, make a collaboration video with Kevin Hart one day. It sounds like you guys are, uh, -on your way. -Yeah. ( laughing ) Yes, it sounds like. It sounds like you both are on your way. So, we’re gonna get on the Hollywood tour bus.

-Rhett: Okay. -Kevin: Yeah, man. I’m full of surprises, baby. -Can find the true meaning of Hollywood? -Man: Whoo. -Kevin: Come on, guys. Oh. Hello, everybody. -Hi. -Man: Hey, Kev. -Kevin: Hello. I’m with two friends. The big one, that’s my guy, Rhett. -Woman: Hi. -The little one is Link. Link: Hey, I’m the little one. Kevin: Allow me to take over this tour for a little bit and give you all a tour on what I consider Hollywood, okay? -( laughter ) -Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go, bus. I wanna give the tour. Let–let’s go. Drive the bus. -( laughter ) -Kevin: Okay. If you look to your left right now– -That’s their right? —you’re gonna see… -You mean left or is it right. -Link: Kev, left is over there. -My left, my left. This was my laundromat right here. That’s where I used to wash my clothes, people. Man: Go, Kevin. Kevin: The guy that owns the laundromat, he recognized me and he was like, “Give me a headshot so I can put it up.” I came in one day to wash my clothes and this lady was like, “Is that you?” I was like, “Yeah.” She was like, “Then why are you here?” I was like…

I immediately wanted the picture down. It’s a true story. I didn’t want my (bleep) picture up there anymore. Do not curse, okay? Every time I cuss, I normally have to give my kids a dollar, but I don’t have any… -Man: I got a dollar. -Okay, no. -Man: I can you loan a dollar. -I have $100 bill. That’s yours. You keep it, all right. That’s yours. -Thank you. -There’s gonna be a lot of cussing and I feel like I should get a lot of curse words off. -Rhett: Right, yeah. -And nobody can say anything.

Shit, damn, damn, shit, shit, shit, ass, ass, ass, ass. I get 80 more. I’mma owe this little girl a lot of money. Rhett: Yeah. -I feel like this is a great tour, guys. -It’s excellent. If you wanna give us a shot at any time to take over, I mean, we’re ready and willing. We’re ready. -Kevin: Are you sure? -Rhett: Oh, yeah. -Kevin: Introduce yourself. -Link: Hey, guys. Uh, we’re Rhett and Link. I’m Rhett. He’s Link. Uh, this mic is not even on.

-It’s not. -Yeah. Oh, there it is. Kevin: ( laughs ) Link: Here we have the St. George Dental Clinic. You know you can trust George because he’s a saint. If everyone looks down to their left, you’ll see a very nice office chair against a palm tree. If that doesn’t say LA, I don’t know what does. Can we get a clap– a handclap? ( applause ) Woman: Whoa. You guys are killing it. ( upbeat music ) Kevin: This is our stop, guys. We’re approaching the thing with the stuff. -Link: When you say the thing with the stuff, what does that mean? -Kevin: The stuff– just look out there and look at the stuff.

-( upbeat music ) -( grunting ) -Kevin: Yeah. Who doesn’t like working out in a hundred and twenty-six-degree heat, huh? Come on, guys. I got us some strongman stuff to do. This is not going to be a regular workout. We will be getting fit outside of our comfort zone. -We’re gonna build a truck? -No, no, no, no, these are for us to lift. -Link: ( laughing ) -Yeah. We’re out there with these guys. You see this? -Man: Gentlemen. -How are you, man? -Both: Welcome to your Strongman Competition. How’s it going guys? -Hello, hello. -In unison and everything. -How are you, man? -I’m Martins. Fourth strongest men in the world. -Kevin: Holy shit. -Martins: Well, let me show you what strongman is all about. -( upbeat music ) -Man, I’m hiding behind you. Oh, there it is. -Oh, shit. -Holy shit. -And today, you guys will be going to your ancestral roots and learning what it means to be strong. Uh, this might be a good time to let everybody know that, uh, I got doctor’s orders.

I can’t lift more than 20 pounds. -Kevin: What? -Why is that? -Rhett: Uh, I’m coming off of vasectomy. -Kevin: Oh. -Martins: Oh, okay. -Rhett: Yeah. -Oh, you got them snipped. -Rhett: Yeah, I did. But you know what. -Kevin: Wait a second. Wait. No, wait a second. Wait a second. -There we go. -Wait a second. -Oh, all right. I am dressed for it. -Kevin: Wait a second. -( applause ) -Kevin: All right. Come on. -( applause ) -Kevin: I definitely would not wear that shit ever, ever. -( laughter ) -Kevin: No. All right. Let’s go. I’m ready. So, where are we starting at? -Martins: We’re gonna start with the stone lift. Now, this is a staple strongman exercise. Widespread fingers, you lift it right up to your lap. -Rhett: Oh, what. -Sit down with it. You’re gonna drive your hips right into it. Roll the stone right up to your shoulder. -Link: So, why? -Because you guys are gonna be shouldering it. -Link: Uh-huh. -You got to shoulder it. -Martins: Yeah. -And that counts as a pick-up. -Martins: That counts as a rep. -Kevin: What the (bleep) is in that? -Martins: Right now, it’s empty.

So, that’s a hundred pounds. -And then, what, you put it in a cannon. -One, two, and three. -Straight on, just get… -I can do it, man. Get out of my face. -Martins: You’ve gotta listen to me. You already proved that you can’t do it. -I can. I didn’t lift it. I just wanted to see how heavy it was. -Sure. I mean, like, if you guys– -Kevin: You don’t know nothing. -Okay, fine. -Link: Just fourth strongest man in the world.

-You ain’t got to tell me nothing. You let me do it how I feel like I could do it. -I can’t believe you’re being mean to this guy. -Yeah. -( laughter ) -Strongman Competition, hmm? That’s what you all call it. ( grunts ) Okay. ( grunts ) Here we go. Oh my. -Yeah, yeah, right ( indistinct ) you up, yeah, yeah, yeah. -Okay. Okay. -You have to sit down. -Get down with it.

-Okay. Get right there, pull it in close to you. Push your hips into it. That’s it. -Yeah. -Pump it, pump it. -Yeah, yeah, yeah. -There we go. There we go. -Yes! -Okay. -That’s a rep! That’s a rep! -Yeah! Shit! -Suck it! -Man: There it is! -That’s what I’m talking about. -You suck it, stone! Ah. That’s right. – ( laughter ) -Rhett: You let me know what you need, man. -Here’s the thing. -Just let me know where you want me to touch you. -You know–what I need is an excuse.

Thank you. What’s the point of picking this up? Like, what’s my motivation? -What do you mean, what’s your motivation? -Martins: Because we are men. -That’s right. That’s right. Good job, baby. -We lift shit up. -I got you. -Let’s go! -( upbeat music ) -Continue. -There you go! There you go! -Yeah! Get it, Link! We got this belt! We got this battle! -Give him some help. Give him some help, Rhett. -You might wanna go– all right. Okay. -Martins: You got it halfway out. -( cheers and applause ) -You got that, Link. -I tried, Kevin. -Kevin: All right, what’s next? Let’s go. What’s next? -Next, we get that tire flip. -Okay. -Martins: This is a 900-pound tire. It’s– -Kevin: A what? Timeout. Wait, what? You lost me at 900 pounds. -Martins: So, Shawn here is gonna demonstrate. He’s gonna drive his hips forward as his torso rises. -Kevin: Uh-hmm. -Pushing into the tire and flipping it over. -Shawn: Nothing. You’re just gonna put your chin on that tire -like that? -Got to get intimate. Kevin: All right. You’re my bitch, huh? Huh? Hmm. That’s what you want? Watch out.

