Style Switcher

Predefined Colors


Everyone and welcome back to my channel and welcome if you’re new don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already so you can see a lot more videos from me and I have a giveaway coming up next month in the beginning of July so you want to be subscribed for that oh my god guys by the way I’m wearing my avocado t-shirt I love this I got it from Zara last year so that probably don’t have is it like how cool is it so like thumbs up if you love avocados and in today’s video we are making us on a healthy summer like party food that you could have if you’re having friends over you’re having a summer party always want to go eat them like right now so I want to finish this intro so let’s keep it short and I get into it so the first thing we are making are these melon dips kind of like pop things so I’m starting off with some watermelon of course and I was so lucky to find one that was nice and dark red I think they’re finally coming into season more so I’m so excited so I’m just cutting that up into circles and then cutting that up into little triangle shapes and if you want you can also use popsicle sticks to make them more like pops you can hold but I decide that using your hands works well and then I melted some dairy free chocolate in the microwave in 30 second intervals until it is smooth and added 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to kind of help it harden and help it like solidify around the watermelon and then place that on a lined plate and I’m putting some chopped peanuts on top you can do another kind of nut I’m also doing a stem of coconut and also some sea salt the sea salt one is so good because it’s like a sweet and salty really yummy and this is how they turned out there’s such a great easy snack to make super yummy and I just keep them in the freezer until I’m ready to eat them and they’re so so good next up what party would it be without some guacamole if you’re like me you’re obsessed with guacamole in general hence the t-shirt but this wouldn’t be a party for me anyways without some guacamole so I’m showing you guys my favorite recipe so I’m using it – avocados that I’m just scooping out and you want to look for a ripe ones if they’re not ripe yet kind of wait for them to ripen on your countertop or put them in a brown paper bag and then I’m topping up a red onion and I’m only using half of an onion because I don’t like too much onion in my box but if you like more onion in your gloss you know feel free to add some more in there but I think half a small one is really good and then I’m putting in one clove of garlic and then I’m going to roll out my lime to kind of release the juices and I’m going to cut that in half you can also use like the lime juice that comes and like that lime thing that you buy or you can use fresh either way but I really like the fresh one squeezing that in and then I’m using half of a roma tomato the Roma ones are like the small ones that are kind of like a all belong shape putting in a couple handfuls of cilantro and a sprinkle of sea salt and then I’m just blending that up and until it’s smooth and putting that into a little cute certain bowl and how cute is this bowl I got it at kitchen stuff bless and then I’m using these Benito bean chips these are my favorite they’ve got 10 grams of protein really clean ingredients and their grain free which is amazing that it’s made with beans so good and such a great thing to kind of snack on at a party I’m making another salty snack and that is Dorito popcorn so I’m starting off with just some skinny pop popcorn which is like a healthy popcorn but you can totally pop your own at home and throwing on some no salt taco seasoning and this is what’s going to make it taste like Doritos tossing that up and you kind of get like a taco Dorito flavored type popcorn but you don’t have like fake chemicals or anything like that because it’s just seasoning on popcorn it’s really quick and a great little snack because have any kind of a party or again together and it’s super yummy as well of course we need to make some sort of drinks so I’m making this peach rosemary iced tea this is a delicious I first tried something like this at Whole Foods but it was like a peach rosemary lemonade but I’m omitting the sugar and just doing a iced tea about this peach tea but you can buy whatever kind of peach tea that you like and adding in a few sprigs of rosemary and then adding in some hot water so that we can steep it and we get all the flavors once that is steeped I’m just going to chill that and add some additional rosemary and I pick up these straws and these fun frozen like ice cubes that you can use to keep drinks cool but like not water it down and I think this makes such a cute little party thing with the flamingos and the ice cubes it’s really cute and it’s like a really fun iced tea without it being slick your basic ice team super super yummy so this have a party food it turned out I think the spread looks amazing we got sweet salty it’s so delicious so I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you try these okay guys I hope you enjoyed that and I hope you’re going to make some buddies because they’re so good I think I even like like the watermelon one better than those banana treats that I’ve made but you can also buy a Trader Joe’s so watermelon might be the new banana and yeah I hope you guys are all having a fabulous day and I will see you in my next video bye guys

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