-It’s all you. -Okay. All right, give me a countdown. -Martins: Ready. -Kevin: Yes. -Martins: Three… -One hundred, ninety-nine… ( laughter ) -Five, four, three– -Shawn: Four, three, -two, one. -Link: –two, one. Here we go. Okay. Up, up, up, up, up. -Hey. -Oh, shit. Move those feet a little bit forward. Link: I’m telling you. I’d get it. Wait a second, man. Like, I really tried. -I know. It’s tough. -Hold on. Hold on. -Martins: Come on. Come on. -Oh, shit.

-Get back down. -Oh, shit. -Shawn: Get back down. I’m gonna help you through the first part. -Okay. Yeah. You got to. -Let’s do it. -Somebody better help me. All right. On three. One, two, three. Okay. Okay. -There you go. There you go. -Oh, shit. -There–get under it, get under it. Both hands under. Drop it down. -It’s all you. It’s all you. -Kevin: Goddamn. -There it this. -Yeah. Yeah. -What the (bleep) what the (bleep) timeout. -You’re on your way, baby bird! -Whoo! -Everybody, timeout. -Martins: You’re gonna fly soon. -Kevin: Timeout. Everybody, timeout. Now, it’s not fair to have all these amazing people on the side and not involve them. So, what I wanna do, I wanna do a Bengay challenge right now. I’mma grab six people, six people. We’re gonna go three against three, tug-of-war. You’re gonna go all in and win, okay? You and you, I like that. I like you and you. So, one, two, and I’mma get a guy. Brother, we’re gonna go you right here, and we’re gonna go you right here.

All right. So, you all three. -Woman: Uh-huh. -Back up a little bit on the rope. Okay. I just saw they legs. These are goddamn track runners right here. -( laughter ). -Yeah, yeah. You run track. I know a track leg when I see one. All right. On your mark, get set, let’s go! Go! -Whoo! -Whoo! -Man: Yeah! Come on! -Come on! -( cheers and applause ) -( indistinct ) all right, all right. -( applause ) -Okay. ( laughs ) You might be a sore winner now, but hopefully this win from Bengay will relieve the pain, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, guys so much. -Whoo! -Thank you, guys. Give them a round of applause. -( cheers and applause ) -What’s next? Go to the next thing. -Martins: All right. We’re going to the yoke carry. -Kevin: Okay. -So, basically, you’re just gonna get right under it, stand up and carry it down the line and back. -Kevin: How many pounds is it? -Now, this empty is 200 pounds. -What? -So I’ve personally competed in the heaviest contest in the world. The heaviest yoke I’ve done was a thousand five hundred fifty pounds.

They’re first. Martins: ( laughing ) -Rhett: This doesn’t look compromising, does it? -No. It definitely– it definitely looks like y’all are doing something else, but whatever. -Okay. -Kevin: Let’s go, Link. Rhett: Twenty, I’m giving you twenty. I’m giving you– -Man: Nice. There we go. -And I’m giving you a hundred and twenty in my mind. How is that? -Kevin: Come on, Link. -There you go. Stay with him. -Rhett: Look at us. Look what we’re doing. -Are you pushing down? Pull up! -Man: Come on. Going strong. -Pull up! Pull up! -Yeah! -Yeah! -That’s it. -Rhett: Look at us. -Martins: There we go. -Yeah. -How was that? -Yeah. -Look at that, huh? -( applause ) -Kevin: Now, here’s another question. If I breeze through this, where will my place be in, like, the Strongest Man Competition? Is there like a level? -Shawn: You would have successfully warmed up for the contest probably. -Kevin: Okay, got it. -Shawn: Yeah. Okay. You’re gonna push forward. -Kevin: One. Hey, man. Leave me alone! I know what to do! -Okay! You got it! -Shit! Ready, one, two, and push.

Okay. Oh, yeah. -Man: There we go. There we go. -Okay. -( laughs ) -Rhett: Two hundred, no problem. -I’m one of the strongest men in the world. ( laughing ) Oh, God. Whoo. Oh, God. Oh. -Shawn: Nice. -Kevin: Oh! Oh! Boom, boom. Huh? – ( cheers and applause ) -Martins: All right. You’re gonna use what you’ve learned in the bus pull. -The what pull? -Martins: The bus pull. -Kevin: Oh, you pull the bus. Easy. -I’ll be the ref. -Done. -Shawn: All right, Kevin. So, you and I is going head to head, see who’s stronger. -How does it feel to know you’re gonna lose? -( laughter ). I get to pull a bus. All this fake ass Strongman shit. Give me my bus, cuz! -( bus horn blows ) -Martins: Competitors, ready? -Kevin: Why can’t I pull the bus? I don’t need to pull this! ( car horn honks ) -( laughter ).

-Martins: Oh, you haven’t had enough training, dude. You’re a little too short. -Kevin: Bullshit! That’s bullshit and you know it! -Martins: All right. Sorry, buddy. Just not today, little bird. -Call me little bird again, I’mma fly. -Martins: Okay. Set, go. -( grunts ) -Martins: Good job, Shawn. That’s it, chop, chop. Keep drawing the rope into your stomach. That’s it. Keep drawing it. -Link: Oh, the bus is moving. Oh, look how that little car’s moving. He’s gaining on him. -Martins: He’s gaining on you.

You got to move, man. You got to move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move, move. -That’s right. Suck it, strongman! Suck it! Suck it, strongman! -( air horn . -Suck it! Whoo! Yeah! -Beginner’s luck. -Kevin: Oh. -Shawn: Kevin hart is our winner. -Shoot for the stars! -Link: Hey, that was a good pull though. -Shawn: I tried. -Mini hulk, that’s what I’m talking about! An amazing episode of “What The Fit” ended it with a bang. -Nice job. -Thank you. -I’m impressed. -Thank you, guys. Thank you to you and your singlets. Thank you to our strongmen who came and paved the way and showed us what to do. -That’s right. That’s right. -And how to do it correctly. At the end of the day, they left losers, but it happens to the best of them when they face Kevin “The Hitman” Hart.

-That’s right. -Aka Hustle Hart, aka Move With Hart, aka Mini Pull, aka Put It On My Back, a.k.a. Hot Feet, a.k.a. Thunder Thighs, a.k.a. Hard Knees, a.k.a. Quick Edit So You Can Get Gone, aka Slam The Ball. ( sighs ) It’s just a– it’s just a nickname, you know. It’s just a nickname -Oh, right, right, right. I got known for. -Yeah, yeah, right, right… -Kevin: This is Kevin Hart. Now I don’t wanna tell you what to do, but subscribe to my YouTube channel. Do it now. Just click that Laugh Out Loud logo. Oh, and click the video to watch more of “What The Fit.”

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Abs Workout – Best Abs Exercises – Get Abs in 30 Days

– Hi guys! This is Christine Curry. I want to welcome you to our yoga core workout. So what we’re gonna be doing is blending some yoga moves in with a lot of core, and if that doesn’t make sense to you, abs. So just think abs, everybody likes abs. Alright, so we’re gonna start in Downward Dog. So you’re just gonna stretch your back. Bend your right knee, and then bend your left knee.

Just a stretch. Drop it way back and then drop the knees wide, sit into Child Pose way far back. Extend the arms and then the whole time you’re gonna keep your core engaged here. And then stretch forward to the abdominals up into Cobra. And then take it way back, pull the abdominals and stretch. Two more of those. So come forward and up. Press back. Two more, forward and up. And press back. And last one. So inhale, lift up, hold stretch, maybe lean to the right, lean to the left, and then bring it to neutral. So you move your wrists underneath your shoulders, knees underneath the hips. You’re gonna pull the abdominals in back as flat. Cat Cow. So inhale, stretch up. Exhale, really suck the navel to the spine and curl it. So as we move through a lot of these normal yoga poses I want you to think more core. Inhale, lift up. So exhale, really squeeze the navel in. One more time. Inhale, lift up. And exhale, curl and suck your navel to your spine, and then find neutral.

Extending the left leg, extend the right arm, breathe. So again, core is pulled in. And then bringing the right elbow to the left knee, crunch here and extend. 12 of these. So that’s two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. So two more, we’re gonna hold the last one. So this one right here, you’re gonna suck it in, suck it in, suck it in, and release a Child Pose. Come back up.

Second side. So extend the left leg, engage the glute so the bonus is your butt, extend the arm, and try not to dump into the lower back, right? So pull the abdominals in tight. And then second side, curl in, 12. 11. 10. Breathe, so you’re gonna exhale on the squeeze. So curl. And curl. So make it a little stronger in. Last four. Three. Two. And one. Extend. Draw it in, stretch it back. Take a breath here. And then come forward. So forearm plank. You’re gonna draw the forearms to the ground here and then extend the legs. Now to modify all you’re gonna do is drop the knees. You’re not gonna move your butt back, right? You’re just gonna lift it here and extend and hold.

So breathing in in this plank. You’re gonna drop your hips to the right. Left leg can stack on top here, and drop the hips down for 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Okay, hold on one. Lift the leg, breathe. Bring it back together. Drop the knees, stretch back. And then second side. So come forward. Again forearms down, extend the legs. If you’re gonna modify, knees go down and you twist like that, okay? So you twist the hips.

Obviously not a stronger move, right? So we have 10 more. So you’re gonna lean here and drop down, 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Lift the leg. Bring it down. Drop the knees, release the lower back. So we do a lot of this release because it’s a little strong in the lower back. So breathe down. Come forward, give me another Cobra here. This time curl the toes under, press back into Downward Dog. Lift the right leg up, bend the knee, open the hip, just stretch. Bring it down. Lift the left leg up, bend the knee, open the hip. Breathe back into Downward Dog. And then moving into abdominals again. You’re gonna take your right leg, you’re gonna bring it to your right elbow or shoulder, and then stretch it back up, and you can either add the backbend here, or you can take it out if it bothers your back. Alright? So the knee comes in. That’s one. Stretch it up. Knee comes in, two. Bend it back. Three. Back. Four. Five. And I’m gonna show you the modification.

You drop the knee, six. Take it back. Seven. Take it back. Eight. Nine. 10. And then you have two more, 11. 12. Hold it up on the last one. The bonus is your arms get a huge workout. Hold it up, breathe. Drop it down, Downward Dog. Drop the knees, stretch back. Come forward onto your belly. Take the hands behind the back. So working all this back here is also like backbend, right? So hands up and crunches. You’re just gonna crunch up, one. We have 12 of them. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Hold. Bring the arms right by your side, shoulders back. Curl the toes under, pull your belly. So right here, look, pull your belly off the mat, press yourself up. Push up. Push it back, stretch. Left leg up, bend the knee. And into second side. So knee to shoulder elbow for 12. Back and twist, 11. 10. Nine. So I’m keeping a bend in my knee. Eight. So the bonus there is I’m adding the glute lift.

So not only are you working your arms, not only are you working your core, but we’ve added glute, okay? So just a few more left. Bring it forward. And back, I think there’s four. If not, you’ll figure it out. Three. Two. Twist, one. Stretch it back up. Put it down slight forward, drop it down. Pull the belly in and again into the lower back. So feet stay rooted, inhale up. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. Last one, 12. Same thing, strong. Curl the toes under, shoulders roll back and off, push up. Drop the knees, take it back, breathe. So take a nice long breath here. Curl the toes back under, push back on feet to Downward Dog. Take a breath in Downward Dog. Lift the right leg up, and you’re gonna pull it all the way through and drop the left hip into the lunge. Low lunge here. Exhale, hands to your heart.

So take a breath. So twisting. Twisting is good for detoxifying, right? It moves into the abdominal area. It’s not like things are just gonna fly out of you, it just means that it stimulates that area to start like flushing things out of your system. So twist, turn. Bring it back up. Stretch here. Bring the arms down. Curl the toes under, Downward Dog. Left leg up, pull it through into that low lunge, drop the knee. Inhale, stretch up. Pause. Exhale into the twist. So starting to wake up things in your sides here. Twist it out, breathe.

And then release it back down. Again curl the toes under, Downward Dog. Take a breath, inhale. Exhale. Press forward in a plank. You’re gonna drop your right forearm, drop your left forearm, breathe into a normal plank, knees down if you need to. So we’ve already done right left, we’ve done left side. So now let’s alternate right and left. So we’re gonna do 24, 12 on each side. So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. 12 more. 12. So let’s start with 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Take it down, walk the hands in.

Alright. So coming onto your side. We’re gonna move into a side forearm plank. Modification: knee is down. But full pose: pull it up in a plank. So just pause here, just hold it. You can extend the arm. You can have it behind your head. Breathing, holding, working the sides, top, everything. And now you’re gonna take the top leg and you’re gonna move it behind you. Top leg behind you, the bottom leg is now free. So we’re gonna lift it up for 12 reps. Two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Bring it down, replace the top leg, hold. Lift the top leg, bend the knee, draw it in. 12 times, alright? So two. If you want more work, you swing it forward, three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Put it down, stretch up. Bring it in. Reach that top arm up and over. Stretch. Shake that shoulder elbow out and let’s do the other side. So moving into the other side. Same setup, knee how we did it before, but make sure that shoulder and elbow are lined up so you don’t get all that pain in that shoulder joint. So push it up, hold. We did one hold here. Breathing. And then top leg behind, bottom leg lifts, arm behind. So lift 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Replace it, lift the top leg. Easy version: knee in and out. Harder version: straight leg for 10 more. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. So squeeze and contract here. Four. Three. Two. One. Bring it in, stretch it over. Drop the hips. Mermaid stretch over. Okay, let’s roll back down onto our backs. And then take a nice stretch. Knees in, take a breath. Exhale here. Move into a twist. So knees to the right, stretch to the left. So part of having long lean muscles right is about stretching them. And then other side. Especially abdominals, you don’t want them poking way out, you want to pull them nice and tight in.

Good, bring it center. And then extend the legs, extend the arms. So we’re gonna do a lift. So you’re gonna sweep up, bring the knee in, and sweep back down. You’re gonna sweep up, bring the knee in, and down. So we’re gonna keep going for 12. And up. 11, exhale. 10. Nine. If you want to make this harder watch the bottom leg. It lifts, off the ground and in. Off the ground and in. Give six more. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Last one. Bring it down, stretch your arms up and over the head. Breathe the right knee into the chest. Extend the leg, take a stretch. And then bend the bottom leg. You’re gonna wrap the right leg around. So those of you who know Eagle Pose, you’re gonna lift and double wrap.

If that doesn’t work, then just cross it. Keep the cross right, arms up. You’re gonna wrap the right arm around the left. So you’re an eagle basically. So take your breath here, breathe in, and then eagle crunches. For 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. You’re gonna hold this one and pulse for 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Extend everything out. Second set, lift up, squeeze. One. Two, so there was no break in-between. Three, leg up or down, it’s up to you. Four. Five. Six. So six more and you can hover that bottom leg. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Stretch. Breathe. Bend the knees. Lift the left leg, take a stretch.

Bend the right leg. Wrap it, double wrap it for Eagle if you can. Left arm up, comes under and double wrap. Okay, so whatever version of that you can do. 12 reps. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. Last one we hold for 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Release. Stretch again. Arms up and over. This time draw the right knee in, hold, and take spinal twists. So drop it over, knees to the right, make lots of length in the right hip. Take a breath. And then move into the second side, extend the right.

Twist, looking left. Good, bring it back to center. Drawing both knees in, one more time. Just hug them into the chest, lift yourself up. Pull your abs in. And release the head to the ground. Holding on to the edges of your mat here you’re gonna take the legs up. So you’re gonna do a reverse crunch and then press it out. So reverse crunch. Press it out. We’re gonna do 12 of those. So one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. Last two. And we’re gonna add a twist. So at the top, you’re gonna press out, twist right. Press out, twist left. So doing 12 of those.

This is four. Twist. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Bring it straight up, legs up and down. 12. 11. You can always put your hands under your hips if you need to. 10. Nine. Eight, you want to make it harder. Hands come above the head. Seven. Six, you can add a crunch. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Head back down, breathe. So back into that reverse curl but this time we’re gonna add a bicycle. So it’s reverse, twist. Reverse, twist. For 12. One, turn. Two, turn. Three, turn. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. 11. 12. Reverse the crunch, hold, pull the right knee in to the left elbow. Breathe and hold. Lift up higher, four, three, two. Twist other side, lift up higher. Hold for four, three, two, one. Knees back in the chest, breathe. Feet down. Bring your heels near your rear end and lift up into Bridge Pose, stretch.

Just hold that stretch. Bring it down. One more time, curl and roll up, stretch here. Up. And down. Good, alright. Knees back in. Drop the knees to the right, hands behind the head to the right. So working in those sides here again so love handles. Lifting up for 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lift the feet up, 12 more. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, hold it up. Extend the legs and give me little pulses here on that angle, one. Two, and you really have to stabilize or you’ll fall over. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Bend the knees again, bring them down, take a little stretch here. And then second side. So lift up, twist everything to the left side. First one legs stay down, crunch into that right side for 12. 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lift everything up, stabilize. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Hold the crunch, so everything is engaged here, extend the legs, little pulses. 12, 11, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Back down, release. Bring it back in. Inhale, exhale, lift up moving into a side bend. So it’s not up and over, it’s literally a side bend. For 12. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Now extend, reach for the ankles for 12. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. Hold, lift up. Lift up higher, extend the right leg. Extend the left leg, hold. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in, breathe, inhale. Exhale, lift up again. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in again, breathe, inhale. Exhale, again. For 10. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, knees in, breathe. Right leg down. Left ankle on top of right knee. Press that right hip open, stretch. Hands behind the head. Side crunch again, so more in the sides here. Crunch the right knee to the right elbow. For 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Same movement but add the bottom leg here. For one. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. 10. Bring it in. Release. Left ankle crosses over right. So it’s just a side bend. So knee meets elbow.

Okay, for 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Then make it harder, extend the bottom leg. For 12. 11. 10. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Bring it all the way down. Lift the right leg up, cross that right ankle, hold the stretch. Here. So Reclining Pigeon. Reach through, bring the knee in, keep the right hip open, drop it back, breathe. So stretching. Move it to the left a little bit. Release that side. Cross the left ankle over the right. Push that hip away, reach up, reach through. Release. Breathe. Release that down, take both knees in.

Rock yourself all the way up. Come seated, take a twist. So wrapping the right leg around the left, or if you want more, bending the bottom, full wrap. Turn and twist. Bring it in, switch sides. Turn and twist. Good, look forward, release. So whatever way you’re comfortable, take a deep breath in, inhale, lift up. Exhale, take it down, and thank you for joining us for our yoga core workout today. .

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My Weight and 5 tips to get you started | Fibro Fitness 1

Hey you! It’s Evie or Fibro Mom MUSIC I’m overweight I’m always late I’ve got too many things to say I know everyone’s got their own opinions and different thoughts huddle this way and how to do that I’m just trying to make it more realistic for those that really struggle because of health or whatever so I’m not going to give you some fad diet I’m just going to be realistic so if you don’t agree I’m sorry I’m just sharing what I’m doing they say the best diet to be on is one that you can be on forever so that’s what I’m going for and I know I’m going to find my mess ups as I go along but that’s part of the journey of learning right you only learn when we screw up but though I should be really really really smart by now I had brought up that I wanted to start making videos to share with you if you were interested in my little journey to get healthier with some fat while having a chronic illness cause I think a lot of people feel that’s impossible I want to do it and I know some of you want to do it with me now so thank you for those that we’re encouraging and said that you wanted to join me and I share a few things every week along with my truth and if it was good or bad kind of hold myself accountable to it this week would be technically week number two for me week one for you guys okay I kind of want to be a week ahead share with you where I screwed up where I get good what results have been and it’s embarrassing to say to the whole world but Shh I have reached a weight from when I was pregnant and I am 206 pounds it hurts to say that but after two weeks I am at 200 no first thing I was want you to do is weigh yourself okay good idea and while I say that I want you to know please don’t obsess over your wait I’ve seen this thing where there is a study done five ten different ladies all same exact weight but it showed how different everyone could look if I can find it I’ll share the link in the description box so you can check it out big eye-opener for me it was just really crazy how different was I don’t want to obsess over your weight and that leads into the second one which is measured yourself just grab a flimsy I have to do this yet and just you know measure sinks biggest part of your arms your chest the measurement is what really matters before the weight okay okay so we got do your weight take a measurement and I will put I’ll put everything in the description box so once you forget just check down below you’re going to hate three but I promise you it’s going to help okay so I’m sorry you can smack me up through the screen right here it’s what you still got to do it okay if you really want to do this to do this do this for yourself and that is start a food diary don’t need no fancy diary don’t need to go buy a fancy journal all that matters is that you write down everything you put in your mouth for just this week okay just this week if you want to do it longer awesome but just promise me that’s one week after you put down everything you’ve eaten drinking on the bottom I want you to share how you felt that’ll help you through the week realize exactly what you’re eating and it kind of helps hold yourself accountable to it so even if it’s bad you still write that down and you’ll be able to find out later where you kind of fall short although you have a general idea it really will help number four is find your goal shirt or your goal pants and don’t make it too extreme grab something that maybe you’re not so happy how your arms fit in or something looser belly which is me like I am gotten bigger since I’ve had my second kid Oh Xander but my belly oh my lord but working on it to make it healthier the whole thing is just to be healthier and be more happy with the skin you’re in kind of thing you know so I have my goal shirt on right now no mean comments people just showing you how it is I can’t really see I got a quick gut but see what I mean it’s like yeah this is my goal shirt okay last one number five is to help encourage you you can help where your goal sir around like I am right now yoga pants or something that I feel a little bit more like moving around because I know how hard it is when you’re not feeling good good meme I got took them bothering me today and my legs are aching it’s really cloudy today so it’s just a little extra encouragement and you pick like more of like a workout shirt it’s like more form-fitting everybody is so different and it’s just me sharing this maybe you’ll find something I click for you give a shot see what happens and because I Ella to fail but I’m going to at least give it my best shot this week I have been watching more portions and the biggest thing I have found myself doing is that I could go all day I get up at 2:40 every morning and go to bed 8 or 9 which I know that’s not much sleep that you’re supposed to get when in all reality you don’t see a fibro that you’re not getting that deep sleep even if you were to sleep for 20 hours so but I could go all day without eating until like mid-afternoon or almost dinner and I usually do in dinner early that’s what I’ve been doing and I fish I just been keeping it up with my stretches and sometimes a little yoga but you’ll have to worry about none of that right now just right now the focuses what’s going in your body yourself okay you can take a picture of it but I hope some of you will do this with me I think it’ll be really encouraging that just for you but for me too I don’t have that walking buddy how you guys are kind of my walking above you I plan on doing these videos on Fridays comment below let me know what you’re looking forward to what you’re not looking forward to for this week I think so much I appreciate it and I’ll see you next video young hisis things that we don’t like about ourselves

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6 Dumbest Push-Up Mistakes Sabotaging Your Chest Growth! STOP DOING THESE!

What’s going on nation? Today we’re going to be going over the six dumbest push-up mistakes sabotaging your chest growth, if you missed my last dumbest mistakes video on dips I’ll link to that down in the info section below. Now the push-up should be an exercise that becomes a staple in your workout program from the very beginning. However, it’s not just an exercise for beginners It can be used in advanced training programs as well because the push-up is more than just simply going up and down you can master that technique and then use advanced versions of the push-ups to make your workouts at home more intense or to make it work out in the gym more intense by super setting the push-up with other exercises. There’s lots of stuff you can do, I also want to tell you guys real quick before we get started with this video that I’m going to be doing the push-up on these two boxes right here. And the main reason why I’m going to be doing it is just so I can get better filming angles for you guys as I explain what the mistakes are, so you’re ready for this video and you enjoy my dumbest mistake series, make sure you hit that thumbs up button and subscribe if you haven’t already, now let’s get started.

The first mistake guys is that most people don’t even really know what full range of motion on a push-up looks like, I’ll tell you what when I was a kid I used to get so irritated because when I would do wrestling we’d have practice and part of our routine obviously was doing things like push-ups and sit-ups and we’d have to do a lot and I would look around and I’m like the only guy, I was like eight or nine doing it all the way down, all the way up really pushing myself and then I would see all these other kids on my wrestling team doing these half-ass push-ups just trying to get away with half reps because obviously push-ups can get pretty hard.

But then what that kind of turns into overtime is you really don’t get a sense of what full range of motion is supposed to look like and if you want to build a big chest at home and really want to activate your triceps you have to know how far to go down and how far to go up, so let’s get over here real quick. I’m going to jump up and now full range of motion is going to look like this guys, you’re going to get your body perfectly straight, you’re going to keep your back nice and straight your head straight You’re going to keep your hips down And you’re going to bring your chest all the way to the floor and as soon as your chest touches the floor you’re going to push yourself back up but it doesn’t stop here, when you get to here you’re going to push up and through activating your Serratus anterior, and you know some people call this a push up plus this movement from here to here but in my opinion that’s how every single repetition should look when you do a push up you should always take advantage of full range of motion to get the most out of the movement and if you want to build a big upper body at home and you want to activate your chest and triceps properl, you have to go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition.

Mistake number two guys is flaring your elbows out wide and I’ll show you what I mean as you guys just saw in the first mistake video when I showed you proper range of motion my elbows are tucked in and I was pushing through like this a lot of people especially beginners when they do a push-up and even even people who know how to do a push-up properly when they start to fatigue the first thing that’s going to usually go is the elbows and what I mean is you start to see a lot of this and then as you go down the elbows kind of come out to the side like that.

And what this does is, obviously it takes you away from being in the strongest position possible but it can also transfer a lot of the load to your shoulders and you’ll feel a huge difference when you go up and down like this you’ll feel it in your shoulders. Then when you tuck those elbows back in and go down like this and push up and through you feel all chest and triceps.

So the second worst mistake you can do is start to flare your elbows out and do this. That’s not what a push-up supposed to look like. The third mistake is not keeping a straight spine throughout the movement. Guys it should literally look like there’s a metal rod going up your butt and out the top of your head as you perform your repetitions. You should keep your body perfectly straight and then the reason why most people don’t keep their bodies perfectly straight is because as they’re performing the movement they’re not controlling their core, and as their core starts to deflate or if they’re not taking it and keeping this area nice and tight as they start to deflate this way or they start to sag that way it causes the body to do all sorts of things and I’ll show you what I mean.

So usually there’s two things that happen, the most common thing is the hip step to go up really high like this to compensate for the weak core not being able to hold this position. Which is basically a plank position. So you start to see this happening with the push up which obviously starts to place a bit more emphasis on your shoulders as you do the movement so if the goal is to target your chest and utilize your triceps as much as possible you want to stay as straight as you can now the other thing that you see happen is kind of like a sag push-up where they sag real deep in the core like this and keep their chest up and it’s like as soon as your hips touch the ground here you go back up and as you guys can see there’s clearly a difference in the range of motion and that you’re actually working your chest if you’re doing a push up like that versus the correct way which is all the way down and all the way up, so when you guys are doing push ups make sure you are always keeping that spine straight and utilizing that full range of motion.

The fourth mistake guys is going way too fast on your repetitions you’ll see people in the gym do this when it’s time to do push-ups and what happens as soon as you start going too fast usually the first thing that happens is your full range of motion goes out the window. You don’t go all the way to the ground And you don’t do the plus at the top to activate the Serratus interior it usually just goes from about halfway down to about here, maybe even a slight bend in the elbows and you just see this, just because you’re going faster and doing more reps in less time doesn’t mean you’re working your chest as high as you possibly can guys full range of motion is always going to give you the most amount of work for muscle breakdown and regrowth now you can still go fast when you do your push ups.

Just make sure you go all the way down and all the way up on every single repetition. Mistake number five guys is improper breathing. The push-up even advanced versions of it isn’t like doing a heavy squat or heavy deadlift or even a heavy bench where you have to take in a lot of air to help keep your core as tight as possible to lift a maximum load. For the most part this is a bodyweight exercise and when doing your repetitions it’s okay to take a breath on every single rep but with that being said you are trying to keep your core as tight as possible so it does matter when you take the breath in and when you let it out. So for example what you’re going to do is you’re going to take in a breath as you go down, and when you take in a breath guys take it in through your nose, so take it in through your nose. Then once you get to the bottom as you’re pushing up let it out in a nice steady stream.

Just like this, take it in and one of the things I like best about bodyweight exercises is I actually use my breathing to help me keep a nice rhythm to do as many reps as I possibly can especially if I’m doing a timed workout. So any bodyweight exercise you do apply breathing just as you would like I just showed you to the push-up where you’re breathing out as you exert the force.

And the sixth and final mistake people make when it comes to push-ups guys is not progressing with the movement obviously as you start to get bigger and stronger and especially when you start going to the gym you start using heavy dumbbells and barbells on your chest exercises bodyweight push-ups are going to be tough anymore and for those of you who can’t do bodyweight push-ups yet I don’t want you going and basically trying to do one or two at a time and then stopping because you can’t handle a set of ten for those of you just starting out the best thing for you to do is to do push-ups on your knees.

What this is going to do is displace basically half of your body weight and allow you to do full range of motion and get all your repetitions in however I will say one thing you’ll notice that when I’m doing my push-ups on my knees. I’m not bending at the waist all right you still want to keep everything that’s moving as straight as possible so when you’re on your knees make sure you’re not putting your butt into the air. As soon as you master the knees push-ups then you’re going to go over into the regular push-ups and obviously, we just went over proper form for those and then once you get really good doing regular push-ups then you can start to go towards more advanced versions of the movement one of those advanced versions being weighted push-ups and you can do this several different ways obviously you can put on a weighted vest or you can have somebody just put a bunch of heavy plates on your back and do push-ups that way and once those start to get pretty easy then you can start moving into like plyo push-ups.

You can do a version of plyo push-ups where you’re pushing only your upper body off the ground. If you want to have fun with it, you can do a clap in between repetitions. As soon as you get really good at those try doing a plyo push up where you push your whole body into the air. Those are a lot of fun I actually use those a lot in my routines that I do with you guys, my full real-time workout routines.

And then if you guys want to get really crazy with your push-ups the last variation you can try is a single arm pushup, and that’s really great for working out at home because obviously if you’re at home and you have limited equipment you want to make push ups as hard as possible to try and grow your chest you can utilize something like a single line push-up to place a much heavier load on the chest on every single repetition. So that’s my six biggest mistakes when it comes to push-up guys I hope you enjoyed the video I love doing the dumbest mistake series, so if you guys have suggestions for future exercises you want me to cover please leave them down in the comment section below and if you haven’t already hit that thumbs up button, if you enjoyed the content and be sure to turn on video notifications, so you never miss a new video upload and as always guys more good stuff coming soon. See ya .

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5 Fat-Burning Cardio Exercises You Can Do Without Equipment

Know-it-all regulars, complicated machines, pushy trainers, mystery smells – yep, I’m talking about the gym. (Cue horror music.) Why deal with all that when you can complete sweat-inducing, fat-burning workouts without any equipment at all, right from your own home! For starters, there’s… – Jogging in place Seems simple enough, but trust me, doing this exercise for a couple minutes can get your heart rate up big time. Jogging in place is a gentle way to get your blood pumping before the more heavy-duty stuff, making it a great warm-up move. It’ll also keep that heart rate up in between more intense cardio exercises. Because why would you wanna rest between exercises when you can squeeze in a little jogging? Hey, that beach bod ain’t gonna magically appear on its own, just sayin’… Of course, you’ve got your standard jogging in place, pretty self-explanatory. You just lift each leg off the ground one-by-one, swing your bent arms back and forth, and literally jog without moving forward. But there are other variations you can do to target different muscles. For example, if you really wanna kick it up a notch and work those hammies and glutes, you can turn this jogging into knee touches, picking up your knee to about hip-level with each lift.

It helps to hold your forearms out in front of you with the palms facing down. That way, you can try to touch your knee to your hand each time you bring it up. Another way to intensify this workout is by widening the distance between your legs. If you have your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, it’ll take even more energy to lift them up, helping you get your heart rate up even more. This is pretty good for your core and glutes as well. – Burpees Hey, that’s what I do after drinking a Coke! Oh, wrong “burpees”? Ok, then… Burpees (the exercise!) are one of the best fat-burning moves out there. To do a burpee, find a spot where there’s nothing around for you to bump into. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart or just slightly wider than that. To start, do a basic squat by going down in a sitting motion as if you’re about to sit in a chair behind you.

As you hit the bottom of that squat, put your hands forward flat onto the floor and push your legs back like you’re gonna do a push-up. Next, using your core strength, tuck your knees back under your body like they were during that squat and stand back up. If you’re new to cardio, burpees can really take a lot out of you. So pace yourself and start slow so that you don’t wear yourself out too fast. For beginners, just do 10 in a row at your own pace. As you build up your stamina and strength, do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps daily. If you’re comfortable doing the regular burpee, you can kick things up a notch by doing a little jump at the end with your hands reaching toward the ceiling. The key to this exercise is buoyancy. When you’re kicking your feet off the ground and getting back up, putting all your energy into it with a little bounce is what will really get your heart rate going.

And that, in turn, will burn fat like there’s no tomorrow, and that’s why we’re all here, right? But burpees don’t just boost your metabolism and turn your body into a calorie-burning machine! They also hit tons of muscle groups. During that squat, you’re working your hip and butt muscles. Kick back into that push-up, there’s your ab, shoulder, and arm workout. If you jump up at the end, you’ll have shapely calves in no time! Yeah, burpees are definitely worth the strenuous effort! – The Jab Cross Who says you need to go to a gym to practice your boxing moves? You can do that right at home without any equipment or a fighting partner.

Although, imaginary opponents aren’t against the rules if you need to blow off some steam! Ah, if crippling student loan debt were a person… Anyway, the jab cross is a fast-paced move you can do with your arms to really focus and get your heart rate up. Start by standing with your right foot slightly forward and your left foot straight under your body. Turn yourself slightly so that you’re facing more toward the left. Keep your elbows bent and your hands in fists right under your chin. Really tense up those biceps. Take your right hand and propel it forward in a quick punch. The key to this jab is to quickly bring that arm back into the starting position after you punch.

This requires more energy and focus. Next comes the cross. With your left fist, punch forward while twisting your body slowly toward the right, lifting your left heel off the ground to help propel you. Just like with that right jab, bring your left arm in again right under your chin with the same amount of intensity and energy. Do the jab cross combination 20 times on each side for 2 to 3 reps, and you’ll be channeling your inner Rocky Balboa in no time. This is a great way to get your heart rate up, strengthen the shoulders and upper arms, and get that pent-up anger out! – Mountain climbers If you really wanna work up a sweat, mountain climbers will definitely do the trick.

Not only does this exercise get your heart racing, it also engages your core, helping you to achieve those rock-hard abs of your dreams. Start on the floor with your arms holding you up in the push-up position and your legs stretched straight out behind you. It should look like you’re about to do push-ups or hold a plank. Keeping your back level and your arms sturdy, start bringing your knees in under your chest, one at a time. This move should be done at a rapid pace and should look like you’re climbing in place. Do as many mountain climbers as you can within 30 seconds. If you’re a beginner, one set of these for 30 seconds should be enough.

But as you gain more stamina, do 3 reps of 30 seconds to really see the fat-burning results. – Squat Jumps Here’s an exercise that’s pretty easy to do and very effective at burning fat. That’s because the squatting motion combined with the light jump takes quite a lot of energy and can get your heart rate up almost immediately after starting. To do a squat jump, start with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Put your arms out in front of you, bent comfortably, with your hands clasped together or in fists. Slowly squat down like you’re about to sit in an imaginary chair. Make sure you’re not leaning forward too far. If you need to, practice by sitting down again and again in an actual chair so that you can really mimic the movement correctly. When you come up from each squat, do a little jump and land softly. Squat jumps are great for your calves, thighs, and glutes. Do 3 reps of 10 to 20 for the best results. And there ya go! The best of the best when it comes to burning calories and melting fat off your body! So, once you’ve started incorporating these cardio workouts into your daily routine, how can you know if they’re working or not? First off, you’ll notice your problem areas tightening up. That’s right, say goodbye to flabby arms, a jiggly stomach, and blubbery thighs.

But aside from actual weight loss, cardio is great for your blood circulation, heart health, general stamina, and overall mood. After a few weeks of regular cardio, you’ll probably notice that carrying heavy bags of groceries from the car to the house no longer leaves you in a nasty sweat. And doing basic things like rearranging heavy furniture or running for the bus no longer takes the wind out of you. And you won’t be embarrassingly out of breath after climbing up a flight of stairs. Regular cardio workouts also help release what they call “feel good” hormones. This means you’ll feel more emotionally balanced and happier every day. Many people find that doing cardio on a regular basis helps them manage depression and serves as a great stress reliever, especially with that boxing move! Along with regular cardio exercise, eating right and getting a decent amount of sleep each night does wonders for maintaining a healthy weight.

So the next time you find yourself bored at home watching trash TV, try doing these super easy cardio workouts as you watch. That way, you can indulge in your guilty pleasure and better your health at the same time. Win-win! Do you know any other ways to burn fat and get in shape? Leave your suggestions down in the comments just in case I forgot something here! And remember to give this video a like, share it with your friends, and click that subscribe button to stay on the Bright Side of life!

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We Lost 90 Pounds With A Celebrity Fitness Trainer

– I’m not ready for this shit. – Come on, yes, you are. – Shut up, Julissa. – Towards the end of 2017, some of the Pero Like crew decided ^we need to get fit for 2018. So, we called on our fitness celebrity trainer, Melissa Alcantara, who also trains Kim Kardashian to help us out. – Perfect. Go, go, go. – You guys, she’s trying to kill me. – Only a little bit. – Officially trying to kill me. – She exposed us to the hardest eight weeks we will never forget. – My name is Melissa Alcantara and I started my fitness journey about six years ago. I gained 70 pounds when I was pregnant with my daughter Isabella, and I just couldn’t seem to lose the weight. And so, one day I saw an infomercial on Insanity.

It’s the craziest workout ever, and I was like you know what? If these people can do it, I can do it. From that day on… It was a 60-day program, and I just followed it through every single day, prepped my meals, and 60 days later I lost 40 pounds, I had abs, and that kind of set off this whole journey that I’m still going through right now. So, I’m gonna be training Pero Like for two months.

They have no idea what is about to happen to them. ^- I used to workout before I started at Buzzfeed, ^and what I mean by working out was me at home doing some pushups and walking my dog. – I hate working out. ^It’s as though someone is dragging me by the feet and I’m hitting my face and mouth and teeth and everything on cobblestone. – I have a gym membership.

^I like to think that I’m working out, ^but really I ain’t doing shit. – I never work out, ever. ^I get extremely out of breath when I walk up the stairs. ^- I’m putting Pero Like on a macro-based diet. ^They are going to have to weigh their food, ^cook fresh food, eat a specific amount of protein, carbs, and fats, which I’ve created for them individually. – I thought macros was an abbreviation for macaroons, so… Apparently, it’s not. – My hopes for the Pero Like team is not to focus on losing a ton of weight. I want them to be conscious of the food that they’re putting in their mouth, of how they feel inside. – My weight is at its biggest that it’s ever been. ^I eat bad, I have a lot of heartburn, ^and my doctor says that I’m generally very unhealthy. ^All I’m hoping for is just to get a little bit slimmer. – I’ve done so many different diets, but it never surpasses a time period.

^From this journey, ^I honestly just wanna gain mental stability and strength. ^I wanna do it for the gain of confidence ^that I think I’ve lost over the years with just letting myself go and just eating and doing whatever I wanna do. – I wanna do this ’cause I wanna feel sexy. I’ve actually had hundreds of sexual partners, and I’ve only ever taken my shirt off with one. So, learning to love myself a little bit more is going to be one of the hardest parts of this journey. – I am a very emotional eater. So, when I’m happy, I eat, when I’m sad, angry, excited, and I think I’ve hit a point now ^to where I feel a little depressed and sad ^because I don’t feel healthy.

^I want to gain some confidence in myself ^that I am able to accomplish this journey, and that I will be able to develop healthier eating habits. – Pero Like, are you ready for me? (all talking) – It’s day one, and tonight, Melissa’s coming by after work and we’re gonna do our first fuckin’ workout. (exhales) I’m doing the eating already. I had a good breakfast, but I don’t know about this… I don’t know about this gym tonight. – I’m super excited (chuckles). Yeah, I’m just like (swallows). – Everybody’s gonna be sweating, even the other people. They’re gonna look at us at be like, yo. – The one that was like, I’m excited. Now I’m like, what? (laughing) – We’re about to enter hell, man, and I’m not looking forward to this shit. – Our first workout with Melissa was rough. – Julissa is killing it right now. You okay, Nor? – My arms are gonna fall off. It feels like my arms are gonna fall off, it feels like my legs are gonna fall off. This is day one, and I’m really fucked. – In the beginning, everyone is always super motivated. And so, I saw the motivation in all of their faces.

– With this new food plan, suddenly I became more aware of what I was putting inside of my body. This is two cups of brown rice. I made a scramble of sorts that just has half a yellow bell pepper and one whole tomato cut up in four. It’s not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. – It’s meal prep Sunday and we just went grocery shopping, so… Wow, I’ve never seen my fridge like this. Look at that. – From the beginning, I saw that Julissa was like ‘I’m gonna murder this.’ She’s very competitive. – I was waking up in the mornings, going to the gym. I’m here, in the morning, at the gym. Oh, there’s no cuts, but after eight weeks, you gon’ see. Yes, I was tired, but it wasn’t like my normal sluggish tired.

It was like get up, you got this, you can do this. – Norb is super strong. I felt like he was in it, but at the same time, he was kind of like, ‘oh, yeah, I got this.’ – For the first couple of weeks, I definitely was very negative about the whole experience. I complained a lot. I don’t feel like working out. I don’t feel like cooking. I don’t care about this anymore. I don’t care about looking good. I don’t care about losing weight. But I did the workouts and I did the food diet.

Even though I hated doing it, I still did it because I knew it was gonna benefit me in the long run. – For Maya and Curly, there’s something about building self-confidence, and I saw that that’s what they needed in the beginning. – The working out part I was nervous about, but I ended up working out with curly a lot. And I love him so much, and we just push each other. Every single time we wanna quit, we’re like, no, just one more set.

– What’s wrong today? You’re not weak. You can do this. I kind of, for the longest time, needed the other Pero Likers to kinda be there with me. I felt really weird going to the gym by myself. – Come on, Curly. You can do it, I believe in you. I believe in you. – Damn. – Do it, come on.

Come on, keep going, keep going. Stay, stay, power, power. – We had a group text, which was amazing. – Definitely being in a group while doing this I think helped me. One, because I’m competitive, but also the fact that we were in a group chat talking, the fact that me, Maya, Curly, and Norb all worked together? You kind of hold each other accountable. Maya, you’re gonna have a piece of the cake? – I’m just looking at it. (laughing) Can I have your permission to look at it? – We are at Muscle Farm headquarters in Burbank. We’re gonna so sprints, kettlebell swings, battle ropes. We’re gonna hit every muscle. We’re gonna do a total body workout. Y’all are gonna come out like this, with guns. – Aren’t you excited? – I am not excited, what you talking about? This is gonna be terrible. – I feel like I might throw up, I might cry. – I feel like I might throw up watching her throw up, and then I might cry watching her cry.

– The first workout we had at Muscle Farm was intense. – I knew it was gonna be hard, and it was 100 times harder than I ever expected. – Push, push, push, push. (groaning) Let’s go, let’s go. – I don’t know what the fuck I got myself into. I’m kinda regretting this shit. After that first rep, I could promise you I was like, oh shit, I said I was gonna come out on top, and instead I’m fucking dying right now. And I didn’t wanna tell everybody that I was dying. And then after round two, it was like a boost of energy and all this adrenaline just rushed through me. Alright, you guys, let’s do this! I was no longer feeling like I was gonna die. For real, for real, I’m proud of all of us.

We did it. – Yeah, we did. – Nobody gave up, nobody was like, no, I’m not gonna… I can’t, come on, wait, let’s finish, let’s stop. We fucking… We did it, you know what I mean? And although I was talking my shit, we finished, and that’s really what matters, and we finished strong on top of that. So, group hug, guys. Lo hicimos! – All sweaty. – All sweaty, a sweaty hug. – Alright, so apparently Mel just sent us a revised workout for the next four weeks. She signs it off at the end as ‘have fun, muahahahaha,’ and there’s a little devil emoji. I had just gotten used to the last four weeks. I was pretty good with them. I was starting to get better at the exercises. I was staring to get better at the routine, and now she throws this curve ball. – I also did see the new workout plan and I was like, girl, you are… No, we’re not… I’m sticking to the old workout plan. There’s a part where we’re jumping and we need to jump on a box. I’m like, where does the box come from? What box? How am I gonna jump on a box? – Y’all, this glutes hamstring whatever day, calves, is real, so be prepared because it’s real.

– I cheated a little bit, but it sparked an entire breakdown ’cause I felt guilty about it. I feel horrible and I feel like shit. I know that it’s a process and it’s not gonna be fixed like that. And I didn’t nibble today, I didn’t cheat because I don’t care. I really care a lot about this, and I wanna do right by Melissa, and I wanna do right by myself. I realized that whoa, what’s happening? Don’t do this to yourself because you can fix this. You have the control to literally go to the gym tomorrow and work off whatever it is you ate. – I feel like I definitely had an emotional breakdown where I was sitting in my car and I just didn’t want to get out. This morning, it was a struggle to get the fuck here into the gym. I’m in the parking garage and I still haven’t gotten out. And I’m late, it’s like 6:45, not even anymore. I just want sleep, I just want a 12-hour night of sleep. – Over the weekend, I went down to San Diego. I didn’t think about the diet. I didn’t think about the workouts.

I just decided to go out there and enjoy myself. – What are you doing? – I’m breaking my diet, that’s what I’m doing. So, today, I wake up and I go weigh myself, and in two days I gained five pounds. So, this week, I’m gonna go hard at the gym. I’m gonna lose those five pounds and I’m gonna lose an additional five pounds, and I’m gonna try and look as good as possible ^and finish this off (speaking Spanish). – This shit is actually working. Not only is it working, but I can see the difference, which is even more rewarding. Seeing it on the scale, cool, but when you’re seeing at feeling it? That’s a whole different territory.

That makes you want to keep going. Look at this, look at these bones poking. Welcome back, collarbones. Welcome back, girls. – Discovering my body changing was… It happened really fast. I immediately started to fit into clothing that I hadn’t fit into in a very long time, which made me super excited to keep going. – So, my mom has noticed a difference. She commented the other day, she was like and I was just like, ‘no, mom, I’m trying out this new thing, this diet and everything.’ – We’re at Muscle Farm today for our final workout with the whole gang.

It’s been such a journey, right? I feel. – Yeah. – I think I’m gonna continue this, hopefully. Cross my fingers, but what about you? How do you feel? – I mean, I feel pretty great. I’ve complained a lot, but now that we’re here I don’t regret any of the eight weeks. – I can’t believe their results. I’m just so happy and so proud. We’re sculpting and building booties and muscles. Today, we’re gonna do total body. It’s not gonna be super duper crazy, but it’s gonna be intense. – The first workout compared to the last workout was a drastic change. I definitely noticed that we were less nervous to workout with them and we were more determined to make them proud. – Together, together. Two, yes, come on. Three, no laughing. – In the final workout, I could definitely keep up. It was still hard, it was still difficult, but it was nice to know that you know what? I can do this. – We did it. Did we do it? – You’re still alive. (cheering) (all talking) – I lost 30 pounds. My goal for this was to get my ass kicked. I wanted to change my lifestyle, and I feel like I did that.

Now, I’m going more to the gym, I’m more aware of the foods that I’m eating, and I think none of that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for this eight week program. – I lost 12 and a half pounds. Seeing my face thin out, seeing my body get slimmer, was so rewarding. Melissa’s plan really works, and I stuck to it. I went to the gym even if i didn’t want to, and that let me know that the mental strength that I wanted in the beginning, I had all along. I just had to really work for it. – I lost 30 pounds. It wasn’t as weird to go to the gym alone anymore. I felt a little bit more confident. The goal was to be able to feel comfortable enough to take off my shirt, and it’s interesting because I don’t think that I have…

I’m there yet, and I think that that’s okay too. I think that if I’ve learned anything from watching Melissa is that working out is kind of a process that never really ends. You continue to keep growing, and it’s nothing that you just do once. I stopped drinking, I stopped smoking, I stopped doing drugs and now I’m getting my fitness together.

So, it just was really nice to kind of become this whole person, and I bring it all back to her. And I’m saying she did this for me, and I’m so thankful for her. Because of the way that she trains and because of who she is, you wanna do well. – I lost 18 pounds. I didn’t focus on hitting a certain number that I wanted to lose, I focused on does this feel okay? Do I have energy? Are my moods okay? Because my emotions were out of wack in the beginning, and I feel like now that I have this system going, I have everything in check. Your personal goal should not be because of somebody else. – Oh my God, that is insane! Oh my God, I am so proud of you guys. You have no idea. I watch you guys on Instagram, and every time I see you, I see the changes, and it just makes me so happy. If I did, you can do it. I’m no different, I’m not a superhero, I’m just…

I’m a mom, I’m just a regular person. You have to make time for yourself, for the things that you want, so that you can feel good, so that people around you can feel good. .

As found on Youtube

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